Task 3

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Observation Task 3: Supporting Learning through the Performing Arts: Music and


Focus: Understand the importance of using performing arts in the classroom to link with
academic subjects

Objective: To encourage student teachers to identify different ways that performing arts
can be used in academic subjects

Procedure: Identify two music and movement activities students performed in the
classroom and complete the table

Table 3: Music and Movement:

Observed learning Centers Description: Objective International
(include photo): (Music & Movement) Learning Outcome:

The body parts: The teacher Music: 1- To teach

replies the music them the body
once a week to Appreciation: Students
were engaged and parts through
review the body involved with the teacher.
parts with the
students by Pitch: Students sing at the same pitch.
applying the
body parts song Rhythm: Thestudents did not use music
and dance by materials. However, they just used their
touching their hands to clap and jump.
head, shoulders
and elbows. Notation: Some
of the students clap on their
hands with each other.

Conservation: Students know the music before.

The numbers song: The teacher
applied the song 1- learning the
for the students, Spine Clap their hands Jumping. numbers 1-10
she sang the through the
Relationship: The
students were engaged and
song with the song.
students, did the showing each other and the teacher their
movements and movements.
the students
were involved
with the teacher
and they did the

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