Design and Analysis of DNG Metamaterial Based Microstrip Patch Antenna With Tetra-Band Resonance
Design and Analysis of DNG Metamaterial Based Microstrip Patch Antenna With Tetra-Band Resonance
Design and Analysis of DNG Metamaterial Based Microstrip Patch Antenna With Tetra-Band Resonance
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2013)
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2013)
Some well known methods are: Spiral Resonation (SR), The dependence of the resonance frequency for various
Split Ring Resonator (SRR), Multiple Split Rig Resonator SRRs on the factors, such as the ring diameter, radial and
(MSRR), Complementary Split Ring Resonator (CSRR) azimuthal gap, electric permittivity and the thickness of the
and Labyrinth Resonator (LR) [2, 7-9]. Different kinds of substrate, and the director orientation of the embedding
SRRs are also used, such as 1-cut single ring SRR (1C- LCs, has been investigated in [3].
SRR), 2-cut single SRR (2C-SRR), edge-coupled SRR
(EC-SRR) and broadside-coupled SRR (BC-SRR). Figure 1
shows different types of SRR reconstructed from [3]. SRR
can be of circular, square or rectangular shape.
The magnetic resonance frequency of SRR structures
essentially determines the narrow frequency band of
negative permeability; on the other hand wire arrays show a
wide frequency band. The development of LHMs is
dominated by the realization of negative permeability. In
spite of having relatively narrow left-handed pass-band (A) 1C-SRR (B) 2C-SRR
frequency in almost all cases, the -, S- and L- shaped
resonators were considered. The ground breaking outcomes
of metamaterials, like negative refraction, perfect lensing,
cloaking, filtration, and antennas have made the
requirement of wider band operation of metamaterials
inevitable. A SRR is basically a LC circuit having
inductance L and capacitance C, when excited by a time-
varying magnetic field parallel to the ring axis, the
electromagnetic response of SRRs results from the resonant
exchange of energy. This exchange occurs between the (C) EC-SRR (D) BC-SRR
electrostatic fields in the capacitive gaps (splits) and the
Figure 1: Different Types Of SRR
inductive currents in the rings. Therefore by altering the
resonance condition manipulation of the frequency band In the proposed antenna, rectangular EC-SRR has been
can be achieved. For example the mounting of varactors or used with a wire-strip in order to create artificial DNG
photo capacitors to the inner structure of metamaterials metamaterial. The metamaterial structure is inserted in the
results in control of the frequency band. In [6], the authors substrate of this antenna. And simulations were run on
proposed a tunable LHM based on the broadside-coupled antennas with and without metamaterial. Comparison
SRR (BC-SRR). The relative slip of the substrates can between these two antennas provides realization of changes
adjust the magnetic resonance frequency. The mechanism of performance of antenna with insertion of metamaterial in
of magnetically tweaking the inductance via introducing the structure. For the purpose of design and simulation of
yttrium iron garnet rods into SRRs/wire arrays can realize the proposed antenna commercial electromagnetic
the tunable left handed transmission properties, which is simulation package CST Microwave Studio has been
entirely distinguishable from adjusting the equivalent used. In the following discussion of the paper, the proposed
capacitance of SRRs. The preferred means of controlling antenna is named Antenna_DNG and the simple
the resonance frequency is liquid crystals because of very rectangular patch antenna is named Antnna_DPS. Next is
large dielectric anisotropy sensitive to external fields. To the design specification of both Antenna_DNG and
achieve the reconfiguration of the negative index or Antenna_DPS. Afterward the results of both of the
permeability metamaterials the magnetic resonance can be antennas are illustrated using Figures from simulation
controlled though the tuning of the director orientation of upshot and tables of summarized values of simulation
the infiltrated anisotropic LCs. To summarize, it is ensured outcome. And that is followed by conclusion, which is
that the components attached are made of variable drawn with comparison between the results of the
capacitance diodes, photo capacitance, mechanical tuners, Antenna_DNG and Antenna_DPS.
ferrites, LCs, etc to attribute control over the resonant
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2013)
III. ANTENNA DESIGN The feed type is coaxial feed. Feed size was chosen as to
For this paper, to demonstrate the effect of metamaterial ensure good impedance matching and resonance. Feed
loading in the proposed antenna two antennas were position is very important and was chosen very carefully
designed and analyzed. The dimensions of the substrate, for good antenna performance. Figure 2 shows the
patch and ground plane of both of the antennas are same. proposed antennas top view in both normal and wireframe
The difference is Antenna_DNG is loaded with DNG mode as it was designed in CST Microwave Studio. The
metamaterial and Antenna_DPS is a simple rectangular measurements of the proposed antenna are shown in
microstrip patch antenna. Following are the description of Table I.
both of the antenna designs with illustration of the structure Antenna_DPS is a simple rectangular patch antenna. By
as designed in the simulation software. removing the DNG metamaterial from the proposed
antenna, this antenna has been designed. The dimension
A. Design of Antenna_DNG and materials of other elements of the proposed antenna are
The design of Antenna_DNG is the proposed antenna maintained to be same for this antenna in order to observe
design. This antenna design, which provides tetra band the effect of presence of metamaterial in the antenna
resonance, is inspired from the design of dual-band structure.
metamaterial based antenna by Indrasen et al. [10]. Table I
Measurements of Prime Elements of The Antennas of The Thesis
Antenna_DNG has been designed by loading a simple
rectangular microstrip patch antenna with DNG Antenna Element Dimension Measurement
metamaterial. For providing DNG metamaterial property in
Patch Length 28 mm
the proposed antenna, rectangular EC-SRR and wire strip
Patch Width 20 mm
have been inserted into the substrate of the antenna. Here
DPS Substrate Length 48 mm
rectangular EC-SRR is used for MNG metamaterial
property and wire strip is used for ENG metamaterial DPS Substrate Width 40 mm
property. DPS Substrate Height 1 mm
Ground Plane Length 48 mm
Ground Plane Width 40 mm
r 4.4
r 1
B. Design of Antenna_DPS
Antenna_DPS is a simple rectangular patch antenna. By
removing the DNG metamaterial from the proposed
antenna, this antenna has been designed. The dimension
and materials of other elements of the proposed antenna are
maintained to be same for this antenna in order to observe
(A) (B) the effect of presence of metamaterial in the antenna
Figure 2: Top View of Rectangular Patch Antenna, Antenna_DNG:
(A) Normal Mode (B) Wireframe Mode
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2013)
The Antenna_DPS has a rectangular patch of copper The values of antenna parameters are quite satisfactory
placed on DPS substrate, FR4. Just like Antenna_DNG the for the first resonant frequency i.e. at 4.30 GHz. For all the
DPS substrate material of this antenna has relative resonant frequencies the value of gain and directivity are
permittivity as r = 4.4 and permeability as r = 1. Ground satisfactory. But the value of main lobe magnitude at 7.09
plane is also made up of copper and of the same length and GHz and 8.88 GHz are a little low. The value of radiation
width as the substrate as it was in Antenna_DNG. Coaxial efficiency is more than thirty five percent at all the
feed has been provided like it was in Antenna_DNG. Feed resonating frequencies.
size and position was kept same as it was in Table II
Antenna_DNG. Dimension of this antenna is same as it has Return Loss At Maximum Resonating Frequencies Of Antenna_Dng
been mentioned in Table I. Figure 3 shows the antennas
top view as it was designed in CST Microwave Studio. Frequencies with maximum
Return loss
4.30 GHz -15.578 dB
5.12 GHz -10.200 dB
Performance analysis of the proposed antenna been done
with the help of simulation results. Following are the 7.09 GHz -21.571 dB
demonstration of both of Antenna_DNG and 8.88 GHz -10.240 dB
Antemma_DPS with illustration of different graphs, plots
and tables.
A. Simulation Results of Antenna_DNG
After ensuring fine impedance matching simulations
were run on Antenna_DNG. From Figure 4 it can be
observed that Antenna_DNG has 4 resonant frequencies i.e.
it is a tetra-band antenna. The 4 frequencies with maximum
resonance are: 4.30 GHz, 5.12 GHz, 7.09 GHz and 8.88
GHz. At all of the resonating frequencies Antenna_DNG
has S-Parameter magnitudes below -10.2 dB as depicted in
Table II. The maximum resonance i.e. the least value of S-
parameter (-21.571 dB) is at frequency 7.09 GHz. So as a
resonator this antenna could be termed as tetra-band
Figure 5: Farfield Response Of Antenna_DNG At 4.30 Ghz
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 9, September 2013)
According to IEEE standard radar band (IEEE std. 521),
three of the four resonance are falling in C band, and the
other is falling in X band. Thus possible application of
Anteena_DNG would be in the field of satellite, radar,
microwave relay etc.
B. Simulation results of Antenna_DPS
The resulting Smith Chart after running simulation on
Antenna_DPS shows that the impedance matching has
finely been done in the design. Such impedance matching
was possible due to the feed size. Feed size and position for
Antenna_DNG and Antenna_DPS was same. As it can be
observed in Figure 9, the antenna has 2 resonant
frequencies i.e. it is a dual-band antenna. The 2 resonating
Figure 7: Farfield Response Of Antenna_DNG At 7.09 Ghz frequencies are: 5.08 GHz and 7.03 GHz. At both of the
frequencies Antenna_DPS has S-Parameter magnitudes
below -12.8 dB as depicted in Table IV. At 7.03 GHz, the
value of S-parameter is below -40 db. So as a resonator this
antenna could be termed as dual-band antenna.
Considering all the results it can be concluded that
Antenna_DNG is a tetra-band resonator with 4 resonating
frequencies falling between 4 GHz and 9 GHz. And
Antenna_DPS is a dual band resonator with both resonating
frequencies falling between 5 GHz and 8 GHz. The
maximum resonating frequencies for Antenn_DPS are:
Figure 10: Farfield Response of Antenna_DPS At 5.08 Ghz 5.08 GHz and 7.03 GHz. Antenna_DNG has two more
resonances. It can be interpreted from here that because of
insertion of metamaterial in Antenna_DNG, the resonance
of the simple rectangular patch antenna has increased
noticeably, in fact got double. But in view of radiation
efficiency, both the antenna have only above thirty five
percent value. Capolino has predicted in [11] that
microstrip antennas with rectangular patch, partially loaded
with metamaterial, can only work as good resonators but
might not work as good radiators. The simulation results of
the proposed antenna has demonstrated similar outcome.
Antenna_DNG is a better radiator with tetra-band
resonance than Antenna_DPS which was only a dual band
radiator and resonator. So insertion of DNG metamaterial
enhances the performance of rectangular microstrip patch
Figure 11: Farfield Response of Antenna_DPS At 7.03 Ghz
Table V
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