Characterization of Geotechnical Variability PDF
Characterization of Geotechnical Variability PDF
Characterization of Geotechnical Variability PDF
Abstract: Geotechnical variability is a complex attribute that results from many disparate sources of uncertainties. The
three primary sources of geotechnical uncertainties are inherent variability, measurement error, and transformation
uncertainty. Inherent soil variability is modeled as a random field, which can be described concisely by the coefficient
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by University of Tennessee on 08/08/13
of variation (COV) and scale of fluctuation. Measurement error is extracted from field measurements using a simple
additive probabilistic model or is determined directly from comparative laboratory testing programs. Based on an
extensive literature review, the COV of inherent variability, scale of fluctuation, and COV of measurement error are
evaluated in detail, along with the general soil type and the approximate range of mean value for which the COVs are
applicable. Transformation uncertainty and overall property uncertainty are quantified in a companion paper.
Key words: inherent soil variability, measurement error, coefficient of variation, scale of fluctuation, geotechnical vari-
Rsum : La variabilit gotechnique est un caractre complexe qui rsulte de nombreuses sources dincertitudes. Les
trois causes principales dincertitude gotechnique sont la variabilit intrinsque, lerreur de mesure et lincertitude de
transformation. La variabilit intrinsque peut-tre modlise par un champ alatoire pouvant tre dcrit succinctement
par le coefficient de variation (COV) et lchelle de fluctuation. Lerreur de mesure est extraite des relevs en place, en
utilisant un modle probabiliste simple additif. Elle peut aussi tre dtermine directement par des programmes dessais
comparatifs de laboratoire. A partir dun examen fouill de la littrature, le COV de variabilit intrinsque, lchelle de
fluctuation et le COV de lerreur de mesure ont t valus en dtail, de mme que le type gnral de sol et la plage
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approximative des valeurs moyennes sur laquelle on peut appliquer les COV. Lincertitude de transformation et
lincertitude gnrale sur la proprit tudie sont quantifies dans un papier conjoint.
Mots cls : variabilit intrinsque su sol, erreur de mesure, coefficient de variation, chelle de fluctuation, variabilit
[Traduit par la Rdaction] Phoon and Kulhawy 624
Fig. 2. Inherent soil variability. of equipment and procedural control, and precision of the
correlation model. Therefore, soil property statistics that are
determined from total variability analyses only can be ap-
plied to the specific set of circumstances (site conditions,
measurement techniques, correlation models) for which the
design soil properties were derived.
In this paper, the inherent soil variability is modeled as a
random field, which can be described concisely by the COV
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Fig. 3. Estimation of vertical scale of fluctuation (source: Spry tional details on modeling inherent soil variability can be
et al. 1988, p. 2-12). found elsewhere (e.g., Vanmarcke 1977; Baecher 1985; Spry
et al. 1988; Filippas et al. 1988).
zero, because it is fluctuating equally about the trend line. The second problem is related to measurement errors,
Aside from a constant mean, the fluctuations also should be which should be separated from inherent variability if the
approximately uniform to satisfy the variance and correla- statistical results are to be extended for general use (e.g.,
tion conditions given above. Fluctuations in the soil property Baecher 1985; Orchant et al. 1988). A detailed discussion on
profile are likely to be uniform if the data are extracted from measurement errors is given later in this paper. Documenta-
a homogeneous soil layer. tion on equipment and procedural controls during soil test-
For data sets that satisfy the above conditions, the inherent ing usually is not detailed sufficiently to permit a
soil variability can be evaluated in a straightforward manner. quantitative evaluation of measurement errors. However, it is
First, the standard deviation of the inherent soil variability reasonable to assume that measurement errors are minimal
(SDw) is evaluated as for soil data obtained in research programs, where good
n equipment and procedural controls are likely to be main-
[w(zi)] 2
[2] SDw = tained (Orchant et al. 1988).
n 1 i =1 The third problem, which concerns the removal of deter-
ministic trends from the soil data, is not well recognized.
in which n is the number of data points, and w(zi) is the fluc- Consider a hypothetical soil property that varies linearly
tuation at depth zi. Then a more useful dimensionless repre- with depth with no random fluctuations about the linear
sentation of inherent variability can be obtained by trend. The soil property takes on the values of 10, 20, and
normalizing SDw with respect to the mean soil property 30, at depths of 1, 2, and 3, respectively. If the obvious lin-
trend (t) as follows: ear trend is not removed, the sample mean and standard de-
SDw viation of the data set would be evaluated as 20 and 10,
[3] COVw =
t respectively. Therefore, the COV of the soil data is 50%. A
properly detrended data set, however, would reveal that the
in which COVw is the coefficient of variation of inherent fluctuations are zero at all three depths, and the inherent
variability. variability clearly is zero. A number of the statistical analy-
Another statistical parameter that is needed to describe in- ses reported in the geotechnical literature are based on the
herent variability is the correlation distance or scale of fluc- original data set, rather than the detrended data set. From a
tuation (Fig. 2), which provides an indication of the distance rigorous statistical point of view, the results from such anal-
within which the property values show relatively strong cor- yses do not represent inherent soil variability, unless the
relation. A simple but approximate method of determining original data set contains no obvious trends. This situation is
the scale of fluctuation is given by Vanmarcke (1977) as not likely, because most soil properties exhibit variations
[4] v 0.8 d with depth to some degree. However, the depth variation
might not be significant if the sampling interval is suffi-
in which v is the vertical scale of fluctuation, and d is the ciently small. Under this condition, the COV of the data set
average distance between intersections of the fluctuating would be a valid, albeit approximate, indicator of inherent
property and its trend function, as shown in Fig. 3. Addi- variability.
Table 1. Summary of inherent variability of strength properties (source: Phoon et al. 1995, p. 4-7).
No. of data No. of tests per group Property value Property COV (%)
Property Soil type groups Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean
su(UC) (kN/m2) Fine grained 38 2538 101 6412 100 656 33
su(UU) (kN/m2) Clay, silt 13 1482 33 15363 276 1149 22
su(CIUC) (kN/m2) Clay 10 1286 47 130713 405 1842 32
su (kN/m2)b Clay 42 24124 48 8638 112 680 32
() Sand 7 29136 62 3541 37.6 511 9
() Clay, silt 12 551 16 933 15.3 1050 21
() Clay, silt 9 1741 33.3 412 9
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Fig. 4. COV of inherent variability of su versus mean su. Laboratory strength properties
Table 1 summarizes the available data on the inherent
variability of the undrained shear strength, effective stress
friction angle, and tangent of the effective stress friction an-
gle. Full details are given elsewhere (Phoon et al. 1995).
Where possible, the test types are reported because the test
boundary conditions can have a considerable effect on the
undrained shear strength and the friction angle (e.g.,
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Table 2. Summary of inherent variability of index parameters (source: Phoon et al. 1995, p. 4-16).
No. of data No. of tests per group Property value Property COV (%)
Propertya Soil typeb groups Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean
wn (%) Fine grained 40 17439 252 13105 29 746 18
wL (%) Fine grained 38 15299 129 2789 51 739 18
wP (%) Fine grained 23 32299 201 1427 22 634 16
PI (%) Fine grained 33 15299 120 1244 25 957 29
LI Clay, silt 2 32118 75 0.094 6088 74
(kN/m3) Fine grained 6 53200 564 1420 17.5 320 9
d (kN/m3) Fine grained 8 4315 122 1318 15.7 213 7
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Fig. 5. COV of inherent variability of versus mean . Fig. 6. COV of inherent variability of wn versus mean wn.
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data on other soil types are needed to confirm this observa- Laboratory index parameters
tion. The inherent variability of some common index parame-
ters is summarized in Table 2, along with the soil type, num-
Friction angle ber of data groups and tests per group, and the mean and
COV of the index parameter. Full details are given elsewhere
The variation of the COV of inherent variability of the ef-
(Phoon et al. 1995).
fective stress friction angle () is plotted versus the mean
in Fig. 5. Both the COV of and tan are plotted. There is Natural water content
no apparent difference between the COV of these two pa- The variation of the COV of inherent variability for the
rameters. The effect of soil type on the COV also is illus- natural water content (wn) is plotted versus the mean wn in
trated in Fig. 5, in which the soil type is classified broadly Fig. 6. No trends in the COV are present as the mean varies
into sand and clay. The COV for clay generally is higher from 13 to 105%. The typical range of COV for wn is be-
than that for sand. A possible reason for this effect can be tween 8 and 30%.
found in eq. [3], which states that the COV is inversely pro-
portional to the mean if the standard deviation (SD) is a con- Liquid and plastic limits
stant. This relationship is plotted in Fig. 5 for two constant The variations of the COV of inherent variability for the
SD values of 1.5 and 5.0. It is evident that this range of liquid limit (wL) and plastic limit (wP) are plotted versus the
standard deviation is applicable to both sand and clay. mean wL and wP in Fig. 7. As with wn, no trends in the COV
Therefore, the differences in the COV for sand and clay pri- are present as the mean wL and wP vary from 27 to 89% and
marily are caused by the differences in the mean friction an- 14 to 27%, respectively. The typical range of COV is be-
gle. Note that the differences in the COV for sand and clay tween 6 and 30% for both index parameters, which is com-
only are apparent because the mean friction angles of the parable to that for wn.
clays shown in Fig. 5 are very low. For most soils, the mean
friction angle typically is between 20 and 40. The COV Plasticity and liquidity indices
within this range of mean friction angle essentially is 515%. The variations of the COV of inherent variability for the
1999 NRC Canada
Phoon and Kulhawy 617
Fig. 7. COV of inherent variability of wL and wP versus mean Fig. 9. COV of inherent variability of and d versus mean
wL and wP. and d.
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Fig. 8. COV of inherent variability of PI and LI versus mean PI Fig. 10. COV of inherent variability of Dr versus mean Dr.
and LI.
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Table 3. Summary of inherent variability of field measurements (source: Phoon et al. 1995, p. 4-10).
Test No. of data No. of tests per group Property value Property COV (%)
typea Property b
Soil type groups Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean
CPT qc (MN/m2) Sand 57 102039 115 0.429.2 4.10 1081 38
CPT qc (MN/m2) Silty clay 12 3053 43 0.52.1 1.59 540 27
CPT qT (MN/m2) Clay 9 0.42.6 1.32 217 8
VST su(VST) (kN/m2) Clay 31 431 16 6375 105 444 24
SPT N Sand 22 2300 123 774 35 1962 54
SPT N Clay, loam 2 261 32 763 32 3757 44
DMT A (kN/m2) Sand to clayey sand 15 1225 17 641335 512 2053 33
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qc, CPT tip resistance; qT, corrected CPT tip resistance; su(VST), undrained shear strength from VST; N, SPT blow count (number of blows per foot or
per 305 mm); A and B, DMT A and B readings; ED, DMT modulus; ID, DMT material index; KD, DMT horizontal stress index; pL, PMT limit stress;
EPMT, PMT modulus.
ments has been discussed by Phoon and Kulhawy (1996) Table 4. Summary of scale of fluctuation of some geotechnical
and will not be repeated herein. However, since these spe- properties (source: Phoon et al. 1995, p. 4-20).
cialty conference proceedings have rather limited circulation
No. of Scale of fluctuation (m)
internationally, it is wise to repeat key data where pertinent.
Therefore, the basic data plots of COV of inherent variabil- Property Soil type studies Range Mean
ity versus the mean in situ tests parameters are given in the Vertical fluctuation
Appendix. These data support the interpretations given in su Clay 5 0.86.1 2.5
Table 3. qc Sand, clay 7 0.12.2 0.9
qT Clay 10 0.20.5 0.3
su(VST) Clay 6 2.06.2 3.8
Scale of fluctuation N Sand 1 2.4
An extensive literature review was conducted to estimate wn Clay, loam 3 1.612.7 5.7
the typical scales of fluctuations for a variety of common wL Clay, loam 2 1.68.7 5.2
geotechnical parameters. The results of this review are sum- Clay 1 1.6
marized in Table 4. Full details are given elsewhere (Phoon Clay, loam 2 2.47.9 5.2
et al. 1995). The scales of fluctuation are generally calcu- Horizontal fluctuation
lated using the method of moments. Information on the soil qc Sand, clay 11 3.080.0 47.9
type and the direction of fluctuation also are included in the qT Clay 2 23.066.0 44.5
table. It is apparent that the amount of information on the su(VST) Clay 3 46.060.0 50.7
scale of fluctuation is relatively limited in comparison to the wn Clay 1 170.0
amount of information on the COV of inherent soil variabil- a
su and su (VST), undrained shear strength from laboratory tests and
ity. Therefore, the observations given below should be vane shear tests, respectively; , effective unit weight.
viewed with caution, because there seldom are enough data
to establish their generality on a firm basis.
The vertical scale of fluctuation (v) for the undrained tween 2 and 6 m. The upper bound of this range appears to
shear strength is on the order of 12 m, although it can be as be somewhat larger than that for the laboratory measurement
large as 6 m. For the cone tip resistance, v typically is less of the undrained shear strength. The single reported value of
than 1 m. The value of v for the corrected cone tip resis- v for the standard penetration test N value falls within the
tance seems to be smaller than the corresponding v value previously noted range of 26 m. For the index parameters,
for the uncorrected cone tip resistance. The typical value of most of the v values are within the range of 210 m.
v for the corrected cone tip resistance is less than 0.5 m. The horizontal scale of fluctuation (h) is more than one
For the vane shear test, the value of v seems to vary be- order of magnitude larger than the vertical scale of fluctua-
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Phoon and Kulhawy 619
Table 5. Summary of total measurement error of some laboratory tests (source: Phoon et al. 1995, p. 4-22).
No. of data No. of tests per group Property value Property COV (%)
Property Soil type groups Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean
su(TC) (kN/m2) Clay, silt 11 13 7407 125 838 19
su(DS) (kN/m2) Clay, silt 2 1317 15 108130 119 1920 20
su(LV) (kN/m2) Clay 15 4123 29 537 13
(TC) () Clay, silt 4 913 10 227 19.1 756 24
(DS) () Clay, silt 5 913 11 2440 33.3 329 13
(DS) () Sand 2 26 26 3035 32.7 1314 14
tan (TC) Sand, silt 6 222 8
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tion, with a typical range of between 4060 m. This result is how they are followed. In general, tests that are highly oper-
not surprising because soil properties tend to be more vari- ator dependent and that have complicated test procedures
able in the vertical direction than in the horizontal direction. will have greater variability than those with simple proce-
The single reported h value of 170 m for the natural water dures and little operator dependency. Random testing error
content is about three to four times larger than the h values refers to the remaining scatter in the test results that is not
for the other soil parameters. This result is consistent with assignable to specific testing parameters and is not caused
the observation that the v values for index parameters also by inherent soil variability. A more complete discussion of
For personal use only.
are the largest. It would appear that index parameters gener- measurement error is given elsewhere (Orchant et al. 1988).
ally are less variable in both vertical and horizontal direc-
tions, in comparison with other soil parameters. It is
important to note that the scale of fluctuation is strongly in- Laboratory tests
fluenced by the sampling interval (DeGroot and Baecher In principle, measurement error can be determined di-
1993). Some of the scales of fluctuation reported in Table 4 rectly by analyzing the variation of the results obtained by a
possibly might be biased because of sampling limitation. representative group of soil testing companies performing
the same test on nominally identical soil samples. Com-
parative testing programs of this type are available (e.g.,
Measurement error Hammitt 1966; Johnston 1969; Sherwood 1970; Singh and
All soil properties have to be measured by some physical Lee 1970; Minty et al. 1979), but they are rather limited. A
means. This process of measurement introduces additional summary of the total measurement error in terms of the
variability into the soil data. The total variability of a mea- COV is given in Table 5 for a variety of common laboratory
sured property (m) can be described by the following simple tests. Full details are given elsewhere (Phoon et al. 1995).
model (Lumb 1971; Orchant et al. 1988): None of the studies reported the contribution from equip-
ment, proceduraloperator, and random testing effects sepa-
[5] m(z) = (z) + e(z) rately. Table 5 also summarizes the soil type, the number of
in which is the in situ property, and e is the measurement data groups and tests per group, and the mean and COV of
error. Equation [5] can be expanded by substituting eq. [1] the measurements.
for as follows:
Undrained shear strength
[6] m(z) = t(z) + w(z) + e(z)
The variation of the COV of measurement error of the un-
in which t is the deterministic trend, and w is the inherent drained shear strength (su) is plotted versus the mean su in
variability. The two uncertain components, w and e, gener- Fig. 11. The su tests can be classified broadly into (i) triaxial
ally are assumed to be uncorrelated because they are derived compression (TC), (ii) direct shear (DS), and (iii) laboratory
from unrelated sources (e.g., Lumb 1971; Baecher 1985; vane (LV). No apparent differences in the COV for the dif-
Filippas et al. 1988; Kulhawy et al. 1992). As mentioned ferent test types can be observed, and most of the COVs are
previously, inherent variability is caused primarily by the less than 20%. Note that the clayey silt specimens shown in
natural geologic processes that are involved in soil forma- Table 5 were compacted separately by each participant be-
tion. Measurement error, on the other hand, arises from fore testing. Therefore, the water content and dry density of
equipment, proceduraloperator, and random testing effects. the soil specimens were different and could contribute to the
Equipment effects result from inaccuracies in the measuring larger measurement errors (Singh and Lee 1970). Without
devices and variations in equipment geometries and systems the additional variability introduced by compaction, the
employed for routine testing. Proceduraloperator effects range of measurement error for these su tests probably would
originate from the limitations in existing test standards and be about 515%.
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620 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 36, 1999
Fig. 11. COV of total measurement error of su versus mean su. Fig. 13. COV of total measurement error of wn, wL, and wP
versus mean wn, wL, and wP.
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Table 6. Summary of measurement error of common in situ tests (source: Orchant et al. 1988, p. 4-63; Kulhawy and Trautmann 1996,
p. 283).
Coefficient of variation, COV (%)
Test Equipment Procedure Random Totala Rangeb
c c c
Standard penetration test (SPT) 575 575 1215 14100 1545
Mechanical cone penetration test (MCPT) 5 1015d 1015d 1522d 1525
Electric cone penetration test (ECPT) 3 5 510d 712d 515
Vane shear test (VST) 5 8 10 14 1020
Dilatometer test (DMT) 5 5 8 11 515
Pressuremeter test, prebored (PMT) 5 12 10 16 1020e
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Table 7. Approximate guidelines for inherent soil variability (source: Phoon et al. 1995, p. 4-49).
Test type Property Soil type Mean COV(%)
Lab strength su(UC) Clay 10400 kN/m 2055
su(UU) Clay 10350 kN/m2 1030
su(CIUC) Clay 150700 kN/m2 2040
Clay and sand 2040 515
CPT qT Clay 0.52.5 MN/m2 <20
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be small in these laboratory calibration studies, because the test are the smallest. Because of the limited data available
soil deposits generally were prepared under controlled laboratory and the need to use judgment to estimate these errors, the
conditions. Field data also were analyzed using second-moment last column of Table 6 represents the range of probable test
statistical techniques. However, only total variability could be measurement variability one can expect in typical field in
obtained because of the difficulty in separating the inherent situ tests. Full details are given elsewhere (Kulhawy and
variability of the soil deposit from the variability of the test Trautmann 1996).
As shown in Table 6, the measurement error for the stan- Summary and conclusions
dard penetration test is the largest, and the measurement er-
rors for the electric cone penetration test and the dilatometer Realistic estimates of the variability of soil parameters are
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622 Can. Geotech. J. Vol. 36, 1999
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58). Edited by C.D. Shackelford, P.P. Nelson, and M.J.S. Roth. LI: liquidity index
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Fig. A1. COV of inherent variability versus mean in situ test parameters: (a) CPT qc and qT; (b) su(VST); (c) SPT N; (d) DMT A and
B readings; (e) PMT pL; (f) DMT ID; (g) DMT KD; (h) DMT ED and PMT EPMT.
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