3rd Assignment

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3rd Assignment:

Section 32. Review of decree of registration; Innocent purchaser

LAWS: for value. The decree of registration shall not be reopened or
revised by reason of absence, minority, or other disability of any
1. P.D. 1529; Sections; person adversely affected thereby, nor by any proceeding in any
court for reversing judgments, subject, however, to the right of
Section 30. When judgment becomes final; duty to cause any person, including the government and the branches thereof,
issuance of decree. The judgment rendered in a land registration deprived of land or of any estate or interest therein by such
proceedings becomes final upon the expiration of thirty days to be adjudication or confirmation of title obtained by actual fraud, to file
counted from the data of receipt of notice of the judgment. An in the proper Court of First Instance a petition for reopening and
appeal may be taken from the judgment of the court as in ordinary review of the decree of registration not later than one year from
civil cases. and after the date of the entry of such decree of registration, but
in no case shall such petition be entertained by the court where an
After judgment has become final and executory, it shall devolve innocent purchaser for value has acquired the land or an interest
upon the court to forthwith issue an order in accordance with therein, whose rights may be prejudiced. Whenever the phrase
Section 39 of this Decree to the Commissioner for the issuance of innocent purchaser for value or an equivalent phrase occurs in
the decree of registration and the corresponding certificate of title this Decree, it shall be deemed to include an innocent lessee,
in favor of the person adjudged entitled to registration. mortgagee, or other encumbrancer for value.

Section 31. Decree of registration. Every decree of registration Upon the expiration of said period of one year, the decree of
issued by the Commissioner shall bear the date, hour and minute registration and the certificate of title issued shall become
of its entry, and shall be signed by him. It shall state whether the incontrovertible. Any person aggrieved by such decree of
owner is married or unmarried, and if married, the name of the registration in any case may pursue his remedy by action for
husband or wife: Provided, however, that if the land adjudicated damages against the applicant or any other persons responsible
by the court is conjugal property, the decree shall be issued in the for the fraud.
name of both spouses. If the owner is under disability, it shall
state the nature of disability, and if a minor, his age. It shall D. HEARING; JUDGMENT; DECREE
contain a description of the land as finally determined by the court,
and shall set forth the estate of the owner, and also, in such Section 38. Hearing, Judgment, Decree. The trial of the case may
manner as to show their relative priorities, all particular estates, occur at any convenient place within the province in which the
mortgages, easements, liens, attachments, and other lands are situated and shall be conducted, and orders for default
encumbrances, including rights of tenant-farmers, if any, to which and confessions entered, in the same manner as in ordinary land
the land or owners estate is subject, as well as any other matters registration proceedings and shall be governed by the same rules.
properly to be determined in pursuance of this Decree. All conflicting interests shall be adjudicated by the court and
decrees awarded in favor of the persons entitled to the lands or to
The decree of registration shall bind the land and quiet title parts thereof and such decrees shall be the basis for issuance of
thereto, subject only to such exceptions or liens as may be original certificates of title in favor of said persons and shall have
provided by law. It shall be conclusive upon and against all the same effect as certificates of title granted on application for
persons, including the National Government and all branches registration of land under ordinary land registration proceedings.
thereof, whether mentioned by name in the application or notice,
the same being included in the general description To all whom it CHAPTER IV
any interest therein. The Register of Deeds shall note on each
Section 39. Preparation of decree and Certificate of Title. After certificate of title a statement as to whom a copy thereof was
the judgment directing the registration of title to land has become issued.
final, the court shall, within fifteen days from entry of judgment,
issue an order directing the Commissioner to issue the Section 42. Registration Books. The original copy of the original
corresponding decree of registration and certificate of title. The certificate of title shall be filed in the Registry of Deeds. The same
clerk of court shall send, within fifteen days from entry of shall be bound in consecutive order together with similar
judgment, certified copies of the judgment and of the order of the certificates of title and shall constitute the registration book for
court directing the Commissioner to issue the corresponding titled properties.
decree of registration and certificate of title, and a certificate
stating that the decision has not been amended, reconsidered, nor Section 43. Transfer Certificate of Title. The subsequent
appealed, and has become final. Thereupon, the Commissioner certificate of title that may be issued by the Register of Deeds
shall cause to be prepared the decree of registration as well as the pursuant to any voluntary or involuntary instrument relating to the
original and duplicate of the corresponding original certificate of same land shall be in like form, entitled Transfer Certificate of
title. The original certificate of title shall be a true copy of the Title, and likewise issued in duplicate. The certificate shall show
decree of registration. The decree of registration shall be signed by the number of the next previous certificate covering the same land
the Commissioner, entered and filed in the Land Registration and also the fact that it was originally registered, giving the record
Commission. The original of the original certificate of title shall also number, the number of the original certificate of title, and the
be signed by the Commissioner and shall be sent, together with volume and page of the registration book in which the latter is
the owners duplicate certificate, to the Register of Deeds of the found.
city or province where the property is situated for entry in his
registration book. Section 44. Statutory liens affecting title. Every registered owner
receiving a certificate of title in pursuance of a decree of
Section 40. Entry of Original Certificate of Title. Upon receipt by registration, and every subsequent purchaser of registered land
the Register of Deeds of the original and duplicate copies of the taking a certificate of title for value and in good faith, shall hold
original certificate of title the same shall be entered in his record the same free from all encumbrances except those noted in said
book and shall be numbered, dated, signed and sealed by the certificate and any of the following encumbrances which may be
Register of Deeds with the seal of his office. Said certificate of title subsisting, namely:
shall take effect upon the date of entry thereof. The Register of
Deeds shall forthwith send notice by mail to the registered owner First. Liens, claims or rights arising or existing under the laws and
that his owners duplicate is ready for delivery to him upon Constitution of the Philippines which are not by law required to
payment of legal fees. appear of record in the Registry of Deeds in order to be valid
against subsequent purchasers or encumbrancers of record.
Section 41. Owners duplicate certificate of title. The owners
duplicate certificate of title shall be delivered to the registered Second. Unpaid real estate taxes levied and assessed within two
owner or to his duly authorized representative. If two or more years immediately preceding the acquisition of any right over the
persons are registered owners, one owners duplicate certificate land by an innocent purchaser for value, without prejudice to the
may be issued for the whole land, or if the co-owners so desire, a right of the government to collect taxes payable before that period
separate duplicate may be issued to each of them in like form, but from the delinquent taxpayer alone.
all outstanding certificates of title so issued shall be surrendered
whenever the Register of Deeds shall register any subsequent Third. Any public highway or private way established or recognized
voluntary transaction affecting the whole land or part thereof or by law, or any government irrigation canal or lateral thereof, if the
certificate of title does not state that the boundaries of such
highway or irrigation canal or lateral thereof have been Section 49. Splitting, or consolidation of titles. A registered owner
determined. of several distinct parcels of land embraced in and covered by a
certificate of title desiring in lieu thereof separate certificates, each
Fourth. Any disposition of the property or limitation on the use containing one or more parcels, may file a written request for that
thereof by virtue of, or pursuant to, Presidential Decree No. 27 or purpose with the Register of Deeds concerned, and the latter, upon
any other law or regulations on agrarian reform. the surrender of the owners duplicate, shall cancel it together with
its original and issue in lieu thereof separate certificates as
Section 45. Statement of personal circumstances in the desired. A registered owner of several distinct parcels of land
certificate. Every certificate of title shall set forth the full names of covered by separate certificates of title desiring to have in lieu
all persons whose interests make up the full ownership in the thereof a single certificate for the whole land, or several
whole land, including their civil status, and the names of their certificates for the different parcels thereof, may also file a written
respective spouses, if married, as well as their citizenship, request with the Register of Deeds concerned, and the latter, upon
residence and postal address. If the property covered belongs to the surrender of the owners duplicates, shall cancel them together
the conjugal partnership, it shall be issued in the names of both with their originals, and issue in lieu thereof one or separate
spouses. certificates as desired.

Section 46. General incidents of registered land. Registered land Section 50. Subdivision and consolidation plans. Any owner
shall be subject to such burdens and incidents as may arise by subdividing a tract of registered land into lots which do not
operation of law. Nothing contained in this decree shall in any way constitute a subdivision project has defined and provided for under
be construed to relieve registered land or the owners thereof from P.D. No. 957, shall file with the Commissioner of Land Registration
any rights incident to the relation of husband and wife, landlord or with the Bureau of Lands a subdivision plan of such land on
and tenant, or from liability to attachment or levy on execution, or which all boundaries, streets, passageways and waterways, if any,
from liability to any lien of any description established by law on shall be distinctly and accurately delineated.
the land and the buildings thereon, or on the interest of the owner
in such land or buildings, or to change the laws of descent, or the If a subdivision plan, be it simple or complex, duly approved by
rights of partition between co-owners, or the right to take the the Commissioner of Land Registration or the Bureau of Lands
same by eminent domain, or to relieve such land from liability to together with the approved technical descriptions and the
be recovered by an assignee in insolvency or trustee in corresponding owners duplicate certificate of title is presented for
bankcruptcy under the laws relative to preferences, or to change registration, the Register of Deeds shall, without requiring further
or affect in any way other rights or liabilities created by law and court approval of said plan, register the same in accordance with
applicable to unregistered land, except as otherwise provided in the provisions of the Land Registration Act, as amended: Provided,
this Decree. however, that the Register of Deeds shall annotate on the new
certificate of title covering the street, passageway or open space, a
Section 47. Registered land not subject to prescriptions. No title memorandum to the effect that except by way of donation in favor
to registered land in derogation of the title of the registered owner of the national government, province, city or municipality, no
shall be acquired by prescription or adverse possession. portion of any street, passageway, waterway or open space so
delineated on the plan shall be closed or otherwise disposed of by
Section 48. Certificate not subject to collateral attack. A the registered owner without the approval of the Court of First
certificate of title shall not be subject to collateral attack. It cannot Instance of the province or city in which the land is situated.
be altered, modified, or canceled except in a direct proceeding in
accordance with law.
A registered owner desiring to consolidate several lots into one or land shall be deemed to be registered land to all intents and
more, requiring new technical descriptions, shall file with the Land purposes under this Decree.
Registration Commission, a consolidation plan on which shall be
shown the lots to be affected, as they were before, and as they will CHAPTER IX
appear after the consolidation. Upon the surrender of the owners CERTIFICATE OF LAND TRANSFER, EMANCIPATION PATENT,
duplicate certificates and the receipt of consolidation plan duty AFFIDAVIT OF NON-TENANCY
approved by the Commission, the Register of Deeds concerned
shall cancel the corresponding certificates of title and issue a new Section 104. Provisional Register of Documents. The Department
one for the consolidated lots. of Agrarian Reform shall prepare by automate data processing a
special registry book to be known as the Provisional Register of
The Commission may not order or cause any change, modification, Documents issued under PD-27 which shall be kept and
or amendment in the contents of any certificate of title, or of any maintained in every Registry of Deeds throughout the country.
decree or plan, including the technical description therein, covering Said Registry Book shall be a register of:
any real property registered under the Torrens system, nor order
the cancellation of the said certificate of title and the issuance of a a. All Certificates of Land Transfer (CLT) issued pursuant to P.D.
new one which would result in the enlargement of the area No. 27; and
covered by the certificate of title.
b. All subsequent transactions affecting Certificates of Land
CHAPTER VIII Transfer such as adjustments, transfer, duplication and
REGISTRATION OF PATENTS cancellations of erroneous Certificates of Land Transfer.

Section 103. Certificates of title pursuant to patents. Whenever 2. P.D. 957; Sections;
public land is by the Government alienated, granted or conveyed
to any person, the same shall be brought forthwith under the REGISTRATION AND LICENSE TO SELL
operation of this Decree. It shall be the duty of the official issuing
the instrument of alienation, grant, patent or conveyance in behalf Section 4. Registration of Projects The registered owner of a parcel
of the Government to cause such instrument to be filed with the of land who wishes to convert the same into a subdivision project
Register of Deeds of the province or city where the land lies, and shall submit his subdivision plan to the Authority which shall act
to be there registered like other deeds and conveyance, upon and approve the same, upon a finding that the plan complies
whereupon a certificate of title shall be entered as in other cases of with the Subdivision Standards' and Regulations enforceable at the
registered land, and an owners duplicate issued to the grantee. time the plan is submitted. The same procedure shall be followed
The deed, grant, patent or instrument of conveyance from the in the case of a plan for a condominium project except that, in
Government to the grantee shall not take effect as a conveyance addition, said Authority shall act upon and approve the plan with
or bind the land but shall operate only as a contract between the respect to the building or buildings included in the condominium
Government and the grantee and as evidence of authority to the project in accordance with the National Building Code (R.A. No.
Register of Deeds to make registration. It is the act of registration 6541).
that shall be the operative act to affect and convey the land, and
in all cases under this Decree, registration shall be made in the The subdivision plan, as so approved, shall then be submitted to
office of the Register of Deeds of the province or city where the the Director of Lands for approval in accordance with the
land lies. The fees for registration shall be paid by the grantee. procedure prescribed in Section 44 of the Land Registration Act
After due registration and issuance of the certificate of title, such (Act No. 496, as amended by R.A. No. 440): Provided, that it case
of complex subdivision plans, court approval shall no longer be
required. The condominium plan as likewise so approved, shall be (c) In case of a business firm, a balance sheet showing the amount
submitted to the Register of Deeds of the province or city in which and general character of its assets and liabilities and a copy of its
the property lies and the same shall be acted upon subject to the articles of incorporation or articles of partnership or association, as
conditions and in accordance with the procedure prescribed in the case may be, with all the amendments thereof and existing by-
Section 4 of the Condominium Act (R.A. No. 4726). laws or instruments corresponding thereto.

The owner or the real estate dealer interested in the sale of lots or (d) A title to the property which is free from all liens and
units, respectively, in such subdivision project or condominium encumbrances: Provided, however, that in case any subdivision lot
project shall register the project with the Authority by filing or condominium unit is mortgaged, it is sufficient if the instrument
therewith a sworn registration statement containing the following of mortgage contains a stipulation that the mortgagee shall release
information: the mortgage on any subdivision lot or condominium unit as soon
as the full purchase price for the same is paid by the buyer.
(a) Name of the owner;
The person filing the registration statement shall pay the
(b) The location of the owner's principal business office, and if the registration fees prescribed therefor by the Authority.
owner is a non-resident Filipino, the name and address of his
agent or representative in the Philippines is authorized to receive Thereupon, the Authority shall immediately cause to be published
notice; a notice of the filing of the registration statement at the expense
of the applicant-owner or dealer, in two newspapers general
(c) The names and addresses of all the directors and officers of the circulation, one published in English and another in Pilipino, once a
business firm, if the owner be a corporation, association, trust, or week for two consecutive weeks, reciting that a registration
other entity, and of all the partners, if it be a partnership; statement for the sale of subdivision lots or condominium units has
been filed in the National Housing Authority; that the aforesaid
(d) The general character of the business actually transacted or to registration statement, as well as the papers attached thereto, are
be transacted by the owner; and open to inspection during business hours by interested parties,
under such regulations as the Authority may impose; and that
(e) A statement of the capitalization of the owner, including the copies thereof shall be furnished to any party upon payment of the
authorized and outstanding amounts of its capital stock and the proper fees.
proportion thereof which is paid-up.
The subdivision project of the condominium project shall be
The following documents shall be attached to the registration deemed registered upon completion of the above publication
statement: requirement. The fact of such registration shall be evidenced by a
registration certificate to be issued to the applicant-owner or
(a) A copy of the subdivision plan or condominium plan as dealer.
approved in accordance with the first and second paragraphs of
this section. Section 7. Exempt transactions. A license to sell and performance
bond shall not be required in any of the following transactions:
(b) A copy of any circular, prospectus, brochure, advertisement,
letter, or communication to be used for the public offering of the (a) Sale of a subdivision lot resulting from the partition of land
subdivision lots or condominium units; among co-owners and co-heirs.
(b) Sale or transfer of a subdivision lot by the original purchaser
thereof and any subsequent sale of the same lot. ISSUE: W/N the refusal of the Register of Deeds to make the
annotation is proper?
(c) Sale of a subdivision lot or a condominium unit by or for the
account of a mortgagee in the ordinary course of business when HELD: Yes, There being several copies of the same title in
necessary to liquidate a bona fide debt. existence, their integrity may be affected if an encumbrance, or an
outright conveyance, is annotated on one copy and not on the
CASES: others. If different copies were permitted to carry different
annotations, the whole system of Torrens registration would cease
1. FULE vs. DE LEGARE, 7 SCRA 351, 1936 to be available.

2. BALBIN vs. REGISTER OF DEEDS OF ILOCOS SUR, 28 Since the property subject of donation is also presumed conjugal,
SCRA 12, 1969 that is, property of donor Cornelio and his deceased wife Nemesia
Mina, there should first be a liquidation of the partnership before
Where several co-owners duplicate of certificates of titles are the surviving spouse may make such a conveyance. Assuming the
issued, a voluntary instrument cannot be registered without conjugal nature of the property, the donation bears on its face an
surrendering all the copies to the Register of Deeds so that every infirmity which justified the denial of registration, namely, the fact
copy of thereof would contain identical entries of the transactions that 2/3 portion of the property which Cornelio donated was more
affecting the land covered. than his share, not to say more than what remained of such
share after he had sold portions of the same land to 3 other
FACTS: Petitioners Aurelio and Francis Balbin presented to the parties.
Ilocos Sur register of deeds a duplicate copy of the registered
owners certificate of title and a deed of donation inter-vivos, Pending the resolution of a separate case, wherein Cornelios civil
requesting that the latter be annotated on the title. The registered status, character of land and validity of conveyances are in issue,
owner Cornelio Balbin appears to have donated inter-vivos 2/3 the registration may await the outcome of said case and parties
portion of the land. may protect their rights by filing the proper notices of lis pendens.

The REGISTER OF DEEDS denied the requested annotation 2. DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES vs.
for being legally defective or otherwise not sufficient in MANGAWANG, 11 SCRA 405, 1964
law. It appears that previously annotated in the memorandum of
encumbrances on the OCT are three separate sales earlier FACTS: Gavino Amposta applied with the Director of Lands for the
executed by Cornelio Balbin in favor of Florentino Gabayan, issuance of a homestead patent over a parcel of land
Roberto Bravo and Juana Gabayan, who each received their co-
owners duplicate CTs. Pending action on his application, cadastral proceedings were
instituted by the government in said municipality wherein
Mainly because these 3 co-owners copies of CTs had not been
presented by petitioners, the register of deeds refused to make the Amposta filed an answer praying for the adjudication of the same
requested annotation. land in his favor

Petitioners referred the matter to the COMMISSIONER OF LAND On March 08,1920, the cadastral court rendered decision awarding
REGISTRATION, who upheld the action of the Register of the land to Amposta.
Deeds in a resolution.
Governor General already stated became the owner of the property, commenced the
present action against them in... the Court of First Instance of
November 2, 1920, issued in favor of Amposta Homestead Patent Bataan to recover its possession and damages.
No. 2388 covering the same land.
Appellees contend that their right over the property in litigation
1922, the cadastral court issued a decree of registration of the should be respected because the certificate of title they are holding
land in favor of Amposta pursuant to the decision rendered in the is derived from that issued pursuant to a decision rendered by a
cadastral case, and cadastral court, while the title being held by appellant was merely
based... on the title issued in an administrative proceeding, upon
Original Certificate of Title No. 2668 was issued to him covering the theory that a judicial title is deemed preferred to one issued
the same property. administratively.

1941, Amposta sold the land to Santos Camacho... urrending to Here two certificates of title were issued to Gavino Amposta over
him Original Certificate of Title... and the same parcel of land, one under the Homestead Law and
another under the Cadastral Act. Said titles were regularly issued
Transfer Certificate of Title... was issued in the name of Camacho. and on their face both appear to be valid, and under such...
predicament it behooves Amposta to choose which of them hu
1946, Santos Camacho sold the land to Bonifacio Camacho would prefer, as he could not validly make use of both of them.
But this Amposta did not do. On the contrary, he took advantage
Bonifacio Camacho mortgaged the land to the Rehabilitation of the situation by selling the land to two different persons
Finance Corporation (now Development Hank of the Philippines), surrendering to each purchaser... the pertinent certificate of title.
and... having failed to pay the loan as agreed upon the land was
sold at public auction to said bank as the highest bidder. ISSUE: Who of the two buyers should be considered as the rightful
owner of the land?
a final deed of sale was executed in favor of the bank, and
Transfer HELD: Amposta first sold the land to Santos Camacho on the same
date. And seven years thereafter, or on March 17, 1018, Amposta
Certificate of Title No. 6961 was issued in its name on again sold the land to the

Meanwhile Mangawang brothers, who also registered it in their name on the

same date. Since both purchasers apparently have acted in good
1947, Gavino Amposta again sold the same property to Lazaro and faith, as there is nothing in the evidence to show that they did
Arsenio Mangawang for the sum of P2,500.00, the vendees otherwise, We cannot hut conclude that the sale made by Amposta
executing a mortgage on the land to secure the payment of the to Santos Camacho is... the valid one considering that when
balance. Amposta sold the same land to the Mangawang brothers he had
nothing more to sell even if the title he surrendered to them is one
1948, the vendees paid the balance of the... purchase price, and issued covering the same property.
an absolute deed of sale was executed in their favor.
In legal contemplation, therefore, Amposta sold a property he no
As a consequence of their purchase of the land, the Mangawang longer owned,... and hence the transaction is legally ineffective.
brothers took possession thereof, and upon learning of this
transfer, the Development Bank of the Philippines, which as the case under consideration
And applying this principle, we cannot but conclude that the title
should likewise be adjudicated to appellant whose... predecessor-
in-interest acquired and registered the property much ahead in
point of time than the appellees. Verily, the title acquired by the
latter is invalid and ineffective, contrary to the finding of the court
a quo.

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