Grow It Long PDF
Grow It Long PDF
Grow It Long PDF
Table of Contents
How to Use this Guide .................................................... 3
Introduction ................................................................... 5
Does Culture Make a Difference?................................... 11
So Your Hair is Breaking ............................................... 14
Saving Your Hair ........................................................... 25
Keeping it Natural......................................................... 28
For Speedy Growth Eat More of This Secret #1 ................. 31
The Perfect Blend - Secret #2 .......................................... 39
Fish Oil!!! - Secret #3....................................................... 44
Conditioners................................................................. 67
A Trip To The Indian Market Secret #6 ........................... 69
Scalp Massages - Secret # 7............................................... 73
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H o w t o U s e t h i s G ui d e
I really want you to master this and grow your hair long. It
is my deepest wish that you will gain a lot from reading this
I n tr o d u c ti o n
Like all women, of all ethnic groups I have had to learn to
understand the needs of my hair. I have had to learn to
respect my hair as an entity which has a life and needs
separate from what my body needs. The hair journey is just
a natural process of discovery that most woman eventually
come face to face with, no matter what their race, cultural or
ethnic makeup. After all hair is such a big part of a womans
makeup, regardless of what her culture or race.
when she removes the hair and has to wait for someone to
put in a new set of hair? Its like having a prosthetic limb.
The secret of the fake hair is becoming so widely known that
comedians joke about women with fake hair. Most non
blacks immediately assume that every woman of colour who
has a healthy head of hair must be sporting a weave. How
frustrating it is for those who really have made the effort to
learn to love and care for their own hair, to have someone
walk up and insist that their hair is not real.
The same goes for the one hundred and one products that
many women keep under the bathroom sink, with the hopes
that each new vial will grow their hair to a length which was
previously unattainable. Sadly, it never works.
This however is not true. This I know for sure. It would take
one woman to dramatically change my outlook on our hair.
She changed my understanding of the nature of our various
textures as well as the possibility of greater length and that
was all I really needed anyway. After all it usually takes one
person to destroy our image and the belief that our hair is
bad hair. Later I will share with you what she said about our
hair and how her simple routine yields a full head of natural
hair to her waist.
also always worried that whatever growth that I had gained
would be lost because I could not maintain it without the
help of my stylist.
If you are like me and most women in the world you want
your hair to be healthy, easy to manage and long. Preferably
very long! This was the goal I set out to attain and the
results surprised even me.
D o e s C u l tu r e m a ke
A Dif f e r e n c e ?
One thing which is quite apparent is the attitude which these
two groups of women have. The hair attitudes come with a
direct programming. The programming which is a very big
belief for many African American women is that their hair
simply cannot grow. If one were to walk up to an African
American woman on the street and show her a picture of
another African American woman with beyond shoulder
length hair, the one looking at the picture would not belief
that the one in the photographs hair was real. If she were
told that it were real and that she too could attain such a
length she would not believe this either.
the right care and gentleness and their belief is evident in
the outcome.
While the American woman leaves the care of her hair to the
stylist to remedy, its not the case for some woman living in
Cuba or Belize or some other Caribbean Island. The
approach to hair care is that the woman needs to care and
nurture her own hair. This is not to say that those women
do not go to the stylist but the stylist plays a different role in
their lives. They do not visit the stylist every single
weekend. The stylist is not a crutch. They understand the
need to learn what their hair can and cant do. They are
more likely to know what is possible for their hair than say
an American woman who relies heavily on what her stylist
says about her hair. Going to a stylist to perm your hair and
get it trimmed is not the secret to longer, faster hair growth.
It just is not. Sadly many think that this is the secret.
become a love affair not something to get rid off or simply
pay someone else to have done.
This attitude sets the stage. And, if only the thinking would
change about the hair then that by itself would immediately
change what the hair can do.
S o Y o u r H a ir is
B r ea k i n g
Before we can entertain any of the wonderful secrets and
techniques for growing out long hair we have to address
some of the problems that are so common to us.
If year after year your hair has been at the very same length
with no improvement then your hair is going through a
constant cycle of breakage. There are several factors which
may contribute to this.
Blow drying
Over processing with relaxers
Product build up
Hair Conditioners
Hair Tension
In order to know what exactly is causing the breakage you
need to make an assessment of your daily routine. It would
help to read though every one of the problems as it may
serve as a cautionary guide as to what you should not do.
Blow drying
Once in a while for that special occasion you can blow dry
the hair but it is important to monitor the amount of heat
and watch that it does not get too hot. Using a heat
protectant on your strands is a must before you blow dry if
you insist on blow drying. However blow drying or any sort
of heat is simply not something that should be done if you
care to grow out your hair.
If you are thinking of growing out your hair stop the blow
drying during that growing out phase.
Over processing
Oh how we love the things which hate our hair!!! It does not
matter if we are using caustic chemicals found in relaxers,
or those found in the dyes which we use monthly, they all
have a very harsh effect on our fine hair. Hair relaxers are
the most potent alkaline chemicals that are allowed to come
anywhere close to a human body. The relaxer is designed to
destroy the peptide bonds of the hair. These peptide bonds
are what strengthens and holds the hair together. When
these bonds are broken down the hair becomes straight
immediately weakening the hair. As a result hair breakage
and stunted growth is common to most black women who
use relaxers.
Its well known and it says so right on the jar of lye relaxers
that it should only be used on the new growth and never
reapplied onto hair that was previously chemically treated.
Yet time and time again women go to the salons and repeat
the process of applying the relaxers to the strands that have
already been dramatically altered by those harsh chemically.
When the peptide bonds are repeatedly broken down this
leaves the hair extremely fragile. The hair then becomes
porous and quite difficult to maintain any moisture at all.
The three main chemicals found in most shampoos are:
Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS)
Sodium Laureth Sulphate (SLES)
Ammonium lauryl Sulphate (ALS)
Not only are these ingredients drying, they also strip the
delicate surface of the hair. Add that knowledge to the
delicate nature of our hair, especially hair that has been
relaxed. When tested on the skin these sulphates were also
found to cause severe skin damage and the longer it stays
on the skin the greater the damage.
Later you will find really great alternative recipes for washing
your hair which will help in saving your strands from
breaking which will intern give you the results of longer hair.
Product Build-up
Most every black woman you meet will tell you that washing
their hair too frequently is not good for our hair. Surely
In the typical sense it is quite damaging if you are scrubbing
away at your strands with a cheap harsh shampoo. However
too many women go an extremely long time between
washes for fear of ruining their hair styles. What happens
when every single day you add a leave in conditioner, oil and
some sort of styling gel or spray? All of those products
remain on the hair piling up. Eventually the strands become
heavily weighed down and then snaps under the pressure of
a comb or any tension.
Whats the solution to product build-up? Simple! Rinse it all
out and start again. Dont be afraid to wash it out even if it
is not your typical wash day. Your hair tells you what it
needs and it simply does not go by your schedule. Ignoring
the excess build up can have a rapid effect on breakage.
You may be surprise at just how much hair you can lose in a
very short space of it. Within a matter of days you can lose a
full year of progress.
Hair Conditioners
Is your hair feeling super brittle?
Does it feel stiff and untamed by oil or your usual
leave in conditioner?
Have you been doing a conditioner only wash very
often only to find that your hair is still breaking off
very easily?
Take a look at your regular jar of conditioner. Almost every
single jar has some form of the following proteins as an
Hydrolysed protein
Keratin protein
Wheat protein
Hair Tension
with a comp that could very well be another source of
tension on your strands.
Maybe you have just removed a weave or braids and
although you may have gotten much growth your hair seems
very brittle and simple does not cooperate with any of the
procedures you have tried.
beneath the braids or the weave until it is time to remove
them. Generally most women hope and believe that as they
allow their hair to rest with a protective style such as braids
or weave their hair will finally grow to the length they have
dreamed off. Unfortunately after removing the braids or
weave the hair can be in a lot worst condition than it was in
previously. If she does seem to have gained some length it
is likely that within a few weeks all the progress is lost as
the damaged fragile strands break under the pressure of
daily the routine. Why is this you ask?
Because the hair has been lacking attention it has lost much
needed moisture and is in need of greater repair. The hair
needs to be maintained while it is beneath the braids or
weave. Spraying it with a light water base leave in
conditioner is one simple but very important step which
assures that the hair gets the moisture that it needs.
Saving Your Hair
This is a very brief chapter but a very necessary one. Before
anyone can learn to understand new concepts and
techniques to growing their hair they must first learn the
importance of respecting their strands.
Keeping it Natural
I want you to get this and get it well
because it is going to be the foundation
to all that you will later apply to your hair care growth.
There are two factors which are unique to our specific hair
type and must be understood. The first factor is that Black
hair is inherently dry and the second factor is that the
diameter of our hair is quite fine. Because of these two
factors our hair is much more prone to breakage.
Most of the products that are marketed for black hair care
only exacerbate the problem. There are some common
ingredients found in shampoos and conditioners and regular
leave ins: silicones Lanolin Beeswax Petroleum
Please take a look at any of your hair care products and you
will see.
1.You apply a
Heavy Waxy or
Pretroleum based
2. It creates a
5. The over load of
shield around the
wax causes the
hair , moisture
hair to snap
cannot get in
Natural hair care products are the best choice for black hair.
Two benefits to natural hair care products.
With that said I will not suggest that you completely ban all
mass produced products on the market. What you want is to
become aware of the cycle and make a more educated choice
by adding more natural hair care products. You will find that
the closer to nature you stay the stronger your hair will be.
For Speedy Growth
e a t m o r e of th i s
Nutrition plays a very big role in how long your hair grows.
But read on further to discover the one secret that will
guarantee your hair grows super fast. You will experience
great results hands down!
After having it cut she was quite disappointed about the way
the new length had framed her face. She definitely did not
find it as flattering to her face as she had previously
imagined it would. I had to agree however that the damage
was already done. I imagined that it would take her several
years for her hair to reach its previous length. This was all
my own misconception about the ability of coily hair to
growth at all.
Although she was very sad about her hair, she immediately
had a plan. I heard her telling me what she intended on
doing to grow her hair back and also where she expected
her length to be within a few months. Quite honestly I heard
her but I did not believe the possibilities, so all her words
went out of my head.
hair and immediately her brother commented that it was the
I decided to put the egg theory to the test and tried it out
myself. I decided that I would not relax my hair for several
months in order to monitor the extent of my growth. My
diet consisted of eggs and a small green leaf salad for
breakfast, sometimes oatmeal and eggs. For lunch I also
had eggs with fish or meat and whatever other greens or
starches that were added. During the day I also snacked on
one or two eggs and then again in the evening for dinner
eggs with a small salad were part of my final meal. This was
pretty much the diet the women in the house suggested that
I follow.
I never took the time to fully understand just why the eggs
were such a factor in the speed of hair growth until I met
with another woman who shared her secret of growing her
hair long very quickly. Whenever she wanted to grow out a
bad hair cut or any damage she may have incurred she
increased the amount of fish and eggs in her diet. Just when
I had forgotten about the eggs she reminded me about
them. I wanted to know just why the increase in fish and
After come research I learned the common factor is Secret
Number #1 protein, protein, protein. The secret of adding
extra protein as a way to grow the hair seems to be common
sense knowledge to most women from other cultures. Many
women will supplement their diet with added protein if they
want to grow out a bad hair cut in time for a special event.
After Compiling all the notes from women I had met much
later on, it was clear that many people had successfully
speed up the growth of the hair by adding an extra helping
of protein. It seemed that everyone who cared about their
hair knew to do this the moment they decided on growing
out their hair.
product. To my observation it worked. My hair did grow
very quickly. When I compared it to my previous egg
experiment I have to say that it did exceed my previous
results. It worked!
could see much more growth than you would ordinarily
have. After one month it is not out of the ordinary to have
an added inch to an inch and a half of hair growth. The
following is a list of sources of protein:
One of the first things people on the Atkins diet have
recognized beyond weight loss has been longer and shinier
hair. This is all due the increase of protein.
T h e Pe r f e c t
B le n d
If money were not an object taking these three alone would
give you a greater understanding of just how well they
enhance your hair and speed up the growth.
Biotin is part of the B vitamin family. It can be found in
egg yoke, liver, milk, soy, barley. Biotin metabolises the
protein in your diet which enhances the absorption of the
protein in your body. Since hair growth is greatly reliant on
your protein intake you can see how the biotin would greatly
enhance the protein in your diet. Brewers yeast is one of the
richest sources of biotin as well as other b- vitamins.
If you are sensitive to breads or refined foods then this
choice may not be for you. However if you are on a budget
and yeast is not an issue for you then this is a great addition
to your diet.
MSM is a sulfur compound with lots of benefits, it
rejuvenates the skin, and it increases cell turn over, helps
with joint pain, help in the quick recovery and many more
Like protein sulfur can be found in part in our body. In
research it was shown that there is less sulfur in the strands
of coily hair compared to the hair of those with straight hair.
While I do share the three ingredients that make the perfect
blend for any hair growth vitamin tablet, I do stress that you
aim to have MSN always. It have benefits that could take an
entire book to share.
Note: Everything I have shared in the form of hair vitamins have been
researched a great deal and tested. While I was introduced to many
things by others I have spend a long time researching the actual
effects not only to my hair but to others as well.
C o d L iv e r O il Oil
Did you know that Fish oil is one of the best supplements
you could ever take? The Omega 3 fatty acids are an overall
benefit to the heart and the general health of the body.
Maybe you recall taking cod liver oil as a child? If you are
from a country outside of the United States you may recall
getting your daily dose of Cod Liver oil and perhaps you are
still taking it.
Looking at her present hair condition which was thick and
very healthy, I knew this was a sign so I promptly went out
and got a bottle.
The blood stream. One of the
most more common brands
common happens to be Seven Seas
belief is Cod Liver oil. However it is
that the not the only brand on the
market. This is
Cod Liver oil should be A supplement you want to
taken first thing in the incorporate into your diet
morning on an empty for the numerous benefits
stomach a few minutes it will give you beyond just
before breakfast. Orange hair care.
juice can be added to the
mix. The idea of having it
before meals is to enhance
its absorption into the
The Truth About
W a te r
And Your Hair
The Biggest Myth about our hair: Water is bad for black hair.
As black women we have developed some radical
misconceptions about the effects of water on our hair. I do
not know where the theory that water is bad for our hair
began. Looking back at the much earlier generation of
blacks in this country many of the women wore their hair in
very long braided styles. Their general routine was to daily
wet their hair, comb it out, grease it, and then plait it up.
shine and not easy to manage, which obviously leads to hair
that is constantly breaking.
Every woman who has had a relaxer knows just how dry and
dull her hair gets after washing it. It is the reason why most
women wash their hair every two weeks and some go as
long a one full month.
thinking about shampoo, water and hair washing. The
clarity of it all was done by a dear old lady.
It did not take very long for her to share with me what she
knows about hair. She was eager and enthusiastic about
sharing her knowledge. Hair, she said, should be treated
like the plant. You have to water it and give it attention but
if you do too much you kill it. Then she said, Did you ever
see a plan grow that did not get watering? Then she
proceeded to tell me about her granddaughter who
complains daily about her hair. She oils it and rolls it up,
she measures it and seems to sit by waiting for it to grow
but she never wets it.
I laughed out, thinking of all the women who I knew who
were doing the same thing, myself included. But granny,
you know water is hard on our hair type, I said.
nonsense, she responded. Says who?
Of course I went about sharing with her how the water
breaks down our hair and why it takes the relaxer out. But,
for the very first time as I was sharing this, I realized that I
had no bases at all in this myth. I had never proved it to
myself that this was a fact.
Then she said something quite simple. She said, Stop using
that shampoo. Its not the water that breaks the hair its the
Water Is Essential to the growth of our hair.
shampoo that dries out the hair. You can wet your hair
every day and your hair will be clean and it will grow more
for it. There are plants and things which are gently on our
hair. Throw away those harsh chemical shampoos they were
not made for our fine hair in mind.
particular grade that was uncommon to the rest of us. What
was uncommon was the health and shine of her hair.
After much more talk about the politics and social affects
that hair plays on us as women she shared her routine which
was quite astonishingly simple.
She said that this routine has served her for most of her life
and when she has visited her children in colder climates she
reverses the procedure and does it at night instead of in the
shaft and on the scalp and what was there would only
protect the hair from the elements.
T h r ee a l t e r n a t i v es t o S h a m p o o
Hair Rinsing:
If you have experienced a lot of build up and think rinsing with water
alone is not enough for you, then maybe its exactly the trick your hair
needs a break from all those products.
do not wash the hair??? This is just an added ingredient.
Rinsing your hair with warm water removes the oils and dirt
from the scalp and the hair. Allow the water to fully saturate
your hair. Then massage you scalp to remove excess dirt
and oil. Running your fingers through your hair will also lift
away any dirt. Then you can follow up with a cool water
Conditioner Wash:
Natural Shampoo:
Many people are becoming wiser about shampoo and using
alternative methods so manufactures are making more
shampoos which are labelled natural but they are not natural
at all. They still contain the harsh ingredients which strip
and dry out the hair. Visit a health food store where there
are alternative hair washing aids.
Let us not forget that things which are store bought are first made from
natural ingredients that are easily found in your kitchen. Chemicals are
later added to the ingredients to help in preserving their life and holding
the ingredients together. --- Never underestimate your ability to whip up
something in your kitchen which would be more, healthy for your hair.
Hibiscus and Okra Shampoo
Br o w n S ug a r S c r ub
Let me first say that brown sugar is a natural exfoliant which
does wonders for lifting the top layer of dead skin. There
are many companies that now market brown sugar body
scrubs. Anything that is good for the rest of the body is
certainly good for the scalp.
One of the great benefits of this scrub is that it lifts the dead
skin on the scalp that would otherwise have gotten trapped
in your hair. Plus not even shampoo can clean your scalp as
a good gentle exfoliant scrub such as this. As the dead skin
is lifted the scalp has a better chance of absorbing that
wonderful Herbal Hair Oil designed for faster growth.
Part your dry hair just as you would if you were going to
relax it or condition it. Apply the sugar spread to your
scalp. After you have completed apply it to the entire scalp
begin to gently massage your scalp. When you have
completed the whole head you can now wet the hair and
massage some more. The final step is to thoroughly rinse
the hair so that all reside is removed.
Also read the comments, this will help you in making a more
informed decision about omitting shampoo for a more
alternative method or simply rinsing as I have. Here is a
good comment which mirrors everything I have shared with
you about shampoo so far.
The problem with most shampoos is they contain sodium lauryl sulphate
or sodium laureth sulphate which is the cheap foaming agent that the
manufacturers use to give you a good lather. The problem is that it is
actually an industrial chemical which is a skin and eye irritant - just try
looking it up on the internet! It also retards hair growth and damages the
follicles so hair actually falls out more frequently. There is nothing to stop
manufacturers from using this, it's even in baby products despite the fact
the same chemical is used as an engine de-greaser and a garage floor
- Jenny, colchester, uk
H u m e c t a n ts
You may be wondering what are humectants? Humectants
are another wonderful secret agent in the
maintenances of healthy coily hair.
Humectants are substances that attract
and retain moisture. Generally used in
lotions, cosmetics and hair care products
they are a life saviour for our dry tresses.
One such commonly used humectant is glycerine. Glycerine
is certainly the hair care industries secret. No matter how it
is packaged or what other ingredients it may be mixed with
it is a key ingredient in most hair care products marketed for
black hair. It is a clear, sticky, sweet, substance derived
from the fat of the olive oil and other fatty substances;
however it is not oil. Its used in lotions, soaps, cosmetics,
conditioners and hair care products. Yes, its also used for
making the sweet icening found on cakes. This is a good
thing, because anything which you can eaten should be
good for the hair.
During the time of the Jerricurl most people saw their hair
grow to lengths that they previously had not. The reason
for the growth certainly wasnt the chemical breaking down
of the health and elasticity of the hair. Two factors for this
extra length were the water and the glycerine. The high
content of water in the activator spray would give the hair
the moisture that it needed and the glycerine would help
maintain the moisture.
Ho n e y :
Honey is another humectant which is a common ingredient
found in soaps and lotions. Like the glycerine it attracts and
retains moisture however it is much stickier and not as
commonly used straight to the hair. One way to use and
benefit from honey is to add it to a light conditioner and sit
with it for a few minutes, and then wash it out.
Honey & Glycerine Recipe
Rose water
Add equal parts glycerine and rose water in a spray bottle.
Mix and spray to hair. If rose water is not available you can
substitute a few drops of rose essence to equal parts of
water and glycerine.
This can be applied to hair before adding your usual styling
Your favourite leave in cream
Empty spray bottle
Honey Deep Conditioning
This recipe will leave your hair very soft you will wonder why
you have ever paid for pricey conditioners. For a nice
moisturising conditioner try this one.
cup of honey
cup of olive oil
Mix the two ingredients then heat over
the stove or microwave. Then apply to
damn freshly washed or rinsed hair.
Wrap your hair with a towel and wait for 30minutes.
cup honey
cup of your favourite conditioner
Heat the two together then apply to hair that is clean and
damp. Wait for 30 minutes. The results should be hair that
is wonderfully soft and moisturised.
Everyone assumes that conditioners are designed to save
their hair and they are correct but not all conditioners are
created equally. Each is designed for a different purpose
and using the wrong conditioner could seriously damage
your hair.
Protein Conditioners:
Moisturising Conditioners:
These Conditioners are designed to
These conditioners are water based and add strength to our hair. They are
essential to maintaining the moisture especially good for relaxed hair or
balance in the hair. They make the hair soft colour treated hair. They are
and restore the elasticity of the hair. Its packed with proteins that bind to
packed with Humectants that lock in the hair shaft to smooth out and fill
moisture. It must say Moisturising on the in the strands where damage has
container. occurred. Although they are very
good for rescuing the hair you can
Reconstructors: never use it too frequently because
they leave the hair hard and can
Reconstructors are another range of protein cause the strands to become very
conditioners. They are for severely brittle. Most protein conditioners
damaged hair. Although they can do
should be followed up by a
wonders for hair that is in danger of
moisturising leave in conditioner to
breaking off due to chemical damage, they counter act the hardness. The best
can also cause severe damage due to the use would be once a month.
heavy protein deposit that it leaves.
Directions must be followed.
Natural Conditioners:
Not all oils are created equally.
Never over look the benefits of a good Natural oils are the way to go. They
natural conditioner. Because its made seal in the moisture to the hair and
in your kitchen you can be sure that it protect the strands so they can be
has none of the ingredients and combed and styled without friction.
chemical that you dont want and all Oils are super important addition a
the things that you do need. little goes a long way. However
synthetic oils like mineral leave the
hair hard and lock out moisture they
Leave-in conditioners: also require harsh shampoo to get rid
Leave in are essential for our dry coily off. Look for Olive, Castor, JoJobar,
hair. Weather they are in the form or sunflower seed oils and shea butter.
creams or oils just make sure that they are
applied as a wash to protect the strands.
The Perfect Balance
Hair requires a perfect balance of If your hair feels mushy, soft to the touch
Moisture, protein and Oil. when wet and easily breaks it is then
lacking in protein strength. The remedy
Moisture to combat dryness then is a good protein conditioner.
Protein for strength
Oil to lock in moisture Balance is essential to maintaining our
hair, a perfect regime of Protein once a
If your hair is feeling dry there month, while weekly moisturising
could be several factors influencing treatments is best for the perfect balance.
this dryness.
A Trip To The Indian Market
I decided to take a trip to the Indian We massage the scalp with the oil, leave it
market to see what goodies I could find in for a few minutes or all day if there is
and what secrets I could learn from the time then we wash it out with the Neem. I
way Indian women care for their. was excited to learn more and allowed her
Indian women definitely have an art to show me the numerous products which
for hair care, favouring more natural were all new to me.
All of the following conditioners are derived
Although our hair structure is different, from plants. They are sold in a powdered
the nature of all hair types is the same. form. Some are pre-packaged in boxes
So with that understanding I was off to while others are in clear Ziploc bags. The
learn more. preparation is quite simple. Add to a bowl
and mix with water to make a paste, let sit
The first thing I noticed in the beauty for a minute or two then apply to the hair.
section were the many beautifully Massage scalp and gently run though hair
packaged bottles of hair oil. strands, then rinse.
There were also packaged boxes of Shikakai powder, cleans scalp, good for
conditioners and this peeked my dandruff, strengthens hair, promotes
curiosity. I wanted to know what hair luxuriant growth.
conditioners were doing in boxes rather Heenara - natural shampoo for hair, free
than jars. of chemicals. Heenara herbal hair wash is
highly recommended for soft smooth hair.
I quickly got the attention of one of the Neem helps with hair conditioning and
women who was delighted to assist me strength. Clears scalp of any infections
and explain some hair secrets.
Henna adds strength to hair, protecting
I want to know are there any secrets it from the elements.
to Indian hair care, I asked. Ah yes,
she replied and begun to share. Most Oils: There were many oils, all of which
Indian woman dont use shampoo too seem to contain a mix with coconut oil. If
much. Instead we like Neem and you ever took a trip to the Indian market
Shalkika for washing the hair. They place, if there is one in your neighbourhood
doesnt take too much of the oil from then you can always experiment, otherwise
the hair in the way shampoo does. there are loads of good natural oils which
They also make the hair strong and would do an excellent job of massaging
prevent the hair from falling we also your scalp and protecting your strands.
like to massage our hair with oil before None however are as effective as the
washing. Herbal Hair mix I will share in the next
Henna is One of My Best Kept Secrets -- I gave myself the
time to experiment with
each of the conditioners
on the list over a long
period of time. They
have all been beneficial
as a natural alternative
for washing my hair.
However the one that I
continue to use and will
always have as part of
my hair routine is the
That is really, just how awesome Henna is to the hair. The
fact that its all natural is a huge benefit to me. I am not
sure I could have grown out my hair as long and as thick as I
have without the use of Henna, it really does stop the
H o w to U s e H e n n a :
Henna can be purchased at any Muslim or Indian
marketplace and its fairly cheap. IF you cant find it at the
local market you can order some online. It has a long shelf
life so you can buy in bulk.
Warm water
2 tbs lemon juice
2 tbs of olive oil
Scalp Massages
S c a lp M a s s a ge s
Scalp massages are delicious!!! Not only are they good for
the circulation of the blood to the scalp, it also increases
hair growth. It happens to be one of the key secrets for
faster hair growth.
I have seen people who suffered from hair lost, thinning hair
lines and just those who have a thin head of hair, grow fuller
stronger hair by doing nightly scalp massages.
The Way to Massage Your Scalp:
Here is a wonderful method for
massaging the scalp. Place the ball of
your fingers, (never the nail) on your
scalp and squeeze the scalp with your
fingers. Imagine yourself as if
squeezing a grapefruit with all then
fingers. You want to feel the pressure
of lifting the scalp and pressing the scalp. Slowly rotate
your fingers in position. After a minute replace your hands
in another position and massage in the same fashion.
Not only will you feel the tension leaving your scalp but as
the skin on your scalp becomes looser it allows the blood to
better circulate and bring nutrients to all areas of your scalp.
Make an effort to try this easy recipe for a few weeks. You
should most definitely see great results. After you see how
well it works you wont want to stop.
Rosemary oil
Olive Oil Rosemary leaves
Jojoba oil Spray bottle (found in any hair
Vitamin e oil supply store)
Are you ready for yet another secret oil which promotes
maximum growth?
Saturate your damp hair from scalp to tip with the oil.
Gently massage your scalp, then wrap hair and sit under a
warm heating cap for ten to fifteen minutes. You may sleep
with the oil, and then wash it out the following day.
M a k e Y o u r O w n le a v e I n
C o nd i t i o ne r
Remaining with the natural theme, here is a very great leave
in that will lock in the moisture in your hair. Shea butter has
numerous benefits for not only the hair but the skin as well.
It helps to protect the hair strands, locking in moisture while
protecting the strands. You will find softer easier to manage
hair after a few uses. Even better its completely natural.
The trick to use raw Shea butter is to mix it. Often people
melt the Shea Butter and apply it directly to their hair. While
this not bad, Shea Butter is quite heavy and can over coat
the hair strands.
Here are a few tips for making your own Shea Butter hair
creams. Mix in the proportion of Shea Butter based on how
thick you want the cream to be.
What are you using it for? If your hair is relaxed then you
may prefer a lighter, less greasy cream. However if your hair
is thick or natural and your desire is to create a stronger
hold or braid out then you may want a thicker Shea Butter
mix adding a large proportion of Shea Butter.
S h e a S o u f f l
Cup of Aloe vera gel
(Fruit of the Earth can be found
At most stores.
Shea butter
1/8 olive oil
M a ng o S h e a B u t t e r
This mix is suitable for a harder more firm mix. Although
its firm its not quite as firm as the actual raw shea butter.
Blend the entire mix and place in a container for further use.
Experiment with the proportions that suite you. You can try
various oils with the blend to see what works for you. When
you find the mix you like write it down so you can duplicate
it again.
I have found the very first recipe with the aloe gel to be my
best all year round. With the large amount of aloe the mix
stays soft but not greasy.
T r im Y o u r O w n H a ir
Imagine never leaving your stylist with tears in you eyes.
There is a way to trim your very own hair with great results
every time. Follow these steps to trim your own hair.
P r o te c ti v e S ty l i n g
The harsh elements along with the daily styling and
manipulation can put a heavy strain
on your hair. This is specially the case
when you are doing any of the
harsh practices found to cause hair
breakage. If you want to grow long
beautiful hair you must learn about
the importance in protective styling.
It does not matter what type of hair you have, what ethnicity
you are. Protective styling is a very important secret step in
retaining your hair growth.
3) Saving the ends - The ends of your hair are the most
fragile part of your hair. They are the oldest part of your
hair and they are much more prone to split ends and getting
dry and brittle. This is why every bottle of conditioner will
stress the need to focus on conditioning the ends first
because that is the part that is needs the most care and
Too often most people focus on the rest of the hair while
ignoring the ends. You can only see progress in growth if
you can nurture and save your ends. If your ends are always
breaking how can you ever see progress?
As you can see there are several benefits to wearing
protective styles. For black hair protective styling is even
more essential to getting past certain fragile points.
fortunate enough to have been sent this link which
demonstrates the method that I just shared with you.
This woman does a great example.
1 empty spray bottle
1 glycerine
1 favourite leave in
Mix of your bottle with glycerine and water. Then
add your favourite leave-in conditioner to the mix.
Shake well!
This will be your daily spray. You must spray this to the full
length of your braids up to where your own hair ends. This
is one of the very best treatments for your braids.
Best way to wash braids:
6 inches
in 6 Months BootCamp
Get a ruler and measure 6 inches. When was the last time
you experienced six inches of sustained growth? Can you
imagine your hair 6 inches longer 6 months from now? Its
actually quite easy to do if and when you follow the
guidelines that I have mapped out for you.
With any goal that you wish to attain you need to write out a
map of what steps you need to take and begin documenting
it. This is one key to success that should be applied to every
aspect of your life.
Step #1
Good healthy and fast growing hair absolutely needs to start
from within. Get yourself one multivitamin and one hair
vitamins in The Perfect Blend, chapter. If money is not an
issue I would highly suggest that you get the individual
ingredients of Msn, Biotin, and Silica, plus the Cod liver Oil.
Step #2
There are many great protein powders on the market. Get a
large 5lb size that will last you a good long time. Do some
research, on different ingredients to add to your protein
shake? You will discover shiner hair that grows and grows
and grows very fast. Make sure to drink more water also.
Step # 3
Choose Your Protective Style
Will you wear a soft bun that will keep the ends of your hair
tucked under and protected or would you go for braids or a
weave instead? Decide which will allow for the least bit of
manipulation and which is best for you. Whatever you
choose commit to keeping that style for the six months
while following your vitamin and maintenance treatment.
Step #4
Daily Maintenance
Take the challenge of daily or every other day rinsing.
Decide which method is best for you. If you feel that using a
shampoo is absolutely a must then you can visit your local
health food store where you can search for a more natural
alternative method. You can also visit the Indian market and
experiment with the natural powdered shampoos like
Shikakai or Amla.
Step #5
Scalp Massage
Indulge in nightly scalp massage with the
fast growing oil mix in the earlier
chapter. Put the oil in a bottle with a
dropper application. Its easier to apply the oil this way. It
prevents spilling and it gets directly on the scalp were you
need it. Five to ten minutes of gentle massaging is all you
need to stimulate and get the blood flowing. Be consistent
with it for the next 6 months. Its easy to do while you are
watching television.
After the Challenge
This is the real tricky part. You have done everything that is necessary to
maintain the moisture of your hair while keeping your hair in a protective
style, and now you have gained lots of new growth. The question then
becomes, How do I keep all of this growth? This is where most people
make a huge mistake and return to their old way of caring for their hair.
Its important that you continue taking your multivitamins and hair vitamins.
Those vitamins by the way are beneficial not only to your hair but your skin
and your nails, as well as other parts of your body that you may not be
aware of. So by all means continue to take them.
Cut out all the things that cause heat damage and reduce the heavy
chemicals that eat away at your hair.
Find an alternative way of styling your hair that will retain as much moisture
to your hair. When your hair grows substantially longer your choices for
easy styling increases. You now have a lot more options.
Here is a website where the women have chosen a semi natural method that
may work for some of you. Click Here Its a lot easier to maintain your hair
in this way. Its requires that you wet it, add the hair cream that helps to
define your curls and go. Any style that stays close to our natural texture is
much better for our over all growth.
If you can brave being natural, this ladys hair is quite similar to my own and
the method I have been using for years to manage my hair. Natural Hair!
Make an effort to learn to style your hair in ways that support its growth.
There are many resources if you are willing to look.
Tips to Remember
Scrubbing the scalp with brown sugar cleans and lifts the
dead skin allowing for easy absorption of essential oils.
Water is the only source of moisture, oils and creams only
seal in the moisture to the strand.
The more moisture the hair has the greater the elasticity in
the hair which results in less breakage. Think of a rubber
band and what happens when you stretch it. Now think of a
rubber band that has become dry and old. It breaks easily
and has little flexibility.
Q u e s t i o ns & S o lu t i o ns
I decided to add some of the most common questions that I
receive. I do know that many people have additional
personal questions and decided to add a few of the most
commons questions.
Hello Donna, My hair is always really dry right after I wash it.
What can I do about that?
The first question I have to ask you is: Do you use regular
shampoo? If so take note of the natural alternatives that I provided
for you. It may take you a very short while after trying the no
shampoo method of washing your hair to see the difference.
Think of how your hair feels when it is dirt and then when you get it
shampooed. The first few days after the shampoo the hair feels
harsh and dry and never styles nicely.
How to Save Hair After Braiding
Well the number one thing you need to know is that you must
never shampoo your hair while you are wearing braids or a weave.
The shampoo gets trapped inside of the braids and cannot be easily
washed out causing your hair to get stripped and brittle. Secondly
you need to keep your own hair moist while in braids.
Using the glycerin and water mix lightly spray the length of the
braid from root to end every 2-3 days. You will notice that your own
hair will remain very moist. And, when the time comes to remove
the braids your hair will not be broken and dry but very soft.
Help! My hair is super dry I am not sure what I did to cause it, but
its snapping off easily. If I touch it, it breaks.
Hold on this will save your hair, this sounds like an emergency.
First thing you will need to get fastget a cheap wig. You will need
to do this if your hair is breaking off badly. It sounds like your hair
is either breaking off from a heavy protein gel, conditioner, neglect
or possibly serious heat process.
You will also need a plastic cap, the very thin ones found at most
beauty shops.
Braid your own hair in about six to eight size braidsmore if you
need to. You will be leaving it this way under the wig. If you can
cornrow then do so. After braiding your hair, saturate your own
hair with the glycerin and water mix. Then place the plastic cap on
your head. You will be leaving this on your head all day long except
when you wear your wig outdoors.
Dont rinse your hair for a full week. Just continue to spray the
glycerin, water and oil mix daily. Please shake the bottle first to mix
the solution. After a full week check by releasing the braid. If its
still dry keep up the process until the hair has returned to a healthy
balance. This method helps to build up the moisture balance in the
Keeping it braided prevents any of the hair from being lost while
you increase the moisture to your hair.
Donna, my hair is very short and even if I try all the routines that
are recommended my hair cant seem to grow pass a certain
length. What can I do differently?
I am certain that you did not follow through with everything. Here
is what you may not have done that you can do now and see a major
difference. When your hair is very short it needs to pass through a
grow out phase. There is phase where your hair is uneven because
of various lengths. Because the ends are uneven there is less
strength. There is much more strength in numbers. The thicker
your hair the stronger it will be when styling. I hope that makes
sense to you.
One thing that you NEED to do to get pass that phase is a protective
My hair is very fine and break off easily. What can I do to make
my hair be stronger and thicker?
First I would like to say that fine hair does not mean that your hair
is thin. You can have a huge dense head of hair but your individual
strands could be very fine. My hair is very full but my strands are
quite fine. I have to say that fine hair does have its disadvantages
because it does break off very easily.
However on the positive side there are many things you can do to
keep it strong. The secret of it all is to keep a steady routine. You
must do a regular protein conditioner. The protein condition coats
the strands with a light layer of protein which helps the hair to feel
stronger and break less.
Aphogee products are very good for the hair but again I would use it
at the same time every month. Like the first or last day of the
month, every month. If you stick with a schedule then you wont
make the mistake of using it too often. Too often and your hair
could come out in chunks.
My hair is also very fine and I would not have gotten the length and
fullness that I have had I not been using Henna once a month. It
protects and strengthens my hair strands and there is no hair in my
sink at all.