Dutta 2016
Dutta 2016
Dutta 2016
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Cellulase enzyme was puried from a psychrophilic strain of Bacillus subtilis obtained from east Himalayan
Received 2 February 2016 mountains. The native enzyme showed optimum activity at 15 C and pH 8.0.The Magnesium oxide
Received in revised form 13 April 2016 nanoparticle (MgN) supplemented enzyme when immobilized on graphene oxide nanosupport (GO),
Accepted 28 April 2016
via glutaraldehyde as cross linker, showed 2.98 folds increase in enzymatic activity at 8 C and more than
Available online xxx
3.5 folds activity increment at 90 C. The MgN-cel on graphene (GO-MgN-cel) showed a decrease in Km
by 6.7 folds at 8 C and 34 folds at 90 C. GO-MgN-cel showed 5 fold and 4.7 fold increase in Vmax at 8 C
and 90 C respectively than the untreated enzyme.When compared to native enzyme, GO-MgN-cel had
t1/2 (half life) and Ed increased by 72.5 fold and 2.48 fold respectively at 90 C; and 41.6 fold and 2.19
Purication fold respectively at 8 C. Enzymatic activity of GO-MgN-cel was retained even after 12 repeated uses
Magnesium oxide nanoparticle and showed storage stability at 4 C for more than 120 days. This nanoparticle assisted immobilization
Graphene oxide technique can be utilized in bioprocessing industries which require functioning at these extreme ranges
Glutaraldehyde of temperature.
Kinetic parameters 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Storage stability
Biophysical studies
1. Introduction natural protein stability and are useful tool for studies in the eld of
protein folding [2]. In the textile industry, there is a need for novel
Cellulases are accountable for hydrolysis of the -1,4glucosidic cellulases that are active at broad pH values. Cold active enzymes
bonds in cellulose. This cellulolytic activity occurs by the synergis- are crucial in saving of energy in textile, detergent, fuel and etc.
tic effect of three major components; endoglucanase (EC, industrial process [3].
exoglucanase (EC and glucosidase (EC [1]. Cellu- Enzymes, owing to their selective nature catalyze specic
lases are used in different industrial applications, such as in textile reactions with few by products. Thus they are environmentally
industry for bio-polishing for fabrics and producing stonewashed favourable alternative to conventional chemical synthesis, particu-
look of denims, in animal feed industry for improving the nutri- larly in the food and pharmaceutical industries where high reaction
tional quality and digestibility, in food industry for processing of selectivity is essential. Due to an absence of long term operational
fruit juices and in baking, in detergent industry for improving fab- stability and difculty in recovery and reuse of the enzyme, indus-
ric softness and brightness and removing the soil from cotton bres trial applications of enzymes are limited. These limitations can be
[1]. Cold-active enzymes compared to mesophilic enzyme are more overcomed by immobilizing them on appropriate matrices. The
attractive because of their high activity at low temperature which interaction between the enzyme and carrier governs the proper-
is more preferred in application as they represent the lower limit of ties of immobilized enzyme, inuencing the chemical and other
thermodynamic properties. The property of immobilized enzyme
is also affected by particle mobility which is governed by particle
size and solution viscosity [4]. Nano-materials and nano structures
Abbreviations: GO, graphene oxide nanosupport; cel, cellulase; MgN, generally provide large surface area, low mass transfer resistance
magnesium oxide nanoparticle; MgN-cel, cellulase activated by magnesium and high enzyme loading capability. This aids in better interaction
oxide nanoparticle; GO-MgN-cel, magnesium oxide nanoparticlecoupled cellulase with the enzyme, resulting in increased immobilization efciency,
nanocomposite immobilized on graphene oxide nanosupport.
Corresponding author.
recycling ability and long term storage of the enzyme. Nanomate-
E-mail address: [email protected] (M.K. Saha).
rials can also be engineered to present multiple surface functional
0141-0229/ 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article in press as: N. Dutta, et al., Biophysical characterization and activity analysis of nano-magnesium supple-
mented cellulase obtained from a psychrobacterium following graphene oxide immobilization, Enzyme Microb Technol (2016),
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EMT-8904; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
2 N. Dutta et al. / Enzyme and Microbial Technology xxx (2016) xxxxxx
groups for interacting with biomolecules. A wide range of nano 1.5% peptone, 1.2% carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), 0.2% K2 HPO4 ,
materials has been studied and their positive effect on enzyme 1.5% agar, 0.03% MgSO4 7H2 O, 0.25% (NH4 )2 SO4 and at pH 8.0 for
was shown through immobilization process [57]. Graphene also 48 h of incubation at 20 C. Bacterial colonies were puried by
gets benetted by biological modication which improves its bio- repeated streaking. Pure cultures of bacterial isolates were indi-
compatibility, solubility and selectivity. Proteins can exfoliate and vidually transferred to CMC agar plates. The CMC agar plates were
modify graphene due to presence of various functional groups, incubated at 15 C for 5 days to allow for the secretion of cellulase.
through physical adsorption or chemical bonding [8]. Graphene At the end of the incubation, the agar medium was ooded with
oxide (GO) has been studied as interesting nanosupport for a variety a solution of Congo red (1% w/v) for 15 min. The Congo red solu-
of biologically active agents leading to novel biocatalysts, biosen- tion was then poured off, and the plates were further treated by
sors, and drug delivery vehicles [9]. The morphology and large ooding with 1 M NaCl for 15 min. The formation of a clear zone
accessible surface area of GO nanosheets along with the formation of hydrolysis indicated cellulose degradation. The ratio of the clear
of stable aqueous suspensions full the criteria for high enzyme zone diameter to colony diameter was measured in order to select
loading on support and thus for the development of catalysts for for the highest cellulase activity producer. The largest ratio was
biotechnological applications [10]. Horse-radish peroxidase and assumed to contain the highest activity.
oxalate oxidase have been successfully immobilized on GO sur-
faces and the extent of the electrostatic interaction between the
enzyme and nanomaterial surface was proved to change accord- 2.2.2. Ribotyping studies
ing to the degree of the GOs reduction [11,12]. The introduction of The cellulolytic strain with the highest activity was coined
a glutaraldehyde spacer arm on the GO support enables tethering as NCEL03.We performed 16S rDNA gene sequencing to iden-
of enzyme molecules to yield bio-conjugates with improved ther- tify the cellulase secreting bacterial strain. Genomic DNA was
mostability, reusability and storage stability [13,14]. In this current prepared from NCEL03 by sodium dodecyl sulphate proteinase K-
study, we investigated the immobilization efciency of Magne- cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) method. The 16S rRNA
sium nanoparticle supplemented enzyme (cellulase) on graphene gene was partially amplied with the thermal cycler ABI 9700 (ABI,
oxide nanosupport in terms of enzyme activity and stability. Glu- Foster City, USA). The amplied and gel-eluted PCR fragments were
taraldehydyde mediated cross-linking of the enzyme was achieved sequenced with an ABI 3100 Genetic Analyzer. Sequencing reaction
through simultaneous addition of the enzyme and glutaraldehyde was performed by using the Big Dye terminator cycle sequencing
to GO. The enzyme-nanocomposite (GO-MgN-cel) could tolerate Kit V3.1 (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, USA). Then the nucleotide
both high (90 C, higher than its optimum temperatureof 15 C) and sequence was deposited in GenBank.
cold temperatures (8 C) lower than its optimum temperature. It
was found that GO immobilized MgN-cel showed increased ther-
mal stability retaining up to 72.9% activity at 90 C after 240 min 2.2.3. Method of psychrophilic cellulase purication
and 83% activity at 8 after 210 min compared to the untreated Cellulase enzyme was puried from 100 ml culture of NCEL03.
enzyme. Again GO-MgN-cel retained enzymatic activity after 12 Cell free supernatant was precipitated with 080% saturation
repeated uses of the immobilized enzyme, thereby indicating an of ammonium sulphate followed by dialysis. All steps of the
efcient immobilization method which can be applied henceforth. purication procedure were performed at 4 C. The dialysed pro-
teins were loaded onto a CM-Sepharose column pre-equilibrated
with 10 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH 8.0) and allowed to
2. Materials and methods equilibrate overnight. After washing the column with 10 mM
sodium phosphate buffer, a 60 ml increasing discontinuous gra-
2.1. Materials dient (0200 mM) of NaCl dissolved in 10 mM sodium phosphate
buffer (pH 8.0) was applied to the column. Proteins were eluted
The magnesium oxide nanoparticle water dispersion, (MgO, in fractions of 1 ml. The fractions showing cellulase activity were
99.95%, 50 nm, 20 wt% in water) (Stock #: US7018) was supplied concentrated using a Macrosep 10 K unit and loaded onto a glass
by US Research Nanomaterials, Inc. Single Layer Graphene Oxide column packed with Sephadex G-100 (bed volume 30 ml) and
(SLGO) was purchased from mkNANO (80% carbon, 20% Oxy- equilibrated with 10 mM sodium phosphate buffer. Elution of the
gen. Flake size: 0.55 m. Thickness: Single atomic layer >80% proteins was done using the same buffer. The collection of the
Color: Bright yellow Purity: Carbon contents over 80%). Primers fractions and assay of enzyme activity were as described below.
for PCR (forward and reverse) and silver nitrate for silver stain- Fractions were run on 12% SDS polyacrylamide using Bio-Rad elec-
ing were obtained from SigmaAldrich (Germany). -Cellulose, trophoresis apparatus. The amount of protein that was loaded on
agar powder and glutaraldehyde were purchased from Himedia, SDSPAGE gel lanes was 0.45 mg/ml. Protein markers and the pro-
India. All other reagents for bacterial culture media such as agar, tein bands were stained by silver staining.
and salts were purchased from SRL (India) and were of analytical
grade. 20120 kDa protein markers were obtained from Fermentas
(Germany). 2.2.4. Soluble enzyme assay for cellulase
Cellulase activity was assayed using dinitrosalisylic acid (DNS)
2.2. Methods reagent to estimate reducing sugars released from CMC solubilised
in 50 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH-8.0). Puried enzyme was
2.2.1. Identication and isolation of enzyme secreting bacterial added to 0.5 ml of 1% CMC in 50 mM sodium phosphate buffer
strains and incubated at 20 C for 15 min. After incubation, reaction was
Soil samples were collected from Gnathang valley of East Sikkim stopped by the addition of 1.5 ml of DNS reagent and the reac-
(13,500 feet above sea level), India. Approximately 5 g of soil sample tion mixture was kept at 100 C in water bath for 10 min. Sugars
was added to sterile 0.9% saline water. The sample saline mix was liberated were determined by measuring absorbance at 540 nm.
incubated overnight at 20 C and the saline supernatant was used Cellulase activity was estimated by using glucose calibration curve.
as the bacterial source.Cellulolytic bacterial strains were isolated One unit (U) of enzyme activity was expressed as the quantity of
from the soil by using enrichment and serial dilutions technique. enzyme that released 1 mol of glucose per min under standard
The medium used for isolation of cellulolytic bacteria contained assay conditions.
Please cite this article in press as: N. Dutta, et al., Biophysical characterization and activity analysis of nano-magnesium supple-
mented cellulase obtained from a psychrobacterium following graphene oxide immobilization, Enzyme Microb Technol (2016),
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EMT-8904; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
N. Dutta et al. / Enzyme and Microbial Technology xxx (2016) xxxxxx 3
2.2.5. Circular dichronism studies by thorough washing with buffer and centrifugation at 8000 rpm
For the native cellulase enzyme at 15 C and 8 C, MgN-cel at for 10 min at 4 C.
15 C and 8 C, and MgN at 8 C; CD spectra over the range of
190250 nm were obtained using a Chirascan spectropolarimeter
2.4. Immobilized enzyme assay
(Applied Photosystem, UK). Enzyme concentration for the puried
enzyme was maintained at 0.45 mg/ml for all observations.1 mm
0.5 ml of 1% CMC in 50 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH 8.0)
pathlength cell and 1 nm bandwidth was maintained for every
were added to graphene cross-linked with MgN-cel and was incu-
observation while carrying out the spectral analyses with a scan
bated at 25 C for 30 min followed by centrifugation at 10000 rpm
rate of 20 nm/min. A system of (10 mM sodium phosphate buffer,
for 3 min at 4 C. Supernatant was pipetted out in test tube and 1 ml
pH 8.0) was used as blank.Data obtained from CD was analyzed
of 3,5 dinitrosalicylic acid was added, followed by placing it in boil-
using the DICHROWEB website:http://www.dichroweb.cryst.bbk.
ing water bath for 5 min. It was diluted with 10 ml of MilliQ water
before recording absorbance at 540 nm. One unit (U) of enzyme
activity was expressed as the quantity of enzyme that released
2.2.6. Measurement of Mg concentration by atomic absorption
1 mol of glucose per min under standard assay conditions.
spectra (AAS)
The Mg content of MgN and 1 mM MgCl2 , was measured using
AAS technique (Analyst 200, Perkin Elmer). Standard Mg ion solu- 2.5. Stability and reusability of immobilized mgN-cel on GO
tion was provided by Perkin Elmer. MgN of different dilutions
(0.005 M, 0.01 M, 0.015 M, 0.02 M,0.025 M, 0.03 M and 0.035 M) To observe the reusability of MgN-cel immobilized on GO, the
were prepared and their concentration was determined by com- system (GO-MgN-cel) wastested for enzyme activity of 12 repeated
parison of data with the standard solutions provided by Perkin uses at a stretch with standard enzyme assay protocols. Storage
Elmer. stability of GO-MgN-cel was tested over a period of 120 days with
15 days interval at 4 C.
2.2.7. MgN effecting cellulase activity
Puried cellulase enzyme(100 l in volume with concentration
of 0.45 mg/ml) was incubated with MgN at nal concentra- 2.6. Activationinactivation parameters and kinetics of cellulase
tions of 2.5 g/ml, 5.0 g/ml, 7.5 g/ml, 10.0 g/ml, 12.5 g/ml, enzyme
15.0 g/ml, and 17.5 g/ml. Enzyme activity for each fraction was
measured by the process described above. The Km -Vmax , activation energy (Ea) and the activa-
tion/deactivation kinetics of both MgN treated and untreated
2.2.8. Effect of temperature and pH on activity of MgN-cel and cellulase enzyme systems were studied using the standard reac-
untreated cellulase tion mix and assay conditions as described in the earlier section.
The optimum temperature of MgN-cel and untreated cellulase The substrate (CMC) concentration used was from 0.015% to
were determined by carrying out the standard enzyme assay in 1.25% to determine Km and Vmax . The assay temperature was case
sodium phosphate buffer at increasing temperatures i.e.8, 10, 15, specic(8 C or 90 C).The activation energies (Ea ) of GO-MgN-cel,
25, 37,50 and 60 C. The substrate was pre-incubated with the MgN-cel and cellulase were calculated for the temperature range of
enzyme at the said temperature for 25 min followed by the enzyme 825 C (277293 K) and 5090 C (323363 K) from the Arrhenius
assay for each observation. To observe the effect of MgN treat- plots. Inactivation parameters comprising half-life (t1/2 ), decay rate
ment on enzyme activities with decreasing temperature, optimal constant (k), energy of deactivation (Ed ), enthalpy (H), entropy
concentration of MgN was added to the enzyme. The control sys- (S) and free energy change (G) were obtained according to
tem contained untreated enzyme. The effect of pH on MgN-cel was Ortega et al., 2004 [15].
studied in the pH range of 3.012.0 (citrate phosphate: pH 3.05.0,
sodium phosphate: 5.57.0, glycine buffer pH 8.012.0). 3. Results and discussion
2.2.9. Stability of mgN-cel at lower and higher temperatures 3.1. Psychrophilic strain identication
To measure the retention of enzyme activity at lower and
higher temperatures, MgN treated cellulase was incubated for The sequence of the partially amplied 16S rDNA fragments
0250 min at 8 Cand 90 C. The enzyme activities were determined from NCEL03 was found to be more than 98% similar to Bacillus
as described in the earlier section after incubation. The results subtilis when compared to rDNA sequence database in GenBank.
expressed were in comparison to the values of untreated (- MgN) The Genbank accession number was allocated as KT783470. A
enzyme systems. cold-adapted cellulase CelG from the culture supernatant of the
Antarctic bacterium Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis was isolated by
2.3. Enzyme immobilization on GO Garsoux et al., 2004 [16]. A Cold-Active cellulase from a novel psy-
chrotrophic isolate Bacillus sp. K-11 was isolated by Caf et al.,2014
Puried cellulase was coupled to the graphene oxide with the [17].
help of glutaraldehyde as a cross linker. The optimum concentra-
tion of glutaraldehyde for cross-linking of cellulase was found out to
be 0.9(ml) and graphene oxide concentration required for enzyme 3.2. Purication of cellulase from Bacillus subtilis strain NCEL03
immobilization was found out to be 1.0 mg/ml (Supplementary Fig.
1). Graphene oxide dispersion was prepared by dissolving 1 mg/ml 60.72% recovery of cellulase was achieved after ion-exchange
of graphene in 25 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH 8.0) followed chromatography. The recovery of enzyme activity was about
by treatment with glutaraldehyde (0.9 ml, 25% v/v in water) and 50.57% after gel-ltration. A single band was obtained in SDSPAGE
kept in dark for 4 h at room temperature. After treatment and buffer analysis indicating complete purication of the enzyme. Compared
wash, it was incubated with the MgN-cel under dark condition to protein markers, the size of the puried enzyme was around
for 22 h at 4 C. The immobilized enzyme was washed thoroughly 50 kDa (Fig. 1A). More than 7.83 fold purication was achieved with
with phosphate buffer. Each step of immobilization was followed a nal specic activity of 1665.8 units/mg (Table 1).
Please cite this article in press as: N. Dutta, et al., Biophysical characterization and activity analysis of nano-magnesium supple-
mented cellulase obtained from a psychrobacterium following graphene oxide immobilization, Enzyme Microb Technol (2016),
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EMT-8904; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
4 N. Dutta et al. / Enzyme and Microbial Technology xxx (2016) xxxxxx
Table 1
Purication of psychrophilic cellulase from Bacillus subtilis NCEL03.
Purication steps Total volume (ml) Total protein (mg) Total activity (unit) Specic activity (Unit/mg) Purication (fold) Yield (%)
Please cite this article in press as: N. Dutta, et al., Biophysical characterization and activity analysis of nano-magnesium supple-
mented cellulase obtained from a psychrobacterium following graphene oxide immobilization, Enzyme Microb Technol (2016),
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EMT-8904; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
N. Dutta et al. / Enzyme and Microbial Technology xxx (2016) xxxxxx 5
Fig. 2. A. Comparison of cellulase activity as a function of temperature (860 C) in presence and absence of MgN. B. Comparison of cellulase activity as a function of pH
(312)in presence and absence of MgN. C. Activities of GO-MgN-cel, MgN-cel, GO + cel and cel at 8 C. D. Activities of GO-MgN-cel, MgN-cel, GO + cel and cel at 90 C.
Table 3
CD structure analysis of cellulase and MgN-cel at 15 C and 8 C.
Enzyme System () strand content (per 100 residues) at 15 C () strand content (per 100 residues) at 8 C change in () strand content (per 100 residues) at 8 C
3.8. Effect of pH on enzyme activity increase by 168.4% over control at this temperature. The high
activity of the GO-MgN-celsystem, as compared to the (-MgN)
On comparing with the enzyme activity at pH 8.0, MgN-cel sys- cel and MgN-cel stems from the fact that the GO immobiliza-
tem retained enzyme activity by18.3%,30.05%, 56.69%, and 97.3% tion increases conformational exibility of the enzyme increasing
respectively at pH 3,4, 6and 10.5. In comparison, cellulase (-MgN) enzyme rigidity. This is reected in improved stability of the
rapidly lost activity at pH values lower and higher than 8.0 (Fig. 2B). enzyme at high temperature which otherwise disrupts enzyme
MgN-cel retained 3560% of its optimal activity at pH values of 3and structure and function [20]. The enhanced activity conferred to the
8. In contrast, cellulase (-MgN) lost 4060% of its activity at the pH enzyme at temperature extremes by GO-MgN systems need fur-
values of 3 and 8. ther investigation. It may be concluded that upon cross linking of
MgN-cel with GO, the system GO-MgN acts as a chaperone thereby
protecting the enzyme structure and integrity at temperature and
3.9. Immobilization studies of cellulase on GO
pH extremes. As the native structure of the enzyme remains intact
at extreme ranges of temperature and pH, it becomes extremely
The immobilization efciency of cellulase on GO was found out
efcient catalytic machinery. Enhancement in thermostability of
to be 68.9%. (Supplementary Fig. 2).GO-MgN-cel showed increased
enzyme on being immobilized on nanomaterials has been shown
enzyme activity by 2.94 folds in comparison to native cellulase
by others [21]. Earlier studies have characterised the mode of cross
at 8 C (Fig. 2C). Cellulase showed optimum activity at 15 C for
linking of functionalized graphene by FTIR. The studies revealed
both immobilized and free enzyme(Fig. 2A). 60% increased enzyme
the presence of peaks corresponding to the C H stretch modes of
activity was observed for the MgN-cel at 8 C compared to cel (-
the cross linked molecule suggesting that cross linking between
MgN). GO-MgN-cel showed more than 3.66 folds increased activity
functionalized graphene and glutaraldehyde has taken place. The
than control set at 90 C (Fig. 2D). MgN-cel showed an activity
Please cite this article in press as: N. Dutta, et al., Biophysical characterization and activity analysis of nano-magnesium supple-
mented cellulase obtained from a psychrobacterium following graphene oxide immobilization, Enzyme Microb Technol (2016),
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EMT-8904; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
6 N. Dutta et al. / Enzyme and Microbial Technology xxx (2016) xxxxxx
Fig. 3. A.Cellulase activity as a function of MgN concentrations at 8 C and 15 C. B. Far-UV CD spectra (190250 nm) of the puried cellulase at 8 C and 15 C, MgN-cel at
8 C and 15 C and MgN.
hydroxyl groups can react with aldehyde through formation of cross linker imparted exibility to the temperature range for the
hemiacetal structure. The aldehyde functional groups present in enzyme activity by extending its functionality from psychrophilic
the molecule of glutaraldehyde, react with the sheets of func- to thermophilic range. The immobilized MgN-cel on GO could be
tionalized graphene as a cross-linker. Glutaraldehyde binds to the stored at 4 C for more than 120 days with the enzyme retaining
hydroxyl group of the graphene oxide through its one arm contain- more than 80% activity whereas the MgN-cel could only retain 45%
ing aldehyde group and attaches to the enzyme via amino group of its activity at the same temperature after 60 days (Fig. 4E). The
through its another aldehyde group. Glutaraldehyde is also known standing enzyme activity upon incubation of the enzyme systems
to play an important role in the self-assembly of graphene oxide at 90 C showed that GO-MgN-cel could retain 72.9% enzyme activ-
nanosheets in aqueous solution, as the self-assembly of nano sheets ity after 240 min whereas the untreated set (-GO, MgN) lost half of
occur in more ordered fashion in presence of little amount of glu- its initial activity after 60 min (Fig. 4D). At 8 C, GO-MgN-cel could
taraldehyde [22]. To validate our ndings, we performed similar retain 83% enzyme activity after 210 min whereas the untreated set
studies of immobilization on GO with xylanase enzyme obtained lost one-fourth of its activity after 150 min (Fig. 4C). The observa-
from a mesophilic source (Genbank accession number:KF214094). tions underline the fact that the GO-MgN-cel is a supremely stable
The trend of the data obtained were similar to the study in ques- system where the enzyme activity is enhanced and the integrity
tion, as the mesophilic enzyme (optimum temperature 40 C) had of the catalytic sites of the enzyme are maintained even under
increased enzyme activity at 15 C and 95 C when immobilized on extreme conditions by the dual action of MgN and GO. This mode
GO. So, it is the process of immobilization on GO, supplemented of immobilization using MgN and GO in tandem is unique and a
with nanoparticles which makes the enzyme psychrostable as well nding of note. Reusability of a biocatalyst is an important fac-
as thermostable. tor that considerably reduces the processing cost of any industrial
merchandise. There are many reports which show improved sta-
3.10. Reusability and storage stability of GO-MgN-cel bility of the enzymes through supported attachment via covalent
bonding [23,24]. Immobilized enzyme with good reusability and
GO immobilized MgN-cel could be reused for 12 repeated times prolonged stability provides an economical gain and can be used
retaining signicant activity at both high(61.69%; 90 C) and low constantly in both batch and continuous reactors. Improvement in
(64.4%; 8 C) temperatures whereas free enzymes lost their activ- stability and reusability of enzymes following immobilization has
ity after single use (Fig. 4A,B). In sharp contrast, native cellulase been well-documented [2527].
retained only 25% and 17% activity at 8 C and 90 C respectively.
(Fig. 4A,B). GO immobilization of MgN-cel via glutaraldehyde as
Please cite this article in press as: N. Dutta, et al., Biophysical characterization and activity analysis of nano-magnesium supple-
mented cellulase obtained from a psychrobacterium following graphene oxide immobilization, Enzyme Microb Technol (2016),
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EMT-8904; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
N. Dutta et al. / Enzyme and Microbial Technology xxx (2016) xxxxxx 7
Fig. 4. A. Analysis of reusability of cellulase as a function of number of use(s) at 8 C. B. Analysis of reusability of cellulase as a function of number of use(s) at 90 C. C. Retention
of cellulase activity as a function of time at 8 C. D. Retention of cellulase activity as a function of time at 90 C. E. Storage stability of GO-MgN-cel and cellulase(-MgN) at 4 C
as a function of number of days.
Table 4
Km , Vmax and Ea of cellulase and MgN-cel systems at 8 C and 90 C.
3.11. Kinetic parameters of cellulase systems This indicates that MgN increased afnity of the enzyme for the sub-
strate and rate of catalytic conversion compared to the untreated
The kinetic parameters were evaluated for puried cellulase, enzyme. For cellulase (-MgN), Km and Vmax were 2.31 mM and
MgN-cel and GO-MgN-cel at 90 C and 8 C w.r.t the optimum 22.03 units respectively at 8 C. For MgN-cel, Km decreased by54.5%
temperature of 15 C. The Km decreased with concomitant Vmax (1.05 mM) and Vmax increased by 62% (66 Unit) compared to cel-
increase for MgN-cel compared to cellulase (-MgN) at 8 C (Table 4). lulase (-MgN).For the GO-MgN-cel system, there was a decrease in
Please cite this article in press as: N. Dutta, et al., Biophysical characterization and activity analysis of nano-magnesium supple-
mented cellulase obtained from a psychrobacterium following graphene oxide immobilization, Enzyme Microb Technol (2016),
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EMT-8904; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
8 N. Dutta et al. / Enzyme and Microbial Technology xxx (2016) xxxxxx
60.667 1.076
compared tocellulase (-MgN)system (Table 4). Again at 90 C, the
40.838 0.13
Ed (KJ mol1 )
GO-MgN-cel had Km and Vmax values of 0.13 mM and 78.1 U respec-
tively. This value was 34.6 fold lower and 4.71 fold higher compared
to the Km (4.5 mM) and Vmax (16.56 U) of cellulase(-MgN). Arrhe-
nius plots of the enzyme at low temperature (825 C) showed that
288.7 0.46
cellulase (-MgN) had an Ea value of 27.8 kJ/mole, whereas MgN-cel
3.98 0.77
showed almost 2 fold decreased Ea value of 13.8 kJ/mole. At 8 C, the
life(t1/2 )
S(J/mol/k) w.r.tto the cel (-MgN). At higher temperature range (5090 C), cel
GO + MgN
(-MgN) showed an Ea value of 47.02 kJ/mole, whereas GO-MgN-
cel showed almost 14.9 fold decreased Ea value of 3.14 kJ/mole
0.0024 0.67
(Table 4). It can be concluded from the ndings that the Go-MgN
6.53 1.2
MgN-cel and cel systems (at 8 C) indicates that the enzyme system
GO + MgN
and Ea values for the enzyme indicate that substrate binding and
catalytic efciency were high at the temperature extremes. An ear-
0.0043 1.001
and acrylic carriers [29]. Km value showed slight change from 1.56
Effect of variation in kinetic parameters for immobilized (MgN-cel) and cellulase(-MgN)(323K363 K).
GO + MgN
0.023 0.992
0.0087 0.02
gave values of 0.150 min1 , 4.62 min and 45.87 kJ/mole respec-
(min1 )
constant (k), half life (t1/2 ) and deactivation energy (Ed ) of cellu-
Please cite this article in press as: N. Dutta, et al., Biophysical characterization and activity analysis of nano-magnesium supple-
mented cellulase obtained from a psychrobacterium following graphene oxide immobilization, Enzyme Microb Technol (2016),
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N. Dutta et al. / Enzyme and Microbial Technology xxx (2016) xxxxxx 9
Fig. 5. A. EAntropy-Enthalpy map of cellulase (-MgN) at (825) C (281298)k. B. Entropy-Enthalpy map of MgN-cel at (825) C (281298) k.
Table 6
Effect of variation in kinetic parameters for immobilized (MgN-cel) and cellulase(-MgN)(281K298 K).
Enzymes GO + MgN Decay Half Decay Half Decay Half Decay Half Ed (KJ mol1 )
constant(k) life(t1/2 ) constant(k) life(t1/2 ) constant(k) life(t1/2 ) constant(k) life(t1/2 )
(min1 ) (min) (min1 ) (min) (min1 ) (min) (min1 ) (min)
cel () 0.150 0.23 4.62 0.33 0.097 0.33 7.14 119 0.080 1.02 8.66 0.37 0.048 0.62 14.43 0.04 45.87 0.04
(+) 0.0042 0.005 192.5 0.99 0.0078 0.55 141.42 1.2 0.0130 0.78 77.02 1.03 0.025 0.43 22.35 1.12 54.64 0.97
lase were found to be 0.174 min1 , 3.98 min and 60.66 kJ/mole increased t1/2 value of 288.7 min and 1.67 times increased Ed value
respectively (Table 5). As compared to these values GO-MgN- of 40.83 kJ/mole. These values indicated a lower rate of activity loss
cel had 72.5 times decreased k value of 0.0024 min1 , 72.53 fold at higher temperature coupled with an enhanced stability as evi-
Please cite this article in press as: N. Dutta, et al., Biophysical characterization and activity analysis of nano-magnesium supple-
mented cellulase obtained from a psychrobacterium following graphene oxide immobilization, Enzyme Microb Technol (2016),
G Model
EMT-8904; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
10 N. Dutta et al. / Enzyme and Microbial Technology xxx (2016) xxxxxx
Fig. 6. A. EAntropy-Enthalpy map of cellulase (-MgN) at (5090) C (323363)k. B. Entropy-Enthalpy map of MgN-cel at (5090) C (323363) k. All values are averages of
results from triplicate trials; error bars indicate the SD values.
dent from the Ed value(Table: 5).We have investigated the prospect 3.13. Entropy-Enthalpy analysis
of immobilizing psychrophilic cellulase, coupled with MgN onto GO
via glutaraldehyde as crosslinker. The enhanced enzyme activity The thermodynamic change associated with the enzymatic pro-
at the upper and lower temperature extremes is a unique nding cess in the presence and absence of the nanoparticle is summarized
from this study. The alteration in decay constant (k) with tem- by the entropy-enthalpy map. When MgN was present in the sys-
perature, high deactivation energy (Ed ) and the increase of t1/2 tem, a compensatory behaviour was observed whereas the absence
value with approaching temperature extremes of the GO-MgN-cel of MgN triggered a critical change in the entropy-enthalpy pro-
implies that GO based immobilization conferred structural stability le. The entropyenthalpy prole for the thermal inactivation
to the enzyme at both lower and higher temperatures by guard- process of GO-MgN-cel at both higher and lower temperature
ing it against harsh environments. Previous study by the author ranges showed that there was entropyenthalpy compensation
[19,30] showed the effect of calcium nanoparticle in restoring and as the temperature approached the upper and lower temperature
enhancing the activities of bacterial cellulase, xylanase and fungal extremes(Figs. 5 A,B and 6 A,B ). For MgN treated enzyme, the oppo-
pectate lyase. Herein, it has been shown that a psychrophilic cel- site signs of H and S suggested a signicant entropy enthalpy
lulase supplemented with MgN when immobilized on GO shows compensation. [32,33]. However this compensatory prole was not
improved activities at higher and lower temperature extremes. An observed for the untreated enzyme set as it was operative in nature
earlier study [31] with enzyme lipase from Rhizopus oryzae exhib- for the (-MgN) cellulase. The compensatory prole was lost, the
ited exceptionally high thermal stability and high solvent tolerance entropic and enthalpic contributions assumed the same sign (both
and even increased activity in acetone when immobilized onto a negative, showing poor compensation) for the untreated set as
graphene oxide (GO) nanosupport. the temperature approached the upper and lower temperature
extremes. The unfavourable entropic contribution perhaps indi-
Please cite this article in press as: N. Dutta, et al., Biophysical characterization and activity analysis of nano-magnesium supple-
mented cellulase obtained from a psychrobacterium following graphene oxide immobilization, Enzyme Microb Technol (2016),
G Model
EMT-8904; No. of Pages 11 ARTICLE IN PRESS
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Please cite this article in press as: N. Dutta, et al., Biophysical characterization and activity analysis of nano-magnesium supple-
mented cellulase obtained from a psychrobacterium following graphene oxide immobilization, Enzyme Microb Technol (2016),