conditions of teacher services. Teaching council of Zambia is the professional standards body
for the teaching profession which promotes and regulates professional standards in teaching.
Therefore, this assignment compares the roles and functions of the teaching service
commission and the teaching counsel of Zambia.
To start with, The Teachers Service Commission is established by Article 237 of the
Constitution with its primary functions being registration, recruitment, transfer, promotion,
discipline and termination of employment of teachers in the Public Service. While the
teaching service commission is mandated to review the standards of education and training of
persons entering teaching service and to review the demand and supply of teachers and to
advise the National Government on matters related to the teaching profession.
According to Section 47(2) of the Teachers Service Commission Act (No. 20 of 2012)
confers powers on the Commission to compile and publish a Code of Regulations for
Teachers hereinafter referred to as “the Code. The Teaching Service Commission is given
power to appoint teachers. During this processes the teaching service council appoint new
teachers according to the school, college results and other qualification. It also promotes
service teachers from lower level to higher lever depending on the hard working, upgrading
qualification such as diploma, degrees and many more.
FareoDorcas Oluremi (2013) TSC transferring, for a variety of reasons, teachers are
sometimes given involuntarily transferred from one school to another. This excessing occurs
when positions are eliminated because of a change in student enrolment, budget cuts, or
programmatic changes. Some districts simply call transfers due to these circumstances
involuntary transfers, but some transfers are for maintaining a specific racial or gender
balance in a building or when a transfer is deemed to be in the best interest of the district,
school, or teacher. Transfers are given to service teachers from one place to other some
transfers come as transfer on promotion, transfer as downward mobility in order to maintain
and control discipline in the service.
In addition to the role of the teaching services Confirming of appointments is also the duty of
this board Upon the completion of probationary period a probationer may be confirmed in the
appointment by the Secretary, and for this purpose the Secretary require necessary reports
from the manager of the school at which the probationer is serving and from the Regional
Committee concerned. It is the duty of Regional Committees and of managers to ensure that
consideration is given to the confirmation of probationers at the appropriate time. If at any
time during probationary period it appears that a probationer is unlikely to merit
confirmation, the manager of the school writes to that effect and such warning shall state the
reasons why the probationer is unlikely to merit confirmation. According to the Teaching
Profession Act No. 5 of (2013), The Secretary shall have power to terminate an employee's
probationary appointment, without assigning any reason therefor, at any time during the
probationary period.
The teaching services commission gives retirements to employees which are teachers.
According to TSC ACT (2014), no employee shall retire, resign or be discharged without due
notice being given by unless an employee at any time attained the age of 55 years or after
completing 30 years' service, whichever is the earlier. The Secretary may require an
employee to retire on the recommendation of a Regional Committee at any time after such
employee has attained the age of 50 years or has completed 25 years' service, whichever is
the earlier; or on grounds of infirmity of mind or body which is likely to be permanent,
certified by a registered medical practitioner.
Furthermore, teaching service of Zambia has laws and regulation bounded to this makes the
commission to control discipline in the services. Absence from duty without leave or other
sufficient cause shall render an employee liable to forfeit his salary for the period of such
absence and addition of the penalties set forth in regulation act of teaching service. Illness
health will not be accepted as a sufficient cause for absence from duty for a period exceeding
two days unless the manager is satisfied that the absence from duty is or was in fact due to ill
health and was necessary.
The teaching service policy, if an employee is absent without leave for more than 14
consecutive days, then manager who is a member of the Service proprietor and approval of
the Secretary summarily terminate the appointment of such employee with effect from the
first day of this absence. Any employee whose appointment has been terminated under the
provisions of sub-regulation an employee may be reinstated in employment if such employee,
satisfied the Secretary that there was reasonable cause for his absence. Within two months
from the first day of his absence.
While the teaching service commission is mandated to review the standards of education and
training of persons entering teaching service and to review the demand and supply of teachers
and to advise the National Government on matters related to the teaching profession.
Teachers are associated with virtues such as knowledge, integrity, leadership, moral
uprightness and selfless service, especially those working in remote parts of the country.
That’s why the teaching council of Zambia aims and have motto of Quality Education Our
Priority, to register teachers so that their professional conduct is regulated, accreditation of
colleges of education and to approve training programmes for teachers. TCZ registrar Ebby
Mubanga has explained how the council will execute its mandate aimed at improving the
quality of education in the country.
The Teaching Council of Zambia (2018), with the support of UNESCO and other
stakeholders, has initiated the production of a national CPD Framework document that will
provide and guide the coordination and management of all CPD programmes and activities in
Zambia. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) in the teaching profession is a lifelong
learning process designed to raise teacher quality in order to meet learners’ needs and
improve learner outcomes and performance. CPD is a set of planned interventions that focus
on improvement and broadening of knowledge, understanding, and skills and the
development of personal qualities necessary for the execution of teacher professional duties.
It helps to address the inadequacies of initial teacher training by equipping teachers with
relevant and current knowledge and skills that match the changing world and advances in
Information, Communication Technologies (ICTs).
Apart from being registered, teachers will have to acquire a practising certificate, renewable
after three years, at costs ranging from K300 to K600. Practising and student teachers,
including lecturers at colleges of education have to be registered, once in a professional
lifetime, with the council at a fee ranging from K100 to K450. This is in accordance with the
Teaching Professionals Act No. 5 of 2013. (TCZ) also offers practising certificates to those
registered, however act no 5 of (2014) no teacher will be allowed to teach anywhere in the
country without following the act of teaching council of Zambia.
For effective teaching and learning (TCZ) Inspectors, inspect college in the matters of
infrastructure, enrolment, staffing, sanitation, preventive maintenance, curriculum, syllabus,
teaching and learning resources, methodology and others. For the purpose of enforcing the
(Teaching Profession Act No.5 of 2013), the TCZ Inspectors may at any reasonable time,
without prior notice visit the college premises and carry out necessary functions required at
that particular time.
In addition to inspecting the TCZ also Provide Accreditation to colleges. The Teaching
Council may grant provisional accreditation to a College of Education, for a period not
exceeding one year, where it determines that the college demonstrates reasonable progress
towards full accreditation, but has not yet fully met the accreditation requirements, and it is
able to provide the necessary service in its current condition. They also inspect Special
Education Needs by insuring there is evidence of reasonable accommodation for learners
with special needs such as ramps, wide doors for wheel-chair users, enough lighting, clearly
marked pathways and many more.
For matters relating to the curriculum, colleges should contact the Curriculum Development
Centre (CDC) and Directorate of Teacher Education and Specialized Services (TESS) in
Lusaka. TRCN (2006) The training programme and its curricular should be approved by the
Teaching Council of Zambia in line with the Zambia Education Curriculum Framework for
2013, approved Syllabuses for the subjects and courses offered. Teaching and Learning
Materials: Approved course books for teachers and students including reference books and
supplementary materials should be available. Course books should be those recommended or
approved by the Ministry of General Education. There should be at least a minimum number
of facilities, equipment, and apparatus for ICT one-line connectivity for all subjects in the
courses being offered. The Teaching Council, (2011). Registration Handbook 2011.
To sum up, the teaching service and the teaching council of Zambia are the important board
in teaching and learning. This two boards have different function and some well they have
common function like discipline members. According to their roles and function no board is
more important than each other.
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