Modulhandbuch SEEM 2016

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Systems Engineering and Engineering Management

Module Descriptions

Version: 12 July, 2016

1 Advanced Control Technology (ET) ................................................................................ 2

2 Advanced Control Technology (ME / MT) ....................................................................... 5
3 Advanced Production Engineering ................................................................................. 8
4 Business in Engineering ................................................................................................10
5 Integrated Management Systems ..................................................................................12
6 International Project Management .................................................................................14
7 Microprocessor Based Systems ....................................................................................17
8 Modelling and Simulation of Mechanical Systems .........................................................19
9 Signal Processing..........................................................................................................21
10 Systems Engineering .................................................................................................24
11 Technical Publications and Presentations ..................................................................26

1 Advanced Control Technology (ET)

1. CODE EEM4015
2. TITLE Advanced Control Technology (ET)
4. INSTRUCTOR Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sigrid Hafner
5. CREDITS ECTS 8 (15)
6. DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE OF MODULE studying this module involves the following:

Characterization of systems using state space equations; Design and optimization of state space
controllers; Comparison to other methods e.g. conventional PID control with transfer functions, Analysis of control
concepts using Matlab Simulink;

Nonlinear modelling with basic principles of Computational Intelligence with the two methods Neural Networks and
Fuzzy Systems are discussed and compared to conventional linear control in theory and application.

The goal is a mapping of these ideas into the application area on a research oriented level with a deeper insight
into modern advanced control technology and systems theory. Presentation and discussion of theory and of results
of practical exercises in a scientific research oriented way in English.

Knowledge Prerequisites:
A basic lecture in feedback control systems is required for this module with the following topics
- Differential equations, Linear time invariant (LTI)- system modelling, Linear control loop elements
- Basic understanding of block diagrams
- Linear versus nonlinear models and basic linearization
- Transfer functions, frequency response
- Development and Simulation (e.g. Matlab Simulink) of PID controllers for LTI-systems
- Stability and at least one Criteria (Nyquist or Routh-Hurwitz criterion)
- Basic tuning (e.g. Ziegler and Nichols) and evaluation of controlled loops by performance criteria
7. INDICATIVE SYLLABUS CONTENT the topics you may encounter on this module include:
State Space:
State space modelling of dynamical systems theory and applications
State space equations and transfer functions,
Stability, Controllability, Observability,
State feedback control design
Comparison conventional control with PID and transfer functions to state space controlled system.
Simulation of state space system using Matlab Simulink

Linear and Nonlinear Control:

Fuzzy Control: Methods and Concepts for modelling and control, Fuzzy Controller (e.g. Mandami Controller) in
application (Matlab Simulink simulations). Neural Network Control: Methods and Concepts for modelling and control,
Multi-layer Perceptron, Back Propagation, Neural Controller in applications, Matlab Programming.
Comparison of these techniques with a linear approximated control model near an equilibrium point in applications
(e.g. Water level tank application in our Lab) is given and the limitations of the systems are discussed.

Programming in Matlab and Simulink. Discussion of complex linear and nonlinear problems in the area of control

8. LEARNING, TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT this module is delivered and assessed in the following
This module is split between formal lectures, tutorials and computer-based and practical work in the lab. Teaching is
based around handouts containing course material and examples of real systems. Assigned reading, tutorial,
practical labs and lectures will also be used to import knowledge.
ECTS workload:
Lectures: 50 hours
Computer based exercises and lab: 30 hours
Discussion / Review /Tutorial: 25 hours
Coursework: 2 x 30 hours
Directed reading: 25 hours
Exam preparation: 50 hours
Total No Hours 240 hours

9. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria:
LEARNING OUTCOMES when you have ASSESSMENT CRITERIA - to demonstrate that you
successfully completed this module you will: will have achieved the learning outcome you will:
1 Be able to describe dynamical systems in 1 Develop a detailed understanding of modelling for
mathematical terms using state space linear and nonlinear time invariant plants in
representations, block diagrams or transfer engineering with different methods and understand
functions and compare the advantages and their properties.
disadvantages. Point out the advantages and disadvantages of using
different methods in modelling
2 Understand to design controllers using state space 2 You will be able to design a state space controller and
pole assignment and/or observers analyse its advantage and disadvantages to
Compare solutions to conventional controller e.g. conventional PID controllers, implemented with
Phase lead and phase lag feedback compensators, transfer functions.
Case studies
3 Have knowledge about fuzzy mathematics and 3 Analyse the requirement and derive technical
many-valued logic. Be able to design a fuzzy specifications for fuzzy systems. You are able to
controller. design a fuzzy controller with own coding in Matlab
and to evaluate its performance compared to other
4 Understand the theory of neural networks. Be able 4 Evaluate, select and use appropriate data and design
to design and implement a neural controller with for the development of a neural controller. You are
Back Propagation algorithm. able to compare the performance to other solutions
and you can explain the advantages and
10: ASSESSMENT ITEMS your achievement of the learning outcomes for this module will be tested as
Assessment type: Combined form of examinations
1 2
Description E.g.: Examination
a) The task is to control a given (written, 2 hours)
plant using different techniques.
There will be a simulation in Matlab
Simulink and practical application in
the lab.
In a presentation you will show your
solution and answer questions.
b) Analysis, design and
implementation task.
Assessment will be based on quality
of analysis, theoretical background
knowledge, design, function,
Percent of mark 50 50

Each assessment item in the module to be entered separately

Type: AO - Attendance only

Cw - Coursework
EX - Examination
ICA - In-class Assignment
PRA - Practical work
PRE - Presentation
IS - Independent Study, dissertation or project

Description Text description of type of assessment. For example:

Cw - Essay of 2,000 words

EX - Open Book examination
IS - Dissertation, 10,000 words
Percentage of Mark - Percentage weighting for each item of assessment

11. INDICATIVE READING - amongst some of the materials you may be required to consult are: (up to 15
titles with date of publication)

strm, K. J., Murray, R. M: Feedback Systems: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers: Princeton University
Press, 2008

Ogata K.: Modern Control Engineering: Fifth Edition: Pearson, 2009

Dorf R., Bishop R.: Modern Control Systems: Twelfth Edition (Intl. Ed.): Pearson, 2010.
Franklin, G., Powell, D. und Emami-Naeini, A.: Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, Reading: Sixth Edition:
Prentice Hall, 2008
Messner B., Tilbury D.: Control Tutorials for Matlab&Simulink, 2012
Winston P.: Learning: Neural Nets, Back propagation, MIT OpenCourseWare
MIT 6.034 Artificial Intelligence, Fall 2010
Hines, Wesley: Fuzzy and Neural Approaches in Engineering MATLAB Supplement, Wiley Series on Adaptive and
Learning Systems for Signal Processing Communications and Control. Simon Haykin, 1997

Lecture notes: Advanced Control: S. Hafner, South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences

2 Advanced Control Technology (ME / MT)

1. CODE EEM4015-2
2. TITLE Advanced Control Technology (ME / MT)
4. INSTRUCTOR Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Schwung
5. CREDITS ECTS 8 (15)
6. DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE OF MODULE studying this module involves the following:
This research-oriented module enables the student to understand modern control techniques and the basic
principles of Computational Intelligence often called Soft Computing with the two parts Neural Networks and Fuzzy
Systems. The student should be familiar with the analytical methods of modelling and design of intelligent and
cognitive systems for modern control and management. The goal is a mapping of the novel ideas into the
application area on a research oriented level with a deeper insight into modern advanced control technology and
systems theory.
7. INDICATIVE SYLLABUS CONTENT the topics you may encounter on this module include:
The module covers the area of advance control technology with special emphasis on the design of control systems
for mechanical systems. To this end model based control design together with the usage of modern simulation
software is applied. In detail this module covers the following topics:

Simulation systems:
Use of current software packages applying linear mathematics, using both analytical and numerical techniques, to
achieve the following:
Data analysis and visualisation
Interactive programming, use of menu systems
Understand the limitation of simulation systems
Design of interactive models.
Simulation and model based design of control systems

Modelling and control of mechanical systems

Control oriented modelling with special emphasis on mechanical systems
Controller design based on frequency response method
State-Space approach
Design of state feedback controller and state feedback observer
Stability of dynamic systems
Nonlinear System Analysis
Nonlinear Controller design based on feedback linearization
Model Predictive control
Fuzzy Systems
Fuzzy Control

8. LEARNING, TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT this module is delivered and assessed in the following
This module is split between formal lectures, tutorials and computer-based practical work. Teaching is based around
handouts containing course material and simulation examples of real systems. Assigned reading, tutorial and
lectures will also be used to import knowledge.
ECTS workload:
Lectures: 60 hours
Computer based exercices: 20 hours
Discussion / Review / Tutorial: 25 hours
Coursework: 60 hours
Directed reading: 25 hours
Exam preparation: 50 hours
Total No Hours 240 hours

9. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria:
LEARNING OUTCOMES when you have ASSESSMENT CRITERIA - to demonstrate that you
successfully completed this module you will: will have achieved the learning outcome you will:
1 Be able to develop models of engineering systems 1 Constitute the differential equations of a system from
in the field of electrical and mechanical its given attributes. Generate the state equations from
engineering. a differential equation n order. Generate state space
system from a given system description.
2 Be able to use current software simulation tools 2 Solve differential equations with two different and
common used software tools. Design appropriate
system models by means of simulation software.
Describe the limits of simulation tools.
3 Be able to analyse nonlinear systems and design 3 Understand and use basic notions of stability of
controller for them nonlinear systems. Identify needs for nonlinear
controller design. Be able to apply nonlinear control
methods to a given control problem. Compare the
controller performance by means of suitable criterias.
4 Be able to design and implement fuzzy systems 4 Analyse the requirement and derive technical
specifications for fuzzy systems. Compute fuzzy
inferences and use different methods of
Explain the structure of Fuzzy Systems and know
methods of Sugeno and Mamdani controllers.
10: ASSESSMENT ITEMS your achievement of the learning outcomes for this module will be tested as
Assessment type: Combined form of examinations
1 2
Description E.g.: Examination
a) The task is to construct the model (written, 2hours)
of a given system using different
software tools, and to determine
differences and possibilities.
b) Usage of a software tool to depict
some basics of fuzzy logic.
And a manual, analytical solution of
a given fuzzy set.
Percent of mark 50 50

Each assessment item in the module to be entered separately

Type: AO - Attendance only

Cw - Coursework
EX - Examination
ICA - In-class Assignment
PRA - Practical work
PRE - Presentation
IS - Independent Study, dissertation or project

Description Text description of type of assessment. For example:

Cw - Essay of 2,000 words

EX - Open Book examination
IS - Dissertation, 10,000 words
Percentage of Mark - Percentage weighting for each item of assessment

11. INDICATIVE READING - amongst some of the materials you may be required to consult are: (up to 15
titles with date of publication)
Iserman R, Digital Control Systems, Spriner-Valeg 1991.
Astrom K J, Wittenmark B, Adaptive Control, Addison-Wesley 1989.
Ogata, K., Modern Control Engineering, 2010
Dorf, R., Bishop, R., Modern Control Systems, 2011
Franklin, G., Powell, D., Emami-Naeini, A., Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, 2006
Passino,K., Yurkovich,S., Fuzzy Control, 1998
Harris C J, Billings S A, Self-tuning and Adaptive Control in Theory and Applications. IEE Control Series, Peter
Peregrinus, 1988.
Dayhoff J E, Neural Network Architectures: An Introduction, Van Nostrand Reinhold 1990.
Kosko B, Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems, Prentice Hall, 1992.
Lisboa P G J, Neural Networks: Current Applications, Chapman and Hall, 1992.
D.Driankov, H.Hellendoorn, M.Reinfrank, An Introduction to Fuzzy Control, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg (1992).
Y.-H.Pao: Adaptive Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks, Addison-Wesley Pub.Comp., New York (1989).
D. Dubois, H. Prade: Fuzzy Sets and Systems: Theory and Application, Academic Press, London (1980).
L.A. Zadeh et all: Theory and Applications Fuzzy Sets and Their Applications to Cognitive and Decision Processes,
Academic Press, London (1975).
M.Margaliot, G. Langholz: New Approaches to Fuzzy Modeling and Control Design and Analysis World Scientific,
Singapore (2000).

3 Advanced Production Engineering
1. CODE EEM4019
2. TITLE Advanced Production Engineering
4. INSTRUCTOR Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thorsten Frank
5. CREDITS ECTS 8 (15)
6. DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE OF MODULE studying this module involves the following:
Students will be able to leverage their knowledge and skills in management and control of the overall production
system and in areas related to production system design and improvement. They will master different methods used
to analyze and approach the value stream of a single production or a production network. Important is beside the
technical system of production also to get a deep understanding of the organizational environment to consist of
management infrastructure or culture of a company.

The basic objectives are as follows:

- understand modern production technologies and philosophies for mass and medium size
customized series and, based on this, formulate and solve operational and strategic problems in
design, operation and improvement of the manufacturing systems in a single production or
production network
- master modern reengineering and improvement tools in manufacturing, and methods used in
analyzing performance of the production system
- understand relations between customer orders and demand and the resulting shop orders, via
the process of manufacturing planning and control
- understand and analyze how manufacturing interplay with economic, organizational and
business issues of the firm, and be able to formulate an operational manufacturing strategy like
Lean production or the Toyota production system
- be an expert in manufacturing process control and optimization, often with the purpose to
improve production economics and efficiency with help of the value stream design or the
continuous improvement process on the shop floor
- be an expert in design of organizations with flat hierarchies and a leadership based on coaching
- be an invaluable team worker/project leader as a production process expert in any situation of
interdisciplinary physical product development.
7. INDICATIVE SYLLABUS CONTENT the topics you may encounter on this module include:
- Introduction: Production or supplier network
- Classic way of production planning and control
- Method of value stream mapping
- Best practice of Toyota Production Systems / Lean Production: Success Story of Porsche
- Lean Elements Elements of optimization a technical production system (1)
- Shop Floor Management Element of optimization of the emotional production system (2)
- Learning to work and create a Kaizen Workshop to optimize the assembly flow with help of a U-Cell
- Discussion the book Journey to Lean a change process story
- Preparing additional and special topics, presentation in small teams & following discussion
8. LEARNING, TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT this module is delivered and assessed in the following
Lectures, seminars, practical exercise, case studies, reports from external experts and visits to industrial plants.
There is a strong emphasis on project work which is assessed through practical demonstration, report, writing and
oral presentation.

ECTS workload:
Lectures: 55 hours
Computer based exercises 0 hours
Discussion / Review / Tutorial: 55 hours
Coursework: 3 x 30 hours
Directed reading: 40 hours
Total No. Hours 240 hours
9. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria:
LEARNING OUTCOMES when you have ASSESSMENT CRITERIA - to demonstrate that you
successfully completed this module you will: will have achieved the learning outcome you will:
1 have a systematic understanding of modern 1
advanced mechanical systems with manufacturing have communication and presentation skills
or assembly processes and production appropriate to modern production systems in
management for flexible customized series different branches

2 2 analyse practical situations and generate
solutions to problems arising in the field
have understanding of industrial processes for organise efficient team work by means of clear
production system environment and network organisational structures and optimised
communication within a corporate
working atmosphere
3 have knowledge of improvement tools and 3
able to undertake successfully an extended
techniques in different contexts based on Lean
project in failure and process analysis
4 have a comprehensive knowledge of methods, and 4
have to skills to optimize the value stream with help
tools to manage complexity and control of
of important lean elements
advanced production systems
10: ASSESSMENT ITEMS your achievement of the learning outcomes for this module will be tested as
Assessment type: Project work
Description a) Written assignment about defined special production process topics
Extent: ~2400 words
Presentation of the paper
and / or
b) Assignment about optimization of a production system of a product family with help of
value stream mapping method
Percent of mark 100

Each assessment item in the module to be entered separately

Type: AO - Attendance only

Cw - Coursework
EX - Examination
ICA - In-class Assignment
PRA - Practical work
PRE - Presentation
IS - Independent Study, dissertation or project

Description Text description of type of assessment. For example:

Cw - Essay of 2,000 words
EX - Open Book examination
IS - Dissertation, 10,000 words

Percentage of Mark - Percentage weighting for each item of assessment

11. INDICATIVE READING - amongst some of the materials you may be required to consult are: (up to 15
titles with date of publication)
[OHN-93] Ohno, Taiichi: Das Toyota Produktionssystem; Campus, 1993
[WOM-07] Womack, James P.; Jones, Daniel T.: The Machine That Changed the World: The Story of Lean
Production-- Toyota's Secret Weapon in the Global Car Wars That Is Now Revolutionizing World
Industry; 2007
[ROT-99] Rother, Mike; Shook, John: Learning to See: Value-Stream Mapping to Create Value and Eliminate
Muda: Value Stream Mapping to Add Value and Eliminate Muda , Lean Management Institut, 1999
[ROT-13] Rother, Mike; Harris, Rick: Creating Continuous Flow: An Action Guide for Managers, Engineers
and Production Associates, Lean Management Institut, 2013
[WOM-03] Womack, James P.; Jones, Daniel T.: Lean Thinking: Banish Waste And Create Wealth In Your
Corporation; 2003
[WOM-12] Womack, James P.; Jones: Seeing the Whole Value Stream; 2012
[BIC-09] Bicheno, John; Holweg, Matthias: The New Lean Toolbox: The Essential Guide to Lean
Transformation, 2009
[DER-05] Drew, John; McCallum, Blair, Roggenhofer, Stefan: Journey to Lean: Making Operational Change
Stick; 2004
[MAS-92] Masaaki Imai: Kaizen, 1992
[KLU-10] Klug, Florian: Logistikmanagement in der Automobilindustrie; Springer, 2010
[WOH-07] Wohland, Gerhard; Wiemeyer, Matthias: Denkwerkzeuge der Hchstleister; Murmann, 2007
[GOR-13] Gorecki, Pawel; Pautsch, Peter: Praxisbuch Lean Management; Hanser, 2013
[KOT-95] Kotter, John P.: Das Unternehmen erfolgreich erneuern; Harvard Business Manager, 1995
[KHO-11] Khodawandi, Darius: Wettbewerbsfhige Prozesse am Beispiel der Porsche Produktionssystems
sowie dessen bertragung auf die Software-Entwicklung; Vortrag bei Microsoft 2011
[HER-10] Herbek, Peter: Strategische Unternehmensfhrung; mi-Verlag, 2010
4 Business in Engineering

1. CODE EEM4013
2. TITLE Business in Engineering
4. INSTRUCTOR Prof. Dr. Henrik Janzen
6. DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE OF MODULE studying this module involves the following:
There is a strong need for engineers to deal with essential elements of management, especially in developing and
marketing of technologies. Theoretical understanding of this field makes interdisciplinary teamwork, planning and
leading more effective.
The aims of this module are to enable the student to participate in entrepreneurial management processes
concerning the setting of targets, planning and marketing. This should be based on a system-theoretical
understanding of the company and the ability to create and use models for analysis and solving of problems.
7. INDICATIVE SYLLABUS CONTENT the topics you may encounter on this module include:
Introduction: understanding management
The institutional view of management
The functional view of Management: planning, organizing, controlling, leading, and deciding
The strategic and the operational level of management and their connection
Techniques and instruments of operational management
Techniques and instruments of strategic management
Marketing as market-oriented management
Marketing of technologies: the concept of business to business marketing
Excursus: costs and benefits
Basic principles of business to business marketing
Analyzing strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats in competition
Defining the marketing-mix: product development, pricing, communication and distribution
8. LEARNING, TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT this module is delivered and assessed in the following
Lectures and discussions in every topic. Case-studies to train analytic and modelling skills, especially related to the
management of technologies. Role-play and case-studies to train business-to-business marketing.
ECTS workload:
Lectures 60 hours
Discussion /review /tutorial 40 hours
Coursework 80 hours
Directed reading 30 hours
Total No Hours 210 hours
9. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria:
LEARNING OUTCOMES when you have ASSESSMENT CRITERIA - to demonstrate that you
successfully completed this module you will: will have achieved the learning outcome you will:
1 Have knowledge and understanding of 1 Discuss the focus of Management within the business
management both as a function and an institution environment.
2 Have knowledge and understanding of basic 2 Describe management Instruments and their
management techniques and instruments conditions for use within business situations.
3 Understand and be able to apply the benefit of 3 Practice the use of management instruments in
management instruments in a practical realistic business environments as identified in case
environment studies
4 Understand the role of markets in developing and 4 Be able to recognise and implement the stages of
selling of products and technologies innovation in taking a product from conception to
5 Have knowledge and understanding of the 5 Compare management and marketing conceptions
marketing concept as market-oriented and apply them to typical business environments.
6 Have knowledge and understanding of the 6 Discuss and compare business-to-business and
principles and instruments of business to business-to-consumer marketing, and be able to
business-marketing select models appropriate particular business
7 Be able to solve business to business-marketing 7 Apply business-to-business marketing to practical
problems (in case studies) situations identified in case studies
8 Have knowledge and understanding of technology- 8 Assess, critically analyse, develop and present a
selling situations business presentation

10: ASSESSMENT ITEMS your achievement of the learning outcomes for this module will be tested as
Assessment type: Project work
Description a) Development and presentation of a business-to-business selling situation (role-play)
And / or
b) Essay about different asserted problems and cases
Percent of mark 100

Each assessment item in the module to be entered separately

Type: AO - Attendance only

Cw - Coursework
EX - Examination
ICA - In-class Assignment
PRA - Practical work
PRE - Presentation
IS - Independent Study, dissertation or project

Description Text description of type of assessment. For example:

Cw - Essay of 2,000 words
EX - Open Book examination
IS - Dissertation, 10,000 words
Percentage of Mark - Percentage weighting for each item of assessment

11. INDICATIVE READING - amongst some of the materials you may be required to consult are: (up to 15
titles with date of publication)
- Babcock, D.L.: Managing Engineering and Technology An Introduction to Management for Engineers. 6. Ed.,
London (Prentice Hall) 2013
- Dibb, S.; Simkin, L.: The marketing casebook cases and concepts. 2. Ed. London/New York (Routledge) 2001
- Hutt, M.D.; Speh, T.W.: Business Marketing Management a strategic view of industrial and organizational
markets. 10. Ed., Fort Worth u.a.O (Dryden Press) 2009
- Jobber, D.: Principles and Practice of Marketing. 7. Ed. London u.a.O. (Mc Graw-Hill) 2012
- Kotler, P.: Marketing Management. 14. Ed., London u.a.O. (Prentice Hall) 2011
- Lawless, M.W.; Gomez-Mejia, L.R. (Edts.): Strategic Management in High Technology Firms.
Greenwich/London (JAI Press) 1990
- Lovelock, C.H.; Weinberg, C.B.: Marketing Challenges Cases and Exercises. 3. Ed., New York u.a.O. (Mc
Graw-Hill) 1993
- Mead, R.: Cases and Projects in International Management. Oxford (Blackwell) 2000
- Mintzberg, H.; Quinn, J.B.: The Strategy Process Concepts, Contexts, Cases. 4. Ed., London u.a.O.
(Prentice-Hall) 2002


5 Integrated Management Systems

1. CODE EEM4020
2. TITLE Integrated Management Systems
4. INSTRUCTOR Prof. Dr. Andreas Gerlach
5. CREDITS ECTS 7 (15)
6. DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE OF MODULE studying this module involves the following:
The module offers an introduction into integrated management systems (IMS). Increasing complexity and the
dynamics of challenges that have to be mastered by an organisations management has led to a high degree of
specialisation and division of work. However, isolated solutions for individual problems are not efficient. Therefore,
an integrated management system (IMS) combines all related components of a business into one system for more
efficient management and operations. Quality, Environmental, and Safety management systems are often combined
and managed as an IMS. These systems are not separate systems that are later combined, rather they are
integrated with linkages so that similar processes are seamlessly managed and executed without duplication.
The course introduces tools and methods of holistic approaches to quality management and environmental
management. In addition, the course will provide an introduction into innovation management and the challenge of
integrating innovation into an organizations IMS.
7. INDICATIVE SYLLABUS CONTENT the topics you may encounter on this module include:
Quality Management:
Perspectives on quality
Objectives of integrated quality management systems
ISO 9000 systems
Total Quality Management
Six Sigma

Environmental Management:
Objectives and motivation of environmental protection
Activities and procedures to set up an EMS
Environmental policy and review
Structure of ISO14000/14001
Environmental Management Manual

Innovation Management:
Solution oriented creativity techniques
Invention vs. Innovation
Innovation management : Principles, tools and methods
Project assessment and selection
Implementation of innovation
Capturing innovation
8. LEARNING, TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT this module is delivered and assessed in the following
Lectures, seminars, practical exercises, case studies, reports from external experts and visits to industrial plants.
There is a strong emphasis on project work which is assessed through practical demonstration, report, writing and
oral presentation.
ECTS workload:
Lectures: 50 hours
Computer based exercises 20 hours
Discussion / Review / Tutorial: 20 hours
Coursework: 3 x 20 & 1 x 30 hours
Directed reading: 30 hours
Total No. Hours 210 hours
9. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria:
LEARNING OUTCOMES when you have ASSESSMENT CRITERIA - to demonstrate that you
successfully completed this module you will: will have achieved the learning outcome you will:
1 have a good understanding of integrated be able to reflect the necessity of integrating
management systems management systems
2 understand the nature and of quality management, be able to explain relevant management methods and
and environmental management as holistic tools for successful quality management and
approaches environmental management
3 be able to successfully contribute to TQM-, ISO be able to describe and analyse case studies in the
9000-, Six Sigma-, and ISO 14000/14001 area of quality management and environmental
processes in organizations management
4 be able to explain and apply relevant methods and
understand innovation management as a process
tools for project search, selection, implementation and
and a major management responsibility
10: ASSESSMENT ITEMS your achievement of the learning outcomes for this module will be tested as
Assessment type: Project work
Description a) Assignment related to quality management or environmental management in an
and / or
b) Assignment related to innovation management in an organisation
Percent of mark 100

Each assessment item in the module to be entered separately

Type: AO - Attendance only

Cw - Coursework
EX - Examination
ICA - In-class Assignment
PRA - Practical work
PRE - Presentation
IS - Independent Study, dissertation or project

Description Text description of type of assessment. For example:

Cw - Essay of 2,000 words
EX - Open Book examination
IS - Dissertation, 10,000 words
Percentage of Mark - Percentage weighting for each item of assessment

11. INDICATIVE READING - amongst some of the materials you may be required to consult are: (up to 15
titles with date of publication)

Dahlgaard, Kristensen and Kanji Fundamentals of Total Quality Management-Chapman & Hall, 1998, ISBN; 0412-
Juran and Gryna - Quality planning and analysis, Third edition, McGraw-Hill, 1993, ISBN; 0070331839.
Pearatec - Total Quality Management Chapman& Hall, 1998, ISBN 0 412-58640..
Caplen The Quality system: A sourcebook for managers and engineers, Chilton 1980
Davis - Productivity improvements through TPM Prentice Hall 1995, ISBN; 013 133034-9.
OConner Practical Reliability Engineering John Wiley and Sons, 1991, ISBN: 0471926965.
Lewis Introduction to Reliability Engineering Second Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 1996, ISBN: 0471018333.
P. Crosby " Quality is free" McGraw Hill 1978
Sherwin and Bossche The Reliability, Availability and Productiveness of Systems Chapman and Hall, 1993,
ISBN: 0412393204.
OConner Practical Reliability Engineering John Wiley and Sons, 1991, ISBN:
Lewis Introduction to Reliability Engineering Second Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 1996, ISBN: 0471018333.
Jackson, Suzan L: The ISO 14001 Implementation Guide, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., ISBN 0-471-15360-5
Dr. John Terninko, Alla Zusman, Boris Zlotin Step-by-step TRZ: Creating Innovation solution concepts.1997
Robert M. Verburg, J. Roland Ortt , Willemijn M. Dicke:Managing Technology and Innovation: An Introduction,
December 16, 2005, ISBN-10: 0415362296
Allan Afuah: Innovation Management: Strategies, Implementation, and Profits, 2002, ISBN-10: 0195142306
TRIZ research report: An Approach To Systematic Innovation, 1998, ISBN:1879364999
Altshuller G. The Innovation Algorithm. TRIZ, Systematic Innovation and Technical Creativity. Technical Innovation
Center, Inc. Worcester, MA, 1999.

Altshuller G., Zlotin B., Zusman A., and Philatov V. Tools of Clasical TRIZ. Ideation International Inc. 1999
G. Altshuller, Lev Shulyak, Dana Clarker Sr: 40 Principles Extended Edition: TRIZ keys to Innovation, Technical
Innovation Center, Inc. April 2005
Darrell Mann:Hands On: Systematic Innovation, Creax ISBN:9077071024, 2002

6 International Project Management

1. CODE EEM4017
2. TITLE International Project Management
4. INSTRUCTOR Prof. Dr. Florian Drrenberg
5. CREDITS ECTS 7 (15)
6. DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE OF MODULE studying this module involves the following:
Just in time development of new products requires a systematic approach using the methodology of modern project
management. A basic knowledge is essential for engineers from all disciplines. This module offers an introduction
into international project management on various levels of the system (project programme - portfolio).

Increasing complexity and the dynamics of change are challenges that have to be mastered by an organisations
management which has led to a high degree of specialisation and division of work. However, isolated solutions for
individual problems are not efficient. The (young) engineer in his role as manager has to cooperate with others and
has to coordinate the work within projects across functional boundaries. He needs background knowledge and some
expertise in leading a team as well as a serious understanding about related aspects of systems engineering (e.g.
requirements analysis, integration management).

Obviously, there is a strong need for engineers to deal with essential elements of management, commercial issues
and inter-personnel relationship. Having at least - heard the theoretical background of this field makes
interdisciplinary teamwork, planning and leading more effective.

One of the guiding motivations is transfer: from theory to practice, between students based on their own experience
as well as between the various levels of a hierarchy within an organisation. Life-long-learning is essential for the
younger generation of managing engineers.

7. INDICATIVE SYLLABUS CONTENT the topics you may encounter on this module include:
The module consists of 5 focus themes which are overlapping.

1. Start-Up (Case Study)

International case study done in mixed project teams (experience the intercultural richness)
Introduction: understanding project management

2. PM Basics (Lecture)
Historical background
Characteristics of a project
Relevance of the Magic Triangle (cost, time, performance)
Standards and Non-Profit-Organisations (PMI, IPMA)
Project- and product lifecycle
Total Cost of Ownership approach (TCO)
Working in a multi-project environment: Project Programme Portfolio
Roles and responsibilities of Client, PM, team members and steering committee
Essentials of Stakeholder Management, including commitment of project team members
Achieving business benefits through projects the customers perspective
Generic Project management model (linked with Stage Gate Concept)
Project-specific phase model including milestones
Initiation of projects
Project Charter
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
Scheduling and resource allocation
Forecast of sales, cash flow and break-even

3. PM Applied (Software training)

Hands-On training at computer lab with Software MS-Project
Application of planning tools in a (smaller) case study
Understanding the interdependencies between planning elements of a project
Developing a reasonable basic project plan

4. PM Advanced (Presentations)
In-depth presentations by intercultural mixed student teams on selected advanced topics in 4 sequences:
Technical PM
Legal, Political and Financial Aspects
Projects in specific situations
Soft skills for project managers.
Developing a suitable HandOut as management summary in a given format.
5. Close-Down (Lecture)
Systematic closing of a project
Preparation for after sales service
Final project report
Evaluation of projects performance

8. LEARNING, TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT this module is delivered and assessed in the following
Lectures and open discussions in every topic, intense interaction between students and teachers.

This module is split between formal lectures, tutorials, SW-training in the computer lab and practical work in student
teams out of university. Teaching is based on the scriptum which can be downloaded, containing course material
and examples of real project documents. Assigned reading, tutorial, practical labs and lectures will also be used to
import knowledge.

ECTS workload:
Lectures 48 hours
Computer-based exercises 20 hours
Discussion /review /tutorial 30 hours
Assignment preparation and completion 46 hours
Coursework 40 hours
Directed reading 26 hours
Total No. Hours 210 hours
9. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria:
LEARNING OUTCOMES when you have ASSESSMENT CRITERIA - to demonstrate that you
successfully completed this module you will: will have achieved the learning outcome you will:
1 Understand what characterises a project in terms 1 Describe the main characteristics of project
of cost, time and performance. How these are management. This will set the subject in its historical
interpreted as target outcomes of projects. context and illustrate the roles and characteristics of all
2 Have knowledge and understanding of the those involved in project management.
historical background of project management.
3 Have knowledge and understanding of what is the
project manager's responsibility.
4 Understand project management as relevant 2 Be able to explain and apply context-related relevant
interdisciplinary approach and a major methods and tools for project selection, initiation and
management challenge implementation.
5 Have knowledge about the difference between
project, program and portfolio and understand the
interconnections and priorities in a multi-project
6 Have a knowledge and understanding of project 3 Have gained own experience as member of an
team members, team psychology and how to international project team bridging the gap of language
motivate the team to meet the commitments of and perception.
7 Have knowledge and understanding of basic 4 Practice the use of appropriate project management
project management tools and instruments tools and instruments in realistic business
environments as identified in case studies
8 Be able to use a current PM-software tool to 5 Critically appraise a project and after analysis, design
develop a basic plan for a project. a project management plan using the computer
program MS project. This project plan will show the
work breakdown structure, introduce milestones,
allocate resources and show the cost versus time as
well as the load of resources.
9 Have broaden your background knowledge and 6 Assess, critically analyse, develop and present a
understanding of advanced PM topics business presentation in the right context

10: ASSESSMENT ITEMS your achievement of the learning outcomes for this module will be tested as
Assessment type: Project work
Type CW / PRE / IS / PRA
Description a) Team-Presentation about an advanced topic in Project Management
And / or
b) Learning Logbook
Written report with a very individual reflection on own performance as adult learner;
maximum 2 pages per lecture unit (total: approx. 25 pages)
And / or
c) Individual implementation of a Project Plan using Microsoft Project
Student shall implement a detailed Project Plan using Microsoft Project as design tool. This
plan shall include details regarding project structure, phases, tasks, resources, costs, and
other related details; which reflect the student knowledge about project planning, using MS
Project as a design tool, and optimization the usage of project resources.
Percent of mark 100

Each assessment item in the module to be entered separately

Type: AO - Attendance only

Cw - Coursework
EX - Examination
ICA - In-class Assignment
PRA - Practical work
PRE - Presentation
IS - Independent Study, dissertation or project

Description Text description of type of assessment. For example:

Cw - Essay of 2,000 words
EX - Open Book examination
IS - Dissertation, 10,000 words
Percentage of Mark - Percentage weighting for each item of assessment

11. INDICATIVE READING - amongst some of the materials you may be required to consult are: (up to 15
titles with date of publication)

Burke, Rory: Project Management - Planning and Control Techniques; John Wiley & Sons, England, 5th ed.,
Cleveland, David L.: Project Management - Strategic Design and Implementation; McGraw-Hill, New York, 5th
ed., 2006
Dinsmore, Paul C. (Editor): The AMA Handbook of Project Management; McGraw-Hill / AMA, New York, 3rd
ed., 2010
Gray, Clifford / Larson, Erik: Project Management - the complete guide for every manager; McGraw-Hill, New
York, 3rd rev. ed., 2002
Kerzner, Harold: Project Management : A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling and Controlling; John
Wiley & Sons, New York, 10th ed., 2009 and
Project Management Workbook; John Wiley & Sons,6th ed., 1998
Lock Dennis: The Essentials of Project Management; Gower, 2014 (Paperback)
Meredith, Jack R/ Mantel, Samuel J.: Project Management - A Managerial Approach (with CD-ROM); John
Wiley & Sons, New York, 8th ed., 2012
Turner, Rodney: Gower Handbook of Project Management; Gower, 5h ed., 2014
DIN-ISO, IPMA and PMI: Up-to-date standards in Project Management

Lecture Notes from Prof. Dr. Florian Drrenberg


7 Microprocessor Based Systems

1. CODE EEM4016

2. TITLE Microprocessor Based Systems

4. INSTRUCTOR Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Krybus
5. CREDITS ECTS 8 (15)
6. DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE OF MODULE studying this module involves the following:
To select and use appropriate microprocessor hardware and software to solve real-time embedded system
monitoring and control design problems.
7. INDICATIVE SYLLABUS CONTENT the topics you may encounter on this module include:
Basic principles of digital systems:
Digital versus analogue electronics
Digital logic, Logic families, functions and gates, Memory types
Microprocessor architectures:
Comparison of 8,16,32 bit microprocessors, microcontrollers and RISC microprocessors
Instruction sets, architecture, speed, cost, support chips, interrupt facilities
Memory and peripheral devices
Software Development:
Comparison of low and high level languages
Use of C to program microprocessors/microcontrollers
Code generation procedures. Structured programming techniques
Creation of re-usable library functions.
Software testing procedures.
Development of embedded microprocessor systems:
Design of a system to meet the technical requirements of a specified engineering problem
Incorporation of interrupts, parallel and serial interfaces, power control
Requirements analysis and specification
Hardware and software partitioning
Project planning and time tabling, cost analysis, documentation archiving procedures
Use of In Circuit Emulators and debugger tools
System testing techniques
Transducers and the interfacing of analogue and digital circuits:
Overview of transducer types with emphasis on interfacing methods to microprocessor based systems
Signal sampling, Analogue and digital signals
Digital to analogue conversion, Analogue to digital conversion
Performance specifications
Applications in the automobile industry.
Data communications:
Alphanumeric codes and serial communications
An overview of interface standards such as RS232C, USB, I2C.
8. LEARNING, TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT this module is delivered and assessed in the following
This module is split between formal lectures and laboratory-based practical work. Teaching will be based around
handouts containing course material, and example programs. Assigned reading, tutorial and lectures will also be
used to import knowledge.
ECTS workload:
Lectures 30 hours
Computer-based exercises 40 hours
Discussion /review /tutorial 30 hours
Coursework 2 x 30 hours
Directed reading 30 hours
Exam preparation 50 hours
Total: 240 hours
9. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria:
LEARNING OUTCOMES when you have ASSESSMENT CRITERIA - to demonstrate that you
successfully completed this module you will: will have achieved the learning outcome you will:
1 Have knowledge and understanding of the main 1 Describe and discuss the main characteristics of
concepts, interfaces and peripheral components microprocessor and microcontroller architectures.
associated with microprocessor based systems Describe the features and application of various
peripheral modules and IO-Interfaces in a typical

2 Have knowledge and understanding of the 2 Evaluate, select and use appropriate design tools for
development tools for microprocessor based the development of microprocessor based systems.
3 Have skills in design and developing of software for 3 Develop software to use the peripheral components of
embedded systems in C a microcontroller (IO Ports, AD-Converter, Timer) and
have skills in testing microcontroller systems and integrate them to application programs.
using design tools such as Integrated Development
Environments and In Circuit Emulators
4 Be able to design and implement microcontroller 4 Analyse requirements and derive a technical
systems for specification.
- signal processing Design and implement a system to meet the technical
- simple control applications requirements.
- intelligent systems

10: ASSESSMENT ITEMS your achievement of the learning outcomes for this module will be tested as
Assessment type: Combined form of examinations
1 2
Description E.g. : Examination
a) Design and implementation (written, 2 hours)
exercise. Assessment will be
based on quality of design,
documentation and function or
b) Analysis, design and
implementation task. Assessment
will be based on quality of analysis,
design, documentation and
Percent of mark 50 50

Each assessment item in the module to be entered separately

Type: AO - Attendance only
Cw - Coursework
EX - Examination
ICA - In-class Assignment
PRA - Practical work
PRE - Presentation
IS - Independent Study, dissertation or project
Description Text description of type of assessment. For example:
Cw - Essay of 2,000 words
EX - Open Book examination
IS - Dissertation, 10,000 words
Percentage of Mark - Percentage weighting for each item of assessment

11. INDICATIVE READING - amongst some of the materials you may be required to consult are: (up to 15 titles
with date of publication)
Lecture notes W. Krybus, South-Westphalia University of Applied Sciences
Programming and Customizing the AVR Microcontroller, Dhananjay V. Gadre, McGraw-Hill, 2001
Embedded Microprocessor Systems: Real World Design, Stuart R. Ball, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002
C Programming for Embedded Microcontrollers, Warwick A. Smith, Elektor Publishing, 2009
AVR Microcontroller and Embedded Systems, Muhammad Ali Mazidi et. al., Prentice Hall, 2010
Make: AVR Programming: Learning to Write Software for Hardware, Elliot Williams, Maker Media, Inc, 2014
Atmel Web Site:

8 Modelling and Simulation of Mechanical Systems

1. CODE EEM4018
2. TITLE Modelling and Simulation of Mechanical Systems
4. INSTRUCTOR Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alfons Noe
5. CREDITS ECTS 8 (15)
6. DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE OF MODULE studying this module involves the following:
The student learns that thorough modelling of mechanical components and technical systems and combined
numerical simulation methods, by commercialized software packages, have enabled, improved, accelerated virtual
CAX-product design, functional analysis, manufacturing or fault analysis. Established results are available in
automotive, aircraft, aerospace, semiconductors, robotics, tooling machines, trains, wind mills, and others.
First, the Finite Element Method (FEM) will be addressed, which allows to determine fields for displacements, strain
and stress tensors as well as heat flux and temperature fields from mechanical and thermal loadings under static,
dynamic and thermal load conditions. Nonlinearities from finite deformations, nonlinear material laws (plasticity,
creep, rubber) and contact between parts will also be covered. Second, the dynamics of assembled multiple body
sets connected by joints, springs and dampers as well as the associated Multi Body Simulation (MBS) will be
treated. MBS provides full quantitative result sets of nonlinear kinematics as well as forces and torques.
7. INDICATIVE SYLLABUS CONTENT the topics you may encounter on this module include:
Finite Element Method (FEM)
- Solid Mechanics (kinematic of deformation, strain and stress tensors, material laws (thermo-elasticity,
plasticity, creep, viscoelasticity, rubber), contact mechanics
- Weak Formulation of thermo-mechanical systems (variational principals, Galerkin method, static, dynamic)
- Discretization (p-method vs. h-method, iso-parametric concept, element types, meshing techniques
- Numerical simulation (solving nonlinear equation systems, implicit and explicit integration methods)
- Application of a professional FEM-software to a small industry-like project
Multi Body Simulation (MBS)
- Kinematics (Degree of Freedom, rotations (Euler-, Byrant angles), constraints, loops, minimal coordinates)
st nd
- Kinetics (Newton Euler-Equations, Lagrange Equations of 1 , 2 type, Differential Algebraic Equations)
- Assembly of MBS-systems, load application, analysis requests and visualization
- Numerical Integration methods and properties (stiffness, DAE-systems/-index, integrator features: BDF
(esp. Gears method), corrector-predictor, Newton-Raphson-Method, simulation control)
- Application of a professional MBS-software to a small industry-like project

8. LEARNING, TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT this module is delivered and assessed in the following
This module is divided into formal lectures to outline the theoretical background, followed up by further assigned
reading and working out small mathematical models a part of the assignment. One simple hand model shall be
analyzed for characteristic features theoretically. Their behavior has to be simulated by tools like MS.Excel, MatLab
or Maple. Based on acquired knowledge and experiences with small models the student shall work out a more
complex industry-like assignment problem by using the available professional simulation software, where in general
the selection out of a FEM- or MBS-project will be prescribed by the instructor. A supervised introduction to the
software tool will be provided. For the assessment a report must be submitted, presented and defended. The course
will close with a written examination covering the lecture contents and the assignment project.
ECTS workload:
Lectures 50 hours
Computer-based exercises 60 hours
Discussion /review /tutorial 20 hours
Coursework 50 hours
Directed reading 20 hours
Exam preparation 40 hours
Total No. Hours 240 hours
9. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria:
LEARNING OUTCOMES when you have ASSESSMENT CRITERIA - to demonstrate that you
successfully completed this module you will: will have achieved the learning outcome you will:
1 have knowledge and understanding of the theory of 1 be able to build simple classroom-level physical
structural and dynamic mechanical components models and generate associated mathematical models
2 2 be able to solve differential equation analytically, if
have knowledge and understanding on solving
available, or by known numerical procedure by treating
differential equations for mathematical models.
classroom systems (solution, simulation, analysis)

3 be able to create a computational model in a 3
be able to demonstrate building model feature,
complex a professional simulation software to run
conducting simulations with requested solver setting
the solver and performing post-processing, be able
and on-line application of various analyses in a review
to analyse and critically assess features extracted
session, beyond compiling a report.
from numerical simulation software tool.
4 4 develop a systematic approach by adopting heuristic
Be able to analyse and critically assess features
reasoning and develop test scenarios with known
extracted from numerical simulation software tool.
limits of analytic solutions and /or experimental results.
10: ASSESSMENT ITEMS your achievement of the learning outcomes for this module will be tested as
Assessment type: Combined form of examinations
1 2
Description E.g.: Examination
a) Develop a small physical and (written, 2 hours)
related mathematical model
(structural / dynamic), characterize
formally, visualize by simulation.
b) Build numerical model of a given
complex, industry-level problem in
professional FEM- or MBS-software,
simulate, analyse, assess,
recommend. Assessment based on
report, presentation and defending.
Percent of mark 50 50

Each assessment item in the module to be entered separately

Type: AO - Attendance only

Cw - Coursework
EX - Examination
ICA - In-class Assignment
PRA - Practical work
PRE - Presentation
IS - Independent Study, dissertation or project

Description Text description of type of assessment. For example:

Cw - Essay of 2,000 words
EX - Open Book examination
IS - Dissertation, 10,000 words
Percentage of Mark - Percentage weighting for each item of assessment

11. INDICATIVE READING - amongst some of the materials you may be required to consult are: (up to 15
titles with date of publication)
- Ascher, U. M., Petzold, L. R.: Computer Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations and Differential-
Algebraic Equations, SIAM Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (1998).
- Baehr, H.D., Stephan, K.: Heat and Mass Transfer, Springer-Verlag (2006).
- Bathe, K.J.: Finite Element Procedures in Engineering Analysis. Prentice Hall (1982).
- Hughes, T.J.R.: The Finite Element Method: Linear Stzatic and Dynamic Finite Element Analysis. Dover
Civil and Mechanical Engineering(2000) or Prentice Hall (1987).
- Kwon, Y.W., Bang, H.: The Finite Element Metod using MatLab, CRC Press (2013).
- McConville, J. B.: Introduction to Mechanical System Simulation using Adams, SDC Publications (2015).
- Nikravesh, P. E.: Planar Multbody Dynamics, CRC Press (2008).
- chsner, A., Merkel, M.: One Dimensional Finite Element Method, Springer-Verlag (2013).
- Preumont, A.: Twelve Lectures on Structural Dynamic. Springer-Verlag, Berlin (2013).
- Schramm, D., Hiller M., Bardini, R.: Vehicle Dynamics, Springer-Verlag (2014).
- Shabana, A. A.: Dynamics of Multibody Systems, Cambridge University Press (2013).


9 Signal Processing

1. CODE EEM4011
2. TITLE Signal Processing
4. INSTRUCTOR Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulf Witkowski
5. CREDITS ECTS 8 (15)
6. DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE OF MODULE studying this module involves the following:
The module is defined to impart a practical and theoretical knowledge of digital signal processing to the student.
Students will learn to use and to apply techniques for designing continuous time filters as well as discrete time filters
using DSP techniques. Thus, techniques for evaluation of transfer functions from both frequency domain
specification and from knowledge of the continuous time prototype are introduced and developed. Techniques for
evaluating the performance of discrete time systems in the time and frequency domain from knowledge of the
system transfer function using both long hand and CAD techniques are developed. Techniques for designing and
implementing recursive and non-recursive digital filters are taught. Fast Fourier Transform and its applications is
introduced. Computer aided design packages for simulating, designing, and implementing discrete time filter
architectures will be applied.
7. INDICATIVE SYLLABUS CONTENT the topics you may encounter on this module include:
Approximation theory
Transfer functions, low pass, high pass, band pass, band stop and all pass filters
Analysis and simulation using PSpice

Analogue system implementation

- Filter network prototypes, low pass filters, frequency scaling , magnitude scaling
- Network transformation, from LP to HP, BP and BS
- Analysis and simulation using PSpice

Sampling theory
- Shannon's sampling theorem
- Sub-Nyquist sampling
- Signal and network aliasing

Z Plane (digital) transfer function analysis

- Constraints in z plane transfer functions
- Recursive /non-recursive structures
- Evaluation of system performance
- From H(z) to the z plane transfer function using mathematical techniques
- CAD tools for constraints based transfer function design

Analysis and simulation using Matlab/Simulink and LabVIEW

State space analysis of discrete time networks
Application of state space techniques to discrete time networks
Evaluation of state variables of electrical systems and of other domains
Equivalence of state variables and z plane transfer function description

Digital signal processing hardware

- Computing architectures for signal processing
- Fixed and floating point DSP processors
- Reconfigurable hardware based on FPGAs
- A/D resolution, coefficient word length, instruction cycle speed, bench marks
- Generation of hardware specification from system requirements
- Filter implementation based on a hardware design flow

Recursive (IIR) discrete time structures

- Design of discrete time networks based on analogue prototypes. Bilinear transformation
- Impulse invariant transformation
- Recursive structure overflow modes. Intermediate node distortion. Regular and transposed structures.
Relevance to fixed and floating point DSP hardware
- High order recursive structures
- Analysis, synthesis, design and simulation using Matlab/Simulink and LabVIEW

Non recursive (FIR) discrete time systems

FIR structure and characteristics.

- Design based on inverse Fourier transforms and inverse FFT
- Windows and their characteristics. Design of windows based structures
- Specialist FIR structures - Integrator, Differentiator, Hilbert Transform
- Use of CAD packages to design and evaluate the performance of FIR structures
- Analysis, synthesis, design and simulation using Matlab/Simulink and LabVIEW

FFT analysis
- Theory of DFT/FFT analysis
- Algorithms for FFT/inverse
- FFT/based algorithms

Development of measurement chains, laboratory tests

- Vibration testing, modal analysis
- Process monitoring in metal cutting
- Acoustic emission
- Noise emission
- Noise cancelling in audio signals
8. LEARNING, TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT this module is delivered and assessed in the following
Structured notes will be used containing the required theory, worked examples and relevant tutorial questions. The
lectures will be supported by tutorials in which the students will have to solve problems using both long hand
methods and by using the supporting signal processing software and hardware platforms. These problems will be
taken from variety of engineering fields e.g. communications systems, control systems, instrumentation.
Laboratory and tutorial sessions are used to compare theoretical analysis/simulation to the results obtained from the
experiments on the hardware and also to gain practical experience in assessing signal characteristics by evaluating
their statistical description.
Practical tests on how to define and set up measurement chains will be done in a laboratory. Students will have to
define and set up particular task in signal processing in vibration control, modal analysis, evaluations and
assessment of process data and feature extraction.

ECTS workload:
Lectures: 45 hours
Computer based exercises: 30 hours
Discussion / review / tutorial: 25 hours
Coursework: 60 hours
Directed reading: 30 hours
Exam preparation: 50 hours
Total : 240 hours
9. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria:
LEARNING OUTCOMES when you have ASSESSMENT CRITERIA - to demonstrate that you
successfully completed this module you will: will have achieved the learning outcome you will:
1 Have knowledge and understanding of the theory 1 Be able to apply signal processing theory to practical
of signal processing, time and frequency domain, situations
analogue and digital signals
2 Have knowledge and understanding of the theory 2 Be able to apply to engineering scenarios and analyse
of filtering signals performance through simulation
3 Be able to analyse and critically assess a system to 3 Be able to set up different engineering application
apply signal processing simulation simulations and critically assess system performance
to a variety of stimulations
4 Be able to develop measurement chains in 4 Develop a systematic approach to data acquisition for
practical application signal processing
5 Have skills to apply data acquisition, analysis and 5 Design measurement and simulation systems for
visualisation tools to relevant application areas practical engineering applications
10: ASSESSMENT ITEMS your achievement of the learning outcomes for this module will be tested as
Assessment type: Combined form of examinations
1 2
Description E.g.: Examination
a) Develop measurement chain to (written, 2 hours)
acquire process data. Assessment
based on quality of design, analysis,
function and documentation,
b) Design of filters according to a
given specification, simulation,
implementation and analysis
Percent of mark 50 50

Each assessment item in the module to be entered separately

Type: AO - Attendance only

Cw - Coursework
EX - Examination
ICA - In-class Assignment
PRA - Practical work
PRE - Presentation
IS - Independent Study, dissertation or project

Description Text description of type of assessment. For example:

Cw - Essay of 2,000 words
EX - Open Book examination
IS - Dissertation, 10,000 words
Percentage of Mark - Percentage weighting for each item of assessment

11. INDICATIVE READING - amongst some of the materials you may be required to consult are: (up to 15
titles with date of publication)

- Chi-Tsong Chen, System and Signal Analysis, Holt Rinehart and Winston, 1988
- Lynn P.A., Introduction to Analysis and Processing of Signals, MacMillan, 1982
- The Fast Fourier Transform and its Applications, Prentice Hall, 1988
- Zimmer R. et al, Signals and Systems, 3rd edition, McMillan, 1993
- Digital Signal Processing, a practical approach, Ifeachor & Jervis, Addison Wesley, 1993
- Math Works Inc., Simulink Dynamic Systems Simulation Software, 1997
- D.J. Ewings; Modal Testing, Research Studies Press, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 0 471 90472 4.
- C. Clark; LabVIEW Digital Signal Processing: and Digital Communications, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0071444920
- N. Kehtarnavaz, S. Mahotra; Digital Signal Processing Laboratory: LabVIEW-Based FPGA Implementation,
Brown Walker, ISBN 1599425505
- G. W. Johnson, R. Jenings; LabView Graphical Programming, McGraw Hill, ISBN 0 07 137001 3.
- U. Tietze / Ch. Schenk: Electronic Circuits: Handbook for Design and Application, Springer


10 Systems Engineering

1. CODE EEM4011
2. TITLE Systems Engineering
4. INSTRUCTOR Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Schwung, Prof. Dr. rer.nat Stefan Schweizer
5. CREDITS ECTS 8 (15)
6. DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE OF MODULE studying this module involves the following:
This module aims to introduce students to the fundamental concepts and underlying principles of systems
engineering, including systems thinking, as well as the design and management of a range of engineering systems,
especially including mechanical and electronic systems. The systems will be studied from a product lifecycle
management perspective to cover the all stages from product market research, design, manufacturing to after-sales
service and product recycles.
The instruction will be supplemented with case studies and applying the knowledge in engineering simultaneously.
7. INDICATIVE SYLLABUS CONTENT the topics you may encounter on this module include:
The module covers the area of product lifecycle management including introduction to system science and
engineering, system requirement analysis and specification, system architecture design, system detail design and
development, unit and system test, evaluation and validation. A special focus lies on the various ways of system
modelling as a powerful tool to cover system engineering over the product lifecycle. Furthermore the importance of
data engineering from early design phases till the end of the product lifecycle will be discussed.
The module enables the students to more effectively design solutions that meet customer needs by identifying and
translating them into a complete set of requirements and specifications for a system.
The module emphasizes the distinction between an operational need and a system solution, and stresses the
importance of understanding the customers need before jumping to a solution. The intent is not just to describe the
systems engineering and architecting process but to understand the interrelation between different engineering
disciplines and to stress the importance of an integrated system design. This is enabled by model and data based
design techniques which enable the student to think in systems, rather than in disciplines.
The module helps students understand how to think through the choices at each step of the process. What decisions
have to be made? What factors should be considered in making them? The answers to these questions allow for good
systems engineering without adherence to standard processes. The primary objective of this module is to achieve a
strong foundation in systems engineering principles and processes.

8. LEARNING, TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT this module is delivered and assessed in the following ways:
This module is split between formal lectures and laboratory-based practical work. Teaching will be based around
handouts containing course material, and example programs. Assigned reading, tutorial and lectures will also be used
to import knowledge.
ECTS workload:
Lectures 60 hours
Computer-based exercises 20 hours
Discussion /review /tutorial 25 hours
Coursework 60 hours
Directed reading 25 hours
Exam preparation 50 hours
Total No Hours 240 hours
9. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria:
LEARNING OUTCOMES when you have ASSESSMENT CRITERIA - to demonstrate that you
successfully completed this module you will: will have achieved the learning outcome you will:
1 Be able to critically review and apply the principles 1 - develop confidence in using systems concepts
of systems engineering to the practical problems of - understand systems engineering process models,
product lifecycle management methods and tools for the development of complex

2 Be able to develop knowledge and evaluate the 2 explain the system development process, including
system design requirements and validation. requirements for systems reliability
3 Be able to understand procedures for developing 3 - outline and discuss the process of systems
physically based mathematical models of physical modelling, where models are used as part of a
systems, and related analytical and numerical systemic approach to various systems
methods for predicting their behaviour. - derive and analyse mathematical models for real
world examples

10: ASSESSMENT ITEMS your achievement of the learning outcomes for this module will be tested as
Assessment type: Combined form of examinations
1 2
Type CW EX
Description E.g.: Examination
a) Analysis, design and implementation (written, 2 hours)
task. Assessment will be based on quality
of solution, documentation and function
b): Lab exercises for modelling systems as
group work, presentation and discussion
Percent of mark 50 50

Each assessment item in the module to be entered separately

Type: AO - Attendance only

Cw - Coursework
EX - Examination
ICA - In-class Assignment
PRA - Practical work
PRE - Presentation
IS - Independent Study, dissertation or project

Description Text description of type of assessment. For example:

Cw - Essay of 2,000 words

EX - Open Book examination
IS - Dissertation, 10,000 words
Percentage of Mark - Percentage weighting for each item of assessment

11. INDICATIVE READING - amongst some of the materials you may be required to consult are:
(up to 15 titles with date of publication)
Lecture notes, South-Westphalia University of Applied Sciences
- INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook (ISBN 978-1-937076-02-3)
- Systems Engineering, Principles and Practice, Kossiakoff, John Wiley & Sons, 2011
- System of Systems Engineering, Mohammad Jamshidi, John Wiley & Sons, 2011

11 Technical Publications and Presentations

1. CODE EEM4014
2. TITLE Technical Publications and Presentations
4. INSTRUCTOR Marga Taylor
5. CREDITS ECTS 7 (15)
6. DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE OF MODULE studying this module involves the following:
Enabling the student
- to plan, compose and present scientific publications
- to recognize, by logical analytical processes, subjects of scientific interest and potential
- to isolate and clearly define the central problem or idea being investigated
- to conduct an organized investigation of that specific topic
- to proceed with a systematic search and collection of information from all accessible relevant sources, as
well as, after finding and sifting out the decisive facts
- and finally to organize them according to their importance for the logical development of the argument.
7. INDICATIVE SYLLABUS CONTENT the topics you may encounter on this module include:
Preparing scientific and technical publications:

Oral presentations
Poster presentations

Information acquisition:
Research in data-bases
Electronic communication systems (e.g. WWW)

8. LEARNING, TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT this module is delivered and assessed in the following
The teaching is practice-oriented with supporting lectures in information acquisition. There is a strong emphasis on
group-project work that is assessed through composition of abstracts and papers as well as oral presentation.
ECTS workload:

Lectures: 45 hours
Discussion / Review / Tutorial: 55 hours
Assignment preparation and completion: 2 x 40 hours
Directed reading: 30 hours
Total No Hours 210 hours
9. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria:
LEARNING OUTCOMES when you have ASSESSMENT CRITERIA - to demonstrate that you
successfully completed this module you will: will have achieved the learning outcome you will:
1 Be able to prepare abstracts and papers intended 1 Divide the central problem into specific problems or
for scientific and technical publications questions.
Get thoughts down on paper in logical order.
Evaluate and classify any findings according to the
logical drift of the argument.
Differentiate between the basic principles of different
form of communication (description, analysis,
summary etc.).
2 Be able to supply correct references to support 2 Be able to construct a formal outline of a report that
assertions and to acknowledge ideas and material serves as a scientifically convincing frame for the
borrowed from other sources arrangement of the collected data.
Master the formal techniques and accepted standards
of scientific publications.
Be able to locate materials about a subject by a
systematic, organized search of available sources.
Be able to apply and use communication systems for
information acquisition.
Make use of the relevant library materials

3 Be able to elucidate and discuss papers in oral3 Formulate in adequate English both written and verbal
presentation presentations.
Prepare presentations by employing suitable layout
Prepare appropriate papers and presentations by
defining, stating and illustrating the scientific
significance of the investigation of the material to be
10: ASSESSMENT ITEMS your achievement of the learning outcomes for this module will be tested as
Assessment type: Project work
Description Written assignment about a technical topic.
Extent: ~4000 words and oral presentation using slides or Power Point.
Duration: ~20 min.
Percent of mark 100

Each assessment item in the module to be entered separately

Type: AO - Attendance only

Cw - Coursework
EX - Examination
ICA - In-class Assignment
PRA - Practical work
PRE - Presentation
IS - Independent Study, dissertation or project

Description Text description of type of assessment. For example:

Cw - Essay of 2,000 words
EX - Open Book examination
IS - Dissertation, 10,000 words

Percentage of Mark - Percentage weighting for each item of assessment

11. INDICATIVE READING - amongst some of the materials you may be required to consult are: (up to 15 titles
with date of publication)
H. Ebel, C. Bliefert, and W. Russey, The Art of Scientific Writing (VCR. Weinheim, 1987).
Robert A. Day, How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper (ISI, Philadelphia, 1979).
Matt Young, The Technical Writer's Handbook (University Science Books, Mill Valley, CA, 1989).
The Chicago Manual of Style, 13th ed. (University of Chicago, Chicago, 1982).
Sir Ernest Gowers, The Complete Plain Words, 3rd ed. (Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1986).
H. W. Fowler, A Dictionary of Modern English Usage, 2nd ed. (Oxford University, New York, 1965).
William Strunk, Jr. and E. B. White, The Elements of Style, 3rd ed. (Macmillan, New York, 1979).
Edward R. Tufte, The Visual Display of Quantitative Information (Graphics Press, Cheshire, CT, 1989).
Webster's Third New International Dictionary, unabridged, 3rd ed. (G. & C. Merriam, Springfield, MA, 1986).
Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary (G. & C. Merriam, Springfield, MA, 1985).
E. Richard Cohen and Pierre Giacomo, Symbols, Units, Nomenclature and Fundamental Constants in Physics
[International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, Document IUPAP-25 (SUNAMCO 87-1),1987].
Units of Measurement, ISO Standards Handbook 2 (International Organization for the Standardization, Geneva,
Switzerland, 1982).
Peggy Judd, Physical Review Input Guide for Author Prepared Compuscripts, 1st ed. (American Physical Society, New
York, 1983).
L. Lamport., A Document Preparation System. Addison-Wesley, 1986.
Antion, Tom, Wake em Up: How to Use Humor and Other Professional Techniques to Create Alarmingly Good
Business Presentations. Anchor Publishing, Jan. 1999.


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