Color Sorting Robotic Arm

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A report submitted by


in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree







(Affiliated to APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University)

Ernakulam - 682 308


This is to certify that a bonafide record of the design project work titled “Mini Project” done by

Praveen Premchand (MUT16ME044) during academic year 2018-2019 towards partial

fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Degree of Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical

Engineering of APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University.

Project Coordinator Head of Department

Dr. Kurian Antony Dr.Manoj George

Assistant Professor Associate Professor

Dept. of ME Dept. of ME


Place: Varikoli

Date: 26/11/2018

Foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my project guide, Dr. Kurian Antony for

his continuous encouragement, invaluable guidance, motivation and enthusiasm throughout my

project work. I appreciate his sincere help in terms of patience, time and ideas so as to make my

project experience stimulating and productive.

My sincere gratitude to Dr. Manoj George, Head of Department during my course period 2018-19.

I would like to acknowledge management of Muthoot Institute of Technology & Science for

providing academic support to complete my course work project. In my daily work I have been

blessed with a friendly and cheerful group of fellow students. I am very much thankful to all the

members of my group.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the technical staff of CAD Laboratory, and all the

staff of Mechanical Engineering Department for providing good environment.

Besides this, several people have knowingly and unknowingly helped me in the successful

completion of this mini project. I express my sincere gratitude to all of them.


Efficiency and automatization can be improved in several ways. The focus in this report has been

working with color identification and creating a smart robot. A simple robotic arm is used to apply the

color sorting to a physical system. This model evaluates how well a robotic arm can sort different

objects using a predefined color identification algorithm.

The proposed project is to separate the objects from a set according to their colour. This can be useful

to categories the objects which move on a conveyor. The proposed method of categorization is based

on colour of the object. In this project the system categories balls of six different colours. The detection

of the particular colour is done by a light intensity to frequency converter method. The robotic arm is

controlled by a microcontroller based system which controls DC servo motors.


1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 5

1.1. About System under Study .................................................................................................. 5

1.2. Technical Challenges ........................................................................................................... 5

1.3. Motivations & Objectives .................................................................................................... 6

1.4. Project Layout...................................................................................................................... 6

2. CASE STUDY ............................................................................................................................ 8

2.1. Product 1: ............................................................................................................................. 8

2.2. Product 2: ............................................................................................................................. 9

2.3. Product 3: ............................................................................................................................. 9

3. PROBLEM FORMULATION.................................................................................................. 11

3.1. Design Objectives .............................................................................................................. 11

3.2. Design Constraints ............................................................................................................. 11

3.3. Future Improvements ......................................................................................................... 11

3.4. Conclusions ....................................................................................................................... 12

4. DESIGN METHODOLOGY .................................................................................................... 13

4.1. Implementation .................................................................................................................. 13

4.2. Working ............................................................................................................................. 16

4.3. Mathematical calculations ................................................................................................. 18

4.4. CAD Drawings .................................................................................................................. 20

5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ............................................................................................... 21

6. CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................................... 22


Fig 1: Block Diagram of the proposed system....................................................................................... 7

Fig 2: Block Diagram of Colour Detector TCS3200. .......................................................................... 13

Fig 3 : TCS230 Photodiode colour sensor ........................................................................................... 13

Fig 4: Arduino UNO ............................................................................................................................ 15

Fig 5: Robotic Arm Structure. ............................................................................................................. 16

Fig 6 : Final assembly of designed colour sorting machine................................................................. 20

Fig 7:3D drawing of robotic arm ......................................................................................................... 20


Table.1: Rotation of the servo motors mentioned in degrees ……………………………………… 18


1.1. About System under Study

In the era of robotics and automation, all the industries are becoming automated for faster development

and growth. A robot is an electro-mechanical machine which reduces human efforts and increases

efficiency. It is a real time machine which completes its given tasks in given time, with the help of

computer programming. Our project presents the design and development of a robotic arm with the

application of color sorting of spherical objects. Basically the robotic arm is programmed to pick the

spherical object from one place and drop accordingly into the respective colored box.

1.2. Technical Challenges

Here, the color sensor is used to sense the color of the object to be picked and dropped, and the voltage

i.e. the intensity of the color sensed is converted into frequency which is given as input to the

microcontroller. The microcontroller enables motor driver circuit which drives the motors of the

robotic arm to grip the objects and drop them in the specified location according to the color. It reduces

the human effort, labour and cost. It also increases the efficiency since the mechanised sorting is much

faster the manual sorting.

An ATmega328P based microcontroller Arduino UNO, is programmed to control the robotic arm. The

TCS3200 light intensity-to-frequency converter senses the colour and produce a square wave with

varying frequency depends on the colour of the object to be picked up.

Four DC servo motors are used in the construction of the robotic arm. The arm of the robot is

constructed using aluminum brackets. Four types of brackets are designed for this purpose, two types

for holding the servos and two types for length extension and interconnections. The ball picking gripper

which is controlled by a servo is attached at the tip of the arm.

1.3. Motivations & Objectives

Repetitive tasks and high accuracy have become the two contradictory needs of any industrial process.

By introducing autonomous robotic applications, simple repetitive tasks can be accomplished keeping

the demands of the accuracy and speed in mind. Nowadays in this fast growing industrial age every

company needs speed in manufacturing to cope up with the customer’s requirements. For sorting object

in industry optical sorting is very much convenient. Color and size are the most important features for

accurate classification and sorting of product which can be done by using some optical sensors or

analyzing their pictures. Nowadays, in the present state of intense competition, production efficiency

is generally regarded as the key of success. Production efficiency includes the speed at which

production equipment and production line can be lowering material and labor cost of the product,

improving quality and lowering rejects, minimizing downtime of production equipment and low

cost production equipment. Taking this matter. The objective of the paper is to separate the objects

from a set according to their color. This can be used in an industry where the objects moving through

a conveyor belt can be categorized using a color identifying robot. Under consideration the project is

developed which is very useful for industries. The robotic arm has a gripper to hold the object. On

analyzing with the color of the object with the help of color sensing module (tcs230), the object will

be placed in designated location. This process will be repeated and continued till all the materials are

sorted by color.

1.4. Project Layout

The working model of the project is divided in to different sections like detection, control section,

mechanical assembly and working. Different mechanisms can be used for detection of the object. For

the final run of the project the colour based detection has been selected. Since the optical sensors are

used without much processing of the input data the sensing is done at a faster rate. The colour sensor

itself provide direct signal to the microcontroller after detecting the object. The main operation of the

microcontroller is limited to servo motor control and the overall response is expected to be better. The

TowerPro SG90 Servo is used as DC servo motors. The drivers are fast enough to deliver the pulses

at required speed to the motor

Fig 1: Block Diagram of the proposed system


2.1. Product 1:

"Design and Operation of Synchronized Robotic Arm” (Aug 2013)

Goldy Katal, Saahil Gupta, Shitij Kakkar

The project deals with the designing and implementation of Synchronized Robotic Arm, which

is used to perform all the basic activities like picking up objects and placing them. In this project, a

robotic arm is designed, synchronized with the working arm and would perform the task as the working

arm does. The work done by the robotic arm would be highly precise, as a digital servo motor is used.

A servo motor of 230 oz-inch is used in the project, but motors with more capacity can also be used as

according to the desired work. This robotic arm can also be used for precision works. For instance

some work has to be done very precisely but the conditions do not suit human beings. In such

conditions, this robotic arm can be used remotely and the task can be accomplished. The programming

is done on ATMEGA-8 Microcontroller using Arduino programming. The potentiometers are also

used to detect the angle of rotation and the signals are then sent to the microcontroller. In

today’s world, this Robotic arm has turned out very benevolent. Besides Robotics and Automation,

these kinds of arms have applications in other fields also.

Digital Image Processing.

It is a costly approach since a camera is used & no sensors are used.

2.2. Product 2:

“Object Gripping With Automated Robotic Arm Movement”

Susmita Das , Manish Guha , Supravat Roy , Sayantan Mitra , Avipsa Basak , Nishtha Gupta,

Anismita Paul , Alivia Bose


In this project work the effort of restructuring an automated mechanical arm is depicted with the

utilization of infrared obstruction detection and also relocation of that specific object.

The incorporation of Arduino programming merged with the intelligent design approach of robotic

movement of an artificial hand is the main attraction of the presented work. This gives the idea of a

creation in technical field where hardware and software interfacing is done tactfully.

IR detection method

2.3. Product 3:

“Automation of Object Sorting System Using Pick & Place Robotic Arm & Image Processing”,

Swarnendu Sarkar

The Project deals with an automated material handling system. It aims in classifying the colored objects

by colour, size, character which are coming on the conveyor by picking and placing the objects in its

respective pre-programmed place. Thereby eliminating the monotonous work done by humans,

achieving accuracy and speed in the work. The project involves sensors that senses the object’s colour,

size and sends the signal to the microcontroller.

The microcontroller sends signal to circuit which drives the various motors of the robotic arm to grip

the object and place it in the specified location. Based upon the detection, the robotic arm moves to

the specified location, releases the object and comes back to the original position

Sensors are instead of Image processing therefore cost and difficulty in development is less.


3.1. Design Objectives

The main objective of the design project was to develop a fully automatic machine which could sort

various objects solely based on the colour of the object.

3.2. Design Constraints

1. The product was designed to occupy the least space in its area of application.

2. The design of the product was also made so as to be as simple as possible.

3. All the components of the product should also be very easily accessible for the operator so that

the components could easily be replaced in case of a malfunction.

4. A microcontroller which could easily be reprogrammed to function ideally in various

workplaces was also required.

3.3. Future Improvements

 Change to a faster 360 degree rotation servo would greatly improve the performance of the


 A 720 or 1080 degree rotation servo could be used to calculate the shortest distance to the next


 Use of Image processing or infrared sensors for colour and material identification

 Replacing servos of arm with Stepper motors for picking heavy loads.

 Mount a LCD display which could show the current color distribution and other vital system


3.4. Conclusions

Keeping in mind all the design constraints faced during the design and implementation phases of the

project, an Arduino UNO microcontroller was selected along with the simplest servo motors and a

photodiode colour sensor. The servo motors allowed for a large area to place the sorting boxes for

various colored objects.


4.1. Implementation

Colour detection
This section is used for detecting the colour of the balls to be sorted. There are many colour sensing

ICs available today. In different ICs the properties vary such as colour differentiating ability, output

format, price, speed, resolution etc. In this project TCS3200 is selected.

Fig 2: Block Diagram of Colour Detector TCS3200.

Fig 3 : TCS230 Photodiode colour sensor

The TCS3200 is a programmable light-to-frequency converter that combines configurable silicon

photodiodes and a current to frequency converter on a single monolithic CMOS integrated circuit. The

output is a square wave (50% duty cycle) with frequency directly proportional to light intensity. The

full-scale output frequency can be easily scaled by one of three values via two control input pins.

Digital inputs and digital outputs allow direct interface to a microcontroller or other logic circuitry.

Output enable places the output in the high impedance state for multiple-unit sharing of a

microcontroller input line.

In TCS3200, the light-to-frequency converter reads an 8x8 array of photodiodes. Sixteen photodiodes

have blue filters, sixteen photodiodes have green filters, sixteen photodiodes have red filters, and

sixteen photodiodes are clear with no filters. The four types of photodiodes are interdigitated to

minimize the effect of non-uniformity of incident irradiance. All photodiodes of the same colour are

connected in parallel. Pins S2 and S3 are used to select the group of photodiodes (red, green, blue,

clear) are active. Photodiodes are 110µm x110µm in size and are on 134µm centers. Output frequency

scaling is controlled by two logic input, S0 and S1.

The internal light-to-frequency converter generates a fixed-pulse width train. Scaling is accomplished

by internally connecting the pulse-train output of the converter to a series of frequency dividers.

Divided outputs are 50% duty cycle square waves with relative frequency values of 100%, 20% and

2%. Because division of the output frequency is accomplished by counting pulses of the principal

internal frequency, the final output period represents an average of the multiple periods of the principle


In this project ATMega328P based microcontroller Arduino UNO is used with RISC architecture. It

has 20 I/O lines. The data output from TCS3200 is a waveform with 50% duty cycle and a frequency

proportional to the intensity of the light reflected from object. The frequency proportional to the

intensity of the light reflected from light. The frequency proportional to the of the waveform if

calculated using the microcontroller by finding the time elapsed between two successive high pulses

which will give the time period of a pulse. The time thus obtained can be substituted in mathematical

equations which will give the frequency of the waveform. The time period elapsed between two

successive pulses is measured by using external interrupts, when a high pulse is appeared at the

external interrupt an interrupt is generated and corresponding ISR routine is executed.

The first interrupt generated will start the timer. The timer value will be inversely proportional to the

frequency of the waveform, with a convenient relation the respective frequency is calculated. Since

the frequency of the waveform is proportional to the intensity if the reflected light from the object

which is very much related to the colour of the object and the colour of the object can be decoded from

the frequency of the pulse train.

Once the colour of the ball is detected, the ball is picked up from the rail and drops it in the right basket

using the robotic arm. The robotic arm movement is anticipated by using servo motors. Rotation of the

servo motors converted to arm movement. That angle of rotation is based on the duty cycle of the

waveform appearing on the control pin of the servo motor and it remains in that position as long as the

waveform continues. The PWM for controlling the servo motors are generated by the microcontroller

according to the colour input to the servo motors are controlled by the different four output pins of the


Fig 4: Arduino UNO

Robotic arm structure
The robotic arm is controlled using servo motors whose degree of rotation is controlled by the on timer

of the pulse rail appearing at its control input. According to the structure by the robotic arm various

degree of rotation for the servo motor are assigned to carry out the operations. The arm of the robot is

realized using aluminum brackets. Four types of brackets are designed for this propose. Two types of

the brackets are for holding the servo motors and two types for the extensions and interconnections of

the robotic arm.

4.2. Working

The colour sensor identifies the colour of the ball and it sends the data to a microcontroller which

controls the arm motion according to the colour of the ball. The motion of the servo motors are

controlled in a manner so that each ball is dropped into a respective boxes place in a predetermined


Fig 5: Robotic Arm Structure.

The time taken by the robotic arm for a single motion is set to approximately 0.5 seconds. Eight steps

of motion of robotic arm are required for a ball to be picked up and to be dropped in the correct basket.

That includes motion of arm from the default position, picking a ball, motion to the correct basket,

dropping the ball to the basket and return to the default position. The number of steps taken by the arm

to pick the ball and drop the ball counts to seven steps and from there to back to default position needed

one step.

Approximate time needed for the microcontroller to identify colour of the ball is around one second.

Therefore the total time needed for picking and dropping the ball including identifying the colour is

around five seconds. Four motors are used in the robotic arm. One to control the rotational motion of

the base, one to control the angle at the elbow, one to control the wrist movement and last one to

control the gripper, that is to hold and drop the ball.

The figure 3 shows the initial position of the robotic arm when power is applied and the robot is ready

for operation. A lever mechanism is used for opening and closing the gripper. So a single motor is

enough for the gripper control. Fingers come closer to pick and hold the ball and move apart when it

drops the ball. Two positions are designed for the fingers by using a single servo motor. One in close

position and the other in open position. Two motions are permitted for the motors at wrist and elbow

that is to move up and down. Then by controlling the finger motion the ball is picked. After picking

the ball arm return back to initial position by rotating motor at the wrist and elbow to default degrees.

Here only one position of servo motor at finger varies from default position and the position of the

motor. The motion of the motor at the base is controlled as per the colour of the ball. The base motor

is made to rotate to four different positions. One is the default position which keeps the arm directly

above the sensor module. Other three motions keep the arm above the appropriate colour boxes. Two

boxes are placed left to the base, one at extreme left and the other one located between extreme left

and default position and one box at the right. Angle of rotation of the base motor for each motion is

described below.

4.3. Mathematical calculations

Degree of rotation of different servo motors of the robotic arm for different operations

Move Motion/ Motor Base Elbow Wrist Gripper Servo

Servo Servo Servo

Default/ Power On 85 80 125 40

1 Arm lowered 85 120 145 40

2 Pick The Ball 85 120 145 75

Return to Default 85 80 125 75

4.1 Move to Correct box (Pink) right 135 80 125 75


4.2 Move to Correct box (Green) left 35 80 125 75


4.3 Move to Correct box (Red) 5 80 125 75

extreme left side

5 Arm lowered 135 120 145 75

6 Drop the Ball 135 120 145 40

8 Default 85 80 125 40

Table.1 Rotation of the servo motors mentioned in degrees

Consider the colour of the ball is red and ball is to be dropped in the box at the right side. The rotation

of the base motor is based on the colour of the ball picked up. The value of the degree assigned to the

base changes according to the ball colour and the arm position itself above the right box to which the

ball is to be dropped. Now the ball is to be dropped. The ball is dropped in the correct box and now it

has to be return to the initial position to pick up the next ball. Base motor rotates CCW and the arm

will be in the default position.

4.4. CAD Drawings

Fig 6 : Final assembly of designed colour sorting machine

Fig 7 : 3D drawing of robotic arm


This project is about the design, development and construction of a robotic arm, which can pick and

sort objects of different colour. The mechanical structure of the robot was assembled using aluminum

brackets which helped to reduce the weight without losing the mechanical strength. The aim of the

project was to have a fully functional robotic arm which sorts different coloured balls and the target is

achieved successfully. In the final run of the project six coloured balls were successfully sorted.

The colour sensor IC TCS3200 show almost stable response in various sunlight conditions. The system

is working with open loop. A better resolution can be achieved if closed loop control is incorporated.

The system responses are a little bit slower than expected. It can be improved by using a more advanced

colour sensor and microcontroller. User interfaces also can be provided as a modification which will

enable the on demand reconfiguration of the movement in a better way


The aim of the project was to have a fully functional robotic arm which sorts different coloured balls

and the target is achieved successfully. In the final run of the project six coloured balls were

successfully sorted. This robot involves sorting of objects through colour sensors, the future

advancements can be done by increasing the efficiency of the colour sensor. This method is verified

to be highly beneficial for automated industries.

The aim of the project was to have a fully functional robotic arm which sorts different coloured balls

and the target is achieved successfully. In the final run of the six coloured balls were successfully

sorted. The colour sensor IC TCS3200 show almost stable response in various sunlight conditions. The

system is working with open loop. A better resolution can be achieved if closed loop control is

incorporated. The system responses are a little bit slower than expected. It can be improved by using

a more advanced colour sensor and microcontroller.


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