Yumul Et Al-2005-Resource Geology
Yumul Et Al-2005-Resource Geology
Yumul Et Al-2005-Resource Geology
3, 189198, 2005
Tectonics and Geodynamics Group, National Institute of Geological Sciences, College of Science, University of the
Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines [e-mail: [email protected]]
1 Also with Philippine Council for Industry and Energy Research and Development, and Philippine Atmospheric, Geo-
physical and Astronomical Services Administration, Department of Science and Technology, Bicutan, Taguig, Metro
Manila, Philippines
Received on March 31, 2005; accepted on August 2, 2005
Abstract: The aseismic Palawan microcontinental block is an oceanic bathymetric high that has collided with the seismically-ac-
tive Philippine Mobile Belt since the Early Miocene. Consequently, tectonic microblocks immediately north (Luzon) and south
(Western Visayas Block) of the collision front rotated in opposite senses. The rotation led the microblocks to onramp adjacent
strike-slip faults, and converted these to subduction zones, namely, the current Manila and Negros Trenches. In addition, the colli-
sion also initiated the southward propagation of a major left-lateral strike slip fault, the Philippine Fault Zone, and the Philippine
Trench, which bounds the Philippine archipelago along its eastern boundary. Based on onshore and offshore data, the Philippine
Fault Zone and the East Luzon Trough Philippine Trench appears to also propagate northward. Furthermore, the opposite direc-
tion of propagation is also noted for the Manila and Negros Trenches from the locus of the collision in the Central Philippines to
their northern and southern extensions, respectively. The ages of initiation of the Manila Trench (Early Miocene), Philippine
Fault Zone (Middle Miocene) and Philippine Trench (Pliocene) as encountered along a west to east transect in the Central Philip-
pines are consistent with the collision and subsequent indentation of Palawan with the rest of the Philippine Mobile Belt.
Keywords: indenter, oceanic bathymetric high, tectonics, Palawan, Manila Trench, Philippine Trench, Philippine Fault
Zone, Philippines
Fig. 1 Oceanic bathymetric highs (OBHs) that include the Scarborough Seamount Chain, Zamboanga Peninsula and the
Palawan microcontinental block can be found around the Philippine archipelago. Aside from OBHs, marginal basins sur-
round the archipelago South China Sea, Sulu Sea, Celebes Sea, West Philippine Sea and Molucca Sea. The Philippine
Fault Zone (PFZ), a left-lateral strike-slip fault, traverses the archipelago from north to south. It takes up whatever strain
that cannot be accommodated by the surrounding subduction zones (e.g. Manila Trench, Negros Trench, Sulu Trench, Cota-
bato Trench, East Luzon Trough and Philippine Trench). Present-day compression is being taken up within the vicinity of
the Romblon group of islands. The Siayan-Sindangan Suture Zone (SSSZ) is the northwestern extension of the Siayan-
Daguma-Cotabato Fault (SDCF). Inset shows the different plates surrounding the Philippine Mobile Belt (hachured area).
PSP = Philippine Sea Plate; Sund = Sundaland; IA = Indo-Australia.
Manila Trench
(a) (b)
northern segment PFZ
t Lu
Central Cordillera Complex
Digdig Fault
Sibuyan Basin
Sea Fault 0 200 km
Macolod Palawan Continental Block
p in
Basin Metamorphic rocks
Mindoro Sibuyan Bicol
Extensional stress regime
B Romblon
Ophiolite BP Panay
Compressional stress regime Legazpi
an Cebu
law Leyte
t Z
Ne g ro
T. Northern Sierra
n n-
h oa Ophiolite
nc mb
Tre Za
ba Mati
T. OBH Locality Pujada Ophiolite
N Propagation direction
Epicenter of
0 400 km July 1990 earthquake
Fig. 2 (a) Several manifestations of the docking of the Palawan microcontinental block indenter onto the Philippine Mobile
Belt include oceanic lithospheres that were exhumed as ophiolite units in western Mindoro and the Romblon group of is-
lands. The curved belt of metamorphic rocks seen in Mindoro, Romblon group of islands and Panay is another feature,
which defines the suture zone. Available data suggest that the indentation of the PCB to the PMB had resulted into the
propagation (open arrow) and younging of tectonic features in the PMB not only southward but northward as well. T =
Tablas, B = Boracay, BP = Buruanga Peninsula. See text for details. (b) Coupled propagation towards the south is ob-
served for the Philippine Trench and Philippine Fault Zone. Recent isotopic datings done on volcanic rocks in the Bicol
Peninsula and Leyte (e.g., Sajona et al., 1997; Ozawa et al., 2004) are consistent with the southward propagation of the
Philippine Trench. Based on onshore and offshore data, the Philippine Fault Zone and East Luzon Trough - Philippine
Trench are speculated to also propagate northward. See text for discussion.
the Early Miocene Manila Trench, Middle Miocene Ne- zon, the present-day East Luzon Trough is a rejuvena-
gros Trench, Late Miocene to Pliocene Sulu and Cota- tion of the proto-East Luzon Trough, which was respon-
bato Trenches dip primarily toward the east. This west- sible for the generation of the Cretaceous to Oligocene
ern boundary marks the subduction of the Early Northern Sierra Madre magmatic rocks (Fig. 2b).
Oligocene to Early Miocene South China Sea (Manila As a whole, the Philippine island-arc system represents
Trench), the Early to Middle Miocene Sulu Sea basin a composite terrane consisting of the aseismic PCB and
(Negros and Sulu Trenches) and the Eocene Celebes the seismically-active PMB (e.g., Gervasio, 1971;
basin (Cotabato Trench) (Figs. 1 and 2a). Along the Tamayo et al., 2001; Ramos et al., 2005) (Fig. 1). The
eastern boundary of the archipelago, the Eocene West continental-derived PCB was rifted from the southern
Philippine Sea basin, through westward subduction, is portion of Mainland China during the opening of the
being consumed along the East Luzon Trough-Philip- South China Sea (e.g., Taylor and Hayes, 1980; Suzuki et
pine Trench (Figs. 1 and 2b). The Molucca Sea basin is al., 2000). The PMB, on the other hand, is characterized
being subducted beneath Halmahera and Sangihe, by the accretion and amalgamation of different terranes
which will ultimately result into its closure. The left- that could have originated from the ancient Philippine
lateral strike-slip Philippine Fault Zone takes up what- Sea Plate and the Indo-Australian margin (e.g., McCabe
ever strain that cannot be accommodated by the sur- et al., 1985; Ali et al., 2001; Pubellier et al., 2003a).
rounding subduction zones (Fig. 1). Northeast of Lu-
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 3 (a) Bedded red and gray cherts as exposed in the Buruanga Peninsula, Panay island. These cherts are part of the PCB.
(b) Raised coral reefs in Boracay island which are believed to be collision-related. (c) Microfolding of metamorphic rocks
(quartz schist, mica schist), believed to have formed due to the PCB PMB collision, as exposed in Tablas island. (d) Lay-
ered gabbro, which is part of the Sibuyan Ophiolite Complex, as exposed in Calatrava, Tablas island. Emplacement of the
ophiolite is attributed to the collision.
danao. Since these sediments were sourced from Min- a southward progression of volcanism from Bicol through
danao, they could have not been deposited in their pre- Leyte to eastern Mindanao consistent with the southward
sent location if the trench existed during the Miocene. propagation of the Philippine Trench. In summary, inde-
Results of the Modec cruise conducted offshore of Min- pendent lines of evidence support the southward progres-
danao also revealed that the Philippine Trench is propa- sion of the Philippine Fault Zone and the Philippine
gating southward (Rangin et al., 1996; Lallemand et al., Trench: a) The Middle Miocene to Holocene age of the
1998). Similar to the Philippine Trench, the Philippine fault system, based on the sediments it cuts, from Central
Fault Zone is known to also propagate southward. This Philippines to Eastern Mindanao; b) Offshore data show-
fault cuts Holocene sediments exposed in Mati, Davao ing the southward propagation of the Philippine Trench,
Oriental, evincing its active status (Quebral et al. 1996; and c) The younging of volcanism from the Bicol region
Yumul et al. 2003b). Studies conducted in Central Philip- to Eastern Mindanao (Fig. 2b). With the belief that the
pines, specifically in the islands of Masbate and Leyte, PCB PMB collision has initiated the formation of the
suggest that the Philippine Fault Zone appeared as early Philippine Fault Zone and Philippine Trench, the mecha-
as the Middle Miocene (e.g., Aurelio et al., 1991). This is nism maintaining their southward propagation is different.
consistent with the southward propagation and younging Our work along the western side of Central South-
of the fault zone and indirectly, the Philippine Trench. western Philippines includes Mindoro, Panay (Antique)
Ozawa et al. (2004) have recently done isotopic datings of and the Zamboanga Peninsula. The proto-Manila
volcanic rocks in the Bicol Peninsula. Their results as well Trench that separated the PCB and PMB jammed with
as those of Wolfe (1983) and Sajona et al. (1997) from the the docking of the PCB OBH. The reported age of the
eastern side of Central Southeastern Philippines indicate collision, taken here as the start in the contact of the
Fig. 4 (a) The eastward younging of the
geologic features, as shown by the open
arrows, from the Early Miocene proto-
Manila Trench through the Middle
Miocene Philippine Fault Zone all the
way to the Pliocene Philippine Trench, is
believed to be related to the collision of
the Palawan microcontinental block
(stippled area) with the Philippine Mo-
bile Belt. Refer to inset for exact loca-
tion. See text for discussion. (b) Cartoon
drawing of how the collision is believed
to have occurred. T1 Collision be-
tween the PCB and the PMB. T2 In-
dentation related to the collision of the
PCB as an oceanic bathymetric high.
Take note that in front of the collision, a
subduction zone was developed. The
north and south extension of the subduc-
tion zone were strike-slip faults. T3
Continuous subduction resulted into the
cusping of the PMB overriding plate.
T4 The counterclockwise rotation of
the northern part of the PMB and the
clockwise rotation of its southern part
(Fig. 2b inset) resulted into the onramp-
ing of the PMB on top of the strike-slip
faults. These faults are believed to have
(b) been converted into trenches (MT
Manila Trench; NT Negros Trench).
T5 Continuous collision resulted into
the formation of strike-slip faults and the
Philippine Trench. T1 to T5 encompass
the period Early Miocene to Pliocene. A
notable weakness of the model is the ob-
served continuous left-lateral strike-slip
characteristic of the present-day Philip-
pine Fault Zone which is not what would
be expected after an OBH collision. It is
opined that the present fault zone repre-
sents inherited structures. See text for
PCB and PMB, varies from Oligocene to Late Miocene Trenches. Subduction along the Negros Trench had
(McCabe et al., 1985; Marchadier and Rangin, 1990). commenced during the Middle Miocene. At that time,
Our data on Mindanao and Luzon indirectly suggest that the trench was still part of a paleo-subduction zone that
the collision occurred during the Early Miocene (e.g., is presently exposed as the Siayan-Sindangan Suture
Bellon and Yumul, 2000; Yumul et al., 2003b, 2004). Zone (Yumul et al., 2004) (Fig. 2a). The ages and spa-
The Zamboanga Peninsula had collided with the Central tial relationships of the aforementioned tectonic features
Mindanao arc along the Siayan-Sindangan Suture Zone also suggest a southward progression of the effects of
during the Middle Miocene (Tamayo et al., 2000; Yu- the PCB-PMB collision along the western side of the
mul et al., 2004) (Fig. 2a). The Siayan-Sindangan Suture archipelago, from the Manila Trench through the Ne-
Zone is the northwestern extension of the Sindangan gros Trench to the Siayan-Sindangan Suture Zone.
Cotabato Daguma Fault (e.g., Pubellier et al., 1991; Looking at the northern part of Luzon, focal mecha-
Jimenez et al., 2002) (Fig. 1). When the PCB and PMB nism solutions show seismic activities along the East
converged along the proto-Manila Trench during the Luzon Trough. With a well-developed accretionary
Early Miocene, the northern and southern extensions of complex but non-existent associated volcanic arc and a
the latter would have been strike-slip faults (Fig. 4). very short West Philippine Sea subducted slab, the East
These faults are believed to have been subsequently Luzon Trough is a rejuvenation of the proto-East Luzon
converted into the present-day Manila and Negros Trench (e.g., Besana et al., 1997; Hamburger et al.,
vol. 55, no. 3, 2005 Philippine Indenter-tectonics 195
Northern Luzon area range from early to late Middle northern Luzon and eastern Mindanao are acknowledged
Miocene (Pinet and Stephan, 1990; Ringenbach et al., with thanks. This paper is a result of our on-going pro-
1990). However, a new splay, the Digdig Fault, has gram on Philippine tectonics that aims to understand how
been generated recently (Fig. 2b). It is possible that the this arc system had evolved. Data and information gener-
present-day Philippine Fault Zone is a rejuvenation of ated during our fieldworks in Baguio and other parts of
the ancient Philippine Fault Zone which could have Northern Luzon, Bicol, Leyte, Samar, Surigao and Davao
formed as a result of the PCB-PMB collision. Addi- Oriental were utilized in this paper. Discussions with oth-
tional field data has to be generated if the northward er colleagues, both in the field and laboratory are very
propagation of the Philippine Fault Zone is attributable, much appreciated. R. Maury had been unselfish in sharing
directly or indirectly, to the PCB-PMB collision. with us his ideas. Errors in this paper, however, are solely
Farther east, the Philippine Trench was initiated during the authors responsibility. Constructive comments and
the Pliocene in the vicinity of Bicol-Samar in Central reviews by Y. Watanabe, D. Lucas and A. Imai are ac-
Philippines. This feature is propagating southward off- knowledged with thanks. This is U. P. NIGS Contribu-
shore of eastern Mindanao. The transform fault connect- tion No. 2005-10.
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