By-Vigyan Ashram, Pabal

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By- Vigyan ashram, Pabal.

Types of Fertilizers
Straight Vs. Mix-
Straight fertilizers contains single nutrient in it as that
of Urea contains only Nitrogen (N) @ 46 % OR Single
Super Phosphate (SSP) contains only Phosphorus (P)
@ 16 %.
Mix fertilizers contains 2 or more nutrients as that of
Di-amonium Phosphate (DAP) contains 18 % Nitrogen
(N) and 46 % Phosphorus (P).
Complete vs. Incomplete
Complete has all three primary nutrients-nitrogen
phosphorous & potassium
Examples: 10-10-10, 15-30-15, 20-5-20
Incomplete DOES NOT have all three primary
Examples: 20-0-0, 0-20-0, 12-0-44
Organic Fertilizers
Comes from plant or animal matter and contains
carbon compounds
Examples: urea, sludge and animal tankage
Advantages of Organic
Slow release of nutrients
Not easily leached from the soil
Add organic components to growing media
Disadvantages of Organic
Hard to get
Not sterile
Low nutrient content
Inorganic Fertilizers
Comes from sources other than animals or plants
Chemical products
Advantages of Inorganic
Can make the desired ratio of nutrients
easy to get
lower cost
Disadvantages of Inorganic
No organic material
possible chemical building up in growing media
Soluble Fertilizer
Dissolve in water and are applied as a liquid solution
fertilizing through irrigation water
big advantage
Insoluble Fertilizer
Includes granular and slow release applied to the
growing media
Granular vs. Slow Release
relatively inexpensive
easy to find
Slow Release
more expensive because it is coated
more uniform release of nutrients over time period
Fertilizer Analysis
Fertilizer analysis expresses weight as a percent of
nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium

Fertilizer Analysis
For Example
A 100 kg bag of fertilizer has an analysis of 15-5-15. How
many pounds of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium
are in the bag?
Nitrogen: 100 X 15%=15 Kg
Phosphorus: 100 X 5%=15 Kg
Potassium: 100 X 15%=15 Kg
Fertilizer Ratios
A fertilizer with a 10-10-10 analysis would have a 1:1:1
A fertilizer with a 24-8-16 analysis would have a 3:1:2
What would be the ratio for a fertilizer with an analysis
of 36-18-27?

Thank you !

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