Lesson Plan in Teaching of Literature
Lesson Plan in Teaching of Literature
Lesson Plan in Teaching of Literature
I. Objectives
2. Respond meaningfully to the song by sharing their views on the transcience of life.
III. Procedure
1. Students are shown with sayings or quotes and photographs about the brief and temporary nature of life
on earth. They are asked to answer the motive question: How do you view the transient nature of life?
2. Then, the students are introduced to the singers life and the background of the song to be used through a
PowerPoint presentation.
3. Guide questions will be given before the viewing of the music video.
Guide Questions:
2. What does the line a halfway house will never be a home mean?
4. The students will watch and listen carefully to the music video of Temporary Home.
Temporary Home
Carrie Underwood
Words and music by Carrie Underwood, Luke Laird, and Zac Maloy
5. Discussion of the song follows. The guide questions given earlier will be answered by the students. Follow-
up questions will be given to further elaborate the song and its message.