Project Based Learning

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The key takeaways are that project-based learning is an instructional approach where students explore real-world problems and challenges through collaborative group work. It helps develop 21st century skills and teaches important skills like communication, time management, research, and critical thinking.

The main characteristics of project-based learning are that it is student-centered, focuses on inquiry and group learning with the teacher as a facilitator. Activities match real-world tasks and encourage interdisciplinary perspectives with diverse roles and multiple solutions.

Project-based learning helps develop skills like communication, collaboration, organization, time management, research, self-assessment, reflection, critical thinking, and group participation/leadership.

Project-Based Learning

A dynamic approach to teaching in which students explore real-world problems and challenges,
simultaneously developing 21st Century skills while working in small collaborative groups

ESPY 505

Brandon Goodman Educational Psychology Fall 2010

J. Stivers, Ph.D
What is Project-Based Learning Why Use It?
Project Based Learning, or PBL, is an instructional approach Puts students in a position to
built upon learning activities and real tasks that have brought use the knowledge that they
challenges for students to solve. These activities generally re- get.
flect the types of learning and work people do in the everyday
Effective in helping students
world outside the classroom. PBL is generally done by groups understand, apply, and retain
of students working together toward a common goal information.

PBL teaches students not just content, but also important Can give students an opportu-
skills in ways students have to be able to function like adults nity to work with professional
experts who enrich and sup-
in our society. These skills include communication and pres- port the teachers knowledge
entation skills, organization and time management skills, re- and how it connects to the
search and inquiry skills, self-assessment and reflection skills, real world
group participation and leadership skills, and critical thinking.
can be more effective than tra-
ditional instruction, and in-
Performance is assessed on an individual basis, and takes crease academic achievement.
into account the quality of the product produced, the depth of
content understanding demonstrated, and the contributions benefits include building
made to the ongoing process of project realization. skills such as critical think-
ing, communication and col-
PBL allows students to reflect upon their own ideas and opin-
ions, and make decisions that affect project outcomes and the Students who work on pro-
learning process in general. The final product results in high- jects show increased motiva-
tion and engagement in their
quality, authentic products and presentations. studies.

How is it Different?
Project-based instruction is innovative by
its emphasis on cooperative learning. Ad-
ditionally, students create tangible results
to represent what they have learned.

Students use technology and inquiry to

respond to a complex issue, problem or
challenge. PBL focuses on student-
centered inquiry and group learning with
the teacher acting as a facilitator, as op-
posed to the one in charge.

Activities match as nearly as possible the

real-world tasks of professionals in prac-
tice rather than classroom-based tasks.
This encourages interdisciplinary perspec-
tives and enable learners to play diverse
roles and build expertise that is applicable
beyond a single well-defined. Lastly, it
allows a range and diversity of outcomes
open to multiple solutions, rather than a
single correct response obtained by the
application of predefined rules and proce-
Some teachers use PBL extensively as their primary curriculum and instructional method. Others
use PBL occasionally during a school year. Projects vary in length, from several days to several
weeks or even a semester. PBL can be effective at all grade levels and subjects, as well as at af-
terschool and alternative programs.

How is PBL Used?

Does PBL Work?


There is forty years of accumulated evidence that the instruc-
tional strategies and procedures that make up Project Based
Learning are effective in building deep content understanding.
Research also shows that PBL raises academic achievement and
encourages student motivation to learn. Research studies have
demonstrated that PBL can:

Be more effective than traditional instruction in increasing academic achievement on annual

state-administered assessment tests
Be more resultant than traditional instruction for teaching mathematics, economics, science,
social science, clinical medical skills, and for careers in the health occupations and teaching
Be more practical than traditional instruction for long-term retention, skill development and
satisfaction of students and teachers
Be more serviceable than traditional instruction for preparing students to integrate and ex-
plain concepts
Be especially effective with lower-achieving students
Improve students mastery of 21st-century skills, such as critical thinking, communication,
collaboration, creativity and innovation
Provide a fruitful model for whole school reform

As with any teaching method, PBL can be used effectively or ineffectively. At its best, PBL can be
the spark in engaging learning experience and create a context for a powerful learning commu-
nity to promoting achievement, self-mastery, and contribution to the community.

Organized around a problem or challenge without a predetermined solution

Creates a need to know of essential content and skills
Students design the process for reaching a solution
Requires critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, and various forms of
Provides the opportunity for students to examine the task from different per-
spectives using a variety of resources, separate relevant from irrelevant infor-
mation, and manage the information they gather
Students learn to work independently and take responsibility when they are
asked to make choices
Students regularly reflect on what theyre doing
A final product (not necessarily material) is produced and is evaluated for
The classroom has an atmosphere that tolerates error and change
The teacher takes on the role of a facilitator rather than a leader

The project-based learning approach creates a "constructivist" learning environment in

which students construct their own knowledge. Whereas in the "old school" model the
teacher was the task master, and in the "new school" model the teacher becomes the
Students As Teachers

Teachers as Coaches
Changing Roles
Parent and
Community Involvement and

Project based learning allows many students to shine who

might struggle on typical assessments.

Students As Teachers Participation

The age of the teacher as the primary fount of knowl-
edge in the classroom is gone. Today, with the uni-
verse of experts and information available through
the Internet, students can access new and relevant
information not yet discovered by their teacher.
Internet-using educators are discovering a new mode
of learning that we call "Side-by-side learning." It is
becoming a more and more common experience to
find students assuming both informal and formal roles
as teachers of their peers and younger students, and
in many cases of teachers.
Teachers As Coaches
Teachers who involve their students in project-based
learning activities also find their own role changing.
Rather than being simple dispensers of knowledge,
they discover their primary tasks are to guide and
coach and mentor their students. They teach their
students how to question, and how to develop hy-
potheses and strategies for locating information. They
become co-learners as their students take on a vari-
ety of learning projects which could be unfamiliar ter-
ritory. In the end, most teachers who experience this
find it a rewarding experience.
When students can share their projects and activities
with the "community" through their Web page presen-
tations, or tangible results, they are not the only ones
to benefit from the interaction with a larger audience.
Teachers also make new peer connections, and find
support and encouragement from a wide variety of
their colleagues and content experts.

Parent and Community Involvement

With the growth of the Internet, more and more of "the community" can be found
online, therefore allwoing closer relationships between people inside schools and outside
in the "real world". Parents, business leaders, scientists, and many other members of
the community can play more effective and innovative roles as motivators, role models,
sources of information, critics, evaluators, guides, and mentors.
The Internet also creates new model of school-community involvement. As students
move from simply consuming, to producing and publishing new and original information
and knowledge, members of the community seek out and appreciate the information
presented on their Web site.
Learning To Learn

Life Long Learning

Improved Learning
Active Learning
Cooperative Learning

Thinking Skills
Learning To Learn

Effective online projects encourage students to work on a

problem in depth, rather than covering many topics briefly.
Students also engage in learning what is needed to solve a
problem or complete a project, rather when the teacher de-
cides in predetermined curriculum. Both of these strategies
are cited in educational reform literature as being important
tools to improve learning.

Life Long Learning

Web projects build learning experiences connected to the
kind of learning one does throughout life, rather than only
on "school" subjects. By using the real tools for intellectual
work that are used in the workplace, rather than oversimpli-
fied textbook techniques, students become familiar with the
kinds of knowledge that exist. Finding information and peo-
ple on the Internet gives students the knowledge of how to
go about acquiring the knowledge they may need.
Active Learning
We all learn best by "doing." In a well-designed Web pro-
ject, students work in a hands-on mode with the physical
world. They gather information and data, explore, create,
experiment, physically manipulate things, and organize in-
formation. They have access to people and information from
the real world, and they develop a closer relationship to the
real-world context of problems and projects. The connec-
tions to real people, events, and problems in the world
brings a relevance and connection that is immediate and
involves their interest, their intellect, and their participation.
Cooperative Learning
Cooperative learning encourages active engagement by the
students in learning, and it also builds critical skills needed
in today's workplace. Online projects increase the audience
and opportunity for cooperative learning by involving and
communicating with a wide selection of people around the
world. Students work directly with people from other places
and cultures, and collaborate not only with peers, but with
mentors and experts in a large number of fields.
Examples of PBL in Mathematics
There is a wide variety of the type of project that teachers use in math class projects. Some teach-
ers present a scenario for the project and have students take the role of a person in the work-


In a middle school mathematics class, students work together preparing a statistical report on the state, choosing a
topic such as education. The end product can be a presentation with graphs and written descriptions of significant
findings. Consider collaborating with a language arts or social studies teacher for this project.


In a high school geometry class, students work as architects and design a shopping mall. Students research the de-
sign of malls and the feasible sizes for various types of stores. The end product can be a brochure, poster, or web-
page presenting the design to a panel of adults or students serving as a city-planning board.

In a high school algebra or trigonometry class, students take the role of historian by researching the life of a mathe-
matician of the past. Students present an important contribution of the person in addition to his or her life story. The
end product can be a PowerPoint presentation about the mathematician presented to interested students or adults.


In an advanced high school mathematics class, students research various proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem. The
end product can be a webpage showing the proofs or an oral presentation of one of the proofs.
Project-Based Learning
Work Cited/Resources/References

Computing Technology For Math Excellence Online resources for teaching and learning mathematics
(K-12 and calculus), technology integration, and the standards movement in education

Educational Technology Panel Background paper describing the
Educational Technology Panel, originally established to identify, evaluate, and
recommend exemplary educational technology programs

George Lucas Educational Foundation Models of innovative practices in K-12
education which incorporate project-based learning

Project Approach Project Approach theory, planning, examples, and
professional development focused on using project-based learning in early childhood
and elementary education

Project Based Learning Handbook Buck Institute of Education's comprehensive
overview of PBL

Project Based Learning Resources Collection of resources related to project-based

Sharing Best Practices & Strategies in School Reform Bob Pealman's collection of PBL
best practices, pilot projects, and student work

Technology Support for PBL Examples of technologies which
provide support for the implementation of project-based learning

Virtual Architecture: Designing and Directing Curriculum-Based Telecomputing Judi Harris presents examples of curriculum-based
educational telecomputing projects and related resources

The Web Project Focuses on innovative, project-based learning in the arts,
humanities, and social sciences by people of all ages

WWWEDU Discussion List Pronounced "We Do" the WWWEDU listserv is
one of the oldest gathering places for educators to exchange ideas about using the Web
to support learning

WWW 4 Teachers Online community for teachers integrating technology in the
classroom; includes online tools, PBL checklist and other resources

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