LP 10 23-10 27 Cells Organelles

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Teacher: ____Krause__ Unit:___3: Cells________ Week of: _10.23-10.


KKC Lesson Plan Template

Adapted from KKC lesson template 16-17 and KKC Admin Team Lesson CFS Doc

Monday Tuesday Wednesday/Thursday Friday

LO 4.5 Construct LO 4.6 Use representations LO 4.5 Construct explanations LO 2.7 Explain how cell shape
explanations based on and models to analyze based on evidence of how and size affect overall rate of
evidence of how interactions situations qualitatively to interactions of organelles nutrient intake and waste
of organelles provide describe how interactions of provide essential functions elimination
essential functions subcellular structures, which
posses specialized functions,
provide essential functions
Daily Objectives SWBAT construct an SWBAT use a model to SWBAT construct an SWBAT explain why cells are
Measureable explanation of the purpose of analyze the function of the explanation of how molecules small and calculate the surface
Manageable the endoplasmic reticulum lysosome and how its travel through and to different area to volume ratio of a cell.
Most Important and golgi bodies in the cell interaction provides essential parts of the cell and identify key
and analyze examples of this functions. components that make a SWBAT to analyze the impact of
function in pancreatic and specialized cell unique. changing the diameter of the cell
muscle cells. on the surface area and volume
Exit Ticket & Criteria 1) Large molecules are 1) Salivary glands produce
for Success Cell Organelle function sheet moved out of the cell a large quantity of
How will you assess
for a summative grade by which of the enzymes, which are
whether or not students following transported out of the
learned the objective? Cell organelles exit ticket processes? secretory cells. Which
Define accuracy for this a) Endocytosis of the following
objective CFS: Answer key b) Exocytosis organelles would be in
Define quality for this task c) Translocatio abundance in these
How will you make CFS:
n cells?
Public? Precise? Prior?
d) Passive a) Nuclei
diffusion b) Ribosomes
2) What is the purpose c) Smooth ER
of a lysosome? d) Lysosomes
What happens if it is 2) Insulin is a protein
synthesized in the
not functioning cytopaslm of pancreatic CFS:
properly? cells and then
3) What does a transported to the
lysosome do in plasma membrane
order to accomplish where it enters the
its function? blood stream. Which of
the following
summarizes the
pathway for insulin
through a pancreatic
a) Ribosome
golgi body
b) Smooth ER
c) Rough ER
golgi body
d) nucleus
rough ER
3) The skin is the bodys
largest organ. Its made
up of many different
types of cells. Oils,
produced by the
sebaceous glands,
prevent skin from drying
and splitting. The
protein melanin,
produced by
melanocytes in the
epidermis, protects the
skin from harmful
effects of ultraviolet
radiation. Sweat,
released through ducts
to the skin surface,
helps cool the body.
The types of cells that
produce these
compounds have
different numbers of
specific organelles,
depending on their

Based on their function, you

would expect melanocytes in the
skin to have higher than usual
number of;
a) Lysosomes
b) Chloroplasts
c) Golgi bodies
d) Microtubules

CFS: B, C, A

Lesson Agenda: Warm up (5 mins): Students Warm up (5 mins): Students Warm up (5 mins): Students Warm up (5 mins): Students will
1. Agenda/Activities are will answer two warm up will answer two warm up will answer two warm up answer two warm up questions
written in outline questions in their BILL. questions in their BILL. questions in their BILL. Question in the BILL. Question 1 will be a
format Question 1 will be the 21st Question 1 will be a review 1 will be a review biochemistry review evolution question.
a. Strong Start question from their evolution question. Question question. Question 2 will be a Question 2 will be a question
b. 3 Content CFU Biochemistry unit exam (the 2 will be a vocabulary question about the definition of a about the difference between
questions &
most incorrect question). question about types of cell specialized cell. surface area and volume
Question 2 will be a to cell junctions Specialized cell case study Why are cells so small POGIL
c. 3 Process CFU
questions & vocabulary review question Lysosome Lecture (10 group presentation creation (10 mins): Students will work in
method where they must match 6 mins): Teacher will lecture to (40 mins): Each group will be groups to complete a reading/
d. Framing purpose organelles with their proper students about the lysosome. assigned a specialized cell in graphic lead guiding questions
of lesson description. The teacher will explain the the body. The group will be told set that will help them to answer
2. Key moments in the
Endoplasmic Reticulum function of the lysosome, that they need to create a 3 the question: Why are cells so
lesson are scripted
and Golgi Body Lecture how it functions minutes powerpoint presentation small?
3. Anticipated
misconceptions (15 mins): Teacher will (mechanisms it is done by) that includes the following about Surface area to volume ratio
4. Lesson has bolded lecture students about the and what would happen if the the cell: its function in the body, lecture (15 mins): Teacher will
CFUs and italicized structure and function of the lysosome began to the parts of the cell that are go over why cells are so small.
exemplar responses ER and Golgi Body. dysfunction. more prevalent, why those types Teacher will explain how to
5. Lesson plan is Teacher will go over the of cell are more prevalent, what calculate the surface area to
time-stamped basics of HOW each of these OR instead of comic strip happens when there is a volume ratio and identify what
structures function could do this: Lysosome problem with that specific type of happens to the ratio if the
(difference between smooth Oragami cell. The specialized cells diameter of the cell is changed.
and rough ER included here) studied will be: Surface area to volume
and WHY they are What would you think would 1) Pancreatic practice problems (20 mins):
necessary for the survival of be more beneficial in helping 2) Muscle Students will work through a set
the cell. The why they are them practice the function, 3) Salivary glands of surface area to volume ratio
necessary will include what structure and why it is 4) Blood cells practice problems.
happens to the cell if each of important? 5) Neurons Exit Ticket (10 mins): Students
these parts are not 6) Epithelial cells will complete the 3 question
functioning properly. Lysosome Comic Strip (25 7) Liver cells short answer exit ticket silently
ER and Golgi body mins): Students will create a 8) Melanocytes a and independently.
application article jigsaw comic strip using Pixton that Specialized cell case study
reading (20 mins): Each displays the function of the presentations (30 mins): Each
individual at a table will be lysosome and how it works. group will present to the class
assigned a different abstract They can choose to either about the specialized cell that
or short reading about the create an analogy or create they focused on. The class will
functioning of the ER or an animation that shows step take notes in a graphic organizer
Golgi body. Each table by step what they lysosome that they have created in their
group will need to create a is doing in order to function. notebook.
poster that includes the They can also create a comic Exit Ticket (5 mins): Students
following information: The strip about what would will complete a 3 question
structure highlighted, the happen if the lysosome stops multiple choice exit ticket.
function of the structure, the functioning.
example included, why the Lysosome Comic Strip
structure is important in the Gallery walk (15 mins):
example included, a graphic Students will walk around the
showing this relationship classroom and view each
between the example and other's work. They must post
at least 3 post it notes on the
the structure. The articles table in front of the computer
will be about the following: they viewed with the post it
1) Rough ER and including one glow (good
Pancreatic Cells thing) and one grow
2) Smooth ER and its (something that could be
delivery of Calcium improved about the comic
in muscles strip)
3) Golgi apparatus is Exit Ticket (5 mins):
liver cells Students will take a 3
4) Golgi apparatus in question multiple choice exit
plant cells ticket about lysosomes and
Jigsaw reading share out their function.
(10 mins): Each group
member will share the
information from their article
for a total of 2 minutes.
While they are presenting
their information their table
mates will record this
information in a table they
have created in their BILL.

Exit Ticket (5 mins):

Students will take the cell
organelles exit ticket for a
grade from the one they took
on Friday. This includes
them naming the organelle
according to their function.
Materials (teacher & student) Powerpoint Powerpoint Powerpoint
Embed links to Powerpoint Comic strip rubric and Specialized cells presentation Practice problems
google drive, Cell Organelle Exit Ticket expectations rubric Exit Ticket
Dropbox, & online Jigsaw reading template Exit ticket Exit Ticket
resources Poster instructions
Rough ER abstract
Smooth ER abstract
Golgi apparatus article
Disfunctional golgi apparatus
Modalities: Audio Audio Audio Audio
Tactile Tactile Tactile Tactile
Multiple modalities in
Kinesthetic Kinesthetic Kinesthetic Kinesthetic
each days lesson
Visual Visual Visual Visual
(highlight those that
Interpersonal Interpersonal Interpersonal Interpersonal
are being used)
Intrapersonal Intrapersonal Intrapersonal Intrapersonal
Other Other Other Other
Differentiation Small group pull-out Small group pull-out Small group pull-out Small group pull-out
Shorter assignment Shorter assignment Shorter assignment Shorter assignment
Push activities for
Annotated reading Annotated reading Annotated reading Annotated reading
accelerated learners
Guided notes Guided notes Guided notes Guided notes
Reteach & support
Graphic organizer Graphic organizer Graphic organizer Graphic organizer
for struggling
Essay outline with Essay outline with Essay outline with additional Essay outline with additional
students w/ %
additional additional prompts/reminders prompts/reminders
Mastery from
prompts/reminders prompts/reminders Vocab definitions already Vocab definitions already
Previous Days
Vocab definitions Vocab definitions listed on doc listed on doc
already listed on doc already listed on doc Leveled groupings Leveled groupings
Leveled groupings Leveled groupings Mild/Medium/Spicy Mild/Medium/Spicy
Mild/Medium/Spicy Mild/Medium/Spicy Warm calling Warm calling
Warm calling Warm calling Show calling (use a doc cam Show calling (use a doc cam
Show calling (use a doc Show calling (use a doc to show work) to show work)
cam to show work) cam to show work)
Homework Assignment Homework #19: Extracellular Homework #20: Cell Homework #21: Cell size Homework #22: Eukaryotic vs
HW balances practice and structures and cell to cell Specialization Prokaryotic
new materials junctions

Date of next assessment :

Objective Build: How do this weeks lessons build to that assessment?

Reflections for next year: How do you want to change and adapt these plans?

Post-Assessment Follow-Up (After Friday Formatives)
Respond to your most
recent assessment results
Key misconceptions to
address next week,
reteaching & acceleration
What standards are you
spiraling next week into Do
Nows, Mini-Lessons, HWs,
Quizzes, etc.?

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