Module 19 - Freudian and Humanistic Theories
Module 19 - Freudian and Humanistic Theories
Module 19 - Freudian and Humanistic Theories
Chapter 16 (Module 18 from text)
• Superego: regulator
– third division of the mind, develops from the ego during early childhood
– superego’s goal is to apply the moral values and standards of one’s parents or
are givers and society in satisfying one’s wishes
– Moral principle - moral standards of which we are conscious or aware and moral
standards that are unconscious or outside our awareness.
• Anxiety
– uncomfortable feeling that results from inner conflicts between the primitive desires of
the id and the moral goals of the superego
– Id & superego conflict
• ego caught in the middle
• ego’s continuous negotiations to resolve conflict causes anxious feelings
• ego uses defense mechanisms to reduce the anxious feelings.
• Defense mechanisms
– Freudian processes that operate at unconscious levels and that use self-deception or
untrue explanations to protect the ego from being overwhelmed by anxiety
– Two ways to reduce anxiety:
• can take realistic steps for reducing anxiety
• use defense mechanisms to reduce anxiety
• Defense mechanisms
– Rationalization
• involves covering up the true reasons for actions, thoughts, or feelings by making up
excuses and incorrect explanations
– Denial
• refusing to recognize some anxiety-provoking event or piece of information that is
clear to others
– Repression
• involves blocking and pushing unacceptable or threatening feelings, wishes, or
experiences into the unconscious.
• Defense mechanisms
– Projection
• falsely and unconsciously attributes your own unacceptable feelings, traits, or thoughts
to individuals or objects
– Reaction formation
• involves substituting behaviors, thoughts, or feelings that are the direct opposite of
unacceptable ones.
– Displacement
• involves transferring feelings about, or response to, an object that causes anxiety to
another person or object that is less threatening.
– Sublimation
• type of displacement, involves redirecting a threatening or forbidden desire, usually
sexual, into a socially acceptable one.
• Fixation: potential personality problems
– occur during any of the first three stages
• Oral
• Anal
• Phallic
– refers to a Freudian process through which an individual may be locked into a
particular psychosexual stage because his or her wishes were either overgratified or
• Five psychosexual stages
– Oral stage
• lasts for the first 18 months
• pleasure seeking activities include: sucking, chewing, and biting
• Fixation
– adults who continue to engage in oral activities, such as overeating, gum
chewing, or smoking; oral activities can be symbolic as well, such as being overly
demanding or “mouthing off”.
• Five psychosexual stages
– Latency stage
• middle to late childhood: 6 to puberty
• time when the child represses sexual thoughts and engages in nonsexual activities,
such as developing social and intellectual skills
• when puberty beings, sexuality reappears
• Alfred Adler
– contemporary of Freud
– Adler disagreed with Freud’s theory that humans are governed by biological and
sexual urges
– Adler proposed that humans are motivated by social urges
– each person is a social being with a unique personality
– Adler formed his own group, known as “individual psychology”
• we are aware of our motives and goals
• have the capacity to guide and plan our futures
• Karen Horney
– trained as a psychoanalyst, her career peaked after Freud’s death
– dean of the American Institute of Psychoanalysis in New York
– objected to Freud’s view of women being dependent, vain, and submissive because of
biological forces and childhood sexual experiences
– took issue with Freud’s idea of penis envy, proposed womb envy
– personality development, (women or men) can be found in child-parent social
– Horney theorized that:
• child-parent conflicts are avoidable if the child is raised in a loving, trusting, and secure
• Three characteristics of Humanistic theories
1. Phenomenological perspective
• your perception or view of the world, whether or not it is accurate, becomes your
2. Holistic view
• personality is more than the sum of its individual parts; instead, the individual parts
form a unique and total entity that functions as a unit
3. Self-actualization
• refers to our inherent tendency to develop and reach our true potentials.
– Psychological functions
• expanding our experiences, encouraging personal growth, and becoming self-
– Self or self-concept
• refers to how we see our describe ourselves
• positive self-concepts
– tend to act, feel, and think optimistically and constructively
• negative self-concepts
– tend to act, feel, and think pessimistically and destructively.
– Positive regard
• includes love, sympathy, warmth, acceptance, and respect, which we crave from
family, friends, and people important to us
– Conditional positive regard
• refers to the positive regard we receive if we behave in certain acceptable ways, such
as living up to or meeting the standards of others
– Unconditional positive regard
• the warmth, acceptance, and love that others show you because you are valued as a
human being, even though you may disappoint people by behaving in ways that are
different from their standards or values or the way they think.
– Importance of self-actualization
• Rogers recognized that:
– our tendency for self-actualization may be hindered, tested, or blocked by a variety of
situational hurdles or personal difficulties
– Unconditional positive regard
• we will experience the greatest self-actualization if we work hard and diligently to
remove situational problems, resolve our personal problems, and hopefully, receive
tons of unconditional positive regard.
Discussion Question
1. How does Id, ego and super ego function in a person when facing a certain
situation. Give examples for this.