Rfid Based Attendance System: Abstract - in Recent Past, A Rapid Growth in The Number of

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Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
SRM University,Kattankulathur
Chennai, India

Abstract In recent past, a rapid growth in the number of II. 2. MATERIALS AND METHOD
applications based on Radio Frequency Identification(RFID) The primary purpose of an rfid system in this application area
systems and have been successfully applied to different areas is to detect the presence and absence of the student data to be
as diverse as transportation, health-care, agriculture, and transmitted wirelessly by mobile device, called a tag, which is
hospitality industry to name a few. RFID technology facilitates read by an rfid reader and processed according to the
automatic wireless identification using electronic passive and programmed instructions on the personal computer (pc). the
active tags with suitable readers. In this paper, an attempt is ease with which rfid can be integrated into current operations
made to solve manual class attendance monitoring problem in depends on the openness and flexibility of the technology
developing countries using RFID technology. The application infrastructure especially the pc that will be used to collect and
of RFID to student attendance monitoring as developed and collate rfid data. the proposed system provides solution to
deployed in this study is capable of eliminating time wasted lecture attendance problem through coordinated hardware and
during manual collection of attendance and an opportunity for software design handshaking data communications between
the educational administrators to capture face-to-face rfid tag and rfid reader serially interfaced to the digital
classroom statistics for allocation of appropriate attendance computer system.
scores and for further decisions.

Key Words: RFID, Lecture, Attendance, Passive tag, Reader III. METHODOLOGY
A. Atmega
I. INTRODUCTION ATmega16 is an 8-bit high performance microcontroller of
Atmels Mega AVR family with low power consumption.
The availability of upper end high speed internet has provided Atmega16 is based on enhanced RISC architecture with 131
almost all the information, which causes the students to be less powerful instructions. Most of the instructions execute in one
interest in attending the classes in their working hours. machine cycle. Atmega16 can work on a maximum frequency
of 16MHz. ATmega16 has 16 KB programmable flash
Laziness on the part of students, unconcerned to college work,
memory, static RAM of 1 KB and EEPROM of 512 Bytes.
additional social activities that have no importance in aiding The endurance cycle of flash memory and EEPROM is 10,000
the objectives of the institution and a lot more, may prevent and 100,000, respectively. ATmega16 is a 40 pin
students from attending classes. Consequently, professors and microcontroller. There are 32 I/O lines which are divided into
administrators in most developing countries have had to come four 8-bit ports designated as PORTA, PORTB, PORTC and
up with ways to ensure a healthy participation from students, PORTD. ATmega16 has various in-built peripherals like
and make sure that the student-teacher interactive relationship USART, ADC, Analog Comparator, SPI, JTAG etc. Each I/O
pin has an alternative task related to in-built peripherals. The
is kept intact. This in some cases have come in simple forms
following table shows the pin description of ATmega16.
like roll calls, while in more interesting cases, can be formats
like surprise quizzes, extra credit in class, etc. These strategies
are however time consuming, stressful and laborious because
the valuable lecture time that could otherwise been used for
lectures is dedicated to student attendance taking [8] and
sometimes not accurate. In addition to all these challenges, the
attendances are recorded manually by the tutor and therefore
are prone to personal errors. immunity to the environmental
noise. Another reason why ultrasonic is popular is that the
technology is relatively inexpensive, and also ultrasound
emitters and detectors are small enough to be carried without
the need for complex circuitry.
Fig. 1 Atmega
B. Rfid Module
Also known as transceivers when they both send and receive.
RFID tags do not need to containbatteries, and can therefore
remain usable for very long periods of time (maybedecades).
The scanning antennas can be permanently affixed to asurface;
handheld antennas are also available.

Pictorial diagram


When this circuit is powered ON, initially the microcontroller will

Fig. 2 Rfid Module display the message as Swipe the card on the pc display. When the
RFID reader detects the ID card, it will send the unique card no to the
microcontroller via serial terminal. With the help of suitable
programming, we need to compare the received card no. with the
C. SOFTWARE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS numbers that are already stored in the microcontroller or any
database. Once, if any of these numbers are match with the received
card no., then the corresponding name stored in that no. is displayed
In the development cycle of the system, decisions were made on the pc and also the attendance for the name stored in the
on the parts of the system to be realized in the hardware corresponding number is marked. By pressing the button, the
design and the parts to be implemented in software. The attendance recording will be closed and the details are displayed on
software is decomposed into modules so that each module can the pc repeatedly until the microcontroller has been reset.
be individually tested as a unit and debugged before the
modules are integrated and tested as a software system in
order to ensure that the software design meets its specification
Such as cool term.


A careful observation of the trend of usage of RFID tags leads
one to consider the possibility of its utilization for monitoring
the attendance of students in educational institutions, with the
aid of program driven computers. While every student given a
specific RFID tag attends the lecture through entrance door, a
serial number (related to each students matriculation number)
of tag is associated with the student database entry. So every
time a student uses his/her card, the entries will be entered into
the database with the time stamp. The use of webcam might be
optionally necessary to take a snap of the person using the
card. Webcam reduces proxy attendance attempts. This is used
to cross-verify in the event of an undesirable event or dispute.
Consequently, the attendance data then can be used to create
many types of reports like daily attendance details, monthly,
weekly and real time feedback to parents.

Fig. Fire Sensor Fig. Circuit diagram

With the proposed architecture, if constructed with at most
accuracy, the blind people will able to move from one place to [1] Nambiar A.N, (2009), A supply chain perspective of
another without others help. If such a system is developed, it RFIDSystems, World Academy of Science, Engineering and
will act as a basic platform for the generation of more such Technology,Journal, Volume 6, pp1-5.
devices for the visually impaired in the future which will be
cost effective. It will be real boon for the blind. The developed [2] Intermec Technologies Corp., "RFID Overview:
prototype gives good results in detecting obstacles paced at Introduction toRadio FrequencyIdentification, RFID Journal,
distance in front of the user. The solution developed is a 2006.
moderate budget navigational aid for the visually impaired.
However minimizing cost leads to compromises in [3] Longe O.O.(2009),Implementation of Student Attendance
performance. It is advised that the design be improved before Systemusing RFID Technology, B. Tech Project
commercial production. Report,LadokeAkintola, University ofTechnology, Ogbomoso,
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT [4]www.circuitdigest.com

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to our guide, Mrs. [5] DNA technology, http://www.dnatechindia.com/
A.Anilet bala her valuable guidance, consistent encouragement,
personal caring, timely help and providing us with an excellent
atmosphere for doing research. All through the work, in spite of her
busy schedule, she has extended cheerful and cordial support to us for
completing this project work.

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