RE - Project Plan - V4.0
RE - Project Plan - V4.0
RE - Project Plan - V4.0
“The hardest single part of building a software system is deciding precisely what to build. No other
part of the conceptual work is as difficult as establishing the detail technical requirements, including
the entire interface to people, to machines, and to other software systems. No part of
the work so cripples the resulting system if done wrong. No other part is more difficult to rectify later.”
[Brooks, 1987]
Revision History
Author Date Description Version
Table of Contents
1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................5
1.2 Stakeholders..................................................................................................................................5
1.7 References.....................................................................................................................................7
2 Project Organization....................................................................................................................10
3 Managerial Process......................................................................................................................13
3.2.1............................................................................................................................. Constraints
4 Technical Process.........................................................................................................................14
4.1.1.................................................................................................................................. Method
4.1.2...................................................................................................................................... Tools
4.1.3............................................................................................................................. Techniques
5.1 Budget.........................................................................................................................................16
1 Introduction
This document provides background information for the rest of the document. It briefly describes
the project, the client deliverables, the project milestones, and expected document changes.
This project has two phases. The first phase is requirement elicitation which includes the delivery of
a detail requirement description and a non-functional prototype of the GUI. Second phase, includes
the product specification and process specification and functional system.
The principal users of this system are the Meeting Initiator and Meeting Attendees/Participants. It is
the responsibility of the meeting initiator to schedule the meeting based on the availability of the
attendees along with the constraints expressed by the attendees/participants. The meeting
scheduler system shall have the ability to handler several meeting requests in parallel and resolve
Cancel Meeting
1.2 Stakeholders
There are primarily three stakeholders involved in Meeting Scheduler System:
1 Web based company Omni-soft: The Company for which the Meeting Scheduling System needs
to be developed.
2 Team Call of Duty: The team responsible for developing the Meeting Scheduling System for web
based company
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Web Based Meeting Scheduler- Project Plan
3 Professor Lawrence Chung: Primarily the facilitator between company and Team Call of Duty.
He was responsible for the Phase I requirements elicitation and now acting as a communication
point between company and team Call of Duty.
c. Organizational Structure – will be updated as the roles and responsibilities are assigned for
each phase.
h. Work elements, schedule and budget – will be updated in the case of schedule or budget
1.7 References
[1] Requirement Engineering – Advanced Requirement Engineering. CS/SE 6361 Section 001, Spring
Active Participants – One or more participants who give presentations in the meeting. They are
the one who called for to attend meeting.
Activity Diagram – A semiformal diagram (UML) that depicts the process or activity.
Class Diagram – A diagram that depicts classes in a s/w system and their associations.
Date Conflict – When date and time of the two meetings conflict.
Date Range –Give the range of dates when meetings take place.
Deliverable – Output of an activity or the work product are the deliverables of the project.
Exclusion Set – Dates or times ranges when participants cannot attend meeting.
Meeting organizer - One who is responsible for managing meetings. Example –ensure meeting
should start and end at scheduled time, review agenda, prepare minutes of meeting.
Meeting Initiator - One who make necessary arrangements for the meeting. Example - decide
Meeting Proposal- An invitation to the meeting including meeting topic, date range and duration
that is sent to a list of potential participants.
NFR Model – A goal oriented analysis model that establishes relationship between non-functional
requirements soft-goals and operational soft-goals.
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Web Based Meeting Scheduler- Project Plan
Non-Functional Requirements – Requirements that cannot be formulated, but that can be fulfilled
by different features and functions
Process Specification – Development of software needs many processes to be carried out by the
team to do an activity which is the process
Regular Participants – Participants who attend meeting, listen and ask questions from the active
Report –This will contain the detailed description of the product models.
Requirements Engineering Incremental Model – cycles are divided into smaller, more easily
managed iterations..
Soft-Goal Interdependency Graph (SIG) – A hierarchical structure that shows the dependencies
between various soft goals
Semi-formal Notation – The notation that is neither too formal nor too informal (something in
between the both) to understand properly
Stakeholder – The project’s outcome, interests some people and those people are called
Software Requirements Specification – The outcome of the Requirement analysis stage in the
software lifecycle is captured in a document called SRS that contains the features of the
requirements that the software has.
User Manual – A document that has the prototype which is given in the form of screenshots and
description of how to use it and what it contains.
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Web Based Meeting Scheduler- Project Plan
Virtual meeting – When participants are located at different location, then meeting is held by
teleconference, videoconference etc.
Vision Document – The starting point of any project is the Vision document which has 3 wares,
the hardware, software and people-ware who interact with the s/w system.
1.8.1 Abbreviations
SRS – Software Requirement Specifications
FR – Functional Requirement
2 Project Organization
We will use UML tools to create the system model and the subsequent breakdown of the design.
The Project Management Team is comprised of the Project Leads, Project Manager and chaired by
the Project Manager. The charge of the committee is to share information among teams and
address implementation issues that impact multiple applications.
Project Manager
The Project Support Manager assists with project planning, budget analysis, coordination of
communication activities and training programs. Involved in other support activities as the situation
dictates. Serves as member of the Project Management Team.
Team Lead
The Team Lead is responsible for managing the team activities and schedule. Serves as a member of
the Project Management Team. Works closely with project sponsor to gather user requirements.
Project planning
System development and testing
Documentation development
Status reporting
Technical coordination with local technical staff and
Responsible for understanding the application domain and compile enterprise requirements
Determine the scope of the problem, identify stakeholders, and analyze the existing system
to compile Enterprise Requirements
The Module Team Lead ensures that the work of the team proceeds as planned. Works closely with
the Team lead.
Project Manager
Module Lead
Module Lead
Meeting Date Anuj Hari Kawal Kerem Neha Priya Satwant Sujatha
1 24-Jan-10 x X X X X X X X
2 20-Feb-10 x x x X x x x x
3 26-Feb-10 x x x x x x x x
4 2-Mar-10 x x x x x x x x
5 18-Mar-10 x x x x x x x x
6 02-Apr-10 x x x x x x x x
7 6-Apr-10 x x x x x x x x
8 10-Apr-10 x x x x x x x x
9 24-Apr-10 x x x x x x x x
Total 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
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Web Based Meeting Scheduler- Project Plan
Being an online system, it can be easily accessed from any computer with internet access, thus
removing any constraints of time or place. The system also sends relevant notifications and
information to respective users through emails. The system will have a user-friendly interface.
3 Managerial Process
The primary focus of our team is the reliability, usability, and quality. Satisfying requirements
and perfecting the product is very important to us. Meeting user's needs is our top goal.
1. Management will ensure that project team members are available as needed to complete
project tasks and objectives
2. All project participants will abide by the guidelines identified within this plan
3. Project Plan might change based on new information revealed or issues encountered.
4. Availability of customer for meetings and trainings
3.2.1 Constraints
The project has the below 3 constraints:
4 Technical Process
4.1.1 Method
The Method we will be following will have a flavour of agile Methodology, an incremental and
iterative approach.
4.1.2 Tools
The tools and applications used by the team for this project:
a) Document Development: Microsoft Office Word
b) Architectural and Design Diagrams: IBM Rational Rose , StarUML, ConceptDraw
c) Communication : Google Groups
d) Development: Glassfish Version 3 Server, java 1.6, J2ee, Servlets , Sql Server 2005, Ajax,
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Web Based Meeting Scheduler- Project Plan
4.1.3 Techniques
The Techniques we will be using in our project will be focused on Model driven development, Test
driven development, and object oriented development.
MDD gives architects the ability to define and communicate a solution while creating artifacts that
become part of the overall solution. MDD is also comprised of the ability to visualize the domain,
such as a business domain, and the generation of implementation artefacts. The Model-Driven
Architecture (MDA) defines an approach to modelling that separates the specification of system
functionality from the specification of its implementation on a specific technology platform. In short
it defines a guideline for structuring specifications expressed as models.
Test Driven Design (TDD). With a TDD approach you create a test then write enough production
code to fulfil that test. In other words, the tests form your detailed design model (as executable
specifications), arguably making TDD a modelling approach.
Object Oriented Development (OOD) promises to reduce development time, reduce the time and
resources required to maintain existing applications, increase code reuse, and provide a competitive
advantage to organizations that use it.
5.1 Budget
The project is budgeted for 8 resources.
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