Chapter 6: Momentum Analysis of Flow Systems: Ibrahim Sezai

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Chapter 6: Momentum Analysis of

Flow Systems
Ibrahim Sezai
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Eastern Mediterranean University

Fall 2005-2006

Fluid flow problems can be analyzed using one
of three basic approaches: differential,
experimental, and integral (or control volume).
In Chap. 5, control volume forms of the mass
and energy equation were developed and used.
In this chapter, we complete control volume
analysis by presenting the integral momentum
Review Newton's laws and conservation relations for
Use RTT to develop linear and angular momentum
equations for control volumes.
Use these equations to determine forces and torques
acting on the CV.
ME353 : Fluid Mechanics 2 Chapter 6: Momentum Analysis of Flow Systems

After completing this chapter, you should
be able to
Identify the various kinds offorces and
mo ments acting on a control volume.
Use control volume analysis to
determine the forces associated with
fluid flow.
Use control volume analysis to
determine the mo ments caused by fluid
flow and the torque transmitted.

ME353 : Fluid Mechanics 3 Chapter 6: Momentum Analysis of Flow Systems

Newtons Laws
Newtons laws are relations between motions of bodies
and the forces acting on them.
First law: a body at rest remains at rest, and a body
in motion remains in motion atthe same velocityin a
straight path when the net force acting on itis zero.
Second law: the acceleration of a body is
proportionalto the net force acting on it and is
inversely proportional to its mass.

Third law: when a body exerts a force on a second

body, the second body exerts an equal and opposite
force on the first.
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Newtons Second Law

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Angular momentum
The counterpart of Newtons second law for rotating
rigid bodies is
r r r
r r d d ( I ) dH Angular momentum
M = I = I = =
dt dt dt equation
M = net moment or torque applied to the body
I = moment of inertia of the body about the axis of rotation
= angular acceleration
= angular velocity

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Angular momentum

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Choosing a ControlVolume
CV is arbitrarily chosen by fluid dynamicist,
however, selection of CV can either simplify
or complicate analysis.
Clearly define all boundaries. Analysis is
often simplified if CS is normal to flow
Clearlyidentify allfluxes crossing the CS.
Clearlyidentify forces and torques of
interest acting on the CV and CS.
a) Fixed, b) m oving, and c) deforming
control volumes.
For moving CV, use relative velocity,

For deforming CV, use relative velocityon

all deforming control surfaces,

ME353 : Fluid Mechanics 8 Chapter 6: Momentum Analysis of Flow Systems

Forces Acting on a CV
Forces acting on CV consist of body forces that act
throughout the entire body ofthe CV (such as gravity,
electric, and magneticforces) and surface forces that
act on the control surface (such as pressure and viscous
forces, and reaction forces at points of contact).

Total force acting on the CV:

r r r
body surface
F = F + F

Body forces act on each

volumetricportion dV of the CV.

Surface forces act on each

portion dA of the CS.
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Body Forces

The most common body force

is gravity, which exerts a
downward force on every
differential element of the CV
The different body force

Typical convention is that

acts in the negative z-direction,

Total body force acting on CV

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Surface Forces
Surface forces are not as simple to
analyze since they include both
normal and tangential components
Diagonal components xx, yy, zz
are called normal stresses and are
due to pressure and viscous stresses
Off-diagonal components xy, xz,
etc., are called shear stresses and
are due solely to viscous stresses
Total surface force acting on CS

ME353 : Fluid Mechanics 11 Chapter 6: Momentum Analysis of Flow Systems

Body and Surface Forces

Surface integrals are cumbersome.

Careful selection of CV allows
expression of totalforce in terms of
more readily available quantities
like weight, pressure, and reaction
Goalis to choose CV to expose
onlythe forces to be determined
and a minimum number of other

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Linear Momentum Equation
Newtons second law for a system of mass
m subjected to a force F is expressed as

Use RTT with b = V and B = mV to shift

from system formulation of the control
volume formulation

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Linear Momentum Equation

r r r
Vr = V VCS is the fluid velocity relative to CS.
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Linear Momentum Equation

In most flow systems, the force F consists of

weights, pressure forces and reaction forces.
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Special cases
r r r r
For steady flow: (Vr .n )dA
F = V

Using average velocities,

the mass flow rate across
an inlet or outlet is:
m& = (V .n )dAC = Vavg AC

Using Vavg, the momentum flow rate across a uniform

inlet or outletr becomes:
rr r r
(V .n ) dAC = V A V
avg C avg = m
& Vavg

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Special Cases
To account for error, use momentum-flux
correction factor , when Vavg is used

is defined as:
r rr r
V (V .n )dAC = m& Vavg
r rr r rr
or A (Vr .n )dAC =
= C
V (V .n )dAC
m& Vavg Vavg ACVavg
If V is normal to area (V .n )dAC = VdAc
( 1)
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Steady Flow
Steady linear r r r
momentum equation: F = m& V m& V
out in
Total force = Net momentum flux

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Steady Flow

For steady flow with one inlet and one outlet:

r r r
F = m& ( 2V2 1V1 )
1 inlet
2 outlet

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In momentum equations
vector additions and
subtractions are used.

Momentum equation in
x-direction is
Fx = m& ( 2V2, x 1V1, x )

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Angular Momentum
Motion of a rigid body can be considered to be the
combination of
the translational motion ofits center of mass (Ux, Uy, Uz)
the rotational motion about its center of mass (x, y, z)
Translational motion can be analyzed with linear
mo mentum equation.
Rotational motion is analyzed with angular
mo mentum equation.
Together, the body motion can be described as a 6
degreeoffreedom (6DOF) system.

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Review of Rotational Motion

Angular velocity is the

angular distance
traveled per unit time, and
angular acceleration is
the rate of change of
angular velocity.
d d (l / r ) 1 dl V
= = = =
dt dt r dt r

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Review of Angular Momentum
The torque or moment M acting on a point mass m
at a normal distance r from the axis of rotation is
M = rFt = rmat = mr 2
Total torque acting on a rotating rigid body is

M = r 2 dm = r 2 dm = I
mass mass
I = moment of inertia of the body about the axis of

ME353 : Fluid Mechanics 23 Chapter 6: Momentum Analysis of Flow Systems

Review of Angular Momentum

ME353 : Fluid Mechanics 24 Chapter 6: Momentum Analysis of Flow Systems

Review of Angular Momentum
Moment of momentum of a point mass m about an
axis is called the angular momentum, H.

H = r(mV) = r2m

Total angular momentum of

a rotating rigid body is

H = r 2 dm = r 2 dm = I
mass mass
In vectorial form:
r r
H = I
ME353 : Fluid Mechanics 25 Chapter 6: Momentum Analysis of Flow Systems

Review of Angular Momentum

Moment of a force:
Moment of momentum:
For a system:

Therefore, the angular momentum equation can

be written as:
To derive angular momentum for a CV, use RTT
with and

ME353 : Fluid Mechanics 26 Chapter 6: Momentum Analysis of Flow Systems

Review of Angular Momentum
Newtons second law:
For non-rotating bodies: r
r d (mV )
Linear momentum equation F=
For rotating bodies: r r
Angular momentum equation M = I
r r r
r r d d ( I ) dH
M = I = I = =
dt dt dt

ME353 : Fluid Mechanics 27 Chapter 6: Momentum Analysis of Flow Systems

Review of Angular Momentum

Angular velocity: = 2 n& (rad/min) (n& = rpm)
2 n&
= (rad/s)
Power transmitted
by a rotating shaft: W& shaft = M = 2n&M (W )
Rotational KE of a mass m at a distance r from the axis is:
KE = mV2 = m(r)2 = mr22
Rotational KE of a rotating rigid body about an axis is:
KEr = 12 I 2

ME353 : Fluid Mechanics 28 Chapter 6: Momentum Analysis of Flow Systems

Review of Angular Momentum
Centripetal acceleration: ar = = r 2
ar is directed towards the axis of rotation.
ar is the result of a force acting on the body toward
the axis of rotation known as the centripetal force Fr.

Fr = mV2/r
r r r
Acceleration: a = at + ar
at = tangential acceleration

ME353 : Fluid Mechanics 29 Chapter 6: Momentum Analysis of Flow Systems

The Angular Momentum Equation

The moment of a force F
about va point rO is
M = rF
Magnitude of M is
M = Fr sin
r r
Replacing F by mV gives
the moment
r r of rmomentum
H = r mV
r r
r V = Angular momentum
r per runit mass
For a mass dm = dV dH = (r V ) dV. Integrating,
r r r
H sys = (r V ) dV Moment of momentum (system)

ME353 : Fluid Mechanics 30 Chapter 6: Momentum Analysis of Flow Systems

The Angular Momentum Equation
The rate of change
r of the angular momentum is
dH sys
d r r
dtr sys
( r V ) dV
v dH sys
= dt
M For a system (eqn. 6-2)
r r r
where M = F ) (Net torque applied on the system)
( r

Rate of change of angular momentum of a system

is equal to the net torque acting on the system.

Above relations are valid for a system of fixed mass.

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The Angular Momentum Equation

For a control volume, the angular momentum
equation is obtained by using the RTT.

v dH sys
Using M = then:
ME353 : Fluid Mechanics 32
Le Chapter 6: Momentum Analysis of Flow Systems

The Angular Momentum Equation
the angular momentum equation for a general CV is
v d r r r r r r
M = dt CV (r V ) dV + CS (r V ) (Vr .n )dA
The net flow rate of
The sum of all The time rate of change
angular momentum
external moments = of the angular momentum +
acting on a CV of the contents of the CV out of the control
surface by mass flow

r r
(Vr .n )dA Mass flow rate through area dA
r r
For a fixed CV: r = V )
v d r r r r rr
M =
dt CV
( r V ) d V + CS ( r V ) (V .n ) dA

ME353 : Fluid Mechanics 33 Chapter 6: Momentum Analysis of Flow Systems

Special Cases
r r r r r
Steady flow: CS
M = ( r V ) (V r .n ) dA

r r
If an average value of r and V is used at an inlet and
outlet then,
r d r r r r r r
dt CV
M = ( r V ) dV +
r m& V in
r m
& V (6-50)
r r r r r
Steady flow: M = r m& V
r m
& V

If all forces and momentum flows are in the same

plane then,
M = rm& V rm& V
out in

ME353 : Fluid Mechanics 34 Chapter 6: Momentum Analysis of Flow Systems

Flow with no External Moments
When there are no external moments applied, the
angular momentum eqn. 6-50 reduces to
dH CV r r r r
No external moments: 0= + r m& V r m& V
dt out in
dH CV r
When I of the CV remains constant = I
Then, the CV can be treated as a solid body, with a
torque of
r r r r r r
M body = I body = (r m& V ) (r m& V )
in out

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Radial-Flow Devices

Side and frontal views of a typical centrifugal pump.

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Radial-Flow Devices
Consider an annular CV that
encloses the impeller section
of a centrifugal pump.
V&1 = V&2 = V&
(2r1b1 )V1,n = (2r2b2 )V2,n
b1, b2 = flow widths at inlet
and outlet.
V& V&
V1,n = V2,n =
2r1b1 2r2b2
M = rm& V rm& V
out in

Torque on the shaft: Tshaft = m& ( r2V2,t r1V1,t )

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Radial-Flow Devices
When the angles 1 and 2 are known then,
Tshaft = m& (r2V2 sin 2 r1V1 sin 1 )
In the idealized case of the tangential fluid velocity
being equal to the blade tangential velocity, then
V1,t = r1 and V2,t = r2
2 2
Tshaft ,ideal = m& (r2 r1 )
where = 2n&
Shaft power: Wshaft = Tshaft = 2n&Tshaft
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Summary of Angular Momentum
General form

Approximate form using average properties at

inlets and outlets

Steady flow

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