Bode Plot Examples
Bode Plot Examples
Bode Plot Examples
Overview Freq Domain Asymptotic plots Making Plot Examples BodePlotGui Rules Table Printable
Several examples of the construction of Bode Plots are included in this file. Click on the transfer function in the table
below to jump to that example.
Examples (Click on Transfer Function)
1 3 6
2 4 5 7
(multiple poles
(repeated real poles, (complex conj.
(a real (pole at origin, complex
(real poles and zeros) negative constant) poles) (time delay)
pole) origin) conj zeros)
at a frequency of
This is shown by the blue circle. The phase goes from the low
frequency asymptote (0 degrees) at
This is the same as "Example 1," but has a 0.01 second time
delay. We have not seen a time delay before this, but we can
easily handle it as we would any other constituent part of the
transfer function. The magnitude and phase of a time delay are
described here.
Copyright 2005 to 2015 Erik Cheever This page may be freely used for educational purposes.
Comments? Questions? Suggestions? Corrections?
Erik Cheever Department of Engineering Swarthmore College