NCERT Textbook 8th Chapter
NCERT Textbook 8th Chapter
NCERT Textbook 8th Chapter
Chapter 8 Marginalisation
In the previous chapter, we read about two different
groups and their experiences of inequality and
discrimination. Though powerless, such groups have
fought, protested and struggled against being excluded
or dominated by others. They have attempted to
overcome their situation by adopting a range of
strategies in their long history. Religious solace, armed
struggle, self improvement and education, economic
uplift there appears to be no one way of doing things.
In all cases, the choice of struggle has depended on
the circumstances that the marginalised find
themselves in.
List of schemes What is this How do you think it will help promote
scheme about? social justice?
Assertive: An assertive person or group is one that can express themselves and their
views strongly.
Confront: To come face to face or to challenge someone or something. In the context of
this chapter, this refers to groups challenging their marginalisation.
Dispossessed: To possess is to own something and to be dispossessed is to have to give
up ownership or to give up authority.
Ostracise: This means to exclude or banish an individual or a group. In the context of
this chapter, it refers to a social boycott of an individual and his family.
Morally reprehensible: This refers to an act that violates all norms of decency and
dignity that a society believes in. It usually refers to a hideous and repugnant act that
goes against all the values that a society has accepted.
Policy: A stated course of action that provides direction for the future, sets goals to be
achieved or lays out principles or guidelines to be followed and acted upon. In this
chapter, we have referred to government policies. But other institutions like schools,
companies, etc. also have policies.