5 Trustee Candidates

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Annual General Meeting

5. Trust Candidates
5. Trust Candidates
th th
Nominations were called for on 18 September with the nomination period closing 29 September
2017. The following candidates meet the eligibility criteria and are standing for election.

DICKSON, Ngawiki Ko Mauao te maunga.

Ko Tauranga te moana
Ko Mataatua te waka
Ko Ngi Te Rangi te iwi
Ko Ngi Tukairangi te hapu
Ko Hungahungatoroa te marae
Ko Taapuiti te wharenui
Ko Charlie raua ko Rosie Dickson oku matua
Ko Waimihi Ihaka toku Kuia, ko Tapuraka Rikihana Dickson toku
Ko Ngawiki Dickson toku ingoa
No Matapihi ahau

I have three sons aged 21, 15 and seven and I am currently

employed at Te Wharekura o Mauao as Office Manager where I
have been since April this year. Prior to that, I was Office
Administrator at Te Kura o Matapihi for the past ten years. I
currently sit on the Board of Trustees for Te Wharekura o Mauao.

Its time I became a more active member of our hpu and if

successful with this nomination will endeavour to be pro-active as
per our Ngai Tukairangi Hapu Trust Deed.

DICKSON, Thomas Kia ora e te whnau, ko Thomas Taharangi Tawhiao Dickson tku
ingoa. Ko Matiu rua ko Helen ku mtua, ko Charlotte rua ko Te
Rongoihaere ku kaumtua.

I am 21 years old and am currently live in Hamilton. I am currently

attending the University of Waikato, where I am completing a
Bachelor of Teaching (Primary). While studying I work part time and
compete in Club rugby for Marist Hamilton. I have worked part time
throughout my study.

When possible I return to Matapihi for various kaupapa, and

particularly enjoy returning home to play rugby for the Matapihi
rugby team when I can. I am also a current member of Ttara
Kauika ki Rangataua, and stood with the rp for the last two

While compared to others I may be young, I am willing to learn and

seek opportunities to support and respond to our hap needs and
ELLIS,Riri Kia ora whanau.

My parents are Hikareia Ellis and Rahera Rangi and I am a Te

Kani. I have spent a lot of my life working closely on the Treaty
settlements for our hapu, and helped prepare evidence, going door
to door ensuring our koroua and kuia were prepared for their
Waitangi Tribunal presentations. Their efforts are what drives me
and I believe it is essential we bring our hapu settlement assets
home to our hapu. That has been our primary goal and whilst it
appears otherwise, our progress is directly related to how fast or in
this case, slow the Ngai Te Rangi Settlement Trust works. I left the
iwi four years ago, and I have watched as delays have continued to
impact on our hapu progress. I hope that changes soon.

I have numerous years of experience in governance roles, including

being a trustee on the Ngai Tukairangi Orchard Trust and the
Federation of Maori Authorities. I am also on the Miro Ltd board
which is responsible for Maori growing blueberries around the
country. When my children were younger, like many parents, I did
my share of Kohanga reo committee hui, the Kura events, as well
as other roles like hanging curtains and cleaning walls in the
kaumatua flats. I also assist with the environmental roles for the
hapu and I am committed to seeing that grow and develop further
as well if re-elected.

Nga mihi nui ki a tatou.

NGATAI, Moana Kia ora koutou

I live in Matapihi where I was raised affiliating to Whareroa
Marae. My

Community involvement includes:

Treasurer, Whareroa Matapihi Committee - current
Treasurer, Matapihi Sports Trust - current
Te Kura o Matapihi Centenary Committee past

I currently work for Nga Mataapuna Oranga Primary Health

Organisation as the Operations Manager and am responsible for
the finances of the organisation.

2015 2016: Trustee for the Ngai Te Ahi Raupatu Settlement Trust
2015 ongoing: Trustee for the Kaitimako Waipapa Trust (Urupa)
2006 2008: Secretary for Reweti & Te Pre Whanau Trust (Hairini

The introduction of social and technological innovation as measures
to achieve improved outcomes for Whanau primarily in key areas
Housing - Investigating better use of land, capital assets for
social housing development, partnering where possible with
existing organisations to achieve this including PSL (Victoria
Investigating partnering with our respective land owning
Whanau Trusts in conjunction with PSL and or TPK / Mori
Housing Network as multi agencies, to support these Trusts
through PSL training and investigate the establishment of a
match fund to match any infrastructure costs covered off by
TPK / Mori Housing Network.
Education - Identifying existing and or possible partnerships
and establishing sustainable long term commitments in regards
to educating and training our Whanau in preparation for the jobs
of the future now (Anaru!)We have a number of Marae already
in existence which can be used as campuses for learning not
only in the maintenance and preservation of our customary
culture and traditions but also for the upskilling of our people
into the digital sector.

2016 Bachelor of Maori Art (Raranga) 2014 Diploma Maori Art

2013 Certificate Maori Art 2000 MSocSc (Anthropology)
1999 BSocScHons (Sociology) 1998 BSocSc (Anthro / Socio)

TE KANI, Neil Kia ora tatou katoa.

I have been privileged to be in the role as Chairperson and trustee

of the Hapu Committee as a commitment to my father Wiparera Te
Kani and uncle Mahaki Ellis to ensure that the hapu settlement
assets will be returned to our hapu. I take this responsibility
seriously, and I cherish the opportunity to follow in their footsteps. I
have held numerous governance roles, including Chairman of Te
Orea Trust, Tauranga Moana Museum Trust and Tukairangi
Investments Ltd. I am also the Deputy Chairman of Mangatawa
Incorporation, a Trustee of Ngai Tukairangi Trust and Ranginui
12. I was also fortunate to be part of the Fonterra Governance
training programme as the only Maori to have achieved this outside
the farming fraternity. I believe I add a calm and level headedness
to our deliberations and I am happy to speak with civic and
community leaders on our behalf.

I am driven to see Ngai Tukairangi hapu benefit from the long hard
yards of Tribunal hearings and battles, just as Nga Potiki is
currently doing with their developments, who are currently
developing their Treaty settlement lands through the same
settlement as our hapu. I am growing increasingly impatient with
the continual delays associated with the return of our properties
from the Ngai Te Rangi Settlement Trust, and want that to speed up
sooner rather than later
TIMU TIMU, Anaru Kia ora koutou katoa o Ngai Tukairangi.

My name is Anaru Timutimu. My grandparents are Te Hauoterangi

and Marama Dickson. I am married to Huia Haeata and have two
daughters Whetumarama and Te Rina and we live in Mount

I have been supported by my whanau to seek a position as a

trustee for the Ngai Tukairangi Hapu Trust.

I believe the key values for the hapu trust to succeed are
connection, collaboration and strategy.
Connecting and communicating with our whanau,
Collaborating with others to achieve our goals, and
Tying this together through a well executed purposeful

I have over 13 years experience as a trustee and director for

various entities. I have been able to implement communication
disciplines and events for stakeholders, negotiate business deals
and foster long term positive relationships with other parties and put
in place strategic vision and planning.
I am optimistic for our people that live both locally and outside of
the rohe. I believe that the hapu trust can act in a role to provide
strong representation for our people, provide support and
connection to and within our whnau and be a link to our culture
and history in the modern busy times we all live in today.
I believe that we all have a responsibility to provide a legacy for
future Ngai Tukairangi generations and Id like to make a
contribution by being a trustee for the Ngai Tukairangi hapu trust.

WELLS, Andrea Kia Ora Whanau

My name is Andrea Wells (Sis), middle daughter of Hineao Ngatai

(Youngest daughter of Parehuia and Tiuka). I have recently
returned home with my whanau from Perth WA where we have
spent the last 25 years.

During that time and currently I am working for an Agri-Business

Export Company in Australia specialising in Export Sales and
Marketing predominantly to Asian markets.

Within this role the need for clear open lines of communications at
all levels are required as well as a good understanding of
Accounting and Balance Sheets.
I believe the skills that I have obtained whilst away will be put to
good use within the Hapu Trust and I look forward to serving you all
if given the chance.

I am Ngai Tukairangi and Whareroa is my Marae.

Nga Mihi

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