A Computational Model of Catalyzed Carbon Sequestration: Back To Exploration - 2008 CSPG CSEG CWLS Convention

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A Computational Model of Catalyzed Carbon Sequestration

Harrell Sellers* and Michael Perrone*

IBM Research, Yorktown Heights, NY
sellers@us.ibm.com and mpp@us.ibm.com
Raymond Spiteri
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada
This research explores the feasibility of catalysis-based carbon sequestration by efficiently and
accurately modeling the underlying chemical reactions and using this model to identify optimal
operating conditions. We employ established and novel computational methods to calculate the
Arrhenius rate constants required to model the chemical reactions as a coupled system of
differential equations and implement this model for carbon sequestration over a palladium catalyst.
This approach allows us to explore the behavior of the system for a variety of temperatures,
pressures, feed-gas compositions, and catalysts and thereby optimize the amount of carbon
sequestered. We discuss trends in the distribution of reaction products as a function of these
variables. Preliminary results for this system and previously published results for similar systems
indicate that this method can be scaled to accurately predict the efficacy of such systems for carbon
Growing international concern over the role of greenhouse gases (mainly carbon dioxide and
methane) in global warming has led to increasing pressure for clean technologies to reduce the
carbon footprint of various industries. A variety of methods have been proposed, and some are
beginning to be adopted most notably geological sequestration but none of these methods is
without drawbacks. It is therefore critical that researchers continue to explore alternative methods
for sequestration of greenhouse gases to help find the most cost effective methods possible.
Most carbon sequestration methods are capture-and-storage techniques. In capture-and-storage
methods, atmospheric carbon, usually carbon dioxide, is captured, often employing differential
adsorption techniques or membrane technologies, and then stored underground in caverns or
porous rock or dissolved in the oceans. Some capture-and-storage technologies (mineral
sequestration) seek to make limestone, calcium carbonate, or magnesium carbonate, which exist in
large quantities in the environment naturally. Geologic sequestration techniques, which are popular
at present, store carbon dioxide in geologic structures such as caverns and porous rock. Primary
concerns regarding geologic storage include leakages from the storage field, the expense of
monitoring and maintaining the storage field for extremely long periods of time, land lease expense,
Back to Exploration 2008 CSPG CSEG CWLS Convention


injection well drilling expense and maintenance, public objection to being in proximity of a storage
field of a toxic gas that may leak, and the expense of developing the technology to treat a leaking
storage field.
In this paper we describe a computation-based investigation into strategies for the removal of
carbon dioxide and methane directly from the point of emission, a process known as direct carbon
sequestration. We approach this problem using standard and innovative numerical methods to
efficiently solve the potentially very high-dimensional systems of differential equation (e.g., models
of realistic systems might simulate the evolution of a thousand or more chemical species
In direct carbon sequestration, the chemical inputs must be abundant on-site, and the products
must be environmentally benign or have commercial value. For example, carbon dioxide from
combustion, atmospheric nitrogen, and methane from coal are readily available at coal-fired
electrical generating stations. Generation of thermogenic methane from coal begins in the higher
ranks of the high-volatile bituminous coals, and at about 250F, generation of methane exceeds
generation of carbon dioxide. Maximum generation of methane from coal occurs at about 300F.
With even higher temperatures and higher-rank coals, methane is still generated, but at lower
volumes [1, 2]. The volatile component of coal can be 15 35%, most of which is methane [3].
Thus in the case of coal, direct carbon sequestration appears feasible.
The reaction between methane and carbon dioxide yielding soot or graphite and water is
thermodynamically favorable [4]:
CO2 + CH4 2C(gr) + 2H2O

Go = -29 kJ/mol = -7 kcal/mol


Hydrogen generation is also possible from a direct carbon sequestration reactor designed for
coal-fired electrical generating stations [4]:
CO2 + 3CH4 4C(gr) + 4H2 + 2H2O

Go = +88.7 kJ/mol = 21 kcal/mol


Equation 2 above is more thermodynamically favorable than the traditional synthesis gas reaction
which runs at 700 1000 oC over a nickel catalyst [4]. The temperature of the flue gas at the Otter
Tail coal-fired electrical generating station in Big Stone City, South Dakota, is normally between
300500 oF depending on the electrical load [5]. The temperature of the flue gas is relatively
constant from the bottom to the top of the stack due to the relatively high velocity of the exhaust
gases. This waste heat can be used to vary the temperature of a catalytic reactor without adding an
additional energy expense.
A commercially valuable synthesis gas can also be produced in a direct carbon sequestration
CH4 + CO2 2CO + 2H2

Go = +170.5 kJ/mol = +40.8 kcal/mol


This reaction is only slightly less thermodynamically favorable than the traditional synthesis gas
Back to Exploration 2008 CSPG CSEG CWLS Convention


The carbon monoxide produced can be handled in a number of ways. For example, it can be used
in synthesis gas applications to produce specialty chemicals, it can be polymerized forming
polycarbonate, or it can be further hydrogenated or reacted with carbonaceous radicals on the
catalytic surface. Soot or graphite formation is desirable because both forms of carbon sequester
essentially just carbon, which could be compressed and shipped back to the coal mine on the coal
trains return trip. The synthesis of other commercially valuable chemicals is also possible.
Equation (4) shows the general form of the differential equations that we want to solve where C is
the vector surface concentrations for all of the possible chemical reactants in the system, M is the
matrix of rate coefficients that govern the rate at which any two reactants merge to form a third, and
N is the matrix of rate coefficients for the rate at which individual reactant decompose to create two

dc G G
= c Mc + N c


For this system, we select the reactants that we want to consider in the system, calculate the rate
coefficients using methods previously developed [4] and solve the system using a stiff solver to
determine the systems capacity for sequestering carbon. The parameters depend on temperature,
pressure and the ambient reactant ratios in the surrounding gas. By modifying these parameters
we can modify the efficacy of the sequestration.
Experimental Results
The graphs below display some preliminary results. The first plot illustrates the coverages of
OCOH, which is an important reactant intermediate, and water, which is an indicator of the
chemistry occurring as a function of temperature. The horizontal axis is temperature in Kelvin
beginning at 300 K (approximately room temperature) to 550K in increments of 50 Kelvin. The
second plot shows CH3 coverage and the amount of water that has desorbed. These data were
collected after a simulation time of 0.1 microsecond. Data such as these allow us to study the
chemical processes that are occurring and make changes in the system to optimize the distribution
of reaction products.

OCOH and H2O Coverage vs.

Coverage x 10^-15






Temperature (Kelvin)

Back to Exploration 2008 CSPG CSEG CWLS Convention


Coverage units x 10^-9

CH3 Coverage and amount H2O desorbed






We have proposed a novel approach to perform direct carbon sequestration and have argued that
this approach appears feasible for coal-fired power plants. We have described a general
mathematical formulation of the problem which is flexible enough to apply to a wide variety of
scenarios. We have implemented this formulation and have run computer simulations that
demonstrate the kind of behavior we expect from a bare bones model of a simple system. We
have shown for a small system that the Arrhenius rate constant parameters for a set of chemical
reactions on a metal surface can be determined in a timely fashion. In future work, we will scale this
problem up to more physically realistic and more complex systems and develop the tools we need
to optimize the sequestration efficiency of such systems. We believe that large systems of such
equations can be solved efficiently on modern supercomputers to long time-scales, and that these
techniques can be applied to model catalyzed carbon sequestration.


Rightmire, C.T., 1984., Coalbed methane resources, in Rightmire, C.T., Eddy, G.E., and Kirr, J.N., editors, Coalbed
methane resources of the United States: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Explorer, v. 21, no.4 (April,
2000), p. 16, 18-20, 22-23.
Rice, D.D. and Claypool, G.E., 1981, Generation, accumulation, and resource potential of biogenic gas: American
Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 65, no. 1, p. 5-25.
Ramage, J., 1997, Energy: A Guidebook, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Sellers, H., 2007, Modeling the kinetics of large sets of reactions on metal surfaces: RussianJournal of Physical
Chemistry B, v. 1, no. 4, p. 377-393.
Private communications, Otter Tail Power Company engineering staff of the coal-fired electrical generating station in Big
Stone City, South Dakota.

Back to Exploration 2008 CSPG CSEG CWLS Convention


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