Phosphorus Testing in Soil

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Phosphorous in soil

What is Phosphorus(P)?
Phosphorus is a chemical element with symbol P and atomic number 15. It exists in
about 23 isotopes ranging from 25P to 47P and has several allotropes from white, red,
violet to black. It occurs naturally on Earth, but we don't see it lying around. It is a very
reactive element, which is why it is always associated with other minerals, phosphate.
These minerals are mined and processed into phosphoric acid, which is used to make
fertilizers, detergents and other products. Phosphorus also played an essential role in
human life. It is part of our body's DNA and RNA molecules that carry genetic
information. Phosphorus is also found in ATP (adenosine triphosphate), molecules that
cells use to store energy. White and red phosphorus are the two main types of
phosphorus. White phosphorus is a waxy, flammable substance that glows in the dark.
Red phosphorus not only glows in the dark, but is more stable. Both versions are
poisonous when consumed.

Role of Phosphorous to plants:

Phosphorus is an essential nutrient, both as a part of several key plant structure compounds
and as a catalysis in the conversion of numerous key biochemical reactions in plants.
Phosphorus is noted especially for its role in capturing and converting the sun’s energy into
useful plant compounds.

Phosphorus is a vital component of:

 DNA, the genetic “memory unit” of all living things. It is also a component of RNA,
the compound that reads the DNA genetic code to build proteins and other
compounds essential for plant structure, seed yield and genetic transfer. The structures
of both DNA and RNA are linked together by phosphorus bonds.
 ATP, the “energy unit” of plants. ATP forms during photosynthesis, has phosphorus
in its structure, and processes from the beginning of seedling growth through to the
formation of grain and maturity.

Thus, phosphorus is essential for the general health and vigor of all plants. Some specific
growth factors associated with phosphorus are:

 Stimulated root development

 Increased stalk and stem strength
 Improved flower formation and seed production
 More uniform and earlier crop maturity
 Increased nitrogen N-fixing capacity of legumes
 Improvements in crop quality
 Increased resistance to plant diseases
 Supports development throughout entire lifecycle
Forms of Phosphorus in Soil:
There are two types of phosphorous presented in soil. One is Organic and another one is
Organic Phosphorus: Between 30 and 60 percent of total phosphorus in soil is found
as inorganic phosphorus. It is the result of the decay of dead plants and animals and is
associated with complex organic compounds. The conversion of organic phosphorus
into inorganic forms that can be used by plants depends largely on soil microorganisms.
Soil Po (organic phosphorus) is generally assumed to be either directly or after
biochemical changes in organic matter both in the soil and in the soil profile. Added
P from phosphate fertilizers can also be converted to organic forms (immobilized),
especially if there is not enough P in the soil, where microorganisms convert Pi
(inorganic phosphorus) Po to be incorporated into their living cells.
Inorganic Phosphorus: 35% to 70% of soil phosphorus is of inorganic type. The
inorganic phosphorus form can be classified to exist in three different pools:
 Plant-available (soil solution) phosphorus: This pool is comprised of inorganic
phosphorus dissolved in water/soil solution that is readily available for plant
 Sorbed phosphorus: This phosphorus pool is comprised of inorganic phosphorus
attached to clay surfaces, iron (Fe), aluminum (Al), and calcium (Ca) oxides in
soil. The phosphorus in this pool is released slowly for plant uptake.
 Mineral phosphorus: This phosphorus pool is comprised of primary and
secondary phosphate minerals present in soil. Examples of primary phosphorus
minerals include apatite, strengite, and variscite. The secondary phosphorus
minerals include calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), and aluminum (Al) phosphates. The
release of phosphorus from this pool is extremely slow and occurs when the
mineral weathers and dissolves in soil water.

Phosphorus Cycle:
Phosphorus is an essential element for all living organisms. It forms an important part
of the structure of DNA and RNA. They are also an important part of ATP. Human teeth
and bones contain 80% phosphorus. Phosphorus turnover is a very slow process.
Various weathering processes help wash the phosphorus contained in the rocks into the
soil. Phosphorus is absorbed in soil organic matter, which is used in various biological
processes. Since phosphorus and phosphorus-containing compounds are only found on
land, the atmosphere does not play a major role in the phosphorus cycle.

Following are the important steps of phosphorus cycle:

1. Weathering
2. Absorption by Plants
3. Absorption by Animals
4. Return to the Environment through Decomposition
Weathering: Phosphorus is found in the rocks in abundance. That is why the
phosphorus cycle starts in the earth’s crust. The phosphate salts are broken down from
the rocks. These salts are washed away into the ground where they mix in the soil.

Absorption by Plants: The phosphate salts dissolved in water are absorbed by the
plants. However, the amount of phosphorus present in the soil is very less. That is why
the farmers apply phosphate fertilizers on agricultural land.

The aquatic plants absorb inorganic phosphorus from lower layers of water bodies.
Since phosphate salts do not dissolve in water properly, they affect plant growth in
aquatic system.

Absorption by Animals: The animals absorb phosphorus from the plants or by

consuming plant-eating animals. The rate of the phosphorus cycle is faster in plants and
animals when compared to rocks.

Return of Phosphorus Back to the Ecosystem: When the plants and animals die they
are decomposed by microorganisms During this process, the organic form of
phosphorus is converted into the inorganic form, which is recycled to soil and water.

Soil and water will end up in sediments and rocks, which will again release phosphorus
by weathering. Thus, the phosphorus cycle starts over.
Objective Of Studying soil Phosphorus:

Nutrient management: Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for plant growth and

development. By knowing its levels in the soil, the use of fertilizer can be optimized so
that crops receive enough phosphorus for healthy development and production.
Soil health: Phosphorus plays a role in soil health and fertility. Studying these dynamics
in soil can help assess soil quality and fertility over time, contributing to sustainable
agricultural practices.
Crop productivity: Both excess and deficiency of phosphorus can affect crop
production. Improved agricultural techniques have resulted from the identification of
variables affecting plant phosphorus availability through soil
phosphorus research.
Climate change mitigation: Soil phosphorus dynamics can affect soil carbon
sequestration and greenhouse gases. Understanding the place of phosphorus in the
global nutrient cycle and its implications for climate change mitigation are two benefits
of studying phosphorus in soil.

Research on soil phosphorus is generally critical to the management of ecosystems,

environmental preservation, and the advancement of sustainable agriculture. It offers
details on how to manage nutrients, assess soil health, and consider the bigger picture
of how human activity affects terrestrial ecosystems.

Methods of Testing Soil Phosphorus:

For the estimation of Phosphorous available in soil we use soil testing kit. For testing
the Phosphorous level we use three types of reagent which are given below-


 Phosphorus reagent – 1 (P-1)

 Phosphorus reagent – 2 (P-2)
 Decolourizer – 1 (D-1)
 Phosphorus colour chart

Test Method:

Measure 5c.c of soil in the soil measuring tube (No.1) and transfer into soil mixing tube
Add 25ml of Phosphorous reagent-1 (P-1) into the soil and mix well for 15 minutes. Add
a pinch of Decolourizer (D-1) soil mixture and again mix well. Then filter into colour
developing bottle (No-3) by using a funnel and filter paper.

To the

clear filtrate, add 2ml of phosphorous reagent -2 (P-2) and mix well. Wait for 1-2
minutes for colour to develop. The colour that forms is compared with Phosphorous.
Colour chart (Chart No-3) and record as Low (L1 & L2), Medium (M & M2) or High (H1
& H2). Discard the solution and wash all the tubes well.

Amount of available Phosphorous in soil Approximate quantity of available
Phosphorous present in kg/Acre
Low (<4 kg/Acer) L1 <1 kg/Acer
L2 1-3 kg/Acer
Medium (4-10 kg/Acer) M1 4-7 kg/Acer
M2 8-10 kg/Acer
High (>10 kg/Acer) H1 11-15 kg/Acer
H2 >15 kg/Acer

Phosphorous Fertilizers (Commonly used)
i. Super Phosphate
If the results are:
 Low: Add 25% more than the recommended dose of Phosphorous fertilizer.
 Medium: Add the recommended dose.
 High: Add 25% less than the recommended dose of Phosphorous fertilizer.
Recommended dose is as per the prescribed dose of package of practice given by each

No. Soil Location(s) Latitude Longitude P Test (Phosphorus)
1 Konnagar 22.705 88.353 H2 (>15 kg/acre)
2 Baidyabati 22.799 88.343 L1(<1kg/acre)
3 Hamidpur , Murshidabad 23.918 88.061 H2 (>15 kg/acre)
4 Jalpaiguri 26.530 88.680 M1 (4-7kg/acre)
5 Bandhgora (Bolpur, Shantiniketan) 23.660 87.650 H2 (>15 kg/acre)
6 Chinsurah 22.890 88.390 L1 (<1 kg/acre)
7 Sodpur 22.699 88.390 L1 (<1 kg/acre)

Overview of Our Study:

According to our case study, the areas with the lowest phosphorus concentrations—
Konnagar, Bandhgora, and Hamidpur—have more than 15 kg/acre. It is followed by
Jalpaiguri, where the soil's phosphorous content is comparatively low at 4–7 kg/acre,
while the area around Chinsurah, Baisyabati, and Soshpur has the lowest concentration
of phosphorus at <1 kg/acre. Due to their high phosphorus content, Konnagar,
Bandhgora, and Hamidpur will not be beneficial for agricultural techniques. Too much
phosphorus is bad for the health of the soil. Phosphorous fertilizer is not necessary for
these kinds of areas. On the other hand, agricultural methods are also beneficial in areas
like Jalpaiguri where the soil has a relatively low level of phosphorus; yet, fertilizer may
be necessary to some extent to ensure healthy agricultural productivity in these areas.
Certain crops may be able to thrive in low-P locations (such as Sodhpur, Chinsurah, and
Baidyabati), but others may be restricted. Keep an eye on plant growth and, if necessary,
add more phosphorus. However, in those areas where the concentration of phosphorus
is abnormally low, it suggests a shortage that will probably restrict plant growth. You
might think about fertilizing the soil with phosphorus. with fertilizer.

Modification Methods:
High Levels of Phosphorus
 Reduce Phosphorus Application: Avoid adding fertilizers with phosphorus
(indicated by the middle number on the N-P-K ratio).
 Increase plant uptake: Grow those plants that will absorb extra phosphorus,
such fodder radish or ryegrass, which are phosphorus-loving plants. Later on,
they can be turned back into the ground by tilling.
Medium levels of Phosphorus:
 Maintain Balance: Medium phosphorus levels are generally ideal and don't need
to be changed. To make sure levels remain within the ideal range, periodically
check soil test results.
Low Levels of Phosphorus:
 Apply Fertilizer with High Middle Number (Phosphorus): In the N-P-K ratio,
use fertilizer high in middle number (phosphorus). If you want to prevent quick
phosphorus tie-up in the soil, use slow-release fertilizers.
 Add Organic Matter: Over time, organic materials such as compost, manure, and
others break down and release phosphorus.

The current study examined the many kinds of phosphorus found in soil, including both
organic and inorganic components. A large amount of the total P in the soil is found in
organic matter, which releases P into the plant food chain gradually and in different
forms depending on the plant. Inorganic phosphorus comes in a variety of forms and
levels of availability. While some forms are firmly attached to soil particles, others are
available in solutions that plant roots may be able to access. Comprehending the
dynamics of soil phosphorus is essential for environmentally conscious farming that
minimizes fertilizer-related problems.

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