Cmaa 70 Norma Puentes de Carro
Cmaa 70 Norma Puentes de Carro
Cmaa 70 Norma Puentes de Carro
70-7. Glossary.
70-8. Index.
The voluntary use of these specifications is not intended to, and does not in any
way, limit the ingenuity or prerogative of individual manufacturers to design or pro-
duce electric overhead traveling cranes which do not comply with these specifica-
tions. Rather, these specifications provide technical guidelines for the user to specify
his application. Following these specifications does not assure compliance with
applicable federal, state, or local regulations and codes which must be referenced
in each instance.
These specifications are not binding on any person and do not have the effect
of law, and CMAA assumes no responsibility and disclaims all liability of any kind,
however arising, as a result of acceptance or use of these specifications.
70-1 General Specifications, Page 2 3.12 Bridge Trucks for 8, 12, and
1.1 Scope 16 Wheel Cranes
1.2 Building Design Considerations 3.13 Structural Bolting
1.3 Clearance 3.14 Gantry Cranes
1.4 Runway
1.5 Runway Conductors 70-4 Mechanical Design, Page 31
1.6 Rated Capacity 4.1 Mean Effective Load
1.7 Design Stresses 4.2 Load Blocks
1.8 General 4.3 Overload Limit Device
1.9 Painting 4.4 Hoisting Ropes
1.10 Assembly and Preparation for Shipment 4.5 Sheaves
1.11 Testing 4.6 Drum
1.12 Drawings 4.7 Gearing
1.13 Erection 4.8 Bearing
1.14 Lubrication 4.9 Brakes
1.15 Inspection, Maintenance and 4.10 Bridge Drives
Crane Operator 4.11 Shafting
4.12 Couplings
4.13 Wheels
70-2 Crane Classifications, Page 8 4.14 Bumpers and Stops
2.1 General
2.2 Class A 70-5 Electrical Equipment, Page 51
2.3 Class B 5.1 General
:4 2.4 Class C 5.2 Motors - A.C. and D. C.
2.5 Class D 5.3 Brakes
2.6 Class E 5.4 Controllers, A.C. and D.C.
2.7 Class F 5.5 Resistors
2.8 Crane Service Class in Terms of 5.6 Protective and Safety Features
Load Class and Load Cycles 5.7 Master Switches
5.8 Floor Operated Pendant
70-3 Structural Design, Page 10 Pushbutton Stations
3.1 Material 5.9 Limit Switches
3.2 Welding 5.10 Installation
3.3 Structure 5.11 Bridge Conductor Systems
3.4 Allowable Stresses 5.12 Runway Conductor Systems
3.5 Design Limitations 5.13 Voltage Drop
3.6 Bridge End Truck
3.7 Footwalks and Handrails 70-6 Inquiry Data Sheet and Speeds, Page 75
3.8 Operator's Cab
3.9 Trolley Frames 70-7 Glossary, Page 79
3.10 Bridge Rails
3.11 End Ties 70-8 Index, Page 83
1.1.1 This specification shaH be known as the Specifications for Electric Overhead Traveling Cranes·
C.M.AA Specification No. 70 - Revised 1983.
1.1.2 The specifications and information contained in this pUblication apply to top running bridge and gan-
try type multiple girder electric overhead traveling cranes. It should be understood that the specifica-
tions are general in nature and other specifications may be agreed upon between the purchaser and
the manufacturer to suit each specific instaHation. C.M.AA Specification No. 74 covers top running
and under running single girder overhead traveling cranes. later specifications will cover cranes
of the stacker and other special purpose or special application types. These specifications do not
cover equipment used to lift, lower, or transport personnel suspended from the hoist rope system.
1.1.3 This specification outlines in Section 70-2 six different classes of crane service as a guide for deter-
mining the service requirements of the individual application. In many cases there is no clear category
of service in which a particular crane operation may fall, and the proper selection of a crane can
be made only through a discussion of service requirements and crane details with the crane manufac-
turer or other qualified persons.
1.1.4 Service conditions have an important influence on the life of the wearing parts of a crane, such as
wheels, gears, bearings, wire rope, electrical equipment and must be considered in specifying a crane
to assure maximum life and minimum maintenance.
1.1.5 In selecting overhead crane equipment, it is important that not only present but future operations
be considered which may increase loading and service requirements and that equipment be selE,ctEld
which will satisfy future increased service conditions, thereby minimizing the possibility of ov"rlc)adling
or placing in a duty classification higher than intended.
1.1.6 Parts of this specification refer to certain portions of other applicabie specifications, codes or
ards. Where interpretations differ, C.MAA. recommends that this specification be used as
guideline. Mentioned in the text are pUblications of the following organizations.
Data was utilized from (FEM) Federation Europeenne De La Manutention, Section I Heavy lilt-
ing Equipment, Rules for the Design of Hoisting Appliances, 2nd Edition - December 1970.
1.2.1 The building in which an overhead crane is to be installed must be designed with consideration given
to the following points: The distance from the floor to the lowest overhead obstruction must be such as to allow for the required
hook lilt plus the distance from the saddle or palm of the hook in its highest position to the high
point on the crane plus clearance to the lowest overhead obstruction. in addition, the distance from the floor to the lowest overhead obstruction must be such that the
lowest point on the crane will clear all machinery or when necessary provide railroad clearance under
the crane. After determination of the building height, based on the factors above, the crane runway must be
located with the top of the runway rail at a distance below the lowest overhead obstruction equal
to the height of the crane plus clearance. Lights, pipes, or any other objects projecting below the lowest point on the building truss must be
considered in the determination of the lowest overhead obstruction. The building knee braces must be designed to permit the required hook approaches. Access to the cab or bridge walkway should be a fixed ladder, stairs, or platform requiring no step
over any gap exceeding 12 inches (304.8 mm). Fixed ladder shall be in conformance with ANSI safety
code for fixed ladders, A 14.3.
Descargado por Francisco Garcia ([email protected])
1.3.1 A minimum clearance of 3 inches between the highest point of the crane and the lowest overhead
obstruction shall be provided. For buildings where truss sag becomes a factor, this clearance should
be increased.
1.3.2 The clearance between the end of the crane and the building columns, knee braces or any other
obstructions shall not be less than 2 inches with crane centered on runway rails. Pipes, conduits,
etc. must not reduce this clearance.
1.3.3 Where passageways or walkways are provided on the structure supporting the crane, obstructions
on the supporting structure shall not be placed so that personnel will be struck by movement of the
crane. The accuracy of building dimensions is the responsibility of the owner or specifier of the
1.4.1 The crane runway, runway rails, and crane stops are typically furnished by the purchaser unless
otherwise specified. The crane stops furnished by the purchaser are to be designed to suit the specific
crane to be installed.
1.4.2 The runway rails shall be straight, parallel, level and at the same elevation. The distance, center to
center, and the elevation shall be within the tolerances given in Table 1.4.2-1. The runway rails should
be standard rail sections or any other commercial rolled sections with equivalent specifications of
a proper size for the crane to be installed and must be prOVided with proper rail splices and hold-
down fasteners. Rail separation at joint should not exceed 'ls2 inch. Floating rails are not recommended.
1.4.3 The crane runway shall be designed with SUfficient strength and rigidity to prevent detrimental iateral
or vertical deflection.
The lateral deflection should not exceed U400 based on 10 percent of maximum wheelload(s) WnnOlJI
impact. The vertical deflection should not exceed Ll600 based on maximum wheel load(s)
impact. Gantry and other types of special cranes may require additional considerations.
Descargado por Francisco Garcia ([email protected])
TABLE 1.4.2-1
- - -
« « z L<;SO' A:::: 3116"
+ I tt
-' -'
SPAN -' L>SO'<;100'A ~ %" %" IN 20'-0"
II «
-' -'
:2 L>100' A~%"
~ c:
E "E z
- - -
I" - - - ~~ B~%" %" IN 20'-0"
L L--.J
ELEVATION - C~%" %" IN 20'-0"
SPAN L L<;SO' D= ±3As'f
I- - -
-I lD
L>SO'<;100'D ~ ± %"
L>100' D~ ±%"
,/.' IN 20'-0"
1.5.1 The runway conductors may be bare hard drawn copper wire, hard copper, aluminum or steel in the
form of stiff shapes, insulated cables, cable reel pickup or other suitable means to meet the particu-
lar apPlication and shall be installed in accordance with Article 610 of the Natlonai Electrical Code
and comply with all local applicable codes.
1.5.2 Contact conductors shall be guarded in a manner that persons cannot inadvertently touch energized
current - carrying parts. Flexible conductor systems shall be designed and installed in a manner to
minimize the effects of flexing, cable tension, and abrasion
1.5.3 Runway conductors are normally furnished and installed by the purchaser unless otherwise specified.
1.5.4 The conductors shall be properly supported and aligned horizontally and vertically with the runway rail.
1.5.5 The conductors shall have sufficient ampacity to carry the required current to the crane, or cranes,
when operating with rated load. The conductor ratings shall be selected in accordance with Article
610 of the National Electrical Code. For manufactured conductor systems with pUblished ampacities,
the intermittent ratings may be used. The ampacities of fixed loads such as heating, lighting, and
air conditioning may be computed as 2.25 times their sum total which will permit the application of
the intermittent ampacity ratings for use with continuous fixed loads.
1.5.6 The nominal runway conductor supply system voltage, actual input tap voltage, and runway conduc-
tor voltage drops shall result in crane motor voltage tolerances per Section 5.13 (Voltage Drops).
1.5.7 In a crane inquiry the runway conductor system type should be specified and if the system will be
supplied by the purchaser or crane manufacturer. If supplied by the purchaser, the location should
be stated.
1.6.1 The rated capacity of a crane is specified by the manufacturer. This capacity shall be marked
each side of the crane and shall be legible from the operating floor.
1.6.2 The rated capacity of a crane bridge with multiple hoist units is the rated capacity of the m,lxirnUlm
individual hoist unit. Each individual hoist unit shall have its rated capacity marked on its bottom block.
1.6.3 When determining the rated capacity of a crane, all accessories beiow the hook, such as load bars,
magnets, grabs, etc. shall be included as part of the load to be handled.
1.7.1 Materials shall be properly selected for the stresses and work cycles to which they are subjected.
Structural parts shall be designed according to the appropriate limits as per chapter 70-3 of this
specification. Mechanical parts shall be designed according to Chapter 70-4 of this specification.
All other load carrying parts shall be designed so that the calculated static stress in the material,
based on rated crane capacity, shall not exceed 20 percent of the published average ultimate strFlnal:h
of the material.
This limitation of stress provides a margin of strength to allow for variations in the properties
materials, manufacturing and operating conditions, and design assumptions, and under no condi-
tion ShDUld imply authDrizatiDn Dr protectiDn for users loading the crane beyDnd rated capacity.
1.8.1 All apparatus covered by this specificatiDn shall be constructed in a thDrDugh and workmanlike
Due regard shall be given in the design fDr operatiDn, accessibility, interchangeability and dur'abiilitv
of parts.
1.8.2 This specification includes all applicable features of OSHA Section 1910.179 - Overhead and r,~nt v
Cranes, and ANSI B30.2.0-Safety Standard for Overhead and Gantry Cranes.
1.9.1 Before shipment, the crane shall be cleaned and given a protective coating.
1.9.2 The coating may consist of any number of coats of primer and finish paint according to the manufac-
turer's standard or as otherwise specified.
1.10.1 The crane should be assembled in the manufacturer's plant according to the manufacturer's stand-
ard. When feasible, the trolley should be placed on the assembled crane bridge, but it is not required
to reeve the hoisting rope.
1.10.3 All exposed finished parts and electrical equipment are to be protected for shipment. If storage is
required, arrangements should be made with the manufacturer for extra protection.
1.11.1 Testing in the manufacturer's plant is conducted according to the manufacturer's testing procedure,
unless otherwise specified.
1.11.2 Any documentation of non-destructive testing of material such as x-ray, ultrasonic, magnetic particle,
etc. should be considered as an extra item and is normally done only if specified.
1.12.1 Normally two (2) copies of the manufacturer's clearance diagrams are submitted for approval, one
of which is approved and returned to the crane manufacturer. Also, two sets of operating instructions
and spare parts information are typically furnished. Detail draWings are normally not furnished.
ie 1.13 ERECTION
1.13.1 The crane erection (including assembly, field wiring, installation and starting) is normally agreed upon
between the manufacturer and the owner or specifier. Supervision offield assembly and/or final
checkout may also be agreed upon separately between the manufacturer and the owner or specifier.
1.14.1 The crane shall be provided with all necessary lubrication fittings. Before putting the crane in opera-
tion, the erector of the crane shall assure that all bearings, gears, etc. are lubricated in accordance
with the crane manufacturer's recommendations.
1.15.1 For inspection and maintenance of cranes, refer to applicable section of ANSI 1330.2.0, Chapter 2-2,
and CMAA-Overhead Crane Inspection and Maintenance Checklist.
1.15.2 For operator responsibility and training, refer to applicable section of ANSI 1330.2.0, Chapter 2-3,
and CMAA-Crane Operators Manual.
2.1 Service classes have been established so that the most economical crane for the Installation may be specified
in accordance with this specification.
The crane service classification is based on the load spectrum reflecting the actual service conditions as
closely as possible.
Load spectrum is a mean effective load, which is uniformly distributed over a probability scale and applied
to the equipment at a specified frequency. The selection of the properly sized crane component to perform
a given function is determined by the varying load magnitudes and given load cycles which can be expressed
in terms of the mean effective load factor.
\3/ 3
k = V W , P, + W 23 P2 + W 3 3 P3 + .... W 3n . P n
Where W = Load magnitude; expressed as a ratio of each lifted load to the rated capacity. Operation
with no lifted load and the weight of any attachment must be included.
p = Load probability; expressed as a ratio of cycles under each load magnitUde condition
to the total cycles. The sum total of the load probabilities p must equal 1.0.
k = Mean effective load factor. (Used to establish crane service class only)
All classes of cranes are affected by the operating conditions, therefore for the purpose of the classifica.
tions, it is assumed that the crane will be operating in normal ambient temperature 0° to 104°F (-17.78
to 40°C) and normal atmospheric conditions (free from excessive dust, moisture and corrosive fumes).
The cranes can be classified into loading groups according to the service conditions of the most sevr~l¥
loaded part of the crane. The individual parts which are clearly separate from the rest, or forming a self,
oontained structural unit, can be classified into different loading groups ilthe service conditions are fully kno
This service class covers cranes which may be used in installations such as powerhouses, public utiliti
turbine rooms, motor rooms and transformer stations where precise handling of equipment at slow spa
with long, idle periods between lifts are required. Capacity loads may be handled for initial installatio
equipment and for infrequent maintenance.
This service covers cranes which may be used in repair shops, light assembly operations, service buildi
light warehousing, etc., where service requirements are light and the speed is slow. Loads may vary
no load to occasional full rated loads with two to five lifts per hour, averaging ten feet per lift.
This service covers cranes which may be used in machine shops or papermill machine rooms,
service requirements are moderate. In this type of service the crane will handle loads which ~V<"
percent of the rated capacity with 5 to 10 lifts per hour, averaging 15 feet, not over 50 percent of
at rated capacity.
This service covers cranes which may be used in heavy machine shops, foundries, fabricating maims.
warehouses, container yards, lumber mills, etc., and standard duty bucket and magnet oDI~ralis
heavy duty production is required. In this type of service, loads approaching 50 percent of rated
ty will be handled constantly during the working period. High speeds are desirable for this type
with 10 to 20 lifts per hour averaging 15 feet, not over 65 percent of the lifts at rated capacity.
Descargado por Francisco Garcia ([email protected])
This type of service requires a crane capable of handling loads approaching a rated capacity throughout
its life. Applications may include magnet, bucket, magnet/bucket combination cranes for scrap yards, cement
mills, lumber mills, fertilizer plants, container handling, etc., with twenty or more lifts per hour at or near
the rated capacity.
This type of service requires a crane capable of handling loads approaching rated capacity continuously
under severe service conditions throughout its life. Applications may include custom designed specialty
cranes essential to performing the critical work tasks affecting the total production facility. These cranes
must provide the highest reliability with special allention to ease of maintenance features.
The definition of CMAA crane service class in terms of load class and load cycles is shown in Table 2.8-1.
TABLE 2.8-1
L, = Cranes which hoist the rated load exceptionally and, normally, very light loads.
Lz = Cranes which rarely hoist the rated load, and normal loads of about one third of the rated
L3 = Cranes which hoist the rated load fairly frequently and normally, loads between % and %
of the rated load.
L4 = Cranes which are regularly loaded close to the rated load.
All structural steel used should conform to ASTM-A36 specifications or shall be an accepted type for the
purpose for which the steei is to be used and for the operations to be performed on it. Other suitable materials
may be used provided that the parts are proportioned to comparable design factors.
All welding designs and procedures shall conform to the current issue of AWS D14.1, "Specification for
Welding of Industrial and Mili Cranes and other Overhead Material Handling Equipment," with the excep-
tion of Section 705 which shall be in accordance with the Crane Manufacturer's Standard Tolerance for
deviation from specified camber and sweep, with all such measurements taken at the manufacturer's plant
prior to shipment. Base weld stresses applicable to load combination Case 1, Section
3.3.1 General
The crane girders shall be welded structural steel box sections, wide flange beams, SlanOi,UO
I-beams, reinforced beams or sections fabricated from structural plates and shapes. The
turer shall specify the type and the construction to be furnished.
3.3.2 Loadings The crane structures are subjected in service to repeated loading varying with time which
variable stresses in members and connections through the interaction of the structural syste
and the cross-sectional shapes. The loads acting on the structure are divided into three differerJ
categories. All of the loads having an influence on engineering strength analysis are regard El 9
as principal loads, namely the dead loads, which are always present; the hoist load, acting d
ing each cycle; and the inertia forces acting during the movements of cranes, crane componeh
and hoist loads. Load effects, such as operating wind loads, skewing forces, snow loa
temperature effect, loads on walkways, stairways, platforms and handrails are classed as ad
tional loads and are only considered for the general strength analysis and in stability anlY~i
Other loads such as collision, out of service wind loads, and test loads applied during the 10
test are regarded as extraordinary loads and except for collision and out of service wind loa.
are not part of the specification. Seismic forces are not considered in this design specificatid
However, if required, accelerations shall be specified at the crane rail elevation by the owh
or specifier. The allowable stress levels under this condition of loading shall be agreed up
with the crane manufacturer.
The weight of all effective parts of the bridge structure, the machinery parts and the fixed equi
ment supported by the structure.
The weight of the trolley and the equipment attached to the trolley.
The lifted load consists of the working load and the weight of the lifting devices used for handli
and holding the working load such as the load block, lifting beam, bucket, magnet, grab a
the other supplemental devices.
The vertical inertia forces include those due to the motion of the cranes or crane components
and those due to lifting or lowering of the hoist load. These additional loadings may be included
in a simplified manner by the application of a separate factor for the dead load (DLF) and for
the hoist load (HLF) by which the vertical acting loads, the member forces or the stresses due
to them, must be multiplied.
This factor covers only the dead loads of the crane, trolley and its associated equipment and
shall be taken according to Table
UP TO 200 1.1
OVER 200 1.2
This factor applies to the motion of the rated load in the vertical direction, and covers inertia
forces, the mass forces due to the sudden lifting of the hoist load and the uncertainties in allow-
ing for other influences. The hoist load factor is 0.5 percent of the hoisting speed in feet per
minute, but not less than 15 percent or more than 50 percent, except for bucket and magnet
cranes for which the impact value shall be taken as 50 percent of the rated capacity of the bucket
or magnet hoist.
(H LF) = .15" .005 (hoist speed) " .5
The inertia forces occur during acceleration or deceleration of crane motions and depend on
the driving and braking torques applied by the drive units and brakes during each cycle.
The lateral load due to acceleration or deceleration shall be a percentage of the vertical load
and shall be considered as 7.8 times the acceleration or deceleration rate (FT/SEC2) but not less
than 2.5 percent of the vertical load. This percentage shall be applied to both the live and dead
loads, exclusive of the endtrucks and end ties. The live load shall be located in the same posi-
tion as when calculating the vertical moment. The lateral load shall be equally divided between
the two girders, and the moment of inertia of the entire girder section about its vertical axis shall
be used to determine the stresses due to lateral forces. The inertia forces during acceleration
and deceleration shall be calculated in each case with the trolley in the worst position for the
component being analyzed.
[ Additional Loads:
Unless otherwise specified, the lateral load due to wind on outdoor cranes shall be considered
as 5 pounds per square foot of projected area exposed to the wind. The wind load on the trolley
shall be considered as equally divided between the two girders. Where multiple surfaces are
exposed to the wind, such as bridge girders where the horizontal distance between the surfaces
is greater than the depth of a girder, a wind area shall be considered to be 1.6 times the pro-
jected area of one girder. For single surfaces such as cabs or machinery enclosures, a wind
area shall be considered to be 1.2 times the projected area to account for negative pressure
on the far side of the enclosure.
~ !
When two wheels (or two bogies) roll along a rail, the horizontal forces normal to the rail,
tending to skew the structure shall be taken into consideration. The horizontal forces shall
obtained by multiplying the vertical load exerted on each wheel (or bogie) by coefficient
which depends upon the ratio of the span to the wheel base.
Ssk 0.10
3 4 5 6 7 8
RATIO = --,-,-,-=.S,-PAc...N
This is the maximum wind that a crane is designed to withstand during out of service ~n1,rli't
The speed and test pressure varies with the height of the crane above the sur'rolmrllioo
level, geographical location and degree of exposure to prevailing winds (See ANSI
Special loading of the crane structure resulting from the bumper stops, shall be
the crane at 0.4 times the rated speed assuming the bumper system is capable of
the energy within its design stroke. Load suspended from lifting equipment and free
load need not be taken into consideration. Where the load cannot swing, the bumper
be calculated in the same manner, taking into account the value of the load. The kinetic
released on the collision of two cranes with the moving masses of M1, M2, and a 40
maximum traveling speed of VT1 and VT2 shall be determined from the following equat@
M, M2 (.4Vn + .4VTZ)2
E =
2(M , + M2 )
The bumper forces shall be distributed in accordance with the bumper characteristics
freedom of the motion of the structure with the trolley in its worst position.
The twisting moment due to the starting and stopping of bridge motors shall be id~lro
as the starting torque of the bridge motor at 200 percent of full load torque multiplied
gear ratio between the motor and cross shaft. Torsionai moment due to vertical forces acting eccentric to the vertical neutral axis of
shall be considered as those vertical forces multiplied by the horizontal distance bet'weEln
centerline of the forces and the shear center of the girder.
12 The torsional moment due to the lateral forces acting eccentric to the horizontal neutral axis
of the girder shall be considered as those horizontal forces multiplied by the vertical distance
between the centerline of the forces and the shear center of the girder.
Local stresses in the rail, rail base, flanges, welds, and in the web plate due to wheel load acting
normal and transversely to the rail shall be determined in accordance with the rail and flange
system. The individual wheel load can be uniformly distributed in the direction of the rail over
a length of S = 2(R + C) + 2 in., provided that the rail is directly supported on the flange as shown
in Figure
~, , where H = R + C
!~s 'i
J' 1'------
R = height of the rail
The combined stresses shall be calculated for the following design cases: Case 1: Crane in regular use under principal loading (Stress Level 1) Case 2: Crane in regular use under principal and additional loading (Stress Level 2)
DL + TL + LL + CF
CMAA recommends test load not to exceed 125 percent of rated load.
Descargado por Francisco Garcia ([email protected])
-----------"------------ lOMoARcPSD|48546785 Where state of combined plane stresses exist, the reference stress at can be calculated
following formula:
The analysis for proving safety against local buckling and lateral and torsional buckling of
plate and local buckling of the rectangular plates forming part of the compression member,
made in accordance with a generally accepted theory of the strength of materials. (See Sectic)h The average allowable compression stress on the cross section area of axially loaded compr
members susceptible to buckling shall be calculated when KUr (the largest effective slend
ratio of any segment) is less than Cc:
[1 - 2C 2
OA '
53 + 3 (KUr)
[ BC, ] N
where: C, = V 21I2E
0, On the cross section of axially loaded compression members susceptible to buckling shall
lated when KL/r exceeds Cc:
a A = -:c23'(=K"LIr)~ ""N,----
14 Members subjected to both axial compression and bending stresses shall be nrrlnclClil,h"d
the following requirements:
[ 1-~]aBX Oex
[1 - ~]aBY Oey
~ + a b, + aa by <;;1.0
a BK a BX BY
when aa,
A <;; .15 the following formula may be used
-a,- + -
ab, +
- ab" ~1 0
aA a BX
a By '
Members and fasteners subject to repeated load shall be designed so that the maximum stress does
not exceed that shown in Sections 3.4.1 thru 3.4.6, nor shall the stress range (maximum stress minus
minimum stress) exceed allowabie values for various categories as listed in Table 3.4.1-1. The mini-
mum stress is considered to be negative if it is opposite in sign to the maximum stress. The categor-
ies are described in Table 3.4.1-2A with sketches shown in Figure 3.4.7-2B. The allowable stress range
is to be based on the condition most nearly approximated by the description and sketch. See Figure
3.4.7-3 for typical box girders. See Figure 3.4.7-4 for typical trolley rail.
TABLE 3.4.7-1
A 43 43 43 43 40 43
B 43 43 43 40 28 43
C 43 43 40 28 20 31
D 43 34 28 20 14 22
E 34 24 20 14 10 16
F 24 17 14 10 7 11
I 16
TABLE 3.4.7-2A
Plain Base metal with rolled or cleaned A 1,2 T or Rev. Groove Base metal and weld metal in or C 8,9,10,11 T or Rev.
Malerial surfaces. Oxygen-cut edges with Welds adjacent to complete joint penetra-
ANSI smoothness of 1000 or less. tion groove welded splices either
not requiring transition or when re-
quired with transitions having
Base metal and weld metal in B 3,4,5,7 T or Rev. slopes no greater than 1 to 2V2 and
when in either case reinforcement
members members without attachments,
is not removed and weld sound~
built up; of plates or shapes con- ness is established by nondestruc-
nected by continuous complete or tive testing.
partial joint penetration groove
welds or by continuous fillet welds Base metal and weld metal at com- B 19,20 T or Rev.
parallel to the direction of applied plete joint penetration groove weld-
ed splices of sections having
stress. similar profiles or at transitions in
thickness to provide slopes no
steeper than 1 to 21/2 with perma-
Calculated flexural stress at toe of C 6 T or Rev. nent backing bar parallel to the
transverse stiffener welds on girder direction of stress when welds are
webs or flanges. ground and weld soundness
established by nondestructive
testing. Backing bar is to be con-
tinuous, and, if spliced, is to be
Base metal at end of partial length E 7 T or Rev. joined by a fullwpenetration butt
welded cover plates having square weld. Backing bar is to be can-
or tapered ends, with or without nected to parent metal by con-
welds across the ends. tinuous welds along both edges,
except intermittent welds may be
used in regions of compression
Groove Base metal and weld metal at com w B 8,9 T or Rev.
Groove Base metal at details of any length
Welds plete joint penetration groove weld- attached by groove welds sub-
ed splices of rolled and welded sec- Welded jected to transverse or longitudinal
tions having similar profiles when Connections loading, or both, when weld sound-
welds are ground and weld sound- ness transverse to the direction of
ness established by nondestructive stress is established by non-
testing. destructive testing and the detail
embodies a transition radius, R,
with the weld termination ground
Base metal and weld metal in or B 10,11 T or Rev.
adjacent to complete joint penetra- Longitudinal Loading: B 13 T or Rev.
tion groove welded splices at tran-
(a) R x 24 in.
sitions in width or thickness, with
welds ground to provide slopes no (b) 24 in. x R x 6 in. C 13 T or Rev.
steeper than 1 to 21/2 and weld (c) 6 in. x R x 2 in. D 13 T or Rev.
soundness established by
nondestructive testing. (d) 2 in. x R x ° E 12,13 T or Rev.
(c) 6 in. x A x 2 in. D 13 T or Rev. Fillelwelded Base metal at junction of axially E 21,22,23 TorRe
connections loaded members with fillet welded
(d) 2 in. x R x 0 E 12,13 TorRev.
end connections. Welds shall be
Transverse Loading: disposed about the axis of the
Materials having equal thickness, member so as to balance weld
not ground, web connections ex- stresses.
<a) R x 24 in. C 13 T or Rev. Fillet Shear stress on throat of fillet F I 21,22,23,1
welds welds.
(b) 24 in. x R x 6 in. C 13 T or Rev. I 27,28
(d) 2 in. x R x 0 E 12,13 TorRev.! Plug and Base metal adjacent to or con- I E I 30 I TorRe'
Groove or I Base metal at details attached by I slot welds I nected by plug or slot welds.
FIGURE 3.4.7-28
c~ J -~ 25~
~- 9 .
)~ ~ ~- ~
10 -.... 18 --- 26
"""" ~
" ",,/
-~ ~
~C 4 ) 12 20 28 ~
21 --
29 ~
,~ -~ 22
~ ;~l
'~- 16 -. 24
~n -~
rn rn w w rn w rn w w rn
\ \ I
--------- - - - -,:.(
o 0 OJ
(') a:
oz '"
w -0:
~ Q.
S2 ~
3.4.8 Buckling
The structural design of the crane must guard against local buckling and lateral torsional buckling
of the web plates and cover plates of girder. For purposes of assessing buckling, the plates are sub-
divided into rectangular panels of length "a" and width "b". The length "a" of these panels corresponds
to the center distance of the full depth diaphragms or transverse stiffeners welded to the panels.
In the case of compression flanges, the length "b" of the panel indicates the distance between web
plates, or the distance between web plates and/or longitudinal stiffeners. In the case of web plates,
the length "b" of the panel indicates the depth of the girder, or the distance between compression
or tension flanges and/or horizontal stiffeners.
3.4.8 Buckling
The structural design of the crane must guard against local buckling and lateral torsional buckling
of the web plates and cover plates of girder. For purposes of assessing buckling, the plates are sUb-
divided into rectangular panels of length "a" and width "b". The length "a" of these panels corresponds
to the center distance of the full depth diaphragms or transverse stiffeners welded to the panels.
In the case of compression flanges, the length "b" of the panel indicates the distance between web
plates, or the distance between web plates and/or longitudinal stiffeners. In the case of web plates,
the length "b" of the panel indicates the depth of the girder, or the distance between compression
or tension flanges and/or horizontal stiffeners.
21 Critical buckling stress shall be assumed to be a multiple of the Euler Stress 0,
Ok~ KoO,; Tk~K,O
The buckling coefficient Kc and KT are identified for a few simple cases for plates with simply
ported edges in Table and depend on:
It is not the intention of this specification to enter into further details of this problem. For a
detailed and complex analysis such as evaluation of elastically restrained edges, of
and determination of the coefficient of restraint, reference should be made to specialized
0, ~ Euler buckling stress which can be determined from the following formula:
0, ~
[tb ]2 = 26.21 X 10·
[ t]2
If compression and shear stresses occur simultaneously, the individual critical buckling
and T k and the calculated stress values and T are used to determine the critical COll1 pal
In the special case where T ~ 0 it is simply 01k ~ Ok and in the special case Wh'''AI
O'k ~ T kV3
If the resulting critical stress is below the proportional limit, buckling is said to be elalmc.
value is above the proportional limit, buckling is said to be inelastic. For inelastic lJU;~"
stress shall be reduced to:
O'kR ~ 0.18360; + 0 ,,"
where: °Op y
~ yield strength
proportional limit (assumed at 0/1.32)
Descargado por Francisco Garcia ([email protected])
Buckling Range of
, Olr
Case Loading Buckling Coefficient
Stress Application
Ok = KoO,
(case 1) and K" is the
- 1<tj1<0 buckling coefficient for tj1 = - 1
tj10, tj10,
~ba= (case 3).
"tj1<-1 KG = 15.87 + ---zy2 + 8.aa 2
0, 0,
\ 011
tj10, I+a = ab~ tj10,
to+ +- +T.....-
-+T--- ----...
t -±
T k = KTO,
a <1
KT = 4.00 + ---zy2
"For the calculation of a and 0, in case 3 with predominant tension, replace dimension b by 2 x the width of the compression zone. But use
actual b dimension to determine aand 0, for the simultaneously acting shear
The buckling safety factor is VB calculated with the aid of the formula's:
In case of elastic buckling: VB = V0 + '~T2 ;;. DFB 2
.'1- OlkR
In case of inelastic buckling: U B = V0 2 + 3T2 ;;. DFB
L = span in inches
b = distance between webplates in inches
h = depth of girder in inches
t = thickness of plate in inches
Descargado por Francisco Garcia ([email protected])
- - ------"_...
_.~- - - -"' ..- - ~.=-_.~
lOMoARcPSD|48546785 When one longitudinal stiffener is used, it should be placed so that its centerline is approximately
0.4 times the distance from the inner surface of the compression flange plate to the neutral axis.
It shall have a moment of inertia no less than:
If Oc is greater than aT a distance equal to twice the distance from the inner surface of the compres-
sion fiange to the neutral axis shall be substituted in place of "h" in equation for 1o. When two longitudinal stiffeners are used, they should be placed so that their centerlines are ap-
proximately 0.25 and 0.55 times the distance, respectively, from the inner surface of the compres-
sion flange plate to the neutral axis. They shall each have a moment of inertia no less than:
If Oc is greater than aT a distance equal to twice the distance from the inner surface of the compres-
sion flange to the neutral axis shall be substituted in place of "h" in equation for 1o.
where: The moment of inertia of longitudinal stiffeners welded to one side of a plate shall be calculated about
the interface of the plate adjacent to the stiffener. For elements of the stiffeners supported along
one edge, the maximum width to thickness ratio shall not be greater than 12.7, and for elements
supported along both edges, the maximum width to thickness ratio shall not be greater than 42.2.
If the ratio of 12.7 is exceeded for the element of the stiffener supported along one edge, but a por-
tion of the stiffener element conforms to the maximum width-thickness ratio and meets the stress
requirements with the excess considered as removed, the member is considered acceptable. When one, two or three longitudinal stiffeners are added to a plate under uniform compression, divid-
ing it into segments having equal unsupported widths, full edge support will be provided by the longi-
tudinal stiffeners, and the provisions of Section may be applied to the design of the plate material
when stiffeners meet minimum requirements as follows: For one longitudinal stiffener at the center of the compression plate, where b/2 Is the unsupported
half width between web and stiffener, the moment of inertia of the stiffener shall be no less than:
The moment of inertia need not be greater in any case than as given by the following equation:
Io = [22
• + 10 • 3 ~ ~
[1 + ~J ~
] bf3-ln 4
25 For two longitudinal stiffeners at the third points of the compression fiange, where bl3 is the un'iUp·
ported width, and A the area of one stiffener, the moment of inertia of each of the two stiffeners
be no less than:
I• = [9 + 56 ~ bt
+ 90 2J~[ bt
]bP-in 4 For three longitudinal stiffeners, spaced equidistant at the one fourth width locations where
the unsupported width, and limited to alb less than three, the moment of inertia of each of the
stiffeners shall be no less than:
where: The spacing of the vertical web stiffeners in inches shali not exceed the amount given by the
a = 350 t
where: a = longitudinal distance between diaphragms or transverse stiffeners - inches
Nor should the spacing exceed 72 inches or h, the depth of the web, whichever is greater. Full depth diaphragms may be included as vertical web stiffeners toward meeting this The moment of inertia of any transverse stiffener about the interface of the web plate, if used
absence of diaphragms, shall be no less than:
I = 1.2 h3 t 03 in4
a0 2
This moment of inertia does not include additional requirements, if any, for local moments.
elements shall be proportioned to the provisions of Section Web plates shall be suitably reinforced with full depth diaphragms or stiffeners at all major load All diaphragms shall bear against the top cover plate and shall be welded to the web plate
thickness of the diaphragm plate shall be sufficient to resist the trolley wheel load in bearing
allowable bearing stress on the assumption that the wheel load is distributed over a distance
to the width of the rail base pius twice the distance from the rail base to the top of the diaphragm
26 Short diaphragms shall be placed between full depth diaphragms so that the maximum distance be-
tween adjacent diaphragms will limit the maximum bending stress in the trolley rail without VIF forces
to 18 ksi for load combination Case 1, Section based on: The maximum vertical deflection of the girder produced by the weight of the trolley and the rated
load shall not exceed 0.001125 inch per inch of span. VIF forces shall not be considered in determin-
ing deflection. Box girders should be cambered an amount equal to the dead load deflection plus one-half of the
live load deflection. Torsion girders, with the trolley rail over one web plate, are to be designed with the trolley wheel
load assumed to be distributed over a distance of the web plate as indicated in Section For box girders having compression flange areas no more than 50 percent greater than that of the
tension flange, and with no more than 50 percent difference between the areas of the two webs,
the shear center may be assumed to be at the centroidal axis of the cross section.
Single web girders include wide flange beams, standard I beams, or beams reinforced with plate,
or other structural configurations having a single web. Where necessary, an auxiliary girder or other
suitable means should be provided to support over-hanging loads to prevent undue torsional and
lateral deflections.
The maximum vertical deflection of the girder produced by the weight of the trolley and the rated
load shall not exceed .001125 inch per inch of span. VIF forces shall not be considered in determin-
ing deflection.
The maximum stresses with combined loading for Case 1 shall not exceed:
Box section girders built up of two beams, either with or without reinforcing flange plates, shall be
designed according to the same design data as for box section girder cranes for stress and deflec-
tion values only.
3.6.1 The crane bridge shall be carried on end trucks designed to carry the rated load when lifted
end of the crane bridge. The wheel base of the end truck shall be 1/7 of the span or
3.6.2 End trucks may be of the rotating axle or fixed axle type as specified by the crane manufa
3.6.3 The bridge end trucks should be constructed of structural steel or other suitable material. Pro
shall be made to prevent a drop of the crane not more than one inch in case of axle failure. (j
shall be provided in front of each outside wheel and shall project below the top of the runW
Load combinations and basic allowable stresses are to be in accordance with Sections
A footwalk with a substantial handrail should be provided where required and specified.
rail shall be at least 42 inches high and provided with an intermediate railing. The fnr,lw:.1I
have a slip-resistant walking surface. The footwalk shall be protected on all exposed
suitable toe guard. All footwalks shall be designed for a live load of 50 pounds per sou'are
allowable stresses, use stress level 2, Section 3.4.2.
3.8.1 The standard location of the operator's cab is at one end of the crane bridge on the
side unless otherwise specified. It shall be so located as not to interfere with the hook
The operator's cab shall be open type for indoor service unless otherwise specified.
be adequately braced to prevent swaying or vibration, but not so as to interfere with
cab or the vision of the operator. All bolts for supporting member connections should
Cab shall be provided with an audible warning device and fire extinguisher.
3.8.2 Provision shall be made in the operator's cab for placement of the necessary Anllin,m,ml,
fittings. All cabs should be provided with a seat unless otherwise specified.
3.8.4 The controllers or their operating handles are located as shown in Section 5.7 for the
unless otherwise specified.
3.8.5 Means of access and egress from cab should comply with ANSI 1330.2.
3.9.1 The trolley frame shall be constructed of structural steel and shall be designed to trar,srtl
to the bridge rails without deflection which will impair functional operation of
3.9.2 Provision should be made to prevent a drop of more than one inch in case of axle
3.10.1 All bridge rails shall be of first quality and conform to all requirements set forth in the
of the ASCE, ARA, AREA or any other commercial rolled sections with equivalent
3.10.2 Bridge rails shall be joined by standard joint bars or welded. The ends of non-welded
be square andcSections joined without opening between ends. Provision shall be
creeping of the bridge rails.
3.10.3 Bridge rails shall be securely fastened in place to maintain center distance of rails.
3.10.4 Bridge and trolley rails should be in accordance with Table 4.13.3-4 and consistent
diameter and the maximum wheel load.
End ties are to be provided between girders when deemed necessary for stability of the girders, to
assist in squaring the crane, to participate with the girders in continuous frame action to resist horizon-
tal loads, and to accommodate unbaianced torsional loads on the girders. When equalizer bridge
trucks are incorporated in the crane design, the end ties shall be of rigid construction and of ade-
quate strength to resist all of the above loads. Flexibility of the end tie is necessary when equalizing
provisions are not employed. Due consideration should be given to the various types of loading con-
ditions and the resulting stresses, which shall not exceed the values as stated in Section 3.4.
3.12.1 When appropriate, equalizer bridge trucks are to be incorporated to promote sharing of bridge wheel
loads. Equalizing pins are to be provided between equalizer truck and equalizer beams and/or rigid
bridge structures.
3.12.2 For typical arrangement of 8, 12 and 16 wheel cranes, see Figure 3.12.2-1.
II r T
FIGURE 3.12.2-1
3.13.1 Joints designed as high strength bolted connections are to conform to the requirements
"Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts," as published by
combination, Case 1, Section Zinc causes stress corrosion in A490 and should not
3.13.2 Finished and unfinished bolts, ASTM A307, are to be used at values of 90 percent of those
in Part 4 of the current issue of the AISC Manual of Steel Construction for load cOlnbinal:ion
1, Section
3.13.3 Allowable bolt stresses for load combination Cases 2 and 3, Sections and 3, are
portioned in accordance with Sections 3.4.1;2 and 3.
Design of leg, end tie, strut, and sill members shall conform to applicable sections of this
Descargado por Francisco Garcia ([email protected])
Note: In order to facilitate a measure of durability, load and service factors shall be used to determine the
mean effective load in a service classification for mechanical components.
4.1.1 The mechanical mean effective load factor Kw shall be established by the use of the following basic
The maximum load used in the above formula shall be established by using the rated load so posi-
tioned as to result in the maximum reaction on the component under consideration. Impact shall
not be included. The minimum load to be used shall be established by the dead load of the bridge
and or trolley only.
4.1.2 Load factors Kw convert maximum loads into mean effective loads as follows, and are to be used
for gear durability horsepower and bearing life calculations. The load factor Kwh for the hoist machinery is established by the following formula:
3>:.(lo:..:w.:..:e:.:,r-,::b:.::lo:;-c:.::k...:w.:..:e:;;ig' 'h:.:,t),-----
Kwh = _.:::2>:.(,::lo:..:a:.:d:L)--,+c...::
3(rated load + lower block weight)
Lower blocks weighing less than 2 percent of rated capacity may be ignored resulting In The load factor Kwt for the trolley drive machinery is established by the following formula: The load factor KWb for the bridge drive machinery is established by the following formula:
4.1 .2.4 For Kw factors of trolley and bridge wheel assemblies, see Section 4.13.3. Kbw and Ktw are to
be used for axle bearing selection.
4.1.3 The machine service factor Cd listed in Table 4.1.3-1 depends on the class of crane service and
accounts for expected differences of load spectrum density and severity of service and is used to
determine gear durability horsepower.
4.1.4 Stress concentration factors can be obtained from data in stress concentration factors by R. E.
Peterson (see Section 1.1.6).
TABLE 4.1.3-1
Descargado por Francisco Garcia ([email protected])
4.2.1 The load block frame should be of steel construction. Care shall be taken to minimize changes'
geometry that may cause stress concentrations. The frame shall be designed for rated load. Til
rated load stress shall not exceed 20 percent of the average ultimate strength of the material use
Where stress concentrations exist, the stress as amplified by the appropriate amplification fact
with due consideration for impact and service shall not exceed the endurance strength of the mate'
used. Other materials agreed upon by the manufacturer and recognized as suitable for the applic
tion may be used, provided the parts are proportionate to give appropriate design factors.
4.2.2 The hook shall be of rolled steel, forged steel or a material agreed upon by the manufacturer a
recognized as suitable for the application. The hook shall be designed based on the rated loa The hook rated ioad stress shall be calculated considering the rated load on the hook using:
A. Straight beam theory with the calculated combined stresses not to exceed 20 percent of
material's average ultimate strength.
B. Modified curved beam theory with the calculated combined stresses not to exceed 33
of the material's average ultimate strength.
C. Plastic theory or testing with the combined stresses not to exceed 20 percent of the stress
duced by the straightening load as obtained by test or calculation by this theory. The hook shall rotate freely and be supported on a thrust bearing. The hook shank stress
calculated considering the rated load and shall not exceed 20 percent of the material's average ulti
strength. At points of geometric discontinuities, the calculated stress as amplified by the appropr
stress amplification factor with due consideration for impact and service shall not exceed tile
durance strength. Other lifting attaching devices, such as eye bolts and twist locks, shall be designed to applica
portion of Sections and Load block sheave pins and trunnions shall be designed per the applicable Section 4.11.4 of t
4.3.1 An overload limiting device is normally oniy provided when specified. Such device is an emerg
device intended to permit the hoist to lift a freely suspended load within its rated capacity, but pre\!
lifting of an overload that would cause permanent damage to a properly maintained hoist, tr
or crane. Variables experienced within the hoist system, such as, but not limited to, acceleration of the lo~
dynamics of the system, type and length of wire rope, and operator experience, render it impossi
to adjust an overload device that would prevent the lifting of any overload or load in excess of r
load. The adjustment of an overload device, when furnished, will allow the lifting of an overload of
magnitude that will not cause permanent damage to the hoist, trolley, or crane, and shall pre
the lifting of an overload of such magnitude that could cause permanent damage to a properly
tained hoist, trolley, or crane.
Descargado por Francisco Garcia ([email protected])
lOMoARcPSD|48546785 The overload device is actuated only by loads incurred when lifting a freely suspended load on the
hook. Therefore, an overload device cannot be relied upon to render the hoisting mechanism in-
operative if other sources, such as but not limited to, snagging of the load, two blocking of the load
block, or snatching a load, induce loads into the hoisting system. The overioad limit device is connected into the hoisting control circuit and, therefore, will not prevent
damage to the hoist, trolley, or crane, if excessive overloads are induced into the hoisting system
when the hoisting mechanism is in a nonoperating or static mode.
4.4.1 The hoisting rope shall be of proper design and construction for crane service. The rated capacity
load plus the ioad block weight divided by the number of parts of rope shall not exceed 20 percent
of the published breaking strength of the rope except ropes used for holding or lifting molten metal
which shall not exceed 12.5 percent of the published breaking strength of the rope.
4.4.2 The wire rope construction shall be as specified by the crane manufacturer. When extra strength
steel or wire center rope is used, the crane manufacturer's specifications shall so state.
Wherever exposed to temperatures at which fibre cores would be damaged, ropes having an indepen-
dent wire-rope, wire strand core, or other temperature-resistant core shall be used. Rope fleet angle for drums. The fleet angle of the rope should be limited to 1 in 14 slope (4 degrees)
as shown in Figure Rope fleet angle for sheaves. The fleet angle of the rope should be limited to 1 in 12 slope (4 degrees-45
minutes) as shown in Figure
i Groove
4°'7_ _ 4 0 or 1 in 14 Slope
~J,5 :'
1 in 12
_ _S_iope
4.6.4 Table 4.6.4-1 is a guide for minimum pitch diameter of drums. Smaller drums may cause an increase
in rope maintenance.
TABLE 4.6.4-1
F 30 30
d = rope diameter
4.6.5 When special clearance, lift or low headroom is required, it may be necessary to deviate from
these limitations.
4.7.2 All gears and pinions shall be constructed of steel or other material of adequate strength and durability
to meet the requirements for the intended class of service, and manufactured to AGMA quality class
5 or better.
For the purpose of this specification, the strength and durability shall be based on the torque re-
quired to lift the rated load for hoist gearing and the motor name plate rating for travel gearing. Due
consideration shall be given to the maximum brake torque which can be applied to the drive. Also,
consideration shall be given to the fact that gearing for travel drives transmit a larger portion of the
total motor torque than gearing for hoist drives.
4.7.3 The horsepower rating for all spur, helical and herringbone gearing shall be based upon American
Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) Standards: 220.02, 'Rating the Strength of Spur Gear Teeth',
210.02, 'Surface Durability (Pitting) of Spur Gear Teeth', 221.02, 'Rating the Strength of Helical and
Herringbone Gear Teeth', and 211.02, 'Surface Durability (Pitting) of Helical and Herringbone Gear
Teeth'. For the purpose of this specification, the power formula may be written:
Pat = Np d Kv . F Sat J
126000 Km Pd Sf
The values for Kv, Cv, Ch, Km, Cm, Gp, J, I, Sac and Sat can be determined from the
curves in the appropriate AGMA specification previously mentioned, Sf in Section 4.7.4, t
ing values will be physical characteristics pertaining to the gears for their operation "hAr",,;
Crane service factor Sfd shall be determined from the formula Sfd = Cd x Kw. For
Kw refer to Section 4.1 and for the values of Cd refer to Section 4.1.3 for the crane
Kw = Load Factor, Cd = Machinery Service Factor.
4.7.4 The crane service factors for strength horsepower are as shown in Table 4.7.4-1.
TABLE 4.7.4-1
Crane Class Sf
A .75
B .85
C .90
D .95
E 1.0
F 1.05
4.7.5 When worm gearing is called for, it shall be rated by the gear manufacturer with Anr,rrll'l
factors. Due consideration should be given for lock up when selecting gear ratios
4.7.6 Means shall be provided to insure adequate and proper lubrication on all oearilna.
4.7.7 All gearing not enclosed in gear cases which may constitute a hazard under normal
tions shall be guarded with provision for lubrication and inspection.
4.8.2 Anti-friction bearings shall be selected to give a minimum life expectancy based on full rated speed
as follows:
Use Kw load factor for all applications as determined in Section 4.1 of this specification.
*Due consideration to be given to the selection of the bearing in the event a crane is used for a
limited time at an increased service class such as:
4.8.3 Sleeve bearings shall have a maximum allowable unit bearing pressure as recommended by the
bearing manufacturer.
4.8.4 All bearings shall be provided with proper lubrication or means of lubrication. Bearing enclosures
should be designed as far as practicable to exclude dirt and prevent leakage of oil or grease.
4.9 BRAKES Each independent hoisting unit of a crane shall be equipped with at least one holding brake. ThiS
brake shall be applied directly to the motor shaft or some other shaft in the hoist gear train. Hoist holding brakes shall have minimum torque ratings, stated as a percentage of the rated load
hoisting torque, at the point where the holding brake is applied as follows: 125 percent when used with a control braking means other than mechanical. 100 percent when used with mechanical control braking means. 100 percent for each holding brake if two holding brakes are provided.. Hoist holding brakes shall have thermal capacity for the frequency of operation required by the service. Hoist holding brakes shall be provided with means to compensate for lining wear. Each independent hoisting unit of a crane that handles molten materials shall have one of the follow-
ing arrangements: Two holding brakes (one of which is mounted on a gear reducer shaft) plus control braking means
shall be provided. Each brake shall have a minimum torque rating equal to rated load hoisting torque
at the point where the brake is applied. If the hoist unit has a mechanical load brake or a controlled braking means that provides emergency
braking in the lowering direction upon loss of power, only one holding brake is required. The holding
brake shall have a minimum torque rating equal to 150 percent of the rated load hoisting torque
at the point where the brake is applied.
37 Each independent hoisting unit of a crane, except worm-geared hoists, the angle of whose
is such as to prevent the load from accelerating in the lowering direction, shall be equipped
control braking means to control lowering speeds. Control braking means shall be mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic or electric power (such as
current, dynamic, regenerative or counter torque). All methods must be capable of maintaining 6
trolled lowering speeds. The inherent regenerative controlled braking means of a squirrel cage m
may be used if the holding brake is designed to meet the additional'requirement of retarding a de
ing load upon power removal. Hoist control braking means shall have thermal capacity for the frequency of operation requirg
the service. On cab operated (non-skeleton) cranes with cab on trolley, a trolley brake shall be providedh
torque capability to stop the trolley motion within distance in feet equal to 10 percent of rate
speed in feet per minute when traveling at rated speed with rated load. On cab-operated (non-skeleton) cranes with cab on bridge, a trolley brake or non-coasting mec:
drive may be provided when specified. When provided, the brake or non-coasting mechanic
shall meet the stop travel distance requirements of Section On floor, remote or pUlpit-operated cranes, including skeleton cab-operated cranes, a trolle
or non-coasting mechanical drive may be provided when specified. When provided, the brake
coasting mechanical drive shall meet the stop travel distance requirements of Section 4. Trolley brakes, when provided, shall have thermal capacity for the frequency of
by the service. If a trolley parking brake is provided, it should have a torque rating of at least 50 percent
motor torque. A drag brake may be applied to hold the trolley in a desired position on the bridge and
creep with the power off. The minimum requirements for trolley brakes and braking means per ANSI B30.2.0 is
Trolley Brakes
4,9.4,1 On cab-operated (non-skeleton) cranes, a bridge brake shall be required having torque capability
to stop the bridge motion within a distance in feet equal to 10 percent of rated load speed in feet
per minute when traveling at rated speed with rated load,
4,9.4,2 On floor, remote or pulpit-operated cranes including skeleton (dummy) cab-operated cranes, a bridge
brake or non-coasting mechanical drive shall be required having torque capability to stop the bridge
motion within a distance in feet equal to 10 percent of rated load speed in feet per minute when
traveling at rated speed with rated load. Bridge brakes, when prOVided, shall have thermal capacity for the frequency of operation required
by the service, If a bridge parking brake is provided, it should have a torque rating of at least 50 percent of the rated
motor torque.
4,9.4.5 On cranes designed with high speed and high acceleration rates, consideration should be given to
provide braking means to achieve proportionally high deceleration rates,
4,9.5,1 Foot operated brakes shall require an applied force of not more than 70 pounds to develop rated
brake torque.
4.9,5.2 Brake pedals, latches, and ievers should be designed to allow release without the Av."tir,n
force than was used in applying the brake.
4.9,5.3 Brakes should be applied by mechanical, electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic or gravity meahS,
4.9,5.4 All foot-brake pedals shall be constructed so that the operator's foot will not readily slip off the
4,9.5,5 Foot-operated brakes shall be eqUipped with a means for positive release when force is released
from the pedal.
4,9.5,6 The foot-brake pedals should be so located that they are convenient to the operator at the controls,
4.9,5.7 If parking brakes are provided on the bridge or trolley, they shall not prohibit the use of a drift point
in the control circuit.
4,9.5,8 The minimum requirements for bridge brakes and braking means per ANSI B30,2,O is shown in Figure
Bridge Brakes
4.10.1 Bridge drives shall consist of one of the following arrangements, as specified on information
and as illustrated in Figure 4.10.1-1. These arrangements cover most four or eight wheel crane
For the number of driven wheels for a specific acceleration rate-refer to the electrical S A & B of this specification.
FIGURE 4.10-1-1
t .,'.• "II I n
.... I
-----' - -;:r-r- I ~ ~ -
"'j J"
,.----. ...
II :~A
40 A-1 Drive: The motor is located near the center of the bridge and connected to
reduction unit located near the center of the bridge. Output of the gear reduction
directly to the truck wheel axles by means of suitable shafts and couplings. A-2 Drive: The motor is connected to a self-contained gear reduction unit located near the center
of the bridge. The truck wheels shall be driven through gears pressed and keyed on their axles or
by gears fastened to, or integral with, the truck wheels and with pinions mounted on the end sections
of the cross-shaft. The end sections of the cross-shaft shall be connected by suitable couplings. A-3 Drive: The motor is located at the center of the bridge and is connected to the cross-shaft and
the gear reduction units with suitable couplings. Self-contained gear reduction units located near
each end of the bridge shall be either directly connected to the wheel axle extension or connected
to wheel axles by means of shafts with suitable couplings. A-4 Drive: The motors are located near each end of the bridge without torque shafts. The motors
shall be connected to self-contained gear reduction units. The gear reduction units shall be applied
to the truck wheels by means of either suitable shafts and couplings or directly mounted to the wheel
axle shaft extension. Another variation of this drive would separate the high speed and final reduc-
tions by locating the motors near each end of the bridge without torque shafts. The motors will be
connected to self-contained high speed gear boxes which will drive the truck wheels through gears
pressed and keyed on their axles or by gears fastened to the truck wheels, and with pinions mounted
on the end section on the shaft from the high speed gear box and the final reduction shall be con-
nected by means of suitable shafts and couplings. A-5 Drive: The motor is located near the center of the bridge and is connected to a self-contained
gear reduction unit located near the center of the bridge. This reduction unit shall be connected by
sections of cross-shaft having suitable couplings to self-contained gear reduction units located near
each end of the crane, and these in turn connected to truck wheel axles by means of shafts with
suitable couplings. A-6 Drive: The motors are located near each end of the bridge and connected with a torque shaft.
On the drive end, the motors shall be connected to self-contained gear reduction units by suitable
couplings. The output of the gear reduction units shall be connected directly to the truck wheel axle
by means of suitable shafts and couplings.
TABLE 4.11.1-1
TABLE 4.11.1-2
4.11.2 All shafts, except the bridge cross-shaft sections which do not carry gears, should be cold
quality or better. The shaft diameter and method of support shall be as specified by the
The bearing spacing for rotating shafts less than 400 RPM shall not exceed that cal<;ula
L= y 432,000 D2
When the shaft speed exceeds 400 RPM. the bearing spacing shall not exceed that
the following formula, or the preceeding formula whichever is less in order to avoid
vibration at critical shaft speeds:
4.760,000 D
L =
L = Distance between bearing centers (inches)
D = Shaft diameter (inches)
N = Maximum shaft speed (RPM)
4.11.3 The torsional deflection of the bridge cross-shaft shall not exceed the values shown on
The types of drive referred to on the table are as defined in Section 4.9 and the percent
is the portion of the full load torque of the bridge drive motor(s) at its normal time
ice involved, increased by any gear reduction between the motor and the shaft. The
deflection is expressed in degrees per foot. In addition the total angular deflection
motor torque in Table 4.11.3-1 should result in a bridge drive wheel movement no
percent of the wheel circumference or 0.5 inch on the circumference, whichever is
Descargado por Francisco Garcia ([email protected])
TABLE 4.11.3-1
A1 67 .080 0.10
A2 50 .080 0.10
A3 67 .080 0.10
A4 100 .070 0.10
A5 50 .080 0.10
A6 100 .070 0.10
All shafting shall be designed to meet the stresses encountered in actual operation. For the pur-
poses of this specification, the strength shall be based on the torque required to lift the rated load
for hoist machinery and the motor nameplate rating for drive machinery. Due consideration shall
be given to the maximum brake torque which may be applied to the shaft. When significant stresses
are produced by other forces, these forces shall be positioned to provide the maximum stresses at
the section under consideration. Impact shall not be included.
A. For shafting subjected to axial loads, the stress shall be calculated as follows - (for shafting not
limited by buckling)
C. For shafting loaded in torque, the shear stress shall be calculated as follows -
Descargado por Francisco Garcia ([email protected])
E. When combinations of stresses are present on the same element, they should be combined
shear stresses
T = T, + T 2 + ... + To
at = Y02 + 3T2
Note that bending and torsional stresses are maximum on the outer fibers of the shaft and
be combined. The transverse shear stresses are maximum at the center of the shaft and do not co
bine with bending or torsional stresses.
Any shafting subjected to fluctuating stresses such as the bending in rotating shafts or the
in reversing drives must be checked for fatigue. This check is in addition to Section
need only be performed at points of geometric discontinuity where stress concentrations exist,
as fillets, holes, keys, press fits, etc. pure stresses, ie, (not combined) are to be calculated
Section except multiplied by the appropriate stress amplification factor. The allowable slre,s.qe
are as follows.
C. For combined stresses where all of the shear and bending is fluctuating·
a = y(K,O)2 + 3(K,T)2 .; Sa
t K.,
D. For combined shear and bending where only part of the stresses are fluctuating·
This bearing stress must not exceed 20 percent of the minimum yield for oscillating sh~lftir o
not limited by the bushing material.
4.12.1 Cross-shaft couplings, other than flexible type, shall be steel or minimum ASTM Grade A48, latest
edition, Ciass 40 cast iron or equal material as specified by the crane manufacturer. The type of
coupling (other than flexible) may be compression, sleeve or flange type. Flexible couplings shall
be the crane manufacturer's standard type.
4.13.1 Unless other means of restricting lateral movement are provided, wheels shall be double flanged
with treads accurately machined. Bridge wheels may have either straight treads or tapered treads
assembied with the large diameter toward the center of the span. Trolley wheels should have straight
treads. Drive wheels shall be matched pairs within .001 inches per inch of diameter or a total of .010
inches on the diameter, whichever is smaller. When flangeless wheel and side roller assemblies are
provided, they shall be of a type and design recommended by the crane manufacturer.
4.13.2 Wheeis shall be rolled or forged from open hearth, basic oxygen or electric furnace steel, or cast
of an acceptable carbon or alloy steel unless otherwise specified. Wheels shall be heat treated only
if specified. Other suitable materials may be used. Due consideration shall be given to the brittleness
and impact strength of the material used.
Wheeis shall be designed to carry the maximum wheel load under normal conditions without undue
wear. The maximum wheel load is that wheel load produced with trolley handling the rated load in
the position to produce the maximum reaction at the wheel, not including impact. When sizing wheels
and rails, the following parameters shall be considered.
The basic bridge and trolley recommended durability wheel loading for different wheel hardnesses
and sizes in combination with different rail sizes are shown in Table 4.13.3-4. The values in the table
are established by the product of D x W x K. In addition, the load factor, Kw, the speed factor Cs,
and the crane service class shall be considered. The load factor Ktw for the trolley wheels is established by the following formula:
The load factor Kbw for the bridge wheels is established by the follOWing formula or Table 4.13.3-1
may be used for standard hook cranes in lieu of calculating the exact value for a particular applica-
tion. Other cranes may require special considerations. The factors shown at 1DO-ton capacity may
be used for capacities above 1DO-tons.
0- \\
y x
Kbw = _.7_5-,-(B_W)--,-+--,f(_LL-,-)_+_.S-,-(TW)--,_-_.5_f(TW),---,-
.75(BW) + 1.5f(LL)
TABLE 4.13.3-1
Descargado por Francisco Garcia ([email protected])
i The speed factor Cs depends on the rotational speed of the wheel and is listed in Table 4.13.3-2.
These factors are obtained from the following formulas:
TABLE 4.13.3-2
SPEED FACTOR Cs The wheel service factor Sm is equal to 1.25 times the machinery service factor Cd and is shown
in the Table 4.13.3-3 for the different service classifications. This factor recognizes that the interac-
tion between rail and wheel is more demanding in terms of durability than well aligned and lubricated
interaction of machined parts. The wheel load service coefficient Kwl = Kw x Cs x 8m with the following limitations:
Kwl may not be smaller than Kwl min. shown in Table 4.13.3-3.
Pe = Max. wheel load x Kwl the equivalent durability wheel load Pe shall not
exceed wheel loads listed in Table 4.13.3-4.
A total of approximately 3,4 inch to one inch wider than rail head should be provided between the
wheel flanges and rail head. Tapered tread wheels may have a clearance over the rail head of 150
percent of the clearance provided for straight tread wheels as recommended by the crane
4.13.5 When rotating axles are used, wheels should be mounted on the axle with a press fit alone, press
fit and keys, or with keys alone.
TABLE 4.13.3-3
TABLE 4.13.3-4
Wheel ASCE 80 &85#
BHN (D) 20# 25# 30# 40# 90# ARA-B 100# 100# &USS
Inches 100# BETH 104 135#
USS 105#
8 6750 8000 8500 10000
9 7600 9000 9500 11250 14900 15750
10 8450 10000 10600 12500 16550 17500
12 12000 12750 15000 19850 21000 22500 25500
200 15 15950 18750 24850 25250 28150 31900
18 19150 22500 29800 31500 33750 38250 40500
21 26250 34800 35750 39400 44650 47250
24 39750 42000 45000 51000 54000
27 50650 57400 60750
30 56250 63750 67500
36 76500 81000
8 8800 10400 11100 13000
9 9900 11700 12400 14600 19400 20500
10 11000 13000 13800 16250 21500 22750
12 15600 16600 19500 25800 27300 29250 33200
260 15 20700 24400 32300 34100 36600 41400
18 24900 29250 38750 41000 43900 49700 52650
21 34100 45200 47800 51200 58000 61400
24 51700 54600 58500 66300 70200
27 65800 74600 79000
30 73100 82900 87750
36 99500 105300
8 9400 11200 11800 13900
9 10600 12500 13300 15700 20800 21900
10 11800 13900 14800 17400 23100 24400
320 12 16700 17800 20900 27700 29300 31300 35500
15 22200 26100 34600 36600 39200 44400
18 26700 31300 41500 43900 47000 53300 56400
21 36600 48400 51200 54900 62200 65800
24 55400 58500 62700 71100 75200
27 70500 79900 84600
30 78400 88800 94000
36 106600 112800
Effective Width of
Rail Head (W)
Inches .844 1.000 1.063 1.250 1.656 1.750 1.875 2.125 2.250
(Top of head minus
corner radii)
4.14.1 Bridge bumpers - A crane shall be provided with bumpers or other means providing equivalent effect,
unless the crane has a high deceleration rate due to the use of sleeve bearings, or is not operated
near the ends of bridge travel, or is restricted to a limited distance by the nature of the crane opera-
tion and there is no hazard of striking any object in this limited area. These bumpers, when used,
shall have the following minimum characteristics: Have energy absorbing (or dissipating) capacity to stop the crane when traveling with power off in
either direction at a speed of at least 40 percent of rated load speed. Be capable of stopping the crane (not including load block and lifted load unless guided vertically)
at a rate of deceleration not to exceed an average of 3 feet per second per second when traveling
with power off in either direction at 20 percent of rated load speed.
4.14.2 Bumpers shall be designed and installed to minimize parts falling from the crane in case of breakage
or loosening of bolted connections.
4.14.3 When more than one crane is located and operated on the same runway, bumpers shall be provided
on their adjacent ends or on one end of one crane to meet the requirements of Sections
thru 4.14.2.
4.14.4 It is the responsibility of the owner or specifier to provide the crane manufacturer with information
for bumper design. Information necessary for proper bumper design includes:
4.14.5 Runway stops are normally designed and provided by the owner or specifier and are located at the
limits of the bridge travel and engage the full surface of the bumper.
4.14.6 Runway stops engaging the tread of the wheel are not recommended.
4.14.7 Trolley Bumpers - A trolley shall be provided with bumpers or other means of equivalent effect, unless
the trolley is not operated near the ends of trolley travel, or is restricted to a limited distance of the
bridge girder and there is no hazard of striking any object in this limited area. These bumpers, when
used, shall have the following minimum characteristics: Have energy absorbing (or dissipating) capacity to stop the trolley when traveling with power off in
either direction at a speed of at least 50 percent of rated load speed. Be capable of stopping the trolley (not including load block and lifted load unless gUided vertically)
at a rate of deceleration not to exceed an average of 4.7 feet per second per second when traveling
with power off in either direction at '13 of rated load speed.
4.14.8 Bumpers shall be designed and installed to minimize parts falling from the trolley in case of
4.14.9 When more than one trolley is operated on the same bridge, bumpers shall be provided
adjacent ends or on one end of one trolley to meet the requirements of Sections thru
4.14.10 Trolley stops shall be provided at the limit of the trolley travel, and shall engage the full
the bumper.
4.14.11 Trolley stops engaging the tread of the wheel are not recommended.
5.1.1 The electrical equipment section of this specification is intended to cover top running bridge and
gantry type, multiple girder electric overhead traveling cranes for operation with alternating current
or direct current power supplies.
Cranes for alternating current power supplies may be equipped with squirrel cage and wound rotor
motors with compatible control for single speed, multi-speed or variable speed operation. Cranes
for direct current power supplies, or alternating current power supply rectified on the crane, may
be equipped with series, shunt or compound wound motors with compatible control for single speed
or variable speed operation.
5.1.2 The proposal of the crane manufacturer shall include the rating and description of all motors, brakes,
control and protective and safety features.
5.1.3 The crane manufacturer shall furnish and mount all electrical equipment, conduit and wiring, unless
otherwise specified. If it is necessary to partially disassemble the crane for shipment, all conduit and
wiring affected shall be cut to length and identified to facilitate reassembly. Bridge conductors, run-
way collectors and other accessory equipment may be removed for shipment.
5.1.4 Wiring and equipment shall comply with Article 610 of the National Electrical Code.
5.1.5 Electrical equipment shall comply with ANSI B30.2.0 Safety Standard for Overhead and Gantry Cranes.
5.2.1 Motors shall be designed specifically for crane and hoist duty and shall conform to NEMA Standards
MG1 or AISE Standards NO.1 or 1A, where applicable. Designs not in accordance with these stand-
ards may be specified. AC induction motors may be wound rotor (slip ring) or squirrel cage (single speed or multi-speed) types.
Unless otherwise specified by the crane manufacturer, the insulation rating shall be in accordance
with Table 5.2.2-1.
TABLE 5.2.2-1
A C Motors .. Motors
Insulation Open Dripproof TEFC &
Class & TEFC TENV Open Dripproof TENV
B 80 Deg. C 85 Deg. C 100 Deg. C 110 Deg. C
F 105 Deg. C 110 Deg. C 130 Deg. C 140 Deg. C
H 125 Deg. C 135 Deg. C 155 Deg. C 165 Deg. C
"If ambient temperatures exceed 40 Deg. C, the permissible Winding temperature rise must be
decreased by the same amount, or may be decreased per the applicable NEMA Standards.
+ The crane manufacturer will assume 40 Deg. C ambient temperature unless otherwise specified
by the purchaser.
Descargado por Francisco Garcia ([email protected])
5.2.4 Voltage
Motor rated voltage and corresponding nominal system voltage shall be in accordance with
5.2.4.-1 (References: AC-ANSI C84. 1-1977, Appendix and Table C3. DC-AISE Std. No.1, Re',isEld
September 1968, Electrical 2. Voltage Source and 3. Field Voltage; also NEMA MGI-10.62)
TABLE 5.2.4-1
Nominal Motor
Voltage Voltage
AC DC Three Phase Single Phase
120 115
208 200
60 Hz (1) (2) 240 230 230
480 460
600 575
50 Hz 400 380
Adjustable Voltage
AC Shunt or Compound
Armature Shunt Field
400-3-60 460 Max. (9) 230 (4) 230 (5)
Rectified 240-3-60 (6) (9) 240 150 or 24
460-3-60 (7) (9) 500 240 or 300.
Constant Potential
208 (9) Series, Shunt,
thru 360 Max.
600 230 or 240 (3) (8)
Generator or 250 230 or 240 (3) (8)
DC Battery
(2) For nominal system voltages other than shown above, the motor rated voltage should
the same as the nominal system voltage or related to the nominal system voltage by
imate ratio of 115 to 120. Certain kinds of equipment have a maximum voltage limit
the manufacturer and/or power supplier should be consulted to assure proper
(3) Performance will not necessarily equal rated performance when appreciable ripple
(8) Rated voltage may be 250 for large frames 300 HP, 850 RPM, and larger.
Descargado por Francisco Garcia ([email protected])
lOMoARcPSD|48546785 Variations - AC
All AC Induction motors with rated frequency and balanced voltage applied shall be capable of
accelerating and running with rated hook load at plus or minus 10 percent of rated motor voltage,
but not necessarily at rated voltage performance values. (Reference NEMA MG 1-12.43)
AC polyphase motors shall be capable of accelerating and running with rated hook load when the
voltage unbalance at the motor terminals does not exceed 1 percent. Performance will not necessarily
be the same as when the motor is operating with a balanced voltage at the motor terminals. (Reference
NEMA MG 1-12.45.a.) Variations - DC
DC motors shall be capable of accelerating and running with rated hook load with applied armature
and field voltages up to and including 110 percent of the rated values of the selected adjustable
voltage power supply. With rectified power supplies successful operation shall result when AC line
voltage variation is plus or minus 10 percent of rated. Performance will not necessarily be in accor-
dance with the standards for operation at rated voltage. (Reference NEMA MG 1-12.63)
5.2.5 Operation with voltage variations beyond those shown in Sections and Operation
at reduced voltage may result in unsatisfactory drive performance with rated hook load such as reduced
speed, slower acceleration, increased motor current, noise, and heating. Protective devices may
operate stopping the drive in order to protect the equipment. Operation at elevated voltages may
result in unsatisfactory operation, such as, excessive torques. Prompt corrective action is recom-
mended; the urgency for such action depends upon many factors such as the location and nature
of the load and circuits involved and the magnitude and duration of the deviation of the voltage.
(References ANSI C84. range B, also IEEE Standard 141).
5.2.6 Deviations from rated line frequency and/or combinations of deviations of line frequency and voltage
may result in unsatisfactory drive operation. These conditions should be reviewed based on the type
of drive used.
Unless otherwise specified by the crane manufacturer, the minimum motor time rating shall be In
acccordance with Table 5.2.7-1.
1 Selection of time rating and insulation class depends on analysis of actual service requirement.
21nsulation class should be of a higher permissible temperature rise than the rated temperature rise of the motor. However, the
temperature rise of the motor shall not exceed its rated temperature rise. The actual duty cycle of the drive should also be analyzed
before final motor selection.
'Under unusual conditions, such as long lifts at reduced speeds, abnormal inching or jogging requirements, short repeated travel
drive movements, altitudes over 3,300 feet above sea level, abnormal ambient temperatures, etc., the motor time rating must be
increased accordingly.
5For D.C. drives, appropriate service factors may be applied to the motor horsepower rating for the designated time rating, in addi-
tion to the K c factor, to attain adequate thermal dissipating ability, with control designed accordingly.
5.2.8 Squirrel cage motors shall have high starting torque, low starting current and high slip at full load,
simiiar to NEMA Design D, unless otherwise specified by the crane manufacturer.
5.2.9 Motor size selection: The motor size selection involves torque and thermal considerations. The motor rating of any drive, hoist or horizontal travel, using either AC or DC power, is basically
the mechanical horsepower with considerations for the effect of control, ambient temperature, and
service class.
Mechanical HP = W xV
33000 x E
W = total weight in pounds to be lifted by the hoist drive rope system. This includes all items
applicable to the hoist such as the purchaser's lifted load, which includes purchaser furn-
ished attachments and crane manufacturers furnished items including the hook block and
E = mechanical efficiency between the load and the motor, expressed in decimal form, where:
m = the number of rotating sheaves between drum and equalizer passed over by each part of
the moving rope attached to the drum.
Typical Efficiency Values
,Bearings Eg* Es
Anti-friction .97 .99
Sleeve .93 .98
* Note: The values of gear efficiency shown apply primarily to spur, herringbone, and helical gear-
ing, and are not intended for special cases such as worm gearing.
The tabulated values of overall hoist mechanical efficiency, E, as defined for anti-friction ~h ,
bearings are shown in the following Table
The hoist motor shall be selected so that its horsepower rating should not be less than that
by the following formula:
where Kc = Control factor, which is a correction value that accounts for the effects the
on motor torque and speed.
For AC wound rotor systems, magnetic or static control, with secondary permanent slip
Kc values for power supplies rectified on the crane, for use with DC motors, magnetic
control systems, shall be determined by consultation with the motor and control
The methods described for hoist motor horsepower selection are recommended for use
CMAA Class D. For Classes E and F, due consideration shall also be given to the th~,m.1
Descargado por Francisco Garcia ([email protected])
caused by the service. For example, this may require larger frame, larger horsepower, forced
cooling, etc.
Latitude is permitted in selecting the nearest rated motor horsepower, over or under the required
horsepower, to utilize commercially available motors. In either case, due consideration must be
given to proper performance of the drive.
The travel motor shall be selected so that the horsepower rating is not less than that given by
the following formula:
HP KaxWxVxKs
Ka = acceleration factor for type of motor used
Ks = service factor which accounts for the type of drive and duty cycle.
For reference see Table
W = total weight to be moved including all dead and live loads in tons
V = rated drive speed in feet per minute
f+ 2000a x Cr
Ka = g x E Nr
----"------,--,- x
33,000 x Kt Nf
Note' - The actual acceleration rates shall be selected to account for proper performance including
such items as acceleration time, free running time, motor and resistor heating, duty cycle, load spot-
ting capability, and hook swing. The acceleration rate shall not exceed the values shown in Table to avoid wheel skidding.
Note 2 - For D.C. series motors the acceleration rate 'a' is the value occurring while on series resistors.
This wouid be in the range of 50 to 80 percent of the free running speed (Nf).
Maximum Acceleration Rate to Prevent Wheel Skidding
Acceleration Rate
- Wet Rails - Based on
2.9 1.5 1.0 .7 .5
.12 Coefficient
of Friction
Wheel Dia.
Inches 36 30 27 24 21 18 15 12 10 8 6
LblTon(f) 10 10 12 12 12 15 15 15 15 16 16
Note 2-The above friction factors may require modifications for other
variables such as low efficiency worm gearing, non-metallic wheels, special
bearings, and unusual rail conditions.
Recommended Values of Travel Drive Service Class Factor Ks3
DC Constant Potential AC Static with
CMAA AC Magnetic
fixed Secondary
w/AISE Series Mill Mtrs'
Service Adjustable Voitage Resistance
Class 60 Minutes 30 Minutes with DC Shunt Motors (Permanent Slip)
A .75 1.0 1.0 1.2
B .75 1.0 1.0 1.2
C .75 1.0 1.0 1.2
D .85 1.15 1.1 1.3
E1 1.0 N/A 1.2 1.4
F2 1.4 N/A 1.4 1.6
2The recommended values shown for Class F are based on a maximum of 50 per-
cent time on and a maximum of 45 cycles per hour of the drive. A cycle for a bridge
or trolley consists of two (2) moves (one (1) loaded and one (1) unloaded). For drive
duty higher than this basis, it is recommended that duty cycle methods of analysis
be used.
3For recommended values of Ks for controls not shown, consult crane manufacturer. Latitude is permitted in selecting the nearest rated motor horsepower over or under, the required
horsepower to utilize commercially available motors. In either case, consideration must be given
to proper performance of the drive. Outdoor Cranes: Bridge drive motor horsepower for outdoor cranes.
Descargado por Francisco Garcia ([email protected])
~._- •... _ - - - - - - - - - ------ Compute the free running bridge motor horsepower (HPF) at rated load and rated speed,
ing any wind load, using the following formula:
HPF = W x V x f
33000 Compute the free running bridge motor horsepower due to wind force only (HPw) using the
ing formula:
where: P = wind pressure in pounds per square foot computed from the formula P =
where Vw is the wind velocity in miles per hour.
Wind area = effective crane surface area exposed to wind in square feet as computed in The bridge drive motor horsepower shall be selected so that its horsepower rating
be less than given by the following formula: The following items must be considered in the overall bridge drive design to assure
tion under all specified load and wind conditions:
c. Bridge speed, on any control point, when traveling with the wind not to exceed
resulting in the maximum safe speed of the bridge drive machinery.
d. Avoidance of wheel skidding which could likely occur under no load, low percent
and wind conditions. Outdoor Cranes: Trolley drive motor horsepower shall use same selection procedure
cranes per section
5.2.10 The gear ratio should be selected to provide the specified drive speed with rated
hook, for the actual motor and control system used.
R x V x 12
where: Nf = free running motor RPM when hoisting rated load W (Ibs) at speed V (FPM) the
value Nf is established from the motor-control speed-torque curves at the full load hoisting
(HP FL).
33000 x E
V x 12
Nf = free running RPM of the motor, after the drive has accelerated, with rated load
to the steady state speed V. The value of Nf is established from the motor-control speed-
torque curves at the free running horsepower (HP FR)
HP FR = W x f x V
33000 Variations from the calculated gear ratio is permissible to facilitate the use of standard available
ratios, provided that motor heating and operational performance is not adversely affected. The
actual full load drive speed may vary a maximum of ± 10 percent of the specified full load speed.
5.3.1 Types of electrical brakes for hoist and traverse motions shall be specified by the crane manufacturer.
5.3.2 Refer to Section 4.9 of this specification for brake selection and rating.
5.3.3 Holding brakes shall be applied automatically when power to the brake is removed.
5.3.4 On hoists equipped with two electric holding brakes, a time delay setting of one brake may be included.
5.3.5 On direct current shunt brakes, it may be desirable to include a forcing circuit to provide rapid set-
ting and release.
5.3.6 Brake coil time rating shall be selected for the duration and frequency of operation required by the
service. Any electrical traverse drive brake used only for emergency stop on power loss or setting
by operator choice shall have a coil rated for continuous duty.
5.4.2 On cranes with a combination of cab with master switches, and pendant fioor control, the applicabl
specifications for cab controlled cranes shall apply. On floor operated cranes where the penda
master is also used in a 'skeleton' cab, the applicable specifications for floor controlled cranes sha
5.4.3 On remote controlled cranes, such as by radio or carrier signal the applicable floor control specific
tions shall apply, unless otherwise specified. Hoists shall be furnished with a control braking means, either mechanical or power.
Typical mechanical means include mechanical load brakes or self-locking worm drives.
Typical power means include dynamic lowering, eddy-current braking, counter-torque, regenerat
braking, variable frequency, and adjustable or variable voltage. The minimum NEMA size of magnetic contactors shall be in accordance with Tables
Wound Rotor, AC Squirrel Cage, and DC. Definite purpose contactors ~n"r.ifl
rated for crane and hoist duty service may be used for CMAA crane service classes A,
provided the application does not exceed the contactor manufacturer's published ratings.
Maximum Intermittent Rating"
Size of 8-hour Horsepower at
Contactor Open Rating, Amperes' 460 and
Amperes 230 Volts 575 Volts
0 20 20 3 5
1 30 30 7V2 10
2 50 67 20 40
3 100 133 40 80
4 150 200 63 125
5 300 400 150 300
6 600 800 300 600
7 900 1200 450 900
8 1350 1800 600 1200
'The ultimate trip current of overload (overcurrent) relays or other motor protective de'{ioElS
shall not exceed 115 percent of these values or 125 percent of the motor full load current,
is smaller.
• 'Wound rotor primary contactors shall be selected to be not less than the current and
ratings. Wound rotor secondary contactors shall be selected to be not less than the
secondary current, using contactor intermittent rating. The ampere intermittent rating of a
secondary contactor with poles in delta shall be 11/2 times its wound rotor
Descargado por Francisco Garcia ([email protected])
*Squirrel cage motors over 20 horsepower are not normally used for crane motions.
*Resistor stepping contactors may be rated for the actual current carried.
* *For constant potential D.C. drives other than 230 to 250 volts, refer to NEMA ICS 3-443.20.3.
For adjustable voltage D.C. drives at voltage other than 230 volts, the contactor horsepower ratings
will be directly proportional to the voltage up to a maximum of 600 volts. The minimum number of resistor stepping contactors, time delay devices and speed points for A.C.
wound rotor motors and D.C. motors shall be as shown in Table
• A 10 percent slip resistance or one (1) additional contactor shall be provided on bridge and trolley
.. Numbers shown apply to bridge and trolley drives. For hoists, a minimum of two (2) time delay
devices are required in the hoisting direction.
Note 1: One (1) contactor of the number shown may be used for plugging on bridge or trolley con-
trols or low torque on hoist controls.
If more than one (1) plugging step is used, additional contactors may be required.
Note 2: Plugging detection means shall be added to prevent closure of the plugging contactors until
the bridge or trolley drive has reached approximately zero speed.
The minimum number of operator station hand controlled speed points shall be three (3) in each
direction except as follows:
(a) Class C,D,E and F, cab operated hoist controllers with four (4) or more resistor stepping contac-
tors shall have a minimum of five (5) hand controlled speed points in each direction.
(b) Ciass A and B, controllers for A.C. wound rotor motors less than 8 horsepower shall have a minimum
of two (2) hand controlled speed points in each direction.
(c) Controllers for floor operated bridge and trolley motions shall have a minimum of one (1) hand
controlled speed point in each direction.
(d) When specified, a drift point (no motor power, brake released) shall be included as a hand con-
trolled speed point in addition to the above minimum requirements for bridge and trolley motions.
On multi-motor drives, the contactor requirements of this section apply to each motor individually,
except if one set of line reversing contactors is used for all motors in parallel, then the line contactors
shall be sized for the sum of the individual horsepowers. The resistor stepping contactors may be
common multi-pole devices, if desired. An individual set of acceleration resistors for each motor shall
be provided unless otherwise specified. Timing shall be done with one (1) set of time delay devices.
Static Control
Static power components such as rectifiers, reactors, resistors, etc., as required, shall be sized with
due consideration of the motor ratings, drive requirements, service class, duty cycle, and applica-
tion in the control.
Static control systems may be regulated or non-regulated, providing stepped or stepless control us-
ing AC or DC motors, as specified.
Travel drives systems may be speed and/or torque regulated, as specified. If a speed regulated system
is selected the method of deceleration to a slower speed may be by drive friction or drive torque
reversal, as specified. Hoist drives are assumed to be inherently speed regulated and due considera-
tion shall be given to the available speed range, the degree of speed regulation, and optional load float.
Primary reversing of AC motor drives shall be accomplished with magnetic contactors or static com-
ponents as specified. When static components are used, a line contactor shall be furnished for the
Current and torque limiting provisions shall be included not to exceed the motor design limitations,
and with consideration for desired acceleration.
Descargado por Francisco Garcia ([email protected])
lOMoARcPSD|48546785 Control torque plugging provisions shall be included for bridge or trolley drives. Permanent slip resistance may be included providing due consideration is given to the actual
speeds under rated conditions. The crane specifications shall state whether the hoist motor horsepower used with static control
on the basis of average hoisting and lowering speed with rated load or on the basis of actual n,rit~h
speed to raise rated load.
5.4.7 Enclosures Control panels should be enclosed and shall be suitable for the environment and type of cnrmrlL
The type of enclosure shall be determined by agreement between the purchaser and the
manufacturer. A typical non-ventilated enclosure may be in accordance with one of the following
Standards publication ICS6 classifications: Enclosures containing devices that produce excessive heat or ozone or devices that require
for proper operation, may require ventilation means. These enclosures shall be equipped
necessary ventilation such as louvers or forced cooling. Air filters or similar devices may be
depending on the environment. Since the original definition of the enclosure per its lrAif."n~
may be somewhat altered by the nature of the ventilation means, the final design
functional intent. Unless otherwise specified, enclosures for electrical equipment other than controls shall be
for the environment, and in accordance with the following practices.:
(a) Auxiliary devices such as safety switches, junction boxes, transformers, pendant maIS"!fS.
panels, main line disconnects, accessory drive controls, brake rectifier panels, limit ~witr.,"
may be supplied in enclosures other than specified for the control panel.
(b) Resistor covers for indoor cranes, if required to prevent accidental contact under normal
conditions, shall include necessary screening and ventilation. Resistor covers for VUI.VV'UI
shall be adequately ventilated.
Descargado por Francisco Garcia ([email protected])
5.5.1 Resistors (except those in permanent sections) shall have a thermal capacity of not less than NEMA
Class 150 series for CMAA crane service classes A, Band C and not less than NEMA Class 160
series for CMAA service classes D, E, and F.
5.5.2 Resistors used with power electrical braking systems on A.C. hoists not equipped with mechanical
load brakes shall have a thermal capacity of not less than NEMA Class 160 series.
5.5.3 Resistors shall be designed to provide the proper speed and torque as required by the control system
5.5.4 Resistors shall be installed with adequate ventilation, and with proper supports to withstand vibra-
tion and to prevent broken parts or molten metal falling from the crane.
5.6.1 A crane disconnecting means, either a current-rated circuit breaker or motor rated switch, lockable
in the open position, shall be provided in the leads from the runway contact conductors or other power
5.6.2 The continuous current rating of the switch or circuit breaker in Section 5.6.1 shall not be less than
50 percent of the combined short time motor full load currents, nor less than 75 percent of the sum
of the short time full load currents of the motors required for any single crane motion, plus any addi-
tional loads fed by the device.
5.6.3 The disconnecting means in Section 5.6.1 shall have an opening means located where it is readily
accessible to the operator's station, or a mainline contactor connected after the device in Section
5.6.1 may be furnished and shall be operable from the operator's station.
5.6.4 Power circuit fault protection devices shall be furnished in accordance with NEC Sections 110-9 In-
terrupting Rating. The user shall state the available fault current or the crane manufacturer shall
state in the specification the interrupting rating being furnished.
5.6.5 Branch circuit protection shall be provided per NEC Section 610-42 Branch Circuit Protection.
5.6.6 Magnetic Mainline contactors, when used, shall be as shown in Tables 5.6.6-1 and 5.6.6-2. The size
shall not be less than the rating of the largest primary contactor used on anyone motion.
TABLE 5.6.6-1
for Mainline Service
0 20 20 6 6 3 5
1 30 30 10 20 7V2 10
2 50 67 30 60 20 40
3 100 133 63 125 40 80
4 150 200 110 225 63 125
5 300 400 225 450 150 300
6 600 800 450 900 300 600
7 900 1200 675 1350 450 900
8 1350 1800 900 1800 600 1200
'The ultimate trip current of overload (overcurrent) relays or other motor protective devices
shall not exceed 115 percent of these values or 125 percent of the motor full load current, whichE1Ver
is smaller.
TABLE 5.6.6-2
8-hour Maximum
Size of Intermittent Maximum Total Maximum Horsepower
Open rating
Contactors Duty Rating Motor Horsepower for any Motion
1 25 30 10 7'12
2 50 67 22 15
3 100 133 55 35
4 150 200 80 55
5 300 400 160 110
6 600 800 320 225
7 900 1200 480 330
8 1350 1800 725 500
9 2500 3330
5.6.7 Motor running overcurrent protection shall be provided in accordance with NEC 610-43 Motor Run-
ning Overcurrent Protection.
5.6.8 Control circuits shall be protected in accordance with NEC 610-53 overcurrent protection.
5.6.9 Undervoltage protection shall be provided as a function of each motor controller, or an enclosed pro-
tective panel, or a magnetic mainline contactor, or a manual-magnetic disconnect switch.
5.6.10 An automatically reset instantaneous trip overload relay set at approximately 200 percent of the hoist
motor fUll load current shall be furnished for D.C. hoists. Devices offering equivalent motor torque
limitation may be used in lieu of the overload relay.
5.6.11 Cranes not equipped with spring-return controllers, spring-return master switches, or momentary con-
tact pushbuttons, shall be provided with a device which will disconnect all motors from the line on
failure of power and will not permit any motor to be restarted until the controller handle is brought
to the 'off' position, or a reset switch or button is operated.
5.6.12 Remote radio cranes shall be provided with a permissive radio signal in addition to a crane motion
radio signal, and both signals shall be present in order to start and maintain a crane motion.
5.6.13 On automatic cranes, all motions shall be discontinued if the crane does not operate in accordance
with the automatic sequence of operation.
5.6.14 Working space dimensions shall apply only to bridge mounted control panel enclosures or sWitching
devices that are serviceable from a crane mounted walkway. The horizontal distance from the sur-
face of the enclosure door to the nearest metallic or other obstruction shall be a minimum of 30 inches.
In addition, the work space in front of the enclosure shall be at least as wide as the enclosure and
shall not be less than 30 inches wide. Except for floor-operated cranes a gong or other effective warning signal shall be provided for each
crane equipped with a power traveling mechanism. Owner or Specifier, having full knowledge of the environment in which the crane will be operated,
is responsible for the adequacy of the warning devices.
5.7.1 Cab controlled cranes shall be furnished with master switches for hoist, trolley and bridge motions,
as applicable, that are located within reach of the operator.
5.7.2 Cab master switches shall be provided with a notch, or spring return arrangement latch, which, in
the 'off' position prevents the handle from being inadvertently moved to the 'on' position.
5.7.3 The movement of each master switch handle should be in the same general direction as the result-
ant movement of the load, except as shown in Figures 5.7.3a and 5.7.3b, unless otherwise specified.
5.7.4 The arrangement of master switches should conform to Figures 5.7.3a and 5.7.3b, unless otherwise
5.7.5 The arrangement of other master switches, lever switches or push buttons for controller,. other than
hoist, trolley or bridge, (such as grabs, magnetic disconnects, turntables, etc.) are normally specified
by the manufacturer.
5.7.6 If a master switch is provided for a magnet controller, the 'lift' direction shall be toward the operator
and the 'drop' direction away from the operator.
5:7.7 Cranes furnished with skelton (dummy) cabs are to be operated via the pendant pushbutton station
and thereby do not require master switches unless otherwise specified by the purchaser.
Right-Hand Cab
Left-Hand Cab
Center Cab
4 Motor Crane
Fig. 5.7.3a
Center Cab
3 Motor Crane
Fig. 5.7.3b
5.8.1 The arrangement of pendant pushbutton stations and radio transmitters should conform to Figures
5.8.1a, 5.8.1b., or 5.8.1c.
5.8.2 Push buttons shali return to the 'off' position when pressure is released by the crane operator.
5.8.3 Pendant pushbutton stations shall have a grounding conductor between a ground terminal in the
station and the crane.
5.8.4 The maximum voltage in pendant pushbutton stations shall be 150 Volts AC or 300 Volts DC.
5.8.5 Pushbuttons shall be guarded or shrouded to prevent accidentai actuation of crane motions.
5.8.8 Pendant pushbutton stations shali be supported in a manner that will protect the electrical conduc-
tors against strain.
5.8.9 Minimum wire size of multiconductor flexible cords for pendant pushbutton stations shall be #16 AWG
unless otherwise permitted by Article 610 of the National Electrical Code.
4 MOlion
Main Aux.
Bridge Trolley
Hoist Hoist
0 0 ~
Power On Power On
:3 Motion
Power Off
Power On
Bridge Trolley Hoist
X y Down
it z Up
Down Down
~ ~
Main Hoist Main Hoist
0 Up
0 Up
0Down Down
0 Note:
Markings on the crane, visible from
Aux. Hoist Aux. Hoist the floor, shall indicate the direction
of bridge and trolley travei corresponding
0 Right
to the W, X, Y and Z designations on
the transmitter.
The letters used are only intended for
the purpose of illustration.
Trolley Trolley
Designations should be selected as
Forward Forward
0 appropriate to each installation.
Reverse Reverse
0 Fig.5.8.1c
Bridge Bridge
0, Off
Fig. 5.8.1a I I
5.9.1 The hoist motion of all cranes shall be equipped with an overtravel limit switch in the raising direc-
tion to stop hoisting motion.
5.9.2 Interruption of the raising motion shall not interfere with the lowering motion. Lowering of the block
shall automatically reset the limit switch unless otherwise specified.
5.9.3 The upper limit switch shall be power circuit type, control circuit type or as specified by the purchaser.
The manufacturers proposal shall state which type is being furnished.
5.9.4 Lower limit switches shall be provided where the hook can be lowered beyond the rated hook travel
under normal operating conditions and shall be of the control circuit type.
5.9.5 Trolley travel and bridge travel limit switches, when specified shall be of the control circuit type.
5.9.6 The trip point of all limit switches shall be located to allow for maximum runout distance of the motion
being stopped for the braking system being used.
5.10.1 Electrical equipment shall be so located or enclosed to prevent the operator from accidental contact
with live parts under normal operating conditions.
5.10.2 Electrical equipment shall be installed in accessible locations and protected against ambient environ-
mental conditions as agreed to by the purchaser and the crane manufacturer.
5.11.1 The bridge conductors may be bare hard drawn copper wire, hard copper, aluminum or steel in the
form of stiff shapes, insulated cables, cable reel pickup or other suitable means to meet the par-
ticular application and shall be sized and installed in accordance with Article 610 of the National
Electrical Code.
5.11.2 If local conditions require enclosed conductors, they must be specified by owner or specifier.
5.11.3 The crane manufacturer shall state the type conductors to be furnished.
5.11.4 The published crane intermittent ratings of manufactured conductor systems shall not be less than
the ampacity required for the circuit in which they are used.
5.11.5 Current collectors, if used, shall be compatible with the type of contact conductors furnished and
shall be rated for the ampacity of the circuit in which they are used. Two (2) sets of current collectors
shall be furnished for all contact conductors that supply current to a lifting magnet.
5.12.1 Refer to Section 1.5 of 70-1 General Specifications for information on runway conductors.
5.12.2 Current collectors, if used, shall be compatible with the type of contact conductors furnished. The
collector rating shall be sized for the crane ampacity as computed by Article 610 of the National
Electrical Code. A minimum of two collectors for each runway conductor shall be furnished when
the crane is used with a lifting magnet.
5.13.1 The purchaser shall furnish actual voltage at the runway conductor supply taps not more than 105
percent and not less than 96 percent of the nominal system voltage, and shall define the requirements
of the runway conductor system to achieve an input voltage not less than 93 percent of the nominal
system voltage to the crane at the point of runway conductor collection farthest from the runway
conductor supply taps.
5.13.2 The crane manufacturer shall limit the voltage drops within the crane to the motors and other
trical loads to approximately 2 percent of the nominal system voltage.
5.13.3 All voltage drops in Section 5.13.1 and 5.13.2 shall be computed by using main feeder
individual motor currents, fixed load currents, and demand factors of multiple cranes on the
runway as defined by Article 610 of the National Electrical Code.
5.13.4 Voltage drops shall be calculated during maximum inrush (starting) conditions to insure that the
terminal voltages are not less than 90 percent of rated motor voltage, and control and brake vnl'O"Q"
are not less than 85 percent of device rated voltage.
5.14.5 The actual operating voltages at the crane motor terminals shall not exceed 110 percent or not
below 95 percent of motor ratings, for rated running conditions, to achieve the results defined
Section 5.2.4 (voltage.)
Spec No. _
Date _
3. Required Hook Lift (Max. Including Pits or Wells Below Floor Eievation)
Main Hoist: Average Lift Ft. Number of Lifts per Hour Speed EP.M.
Aux. Hoist: Average Lift ,Ft. Number of Lifts per Hour Speed EP.M.
Bridge: Number Moves per Hour Hours per Day Speed F. P.M.
Average Movement _
TrOlley: Number of Moves per Hour Hours per Day Speed F.P.M.
Average Movement _
7. Furnish complete information regarding special conditions such as acid fumes, steam. high temperatures, high
altitudes, excessive dust or moisture, very severe duty, speciai or precise load handling:
9. Materiai Handled _
Other _
14. Type of Control (Give complete information, including number of speed points) Ref. 5.4.4
Main Hoist _
Auxiliary nOlsl. _
Trolley _
Bridge _
21. For special cranes with multiple hooks or trolley or other unique requirements, provide detailed inf,ornlatio,
on hook spacing, orientation, capacities, and total bridge capacity.
22. Complete attached building clearance drawing, making special note of any obstructions which may
with the crane, including special clearance conditions underneath the girders or cab.
CLEARANCES: Complete the building drawing below making special note of any obstructions which may
interfere with the crane including special clearance requirements under girders or cab.
nC, --L
JI+-_R<;:r~Af(SFP.a"n,ctouwyi1s)=L E
- r - - + - D H : ' Rail Size: a r
Cap Channel Size: R +;.1p-,
L. . :;::=:L
Runway 8eam Size' S
~ T-~ ,
"T Runway
Type: P
1 Obstruction
Pit Floor
8 Q
'0 L Idler Girder ("8" Girder)
'" Centerline of Hooks --.-
-' - - - - , I-
>- . - Drive Girder ("A" Girder)
"" oj
Walkway-if required
~ ~
Fig. 6.2
Fig. 6.3
ABNORMAL OPERATING CONDITIONS: Environmental CLEARANCE: Minimum distance from the extremity of a
conditions that are unfavorable, harmful or detrimental to or crane to the nearest obstruction.
for the operation of a hoist, such as excessively high (over
100 deg. F.) or low (below 0 deg. F.) ambient temperatures, CMAA: Crane Manufacturers Association of America (form-
corrosive fumes, dust laden or moisture laden atmospheres, erly EOCI-Electric Overhead Crane Institute).
and hazardous locations.
COLLECTORS: Contacting devices for collecting current
ADJUSTABLE OR VARIABLE VOLTAGE: A method of con- from the runway or bridge conductors. The mainline collec-
trol by which the motor supply voltage can be adjusted. tors are mounted on the bridge to transmit current from the
runway conductors, and the trolley collectors are mounted
AUTOMATIC CRANE: A crane which when activated on the trolley to transmit current from the bridge conductors.
operates through a perset cycle or cycles.
CONTACTOR, MAGNETIC: An electro-magnetic device for
AUXILIARY HOIST: A suppiemental hoisting unit, usually opening and closing an electric power circuit.
designed to handle lighter loads at a higher speed than the
main hoist. CONTROLLER: A device for regUlating in a pre-determined
way the power deiivered to the motor or other equipment.
parallel to the main girder for supporting the platform, motor COUNTER·TORQUE: A method of control by which the motor
base, operator's cab, controi panels, etc., to reduce the tor- is reversed to develop power to the opposite direction.
sianal forces such load would otherwise impose on the main
girder. COVER PLATE: The top or bottom plate of a box girder.
BEARING LIFE EXPECTANCY: The L-10 life of an anti- CROSS SHAFT: The shaft extending across the bridge, used
friction bearing is the minimum expected iife, hours, of 90 to transmit torque from motor to bridge drive wheels.
percent of a group of bearings which are operating at a given
speed and loading. The average expected life of the bear- CUSHIONED START: An electrical or mechanical method for
ings is approximately five times the L-10 life. reducing the rate of acceleration of a travel motion.
BHN: Brlnell hardness number, measurement of material DEAD LOADS: The loads on a structure which remain in a
hardness. fixed position relative to the structure. On a crane bridge such
loads inciude the girders, footwalk, cross shaft, drive units,
BOX SECTION: The rectangular cross section of girders, panels, etc.
trucks or other members enclosed on four sides.
DEFLECTION: Displacement due to bending or twisting in
BRAKE: A device, other than a motor, used for retarding or a vertical or lateral plane, caused by the imposed live and
stopping motion by friction or power means. (See Section 4.9) dead loads.
BRANCH CIRCUIT: The circuit conductors between the final DIAPHRAGM: A piate or partition between opposite parts of
overcurrent device protecting the circuit and the outiet(s). a member, serving a definite purpose in the structural design
of the member.
BRIDGE: That part of an overhead crane consisting of girders,
trucks, end ties, walkway and drive mechanism which car- DRIVE GIRDER: The girder on which the bridge drive
ries the trolley and traveis in a direction parallel to the runway. machinery is mounted.
BRIDGE CONDUCTORS: The electricai conductors located DUMMY CAB: An operator's compartment or platform on a
along the bridge structure of a crane to provide power to the pendant or radio controlled crane, having no permanently-
trolley. mounted electrical controls, in which an operator may ride
while controlling the crane.
BRIDGE RAIL: The rail supported by the bridge girders on
which the trolley travels. DYNAMIC LOWERING: A method of control by which the
hoist motor is so connected in the lowering direction, that
BUMPER (BUFFER): An energy absorbing device for reduc- when it is over-hauled by the load, it acts as a generator and
ing impact when a moving crane or trolley reaches the end forces current either through the resistors or back into the line.
Of its permitted travel, or when two moving cranes or trolleys
come into contact. EDDY-CURRENT BRAKING: A method of control by which
the motor drives through an electrical induction load brake.
CAB·OPERATED CRANE: A crane controlled by an operator
in a cab located on the bridge or trolley. EFFICIENCY OF GEARING AND SHEAVES: The percentage
of force transmitted through these components that is not lost
CAMBER: The slight upward vertical curve given to girders to friction.
to compensate partially for deflection due to hook load and
weight of the Crane.
ELECTRIC OVERHEAD TRAVELING CRANE: An electrically HYDRAULIC BRAKE: A brake that provides retarding or
operated machine for lifting, lowering and transporting loads, ping motion by hydraulic means.
consisting of a movable bridge carrying a fixed or movable
hoisting mechanism and traveling on an overhead runway IDLER SHEAVE: A sheave used to equalize tension in
structure. site parts of a rope. Because of its Slight movement, it is
termed a funning sheave.
ELECTRICAL BRAKING SYSTEM: A method of controlling
crane motor speed when in an overhauling condition, without IMPACT ALLOWANCE: Additional hook load assumed
the use of friction braking. result from the dynamic effect of the live load.
ENCLOSED CONDUCTOR (S): A conductor or group of con- INDUSTRIAL DUTY CRANE: Service classification
ductors substantially enclosed to prevent accidental contact. by CMAA Specification No. 70, 'Specmcations for
Overhead Traveling Cranes'.
ENCLOSURE: A housing to contain electrical components,
usually specified by a NEMA classification number. INSULATION CLASS: Motor Winding insulation rating
indicates its ability to withstand heat and moisture.
END APPROACH: The minimum horizontal distance, parallel
to the runway, between the outermost extremities of the crane K.S.I.: Kips per square inch, measurement of stress inten
and the centerline of the hook.
KIP: A unit of force, equivalent to 1000 pounds.
END TIE: A structurai member other than the end truck which
connects the ends of the girders to maintain the squareness KNEE BRACE: The diagonal structural member
of the bridge. building column and roof truss.
END TRUCK: The unit consisting of truck frame, wheels, LATERAL FORCES: Horizontal forces pel'pendi,cu
bearings, axies, etc., which supports the bridge girders. axis of the member being considered.
FAIL-SAFE: A provision designed to automatically stop or LIFT: Maximum safe vertical distance through
safely control any motion in which a malfunction occurs. hook, magnet, or bucket can move.
FIELD WIRING: The wiring required after erection of the LIFT CYCLE: Single lifting and lowering
crane. without load).
FIXED AXLE: An axle which is fixed in the truck and on which LIFTING DEVICES: Buckets, magnets, grabs and
the wheel revolves. piemental devices, the weight of which is to be
part of the rated load, used for ease in handling
FLOOR·OPERATED CRANE: A crane which is pendant con- of loads.
trolled by an operator on the floor or an independent platform.
LIMIT SWITCH: A device designed to cut off
FOOTWALK: The walkway with handrail and toeboards, at- automatically at or near the limit of travel for the
tached to the bridge or trolley for access purposes.
LINE CONTACTOR: A contactor to rli"cormAC!
GANTRY CRANE: A crane similar to an overhead crane the supply lines.
except that the bridge for carrying the trolley or trolleys is
rigidly supported on two or more legs running on fixed rails LIVE LOAD: A load which moves relative to
or other runway. under consideration.
GIRDERS: The principal horizontal beams of the crane bridge LOAD BLOCK: The assembly of hook,
which supports the trolley and is supported by the end trucks. sheaves, pins and frame suspended by the
GROUND FAULT: An accidental conducting connection LOAD CARRYING PART: Any part of the
between the electrical circuit or equipment and the earth or induced stress is influenced by the load on
some conducting body that serves in place of the earth.
LOAD CYCLE: One lift cycle with load
HOIST: A machinery unit that is used for lifting and lowering without load.
a load.
HOLDING BRAKE: A brake that automatically prevents attached to the web of the bridge
motion when power is off. buckling.
MAGNETIC CONTROL: A means of controlling direction and PLAIN REVERSING CONTROL: A reversing control which
speed by using magnetic contactors and relays. has identical characteristics for both directions of motor
MAIN LINE CONTACTOR: A magnetic contactor used in the
incoming power circuit from the main line collectors. PLUGGING: A control function which accompiishes braking
by reversing the motor line voltage polarity or phase
MAIN LINE DISCONNECT SWITCH: A manuai switch which sequence.
breaks the power lines leading from the main line collectors.
PROTECTIVE PANEL: An assembly containing overload and
MANUAL·MAGNETIC DISCONNECT SWITCH: A power undervoltage protection for all crane motions.
disconnecting means consisting of a magnetic contactor that
can be operated by remote pushbutton and can be manu- QUALIFIED: A person who, by possession of a recognized
ally operated by a handle on the switch. degree, certificate of professional standing or who by exten-
sive knowledge, training, and experience, has successfully
MASTER SWITCH: A manually operated device which serves demonstrated the ability to solve or resolve problems relating
to govern the operation of contactors and auxiliary devices to the subject matter and work.
of an electric control.
RATED LOAD: The maximum load which the crane is
MATCH MARKING: Identification of non-interchangeable designed to handle safely as designated by the manufacturer.
parts for reassembly after shipment.
REGENERATIVE BRAKING: A method of controlling speed
MECHANICAL LOAD BRAKE: An automatic type of friction in which electrical energy generated by the motor is fed back
brake used for controlling loads in the lowering direction. This into the power system.
unidirectional device requires torque from the motor to lower
a load but does not impose additional load on the motor when REGULATED SPEED: A function which tends to maintain
lifting a load. constant motor speed for any load for a given speed setting
of the controller.
MEAN EFFECTIVE LOAD: A load used in durabiiity calcula-
tions accounting for both maximum and minimum loads. REMOTE OPERATED CRANE: A crane controlled by an
operator not in a pulpit or in the cab attached to the crane,
MILL DUTY CRANE: Service classification covered by AISE by any method other than pendant or rope control.
Standard No.6, 'Specification for Electric Overhead Travel-
ing Cranes for Steel Mill Service'. RESISTOR RATING: Rating established by NEMA which
classifies resistors according to percent of full load current
MULTIPLE GIRDER CRANE: A crane which has two or more on first point and duty cycle.
girders for supporting the iive load.
ROTATING AXLE: An axle which rotates with the wheel.
coasting characteristics such that it will stop the motion within RUNNING SHEAVE: A sheave which rotates as the hook is
a distance in feet equal to 10 percent of the rated speed in raised or lowered.
feet per minute when traveling at rated speed with rated load.
RUNWAY: The rails, beams, brackets and framework on
OPERATOR'S CAB: The operator's compartment from which which the crane operates.
movements of the crane are controlled. To be specified by
the manufacturer as open, having only sides or a railing RUNWAY CONDUCTORS: The main conductors mounted
around the operator, or enclosed, complete with roof, ~niw on or parallel to the runway which supplies current to the
dows, etc. crane.
OVERLOAD: Any load greater than the rated load. RUNWAY RAIL: The rail supported by the runway beams on
which the bridge travels.
OVERLOAD LIMIT DEVICE: Refer to Section 4.3 for a com-
plete definition. SHALL: This word indicates that adherence to the particular
requirement is necessary in order to conform to the
operative on excessive current to cause and maintain the in-
terruption or reduction of current flow to the equipment SHEAVE: A grooved wheel or pulley used with a rope or chain
governed. to change direction and point of application of a pulling force.
PENDANT PUSHBUTTON STATION: Means suspended SHOULD: This word indicates that the requirement is a
from the crane operating the controllers from the floor or other recommendation, the advisability of which depends on the
level beneath the crane. facts in each situation.
PITCH DIAMETER (ROPE): Distance through the center of SKELETON CAB: Same as dummy cab.
a drum Or sheave from center to center of a rope passed
about the periphery. SKEWING FORCES: Lateral forces on the bridge truck
wheels caused by the bridge girders not running perpen-
dicular to the runways. Some normal skewing occurs in ali
SPAN: The horizontal distance center-to-center of runway TORSIONAL FORCES: Forces which can cause twisting of
rails. a member.
STATIC CONTROL: A method of switching electrical circuits TROLLEY: The unit carrying the hoisting mechanism which
without the use of contacts. travels on the bridge rails.
STEPLESS CONTROL: A type of control system with infinite TROLLEY FRAME: The basic structure of the trolley on which
speed control between minimum speed and full speed. are mounted the hoisting and traversing mechanisms.
STEPPED CONTROL: A type of control system with fixed TWO BLOCKING: Condition under which the load biock or
speed points. load suspended from the hook becomes jammed against
the crane structure preventing further winding up of the
STOP: A device to limit travel of a trolley or crane bridge. hoist drum.
This device normally is attached to a fixed structure and nor-
mally does not have energy absorbing ability. UNDERVOLTAGE PROTECTION: A device operative on
reduction or failure of voltage to cause and maintain
STRENGTH, AVERAGE ULTIMATE: The average tensile interruption of power in the main circuit.
force per unit of cross sectional area required to rupture the
material as determined by test. VARIABLE FREQUENCY: A method of control by which
motor supply frequency can be adjusted.
SWEEP: Maximum lateral deviation from straightness of a
structural member, measured at right angles to the V-V axis. VOLTAGE DROP: The loss of voltage in an electric cnr'nt"'.
tor between supply tap and load tap.
TEFC: Totally enciosed fan cooled.
WEB PLATE: The vertical plate connecting the upper
TENV: Totally enciosed non ventilated. lower flanges or cover plates of a girder.
TORQUE, FULL LOAD (MOTOR): The torque produced by WHEELBASE: Distance from center-to-center of oullerrnb'lt
a motor operating at its rated horsepower and speed. wheels.
TORSIONAL BOX GIRDER: Girder in which the trolley rail WHEEL LOAD: The load without impact on any wheel
is located over one web. the trolley and lifted load (rated capacity) positioned on
bridge to give maximum loading.
70·8 INDEX
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