EC7 Fundamental Issues and Its Implications On Users PDF
EC7 Fundamental Issues and Its Implications On Users PDF
EC7 Fundamental Issues and Its Implications On Users PDF
As Eurocode 7 becomes more widely used, questions raised by designers have highlighted issues
that require further debate and clarification. Most of these have existed, in one form or another,
for many years, but the advent of a new code, providing a common language, has brought them
into sharper focus. Some of these issues will be considered in this paper: the selection of
characteristic and design values of soil parameters, design in situations dominated by water
pressures, the relevance of the EQU limit state and the use of numerical analysis for ULS design.
The selection of parameter values for calculations frequently leads to debates among
geotechnical designers. Eurocode 7 attempts, in an rather qualitative way, to point towards a
target reliability for characteristic values, while providing a framework in which the precious
expertise of individual engineers can be fully exploited. Problems of water pressures and the EQU
limit state have a lot in common: how to make provisions for safety in situations where forces
largely balance one another and material strength plays a small, but often vital, part. Numerical
models are now widely used to study serviceability, but their use in checking ultimate limit states
has been questioned; how are partial safety factors to be applied, at what point in staged
calculations, and can they be used with advanced non,linear models of soil behaviour?
Each of these issues is discussed and some practical solutions suggested.
Keywords: Codes of practice & standards; Design; Strength and testing of materials;
Groundwater; Numerical modelling.
This paper considers topics that are
currently under debate in relation to the
application of Eurocode 7 Part 1 (EN1997 1
2004, referred to here as EC7). The issues
raised are fundamental to geotechnical
engineering, not artefacts of the new code,
though they may have been brought to a head
by attempts to systematise geotechnical
procedures. The paper will provide a review
of opinions on the issues discussed, and,
where possible the author will give his own
opinion with justification.
Keynote lecture Eurocode 7 fundamental issues and some implications for users
Table 1. Factors proposed by CEN for the three Design Approaches.
tan '
Effective cohesion
Weight density
Total/combined (compression)
Shaft in tension
Comb 1
Comb 2
Note: Values of all other factors are 1.0. Further resistance factors are provided for other types of piles, anchors etc.
* 1.5 for structural loads; 1.3 for loads derived from the ground.
Keynote lecture Eurocode 7 fundamental issues and some implications for users
Xd = Xk/m
Keynote lecture Eurocode 7 fundamental issues and some implications for users
value actually operative in the ground, not
simply the values measured in tests, and they
are to take into account well established
experience as well as test results made for the
particular project.
Referring to Equation (1) above, taken
from EN1990, the requirement in EC7 for
the value affecting the occurrence of the
limit state is equivalent to incorporating the
conversion factor , in this case relating soil
test results to real ground behaviour, into the
characteristic value, as allowed by EN 1990.
Paragraph {2.4.3(4)} notes that assessment of
ground properties should take account of
the effect of construction activities on the
properties of the ground.
The experience to be considered in
estimating the characteristic value is noted in
background information, such as data from
previous projects. This paragraph also lists
the following items as relevant to the
required estimate:
the variability of the measured property
values and other relevant information,
e.g. from existing knowledge;
the extent of the field and laboratory
the type and number of samples;
the extent of the zone of ground
governing the behaviour of the
geotechnical structure at the limit state
being considered;
the ability of the geotechnical structure
to transfer loads from weak to strong
zones in the ground.
Keynote lecture Eurocode 7 fundamental issues and some implications for users
combined by statistics. The designer must
be convinced that a cautious estimate of
the value affecting the occurrence of the
limit state is being adopted.
Keynote lecture Eurocode 7 fundamental issues and some implications for users
of the shaft resistance of a pile, a value such
as the cautious (average) value shown on
the figure could be used. However, for a
mechanism that might take place in a small
zone of soil, such as at the base of a pile, a
more cautious value the cautious (local)
value should be adopted.
Keynote lecture Eurocode 7 fundamental issues and some implications for users
Engineers often need to follow this sort of
process when trying to interpret real data. It
may be that statistical methods could trace a
similar logical sequence. However, this
would require quite advanced methods and
any statistical approach which failed to take
account of the diverse array of data, typically
available, would be harmful to the design
Keynote lecture Eurocode 7 fundamental issues and some implications for users
For soil in a denser state, the design value
in the body of the soil will normally be
obtained from the characteristic value by
application of a partial factor . Often, this
will mean that the design will be less than
a cautious estimate of the critical state value,
ie d = k/ < crit,k. In the authors
opinion, this is a very useful additional safety
check (ie d < crit,k), and it would be good
if it were added, at least as an application
rule, to EC7.
Keynote lecture Eurocode 7 fundamental issues and some implications for users
If these secondary actions or action
effects are large, failure could occur but the
fault may be seen to rest with the owners or
maintainers of the structure, or the vandals;
alternatively, the designer should have
foreseen them and was wrong to omit them
from the primary actions for which the
structure was designed.
However, if the secondary actions or
action effects are small, the owner would
reasonably expect the structure to be
sufficiently robust to withstand them. In this
context, large and small effects have to
be judged in relation to the magnitude of the
primary actions.
It follows that even where there is no real
possibility of unfavourable variation of the
primary actions, it may be necessary to
include some variation of them in design in
order to accommodate the possible
secondary actions that are not otherwise
included. The uncertainty of the way the
actions produce effects within a structure
also has to be accommodated.
variations could be applied either to the
actions themselves, in deriving design
values, or to the action effects.
Keynote lecture Eurocode 7 fundamental issues and some implications for users
Keynote lecture Eurocode 7 fundamental issues and some implications for users
Figure 10 Submerged anchor block allowable anchor force in relation to density of block.
(a) Method 1, (b) Methods 2 to 4, (c) Methods 2 to 4 assuming the anchor force is permanent.
Keynote lecture Eurocode 7 fundamental issues and some implications for users
Where G and G,inf are partial factors on the
unfavourable and favourable actions. For all
Td Rd = Rk/P,t
UkG,dst = WkG,stb + Td
Td = UkG,dst WkG,stb
Td = UkG WkG,inf
Keynote lecture Eurocode 7 fundamental issues and some implications for users
Figure 13. Number of piles required (normalised). (a) unfactored, (b) pile resistance factored, (c) G =
1.35 on water pressure, (d) water table adjusted, (e) UPL, (f) G;fav = 0.8 on weight.
Keynote lecture Eurocode 7 fundamental issues and some implications for users
In this problem, it is necessary to change
the water pressure or the building weight
from their characteristic values in order to
increase safety when Uk is close to Wk. A
possible alternative, not considered by
Eurocode 7 but recommended for further
consideration, would be to apply a reduction
factor to the weight of the building, say 0.8,
while leaving the water pressure unfactored.
This is shown as line (f) in Figure 13, plotted
with R=1.7. This provides safety when h/D
= Wk/Ww, but it avoids factoring water
pressure and has a smaller effect than some
of the alternatives, such as UPL, when
Of all the approaches presented here, the
author recommends adoption of either (d) an
increase in the water head h or (f) a reduction
factor applied to the weight of the building of
about 0.8.
Keynote lecture Eurocode 7 fundamental issues and some implications for users
If the factors are applied to excess pore
pressure, or excess head, and to buoyant
weight, the allowable height of water H
following Orrs calculations is 6.84m, using
either form of the equation. If, instead, the
factor G;stb is applied to total density, the
allowable height of water H is only slightly
less at 6.1m, nowhere near the unreasonable
value of 2.78m obtained by Orr on his
interpretation of Equation 2.9a. Once it is
decided to what parameters the factors are
applied, the choice of Equations 2.9a or 2.9b
makes no difference.
Keynote lecture Eurocode 7 fundamental issues and some implications for users
7. The star approach (DA2* or DA1*,
introduced here) has advantages when
dealing with problems dominated by
water pressures because it avoids the
application of partial factors to the
density of water or to water pressures.
8. In uplift problems, it is necessary to vary
either water pressures or the magnitudes
of favourable, stabilising weight, in order
to ensure safety in view of possible
secondary actions. In order to avoid
factoring water pressures, the possibility
of a reduced factor on favourable weight,
perhaps between 0.8 and 0.9 should be
9. To prevent toppling failure of structures
loaded laterally by water pressure, a
middle 2/3rds rule could be considered,
applied to unfactored actions.
10. Although there are obvious advantages in
making codes of practice as precise and
prescriptive as possible, the need for
engineering expertise and careful
evaluation of the full range of credible
scenarios cannot be replaced. This is
particularly true of situations in which
water pressure has a dominating role.
The following points were not agreed and
remain to be debated and researched further.
In some cases, appropriate conclusions may
depend on other features of the safety formats
adopted, for example the differing Design
Approaches of Eurocode 7.
11. Whether it is desirable to apply factors to
water pressures. Several approaches that
avoid this have been discussed, but in
some approaches factors are applied to
water pressures in some circumstances.
12. Whether it is reasonable to apply partial
factors to forces (action effects) directly
derived from water pressures. It is agreed
that this may raise problems, which were
discussed, but the authors could not agree
that it can always be avoided.
13. The use of the star approach, factoring
action effects, in cases where it is directly
equivalent to factoring water pressures,
either complying with the single source
principle or not compliant. The problem
particularly relates to situations in which
equilibrium is not maintained throughout
the geotechnical calculations of stability,
including sliding, bearing, toppling and
Less concern is felt about
application of factors to action effects
Keynote lecture Eurocode 7 fundamental issues and some implications for users
shown in Figure 16. If both the forces W
come from a single source, then regular
application of load factors would lead to
calculation of no bending moment in the
column and equal compressive forces in the
piles. However, this would be an unstable
equilibrium. The purpose of EQU is to
ensure stability with an adequate margin of
safety by applying different factors to the two
forces W, even though they come from a
single source.
Figure 16.
Keynote lecture Eurocode 7 fundamental issues and some implications for users
4.99 both concepts check EQU and conclude
that there is no tension requirement for the
piles. For very slightly higher a/b = 5.01,
Concept 1 requires that the piles be designed
for a significant tension of 0.58Wr. In
contrast, for this very small change in a/b
Concept 2 requires very little tension
capacity, 0.002Wr.
(c) In some cases, Concept 1 requires that
the foundations be designed for more severe
loading when their strength is limited than
when their strength is considered unlimited,
implying that there is no strength
requirement. Schuppener et al considered the
retaining structure shown in Figure 17. In
Concept 1 the problem was judged to be one
of overturning if the ground was infinitely
strong, for which the load factors applied
were those of EQU. But if the ground was
not infinitely strong in bearing, the larger
load factors of GEO had to be considered. In
the authors view, it is unreasonable to
change the loading in this way as a function
of the strength of the ground. This issue does
not arise with Concept 2.
Keynote lecture Eurocode 7 fundamental issues and some implications for users
example of this approach is the c,
reduction in Plaxis.
In method (a), the aim is to show that no
ULS occurs with the reduced strengths. The
various strength parameters involved, cu, c,
, other soil parameters and structural
strengths, can all be factored by different
amounts if required.
Normally the
occurrence of a ULS will not actually be
modelled. This method can show that the
design complies with code requirements, but
it may not make clear how much additional
reserve the design has, or how much further
economy might be available.
Method (b) models an actual ULS and the
aim is to show that the reduction factors that
apply to material strengths at the ULS are
greater than those required by the code. The
difference between the code requirements
and the actual reduction factors at failure
may give some indication of the reserve of
safety and the further economy available.
Even so, it will not lead directly to an
improved design; this has to be achieved by
further analysis of a revised geometry.
It is important that the appropriate partial
factors are applied to each strength
parameter involved, such as cu, c, , and
possibly structural strengths. This is easily
achieved with method (a); facility for
method (b) will be dependent on the
As an example, Figure 18 shows the
displacements computed for an 8m deep
excavation with a diaphragm wall and single
prop. The design moment of resistance of
the wall is 1000kNm/m. Following method
(a), with a strength reduction factor of
1.25 the mobilised bending moment is
772kNm/m (Fig. 19). No ULS occurs, so
the design is verified. Figure 20 shows the
development of a mechanism as has
gradually been reduced to a value equivalent
to = 1.45, following method (b); for this
analysis the computed bending moment is
1729kNm/m, far above the moment of
resistance of the wall. The method (b)
analysis, with an excessive reduction in the
strength of the soil and an unacceptable
bending moment, yields no useful
information, failing to clarify whether the
Keynote lecture Eurocode 7 fundamental issues and some implications for users
Computing a failure mechanism by
increasing the loading to an unrealistic level
with unfactored strengths models an equally
wrong state. The requirement of EC7 is to
show that for the design conditions a ULS
will not occur; the mechanism by which it
would occur in even more extreme
circumstances is not important.
In design situations, there may be many
criteria to be met in checking against the
occurrence of ULSs, relating to the various
soil types and structural elements involved.
For example, in analysis of a retaining
structure, it is not useful to know that a
failure would occur for a certain reduction of
soil strength, if the computed forces or
bending moments in the same situation
would not be acceptable.
This could
potentially be overcome by modelling the
structural behaviour with elastic plastic
elements, using appropriate design strengths
and considering any brittleness. If this is not
done, an elastic model of the structure will
often be suitable for method (a), but method
(b), which takes the computation to failure,
might be more problematic.
= 1.25
= 1.45
Keynote lecture Eurocode 7 fundamental issues and some implications for users
%%% Strategy 1 %%%
Compute using
factored strength
Factor material
Compute using
Initial state
Initial state?
Could be critical
for wall
bending moment
Excavate to 5m
wall cantilevering
Excavate to 5m
wall cantilevering
Install prop at 4m
Install prop at
4m depth
Excavate to 10m
Excavate to 10m
Could be critical
for wall length,
bending moment
and prop force
No further factors
on strut forces or
Apply factors on
strut forces or
No further factors
on strut forces or
Keynote lecture Eurocode 7 fundamental issues and some implications for users
to use an effective stress model for undrained
behaviour with a lower factor (eg 1.25 on c,
tan) than would be used if undrained
strength were input directly (eg 1.4 on cu).
The author considers this to be potentially
unsafe. The higher factor (eg 1.4) was
considered appropriate for characteristic
values of cu based on measurement, which is
generally more reliable than values computed
from effective stress parameters, so it is
unreasonable to adopt a lower value for the
The conclusion to be drawn from this is
that when undrained behaviour is being
modelled using effective stress parameters
(eg c, ) the partial factor applied to them
should give a reduction in undrained strength
at least equivalent to that required by EC7 for
cu. This requires some testing, but as a first
approximation the factor to be applied to c,
tan might be about the same as that
required for cu (eg 1.4).
If time dependent consolidation is to be
modelled in a ULS numerical analysis, it will
again be necessary to use an effective stress
model. The values of partial factors to be
applied have not yet been considered.
7.1 Introduction
The analysis of a large station box in
Florence, Italy, designed to Eurocode is
described by Simpson and Hocombe (2010),
from which the following abbreviated version
is drawn. This case study presents salient
features of the design and the method
adopted. Partial factors were applied to soil
properties at all stages of excavation in the
ULS analyses. Results are presented here of
a subsequent comparative study into the
effects of applying partial material factors
only at specific excavation stages.
The proposed station lies on a high speed
rail line currently nearing completion
between Milan and Naples and is situated just
north of the historic centre of Florence. The
Client for the station is Rete Ferroviaria
Italiana (RFI) with construction scheduled for
2010. The structure is 454m long, 52m wide
Keynote lecture Eurocode 7 fundamental issues and some implications for users
stages rather than at all stages. The results of
these C2 analyses (with factored soil but
unfactored wall moments and shears) are also
compared with the results of C1 analyses
(unfactored soil, factored wall moments and
shears). The investigation considered three
propped excavation stages based on a 1.2m
thick diaphragm wall, applying the
characteristic Mohr Coulomb soil parameters
presented in Figure 22 in the pseudo finite
element program Oasys FREW (Pappin et al.,
Bending moments derived using FREW
are presented in Figure 23. The ULS C1
results have been factored up by the specified
partial factor of 1.35 for comparison with
those from ULS C2.
Maximum positive wall moments (tension
on excavated face) are marginally higher
from C1 compared to those from C2 in which
partial factors are applied at all stages, the
solid lines in the figure. Negative wall
moments are, however, greater in C2 at the
middle prop level (+31m). This may be a
result of lower margin on lateral stability and
higher wall deflection during the deeper
stages of excavation in C2 compared to C1.
Applying partial factors on soil strengths
in C2 only at the respective excavation stages
gave similar wall moments in stages 1 and 2
to the C2 analysis with factors applied at all
stages. Application of partial factors only at
excavation stage 3, however, resulted in
larger negative wall moments at the lowest
temporary prop, with greater wall deflection
than the analysis with partial factors at all
stages. Inspection of predicted soil pressures
suggests that with partial factors applied
during stages 1 and 2 more soil arching onto
the higher props occurs, allowing greater
reduction of soil pressure below the active
limit than when partial factors are applied
only in stage 3.
Results of the comparison in design prop
forces using FREW are presented in Figure
24. The ULS C1 results have again been
factored up by the specified partial factor of
1.35 for comparison with ULS C2. The C2
forces with factored soil strength at all stages
are higher at the lower two levels than those
from C1.
Keynote lecture Eurocode 7 fundamental issues and some implications for users
EN1990. (2002) Eurocode: Basis of design. BSI,
London. (BS EN 1990:2002).
EN1997 1
Geotechnical design Part 1: General rules. BSI,
London. (BS EN 1997 1:2004).
BSI (2007) Eurocode 7 Geotechnical design
Part 2: Ground investigation and testing. BSI,
London (BS EN 1997 2:2007).
Foye, K.C. Salgado, R. & Scott, B. 2006.
Resistance factors for use in shallow foundation
LRFD. J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., 132(9), 1208
Gulvanessian, H, Calgaro, J A, Holicky, M
(2002) Designers' Guide to EN 1990 Eurocode:
Basis of structural design. Thomas Telford.
Hocombe, T., Pellew, A., McBain, R., and Yeow,
H C. (2007) Design of a new deep underground
station structure in Florence. Proc. XIV ECSMGE,
Madrid, Vol 2, pp 1049 1054.
Pappin, J.W., Simpson, B., Felton, P.J., and
Raison, C. (1986) Numerical analysis of flexible
retaining walls. Symposium on computer
applications in geotechnical engineering. The
Midland Geotechnical Society, UK, April.
Schneider, H. R. 1997. Definition and
determination of characteristic soil properties.
Contribution to Discussion Session 2.3, XIV
ICSMFE, Hamburg. Balkema.
Schuppener B., Simpson B., Orr T. L. L., Frank
R. and Bond A. J. (2009). Loss of static equilibrium
of a structure definition and verification of limit
state EQU. Proc 2nd International Symposium on
Geotechnical Safety and Risk IS GIFU 2009, Gifu,
Japan, (editors: Y. Honjo, M. Suzuki, T. Hara & F.
Zhang, Taylor & Francis Group, London) 11 12 June,
pp 111 118.
Simpson, B and Hocombe, T (2010) Implications
of modern design codes for earth retaining structures.
Proc ER2010, ASCE Earth Retention Conference 3,
pp.786 803, Seattle, Aug 2010.
Simpson, B, Vogt, N & van Seters AJ (2011)
Geotechnical safety in relation to water pressures.
Proc 3rd Int Symp on Geotechnical Safety and Risk,
pp 501 517, Munich.
Simpson, B and Yazdchi, M (2003) Use of finite
element methods in geotechnical limit state design.
LSD2003: International Workshop on Limit State
Design in Geotechnical Engineering Practice.
The paper has discussed some of the
current debates related to application of
Eurocode 7, providing tentative conclusions
where available.
For determination of
characteristic values of material properties
and of water pressures, some possible
processes have been proposed, but the need
to exploit engineering insight and expertise
has also been emphasised.
This is a
particular challenge for code drafters.
Problems affected by the loading of water
pressure, or with the balanced loads from a
single source considered by EQU, require
very careful assessment of safety. It has been
suggested that EQU should be regarded as
just another load case rather than a
different limit state.
The use of numerical analysis is expected
to become increasingly common in
geotechnical design, so it is important that
modern codes accommodate this. Current
discussions have been summarised and
approaches for analysing ultimate limit states
have been presented.
Bauduin, C, De Vos, M & Simpson, B (2000).
Some Considerations on the Use of Finite Element
Methods in Ultimate Limit State Design. LSD2000:
Int. Workshop on Limit State Design in Geotechnical
Engineering, ISSMGE, TC23, Melbourne.
Becker, D.E. 1996. Eighteenth Canadian
Geotechnical Colloquium: Limit states design of
foundations. I: An overview of the foundation design
process. Canadian Geotech J, 33(6), 956 983.
K Cheung, K West, H C Yeow & B Simpson
(2009) Do Eurocodes make a difference? Geotechnics
and Tunnelling, Vol 3, No. 1, pp35 47. Wiley
Interscience. . (Report on Special Workshop on
Consequences of Eurocode 7 on the design of tunnels,
Austrian Society for Geomechanics, Salzburg,
Dahlberg, R and Ronold, KO (1993) Limit state
design of offshore foundations. Proc Int Symp Limit
state design in geotechnical engineering, Vol 2,
pp491 500. Danish Geotechnical Society.
Dahlberg, R and Ronold, KO (1993) Limit state
design of offshore foundations. Proc Int Symp Limit
state design in geotechnical engineering, Vol 2,
pp491 500. Danish Geotechnical Society.
Ellison, KC, Soga, K and Simpson, B (2012) A
strain space soil model with evolving stiffness
anisotropy. Gotechnique, in press.