Design and Implementation of A Low-Power Active RF
Design and Implementation of A Low-Power Active RF
Design and Implementation of A Low-Power Active RF
Received November 22, 2011; revised December 28, 2011; accepted January 10, 2012
In this paper a new active RFID system at 2.45 GHz based on the low-power system-on-chip CC2530 RF transceiver is
designed and implemented. Only by using of an integrated multi-channel fast chip, both the MCU and RF operations
are done which makes the RFID more reliable and reduces the complexity of the hardware and cost, vividly. This RFID
system utilizes the Zig-Bee IEEE 802.15.4 standard in the ISM band. A lot amount of energy is restored by setting Tags
in the sleep mode in the most of times. The maximum transmission range of 80 m at the output power of 4.5 dBm is
obtained. The main application of this system is for the container identification with precise operation and high accu-
racy. An active Tag with unique ID is mounted on each vehicle. By enabling the AUTOCRC error detection possibility,
minor errors are detected in the received frames. Receiver sensitivity of –97 dBm and current consumption of 1 µA in
the sleep mode and 29.6 mA in the active mode are reported.
Keywords: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID); CC2530; RSSI; Active Tags; Collision; TDMA; IEEE 802.15.4;
Sleep Mode
RFID is used for short-range applications such as smart integrated chip [6]. So, it handles all the baseband and
cards. In addition to passive RFID Tags, active RFID RF processing functions together. In addition to mini-
Tags are designed having their own power supply, which mize the hardware size, it prevents from high frequency
is the basis of our work. They even act out the range of noise generated from connecting RF transceiver and
magnetic field of the Reader. RFIDs are designed at the MCU chips. This integrated chip benefits from the low
standard frequency ranges: low-frequency (LF), high- power consumption, high communication range, high
frequency (HF), Ultra High Frequency (UHF) and Mi- capacity memories, multiple channels, and high sensitiv-
crowave. In the comparison of different types of RFIDs, ity receiver [7]. Some critical issues in the active RFID
lower frequencies don’t penetrate or transmit around should be considered when developing the hardware [8].
metals, handle only small amounts of data and slow the The first key point of the development is the lifetime of
data transfer. The main advantages of microwave fre- the active RFID Tag. Because the active RFID Tag is
quencies are smaller size, smaller antenna and higher energized by the internal battery, the lifetime of the Tag
data range than other frequencies [3]. is mainly depends on the lifetime of the battery. At first,
By emerging advanced technology and improving the we choose the low-power components and implement a
economy, the automation of harbors is necessary. Using mechanism in which the processor can completely turn
RFID, a large amount of time and cost will be restored off the radio or simply put it in the sleep mode to save
and the safer transportation method is provided. Because the power. The second one is the ability of the anti-colli-
containers occupy a large area at the ports, the RFID in- sion, which is important especially in the vehicle trans-
terrogate zone should be large enough to cover a wide portation environment. To get to the high identification
range. So active Tags at the microwave frequency should rate for multiple Tags, the anti-collision is carefully ap-
be used for these applications [2,4]. plied. In Table 1, the key parameters of the system
Collision phenomenon is a common problem that we achieved by using of CC2530 are listed [7].
have encountered at the first step of designing a multi-
Tag RFID system. Whenever several Tags are presented 2.1. Reader Structure
in the interrogate zone of Reader and respond to the In Figure 2, the hardware of the RFID Reader is shown.
Reader command simultaneously, their data collide in the The Reader acts as a sub-master in this system so it exe-
air. So a lot amount of energy, bandwidth and time will cutes any command received from the PC. A personal
be wasted. Different anti-collision procedures have been computer is connected to the Reader through the RS-232
designed for avoiding from the collision. Because TDMA serial interface [9]. The block diagram of the Reader is
protocols are the largest applicable group of anti-colli- shown in Figure 3. The MCU unit directly controls the
sion, hence we focus on TDMA in this paper. [3]. RF transceiver to communicate with Tags and processes
Power consumption is always a remarkable criterion in all Tags response data [5]. For precise operation of the
the design of Tags, especially in the applications where radio part, an external oscillator with the frequency ac-
power supply is limited. One drawback of the active curacy of lower than ±40 ppm is required. We used
RFID systems is the precise synchronization requirement HXO-36B crystal oscillator with the frequency stability
between the Reader and Tags. In this work, we put Tags of ±25 ppm.
in the sleep mode most times, which all circuitry of Tags
are turned off during the sleep mode. A Tag is only acti- 2.2. Tag Structure
vated by the Reader command in the small fraction of
The amount of power and area consumption is a remark-
one reading cycle. So, in the major portion of time, Tag
able challenge in the design of portable Tags. Decreasing
is inactive.
the Tag’s power consumption is an important factor in
This paper is organized as below: at first the hardware
active RFIDs [10]. Choosing a low-power chip in hard-
is described in detail. Second, software algorithm and
anti-collision protocol are described, completely. After
that, experimental results are reported. Finally, we con-
clude our work.
2. Hardware Description
Unlike other previous similar works, which use some
modules to meet the requisite of a practical RFID system,
our hardware uses only a low-power high-accuracy trans-
ceiver for both Reader and Tags [4,5]. It has all capabili-
ties of a microprocessor and RF transceiver module in an Figure 2. The hardware of the reader.
ware design is an aspect, and the software algorithm of when the received frames are from the Reader. After
Tags is also another key factor to decrease the power responding to the Reader command, Tag goes to the
consumption. There are three kinds of states in this algo- sleep mode. We compact the dimensions of Tags down
rithm as follows: sleep condition, survey condition, and to near 660 mm2. The block diagram of Tags is shown in
communication condition. The hardware of Tags is same Figure 4.
with that shown in Figure 2, but it does not need any
serial interface [2]. In general, in most of times, Tags are 3. Software Development
in the sleep condition. At this time all internal circuits of
3.1. Anti-Collision Protocol
the Tag are inactive except the low-frequency clock. The
Tag is woken up and interrupted by received data packets. Anti-collision protocol is critical in the performance of
Then Tag enters to the communication condition only RFID systems. Without using an anti-collision protocol,
Modulation Carrie Frequency Data Rang Max Output Receiver Max Current in
Reference Anti-Collision Protocol
Typpe (MHZ) Rate (meter) Power (dBm) Sensitivity (dBm) TX Mode (mA)
[2] QPSK 2450 150 100 0 –95 Binary Search Algorithm 11.3 mA at 3.6 V
[4] OQPSK 2450 250 100 1 –95 Binary Search Algorithm 15.1 mA at 3.6 V
[11] ASK/FSK/MSK 800 - 928 500 30 +10 –110 Hybrid TDMA MAC 40 mA at 3 V
[12] FSK 433 153 10 +5 –85 Dynamic framed Slotted-ALOHA 40 mA at 3 V
[13] QPSK/MSK 2450 150 30 0 –90 Pure-ALOHA TDMA 13 mA at 3.6 V
This Work OQPSK 2405 - 2485 250 80 +4.5 –97 Slotted-Aloha TDMA 29.6 mA at 3.3 V
Bytes: 4 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 n=2 2
Preamble Sequence SFD Frame Length FCF Data Sequence Number PAN ID Dest Address Source Address Payload FCS
Figure 9. The physical and MAC layers of IEEE 802.15.4 standard frames [7].
+4.5 dBm
-4 dBm
Received Signal Strength Indicator(dBm)
RSSI @ -4 dBm
Receiver Sensitivity
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Packet Error Rate(%) 1.4
Round time(second)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Tag numbers
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