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ME 475


Semester: February 2015

Dr. Sumon Saha

Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Mechatronics Today’s topic

Block Diagram and Transfer

Mechatronics Transfer Function: Cascade Form

a. Cascaded subsystems
b. equivalent transfer function

The equivalent transfer function is

Mechatronics Transfer Function: Parallel Form

a. Parallel subsystems
b. equivalent transfer function

The equivalent transfer function is

Mechatronics Example: Block Diagram reduction

Reduce the Block Diagram to a single block.

First, the three summing junctions can be collapsed into a single summing
Mechatronics Example: Block Diagram reduction

Second, the three feedback functions, H1(s), H2(s) and H3(s) are connected in
parallel. Also, G2(s) and G3(s) are connected in cascade.

Finally, the feedback system is reduced and multiplied by G1(s) to yield the
equivalent transfer function as below
Mechatronics Example-1: Design Problem

Question: For a simple, second-order feedback control system of

the type shown in Figure below, describe the effect that variations
of forward path gain K have on the transient response.

C (s) G ( s)
The closed loop transfer function is =
R (s) 1+ G (s)
ωn = K , 2ζωn = a ⇒ ζ = K
2 K = 2
s + as + K
Mechatronics Example-1: Design Problem

a a
ζ = =1⇒ K = The system is critically damped.
2 K 4

a a
ζ = <1⇒ K > The system is under damped.
2 K 4

a a
ζ = >1⇒ 0 < K < The system is over damped.
2 K 4
Mechatronics Example-2: Design Problem

Question: For the system shown in Figure below, find the peak
time, percent overshoot and settling time.

C (s) G(s)
The closed loop transfer function is =
R (s) 1+ G (s)
ω n = 25 = 5
2 ζ ω n = 5 ⇒ ζ = 0 .5 = 2
s + 5s + 25
Mechatronics Example-2: Design Problem

Question: For the system shown in Figure below, find the peak
time, percent overshoot and settling time.

Tp = = 0 .7 2 6 se c
ωn 1− ζ
ω n = 25 = 5
− ζ π / 1− ζ
2 ζ ω n = 5 ⇒ ζ = 0 .5 % O S = e × 1 0 0 = 1 6 .3 0 3
Ts = = 1 .6 se c
Mechatronics Example-3: Design Problem

Question: Design the value of gain K, for the feedback control

system of Fig. below, so that the system will respond with a 10%

C (s) K
The closed loop transfer function is G ( s ) = = 2
R ( s ) s + 5s + K
ωn = K 2
− ζ π / 1− ζ
5 %OS = e × 100 = 10
2ζ ω n = 5 ⇒ ζ =
2 K ⇒ ζ = 0 .5 9 1 ∴ K = 1 7 .9
Mechatronics Robot Gripper
A robot gripper, shown in figure below (a) is to be controlled so that it closes to
an angle θ by using a DC motor control system, as shown in part (b). The
model of the control system is shown in part (c), where
Km = 30, Rf = 1 Ω, Kf = Ki = 1, J = 0.1, and b = 1
Mechatronics Robot Gripper
A robot gripper, shown in figure below (a) is to be controlled so that it closes to
an angle θ by using a DC motor control system, as shown in part (b). The
model of the control system is shown in part (c), where
Km = 30, Rf = 1 Ω, Kf = Ki = 1, J = 0.1, and b = 1

Determine the response, θ(t) of the system to a step change in θd(t) when K = 20.
Assume no disturbances.
Mechatronics Robot Gripper
The model of the control system is shown in part (c), where
Km = 30, Rf = 1 Ω, Kf = Ki = 1, J = 0.1, and b = 1

Determine the response, θ(t) of the system to a step change in θd(t) when K = 20.
Assume no disturbances.
The closed-loop transfer function is
θ (s) KK m K i 600 6000
= = = 2
θ d ( s ) sR f ( Js + b ) + KK m K f 0.1s + s + 600 s + 10s + 6000

ωn = 6000 = 77.46, ζ = 10 / ( 2ωn ) = 0.0646

Mechatronics Robot Gripper
The model of the control system is shown in part (c), where
Km = 30, Rf = 1 Ω, Kf = Ki = 1, J = 0.1, and b = 1

Determine the response, θ(t) of the system to a step change in θd(t) when K = 20.
Assume no disturbances.
f (t ) = 1 −
The solution for a step input is 1− ζ 2
e − ζωn t
cos ωn 1 − ζ 2 t − φ }
 ζ 
φ = tan 

θ ( t ) = 1 − 1.0021e −5t cos ( 77.298t − 0.0646 )  1 − ζ
Mechatronics Modeling DC Motors
Develop the block diagram of an armature controlled dc motor
shown in Fig. below:
Mechatronics Modeling DC Motors

The armature-controlled DC servomotor consists of the following

1. Armature: Current-carrying wire wrapped around a rotating
member called the rotor.
2. Fixed field: Permanent magnets (often augmented as
electromagnets) which create a fixed magnetic field that is
perpendicular to the surface of the rotor.
Mechatronics Modeling DC Motors

The job of the commutator is to reverse the direction of current so

that the conductor experiences the same force while the rotor

The magnetic field imposes a total force on the armature circuit of

F = 2BLIa where B is the magnetic field strength, 2L is the total
length of the conductor that is perpendicular to the field, and Ia is
the armature current. Multiplying by the rotor’s radius r we obtain
a torque
Tm ( t ) = rF = r 2 BLI a ( t ) = K m I a ( t )
K m = r 2 BL
Mechatronics Modeling DC Motors

The output torque in the motor (d-c motor with a fixed field) is
Tm ( t ) = K m I a ( t ) Tm ( s ) = K m I a ( s )
Tm is the output torque in the motor
Km is the torque constant of the motor
Ia is the armature current
Mechatronics Modeling DC Motors

The motor torque is equal to the torque delivered to the load,

which can be expressed as

Tm ( t ) = TL ( t ) + Td ( t ) Tm ( s ) = TL ( s ) + Td ( s )
TL is the load torque
Td is the disturbance torque
Mechatronics Modeling DC Motors

Relationship between the motor speed and the rotational

dθ ( t )
ω (t ) = Ω ( s ) = sθ ( s )
θ is the rotational displacement
Mechatronics Modeling DC Motors

The armature current Ia generates a torque Tm. However, any

conductor travelling through a magnetic field will induce a voltage
on the conductor. This voltage induces a current that opposes Ia.
Thus it is called the back electromotive force (back emf, Vb). It is
proportional to the motor speed,
dθ ( t )
Vb ( t ) = K b = K bω ( t ) Vb ( s ) = K b Ω ( s )
Kb is the voltage constant for motor
Modeling Mechanical
System (Rotational)
Mechatronics Modeling DC Motors

The load torque for rotating inertia is

dω ( t )
TL ( t ) = J + bω ( t ) TL ( s ) = JsΩ ( s ) + bΩ ( s )
ω is the angular speed
J is the rotating inertia
b is the rotational damping coefficient
Mechatronics Modeling DC Motors

Applying KVL for armature circuit,

dI a ( t )
Va ( t ) = Ra I a ( t ) + La + Vb ( t ) Va ( s ) = Ra I a ( s ) + La sI a ( s ) + Vb ( s )
Va is the input voltage applied to the armature
Ra is the armature resistance
La is the armature inductance
Mechatronics Modeling DC Motors
Block diagram of an armature controlled dc motor
Tm ( s ) − Td ( s ) = TL ( s )

θ (s) 1
Ω(s) s
Ia ( s ) 1 Vb ( s ) Ω(s) 1
= = Kb =
Va ( s ) − Vb ( s ) Ra + La s Ω(s) TL ( s ) Js + b
Tm ( s ) Ia ( s ) Tm ( s ) Tm ( s ) Km
= Km = =
Ia ( s ) Va ( s ) − Vb ( s ) I a ( s ) Va ( s ) − Vb ( s ) Ra + La s
Mechatronics Modeling DC Motors
Develop the block diagram of an armature controlled dc motor
shown in Fig. below:

Transfer function of the system neglecting any disturbances

θ (s) Km
Va ( s ) s ( Ra + La s )( Js + b ) + K b K m 
Mechatronics Home Work: Modeling DC Motors

Derive the transfer function of an armature controlled D.C. motor

as shown in figure below (do not consider block diagram):

θ (s) Km
Ei ( s ) s ( R + Ls )( I m s + b ) + K b K m 

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