Torts OCtober 21 2019
Torts OCtober 21 2019
Torts OCtober 21 2019
c) the time it was put into The service is defective when it does not
circulation. provide the safety the consumer may
rightfully expect of it, taking the relevant
A product is not considered defective circumstances into consideration, including
because another better quality product has but not limited to:
been placed in the market.
a) the manner in which it is
The manufacturer, builder, producer or provided;
importer shall not be held liable when it
evidences: b) the result of hazards which may
reasonably be expected of it;
a) that it did not place the product
on the market; c) the time when it was provided.
c) that the consumer or a third The supplier of the services shall not be
party is solely at fault. held liable when it is proven:
The consumer may make immediate use of ARTICLE 102. Liability for Service
the alternatives under the second Quality Imperfection. — The service
paragraph of this Article when by virtue of supplier is liable for any quality
the extent of the imperfection, the imperfections that render the services
replacement of the imperfect parts may improper for consumption or decrease their
jeopardize the product quality or value, and for those resulting from
characteristics, thus decreasing its value. inconsistency with the information
contained in the offer or advertisement, the
If the consumer opts for the alternative consumer being entitled to demand
under sub-paragraph (a) of the second alternatively at his option:
paragraph of this Article, and replacement
of the product is not possible, it may be
a) the performance of the services, established in the pertinent provisions of
without any additional cost and when this Act. However, if the damage is caused
applicable; by a component or part incorporated in the
product or service, its manufacturer,
b) the immediate reimbursement builder or importer and the person who
of the amount paid, with monetary incorporated the component or part are
updating without prejudice to losses and jointly liable.
damages, if any;
ARTICLE 107. Penalties. — Any person
c) a proportionate price reduction. who shall violate any provision of this
Chapter or its implementing rules and
Reperformance of services may be regulations with respect to any consumer
entrusted to duly qualified third parties, at product which is not food, cosmetic, or
the supplier’s risk and cost. hazardous substance shall upon conviction,
be subject to a fine of not less than Five
Improper services are those which prove to thousand pesos (P5,000.00) and by
be inadequate for purposes reasonably imprisonment of not more than one (1)
expected of them and those that fail to year or both upon the discretion of the
meet the provisions of this Act regulating court.
service rendering.
In case of juridical persons, the penalty
ARTICLE 103. Repair Service Obligation. shall be imposed upon its president,
— When services are provided for the manager or head. If the offender is an
repair of any product, the supplier shall be alien, he shall, after payment of fine and
considered implicitly bound to use service of sentence, be deported without
adequate, new, original replacement parts, further deportation proceedings.
or those that maintain the manufacturer’s
technical specifications unless, otherwise COCA-COLA BOTTLER’S PHILIPPINES
authorized, as regards to the latter by the vs. CA, (1993);
ARTICLE 104. Ignorance of Quality The private respondent in this case
Imperfection. — The supplier’s ignorance of was the owner of a school canteen that sold
the quality imperfections due to soft drinks (including Coke and Sprite) and
inadequacy of the products and services other goods to both students and the
does not exempt him from any liability. public. One day she received some
complaints from parents that the Coke and
ARTICLE 105. Legal Guarantee of Sprite soft drinks she sold contained fiber-
Adequacy. — The legal guarantee of like matter and other foreign substances or
product or service adequacy does not particles. Testing done by the Department
require an express instrument or of Health confirmed the presence of these
contractual exoneration of the supplier substances. As a consequence of that
being forbidden. discovery, her sales severely plummeted,
eventually costing her her job and shop.
ARTICLE 106. Prohibition in Contractual
Stipulation. — The stipulation in a contract She demanded payment of
of a clause preventing, exonerating or damages from the petitioner which the
reducing the obligation to indemnify for latter refused.
damages effected, as provided for in this
and in the preceding Articles, is hereby The petitioner anchored its
prohibited, if there is more than one person arguments on failure of the private
responsible for the cause of the damage, respondent to exhaust administrative
they shall be jointly liable for the redress remedies and prescription. The private
respondent contended that her complaint The Court has repeatedly held in
was one for damages which did not involve past cases that the existence of a contract
administrative action and that her cause of between the parties does not bar the
action was based on an injury to plaintiff’s commission of a tort by the one against the
right which can be brought within four other and the consequent recovery of
years pursuant to Article 1146 of the Civil damages therefor.
The trial court granted the Provinces, cities, municipalities
petitioner’s motion to dismiss, reasoning
that the complaint was based on a contract
and not a quasi-delict.