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Professors confronted by low test grades, unresponsive or hostile classes, poor attendance
and dropouts, know that something is wrong. The authors explain what has happened and how
to make it right.

Learning and Teaching Styles

In Engineering Education
Richard M. Felder, North Carolina State University
Linda K. Silverman, Institute for the Study of
Advanced Development
[Engr. Education, 78(7), 674681 (1988)]
Students learn in many ways by students (making things even worse) interaction with others. The outcome is
seeing and hearing; reflecting and or begin to wonder if they are in the that the material is either learned in
acting; reasoning logically and right profession. Most seriously, one sense or another or not learned.
intuitively; memorizing and society loses potentially excellent A learning-style model classifies
visualizing and drawing analogies engineers. students according to where they fit on a
and building mathematical models; In discussing this situation, we will number of scales pertaining to the ways
steadily and in fits and starts. explore: they receive and process information. A
Teaching methods also vary. Some 1) Which aspects of learning style model intended to be particularly
instructors lecture, others are particularly significant in engi- applicable to engineering education is
demonstrate or discuss; some focus neering education? proposed below. Also proposed is a
on principles and others on applica- 2) Which learning styles are pre- parallel teaching-style model, which
tions; some emphasize memory and ferred by most students and which are classifies instructional methods
others understanding. How much a favored by the teaching styles of most according to how well they address the
given student learns in a class is professors? proposed learning style components. The
governed in part by that students 3) What can be done to reach stu- learning and teaching style dimensions
native ability and prior preparation dents whose learning styles are not that define the models are shown in the
but also by the compatibility of his addressed by standard methods of box.
or her learning style and the engineering education? Most of the learning and teaching
instructors teaching style. style components parallel one another.*
Mismatches exist between com- Dimensions of Learning Style A student who favors intuitive over
mon learning styles of engineering sensory perception, for example, would
students and traditional teaching Learning in a structured educa- respond well to an instructor who
styles of engineering professors. In tional setting may be thought of as a emphasizes concepts (abstract content)
consequence, students become two-step process involving the recep- rather than facts (concrete content); a
bored and inattentive in class, do tion and processing of information. In student who favors visual perception
poorly on tests, get discouraged the reception step, external in- would be most comfortable with an
about the courses, the curriculum, formation (observable through the instructor who uses charts, pictures, and
and themselves, and in some cases senses) and internal information films.
change to other curricula or drop (arising introspectively) become
out of school. Professors, available to students, who select the
confronted by low test grades, material they will process and ignore * The one exception is the active/
unresponsive or hostile classes, the rest. The processing step may reflective learning style dimension and
poor attendance and dropouts, know involve simple memorization or in- the active/passive teaching style dimen-
something is not working; they may ductive or deductive reasoning, re- sion, which do not exactly correspond.
become overly critical of their flection or action, and introspection or The difference will later be explained.

The proposed learning style di- Models of Learning &

mensions are neither original nor Teaching Styles
comprehensive. For example, the first
dimensionsensing/intuition is one A students learning style may be defined in large part by the answers to
of four dimensions of a well-known five questions:
model based on Jungs theory of 1) What type of information does the student preferentially perceive:
psychological types,12 and the fourth sensory (external)sights, sounds, physical sensations, or intuitive (in-
dimensionactive/reflective ternal)possibilities, insights, hunches?
processingis a component of a 2) Through which sensory channel is external information most effectively
learning style model developed by perceived: visualpictures, diagrams, graphs, demonstrations, or auditory
Kolb.3 Other dimensions of these two words, sounds? (Other sensory channelstouch, taste, and smellare
models and dimensions of other mod- relatively unimportant in most educational environments and will not be
els45 also play important roles in considered here.)
determining how a student receives 3) With which organization of information is the student most com-
fortable: inductivefacts and observations are given, underlying principles
and processes information. The hy-
are inferred, or deductiveprinciples are given, consequences and
pothesis, however, is that engineering applications are deduced?
instructors who adapt their teaching 4) How does the student prefer to process information: actively through
style to include both poles of each of engagement in physical activity or discussion, or reflectively through
the given dimensions should come introspection?
close to providing an optimal learning 5) How does the student progress toward understanding: sequentiallyin
environment for most (if not all) continual steps, or globallyin large jumps, holistically?
students in a class.
There are 32 (25) learning styles in Teaching style may also be defined in terms of the answers to five
the proposed conceptual framework,
1) What type of information is emphasized by the instructor: concrete
(one, for example, is the sensory/ factual, or abstractconceptual, theoretical?
auditory/deductive/active/sequential 2) What mode of presentation is stressed: visualpictures, diagrams,
style). Most instructors would be films, demonstrations, or verbal lectures, readings, discussions?
intimidated by the prospect of trying 3) How is the presentation organized: inductivelyphenomena leading to
to accommodate 32 diverse styles in a principles, or deductively principles leading to phenomena?
given class; fortunately, the task is not 4) What mode of student participation is facilitated by the presentation:
as formidable as it might at first activestudents talk, move, reflect, or passivestudents watch and listen?
appear. The usual methods of engi- 5) What type of perspective is provided on the information presented:
neering education adequately address sequentialstep-by-step progression (the trees), or globalcontext and
relevance (the forest)?
five categories (intuitive, auditory,
deductive, reflective, and sequential), Dimensions of Learning and Teaching Styles
and effective teaching techniques
substantially overlap the remaining Preferred Learning Style Corresponding Teaching Style
categories. The addition of a relatively sensory concrete
small number of teaching techniques perception content
to an instructors repertoire should intuitive abstract
therefore suffice to accommodate the visual visual
learning styles of every student in the input presentation
class. Defining these techniques is the auditory verbal
principal objective of the remainder of inductive inductive
organization organization
this paper. deductive
active active student
processing participation
reflective passive
sequential sequential
understanding perspective
global global
Sensing and Intuitive Learners for a different reasontheir impa- needs of sensors and intuitors are
tience with details may induce them to listed in the summary.
In his theory of psychological types, start answering questions before they
Carl Jung6 introduced sensing and have read them thoroughly and to Visual and Auditory Learners
make careless mistakes.
intuition as the two ways in which Most engineering courses other than
people tend to perceive the world. laboratories emphasize concepts rather The ways people receive informa-
Sensing involves observing, gathering than facts and use primarily lectures tion may be divided into three cate-
data through the senses; intuition and readings (words, symbols) to gories, sometimes referred to as mo-
involves indirect perception by way of transmit information, and so favor dalities: visualsights, pictures,
the unconsciousspeculation, imagin- intuitive learners. Several studies show diagrams, symbols; auditory sounds,
ation, hunches. Everyone uses both that most professors are themselves words; kinesthetictaste, touch, and
faculties, but most people tend to favor intuitors. On the other hand, the smell. An extensive body of research
one over the other. majority of engineering students are has established that most people learn
In the 1940s Isabel Briggs Myers sensors,8-10 suggesting a serious
most effectively with one of the three
developed the Myers-Briggs Type learning/teaching style mismatch in
most engineering courses. The modalities and tend to miss or ignore
Indicator (MBTI), an instrument that information presented in either of the
measures, among other things, the existence of the mismatch is
substantiated by Godleski,11,12 who other two.13-17 There are thus visual,
degree to which an individual prefers
found that in both chemical and auditory, and kinesthetic learners.*
sensing or intuition. In the succeeding
decades the MBTI has been given to electrical engineering courses intuitive Visual learners remember best what
hundreds of thousands of people and students almost invariably got higher they see: pictures, diagrams, flow
the resulting profiles have been grades than sensing students. The one charts, time lines, films, dem-
correlated with career preferences and exception was a senior course in onstrations. If something is simply
aptitudes, management styles, learning chemical process design and cost
said to them they will probably forget
styles, and various behavioral estimation, which the author
characterizes as a solid sensing it. Auditory learners remember much
tendencies. The characteristics of of what they hear and more of what
intuitive and sensing types7 and the course (i.e. one that involves facts
and repetitive calculations by well- they hear and then say. They get a lot
different ways in which sensors and
defined procedures as opposed to out of discussion, prefer verbal
intuitors approach learning1,2 have been
studied. many new ideas and abstract explanation to visual demonstration,
concepts). and learn effectively by explaining
Sensors like facts, data, and ex-
While sensors may not perform as things to others.
perimentation; intuitors prefer prin- well as intuitors in school, both types
ciples and theories. Sensors like solv- Most people of college age and
are capable of becoming fine engineers older are visual13,18 while most college
ing problems by standard methods and and are essential to engineering
dislike surprises; intuitors like practice. Many engineering tasks teaching is verbalthe information
innovation and dislike repetition. require the awareness of surroundings, presented is predominantly auditory
Sensors are patient with detail but do attentiveness to details, experimental (lecturing) or a visual representation of
not like complications; intuitors are thoroughness, and practicality that are auditory information (words and
bored by detail and welcome the hallmarks of sensors; many other mathematical symbols written in texts
tasks require the creativity, theoretical and handouts, on transparencies, or on
complications. Sensors are good at
ability, and talent at inspired a chalkboard). A second learning/
memorizing facts; intuitors are good at guesswork that characterize intuitors.
grasping new concepts. Sensors are teaching style mismatch thus exists,
To be effective, engineering edu-
careful but may be slow; intuitors are cation should reach both types, rather * Visual and auditory learning both
quick but may be careless. These than directing itself primarily to have to do with the component of the
characteristics are tendencies of the intuitors. The material presented learning process in which information
two types, not invariable behavior should be a blend of concrete in- is perceived, while kinesthetic learning
patterns: any individualeven a strong formation (facts, data, observable involves both information perception
sensor or intuitormay manifest signs phenomena) and abstract concepts (touching, tasting, smelling) and in-
of either type on any given occasion. (principles, theories, mathematical formation processing (moving,
An important distinction is that relating, doing something active while
models). The two teaching styles that
intuitors are more comfortable with learning). As noted previously, the
symbols than are sensors. Since words correspond to the sensing and intuitive perception-related aspects of
are symbols, translating them into what learning styles are therefore called kinesthetic learning are at best
they represent comes naturally to concrete and abstract.* marginally relevant to engineering
intuitors and is a struggle for sensors. Specific teaching methods that education; accordingly, only visual
Sensors slowness in translating words effectively address the educational and auditory modalities are addressed
puts them at a disadvantage in timed in this section. The processing compo-
tests: since they may have to read * Concrete experience and abstract nents of the kinesthetic modality are
questions several times before conceptualization are two poles of a included in the active/reflective learn-
beginning to answer them, they learning style dimension in Kolbs ex- ing style category.
frequently run out of time. Intuitors periential learning model7 that are
may also do poorly on timed tests but closely related to sensing and intuition.

Inductive learners need to see phenomena before they can understand underlying theory.

this one between the preferred input whenever possible. applications is an efficient and elegant
modality of most students and the pre- way to organize and present material
ferred presentation mode of most Inductive and Deductive that is already understood.
professors. Irrespective of the extent Learners Consequently, most engineering cur-
of the mismatch, presentations that use ricula are laid out along deductive
both visual and auditory modalities Induction is a reasoning progression lines, beginning with fundamentals
reinforce learning for all stu- that proceeds from particulars for sophomores and arriving at design
dents.4,14,19,20 The point is made by a (observations, measurements, data) to and operations by the senior year. A
study carried out by the Socony-Vac- generalities (governing rules, laws, similar progression is normally used to
uum Oil Company that concludes that theories). Deduction proceeds in the present material within individual
opposite direction. In induction one
students retain 10 percent of what they infers principles; in deduction one courses: principles first, applications
read, 26 percent of what they hear, 30 deduces consequences. later (if ever).
percent of what they see, 50 percent of Induction is the natural human Our informal surveys suggest that
what they see and hear, 70 percent of learning style. Babies do not come most engineering students view
what they say, and 90 percent of what into life with a set of general princi- themselves as inductive learners. We
they say as they do something.21 ples but rather observe the world also asked a group of engineering
How to teach both visual and au- around them and draw inferences: If I professors to identify their own
ditory learners: Few engineering in- throw my bottle and scream loudly, learning and teaching styles: half of
structors would have to modify what someone eventually shows up. Most the 46 professors identified them-
they usually do in order to present of what we learn on our own (as selves as inductive and half as de-
information auditorily: lectures opposed to in class) originates in a real ductive learners, but all agreed that
accomplish this task. What must situation or problem that needs to be their teaching was almost purely de-
generally be added to accommodate all addressed and solved, not in a general ductive. To the extent that these re-
students is visual materialpictures, principle; deduction may be part of the sults can be generalized, in the or-
diagrams, sketches. Process flow solution process but it is never the ganization of information along
charts, network diagrams, and logic or entire process. inductive/deductive linesas in the
information flow charts should be used On the other hand, deduction is the other dimensions discussed so fara
to illustrate complex processes or natural human teaching style, at least mismatch thus exists between the
algorithms; mathematical functions for technical subjects at the college learning styles of most engineering
should be illustrated by graphs; and level. Stating the governing prin- students and the teaching style to
films or live demonstrations of ciples and working down to the which they are almost invariably ex-
working processes should be presented posed.

One problem with deductive tive learner. There are indications that
presentation is that it gives a seriously Active learners do not learn engineers are more likely to be active
misleading impression. When students much in situations that require than reflective learners.20
see a perfectly ordered and concise them to be passive, and reflective Active learners do not learn much
exposition of a relatively complex learners do not learn much in in situations that require them to be
derivation they tend to think that the situations that provide no passive (such as most lectures), and
author/instructor originally came up opportunity to think about the reflective learners do not learn much
with the material in the same neat information being presented. in situations that provide no opportu-
fashion, which they (the students) nity to think about the information
could never have done. They may then with a statement of observable being presented (such as most lec-
conclude that the course and perhaps phenomena that the theory will tures). Active learners work well in
the curriculum and the profession are explain or of a physical problem the groups; reflective learners work better
beyond their abilities. They are correct theory will be used to solve; infers the by themselves or with at most one
in thinking that they could not have governing rules or principles that ex- other person. Active learners tend to
come up with that result in that plain the observed phenomena; and be experimentalists; reflective learners
manner; what they do not know is that deduces other implications and con- tend to be theoreticians.
neither could the professor nor the sequences of the inferred principles. At first glance there appears to be a
author the first time around. Un- Perhaps most important, some home- considerable overlap between active
fortunately, students never get to see work problems should be assigned that learners and sensors, both of whom
the real processthe false starts and present phenomena and ask for the are involved in the external world of
blind alleys, the extensive trial-and- underlying rules. Such problems play phenomena, and between reflective
error efforts that eventually lead to the to the inductive learners strength and learners and intuitors, both of whom
elegant presentation in the book or on they also help deductive learners favor the internal world of abstraction.
the board. An element of inductive develop facility with their less- The categories are independent,
teaching is necessary for the instructor preferred learning mode. Several such however. The sensor preferentially
to be able to diminish the students exercises have been suggested for selects information available in the
awe and increase their realistic different branches of engineering.29 external world but may process it
perceptions of problem-solving. either actively or reflectively, in the
Much research supports the notion Active and Reflective Learners latter case by postulating explanations
that the inductive teaching approach or interpretations, drawing analogies,
promotes effective learning. The The complex mental processes by or formulating models. Similarly, the
benefits claimed for this approach which perceived information is con- intuitor selects information generated
include increased academic achieve- verted into knowledge can be conve- internally but may process it
ment and enhanced abstract reasoning niently grouped into two categories: reflectively or actively, in the latter
skills;22 longer retention of in- active experimentation and reflective case by setting up an experiment to
formation;2324 improved ability to observation.3 Active experimentation test out the idea or trying it out on a
apply principles;25 confidence in involves doing something in the colleague.
external world with the information
problem-solving abilities;26 and in- In the list of teaching-style catego-
discussing it or explaining it or testing
creased capability for inventive it in some wayand reflective ries (table 1) the opposite of active is
thought.2728 observation involves examining and passive, not reflective, with both terms
Inductive learners need motivation manipulating the information in- referring to the nature of student
for learning. They do not feel trospectively. * An active learner is participation in class. Active
comfortable with the Trust methis someone who feels more comfortable signifies that students do something in
stuff will be useful to you some day with, or is better at, active ex- class beyond simply listening and
perimentation than reflective ob-
approach: like sensors, they need to watching, e.g., discussing, question-
servation, and conversely for a reflec-
see the phenomena before they can ing, arguing, brainstorming, or re-
understand and appreciate the flecting. Active student participation
underlying theory. * The active learner and the reflec- thus encompasses the learning pro-
How to teach both deductive and tive learner are closely related to the cesses of active experimentation and
inductive learners: An effective way extravert and introvert, respectively, of reflective observation. A class in
to reach both groups is to follow the the Jung-Myers-Briggs model.1 The which students are always passive is a
scientific method in classroom active learner also has much in class in which neither the active
presentations: first induction, then common with the kinesthetic learner experimenter nor the reflective ob-
deduction. The instructor precedes of the modality and neurolinguistic server can learn effectively. Unfortu-
presentations of theoretical material programming literature.14,15

nately, most engineering classes fall global learners. Since they do not learn
into this category. Global learners should be given in a steady or predictable manner they
As is true of all the other learning- tend to feel out-of-step with their
style dimensions, both active and re- the freedom to devise their own fellow students and incapable of
flective learners are needed as engi- methods of solving problems meeting the expectations of their
neers. The reflective observers are the rather than being forced to teachers. They may feel stupid when
theoreticians, the mathematical they are struggling to master material
modelers, the ones who can define the adopt the professors strategy, with which most of their
problems and propose possible and they should be exposed contemporaries seem to have little
solutions. The active experimenters are trouble. Some eventually become
periodically to advanced
the ones who evaluate the ideas, design discouraged with education and drop
and carry out the experiments, and find concepts before these concepts out. However, global learners are the
the solutions that workthe would normally be introduced. last students who should be lost to
organizers, the decision-makers. How higher education and society. They are
to teach both active and reflective the synthesizers, the multidisciplinary
learning dictated by the clock and
learners: Primarily, the instructor researchers, the systems thinkers, the
the calendar. When a body of material
should alternate lectures with ones who see the connections no one
has been covered the students are
occasional pauses for thought else sees. They can be truly
tested on their mastery and then move
(reflective) and brief discussion or outstanding engineersif they survive
to the next stage.
problem-solving activities (active), and the educational process.
Some students are comfortable with
should present material that How to teach global learners: Ev-
this system; they learn sequentially,
emphasizes both practical problem- erything required to meet the needs of
mastering the material more or less as
solving (active) and fundamental un- sequential learners is already being
it is presented. Others, however,
derstanding (reflective). An excep- done from first grade through graduate
cannot learn in this manner. They
tionally effective technique for school: curricula are sequential, course
learn in fits and starts: they may be
reaching active learners is to have syllabi are sequential, textbooks are
lost for days or weeks, unable to solve
students organize themselves at their sequential, and most teachers teach
even the simplest problems or show
seats in groups of three or four and sequentially. To reach the global
the most rudimentary understanding,
periodically come up with collective learners in a class, the instructor
until suddenly they get itthe light
answers to questions posed by the should provide the big picture or goal
bulb flashes, the jigsaw puzzle comes
instructor. The groups may be given of a lesson before presenting the steps,
together. They may then understand
from 30 seconds to five minutes to do doing as much as possible to establish
the material well enough to they apply
so, after which the answers are shared the context and relevance of the
it to problems that leave most of the
and discussed for as much or as little subject matter and to relate it to the
sequential learners baffled. These are
time as the instructor wishes to spend students experience. Applications and
the global learners.32
on the exercise. Besides forcing what ifs should be liberally
Sequential learners follow linear
thought about the course material, such furnished. The students should be
reasoning processes when solving
brainstorming exercises can indicate given the freedom to devise their own
problems; global learners make intu-
material that students dont methods of solving problems rather
itive leaps and may be unable to ex-
understand; provide a more congenial than being forced to adopt the
plain how they came up with solu-
classroom environment than can be professors strategy, and they should
tions. Sequential learners can work
achieved with a formal lecture; and be exposed periodically to advanced
with material when they understand it
involve even the most introverted concepts before these concepts would
partially or superficially, while global
students, who would never participate normally be introduced.
learners may have great difficulty
in a full class discussion. One such A particularly valuable way for in-
doing so. Sequential learners may be
exercise lasting no more than five structors to serve the global learners in
strong in convergent thinking and
minutes in the middle of a lecture their classes, as well as the sequential
analysis; global learners may be better
period can make the entire period a learners, is to assign creativity
at divergent thinking and synthesis.
stimulating and rewarding educational exercisesproblems that involve
Sequential learners learn best when
experience.31 generating alternative solutions and
material is presented in a steady
bringing in material from other
progression of complexity and
Sequential and Global Learners courses or disciplinesand to en-
difficulty; global learners sometimes
courage students who show promise in
do better by jumping directly to more
Most formal education involves the solving them.3133 Another way to
complex and difficult material. School
presentation of material in a logically support global learners is to explain
is often a difficult experience for
ordered progression, with the pace of

Teaching Techniques to Address their learning process to them. While

they are painfully aware of the draw-
All Learning Styles backs of their learning style, it is
usually a revelation to them that they
Motivate learning. As much as possible, relate the material being also enjoy advantagesthat their
presented to what has come before and what is still to come in creativity and breadth of vision can be
the same course, to material in other courses, and particularly to exceptionally valuable to future
the students personal experience (inductive/global). employers and to society. If they can
Provide a balance of concrete information (facts, data, real or be helped to understand how their
hypothetical experiments and their results) (sensing) and abstract learning process works, they may
concepts (principles, theories, mathematical models) (intuitive). become more comfortable with it, less
critical of themselves for having it, and
Balance material that emphasizes practical problem-solving more positive about education in
methods (sensing/active) with material that emphasizes general. If they are given the
fundamental understanding (intuitive/reflective). opportunity to display their unique
Provide explicit illustrations of intuitive patterns (logical abilities and their efforts are
inference, pattern recognition, generalization) and sensing encouraged in school, the chances of
their developing and applying those
patterns (observation of surroundings, empirical experimentation, abilities later in life will be substan-
attention to detail), and encourage all students to exercise both tially increased.
patterns (sensing/intuitive). Do not expect either group to be able
to exercise the other groups processes immediately. Conclusion
Follow the scientific method in presenting theoretical material.
Provide concrete examples of the phenomena the theory Learning styles of most engineering
describes or predicts (sensing/ inductive); then develop the students and teaching styles of most
theory or formulate the mod(intuitive/inductive/ sequential); engineering professors are in-
show how the theory or modcan be validated and deduce its
consequences (deductive/sequential); and present applications compatible in several dimensions.
(sensing/deductive/sequential). Many or most engineering students are
visual, sensing, inductive, and active,
Use pictures, schematics, graphs, and simple sketches liberally
before, during, and after the presentation of verbal material and some of the most creative students
(sensing/visual). Show films (sensing/visual.) Provide are global; most engineering education
demonstrations (sensing/visual), hands-on, if possible (active). is auditory, abstract (intuitive),
Use computer-assisted instructionsensors respond very well to deductive, passive, and sequential.
it34 (sensing/active). These mismatches lead to poor student
Do not fill every minute of class time lecturing and writing on the performance, professorial frustration,
board. Provide intervalshowever brieffor students to think and a loss to society of many
about what they have been told (reflective). potentially excellent engineers.
Provide opportunities for students to do something active besides Although the diverse styles with
transcribing notes. Small-group brainstorming activities that take which students learn are numerous, the
no more than five minutes are extremely effective for this inclusion of a relatively small number
purpose (active). of techniques in an instructors
Assign some drill exercises to provide practice in the basic repertoire should be sufficient to meet
methods being taught (sensing/active/sequential) but do not the needs of most or all of the students
overdo them (intuitive/reflective/ global). Also provide some in any class. The techniques and
open-ended problems and exercises that call for analysis and suggestions given on this page should
synthesis (intuitive/reflective/global). serve this purpose.
Give students the option of cooperating on homework assignments Professors confronted with this list
to the greatest possible extent (active). Active learners generally might feel that it is impossible to do all
learn best when they interact with others; if they are denied the that in a course and still cover the
opportunity to do so they are being deprived of their most syllabus. Their concern is not entirely
effective learning tool. unfounded: some of the recommended
Applaud creative solutions, even incorrect ones (intuitive/global). approachesparticularly those that
Talk to students about learning styles, both in advising and in involve the inductive organization of
classes. Students are reassured to find their academic difficulties information and opportunities for
may not all be due to personal inadequacies. Explaining to student activity during classmay
struggling sensors or active or global learners how they learn indeed add to the time it takes to
most efficiently may be an important step in helping them
present a given body of material.
reshape their learning experiences so that they can be successful
(all types). The idea, however, is not to use all

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cation, Engineering Education, vol. cisco, Calif., 1966.
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73, no. 5, Feb. 1983, pp. 394-400.
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evolve naturally and relatively neers, Denver, Aug. 1983. ington, Mass., 1978, p. 33.
painlessly, with a potentially dramatic 13. Barbe, WB. and M.N. Milone, 26. Kagan, J., Impulsive and Re-
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14. Barbe, WB., R.H. Swassing and Process, Rand McNally, Chicago, Ill.
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M.N. Milone, Teaching Through Mo-
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