Adding Charts: Figure 154: Sidebar Table Design Section
Adding Charts: Figure 154: Sidebar Table Design Section
Adding Charts: Figure 154: Sidebar Table Design Section
Entering data into table cells is similar to working with text box objects. Click in the cell you wish to
add data to and begin typing. To move around cells quickly, use the following keyboard options:
Press the arrow keys to move the cursor to another cell if the cell is empty, or to the next
character if the cell already contains text.
Press the Tab key to move to the next cell on the right and press Shift+Tab to move to the
next cell on the left..
Adding charts
To insert a chart in a slide:
1) Go to Insert > Chart on the Menu bar or click on the Chart icon in the Standard
2) Alternatively and after inserting a new slide, click on the Insert Chart icon (Figure 146 on
page 172).
3) Impress will insert a default chart and open the Chart dialog. To modify the chart type, insert
your own data and change the formatting, refer to the Impress Guide.
LibreOffice uses three terms for a slide that is used to create other slides: master slide,
slide master, and master page. This book uses the term slide master, except when
describing the user interface.
A slide master has a defined set of characteristics, including background colors, graphics,
gradients; and other objects (such as logos, decorative lines and so on), headers and footers,
placement and size of text frames, and text format.
All of the characteristics of slide masters are controlled by styles. New slides that you create using
a slide master have styles that are inherited from the slide master which was used. Changing a
style in a slide master results in changes to all slides based on that slide master, but you can
modify individual slides without affecting the slide master.
Although it is highly recommended to use the slide masters whenever possible, there
are occasions where manual changes are needed for a particular slide, for example to
enlarge the chart area when the text and chart layout is used.
Slide masters have two types of styles associated with them: presentation styles and image styles.
The prepackaged presentation styles can be modified, but new presentation styles cannot be
created. For image styles, you can modify the prepackaged styles and also create new image
Slide masters
Impress comes with a collection of slide masters. These slide masters are shown in the Master
Pages section of the Sidebar (Figure 155) and has three subsections: Used in This Presentation,
Recently Used, and Available for Use. Click the + sign next to the name of a subsection to expand
it to show thumbnails of the slides, or click the sign to collapse the subsection to hide the
Each of the slide masters shown in the Available for Use list is from a template of the same name.
If you have created your own templates, or added templates from other sources, slide masters
from those templates will also appear in this list.
1) Click on the Master Pages icon in the Sidebar to open the Master Pages section
(Figure 155).
2) To apply one of the slide masters from the available selection to all slides in your
presentation, right-click on it and select Apply to All Slides on the context menu.
To apply a different slide master to one or more selected slides:
1) In the Slide Pane, select the slide or slides where you want to use a new slide master.
2) In the Master Pages section on the Sidebar, right-click on the slide master you want to
apply to the selected slides, and select Apply to Selected Slides on the context menu.
The slide masters you have loaded will also be available the next time you load the
presentation. If you want to delete the unused slide masters, click the corresponding
checkbox in the Slide Design dialog. If the slide master was not used in the
presentation, it is removed from the list of available slide masters.
To limit the size of the presentation file, you may want to minimize the number of slide
masters used.
Any changes made to one slide when in Master View mode will appear on all slides
using this slide master. Always make sure you Close Master View and return to Normal
view before working on any of the presentation slides.
4) Click Apply to All to apply your changes to all the slide masters in your presentation, or
click Apply to apply your changes to the selected slide master in your presentation.
5) Alternatively, you can add the date/time, footer text and slide number directly into their
respective areas as shown in Figure 160.
Normally only footers are used on a slide. To create a header, you can use a text box
as explained in Text on page 187.
To add a field into an object or as a separate object on a slide, select Insert > Fields on the Menu
bar and select the required field from the submenu. If you want to edit this field in your slide, see
the Impress Guide Chapter 3 Adding and Formatting Text for more information.
The fields you can use in Impress are as follows:
Date (fixed)
Date (variable): updates automatically when you reload a file
Time (fixed)
Time (variable): updates automatically when you reload a file
Author: first and last names listed in the LibreOffice user data
Page Number: the slide number in Impress
Page Count: the number of slides in your presentation
File Name
To change the number format (1,2,3 or a,b,c or i,ii,iii, and so on) for the number field,
go to Slide > Page/Slide Properties... on the Menu bar and then select a format from
the Format list in the Layout Settings area.
To change a paragraph style throughout your presentation, open the Styles and
Formatting dialog and modify the appropriate presentation style.
You can move the small comment markers to anywhere you wish on the slide. Typically you might
place it on or near an object you refer to in the comment.
To show or hide the comment markers, choose View > Comments.
Select Tools > Options > User Data to configure the name you want to appear in the comment.
If more than one person edits the document, each author is automatically allocated a different
background color for their comments.
Hiding slides
1) Select the slide you want to hide in the Slide Pane or Slide Sorter view on the Workspace
2) Go to Slide > Hide Slide on the Menu bar or right-click on the slide thumbnail and select
Hide Slide from the context menu. Hidden slides are marked by a diagonal bars across the
Slide transitions
Slide transition is the animation that is played when a slide is changed for the next slide in your
presentation. You can configure the slide transition from the Slide Transition section in the Tasks
1) Go to Slide > Slide Transition on the Menu bar or click on the Slide Transition icon
on the Sidebar to open the options available for slide transitions.
2) Select the desired transition, the speed of the animation, and whether the transition should
happen when you click the mouse (preferred) or automatically after a certain number of
3) Click Apply to All Slides to apply the transition for all of your presentation or continue
selecting transitions to place between each slide in your presentation.
The Slide Transition section has a very useful choice: Automatic preview. Select its
checkbox and when you make any changes in a slide transition, the new slide is
previewed in the Slide Design area, including its transition effect.
Presenter Console
LibreOffice Impress has a Presenter Console function that can be used when an extra display for
presentation has been connected to your computer. The Presenter Console (Figure 163) provides
extra control over slide shows by using different views on your computer display and on the display
that the audience sees. The view you see on your computer display includes the current slide, the
upcoming slide, any slide notes, and a presentation timer.
For more information and details about using the Presenter Console, see the Impress Guide
Chapter 9 Slide Shows.