Perspectives in Psychology
Perspectives in Psychology
Perspectives in Psychology
What do psychologists study? Psychology the systematic, scientific study of behaviors and mental processes Behaviors refers to observable actions or responses in both humans and animals Mental processes not directly observable, refer to a wide range of complex mental processes, such as thinking, imagining, studying, and dreaming
Conscious thought wishes, desires, or thoughts that we are aware of, or can recall, at any given moment Unconscious forces wishes, desires, or thoughts that, because of their disturbing or threatening content, we automatically repress and cannot voluntarily access Unconscious motivation Freudian concept that refers to the influence of repressed thoughts, desires, or impulses on our conscious thoughts and behaviors
Psychoanalytic Approach
Ego Superego
Conscious Preconscious
Information in your immediate awareness Information which can easily be made conscious Thoughts, feelings, urges, and other information that is difficult to bring to conscious awareness
Development: dealing with conflict Psychosexual stages five developmental periods-oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital stages each marked by a potential conflict between parent and child conflicts arise as a child seeks pleasure from different body areas that are associated with sexual feelings erogenous zones
Humanistic theories emphasize our capacity for personal growth, development of our potential, and freedom to choose our destiny