HB9BLA Wireless - RUTX14 Zerotier
HB9BLA Wireless - RUTX14 Zerotier
HB9BLA Wireless - RUTX14 Zerotier
Go to: Services→Package Manager and install Zerotier (Press + button for installation)
(My ID whitened)
Now it should appear in the Zerotier Dashboard on your PC. Accept it and enable Ethernet bridging (as shown in
Now you can connect to the router with ping and the Zerotier address
Look for ZeroTier virtual interface name and write it down. It should look something like this zxxxxxxx.
With this zxxxxxx name go to Network -> Interfaces and edit LAN
(same window as for IP config). In new window go to “Physical settings” and press dropdown menu for “Interface”,
at “Custom” add ZeroTier interface name to bridge it and save everything. This should look similar like this:
1. Go back to CLI and execute vi /etc/config/network
Check if others are the same as shown here (your zxxxxxxxx number should be here)
Look at the Network's Member List at ZeroTier Central. If a Member doesn't have a Physical IP listed, it may be
zerotier-cli info -j
is "tcpFallbackActive" true? TCP fallback is the slowest form of relaying. It's a last resort.
zerotier-cli listpeers
Look for the Node ID <ztaddr> of the device you're trying to communicate with and see if it has an IP address listed
under <path>. If there's no IP address, it's relaying.
There's a second form of relaying where packets bounce off ZeroTier's infrastructure. This is better than TCP
relaying, but can still be subject to packet loss and high latency.
zerotier-cli peers
Is an easier to read version of listpeers . It is available in zerotier versions 1.4 and up.
opkg update
opkg install iperf3
Start it with:
iperf3 -s
Go to https://iperf.fr/iperf-download.php#windows