RPDM Chapter4 PDF
RPDM Chapter4 PDF
RPDM Chapter4 PDF
Road Planning and Design Manual Application of Design Principles and Guidelines
Chapter 4
Application of Design
Principles and Guidelines
December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 4
Road Planning and Design Manual Application of Design Principles and Guidelines
Manual Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 12
Framework of the Road Planning and
Vertical Alignment
Design Manual
Chapter 2 Chapter 13
4 Design Philosophy
Chapter 3
Intersections at Grade
Chapter 14
Road Planning and Design
Chapter 4
Chapter 15
Application of Design Principles and
Auxiliary Lanes
Chapter 5
Chapter 16
Traffic Parameters and Human
Chapter 6 Chapter 17
Speed Parameters Lighting
Chapter 7 Chapter 18
Cross Section Traffic signals
Chapter 8
Chapter 19
Safety Barriers and Roadside
Intelligent Transport Systems
Chapter 9 Chapter 20
Sight Distance Roadside Amenities
Chapter 21
Chapter 10
Railway and Cane Railway Level
Alignment Design
Chapter 11 Chapter 22
Horizontal Alignment Bridges, Retaining Walls and Tunnels
December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 4
Road Planning and Design Manual Application of Design Principles and Guidelines
Table of Contents
Glossary 4-1
4.1 Introduction 4-2
4.2 Motorways and roads performing a motorway function 4-3
4.2.1 General 4-3
4.2.2 Design speed, desired speed and target speed 4-4
4.2.3 Level of service 4-5 4
4.2.4 Alignment 4-6
4.2.5 Cross section 4-6
4.2.6 Operations 4-7
4.3 Rural arterial roads 4-8
4.3.1 General 4-8
4.3.2 Design speed, desired speed and target speed 4-9
4.3.3 Level of service 4-10
4.3.4 Alignment 4-10
4.3.5 Cross section 4-12
4.3.6 Operations 4-14
4.4 Urban arterial roads 4-16
4.4.1 General 4-16
4.4.2 Design speed, operating speed and target speed 4-16
4.4.3 Level of service 4-17
4.4.4 Alignment 4-20
4.4.5 Cross section 4-20
4.4.6 Operations 4-20
4.5 National Highways 4-28
4.6 AusLink National Network - National Network Road Links 4-29
4.6.1 General 4-29
4.6.2 Commonwealth Government requirements 4-29
4.7 Other roads 4-29
4.7.1 Service roads 4-30
4.7.2 Collector-distributor roads 4-32
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Department of Main Roads Chapter 4
Road Planning and Design Manual Application of Design Principles and Guidelines
4 4.8.4
Cross section
Horizontal alignment
4.8.6 Vertical alignment 4-41
4.8.7 Intersections 4-42
4.8.8 Other parameters 4-42
4.9 Requirement for geometric assessment and choice of Domain 4-42
4.9.1 Guides for the Extended Design Domain 4-43
References 4-48
Relationship to Other Chapters 4-50
Appendix 4A: Process to follow when using the Extended Design Domain
Appendix 4B: Guide for the Extended Design Domain for stopping sight
distance 4-62
Appendix 4C: Guide for the Extended Design Domain for sight distance at
intersections 4-71
Appendix 4D: Guide to evaluating cross sections using the Extended
Design Domain 4-79
Appendix 4E: Guide for the Extended Design Domain for Intersection
Turn Treatments 4-91
Appendix 4F: Guide for the Extended Design Domain for horizontal
curves with adverse superelevation 4-96
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Road Planning and Design Manual Application of Design Principles and Guidelines
List of Tables
Table 4.1 Speeds for design of motorways 4-5
Table 4.2 Desirable design criteria for new rural motorways for a speed limit of
110km/h (i.e. desired speed of 120km/h) for an element with a design speed of
120km/h 4-7
Table 4.3 Intersection analysis tools 4-19
Table 4.4 Minimum service road lane widths for roads with low traffic volumes 4-30 4
Table 4.5 Minimum service road carriageway widths for roads with low traffic volumes
and low parking demand 4-30
Table 4.6 Warrants for geometric assessment and guidelines for selecting the
appropriate area of the design domain 4-45
Table 4.7 Example tabulation of available sight distance and sight distance deficiency
Table 4.8 Example of assessment summary stopping capability 4-54
Table 4.9 Example of assessment summary effect of improving crests (110km/h
design speed) 4-56
Table 4.10 Manoeuvre sight distance base cases for the Extended Design Domain 4-
Table 4.11 Stopping sight distance base cases for the Extended Design Domain 4-67
Table 4.12 Minimum shoulder/traversable widths when the Extended Design Domain
is used 4-68
Table 4.13 Stopping sight distance checks for the Extended Design Domain 4-69
Table 4.14 Stopping sight distance, optional checks for borderline cases for the
Extended Design Domain 4-70
Table 4.15 Approach sight distance base cases for the Extended Design Domain 4-75
Table 4.16 Safe Intersection Sight Distance base cases for the Extended Design
Domain 4-76
Table 4.17 Safe Intersection Sight Distance checks for the Extended Design Domain 4-
Table 4.18 Safe Intersection Sight Distance, optional checks for borderline cases for
the Extended Design Domain 4-78
Table 4.19 Minimum carriageway and seal widths in rural areas for MCV routes 4-84
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Road Planning and Design Manual Application of Design Principles and Guidelines
List of Figures
Figure 4.1 Typical relationship of traffic flow to travel time on urban streets with varying
delay characteristics 4-18
Figure 4.2 Variation of speed with flow for typical two way urban streets 4-18
Figure 4.3 Typical median terminal treatments 4-22
Figure 4.4 Minimum spacing of median crossings for medians 3m and wider for roads
4 with operating speeds [70kmh 4-23
Figure 4.5 Determination of intersection spacing for co-ordinated signals using space-
time diagram 4-23
Figure 4.6 Reverse flow 4-24
Figure 4.7 Reverse flow terminals 4-25
Figure 4.8 Examples of pedestrian crossings 4-26
Figure 4.9 Methods of reducing conflicts at cross streets when service roads are
present 4-31
Figure 4.10 Collector-distributor road 4-32
Figure 4.11 Functions of frontage roads 4-33
Figure 4.12 Continuity of frontage roads 4-34
Figure 4.13 Local traffic circulation can be improved by the use of frontage roads 4-34
Figure 4.14 Frontage roads can provide access to properties 4-35
Figure 4.15 Frontage roads can collect and distribute motorway or other major road
traffic 4-35
Figure 4.16 Frontage roads can collect and distribute crossing traffic 4-36
Figure 4.17 Guideline for selecting the appropriate design domain 4-47
Figure 4.18 Example of diagrammatic representation of assessment of stopping
capability 4-57
Figure 4.19 Example of plan showing intent of widening 4-58
Figure 4.20 Application of widening to provide Extended Design Domain
manoeuvre/traversable width 4-65
Figure 4.21 A heavy vehicle operating on route with a single lane seal with caravans
(Potter, 2002) 4-85
Figure 4.22 What can be done with existing 8.5m or 8.6m carriageway 4-86
Figure 4.23 What can be done with existing 7.9m or 8m carriageway 4-87
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Road Planning and Design Manual Application of Design Principles and Guidelines
Figure 4.24 Example of inadequate single lane (5.6m) seal on a Type 2 road train
route (AADT of 400 with 30% heavy vehicles) 4-88
Figure 4.25 Example of Type 2 road train operating on a 7.9m carriageway with full
width seal on a low formation 4-88
Figure 4.26 Example of road train operation on a single lane seal - Type 2 road trains
remain wholly on the seal - approaching vehicles must therefore move off the seal 4-89
Figure 4.27 Testing the tracking characteristics of a MCV on a rough surface and
narrow formation with 3m to 3.5m lanes (Haldane, 2002) 4-89
Figure 4.28 Example of two-lane, two-way road with narrow formation and seal on a 4
Type 2 road train route (AADT of 550 with 15% MCVs and 15% other heavy vehicles)4-
Figure 4.29 Minimum Extended Design Domain channelised right-turn treatment for
roadways without medians 4-93
Figure 4.30 Minimum Extended Design Domain channelised right-turn treatment for
roadways with medians 4-94
Figure 4.31 Minimum Extended Design Domain auxiliary left-turn treatment 4-95
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Department of Main Roads Chapter 4
Road Planning and Design Manual Application of Design Principles and Guidelines
December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 4
Road Planning and Design Manual Application of Design Principles and Guidelines
December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 4
Road Planning and Design Manual Application of Design Principles and Guidelines
December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 4
Road Planning and Design Manual Application of Design Principles and Guidelines
December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 4
Road Planning and Design Manual Application of Design Principles and Guidelines
and 4.7.7
(old)/ 4.8.5,
4.8.6 and
4.8.7 (new)
Section 4.9 New section Requirements for geometric
assessment and choice of domain added.
References References added.
Appendix New appendix Process to follow when using Steering Dec
4A the Extended Design Domain for restoration Committee 2005
projects added.
Appendix New appendix Guide for evaluating sight
4B distance for roads using the Extended Design
Domain added.
Appendix New appendix Guide for evaluating sight
4C distance for intersections using the Extended
Design Domain added.
Appendix New appendix Design Domain for cross
4D sections added.
Appendix New appendix Guide for short length right
4E turn lanes using the Extended Design Domain
Appendix New appendix Guide for the Extended Design
4F Domain for horizontal curves with adverse
superelevation added.
December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 4
Road Planning and Design Manual Application of Design Principles and Guidelines
Chapter 4
Application of Design
Principles and Guidelines
Design Speed: Refer to Chapter 6. the context of this Manual, these terms fall
under the umbrella of restoration projects.
Desired Speed: Refer to Chapter 6.
Speed Environment: Refer to Chapter 6.
Eighty-fifth (85th) Percentile Speed:
Refer to Chapter 6. Standard: Within this Chapter, the term
standard simply serves as a comparison of
Motorway: In Queensland, a motorway is
the capability of different road
a road that has been declared as such under
segments/aspects/alignments. For example,
the legislation. It is a divided road for
a high (geometric) standard road has
through traffic with full control of access
geometry that permits high operating
and with interchanges provided at points
speeds in free flowing conditions and a high
where access to the local road system is
level of service. Conversely a low
required. In this Manual, the term
(geometric) standard road has geometry that
motorway is used in a generic sense, to
results in low operating speeds and
describe a road that has all of the
probably a lower level of safety. The term
characteristics of a motorway and
is not intended to determine some level of
performs the function of a motorway.
conformance to a prescribed standard. The
Refer to Section 4.2 for further details.
only exception is where a prescriptive
Operating Speed: Refer to Chapter 6. standard (e.g. an Australian Standard) is
Restoration Project: A restoration project cited.
is a project where the cross section, Target Speed: Refer to Chapter 6.
structural capacity of the pavement and/or
riding quality of an existing road is
improved. Restoration projects also usually
retain most or all of the existing alignment
(i.e. they may also include some
realignment works). The nature of the work
typically has the potential to change
drivers perception of the standard of the
road. In many cases road users will not
distinguish between a restored road and a
new road. Note the terms rehabilitation
and reconstruction are often used but, in
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Department of Main Roads Chapter 4
Road Planning and Design Manual Application of Design Principles and Guidelines
December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 4
Road Planning and Design Manual Application of Design Principles and Guidelines
that tend towards the lower bound of the Within the general functional types,
design domain for a parameter where an discussion has focussed on the
increase in its value produces a higher administrative classes used in Queensland
benefit or values that tend towards the to define the road system. It is not always
upper bound of the design domain for a the case that the functional class and the
parameter where an increase in its value administrative class coincide and
produces a lower benefit). Nevertheless planners and designers should be alert to
higher order design values (i.e. values that the difference. For example, some Local
tend towards the upper bound of the design Roads of Regional Significance carry heavy
domain for a parameter where an increase
in its value produces a higher benefit or
volumes of traffic and their function is to
connect major population centres with a
values that tend towards the lower bound of high quality road. The normal standards
the design domain for a parameter where an applicable to a local road function would
increase in its value produces a lower clearly not be appropriate in these
benefit) may be appropriate for roads circumstances even though,
performing at the lower functional levels administratively, the road is classed as
where: local. There will not always be a nexus
between the roads administrative
the terrain and other constraints allow
classification and the standards required.
such values to be adopted at negligible
increased cost; and For all roads, the emphasis should be on
consistency of standards based on the
the design values are consistent with
investment strategies and the vision for the
driver expectation (i.e. it produces a
road in question. These in turn must be
context sensitive design).
based of the function of the road in
It is necessary for designers to apply proper question, its place in the hierarchy of roads
analysis to the particular circumstances that in the State, the volume of traffic and the
apply to the case they are considering and environment through which the road passes
use the appropriate standards to suit that (i.e. the solution should be a context
case. This Chapter has been structured to sensitive design).
address the different road functions under
With these provisos, it is reasonable to
the headings of Motorways (Section 4.2),
consider the type of standards required for
Rural Arterial Roads (Section 4.3), Urban
roads at different levels in the hierarchy and
Arterial Roads (Section 4.4) and Other
this Chapter attempts to do this.
Roads (Section 4.7).
National Network Road Links are also 4.2 Motorways and roads
briefly discussed (Section 4.6). While performing a
designation of a road as a National Network motorway function
Road Link does not grant or imply a
functional class, this set of roads are 4.2.1 General
critically important to national and regional
economic growth, development and Where a road has all of the characteristics
connectivity with a focus on provision for of a motorway and performs the function of
freight vehicles. They are also subject to a motorway, the design should be in
the requirements of the federal government. accordance with the requirements of this
December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 4
Road Planning and Design Manual Application of Design Principles and Guidelines
Section, and the rest of this Manual, between entering and exiting traffic.
regardless of whether the road has been Drivers will therefore have a high desired
declared as a Motorway under the speed; the design will have to cater for this
legislation. behaviour. This in turn results in generous
horizontal and vertical alignments that
Motorways are generally:
reinforce the high desired speed.
high speed, high volume roads with full
Drivers expect that a motorway will operate
control of access; and
at a consistently high speed along its length,
grade separated multi-lane roads with
4 no property access allowed.
even in difficult terrain. Consequently
target speeds of 110km/h or 120km/h
should generally be selected for roads in
Legislation allows Main Roads to preclude
certain classes of vehicles from using a rural and semi rural areas (refer to Table
declared motorway providing appropriate 4.1). In urban areas, the desired speed is
signage is applied. These characteristics often just as high, but it will depend on the
lead to the need for high standards area traversed and the level of development
producing a very safe driving environment. in the area (i.e. the built environment).
Some motorway standard roads have been Operating speeds depend largely on the
constructed in stages, the first stage being a horizontal alignment as well as the speed
two-lane, two-way road with the limit (refer to Chapter 6). Further operating
interchanges constructed in the first stage. speeds can be modified by judicious use of
The design of the interchange ramps for horizontal curvature. Careful design of the
these roads requires special consideration to transitions between sections with different
avoid inappropriate movements at the ramp desired speeds (speed environments) is
terminals on the motorway. If no median is required. However, except at such
introduced, wrong way movements might transitions, restrictions to operating speed
be attempted and entering vehicles can should be avoided so as to provide a
move into the oncoming lane with consistently level of service and high
hazardous consequences. A median must operating speed along the motorway.
therefore be introduced through the In inner urban areas considerable
interchange. Chapter 16 sets out the restrictions on the possible alignment of
requirements for these conditions. In roads exist because development is intense,
addition the positioning and layout of property values are high and public opinion
ramps in each stage should take into often defines the limits within which
account, and make provision for, the layout development of transport corridors can
in the final stage. occur. In addition the nature of the built
environment can influence the desired
4.2.2 Design speed, desired
speeds of drivers. Consequently, in such
speed and target speed
circumstances, the adoption of a lower
target speed may be appropriate.
On motorways, drivers are not subject to
the same restrictions experienced by drivers In outer urban areas where development is
on other arterial roads. There are no at less intense, drivers would expect to be able
grade intersections and no property access to maintain a high speed unless the
and there is a reasonably large spacing surrounding environment (topography
December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 4
Road Planning and Design Manual Application of Design Principles and Guidelines
and/or development) dictated otherwise. surveys indicate that desired speeds are
Lower property acquisition costs in these often about 10km/h over the speed limit,
areas usually mean that fewer restrictions to refer to Chapter 6).
the alignment exist.
Table 4.1 sets out the recommended
minimum target speeds. (Note: Speed
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Department of Main Roads Chapter 4
Road Planning and Design Manual Application of Design Principles and Guidelines
the facility with interchange capacities use the shoulder as another lane, leading to
designed to achieve that balance (refer to unsafe operation. (Note: A shoulder of
Chapter 16). 3.5m or more may be required in special
cases where regular law enforcement is
4.2.4 Alignment required - refer to Chapter 7. Care is
required in these instances and
The alignment design must be consistent
consideration must be given to the location
with the desired speed adopted for the
and extent of such shoulders. The relevant
facility and the operating speed (under free
agencies responsible for enforcement [e.g.
4 flow conditions) of each element. The
highest standards consistent with economy
Queensland Police Service, Queensland
Transport] should be consulted to determine
should be adopted where they can be
the location of wider shoulders for
achieved with minimal impact.
enforcement and whether a width greater
Given the style of road expected of a than 3.5m is required for enforcement.)
motorway, design criteria should be
Where the first stage construction includes
selected that are toward the upper bound of
only a single two-lane, two-way pavement,
the Normal Design Domain for each
the constructed pavement should have lane
parameter. For example, Table 4.2 sets out
widths of 3.5m and two fully paved and
desired design criteria for roads built to
sealed shoulders not less than 2.0m wide.
motorway standard on the assumption that a
Through the interchanges, a median is
speed limit of 110km/h is required. On a
required (refer to Chapter 16) to separate
new road with a speed limit of 110km/h, a
opposing traffic flows on the motorway.
target speed of 120km/h is required to
The design shall also take into account the
accommodate the observed behaviour of
future planning (e.g. radii suitable for
drivers and to meet the requirements given
adverse superelevation, crown applied to
in the MUTCD (Main Roads, 2003).
centre of lanes or shoulder as appropriate,
Proper alignment coordination in layout of ramps suitable for final stages
accordance with Chapter 10 is also layout, etc).
For further information, refer to Chapter 7,
which defines the requirements for cross
4.2.5 Cross section
section elements and clearances; it also
Lane widths on motorways should not be contains typical cross sections for
less than 3.7m for lane locked lanes or less motorways.
than 3.5m for other lanes. Shoulder widths
should not be less than 2.0m on the near
side and 1.0m on the off (i.e. median) side.
In some cases, shoulder widths of 2.5m or
3.0m will be justified (e.g. to provide for
cyclists or to allow enforcement to take
place) but generally shoulders should not be
wider than 3.0m because some drivers will
December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 4
Road Planning and Design Manual Application of Design Principles and Guidelines
Table 4.2 Desirable design criteria for new rural motorways for a speed limit of 110km/h (i.e.
desired speed of 120km/h) for an element with a design speed of 120km/h
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Road Planning and Design Manual Application of Design Principles and Guidelines
refer to Section 4.3.4 for further design for the conditions is required and
discussion). The design speed determined proper transitions between sections with
for any upgraded feature(s) must deliver different desired speeds will be necessary
consistency and must not result in an (refer to Chapter 6) consistency in the
isolated feature with a very high or low style of road over a link is also important.
design speed compared with the adjoining In the design of the alignment, it is very
road. The procedure described in Chapter 6 important to achieve a consistent standard
allows designers to determine a design of road over the length of the road or at
speed appropriate for the expected least over significant lengths of road
4 operating speed, which is estimated for
specific elements of the alignment.
between obvious points of change (e.g.
Consistency means that there are no
4.3.3 Level of service
surprises for the driver and the road
The Level of Service provided by a rural becomes self explaining (refer to Chapter
arterial can be judged using three 2). It also means that isolated inconsistent
parameters: features should be considered for removal
when restoration takes place. Further, in
traffic flow;
upgrading works, which might include
road closures; and substantial lengths of re-construction,
isolated sections of high standard road
efficiency of access.
should not be provided if these result in
The Level of Service to traffic may be surprises to the driver when the new section
assessed using Austroads Guide to Traffic connects to the existing road.
Engineering Practice Part 2 (Austroads,
The geometric analysis procedure in
1991) supplemented as required with the
Chapter 6 recognises that drivers adjust
Highway Capacity Manual (TRB, 2000).
their speed to the prevailing conditions and
Two major conditions exist and require
will operate at a speed (they judge to be)
separate consideration:
appropriate for those conditions. The
two lane, two-way roads; and operating, and hence design, speed for these
multi-lane roads. elements of the alignment can, therefore, be
different from the speed limit. If
These factors are dealt with in detail in
consistently higher operating speeds can be
Chapter 5. Appropriate Levels of Service
achieved at minimal cost, a higher design
to be adopted for these roads are also given
speed should be adopted.
in Chapter 5.
Crash records over many years should be
4.3.4 Alignment checked, as they often highlight road
alignment sections that do not meet driver
The alignment should be consistent with the expectations. Nevertheless, higher crash
desired speed and reflect the role of the rates might also be related to factors other
road in the network. It then follows that than alignment.
each element should be consistent with its
operating/design speed (refer to Section
4.3.2). Careful attention to appropriate
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Road Planning and Design Manual Application of Design Principles and Guidelines
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Road Planning and Design Manual Application of Design Principles and Guidelines
on the inside with a concrete safety barrier adopted in semi-rural areas where right of
separating the carriageways). way is limited. However, driving on a road
with a narrow median for long distances
Regional Road Network can be stressful for a driver and such
Lane and shoulder widths should be designs should be avoided if possible.
appropriate for the expected type and Medians wider than 7m should normally be
volume of traffic with carriageway widths depressed; raised medians would normally
(lanes plus shoulders) commensurate with be 5m to 6m wide and include route
the type of work proposed (e.g. restoration lighting.
project, new road or realignment refer to
Appendix 4D and Chapter 7). Restoration
Where the cross section provides shoulders
of limited width, it is important to provide
projects may be carried out on narrower suitable places for drivers to stop clear of
formations to keep costs down (refer to the through lanes (i.e. pull off the road) at
relevant investment strategies and Chapters reasonable intervals (refer to Chapter 7).
1 and 2). Chapters 2 and 7 and Section 4.9 Where the predicted/design Annual
provide a comprehensive discussion of the Average Daily Traffic (AADT) exceeds
appropriate design domain. 1000, pull off areas for passenger cars
Some Regional Roads are major roads should be approximately 1km apart and be
carrying significant volumes of traffic and a staggered at 0.5km intervals. Where the
few are multi-lane limited access facilities. predicted/design AADT is less than 1000,
Such roads should be treated accordingly the intervals between pull off areas may be
and the appropriate design criteria used. extended to 5km and be staggered at 2.5km
Where a multi-lane configuration in one intervals. Suitable pull off areas for heavy
direction is appropriate, medians are vehicles should be available at intervals of
normally depressed, 9m to 12m wide with 10km and be staggered at 5km intervals.
median cross slopes desirably 1 on 6 or An opportunity to stop clear of through
flatter (maximum 1 on 4). lanes (i.e. pull off area) may be provided by
Raised medians are normally inappropriate making use of cut/fill transitions and flat
on high and intermediate speed (i.e. roads batters on low fills in conjunction with
with desired speeds of 90km/h to 110km/h providing formal stopping places (refer to
speed limits of 80km/h to 100km/h) rural Chapter 20).
roads. Even at rural intersections on high
Local Roads of Regional
and intermediate speed rural roads, painted
medians are often preferred, especially if
the intersection is unlit (refer to Chapter The discussion of standards in this section
17). In very rugged terrain a narrow is based on the assumption that the Local
median with safety barrier might be Roads of Regional Significance function at
appropriate on higher speed roads (refer to the lower end of the functional hierarchy. It
Chapter 8). Shy-line requirements apply is the case that some Local Roads of
with any safety barrier (refer to Chapter 7). Regional Significance are major roads
Such treatments are sometimes used in carrying significant volumes of traffic and
steep sidelong country and on range in some cases can be limited access multi-
sections. Narrower medians may be lane facilities (i.e. they function as roads at
December 2005
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Road Planning and Design Manual Application of Design Principles and Guidelines
the higher end of the functional hierarchy). stop their vehicle safely clear of the through
These types of roads should be treated lanes (refer to Section 4.3.5 and Chapter 7).
accordingly and the appropriate design
criteria applied. State Strategic Network (excluding
For Local Roads of Regional Significance
that provide service at the lower end of the Highways often provide direct property
functional classification scale, lower traffic access. However, this is a minor function
volumes and tighter controls on right of for this type of road and should be
minimised or removed as traffic volumes
4 way will often dictate the cross section to
be used. It will be common for most
elements to be designed at the lower bound
increase. Removal of access improves the
traffic safety and level of service for
of the design domain to suit the conditions through traffic.
and the budget. Consistency of standard Where property access cannot be removed,
along significant lengths of road is still consideration may be given to widening and
important. sealing the shoulder to provide adequate
Where narrow shoulders are provided, it is space for a driver entering the access to
important to provide suitable places for decelerate clear of the through lane (refer to
drivers to stop clear of the through lanes at Chapter 13). A similar widening should be
reasonable intervals (as described in the considered to cater for the right turning
Regional Road Network section above). vehicles from the other direction. Vehicles
This may be achieved by making use of entering the road from an access are
cut/fill transitions and flat batters on low expected to select a suitable gap to allow
fills in conjunction with providing formal acceleration to the required speed.
stopping places (refer to Chapter 20). Similarly, side road access should be
rationalised and allowable manoeuvres
4.3.6 Operations
reduced as the traffic volumes increase. On
highways, intersections should not be closer
A critical issue affecting the operation of
than 5km apart, with a desirable minimum
rural roads is the question of access. The
spacing of 10km. In addition the
amount of access and the level of control of
intersections that remain should be to the
that access and the traffic volumes define
higher order or arterial roads. Intersections
the operational characteristics of the road.
should be highly visible, preferably with
As the traffic volumes increase, this issue
approach sight distance to the start of the
becomes more critical. Limiting the
intersection and safe intersection sight
amount of access will normally provide a
distance (refer to Chapter 13) to the
higher level of service over the life of a
intersection based on at least 3s of
road, which is generally much longer than
observation time plus an appropriate
the design life of any project.
perception/reaction time.
An issue related to operations is the
When a need to upgrade highways through
provision of adequate stopping
semi-rural areas to four lanes or more is
opportunities. On carriageways with
identified, designers should consider the
narrow shoulders, drivers should be
appropriateness of staging. For example,
presented with frequent opportunities to
removing direct property access to the road
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Department of Main Roads Chapter 4
Road Planning and Design Manual Application of Design Principles and Guidelines
through use of service roads may be a cost intersections to connections with the arterial
effective first stage instead of immediately road system.
providing additional lanes on the through
Spacing of intersections on these roads
road. Construction of interchanges could
must be carefully considered and is affected
then be included in the second stage and
additional highway lanes could be
constructed as part of the third stage (or visibility of the intersection sites;
second stage). operating speeds along the road;
When rural roads are upgraded to four lanes
or more, direct property access to the road
should be removed if possible. Planners
direction signing requirements, with
appropriate distance between decision 4
points (of at least 5s);
and designers should consider the
physical requirements of tapers;
possibility of providing interchanges on
high speed divided roads where major roads deceleration lengths;
intersect. If this is done, care will be
storage lengths;
needed to ensure that driver expectations
are not raised to the extent that the presence location of overtaking lanes and
of at grade intersections elsewhere create an adequate separation distances (refer to
undue hazard (because it is a perceived Chapter 15);
inconsistency) if all intersections are not potential for increase in crashes;
grade separated. Interchanges and
form of staggered T-intersections.
intersection locations should be rationalised
to provide an integrated road network with (Note: A staggered T-intersection is
full access to the SSR limited to the arterial considered a single intersection in assessing
road system where possible. separation distances spacing should be
measured from the individual legs to the
Chapter 16 discusses the spacing of
next intersection.)
Spacing of intersections on these roads
Regional Road Network should not be closer than 2km with a
Direct property access is common on the desirable minimum separation of 5km.
regional road network. For the major roads Priority controlled intersections are normal
in this network, this is a minor function and on rural arterial roads. Traffic signals,
should be minimised or removed, consistent where warranted, may be considered in
with the function of the road, as traffic cases where the speed limit does not exceed
volumes increase to improve safety and 80km/h.
level of service for through traffic. Side
Grade separations may be considered
road access should also be rationalised and
allowable manoeuvres reduced as traffic
volumes increase. When these roads are traffic volumes are sufficiently high
upgraded to four lanes or more, it is (refer to Chapter 16);
desirable to remove any direct property
adjacent sections of road are grade
accesses if possible and rationalise
separated and providing an interchange
is consistent with that and necessary to
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4 Significance
Direct property access is often a necessary
In some cases, the functions are separated
with a service road for the local traffic and
function of Local Roads of Regional property access functions. In other cases,
Significance although there are cases where the secondary function is severely restricted
the traffic functions overshadow the access and the tertiary function is completely
function and some rationalisation of suppressed with access points limited to
accesses is required. As traffic increases widely spaced intersections (e.g. a bypass
and subdivisions occur, direct property road). Even on bypass roads, the local
access roles tend to be removed where function often exists, the bypass often being
practicable to be replaced by service roads quicker and less congested than the local
or internal access linked to side roads in road system.
conjunction with relatively closely spaced
Roads are an integral part of the urban
fabric providing services to a wide range of
Design of accesses should be in accordance users. Careful attention to the needs of all
with the principles set down in Chapter 13. users (e.g. car drivers, truck drivers,
cyclists, public transport operators,
Consideration of intersection spacing
pedestrians, Public Utility Plant [PUP]
should include the factors described for
owners/operators) is required. The impact
Regional Roads and similar conditions
on urban form (e.g. the impact the road has
adopted for roads with similar operating
on the aesthetics of the area, building styles,
characteristics. For lower operating speeds,
materials used, monuments, parks) and the
closer spacing of intersections might be
requirements of the Local Government
tolerable, particularly where the function of
planning schemes and many other issues
the road includes a high level of property
(refer to Chapter 3) must also be considered
when developing a context sensitive design
4.4 Urban arterial roads (refer to Chapter 2).
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40km/h are common in sections heavily Roads with few delay producing
influenced by conflicting traffic movements characteristics exhibit little increase in
and pedestrians. Off peak operating speeds overall travel time until flows approach
of 60km/h to 70km/h are typical (for a zone saturation. Roads with many delay
with a speed limit of 60km/h) where local producing characteristics exhibit a marked
traffic is separated from the through traffic increase in travel time with increasing flow.
and intersections are reasonably widely Figure 4.1 illustrates typical traffic
spaced. flow/travel time relationships for typical
urban roads with different delay-producing
Depending on the speed limit, operating
speeds of 70km/h to 90km/h will occur
where the road has minimal property
characteristics. These curves can be used
for guidance in selecting operating speeds
in peak hours. Ideally, for a particular road,
access, the local function has been
a study should be undertaken to derive the
suppressed and intersections are widely
specific operating speed graph for that road.
spaced. Hence target speeds are typically
m70km/h but [90km/h and should reflect The variation of speed with traffic flow on
the road characteristics. The link strategy typical urban roads, exclusive of the effect
will specify the target speed for the road for of major intersections and with no parked
use in design. vehicles present, is illustrated in Figure 4.2.
The design speed for an element is the
4.4.3 Level of service
expected operating (85th percentile speed)
of the traffic speed in free flow conditions. Austroads Guide to Traffic Engineering
Uniformity of design speed over long Practice Roadway Capacity (Austroads,
sections enhances safety by promoting 1991) sets out the approach to assessing
operational consistency, and transitions capacity and Level of Service in interrupted
between sections with different desired flow conditions. More detail can be
speeds should be properly designed (refer to obtained from the Highway Capacity
Chapters 6 and 11). Manual (TRB, 2000). The Level of Service
However, free flow conditions rarely occur to be provided in urban areas will often be
on urban arterial roads and some design guided by the regional polices for managing
elements (e.g. steep grades, start of growth, transport, etc. Where such policies
climbing lanes) require consideration of do not exist, it is desirable to aim for a
peak hour speeds to determine realistic Level of Service of C for off-peak travel,
solutions. The operating speed is affected accepting that peak hours will operate
by: closer to capacity conditions. It is
important to provide a design that has
traffic volume;
balance between the mid-block and
width of carriageway; intersection capacity so that the road
operates as an entity rather than as a series
of discrete segments.
the presence of parking;
intersections (e.g. types, spacing); and
the presence and spacing of property
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Figure 4.1 Typical relationship of traffic flow to travel time on urban streets with varying delay
Figure 4.2 Variation of speed with flow for typical two way urban streets
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4.4.6 Operations
4.4.4 Alignment
Operations on urban arterials are affected
The alignment of many urban arterials is
determined by the constraints of
development adjacent to the road and the intersection spacing and control;
access requirements (both property and side
lane changing;
road). Design elements should reflect the
expected operating speeds, recognising that weaving;
the speed is governed more by the
4 horizontal alignment than the vertical.
spacing of median openings;
Where there is some freedom to move with
one-way streets;
the alignment, designers should ensure that
the desired speed created is in harmony reverse flow/tidal traffic flow;
with the type of road and its location.
Curvature can be used to control the speed
to the level commensurate with the cyclists;
segment/area. This is a case of bigger (e.g. parking;
curves) not necessarily being better.
transit lanes (e.g. bus lanes and High
However, adequately designed transitions
Occupancy Vehicle [HOV] lanes);
should be provided.
bus stops;
It is important that the vertical alignment is
in harmony with the horizontal alignment in property access; and
terms of sight distance available and the
driveway spacing and their distance
operating speeds on grades. If grades are
from intersections.
significant, the capacity and Level of
Service are affected and analysis should be Intersection spacing and control
carried out to ensure that there is
The proximity of intersections on many
consistency in the operating characteristics
arterial roads creates operational problems,
over significant lengths of the facility.
and consideration of distances necessary for
Refer to Chapters 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and lane changing, merging, or weaving is
15 for details under various circumstances. necessary. Where adequate distances as
defined below cannot be achieved for the
4.4.5 Cross section
particular operation required, control
measures such as turn restrictions, signals
The cross section elements of urban
or the formation of cul-de-sacs could
arterials will depend on a range of factors
become necessary.
including available right of way. Chapter 7
provides guidance on the design domain
Lane changing
appropriate for the various conditions
encountered. Appendix 4D contains some Except when forced, lane changing
discussion regarding the application of the normally occurs at a rate of lateral
Extended Design Domain to cross sections. movement of 1.0m/s. Thus, for 3.5m lanes
lane change distance in metres can be taken
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Median openings 4
The control of the spacing of median
Analysis of weaving is usually only
openings is a means of balancing the local
applicable in motorway or near motorway
service function with the through traffic
conditions. The procedures described in the
function of an arterial road. Thus as the
HCM (TRB, 2000) are not applicable to
importance of the through traffic function
roads with interrupted flow conditions (e.g.
increases, so also does the desirability of
most at grade urban arterial roads).
increasing the median opening spacing.
A weaving section handles two classes of
On urban arterial roads with an important
traffic, viz:
local service function, and with medians
traffic entering, passing through, and sufficiently wide to accommodate right turn
leaving the section without crossing the lanes, a spacing of 120m will permit
normal path of other vehicles; and successive development of right turn lanes
when the operating speeds are [70km/h
traffic that must cross the paths of other
(Figure 4.4). Greater spacing is required
vehicles after entering the section.
where high storage demands or high desired
On a well designed but short weaving speeds occur. The minimum dimension of
section operating below capacity, the two 120m is a statement of the minimum
classes tend to separate themselves from physical space needed to generate the
each other almost as positively in practice minimum length of turning lane at both
as they do in theory for simple weaving intersections. This is applicable only in
configurations. However, most urban existing situations where there is limited
arterial roads have to function, on flexibility. Consequently such an
occasions, under forced flow conditions. arrangement has a limited storage capacity
Weaving operations in these cases become and may not be appropriate where turning
virtually impossible, and for this reason, volumes are high. Their operation and
weaving sections should, where practicable, capacity should be checked (e.g. using
be avoided in arterial road design. aaSIDRA) to determine if they are an
appropriate treatment.
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Such a technique is often of value in stage [lane plus shoulder] should be provided
construction, and in other temporary works, in the direction of flow, and parking
but it is not normally to be used in the denied).
design of permanent projects.
Satisfactory terminal design such as in
The use of the reverse flow/tidal traffic Figure 4.7 can be implemented.
technique is more applicable to
carriageways with five or more lanes. Its
application to four lane roadways is
severely restricted. In this case, the
opposing traffic in peak periods is reduced
to one lane. Overtaking opportunities for
the one lane flow are therefore denied and
long queues can develop. Vehicle
breakdowns in the one lane will stop the
flow of traffic, unless special breakdown
provision is made.
Advance signing is necessary and it is
crucial that it be clear and unambiguous.
Control devices are normally in the form of
signals or illuminated signs over each lane
at approximately 300m intervals.
Because of the inherent danger of head-on
collision, all of the following warrants must
be satisfied:
The difference between the flows in the
two directions is substantial, being at Figure 4.7 Reverse flow terminals
least sufficient to justify an extra lane in
the direction of major flow and the ratio Pedestrians
of major to minor movements being at Pedestrian accidents are almost invariably
least 2:1 and preferably 3:1. of considerable severity. On heavily
Design controls and right of way trafficked roads, special facilities are
limitations are such that it is not necessary to promote pedestrian safety (e.g.
feasible to provide greater width or Figure 4.8). In addition, pedestrian
provide a parallel roadway. movements, especially when not
incorporated appropriately into a design,
Adequate Level of Service cannot be can act restrictively on roadway Level of
obtained by restricting parking, right Service.
turn traffic or other such means.
Pedestrians tend to take the shortest path to
Where only one lane is available for the their destination, thus often crossing in mid-
lesser flow, there should nevertheless block locations, and failing to stay within
be provision for a disabled vehicle to be the crossing itself. They tend also to avoid
overtaken (i.e. at least a 5.5m width changing grades when crossing roadways,
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and thus careful location of grade separated can be obtained by referring to the TRUM
pedestrian facilities to eliminate or reduce Manual (Main Roads, 2004).
this desire is a feature of good design.
Chapter 5 provides a more comprehensive
discussion of pedestrian characteristics and
requirements, with guidelines on the design
of pedestrian crossing facilities.
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Both one-way and two-way service roads Table 4.5 Minimum service road carriageway
are used. Problems with one-way operation widths for roads with low traffic volumes and
are those of increased travel distance and low parking demand
traffic density. Problems with two-way #
Road width (m) for a
operation are those of confusion and glare service road that
to arterial road drivers when used with primarily provides:
narrow outer separators, and an increase in Parallel Residential Industrial
the number of conflicting movements at parking access access
cross streets. These problems diminish One-way,
One side 5.5 5.9
single lane
with increasing outer separator widths.
With narrow outer separators, the glare Both sides 7* 8.4
single lane
problems and confusion may be alleviated
by using: One side 6.2 8
two lane
dense planting; Two-way,
Both sides 8 10.5
two lane
level differences; or #
Widths are measured between kerb and channel
anti-glare screens lips/kerb faces (refer to Chapter 13).
*5.5m for staggered parking
Figure 4.9 illustrates methods of reducing
conflicts at cross streets when service roads The required outer separator width and
are present. desirable treatments of it are discussed in
detail in Chapter 7.
Minimum lane widths for service roads
with low traffic volumes are shown in In most cases, the operating speed on
Table 4.4. service roads will be similar to that of local
streets (i.e. 50km/h to 60km/h) and they
Combining the lane widths given Table 4.4 should be designed accordingly. At high
gives the minimum service road traffic volumes, the service road can be
carriageway widths shown in Table 4.5 for performing a significant traffic function and
roads with low traffic volumes and low the operating speeds could be higher. In
parking demands. For other circumstances, these cases, it might not be appropriate to
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allow parking on the service road. Such encouraging ribbon development along the
service roads will usually be confined to major road. It also probably represents the
rural or semi-rural areas. best use of resources, avoiding the
construction of additional road
In rural areas, it is preferable that the local
road network provides the service road
function. This will avoid the service road
Figure 4.9 Methods of reducing conflicts at cross streets when service roads are present
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Ideally a separate facility providing solely Their design standard varies widely with
for property access should be provided. In the extent and relative importance of the
such a case, design priority should be given collection and distribution functions.
to the entrance geometry of accesses, Frontage roads fulfilling these functions
property drainage, and longitudinal range from a simple two-way roadway to a
geometry of the frontage road, in that order. multi-lane signal-controlled one-way
The frontage road should terminate in a roadway.
local street where this is convenient. The basic design decision is whether the
Otherwise, connection to an arterial road should operate as a one-way or two-
roadway crossing the major road is way road. One-way frontage roads enhance
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traffic efficiency on the frontage road and and the structural strength (or design life) of
simplify traffic operations at conflict points. their pavement need only reflect that
However greater trip lengths and greater requirement. Roads, or parts of roads, that
densities on the total road network result. are to remain after construction and are
One-way frontage roads normally require required to connect a permanent stage of
less right-of-way than two-way frontage construction back to the existing road
roads. should be considered as a permanent road
forming part of a stage of construction and
Collect and distribute traffic crossing a
not a temporary road. Such roads should be
4 motorway or other major road
Where practicable the motorway or other
designed as an integral part of the stage to
ensure proper long-term safety and
major road location is determined such that operation.
the existing street pattern can fulfil the
collect and distribute traffic crossing Construction sequencing
function (Figure 4.16) provided that in so
In some cases, the temporary road will be
doing the volume of diverted traffic is not
used for a relatively short time to assist
sufficiently great to adversely affect the
with the sequencing of construction as the
neighbourhood. Otherwise separate
traffic is progressively moved to cater for
roadways parallel to the motorway or other
the construction program. Even so the
major road should be developed. Such new
geometry will have to be satisfactory for the
roadways should normally be two-way.
operating speeds expected and the
pavement design adequate for the expected
design traffic.
In other cases, the traffic may be placed on
part of the final pavement structure as a
temporary measure. In these cases, the
design of the pavement will need to take
into account both the temporary and
permanent trafficking. Delineation of travel
Figure 4.16 Frontage roads can collect and paths through the job will be needed, even
distribute crossing traffic where temporary traffic is to run on the
finished surface (level) of the permanent
4.7.4 Temporary roads pavement. Once again, it will be necessary
(including sidetracks) to ensure that the geometry of the travel
path is satisfactory for the expected
Temporary roads are those used for
operating speed.
construction purposes to facilitate the
movement of traffic during construction; Safety of operation
they are normally removed once
A prime consideration in the design of
construction has been completed. (This
temporary roads and connections for
section includes sidetracks in the definition
construction sequencing is safety of traffic
of a temporary road.) Consequently
operation. The geometry of the connections
temporary roads will have only a relatively
to the temporary road should be in keeping
short life (one to three years at the most)
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with the approach road sections and the preferably it should be visible for at least 5s
design of these connections must be in of travel before the transition in width. The
accordance with the requirements of this design should deliver no surprises to
Manual. motorists.
These connections should be designed as
Design considerations
transitions between the approach road and
the temporary road, using the principles The length of the temporary road and its
enunciated in Chapter 6. If the speed proximity to the works will have a
significant effect on the design criteria to be
differentials cannot be kept within the limits
given in Chapter 6 signing should be used
(perhaps in conjunction with other passive
used. Long temporary roads separated from
the works by some form of buffer will
measures) with the aim of achieving the require a higher standard of design than a
required reduction in speed. short length temporary road that is adjacent
to the works. The required speed limit on
In all circumstances, particular care is
the temporary road will also affect the level
required in the design of the delineation of
of detail required in its design.
the approaches to the temporary road and
the signing required. The layout of the road The geometric design of all temporary
and the associated signing must be clear for roads should be undertaken with the same
night conditions and adequate warning of care and to the same level of detail expected
changes in features is required. A realistic for the permanent features of the road.
assessment of the actual desired speed must Because of the temporary nature of the
be made (as per Chapter 6) and the road work, it might be appropriate to use
designed for the resultant operating speed geometry that safely results in a lower
a speed limit sign will not necessarily operating speed for the temporary road but
control the speeds to the value on the sign. the designer must be confident that the
operating speed thus created will be
Cross section perceived as appropriate by the driver.
The cross section elements of the temporary The minimum operating speed (and hence
road should be in accordance with Chapter design speed) for a temporary road should
7 but values selected for each of the be based on a design speed of 70km/h (i.e.
elements may be at the lower bound of their for a speed limit of 60km/h), unless the
Design Domain for the volumes and speeds considerations discussed in this section
applicable. Narrower cross sections will justify a higher or lower speed. Specific
help to create a lower desired speed and be minimum criteria for the design of a
less costly. Notwithstanding this, designers temporary road should be developed from
must also select an overall carriageway the following:
width and cross section configuration for
horizontal curvature as per Chapters 10
the temporary road that suits its operation
and 11 but the superelevation, if
(e.g. allow for curve widening, allow for
required, should not exceed 5%;
heavy vehicles, allow for cyclists if
required). crest curve radii must at least provide
stopping that complies with Extended
Drivers must receive adequate warning of
Design Domain Base-case stopping
the narrowing of the cross section and
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for cars to a 0.2m high object (refer to The general approach to restoration projects
Appendix 4B); will be set out in the investment strategy for
that road. In developing the strategy for the
sag vertical curves radii should be
road, there must be an assessment of the
designed to at least the comfort
acceptability of the existing geometry in the
criterion of 0.1g given in Chapter 12;
light of current expectations and economy
of construction. This should not be done on
the desirable minimum carriageway the basis of cost alone; it should also
width is 9m for an AADT 3000 or 8m include a risk assessment and consideration
4 for an AADT <3000, however narrower
widths may be appropriate where they
of what minimum capability (viz. standard)
is acceptable. Since it is not a green field
can be justified. site, there will be cost advantages in
Temporary roads on all major roads with adhering to the existing geometry if it can
more than 1000 vehicles per day (vpd) must be justified.
be paved and sealed. Temporary roads with At the project level there should be a full
volumes less than 1000vpd, or temporary analysis of the geometry which will include
roads of short length that are also in use for an assessment of speeds in accordance with
only a short time, should be paved but they Chapter 6. The results should then be used
might not require sealing, depending on the to ascertain what capability each
conditions. Design criteria similar to those (geometric) element of the existing road
used for approach roads should be adopted provides and what design criteria are
for such a temporary road. In all cases, the acceptable.
safety of operation is the paramount
It may be possible to adopt different design
values for some of the elements of the road
4.8 Restoration projects while still adhering to the basic tenets of
design. The detailed chapters of this
4.8.1 Introduction Manual provide the basic reasoning applied
to the development of the design criteria set
For projects where the intention is to restore out in this Manual and these basic
the existing road essentially on the existing parameters should be used to develop the
alignment the use of design criteria within design for the road in question. The
the Normal Design Domain can be following general considerations should
uneconomic from a network perspective. In guide the designer.
such cases the use of the Extended Design
Domain concept (refer to Chapter 2) may Consistency
be required. As will be seen later the The road standard should reflect the
Extended Design Domain does not involve expectations of the users and not provide
the simple use of tables and diagrams. any surprises to the driver - it should be
Sometimes, where there is no Extended self-explaining (refer to Chapter 2).
Design Domain, an even more fundamental Isolated sub-standard elements should be
approach starting from first principles will removed, and isolated sections of new road
be required. constructed to a high standard, which may
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lead to surprises when the road re-joins without a proper analysis and calculation
the existing road, should be avoided. that is fully documented (refer to Appendix
Fundamental parameters
Existing crash history
The physical realities of, and limitations to,
side friction, centripetal force, vehicle The existing crash history must be
dimensions, and vehicle performance must evaluated and appropriate action taken
be accommodated. where higher than normal crash rates can be
attributed to low standard elements.
Human factors
The way drivers perform in practice cannot
4.8.2 Essential requirements
and documentation
be ignored. All designs must take the real
performance of representative drivers, who
Where a decision to vary from the
take reasonable care for their actions, into
recommended values of a parameter is
consideration and provide for that
taken, it is essential that the reasoning
performance. Consistency of expectation is
behind the decision is sound and is properly
a predominant requirement, and when the
recorded (refer to Appendix 4A). The
expectation cannot be met, some special
decision must be robust and defensible. To
design feature is required to ensure that the
be so, it must be based on sound
driver can respond adequately (e.g.
engineering principles and evidence. It is
providing extra reaction time for the
unlikely that convenient tables and graphs
unexpected feature - preferably at least 5s).
will be adequate for such an analysis.
Combination of design elements The designer therefore requires a thorough
knowledge of the theory (and practical
No design should use lower order design
application of it) underpinning the
values for all parameters in combination for
parameter being varied, as well as its design
any one element. Where one of the design
intent. In addition the principles espoused
values is less (or more) than is desirable,
in this Manual must be consistently applied.
design values for the other parameters need
The analysis of the existing alignment, the
to be greater than the desirable minimum
factors considered and the reasons for the
(or lower than the desirable maximum) to
final decision must be documented and
compensate (e.g. provide wider pavement
recorded (refer to Appendix 4A). This must
over crests where the radius of the vertical
be a robust procedure using acceptable,
curve is of a low standard).
established technical data and practice.
Economy Because the design of these types of
The principal reason for adopting lower projects requires a thorough analysis of the
order values for design criteria, rather than situation and considerable attention to the
desirable values, is one of economy. It is details of the design based on first
necessary to demonstrate objectively that principles, design costs will be higher than
adopting these lower design criteria is equivalent projects that have geometry
necessary - it is not sufficient to assume that within the Normal Design Domain. This is
a particular change is too expensive a small amount compared to the significant
savings that will be achieved in the cost of
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the design criteria quoted in this Manual are those given above. Examples include a
for the Normal Design Domain (refer to significant re-alignment of very low volume
Chapter 2) and so are generally applicable road in hilly terrain and a new road in
to: extremely constrained conditions (e.g. sight
distance around median barriers on
new construction (i.e. green field
horizontal curves). Designers must not use
values within the Extended Design Domain
horizontal and/or vertical re-alignment values in these situations unless directed by
where more than a few isolated the relevant road authority; the business
elements require re-alignment (unless it
is a very low volume road); and,
case and brief should reflect this
requirement. If values within the Extended
for the new carriageway of a Design Domain are to be used it is critically
duplication. important that well documented
justification be provided (refer to Section
Preferably, the normal minimum design
criteria or design values in this Manual
would only be applied in constrained Table 4.6 lists situations where a geometric
situations. assessment is required and whether use of
the Normal Design Domain and/or the
In general it is recommended that the
Extended Design Domain is appropriate.
Extended Design Domain design criteria
Figure 4.17 illustrates the process that
detailed in this Manual be considered for:
should be used to make this decision.
the assessment of existing roads;
4.9.1 Guides for the Extended
improving the standard of existing
Design Domain
roads in constrained situations;
the new carriageway of a duplication in Guides for the application of the Extended
constrained situations; Design Domain are included in the
Appendices of this Chapter. Refer to:
a major re-alignment of an existing low
volume road; and Appendix 4A for guidance in relation to
the process that should be followed
a road section where the desired speed
when using the Extended Design
and operating speeds will be reduced
Domain, and how its use may be
due to a change in the built
environment, because of development,
within ten years (e.g. design an element Appendix 4B for the Extended Design
now for 110km/h using the Extended Domain for sight distance on roads;
Design Domain criteria which will Appendix 4C for the Extended Design
achieve Normal Design Domain criteria Domain sight distance at intersections;
for a future design speed of 90km/h
Appendix 4D for guidance in relation to
[due for example to a future 80km/h
evaluating cross sections using the
speed limit]).
Extended Design Domain;
Sometimes, road authorities may elect to
use values within the Extended Design
Domain in constrained situations other than
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Table 4.6 Warrants for geometric assessment and guidelines for selecting the appropriate area of
the design domain
Suggested area of design
Geometric domain to use
assessment Activity Normal When Extended Comments
warranted? Design Design Domain
Domain may be applied
Restoring the wearing course, no
alterations to geometry, pavement (in
the structural context), or formation
Re-seal - -
width. Therefore, it is unlikely that
there will be a change in the drivers
Minor repairs, no alterations to
geometry or formation width, nor most
of the seal or pavement (in the structural
maintenance - -
context). Therefore, it is unlikely that
(e.g. patching)
there will be a significant change in the
drivers' perception.
Intention is to improve safety by slightly
increasing the sealed width. However, it
is unlikely that there will be a change in
Part shoulder
- - the drivers' perception unless the
appearance of the rest of the shoulder is
changed through repaving (in which
case a geometric analysis is desirable).
Intention is to restore road to previous
No level of service and safety. However
Re-sheet of In constrained
Preferred geometric assessment should be
unsealed road situations.
undertaken for at least the first
occurrence or if formation is altered.
Intention is to restore road to a level of
service and safety that is similar to its
former state. However geometric
assessment should be undertaken for
at least the first occurrence or if
formation is altered. (Roughness of
the road likely to be significantly
Asphalt reduced, especially if overlaying a seal,
In constrained
overlay of a Preferred leading to a possible change in speed.
sealed road The first overlay of a seal frequently
includes trimming and reformation of
shoulders. The overlay may also alter
superelevation and crossfall. The
former two may change the drivers'
perception; the latter may affect the
acceptability of a horizontal curves
Intention is to improve safety by
Full shoulder In constrained substantially increasing the sealed
Desirable Preferred
seal situations. width. It may change the drivers'
Intention is to improve service and
Sealing of an In constrained
Yes Preferred safety. It may change the drivers'
unsealed road situations.
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Suggested area of design
Geometric domain to use
assessment Activity Normal When Extended Comments
warranted? Design Design Domain
Domain may be applied
Intention is to improve service and
Shoulder In constrained safety by substantially increasing the
widening situations. pavement width and the sealed width. It
may change the drivers' perception.
Intention is to improve service and
safety by substantially increasing the
Overlay and In constrained
4 widening
sealed width and strengthening the
pavement. It may change the drivers'
Intention is to improve service and
safety by substantially increasing the
(e.g. In constrained
Preferred sealed width and strengthening the
stabilisation) situations.
pavement. It may change the drivers'
and widening
In constrained
situations where a
Yes few, in relative
Horizontal terms, isolated
Intention is to improve service and
and/or vertical elements are
safety by improving the geometry of the
re-alignment Preferred constrained.
road. It is likely to change the drivers'
of an existing Extended Design
road Domain should
only be applied to
the constrained
In constrained Intention is to improve service and
situations for the safety by adding a new carriageway and
existing possibly treating the existing
Duplication of
carriageway. carriageway. It is likely to change the
an existing Preferred
For new drivers' perception.
carriageway only if (N.B. If the new and existing
extremely carriageways are close, the geometry of
constrained. one may influence that of the other.)
Any of the
Applicable where meeting Extended
activities In constrained
Design Domain criteria in the present
Desirable/ where situations, where
Preferred will result in Normal Design Domain
Yes geometric speeds will reduce
criteria being met when speeds reduce in
assessment is within ten years
the future.
warranted or
1. Normal Design Domain minimum criteria or better are highly desirable in all cases. Values better than
"desirable minimum" are preferred. However, where it is not possible to achieve this standard the
application of the Extended Design Domain may be considered as detailed in the table above.
2. A driver's expectations may increase due to a perceived increase in the standard of the road, irrespective
of whether the geometric standard of the road has actually been improved or not.
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Relationship to Other
This Chapter relates to all Chapters of this
Manual but in particular it relates to:
the principles espoused in Chapters 1
and 2 for the overall approach to
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Table 4.7 Example tabulation of available sight distance and sight distance deficiency
110km/h S.D. 190m 110km/h S.D. 165m 110km/h S.D. 165m 110km/h S.D. 165m
Deficit (m)
Deficit (m)
Deficit (m)
Deficit (m)
(m) (m) (m) (m) (m)
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Cars Trucks
Length Length
Lowest below below
Start Operating Extended target Operating target Is lowest
Length Design
chge1 speed Design Extended speed Extended capability
(m) Domain
(m) (V85) Domain sight Design (V85) Design reasonable?5
(km/h) distance Domain (km/h) Domain
capability2 capability capability
(m) (m)
4 Norm-Day-
Zero -
Yes - with
88000 190 110 0.5m 0 105 bench on
Manoeuvre bench on
Stopping. 4.5s horizontal
Manoeuvre. curve.
2.0s-Wet- Truck-Day-
(minimum of
0.8m, Norm- 2.0s-0.4m
4.0s of car
88420 120 110 Day-1.5s- 0 100 Stopping. 0
Wet-0.5m 5.7s
time for this
Stopping. 3.9s Manoeuvre
Zero -
Norm-Day- Yes - with
2.0s-Wet- visibility
6.0s visibility
89020 240 110 0.6m 0 105 bench on
Manoeuvre. bench on
Stopping. 4.3s horizontal
Manoeuvre. curve.
Norm-Day- Truck-Day-
2.0s-Wet- 2.0s-0.5m
89520 220 110 0.6m 0 100 Stopping. 0 Yes.
Stopping. 4.3s 6.1s
Manoeuvre. Manoeuvre.
2.0s-Wet- Truck-Day-
0.9m, Norm- 2.0s-0.8m
89880 250 110 Day-Wet- 0 105 Stopping. 110 Probably.
1.5s-0.6m 5.7s
Stopping. 4.1s Manoeuvre.
Norm- Day- Design
2.0s-Wet- stopping
90480 70 110 0 105 0 Yes.
0.2m for 0.2m
Stopping. object.
2.0s-Wet- Truck-Day-
91820 180 110 0.6m 0 105 2.0s-0.4m 0 Yes.
Stopping. 4.3s Stopping.
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Cars Trucks
Length Length
Lowest below below
Start Operating Extended target Operating target Is lowest
Length Design
chge1 speed Design Extended speed Extended capability
(m) Domain
(m) (V85) Domain sight Design (V85) Design reasonable?5
(km/h) distance Domain (km/h) Domain
capability2 capability capability
(m) (m)
2.0s-Wet- Truck-Day-
92590 270 110 0.6m
Stopping. 4.6s
0 103 2.0s-0.4m
0 Yes.
2.0s-Wet- Yes (but
1.0m, Norm- horizontal
Day-1.5s- curvature no
Wet-0.6m, longer
93490 350 110 0 95 for 0.2m 0
Norm-Day- ensures
object on
1.5s-Dry-0.2m alertness
+4% grade
Stopping. beyond this
3.9s zone).
1. A zone starts where the sight distance falls below 190m design stopping distance for a car operating speed (V85) of
110km/h or falls below the truck design stopping distance for the truck operating speed (V85) at that point.
2. The label for the lowest car Extended Design Domain stopping/manoeuvring capability is in accordance with the
Extended Design Domain guide in Appendix 4B. A perception-reaction time of 2.0s is used for some "Norm"
capabilities; 1.5s is used for some other "Norm" capabilities. The latter case is only applicable if the driver is
constantly/continuously alert (refer to the Extended Design Domain guide in Appendix 4B). In order of decreasing
Extended Design Domain stopping capability for sight distance restricted in the vertical plane, these are:
Norm-day-2.0s-wet-0.2m gives normal daytime stopping in wet conditions for a 0.2m high object;
Norm-day-2.0s-wet-0.6m Also, Norm-day-2.0s-dry-0.2m;
Norm-day-1.5s-wet-0.6m Also, Norm-day-1.5s-dry-0.2m Norm-day-2.0s-wet-1.15m; and
3. The label for the lowest truck Extended Design Domain stopping capability is in accordance with the Extended
Design Domain guide in Appendix 4B. A perception-reaction time of 2.0s is used. In order of decreasing Extended
Design Domain stopping capability, these are:
Truck-day-2.0s-0.2m gives daytime stopping in wet and dry conditions for a 0.2m high object, braking torque
limits do not give any further advantage for dry conditions;
Truck-day-2.0s-0.6m; and
4. Within a zone of sight distance deficiency, sight distance usually reduces progressively below the design sight
distance to a value that is then maintained for some length to a point where the design sight distance is quickly
5. EDD = Extended Design Domain
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Table 4.9 Example of assessment summary effect of improving crests (110km/h design speed)
Vertical Length of Length of Length of
depth of depth of depth of
Intersection Chainage cutting cutting cutting
cut cut cut
Point (VIP) (m) required required required
required required required
No. (m) (m) (m)
(m) (m) (m)
2 153,425 1.0 220 0.3 130 0.1 80
8 153,675 0.1 160 0.1 80 0 0
10 153,940 3.8 500 1.4 240 0.4 150
151 154,480 3.8 440 1.2 240 0.6 160
25 155,770 0.1 120 0 0 0 0
32 156,675 0.1 160 0 0 0 0
41 157,250 0.6 220 0.1 130 0 0
47 157,745 2.5 400 0.8 250 0.3 110
64 159,085 5.0 750 0.1 200 0.1 100
72 159,775 0.2 200 0.1 100 0 0
80 160,400 7.4 620 3.8 360 1.8 240
885 161,030 0.1 120 0.1 60 0 0
99 161,935 2.2 280 1.0 200 0.5 180
102 162,180 1.0 240 4.0 160 0.1 140
104 162,485 0.1 180 0.1 60 0.1 20
108 162,980 0.2 160 0.1 80 0.1 40
122 164,420 3.8 540 0.8 280 0.1 120
130 165,275 0.4 240 0.1 100 0 0
137 166,050 0.1 180 0 0 0 0
1. Note that there is an access adjacent to VIP No. 15.
2. Note that VIP No. 41 lies within a section where it is recommended that realignment be undertaken to improve
the horizontal geometry. There is also an access within the vicinity of VIP No. 41.
3. Note that VIP No. 47 lies within a section where it is recommended that realignment be undertaken to improve
the horizontal geometry.
4. Note that an unsealed side road intersects the through road near VIP No. 72.
5. Note that VIP No. 88 lies at the end of a section where it is recommended that realignment be undertaken to
improve the horizontal geometry.
6. Note that VIP No. 122 lies within a section where it is recommended that realignment be undertaken to improve
the horizontal geometry.
7. Note that VIP No. 130 lies at the end of a section where it is recommended that realignment be undertaken to
improve the horizontal geometry.
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curvature). Consequently it is likely they Allowance must be made for the height
will be prepared to brake harder in of vegetation, including grass, on
emergencies. benches, in table drains, etc that results
from the maintenance strategy).
Designers and planners should also note
that providing stopping capability for 4. Cars and trucks require different offset
drivers travelling at the operating (85th values for horizontal sight distance due
percentile) speed will usually cater for less to differences in:
capable drivers (e.g. mean-day). This
i. stopping sight distances; and
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Chapter 4
same speed. However, in each case, this equivalency should always be checked when truck stopping capability is being assessed.
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Table 4.11 Stopping sight distance base cases for the Extended Design Domain
Case Speed, V Coefficient of 2
Case Code Reaction Times RT (s) h1 (m) h2 (m)
description (km/h) deceleration, d
2.5 - isolated element where V
Normal car >70km/h. 0.2 - standard object.
0.61 - predominantly
driver travelling th 2- normal cases for roads with V 1.15 - eye height 0.4 - dead animal.
Operating (85 dry area with
at the operating >70km/h. for driver of 0.6 - tail
Norm-day. percentile) car low traffic
(85th percentile) 1.5 - normal cases for roads with V passenger light/reflector of
speed. volumes.
speed in daylight 70km/h car. car.
4 0.46 - all other cases.
hours. 1.5 - roads with alert driving 1.15 - top of car.
conditions and V >70km/h
Use speed of
2- normal cases for roads with V
average laden 1
>70km/h. 0.29 - all cases 0.6 - tail
design prime- 2.4 - eye height
1 Truck in daylight 1.5 - normal cases for roads with V (except Type 1 light/reflector of
Truck-day. mover and semi- for driver of
hours. 70km/h and 2 road- car.
trailer in free 4 truck.
1.5 - roads with alert driving trains). 1.15 - top of car.
conditions and V >70km/h
Notes to Table 4.11:
1. These cases cover design single unit trucks, semi-trailers and B-doubles. The deceleration rates given above allow for the brake delay times associated with the air
braking systems used on these vehicles. Where it is necessary to check for the operation of Type 1 road-trains, use a coefficient of deceleration rate of 0.28. Where it is
necessary to check for the operation of Type 2 road-trains, use a coefficient of deceleration rate of 0.26.
5. For convenience, a stopping distance case (or capability) can be described in terms of the following nomenclature: Case Code-RT-wet/dry-h2 (For example, Norm-day-
2-wet-0.4 describes the capability corresponding to a normal car driver travelling at the operating [85th percentile] speed in daylight hours with an RT of 2s when
Chapter 4
stopping in wet conditions for a 0.4m high object.)
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Chapter 4
a. there is sufficient width and length to manoeuvre; and
b. there are no other constraints to manoeuvring (e.g. due to presence of pedestrians, pedestrian crossings, parked vehicles, etc).
Road Planning and Design Manual
Department of Main Roads
Table 4.13 Stopping sight distance checks for the Extended Design Domain
Case Coefficient of 2
Case Code Speed, V (km/h) Reaction Times RT (s) h1 (m) h2 (m)
description deceleration, d
2- normal cases for unlit roads 0.6 - tail light/reflector
Normal car 0.75 - height of car
with V >70km/h. 0.61 - predominantly of car.
driver travelling headlight.
Operating (85th 1.5 - normal cases for unlit roads dry area with low 1.15 - top of car.
Norm-night. at the operating
percentile) car speed. with V 70km/h traffic volumes. 1.15 - eye height for
(85th percentile) 4 0.6 - tail light/reflector
1.5 - unlit roads with alert driving 0.46 - all other cases. driver of
speed at night. of car.
conditions and V >70km/h passenger car.
2- normal cases for unlit roads 0.6 - tail light/reflector
Use speed of average 1.1 - height of truck
with V >70km/h. 1 of car.
laden design prime- 0.29 - all cases (except headlight.
1 Truck travelling 1.5 - normal cases for unlit roads 1.15 - top of car.
Truck-night mover and semi-trailer Type 1 and 2
at night. with V 70km/h
in free flowing 4 road-trains). 2.4 - eye height for 0.6 - tail light/reflector
1.5 - unlit roads with alert driving
conditions. driver of truck. of car.
conditions and V >70km/h
Car driver 0.2 - standard object.
0.51 - predominantly
travelling at the Mean car speed 0.85 2.5 - isolated element with V 1.15 - eye height for 0.4 - dead animal.
dry area with low
Mean-day mean free speed times operating (85th >70km/h. driver of 0.6 - tail light/reflector
traffic volumes
in daylight percentile) car speed. 2 - all other cases. passenger car. of car.
0.41 - all other cases
hours. 1.15 - top of car.
0.6 - tail light/reflector
0.75 - height of car
Car driver 0.51 - predominantly of car.
Mean car speed 0.85 headlight.
travelling at the dry area with low 1.15 - top of car.
Mean-night times operating (85th 2- all cases.
mean free speed traffic volumes 1.15 - eye height for
a. a road in a rural area with a horizontal alignment that requires the driver to maintain a high level of awareness due to the presence of a continuous series of curves with a side friction demand > fdes
max; or
Chapter 4
b. a road in a heavily built up urban area with many direct accesses and intersections.
5. For convenience, a stopping distance case (or capability) can be described in terms of the following nomenclature: Case Code-RT-wet/dry-h2 (For example, Norm-night-2-wet-0.4 describes the capability
corresponding to a normal car driver travelling at the operating [85th percentile] speed at night with an RT of 2s when stopping in wet conditions for a 0.4m high object.)
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ii. Minimum Gap Sight Distance can only be justified provided it meets
(MGSD) as per Chapter 13. the following conditions:
iii. Safe Intersection Sight Distance i. It is not combined with any other
(SISD) base cases given in Table lower order value for the same
4.16. element (i.e. only one lower order
value per element is justifiable, e.g.
2. When a Decision Time (DT) of less than
if an element only meets minimum
four (4) seconds is used for the SISD
standard horizontal curvature in
base cases (i.e. Table 4.16), the SISD
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vehicles. Some capability for trucks distance cases (for ASD and SISD)
should be provided on any road. should be reduced by 0.05.
Designers and planners should note that for 3. Consider the likely maintenance
drivers travelling at the operating (85th strategy and make allowance for it.
percentile speed) it is reasonable to assume (For example, if grass is allowed to
that they are conscious of their speed grow up to the edge of seal the
(commonly around 10km/h above the speed available offset for horizontal sight
limit when not constrained by horizontal distance may be only about 3m.
curvature). Consequently it is likely they
will be prepared to brake harder in
Allowance must be made for the height
of vegetation, including grass, on
benches, in table drains, etc that results
from the maintenance strategy.)
Designers and planners should also note
that providing stopping capability for 4. Cars and trucks require different offset
drivers travelling at the operating (85th values for horizontal sight distance due
percentile) speed will usually cater for less to differences in:
capable drivers (e.g. mean-day). This
i. stopping sight distances; and
should not be assumed however;
calculations and checks should always be ii. the eye position of drivers.
undertaken for all (relevant) cases. 5. The offset required for trucks will be
Finally, it should be noted that only affected by the direction of the curve
stopping for wet conditions is included in (i.e. a left turning curve requires a
this guide. This is because at intersections different offset to a right turning curve).
there is increased exposure and therefore an 6. The adequacy of horizontal curves
increased probability that a hazard will be should also be assessed as discussed in
encountered during wet conditions. Chapters 6 and 11 (e.g. in terms of side
friction demand, geometric consistency,
Notes for horizontal curves
Whenever the Extended Design Domain is
applied to roads and a horizontal curve Spreadsheet tool
exists, whether it be in isolation or in A spreadsheet tool has also been developed
combination with a vertical curve, the to assist in the assessment of geometry
following must be considered: against Extended Design Domain standards.
1. Where sight distance is only restricted A copy may be obtained by contacting the
in the horizontal plane, the height of the Principal Engineer (Road Engineering
object has no effect. Standards).
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Table 4.15 Approach sight distance base cases for the Extended Design Domain
Speed, V Coefficient of deceleration,
Case Code Case description Reaction Times RT (s) h1 (m) h2 (m)
(km/h) d
1. Refer to Note 2 above (in Notes for horizontal curves section in Appendix 4C) for the effect of horizontal curves.
a. a road in a rural area with a horizontal alignment that requires the driver to maintain a high level of awareness due to the presence of a continuous series of
curves with a side friction demand > fdes max; or
b. a road in a heavily built up urban area with many direct accesses and intersections.
3. For convenience, an ASD case (or capability) can be described in terms of the following nomenclature: Case Code-RT-wet/dry (For example, ASD-2-wet describes
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the capability corresponding to a normal car driver travelling at the operating [85th percentile] speed in daylight hours with an RT of 2s when stopping in wet
conditions for a 0m high object.)
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wet conditions for a 1.15m high object.)
Road Planning and Design Manual
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Table 4.17 Safe Intersection Sight Distance checks for the Extended Design Domain
3 Coefficient of
Case Code Case description Speed, V (km/h) Decision Times DT (s) h1 (m) h2 (m)
deceleration, d
Normal car driver 7
0.75 - height of
travelling at the operating Operating (85th percentile) 4
1.15 - top of
Norm-night 2.5 - all cases 0.46 - all cases car
(85th percentile) speed at car speed car
Use speed of average 0.29 - all cases
1 1.1 - height of
Truck- laden design prime-mover 4 (except Type 1.15 - top of
Truck travelling at night 2.5 - all cases truck
night and semi-trailer in free 1 and 2 road- car
flowing conditions. trains).
4.0 - isolated element where V
3.5 - normal cases for roads with 1.15 - eye height
Car driver travelling at the Mean car speed 0.85
V >70km/h. for driver of 1.15 - top of
Mean-day mean free speed in times operating (85th 0.41 - all cases
3.0 - normal cases for roads with passenger car
daylight hours percentile) speed
V 70km/h car
3.0 - roads with alert driving
conditions and V >70km/h
Mean car speed 0.85 0.75 - height of 7
Car driver travelling at the 1.15 - top of
Mean-night times operating (85th 3.5 - all cases 0.41 - all cases car
mean free speed at night car
percentile) speed headlight
b. a road in a heavily built up urban area with many direct accesses and intersections.
Chapter 4
6. For convenience, a stopping distance case (or capability) can be described in terms of the following nomenclature: Case Code-DT (For example, Mean-day-4 describes the
capability corresponding to a car driver travelling at the mean free speed in daylight hours with an DT of 4s when stopping in wet conditions for a 1.15m high object.)
7. This also achieves stopping for an eye height of 1.15m (the eye height for driver of passenger car) to an object height of 0.75m (height of car headlight).
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2 1
Speed, V Decision Times Coefficient of
Case Code Case description h1 (m) h2 (m)
(km/h) DT (s) deceleration, d
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for designated bus or HOV lanes, kerbside There are low current and predicted
lanes on bus routes, kerbside shared use traffic volumes since:
lanes on designated cycling routes or
o road train drivers tend to straddle
kerbside lanes adjacent to high volume
centre line to reduce steering effort;
pedestrian footpaths.
Shoulder widths o unused seal deteriorates on low
volume roads (so providing width
Lower bound for restoration works
that will not be used may be
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to account for the transverse position of Extended Design Domain stopping is not
longitudinal pavement joints (e.g. if available to a 0.2m high object).
possible avoid marking the pavement so
Existing seals
that wheel paths concentrate on
longitudinal pavement joints); Some existing carriageways only have a
single lane seal or a narrow two-lane seal
for maintenance (e.g. reduces edge
(i.e. seal width <6m), but these have proved
break and edge drop off); or
to be problematic on road train routes as
to minimise the ingress of water into evidenced by Figure 4.24. In this example
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Table 4.19 Minimum carriageway and seal widths in rural areas for MCV routes
Existing alignments
4 Forecast
minimum widths
Desirable minimum widths (m)
Limited tourist
Prolonged periods
with > 5%
New alignments (for
comparison purposes
AADT traffic
Carriage- Carriage- Carriage-
Seal Carriage- Seal Seal Seal
way width way width way width
width way width width width width
(m) (m) (m)
6.03 8.0
<150 -2 8.0 6.0 8.0 8.0 8.0
9.0 9.0
150 to
6.0 8.0 7.04 8.0 8.0 8.0 9.0 9.0
>500 to
6.5 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.0
>1000 - - - - 9.0 9.0 9.0 10.0
1. The available seal and carriageway width on horizontal curves (i.e. what curve widening has been
provided) will determine the suitability of the route for a particular type or types of MCV.
2. A sealed pavement is not mandatory for this traffic volume. In practice, many existing roads will
have a 3.7m wide (or greater) single lane seal. Some roads may have a 6.0m seal which may
function as a single lane (see Note 3) or two-lanes if marked with a centre line.
3. The 6.0m seal is not marked and operates as a single 4m lane with partially sealed shoulders. An
8.0m seal provides acceptable two-lane operation.
4. Preferably 7.4m to reduce maintenance.
5. Carriageway widths <9.0m on two-lane roads must be accompanied by embankment and table drain
slopes 1 on 4 or flatter together with clear areas to prevent shying towards the centre of the road.
However, some short local exceptions (<200m long) are possible.
6. Carriageway widths <10.0m on roads with a single-lane seal must be accompanied by embankment
and table drain slopes of 1 on 6 or flatter so smaller vehicles can move over to clear an oncoming
MCV that stays on the seal. However, some short local sections are possible where visibility allows
drivers of smaller vehicles to move over and stop prior to the restricted width section if there is an
oncoming MCV.
December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 4
Road Planning and Design Manual Application of Design Principles and Guidelines
520mm 520mm
2.2m 2.5m 2.4m
720mm 720mm
4x4 Caravan
1.8m 2.1m
Min 300mm Min 300mm
Figure 4.21 A heavy vehicle operating on route with a single lane seal with caravans (Potter, 2002)
December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 4
Road Planning and Design Manual Application of Design Principles and Guidelines
4 Shoulder
L.H. Lane
1.85 to1.9
R.H. Lane
1.85 to1.9
Figure 4.22 What can be done with existing 8.5m or 8.6m carriageway
December 2005
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Road Planning and Design Manual Application of Design Principles and Guidelines
December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 4
Road Planning and Design Manual Application of Design Principles and Guidelines
Figure 4.24 Example of inadequate single lane (5.6m) seal on a Type 2 road train route (AADT of
400 with 30% heavy vehicles)
Figure 4.25 Example of Type 2 road train operating on a 7.9m carriageway with full width seal on a
low formation
December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 4
Road Planning and Design Manual Application of Design Principles and Guidelines
Figure 4.26 Example of road train operation on a single lane seal - Type 2 road trains remain
wholly on the seal - approaching vehicles must therefore move off the seal
Figure 4.27 Testing the tracking characteristics of a MCV on a rough surface and narrow formation
with 3m to 3.5m lanes (Haldane, 2002)
December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 4
Road Planning and Design Manual Application of Design Principles and Guidelines
Figure 4.28 Example of two-lane, two-way road with narrow formation and seal on a Type 2 road
train route (AADT of 550 with 15% MCVs and 15% other heavy vehicles)
December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 4
Road Planning and Design Manual Application of Design Principles and Guidelines
December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 4
Road Planning and Design Manual Application of Design Principles and Guidelines
a right-turn slot with dimensions as per the provided they meet the following
Normal Design Domain. conditions:
Minimum Extended Design Domain 1. They are not combined with other
Auxiliary Left-turn Treatment minima (e.g. tight horizontal curves,
limited visibility, steep downgrades);
Figure 4.31 shows a minimum Extended
Design Domain Auxiliary Left-turn 2. Future arrangements/planning must be
treatment. satisfied (e.g. allow for future traffic
growth, which may well affect storage
This treatment can be used at intersections
4 on existing roads where sufficient area of
pavement already exists to introduce a left-
3. Geometric features and other features
turn slot. Alternatively, the treatment may of the road do not distract drivers; and
be applied as new construction where
4. Accident data indicates that there is not
insufficient length is available to introduce
a high crash rate related to the use of
a left-turn slot with dimensions as per the
the shorter dimensions eg not a high
Normal Design Domain.
rear-end crash rate at the start of the
General considerations turn slots.
The use of the Extended Design Domain
turn treatments can only be justified
December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 4
Road Planning and Design Manual Application of Design Principles and Guidelines
Design speed of Minimum lateral Desirable radius, 2
Taper length, T (m)
approach road (km/h) movement length, A (m) R (m)
60 40 175 10
70 50 240 15
80 55 280 15
90 60 350 15
100 70 425 20
110 75 500 20
120 80 600 20
1. Based on a diverge rate of 1.25m/s and a turn lane width of 3.0m. Increase lateral movement length if
turn lane width >3m. If the through road is on a tight horizontal curve, increase lateral movement
length so that a minimal decrease in speed is required for the through movement.
2. Based on a turn lane width of 3.0m.
3. Where Type 2 road trains are required, Am60m.
Figure 4.29 Minimum Extended Design Domain channelised right-turn treatment for roadways
without medians
December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 4
Road Planning and Design Manual Application of Design Principles and Guidelines
Design speed of Minimum diverge/deceleration 2
Taper length, T (m)
approach road (km/h) length, D (m)
50 15 10
60 20 10
70 25 15
80 35 15
90 45 15
100 55 20
110 65 20
120 80 20
1. Based on a 30% reduction in through road speed at the start of the taper to a stopped
condition using a value of deceleration of 3.5m/s2. Adjust for grade.
2. Based on a turn lane width of 3.0m
Figure 4.30 Minimum Extended Design Domain channelised right-turn treatment for roadways with
December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 4
Road Planning and Design Manual Application of Design Principles and Guidelines
Design speed of Minimum diverge/deceleration 2
Taper length, T (m)
approach road (km/h) length, D (m)
50 15 10
60 20 10
70 25 15
80 35 15
90 45 15
100 55 20
110 65 20
120 80 20
1. Based on a 30% reduction in through road speed at the start of the taper to a stopped
condition using a value of deceleration of 3.5m/s2. Adjust for grade.
2. Based on a turn lane width of 3.0m
December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 4
Road Planning and Design Manual Application of Design Principles and Guidelines
4 superelevation.
The practice of limiting the side friction
(refer to Chapter 11) at the operating
speed of trucks (refer to Chapter 6).
Note also that the static roll threshold
demand on adverse horizontal curves to half
for trucks is 0.35 and that this is
the relevant absolute maximum of side
numerically equivalent to the co-
friction factor given in Chapter 11 is
efficient of side friction. This means
considered to be good working practice
the side friction demand must not
rather than a reflection what side friction
exceed 0.35 for trucks when tested at,
drivers use in practice. Limiting the side
say, the truck operating speed plus
friction demand on a curve in this way
10km/h, and preferably should not
means that it is less likely the curve will be
exceed the absolute maximum side
overdriven. However when negotiating a
friction value for trucks given in
curve, drivers can, and often do, use a side
Chapter 11.
friction factor up to the design maximum
for their speed of travel irrespective of the The road surface must be capable of
superelevation. Consequently there is providing a high degree of skid
scope to use the Extended Design Concept resistance.
for some horizontal curves with adverse The adverse superelevation must not
superelevation. exceed 3% and preferably not exceed
The Extended Design Domain for 2.5%.
horizontal curves with adverse It use must be supported by crash data
superelevation must comply with all of the at the site and possibly other similar
following conditions: sites. This review would have to show
It is only applicable to a restoration or an absence of crashes related to the
widening project on an existing road in presence of adverse superelevation,
an urban area. particularly single vehicle crashes.
December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 4
Road Planning and Design Manual Application of Design Principles and Guidelines
December 2005