Grounding System Design Using EMTP
Grounding System Design Using EMTP
Grounding System Design Using EMTP
This paper addresses grounding systems analysis using EMTP. Grounding systems usually
made of conductors embedded in or laid on the surface of the ground, can be modelled using
two different methods that simulate the behavior of their components under fast and low
frequency excitation. These methods are briefly described in the paper and results obtained
from simulations of various grounding arrangements are compared. Comparison with other
software packages or experimental data found in literature, are also presented.
Any fault current, will flow via the general mass of earth through the earth electrode system
which has an impedance to the current flow. There will therefore be a rise in the potential of
the earth electrode system and of the earth in the vicinity of the grounded system, relative to the
potential of the general mass of earth. If the voltage rise is excessive, then voltage differences
might be created across the site that represent risk of damage to equipment and danger to
human and livestock in the vicinity of the grounded system.
Several algorithms and methodologies have been derived to determine the criteria for safe
design of a grounding system. By extending EMTPs capabilities, the response of a grounding
system to transient or other phenomena, can be computed using transmission line models
[1],[7].Two models can be used a)by dividing the system in a number of segments, each
represented by a lumped parameter -model with high shunt conductance or b) by using a
frequency dependent distributed parameter transmisson line model. The mutual coupling
between grounding system components is accounted for by treating them as differenr phases of
a transmission line.
Grounding electrodes models
The R-L-C parameters of the pi-equivalent circuits are derived from the formulas below [2],
based on the well known Sundes expressions [3]
4dl dl 2lc lc
R = c , L= ln + ln ,
D 2 2 D 2h
2 dl 2lc lc 2l c l
G= ln + ln and C = 2 dl ln + ln
g D 2h D 2h
This circuit model, is as accurate, as the length of elementary segments decrease, so the effect
of segmentation of conductors is quite important.
(s + z )
i m
Q i=1
= k0 +
s + pj
(s + p )
j =1
where the zeros, poles and residues are denoted by zi, pj and kj respectively. This approach is
known as JMARTI approach [6]. The advantage of this approximation is that the left hand side
of the above equation is transformed in the time domain as quickly damped exponential
functions. This facilitates and accelerates the simulation calculations involving convolutions of
Zc and A.
The impedance Z and the susceptance Y per unit length of an horizontally buried or a vertical
bare electrode are obtained by:
where the internal impedance and susceptance of a cylindrical electrode are given by Sunde :
jw cIo ( c a)
Zi ' = with c = jw c ( c + jw c )
2a cI1 ( c a)
Y' i = 0
since there is no insulation coating, as in the cases examined here.
In the case of a horizontal electrode buried at h m depth in the ground
jw 185
. , Y' e 1 = 1 112
Z' e = log log
2 2 + 2 2ah ( + jw o r,E ) 2ah
EMTP Implementation
1a, 2a
1b 1.5E+06 1b
Voltage (V)
Voltage (V)
2b 1.0E+06
5.0E+05 2b
0.0E+00 5.0E+01 1.0E+02 1.5E+02 2.0E+02 2.5E+02 3.0E+02 3.5E+02 4.0E+02
0.0E+00 5.0E+01 1.0E+02 1.5E+02 2.0E+02 2.5E+02 3.0E+02 3.5E+02 4.0E+02
-5.0E+05 -5.0E+05
Time (s) Tim e (s)
Figure 3 Voltages at start (1) and end (2) points of the Figure 4Voltages at start (1) and end (2)points of the
grounding conductor, using (a) the lumped pi- grounding rod, using (a) the lumped pi-equivalent and
equivalent and (b) the frequency dependent line model (b) the frequency dependent line model.
There can be observed a slight difference in the results ,more noticeable in figure 3, due to an
error introduced in the analysis from the pi-circuits model, when the excitation includes high
frequency components.
Limitations of each method
When the pi equivalent circuit model is used, there is an upper limit in the maximum number
of segments the grounding system is divided into, relative to the max. number of lumped
elements that can be handled by EMTP. Therefore the division of a grounding system into
0.01m or smaller segments is practically impossible. Using the lumped pi-circuits model, a
computationally efficient division of a grounding electrode, introducing an error within
acceptable limits in the range up to 100 kHz, is division into 1m segments. Application into
various cases, has shown, that when dividing the electrode into .01 m segments, the results are
accurate, even in the MHz frequency range.
When the frequency dependent transmission line model is used, and long grounding electrodes
(above 100m) are examined, difficulties arise when trying to approximate propagation constant
A() with zeros and residues. These are numerical difficulties caused, by the big slope of A()
to the negative values, in the high frequency range, requiring a large amount of poles. By
division of the grounding electrode into smaller segments, this problem can be overcome.
Frequency dependent transmission line model, has the advantage of being suitable, for a wide
range of frequencies examined, so it can be accurate enough in the case of examining the
effects of very fast transient conditions, as lightning.
The grounding resistance of various arrangements, has been calculated, and it is equal to the
max Voltage divided by the max. current value. The calculation data and the results are as
Horizontal electrode
Calculation data
Cond. Length Cond.diameter Burial Depth Soil
(m) (m) (m) Resistivity
Case a : 10 .008 .75 50
Case b : 10 .008 .75 3000
Case c : 100 1.50 1.0 50
Case d : 100 1.50 1.0 3000
pi-circuits JMarti
Case a 11.834 12.032 12.6855 12.731
Case b 756.601 757.201 756.6744 759.298
Case c 0.993 1.0084 1.0139 1.02
Case d 59.772 60.007 60.8333 61.193
Vertical electrode
Calculation data
Cond. Length Cond.diameter Burial Depth Soil Resistivity
(m) (m) (m) (m)
Case a : 1.5 .008 top in the surface 50
Case b : 1.5 .008 top in the surface 3000
Case c : 30 .017 top in the surface 50
Case d : 30 .017 top in the surface 3000
pi-circuits JMarti
Case a 32.4550 33.201 33.4182 33.493
Case b 2007.231 2008.564 2009.9847 2010.0
Case c 1.998 2.004 2.2620 2.269
Case d 135.214 135.555 135.7186 136.16
EMTP EMTP CYMGRD Hand Calculations
pi-circuits JMarti
Case a 1.9932 2.001 2.0740 2.443
Case b 110.5130 124.4379 48.857
EMTP EMTP CYMGRD Hand Calculations
pi-circuits JMarti
Case a 17.938 18.008 18.4848 18.4
Case b 365.452 367.067 369.6955 367.996
Case c .99932 1.0000 1.0018 1.002
Case d 18.678 18.975 20.0358 20.036
Figure 5 :Voltage of conductor points vs. Time (0-40 m) Figure 6: Voltage of conductor points vs. Time (60-
Validation of EMTP results can be done by comparison with measurements data or other
software packages simulation results (fig.7 ).
Voltage (V)
100 1c
0.E+00 1.E-07 2.E-07 3.E-07 4.E-07 5.E-07 6.E-07 7.E-07
Time (sec)
Figure 7 : EDF Voltage measurements along a 15m Figure 8 : Voltage at (1) the start, (2) 3.5 from the
horizontal wire, buried in .6m depth in 70m soil, start and (3) 7m from the start of the wire using the
compared with simulations [8] (a) pi-circuits model, and (b) freq. dependent
transmission line model
Vertical electrode
Results can be found in literature[7], such as following figure 9, comparing EMTPs
performance (frequency dependent transmission line model) when simulating grounding rods,
to measurements, under an impulse current excitation. Lumped pi-circuits model has also been
applied (fig.10). Differences in the results, when time passes 1s are caused by the double
exponential waveform used to approximate the excitation current.
Voltage (V)
0.E+00 5.E-07 1.E-06 2.E-06 2.E-06 3.E-06 3.E-06
Figure 9 : Results of EMTP simulation of a vertical
rod, using frequency dependent transmission line Figure 10 : Results of EMTP simulation of a vertical
model, compared with EDF measurements rod, as in fig. 9 using lumped pi-circuits model.
Grounding system analysis using EMTP can follow any of the methods described in this paper.
Frequency dependent transmission line models are theoretically more accurate when fast
transient phenomena are examined as the response under a lightning strike. Both
methodologies are in good agreement when the response under AC/50Hz current is calculated.
EMTP is computationally efficient and fast when compared to other commercial software
packages. It provides voltages and currents vs. time in every point on the earthing system, but
not in the surrounding soil and in the surface of the earth. Safe design of grounding systems
however can follow calculation of the unknown current or voltage values in the grounding
system conductors, under any excitation. Post processing calculations of the field values in the
vicinity of the examined grounding system, [5] according to Standards can be used to check if
step and touch voltages are below the acceptable limits.