SRS Ride
SRS Ride
SRS Ride
Month, Year
Revision History
Author/ Changes Date Reason For Changes Version
made by
<Project Team DD-MM-YY initial draft 1.0 draft 1
<Project Team DD-MM-YY baseline following changes after inspection 1.0 approved
Approved by:
Project Guide Name: Ms. Lucky Rajpoot
Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................................................................4
1.1 PURPOSE .........................................................................................................................................................4
1.2 SCOPE OF THE WORK .........................................................................................................................................4
1.3 DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS, AND ABBREVIATIONS .....................................................................................................4
1.4 REFERENCES .....................................................................................................................................................5
NIST CLOUD COMPUTING REFERENCE ...........................................................................................................5
2 OVERALL DESCRIPTION .............................................................................................................................5
2.1 PRODUCT PERSPECTIVE ......................................................................................................................................5
2.2 PRODUCT FUNCTIONS ........................................................................................................................................5
2.3 USER CHARACTERISTICS ......................................................................................................................................7
2.4 GENERAL CONSTRAINTS......................................................................................................................................7
2.5 ASSUMPTIONS AND DEPENDENCIES ......................................................................................................................8
3 SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS .........................................................................................................................8
3.1 REGISTER .........................................................................................................................................................8
3.1.1 Description ..........................................................................................................................................8
3.1.2 Inputs ...................................................................................................................................................8
3.1.3 Processing ...........................................................................................................................................9
3.1.4 Outputs ................................................................................................................................................9
3.1.5 Error Handling ....................................................................................................................................9
3.1.6 Test Cases for <Function 1> ..............................................................................................................9
3.2 MAKE BOOKING ...............................................................................................................................................9
3.2.1 Introduction .........................................................................................................................................9
3.2.2 Inputs ...................................................................................................................................................9
3.2.3 Processing ...........................................................................................................................................9
3.2.4 Outputs .............................................................................................................................................. 10
3.2.5 Error Handling .................................................................................................................................. 10
3.2.6 Test Cases for <Function 2> ............................................................................................................ 10
3.3 CANCEL BOOKING ........................................................................................................................................... 10
3.3.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 10
3.3.2 Inputs ................................................................................................................................................. 10
3.3.3 Processing ......................................................................................................................................... 10
3.3.4 Outputs .............................................................................................................................................. 10
3.3.5 Error Handling .................................................................................................................................. 11
3.3.6 Test Cases for <Function 3> ............................................................................................................ 11
3.4 DESIGN CONSTRAINTS ...................................................................................................................................... 11
1 Introduction
The purpose of this document is to define scope and requirements of an Online Bus Ticket
Booking System for a State Road Transport Corporation (SRTC). The proposed system will
provide online bus ticket booking on the lines of existing popular Rail or Airline ticket booking
systems. This document should be used by the development team to architect the solution the
1.1 Purpose
While bus is a popular mode of transport for short and medium distance travels, it is still not
easy to plan a bus journey easily in advance like train or flights. A state government took an
initiative to transform its State Road Transport Corporation (SRTC) bus ticket booking system on
the lines of railways and airline systems. The proposed system - Ride will:
Allow travelers to search available services on the basis of trip details (i.e. To/From,
One/Two way, and preferred timings). The traveler should be able to book a trip for the
selected service.
Allow cancellation of existing bookings.
Enable an automated delivery of e-tickets via e-mail.
It was proposed to develop a web based online system with one key objectives in mind -
simplify booking process for the traveler. Ride will be designed & developed to run on
Salesforce Application Server and SOQL Universal Database in a 2-tier architecture.
Abbreviation Description
& Used for the And
SRS Systems Requirements Specification
Subjective The overall satisfaction of the system
End user For the Customer which are using the App
1.4 References
The project is aimed at making the student understand concepts of Design and Development
using Salesforce Rational tools, Salesforce Application Server and SOQL Database. The following
reading reference is easy to understand and should be read to get a clear understanding of
capabilities of the tools and how you would leverage them to execute a project.
2 Overall Description
While bus is a popular mode of transport for short and medium distance travels, it is still not
easy to plan a bus journey easily in advance like train or flights. A state government took an
initiative to transform its State Road Transport Corporation (SRTC) bus ticket booking system on
the lines of railways and airline systems. The proposed system - Ride will:
Allow travelers to search available services on the basis of trip details (i.e. To/From,
One/Two way, and preferred timings). The traveler should be able to book a trip for the
selected service.
Allow cancellation of existing bookings.
Enable an automated delivery of e-tickets via e-mail.
It was proposed to develop a web based online system with one key objectives in mind -
simplify booking process for the traveler.
Booking Management
Tariff Management
Schedule Management
Bus ticket Management
Seat Management
Booking Report
Add vendors
Email notifications
Rides high level logical architecture is illustrated through the diagram shown below. It will have
following categories of users:
1. Travelers
2. SRTC Employees
The proposed web-based application, Ride will be accessed by the SRTC employees to setup
routes, fares, services, fleet details etc on an ongoing basis. Travelers will be required to
register themselves in order to access the online booking services.
Ride Database
This will hold all the Ride data including the masters like routes, fares details and the
transactions like bookings from travelers.
Mail Server
Mail server will be used for sending booking confirmations via email.
Application To view all bookings by different criteria like by route, by bus type, etc.
Use Case Name View Bookings
Primary Actor Administrator
Secondary Actor None
Pre-condition None
Trigger Administrator clicks on the View Bookings link on the admin interface page
Basic Flow System displays the criteria selection list box
Maintain Masters
There is no integration with the payment gateway for this system; booking process will
not involve any financial transaction.
While it is nice to have e-mail alerts & reminders to notify the passenger of change of
schedule/delays or to remind of the journey timings a day before of the planned journey
date, these features will not be incorporated in this system. However, adventurous
developers are welcome to add such features.
3 Specific Requirements
Functional Requirements
The high level functional requirements for the Ride system are outlined in the Use Case diagram
described in this section. Ride will provide a secure user-id/password based secured login
mechanism to access its services. The details of this are not outlined here. The development
team is expected to create these keeping in mind the general practices followed by the web
applications. Login will be a prerequisite to use Ride. Internal users will be provided user
id/password pair separately; whereas travelers will be required to register to obtain their user-
id/password pair.
Once traveler logs in, s/he can view past bookings or make new bookings from My Travel
Page. Note, this page is only visible after a traveler logs in to the system.
3.1 Register
3.1.1 Description
Traveler registers in the Ride System to gain access to its online bus ticket booking services.
3.1.2 Inputs
System displays the new registration page and traveler is asked to fill personal information
such name, address, e-mail, and user-id/password as per the prevailing web registration
On clicking the submit button, the travelers profile is saved; s/he is registered and a
welcome e-mail is sent.
3.1.3 Processing
On clicking the submit button, the travelers profile is saved; s/he is registered and a
welcome e-mail is sent.
3.1.4 Outputs
TC002 Login Test Login with proper details and User Pass
role. Name/Password
3.2.2 Inputs
Traveler clicks on the Book Ticket link on My Travel Page
3.2.3 Processing
System displays search page that allows traveler to enter source, destination, date of
travel and preferred timings. Upon clicking search, all possible list of services are listed in a
view. [Please refer to Services as defined in Object Model].
Traveler is prompted to select the desired service and clicks on Make my Bookings link.
The desired service is booked and appropriate record(s) are created in the system including
blocking the requested number of seats in the desired service.
An e-mail containing e-ticket is sent to the traveler. This e-mail contains ticket number
along with the journey details.
The details of this booking are now visible on the My Travel Page.
3.2.4 Outputs
E-Mail containing e-ticket.
3.3.3 Processing
3.3.4 Outputs
E-Mail confirming cancellation details.
TC004 Cancel Cancelation of the Ticket User must be log Ticket is canceled
Ticket in and the seat must
be unallocated
TC005 User The user only view and delete their User must be log User authorization
verification own ticket in failed
The Ride- an Online Bus Ticket Booking System shall be a stand-alone system running on the
Salesforce Platform which is not any OS dependent it can be surf on any browser even on a
Android also but a good Internet Connection is must. This system shall be developed using
Salesforce Cloud Platform via SOQL database.
Appendix A
Data Flow Diagram (DFD)
Appendix B
Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD)
Appendix C
Use-Case Diagram (UCD)
Appendix D
Data Dictionary (DD)
User Table (USR)
Fields Data type Description
USR-Name Text Admin name
USR-Password Text Admin password
Fields Data type Description
Route Name Text Name of the Route
WAY Pick list Route way
Station Text Name of the Station
Fields Data type Description
Services Name Text Name of the Services
Bus Type Pick list Type of the Bus
BUS NO Pick list Bus to allot for the
No of Seats Pick list No of seats in a Bus
Fields Data type Description
Fare name Text Name of the Fare
Route Pick list Way of the Route
From Lookup Relationship Source of the ticket
To Lookup Relationship Destination of the Ticket
Service Lookup Relationship Type of the Service
Distance Number Distance between Source
and Destination
Fare Formula Calculated via service and
the distance
Fields Data type Description
Timing Name Text Name of the Time
Date Date Date on which services
are available
Bus Type Pick List Type of the Bus
Way Pick List Route of the Bus
Station Lookup Relationship Time at which the Bus is
available on the Station
Bus no Text Bus No
Timing Time Time of the bus
Make Booking
Fields Data type Description
Name Text Name of the Traveler
Fathers Name Text Father name of the
Contact-no Number Contact no of the User
DOB Date Date of birth of the user
Email Email Email id of the User
Bus no Text Bus No
Timing Time Time of the bus
Route Pick list Way of the Route
From Lookup Relationship Source of the ticket
To Lookup Relationship Destination of the Ticket
Service Lookup Relationship Type of the Service
Date Date Date on which services
are available
Cancel Booking
Fields Data type Description
Date Date Date
Ticket no Lookup Relationship Ticket generated on Date
Password Password Password generated at
the time of ticket booking
Appendix E
Screen Shots
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