GT Connect Term 1

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1st Edition
Jan - Mar 2016

Dr. Mario Denton (The strong message), Paul

Kim & Phumzile Kalazani (Good Tree)

A newfangled
relationship formed.
The end of the previous year 2015 was a beginning of a network that will make
things work easier for ministry for this current year and many to come.
Last year Good Tree members attended a training provided by The Strong Message, an organization that
is leaded by Dr. Mario Denton (MECon. MBA, PhD) a director of Character First Africa. Dr. Mario Denton
He uses his strong academic and corporate background and his uniquely effective coaching skills to help
organisations tap into their potential to make a difference in the workplace. At Good Tree we know that
having a relationship with a person like him is only a blessing and an ordained devine connection that
God has given to us, Dr. Mario is not just empowering us with skills but with material that we can use on
day-to-day in the schools and out of school environment. Tom Hill and John Burnett trained him in the
concepts of character first. It was like a light shining for the first time and I realised that we do not do
enough to teach people Gods fundamental character qualities he said. Dr. Mario Denton will remain a
coach for Good Tree said Paul Kim. On this training Phumzile Kalazani (GT Character First Coordinator) was
also trained together with Moeletsi Lesaoana and were awarded with attendance certificates that certifies
them as Character Champions.

Term 1- 2016 - GT Connect |

Good Tree
One of the succesful projects we
have accomplished in 2016, is the
Good Tree website. This website will
be our way to stay in touch with the
world about our ministry.
The website will be launched at the begining
of the second term of 2016. The website will
tell a story of Good Tree and the ministry
that God has called us into. In todays world
technology is one of the tools that we are
ought to take advantage of it to expand and
touch the world for His Kingdom.

How Character can

impact schools.
Khayelitsha is a township with a high rate in
crime, HIV/Aids, unemployment and many
more other social ills. In schools teachers face
gangsterism day after each day. Educators must
at all times be on guard for their belongings
or their lives at some schools. The lack of
good charcter in learners lead to violence in
schools, it leads to theft and an increase in
school crimes rate. There are some schools in
the township where dangerous weapons are

found in the backpacks of learners. This alone

echoes the lack of good character in the lives
of these kids.
At Good Tree we are impacting these kids
with Character based values. The trick is not
to only teach but also to model each charatcer
so they can have confidence in us and know
that it is possible for one to change into a good
character. Our facilitators in schools emphasize
the importance of character in all aspects

of life, They emphasize specific character

qualities so that everyone understands them.
They illustrate with stories, object lessons, and
activities. If the government can add charcter
education as part of the curriculum in schools,
we can have a better future in South Africa
knowing that a good seed of charcter has been
planted and watered to grow in each life of
learners in schools.

Passover Celebrations
& Motivations...
Passover is very important
season among Christians in
South Africa. Even people who
have not been in church for a
long time you happen to see
them during these days of the
celebration of the passover.
Our Good Tree team Pastor
Phumzile and Moeletsi were
invited in some of the school in
Khayelitsha during this season
of Passover Celebrations.

They motivated students

in the School Assemblies
and reached to about 1700
Students with the word of
God. And many turned their
lives to Christ. We give all the
glory to God. It such moments
where we realise the purpose
of the ministry that God has
called us into. Please pray for
the Spirit of God to encourage
the students to continue in

Term 1- 2016 - GT Connect |

their faith and to steadfastly

devout themselves to go to
In our Township the Good Tree
is a very powerful tool to reach
the students with the word of
god as the new reguslations
from the government do not
allow schools pray or open
with prayer. Our hope is in
God .

Paul Kim and his wife going to a sabath year...

We as Good Tree team we wish our missionary

partner, Paul Kim a blessed Sabbath year as he will
leave together with his family to Korea until such
a time they come back to us. We have learned
many things under his leadership. We know that
most of the things do not always go according to
what we want them to be.
May the blessing of God be in your family and
the will of God directs your life and mostly Happy
Sabbath Year.

lesson and gathering session talks.

This township has achieved a life changing
experience from rival gangs known as VURA &
VATO through our programmes we facilitate
at local schools and Yona Yethu, the rate of
gangsterism goes down by day to another.
Therefore we now want to expand the
achievement to Community Correctionals and
establish a working relationship to support the
prisoners. It is our responsibility to resolve unattended issues hand in hand with stake holders.

A background about the

township: Khayelitsha
In 1994 our country took a major step forward in promoting the inclusion and quality of one of
the disfranchised groups of our citizens. However much more remains to be done. Today, young
people and actually all people in Khayelitsha are no longer limited by discriminatory policies
enforced to them by the previous non-democratic government but they are excluded and side
lined to economic participation, resources and information. This is not because the government
does not want them to have access to these resources but they lack knowledge or information.
The Good Trees intervention with the youth through the Yona Yethu Project has some how
inspired the youth to positively think about their future and how it should be through character

Good Tree ministry

chalenges and answers
to prayer.

Prayers for Good Tree:

Good Tree team will visit orphanages in term 2 and facilitate the character program in one
of the orphanage homes. Please pray that the Lord gives us ability and humility to serve.

Continue to pray for our brother, Pual Kim as he enters his sabbath year, may the Lord bless
him and his family.

Always pray for the Good Tree team at all times, we need those prayers in order to stand in
the field that God has called us into.

Term 1- 2016 - GT Connect

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