0500 First Language English: MARK SCHEME For The May/June 2011 Question Paper For The Guidance of Teachers

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International General Certificate of Secondary Education

MARK SCHEME for the May/June 2011 question paper
for the guidance of teachers


0500/31 Paper 3 (Directed Writing and Composition), maximum raw mark 50

This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of
the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not
indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners meeting before marking began,
which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes must be read in conjunction with the question papers and the report on the

Cambridge will not enter into discussions or correspondence in connection with these mark schemes.

Cambridge is publishing the mark schemes for the May/June 2011 question papers for most IGCSE,
GCE Advanced Level and Advanced Subsidiary Level syllabuses and some Ordinary Level
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Note: All Examiners are instructed that alternative correct answers and unexpected approaches in
candidates scripts must be given marks that fairly reflect the relevant knowledge and skills

Section 1: Directed writing

Question 1

This question tests Writing Objectives W1W5 (15 marks):

articulate experience and express what is thought, felt and imagined
order and present facts, ideas and opinions
understand and use a range of appropriate vocabulary
use language and register appropriate to audience and context
make accurate and effective use of paragraphs, grammatical structures, sentences, punctuation
and spelling.

AND aspects of Reading Objectives R1R3 (10 marks):

understand and collate explicit meanings
understand, explain and collate implicit meanings and attitudes
select, analyse and evaluate what is relevant to specific purposes.

Read the following transcript from a radio programme, which is an interview with the editor
of World Wonders, a book of records published annually.

Imagine that you have heard the discussion. Write a letter to the producer of the programme
to express your views on whether or not such books should exist.

In your letter you should:

examine the reasons the editor gives for publishing this book;
examine the reasons why the interviewer feels it should not be published;
give your own view and develop your arguments.

Begin your letter, Dear Producer.

Base what you write on the ideas in the transcript and be careful to use your own words.

You should write between 1 and 2 sides, allowing for the size of your handwriting.

Up to ten marks are available for the content of your answer and up to fifteen marks for the
quality of your writing. [25]

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A Justifications for publication

increases in content and sales every year

best selling annual ever
makes the perfect present, especially for teenagers
provides a challenge/inspires human endeavour
has become more responsible and banned some of the records
awakes thirst for knowledge in young minds
without risk and competition, major successes would never be achieved
team of judges ensures validity
the things that teenagers enjoy and which apparently sell the books are entertaining.

B Interviewers objections

has become sensationalistic/not really educational

records are not for appropriate achievements
distasteful to want to learn about freaks
encourages unhealthy living/can even cause death
sales fall when extreme records are removed, proving no genuine educational interest
animals are victims of owners desires to become famous
some attempts at records endanger innocent lives
ethical policy is now being reversed because of falling sales
some records do not reflect well on the human race.

C Development of own views

satisfies natural curiosity
censorship is always a bad thing/people should be able to choose whether to buy it
people have the right to decide whether to take risks to compete for a place in it
modern world has a growing appetite for real life situations, as in reality TV
teenagers who dont otherwise read much enjoy reading this kind of material.

no need for it now the internet exists
encourages unwholesome interest in fates of record holders rather than the records
governed by commercial factors/launching online edition as well
ethical policy is being reviewed so some banned records will now return
after more than 40 years, its time to move on/old fashioned concept.

The discriminator is where where the candidate has to evaluate the two sides and form an argument
of their own (C). Candidates ideas and opinions must, however, remain connected to the passage,
while developing its claims and assessing their implications. The arguments in the letter should be
clear and persuasive.

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This question is marked out of 15 for Writing and 10 for Reading.

Use the following table to give a mark out of 10 for Reading.

Band 1 910 Makes a thorough, perceptive, convincing evaluation of the ideas in the
interview. Reads effectively between the lines. Develops the reading material
and integrates it into the argument.
Band 2 78 A good evaluation of the passage, using reading material to support the
argument. Occasionally effective development of some of the ideas in the
Band 3 56 A reasonable response, referring to a number of points. Candidates cover the
material satisfactorily, but may miss opportunities to develop it relevantly or at
Band 4 34 Selects points from the passage rather literally and/or uses material thinly.
Does not combine points into an effective response.
Band 5 12 Parts of the answer are relevant, though material may be repeated injudiciously,
or wrongly used.
Band 6 0 Answer does not relate to question and/or too much unselective copying directly
from the material to gain a mark in Band 5.
First variant Mark Scheme
Use the following table to give a mark out of 15 for Writing.

Band 1 1315 Excellent, consistent sense of audience; persuasive/authoritative style; very fit
for purpose. Fluent, varied sentences/wide range of vocabulary. Strong sense of
structure and sequence. Virtually no error.
Band 2 1012 Sense of audience mostly secure; quite stylish and fluent; sense of overall
structure; arguments occasionally well developed. Writing is mainly accurate;
sentences mostly fluent/complex sentences/range of vocabulary/occasional
error/mostly well sequenced.
Band 3 89 Recognisable sense of audience; mostly written in accurate, if fairly
straightforward language; some argument based on material apparent; mostly
quite well structured. Errors minor; language straightforward but effective;
vocabulary fit for task.
Band 4 57 Appropriate if sometimes inconsistent style; sentences mainly accurate; fact
rather than argument; basic structure: has beginning, middle and end; fairly
frequent (minor) errors; language and vocabulary simple with occasional
attempts at argument.
Band 5 34 Functional expression; facts selected and occasionally listed; has a beginning,
but main part of response is not always well sequenced. Some serious errors in
grammar/punctuation/use of vocabulary. Errors slightly intrusive.
Band 6 12 Language and style not clear; some blurring and lack of order. Despite some
serious errors, can mainly be followed. Simple sentences.
Band 7 0 Serious inaccuracies and problems with language and grammar are too
intrusive to gain a mark in Band 6.
First variant Mark Scheme

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Section 2: Composition

Questions 2 (a), 2 (b), 3 (a), 3 (b), 4 (a) and 4 (b).

Give two marks:

the first mark is out of 13 for content and structure: see Table A
the second mark is out of 12 for style and accuracy: see Table B

Remember that these marks will not necessarily be equal, and one mark may well be (much) higher
than the other, for a variety of reasons.

The maximum overall mark for the Composition is 25. Write the total clearly at the end as
follows: C7 + S10 = 17 (C standing for Content, S standing for Style).

It is important that marking is not bunched: do not be reluctant to award marks in the top and bottom

Argumentative/discursive writing

2 (a) Are you glad to be living at the present time or would you prefer to have been alive in
a previous historical period? Explain the reasons for your choice. [25]


(b) The world is changed by the small actions of ordinary people, not by the big actions
of important people. Discuss this claim. [25]

Descriptive writing

3 (a) You arrive on an island. Write a description of your first impressions of the place and
its people. [25]


(b) Describe what you see and hear from a hiding place. [25]

Narrative writing

4 (a) You witness an incident which you are forced to get involved in. Use this idea as a
basis for a narrative. [25]


(b) Write a story based on an animal that escapes. [25]

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Band 1 Consistently well There are consistently The narrative is complex
1113 developed, logical well-defined, well- and sophisticated and
stages in an overall, at developed ideas and may contain devices
times complex, images, describing such as sub-texts,
argument. complex atmospheres flashbacks and time
with a range of details. lapses. Cogent details
Each stage is linked to are provided where
the preceding one, and Overall structure is necessary or
sentences within provided through appropriate.
paragraphs are soundly devices such as the
sequenced. movements of the writer, Different parts of the
the creation of a short story are balanced and
time span, or the creation the climax carefully
of atmosphere or managed. Sentence
tension. There is no sequences are
confusion with writing a sometimes arranged to
story. Repetition is produce effects such as
avoided and the the building up of tension
sequence of sentences or providing a sudden
makes the picture clear turn of events.
to the reader.
Band 2 Each stage of the There is a good selection The writing develops
910 argument is defined and of interesting ideas and some interesting
developed, although the images, with a range of features, but not
explanation may not be details. consistently so. Expect
consistent. the use of detail and
These are formed into an some attention to
The stages follow in a overall picture of some character or setting.
generally cohesive clarity and effectiveness.
progression. Paragraphs There may be occasional Writing is orderly and the
are mostly well repetition, and beginning and ending are
sequenced, although opportunities for satisfactorily managed.
some may finish less development or the The reader is well
strongly than they begin. provision of detail may aware of the climax
be missed. Sentences even if it is not fully
are often well effective. Sequencing of
sequenced. sentences provides
clarity and engages the
reader in events or

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Band 3 There is a series of There is a selection of A straightforward story

78 relevant points and a relevant ideas, images, with a clear attempt to
clear attempt is made to and details, which use features such as
develop some of them. satisfactorily address the character, setting,
These points are task. An attempt is made tension, climax.
relevant, straightforward to create atmosphere.
and logical/coherent. While opportunities for
The description provides appropriate
Repetition is avoided, but a series of points rather development of ideas
the order of the stages in than a sense of their are sometimes missed,
the overall argument can being combined to make overall structure is
be changed without an overall picture, but competent, and some
adverse effect. The some ideas are features of a developed
sequence of the developed successfully, narrative are evident.
sentences within albeit straightforwardly. Sentences are usually
paragraphs is Some sentences are well sequenced to narrate
satisfactory, but the sequenced. events clearly.
linking of ideas may be
Band 4 Mainly relevant points Some relevant ideas are Responds relevantly to
56 are made and they are provided and the topic, but is largely a
developed partially occasionally developed series of events with
with some brief a little, perhaps as a only brief details of
effectiveness. narrative. There are character and setting.
some descriptive/
The overall argument atmospheric episodes, There is some overall
shows signs of structure but the use of event may structure, but there are
but may be sounder at overshadow them. examples where
the beginning than at the particular parts are too
end, or may drift away There is some overall long or short. The
from the topic. There structure, but the writing climax is not effectively
may be some repetition. may lack direction and described or prepared.
The sequence of intent. There may be Sentence sequences
sentences may be interruptions in the narrate events and
occasionally insecure. sequence of sentences occasionally contain
and/or some lack of irrelevances.

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Band 5 A few relevant points Content is relevant but A simple narrative with
34 are made and may be lacking in scope or a beginning, middle and
expanded into variety. Opportunities to end; it may consist of
paragraphs, but provide development and everyday happenings or
development is very detail are frequently fantastic, non-engaging
simple and not always missed. events. Content may
logical. seem immature.
The overall structure,
There is weakness of though readily Unequal or
sequencing overall and discernible, lacks form inappropriate
within paragraphs. and dimension. importance is given to
Paragraphing is Paragraphing is parts of the story.
inconsistent. Repetition inconsistent. The Paragraphing is
and a failure to sustain reliance on identifying inconsistent. Dialogue
relevant argument are events, objects and/or may be used
obvious. people sometimes leads ineffectively. There is no
to a sequence of real climax. Sentence
sentences without sequences are used only
progression. to link simple series of
Band 6 A few points are Some relevant facts are Stories are very simple
12 discernible but any identified, but the overall and narrate events
attempt to develop them picture is unclear and indiscriminately, with
is very limited. development is very very little development.
limited. Endings are simple and
Overall argument only lack effect.
progresses here and There are examples of
there and the sequence sequenced sentences, The shape of the
of sentences is poor. but there is also narrative is unclear;
repetition and muddled some of the content has
ordering. no relevance to the plot.
Sequences of sentences
are sometimes poor,
leading to a lack of
0 Rarely relevant, little Rarely relevant, little Rarely relevant, little
material, and presented material, and presented material, and presented
in a disorderly structure. in a disorderly structure. in a disorderly structure.
Not sufficient to be Not sufficient to be Not sufficient to be
placed in Band 6. placed in Band 6. placed in Band 6.

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Band 1 1112 Writing is consistent, stylistically fluent, linguistically strong and accurate;
has sense of audience

Look for appropriately used ambitious words

Complex sentence structures where appropriate
Band 2 910 Writing is mostly fluent, sometimes linguistically effective and largely
accurate; may have some sense of audience

Look for signs of a developing style

Some ability to express shades of meaning
Band 3 78 Writing is clear, competent (if plain) in vocabulary and grammar; errors
perhaps frequent, but minor

Look for mostly correct sentence separation

Occasional precision and/or interest in choice of words
Band 4 56 Writing is clear and accurate in places, and expresses general meaning in
vocabulary and grammar; errors occasionally serious

Look for simple sentences

Errors of sentence separation
Band 5 34 Writing is generally simple in vocabulary and grammar; errors are
distracting and sometimes serious, but general meaning can always be

Look for definite weaknesses in sentence structures

Grammatical errors such as incorrect use of prepositions and tense
Band 6 12 Writing is very limited in correct vocabulary and grammar; error is
persistent; meaning is sometimes blurred

Look for faulty and/or rambling sentences

Language insufficient to carry intended meaning
Band 7 0 Writing is difficult to follow because of inadequate language
proficiency and error.

University of Cambridge International Examinations 2011

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