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Hyperspectral Imaging to Evaluate the Effect of
Irrigation Water Salinity in Lettuce
Miguel ngel Lara 1, *, Beln Diezma 1 , Lourdes Lle 1 , Jean Michel Roger 2 , Yolanda Garrido 3 ,
Mara Isabel Gil 3 and Margarita Ruiz-Altisent 1
1 LPF-TAGRALIA, Departamento de Ingeniera Agroforestal, E.T.S.I. Agronmica, Alimentaria y de
Biosistemas, Universidad Politcnica de Madrid, CEI-Moncloa. Avda. Complutense s/n, Madrid 28040,
Spain; [email protected] (B.D.); [email protected] (L.L.); [email protected] (M.R.-A.)
2 IRSTEA, 361 Rue Jean-Franois Breton BP 5095, Montpellier 34196, France; [email protected]
3 CEBAS-CSIC, Research Group on Quality, Safety and Bioactivity of Plant Foods,
Department of Food Science and Technology, P.O. Box 164, Espinardo 30100, Spain;
[email protected] (Y.G.); [email protected] (M.I.G.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +34-650-268-849

Academic Editor: Kuanglin Kevin Chao

Received: 23 October 2016; Accepted: 30 November 2016; Published: 7 December 2016

Abstract: Salinity is one of the most important stress factors in crop production, particularly in
arid regions. This research focuses on the effect of salinity on the growth of lettuce plants; three
solutions with different levels of salinity were considered and compared (S1 = 50, S2 = 100 and
S3 = 150 mM NaCl) with a control solution (Ct = 0 mM NaCl). The osmotic potential and water
content of the leaves were measured, and hyperspectral images of the surfaces of 40 leaves (10 leaves
per treatment) were taken after two weeks of growth. The mean spectra of the leaves (n = 32,000) were
pre-processed by means of a SavitzkyGolay algorithm and standard normal variate normalization.
Principal component analysis was then performed on a calibration set of 28 mean spectra, yielding an
initial model for salinity effect detection. A second model was subsequently proposed based on an
index computing an approximation to the second derivative at the red edge region. Both models were
applied to all the hyperspectral images to obtain the corresponding artificial images, distinguishing
between the 28 that were used to extract the calibration mean spectra and the rest that constituted an
external validation. Those virtual images were studied using analysis of variance in order to compare
their ability for detecting salinity effects on the leaves. Both models showed significant differences
between each salinity level, and the hyperspectral images allowed observations of the distribution of
the salinity effects on the leaf surfaces, which were more intense in the areas distant from the veins.
However, the index-based model is simpler and easier to apply because it is based solely on the
reflectance at three different wavelengths, thus allowing for the implementation of less expensive
multispectral devices.

Keywords: hyperspectral imaging; lettuce; salinity; non-destructive assessment; salinity index

1. Introduction
Soil and irrigation salinity are key factors in the growth of most vegetables and can cause many
problems in agriculture, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions [1,2]. Industrial development and
population growth have increased the contamination and salinization of surface and underground
water and thus of agricultural soils. Saline soils cover a significant area in the southeast of Spain,
a major region of horticultural crops, and in many other areas in the world. Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.)
is one of the most important crops in this region, the major producer area in the European Union. This
production is primarily employed for the fresh consumption of a ready-to-eat product. Acosta et al. [3]

Appl. Sci. 2016, 6, 412; doi:10.3390/app6120412

Appl. Sci. 2016, 6, 412 2 of 18

reported some peaks value of 6.4 decisiemens per meter (dS/m) electrical conductivity (EC), which
corresponded with 50 mM NaCl. This high electrical conductivity observed in the soils in the
southeastern area of Spain is mainly the result of poor quality irrigation water used in agriculture.
Lettuce is moderately sensitive to salinity. When the EC is greater than 1.3 dS/m (nearly 10 mM
of NaCl), growth is affected, and its yield decreases by 13% for each unit of EC above that level [4].
Salinity primarily affects crop growth in two ways: (a) by increasing the osmotic potential of the
soil, making water less available to plants; and (b) by creating excessive concentrations of specific
elements in the plant [5]. Herbaceous crops affected by salinity at moderate levels do not show visible
damage in their leaves and appear to be normal, although their growth and yield decrease. They may
have deep green and more succulent leaves with more density and thickness [6]. However, when
excess salinity induces imbalances in concentrations of certain mineral elements, such as Cl, Na,
B or Ca, necrosis, chlorosis and tip burn can appear in the leaves [79]. Marginal necrosis is a typical
foliar symptom in plants suffering from salinity stress [10,11]. In lettuce, tip burn is a physiological
disorder displayed as necrosis in the margins of young developing leaves and is commonly observed
under saline conditions [9,12].
Hyperspectral imaging has been widely employed to detect salinity levels in soils and
canopies through remote sensing, with the development of numerous indexes for estimating saline
concentrations in relation to reflectance at different wavelengths [13,14], giving information about
spatial distribution with spatial resolutions higher than meters. This remote sensing technique has been
applied to many different crops and plants, including sugarcane [14], cotton, corn, cogon grass, reeds,
saltcedar, suaeda, and aeluropus [15]. In addition, there are numerous remote sensing and at laboratory
level studies that have observed the effects of water stress [1619] and nutrient deficiencies [2022].
However, there are not many studies at laboratory level that have been devoted to study changes
in the optical behavior of leaf tissues due to alterations in their structure and/or composition when
saline concentration increases. This work applies proximal hyperspectral imaging techniques as a
non-destructive procedure for early identification of the influence of saline stress on one by one, newly
harvested baby lettuces, exploring simultaneously the presence of any distribution of the effects on
the surface of the leaves. The current work constitutes a proof of concept to the development of a rapid,
non-destructive and cheap procedure for the analysis of the symptoms of saline stress in the crops.
This procedure could be of application in fields such as precision agriculture, robotic monitoring or
physiological and plant breeding research instrumentation.
The first part of this paper explains the materials and methods employed to obtain the
hyperspectral images and other analytical measurements; it also outlines the data and processed
hyperspectral images used to obtain and evaluate the models and to identify the effects of different
saline concentrations on the leaves. The second part of the paper describes the obtained results and
the applied models while validating the different leaf samples with an extensive discussion.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Materials and Analytical Measurements

The lettuce plants (Lactuca sativa L. var capitata variety Tempo neutro) were grown from seeds.
The seeds were inserted into polystyrene cylinders that were positioned through holes in the plastic lid
of containers with Hoaglands nutrient solution inside, thus enabling the roots to be in contact with the
nutrient solution. The composition of the nutrient solution was 7 mM K+ , 4 mM Ca2+ , 14 mM NO3 ,
1 mM Mg2+ , 1 mM PO4 2 , 1 mM SO4 2 , 20 M Fe2+ , 2.5 M B3+ , 2 M Mn2+ , 2 M Zn2+ , 0.5 M Cu2+
and 0.5 M Mo6+ ; it was maintained between pH levels of 5.5 and 6.5 through routine replacement of
the hydroponic solution. After 14 days, plants with similar development were selected and placed
in containers (five plants per container) using 15 plants per treatment. Four salt treatments were
then applieda control treatment without NaCl (Ct) and three levels of salt through the addition of
different concentrations of NaCl to the nutrient solution: S1 (50 mM NaCl), S2 (100 mM NaCl) and
Appl. Sci. 2016, 6, 412 3 of 18

S3 (150 mM NaCl). The application of salt treatments was conducted for a total of 10 days. The average
EC of the Appl.Sci.2016,6,412
nutrient solution during the experiments were 1.23 dS/m, 6.09 dS/m, 10.77 dS/m and

14.95 dS/m, for Ct, S1, S2 and S3, respectively. The experiments were performed in a controlled growth
C/18 C (day/night), a photoperiod of 16 h/8 h (light/darkness)
chamber with
dS/m,a temperature
10.77 dS/m and(T)14.95
of 23dS/m, for Ct, S1, S2 and S3, respectively. The experiments were
and a photosynthetically active growth
performed in a controlled radiation of 400
chamber mol
with m2 /s. The
a temperature leaves
(T) of were
23 C/18 harvestedaat the end
C (day/night),
of the experiments and a sample of 10 leaves per treatment, with similar size, was selected 2/s.
for the
acquisition of hyperspectral images. Figure 1 shows, as an example, Red-Green-Blue (RGB) images of
with similar size, was selected for the acquisition of hyperspectral images. Figure 1 shows, as an
one leaf per treatment.

Figure 1. RedGreenBlue (RGB) image of one leaf per saline treatment. Apparently, no visible
Figure 1. Red-Green-Blue (RGB) image of one leaf per saline treatment. Apparently, no visible
symptoms of stress can be observed.
After image acquisition, the water content and osmotic potential were determined for the
harvested leaves. The leaf water contents were estimated following the method described by [23]
image acquisition, the water content and osmotic potential were determined for the
modifications. Twenty grams of leaf pieces per treatment were taken, homogenized with a
harvested commercialgrinder,anddividedintothreesamplesoffivegramspertreatment.Thesampleswere
leaves. The leaf water contents were estimated following the method described by [23] with
driedTwenty grams
in an oven of leaf pieces
(Thermocenter per treatment
T C40/100, were
Salvis Lab, taken,Switzerland),
Rotkreuz, homogenized at 65with a commercial
C until
grinder, and divided into three samples of five grams per treatment. The samples were dried in an
oven (Thermocenter T C40/100, Salvis Lab,Fresh weight - Dry weight
% WC = Rotkreuz, Switzerland), 100 at 65 C until achieving
(1) a constant
Fresh weight
weight. The water content (WC) was calculated as:
Fresh weight Dry weight
werecollectedandfrozenat20C.Thesampleswerecentrifugedat2800g(9.8m/s 2)for15min
% WC =
(Centronic centrifuge, J.P. Selecta, Barcelona, Spain). The
100was analysed with a
Fresh weight
microosmometer (Roebling 13DR, Lser Messtechnik, Berlin, Germany) to determine osmolarity.
For TheosmoticpotentialwascalculatedwiththeVantHoffequation[24]:
the calculation of the osmotic potential (s), three 5-g samples of leaf pieces per treatment
were collected and frozen at 20 C. Thes=RxTxcs
samples were centrifuged at 2800 g (9.8 (2) m/s2 ) for
15 min (Centronic centrifuge, J.P. Selecta,
whereRistheidealgasconstant(m Barcelona,
3Pamol Spain). The supernatant was analysed with

(Osmm3). (Roebling 13DR, Lser Messtechnik, Berlin, Germany) to determine osmolarity.

a micro-osmometer
The osmotic potential was calculated with the Vant Hoff equation [24]:
Hyperspectral images from the adaxial surfaces of 40 selected leaves were taken with a
s = RxT xcs (2)
Northern Ireland) coupled to 3a VISNIRspectrometer
1 1 (Headwall Photonics HyperspecVNIR,
where R is the ideal gas constant (m Pamol K ), T is the temperature (K), and cs is the osmolarity
(Osmm3 ).

2.2. Hyperspectral Images

Hyperspectral images from the adaxial surfaces of 40 selected leaves were taken with
a hyperspectral vision system, consisting of an EMCCD Luca-R camera (Andor Technology, Belfast,
Appl. Sci. 2016, 6, 412 4 of 18

Appl.Sci.2016,6,412 4of19
Northern Ireland) coupled to a VIS-NIR spectrometer (Headwall Photonics Hyperspec-VNIR,
Fitchburg, MA, USA)
USA) working
working inrange
in the the range of 4001000
of 4001000 nm.of
nm. A total A189
total of 189 wavelengths
wavelengths were
were considered
along this range, thus obtaining a spectral resolution of 3.2 nm. The spectrometer of the camera was
camera withline-by-line
with a progressive a progressive
spectrograph scan
withspectrograph witha
a slit of 25 m. The slit of25m.
spatial The
spatial resolutions in the line direction and in the scan direction were 0.26
in the line direction and in the scan direction were 0.26 mm/pixel and 0.1 mm/pixel, respectively. mm/pixel and 0.1
halogen lamp was used for illumination. Headwall Hyperspec software (Hyperspec III, Headwall
PhotonicsTM ,III,
(Hyperspec Headwall Photonics TM, Fitchburg, MA, USA) was used to control the equipment.
Fitchburg, MA, USA) was used to control the equipment. Samples were scanned by
acquiring the entire surface of the leaf (scan length = 100 mm) creating a hypercube dataset. Relative
reflectance hyperspectral images were simultaneously computed by the software of the camera. White
reference (barium sulfate) and dark current signal (acquired with the objective of the camera covered
by a black tap) were acquired before each batch of images. Each line of the image was then corrected
byimage was
pixel by then corrected
subtracting the darkpixel by pixel
current by subtracting
and dividing the resultthe
bydark current
the white and dividing
reference the
minus the
dark current.

Data Preprocessing and Processing. Computation of Models
The 40 hyperspectral images of lettuce leaves were randomly divided in two different groups:
a calibration set with seven leaves per treatment (28 leaves in total) for generating the models, and
validation set with the three remaining leaves of each treatment (12 leaves in total) for testing the
models. Figure 2 shows schematically the procedures carries out for the computation and validation of
the models developed.

Figure 2. Scheme of the methodology followed for the computation and validation of both
models developed.

For each hyperspectral image, the pixels from the green surface of the leaves, eliminating the
mid-rib pixels,were
were considered.
considered. TheThe corresponding
corresponding spectra
spectra (a minimum
(a minimum of 32,000
of 32,000 insmaller
in the the smaller
were used to calculate the mean spectrum of each leaf.
The differences on the spectral signature of the spectra was faced analyzing the raw reflectance
spectra, the normalized spectra by Standard Normal Variate scaling (SNV) and their corresponding first
first derivatives,
derivatives, whichwhich
allow toallow to identify
identify better
better the the displacement
displacement left-rightleftright
of certainof certain
bands bands
of the of the
such as the such as the
red edge red
area edge area
[25,26]. [25,26].
The first The first
derivative of derivative of thespectra
the leaves mean leaves was
mean spectra was
computed by
means of the SavitzkyGolay (SG) algorithm [27]. In the present work, a polynomial of order three
was fitted to each spectrum considering 21 wavelengths width to smooth spectra, and then the first
derivative function was applied.
For the calibration set, containing the 28 mean spectra, two different preprocessing were
reported on spinach leaves by [28]. SavitzkyGolay smoothing and differentiation algorithm (SG)
Appl. Sci. 2016, 6, 412 5 of 18

For the calibration set, containing the 28 mean spectra, two different preprocessing were applied
in order to remove the additive and the multiplicative effect such as it has been previously reported on
spinach leaves by [28]. SavitzkyGolay smoothing and differentiation algorithm (SG) was applied to
the spectra: a polynomial of order three was fitted considering 21 wavelengths width and the second
derivative function was applied to the smoothed spectra (D2). After SG algorithm, the multiplicative
effect was corrected by SNV scaling [29]. SNV subtracts to each wavelength of the spectrum (i) the
mean value of this spectrum (m), and it divides this result by the standard deviation of this spectrum
(STD). Therefore resulting spectra have a standard deviation equal to one and a mean equal to zero.
For the set of 28 preprocessed (SG D2 SNV) spectra, a principal component analysis (PCA) was
performed in order to obtain an initial model. The loading(s) of the principal component(s) (PC)
that showed to be the most sensitive to the effect of the salinity was retained such as the vector of
projection (or model) that was applied to the totality of hyperspectral images: those used to compute
the average spectra (n = 28 hyperspectral images) of the calibration set, and those that have not been
implied at all in the definition of the model and that allow to carry out its external validation (n = 12
hyperspectral images). The hyperspectral images (SG D2 SNV preprocessed) were projected onto the
chosen principal component(s) producing the corresponding artificial images of scores.
As a result of these analyses and taken into account the pattern of the loadings obtained in the
PCA, an index that computes an approximation to the second derivative at the red edge region was
proposed. It was named Level Salinity Index (LSI). This index was also applied to all the hyperspectral
images of the leaves (n = 40 hyperspectral images), thus obtaining the corresponding virtual images of
the index.
In order to evaluate the ability of the proposed index in comparison to other previously applied,
a collection of indexes described in the literature were computed on a representative group of spectra
of the calibration set. Only 7000 spectra per treatment (28,000 spectra in total) were considered in order
to evaluate the ability of the indexes in a worst scenario, in systems with poorer spatial resolution and
consequently lower number of pixels per image. Some of them are specifically related to salinity and
others related to water, pigments and chlorophyll content under stress conditions. One-way Analysis
of Variance (ANOVA) and Tukeys least significant difference procedures were carried out for each
index comparing the salinity treatments. In addition, scores resulting from PCA of preprocessed
spectra was included in such comparison.
Similarly to the procedure followed in the calibration set, in the validation set of virtual images
of scores of PCA and of the index proposed in this work, 3000 pixels per treatment were randomly
selected and one-way ANOVAs and Tukeys least significant difference procedures were applied.
In addition to ANOVAs, the virtual images (PCA scores and LSI) of the calibration and validation
set were also used for comparison, evaluating visually the differences between salinity classes and the
spatial distribution of the effects of the salinity on the leaves.
In order to improve the visualization of these virtual images, the pixels of the nerves were not
considered. For that a segmentation procedure was applied to the images. Firstly, artificial images
were computed based on the combination of planes 730, 680 and 550 nm, where the main differences
between nerve and green area were observed. Then the Otsu method was applied to these images to
obtain the mask that separated the green areas and the nerves. Finally, these masks were applied onto
the scores and index images.

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Effect of Salinity on Water Content and Osmotic Potential

The water content and osmotic potential data are shown in Table 1. The water content of the
leaves decreased when saline concentration increases from 50 mM NaCl to 150 mM NaCl, while similar
values were obtained in the control and in the samples subjected to 50 mM NaCl. The same trend
can be observed with the osmotic potential of the leaves, but in this parameter distinguishing also
Appl. Sci. 2016, 6, 412 6 of 18

between control and 50 mM NaCl, being significantly more negative than control. Salinity increase can
induce the accumulation of ions, mainly Na+ and Cl , in the leaves. This fact would be in accordance
with the results shown in Table 1, since an accumulation of ions implies a water content reduction and
a more 6of19
negative osmotic potential in the leaves. These results confirm that the salinity levels studied
are actually having an effect on the leaves.
Table 1. Water content and osmotic potential of the lettuce leaves treated without NaCl (Ct) and treated
with 50, 100 and 150 mM NaCl (S1, S2 and S3, respectively). Letters indicate the different mean groups
Table 1. Water content and osmotic potential of the lettuce leaves treated without NaCl (Ct) and
Tukeys test
50, 100 a pmM
and levelNaCl
of 0.05.
(S1, S2 and S3, respectively). Letters indicate the different
Water Content (%) Osmotic Potential (MPa)
Saline Treatment WaterContent(%) OsmoticPotential(MPa)
Mean STD Mean STD
Ct MeanSTD
94.53 0.09a MeanSTD
0.65 0.04a
S1 94.530.09a
94.54 0.12a 0.650.04a
1.08 0.09b
S2 94.540.12a
93.15 0.18b 1.080.09b
1.49 0.11c
S3 93.150.18b
92.70 0.07c 1.490.11c
2.06 0.09d
S3 92.700.07c 2.060.09d
3.2. Effect of Salinity on Spectral Features
3.2.1. Non Preprocessed and SNV Reflectance Spectra
The mean spectrum of each saline treatment was computed (calibration set, n = 7 leaves
The mean spectrum of each saline treatment was computed (calibration set, n = 7 leaves per
per treatment). Theraw
treatment). The rawspectra
preprocessed SNV
SNV spectra
spectra were
were considered
considered for comparison.
for comparison.
Figure 3A shows the mean spectra of each saline treatment. It can be seen that the Ct global reflectance
Figure 3A shows the mean spectra of each saline treatment. It can be seen that the Ct global
is lower than the others, primarily in the infrared range. This fact can be related to certain physical
properties inducing lower scattering in the leaves of the Ct leaf samples.

0.7 Ct
0.6 S2
Relative reflectance






400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
Wavelength (nm)


-0.6 Ct
S N V c o r r e c t e d s p e c t r a v a lu e s

1 S1
S N V c o r r e c t e d s p e c t r a v a lu e s

-0.7 S2
0.5 S3
Ct -1
-1 S2 -1.1
400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 480 500 520 540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680
Wavelength (nm)
Wavelength (nm)

(b) (c)
Figure 3. (a) Mean relative reflectance spectra of the leaves of each saline treatment. Calibration set,
n = 28 leaves (4 saline treatments 7 leaves). (b) Same spectra corrected with Standard Normal Variate
(SNV) normalization to eliminate multiplicative effect. (c) Zoom in the visible range of SNV corrected
spectra. See Table 1 for abbreviations.
Appl. Sci. 2016, 6, 412 7 of 18

Crops often have a higher NIR reflectance level under water stress conditions [1618] due to air
replacing water between the cells and producing optical discontinuities and scattering. Blum [30]
noted that crops under salt stress conditions typically show the same symptoms as under water stress
conditions. Salinity affects the osmotic potential of the plants and the water availability of the soil;
as such, the water absorption capacity is affected [5]. As shown in Table 1, the osmotic potential and
water content in the lettuce leaves decreases when the salinity increases, mainly in S2 and S3 treatments.
This fact could induce water stress in the plants that could justify the higher NIR reflectance observed
in the leaves of those treatments.
Other effects observed in the crops under saline stress include the loss of growth and turgor,
as well as the destruction of cellular membranes [31]. Moreover, an accumulation of salt in the leaves
can alter the refractive index of the water. Gitelson et al. [32], the increase in NIR reflectance could be
caused by an increase in the thickness and density of the leaves. This fact has been observed in leaves
under moderate salinity levels [6]. All of these described effects can affect the scattering process, and
this scattering can induce a multiplicative effect on the spectra in the NIR region. This multiplicative
effect has been removed applying SNV.
Figure 3B shows the mean spectra of the leaves in each saline treatment corrected with SNV
normalization in order to remove the multiplicative effect. Differences among each spectrum can be
observed in two areas (Figure 3C): (1) the peak near 550 nm and (2) the valleys near 480 and 680 nm.
The visible region of the spectra depends on the absorbance of the different pigments of the leaves,
mainly chlorophyll but also carotenoids and flavonoids. The reflectance peak near 550 nm is due to the
significant absorption of chlorophyll in the blue and red regions and the reflection in the green region.
The height of the peak of each spectrum can be compared by computing the difference between the
reflectance values at 550 and 510 nm. A progressive and systematic decrease in the height of the peak
was observed from the Ct to the S3 treatments as the salinity increased. Many authors have related the
changes in the visible region of the spectra to the decrease of pigment content in the leaves, primarily
of chlorophyll [20,32,33]. When the chlorophyll content decreases, there is an increase of reflectance
mainly in the blue and red regions of the spectra. This effect causes the spectra to flatten, resulting in
a decrease in the height of the peak near 550 nm. Some research indicates that the total chlorophyll
and carotenoid content decreases in plant leaves under salt stress [34]. Gitelson et al. [35] introduced
a carotenoid reflectance index (CRI550 ) (Equation (3)), based on the reflectance values at 510 (R510 ) and
550 (R550 ) nm, to follow the evolution of the carotenoid content in the leaves, and that decreases with
the decreasing of carotenoids.
CRI550 = (1/R510 ) (1/R550 ) (3)

Applying the CRI550 index to our spectra, a decrease in the carotenoid content could be observed
as the salinity increased. The values of CRI were 0.78, 0.74, 0.65 and 0.55, respectively, for our salinity
treatments from Ct to S3.
Chlorophyll absorption bands at 480 and 680 nm bands, suffered changes in the reflectance level
showing a progressive increase with increasing salt concentrations (Figure 3C). This could indicate
a slight loss of chlorophyll in the leaves when the salinity increased.
Different views have been reported regarding the observed changes in the visible range with
increasing salinity levels. Some studies related to vegetative growth under salinity conditions showed
a decrease in the peak at 550 nm and in the visible region with increased salinity in the plants or
soil [14,15], which is consistent with our findings. However, other studies showed either an increase in
reflectance in the visible region, primarily near 550 nm [26,36], or no differences in the visible range
under salt stress conditions [37].

3.2.2. First Derivative of the Spectra

Figure 4A shows the first derivative mean spectra of each saline treatment, where the maximum
value corresponds with the red edge. A magnification of the red edge region can be seen in Figure 4B.
Appl. Sci. 2016, 6, 412 8 of 18
Appl.Sci.2016,6,412 8of19

Ct Ct
S1 0.07 S1
S2 S2
S3 S3

F ir s t d e r iv a t iv e v a lu e
F ir s t d e r iv a t iv e v a lu e




-0.02 0.06
670 680 690 700 710 720 730 740 750
400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Wavelength (nm) Wavelength (nm)

(a) (b)
Figure 4. (a) First derivative mean spectra of the leaves of each saline treatment. Calibration set,
n = 28 leaves (4 saline treatments 7 leaves); (b) zoom on the red edge. See Table 1 for abbreviations.

A displacement to the right in the peak, though slight and progressive, can be observed in the
S3 treatment (Figure 4B). However, numerous authors found that a displacement to the left of the
red edge typically occurs when plants suffer environmental conditions of stress (water, nutritive,
or salt stress) [21,32,38]. This displacement to the left is typically related to the loss of activity and
the degradation
and attributed itof tochlorophyll [39]. and
aging processes Laratheet al.
loss[28] confirmed
of cell thisand
structure factchlorophyll.
in spinach leaves
shelf life and attributed it to aging processes and the loss of cell structure and chlorophyll.
effect of aging in harvested leaves over time is not similar to the effect of saline stress in freshlyHowever,
the effect of aging in harvested leaves over time is not similar to the effect of saline stress in freshly
harvested leaves.
Li et al. [26] performed a test with castor bean seedlings under salinity conditions of 0, 100,
200, and 300 mM of NaCl. They observed a displacement to the right of the red edge at 100 mM
the and of
range displacements towards the left
the highest concentrations ofedge for higher
the present concentrations.
research. The salinityThis
maysalt concentration
initially cause a
(100 mM) is in the range of the highest concentrations of the present research. The salinity
displacement of the red edge to the right until reaching a certain level of salt concentration, may initially
cause a displacement of the red edge to the right until reaching a certain
subsequentlyshiftingtotheleftwhenthesalinitystressincreases;thisconcurswith[26]. level of salt concentration,
subsequently shifting to the left when the salinity stress increases; this concurs with [26].
Although it has been reported that an increment in the soil salinity generally tends to induce
a decrease in leaf reflectance
it can be observed a minimalin the NIRof
effect spectral region As
the salinity. [40],high
in this study
near in thatreflectance
infrared region (8001000
it can be observed a minimal effect of the salinity. As high near infrared reflectance
associatedwithproperdevelopmentoftheplants,itcouldbeinterpretedthatthelevelsofsalinity values are associated
with proper development of the plants, it could be interpreted that the levels of salinity applied in the
present study are not enough to induce change in the NIR, i.e. are not enough to cause the displacement
of the red edge towards lower wavelengths.
3.3. Models and Data Processing
3.3.1. Second Derivative and SNV Normalization: Principal Component Analysis
Figure 5A shows the mean preprocessed spectra (SG D2 SNV) corresponding to the seven
Figure 5A shows the mean preprocessed spectra (SG D2 SNV) corresponding to the seven leaves
from the calibration set for each salt treatment. This preprocessing procedure (SG D2 SNV) showed
the best ability for sensing the effect of salinity once PCA was applied, and therefore these spectra
were considered for the computation of the PCA model. The second derivative is a measure of the
change in the slope of the spectral curve, and therefore it presents a value different from zero when
there is a curvature on the spectra. It changes its value if there is a change in the curvature (typically
(typically when there is a lateral displacement of the spectra at rededge area). Just at red edge
when there is a lateral displacement of the spectra at red-edge area). Just at red edge (maximum slope,
(maximumslope, inflection point) thecurvatureiszero, and it becomes different fromzero if the
inflection point) the curvature is zero, and it becomes different from zero if the spectra move towards
the right or towards the left. Peaks at 550 nm and 510 nm in the preprocessed spectra decrease with
This concurs with the previously observed flattening process of the spectra as the salinity level
Appl. Sci. 2016, 6, 412 9 of 18

the salinity level, so the slope of the spectra decrease with increased salinity. This concurs with the
Appl.Sci.2016,6,412 9of19
previously observed flattening process of the spectra as the salinity level increases.

3 S1




400 500 600 700 800 900 100
Wavelength (nm)

0.5 2.5
ld1 P C 1 s c o r e s ( 9 4 4 6 % e x p la in e d v a r ia n c e )
L o a d in g s o n P C 1

0.2 0.5

0.1 0


-0.2 -2
400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Ct S1 S2 S3
Wavelenght (nm) Saline treatment

(b) (c)
Figure 5. (a) Mean SavitzkyGolay algorithm (SG), second derivative (D2) and SNV pretreated
Figure 5. (a) Mean Savitzky-Golay algorithm (SG), second derivative (D2) and SNV pre-treated spectra
spectra of the leaves of calibration set for each saline treatment; (b) The first principal component
of the leaves of calibration set for each saline treatment; (b) The first principal component (PC1)
(PC1) loadings from principal component analysis (PCA) applied on second derivative and SNV
loadings from principal component analysis (PCA) applied on second derivative and SNV processed
spectra; and (c) PC1 scores of mean spectra of the leaves of calibration set for each saline treatment
(Ct, S1, S2 and S3 treatments, x-axis), with the mean values of each group are shown in red.
The first principal component (PC1) from the PCA applied on the SG D2 SNV preprocessed
The first principal component (PC1) from the PCA applied on the SG D2 SNV preprocessed
spectra, explaining a 94.46% of variance, was retained as the most related to the changes caused by the
concentration in the leaves. The PC1 loadings are shown in Figure 5B. The projections of the mean
spectraTwo regionsof
for the highloading
PC1 (scores) for each values can be
of the four observed
salinity (Figure
groups 5B), corresponding
are presented in Figure to the major
regions with differences in the preprocessed spectra (Figure 5A): one is located
Two regions of high loading values can be observed (Figure 5B), corresponding to the major at approximately
regions with differences in the preprocessed spectra (Figure 5A): one is located at approximately
500600 nm and the other occurs at the red edge region. The remaining wavelengths have loading
values close to there
an increase
noof the level
changes in of
thereflectance at this
slope at NIR NIRabove
region, regionapproximately
observed in the780
However, there is an increase of the level of reflectance at this NIR region observed in the raw (without
preprocessing) reflectance spectra, Figure 3A. This fact is deeply discussed in Section 3.2.1 and at the
end of Section 3.2.2.
The loadings of PC1 around 500600 nm presents an approximation to the slope between
550 and 510 nm (Figure 5B). Looking to the values (in the loadings of PC1 in the Figure 5B) of y-axis
at approximationtotheslopeatthisrange.Asthesalinitylevelincreases,thevalueoftheslope(which
550 and at 510 nm, it is shown that y-axis at 550 is higher and more positive than y-axis at
(that is negative). Thus, the inner product of PC1 by SG D2 SNV spectra at this region produces
an approximation to the slope at this range. As the salinity level increases, the value of the slope
(which is negative in this range) increases (because it becomes less negative).
Appl. Sci. 2016, 6, 412 10 of 18

In addition, the SG D2 SNV spectra showed a displacement to the right at the red edge region.
PC1 also senses this displacement of the preprocessed spectra at 710 nm. Looking to the PC1 in the
region comprises between 675 and 745 nm, the y-axis value at 675 nm and at 745 nm is lower and
negative in comparison with y-axis value at 710 nm, which is positive. Therefore, inner product of PC1
by SG D2 SNV spectra at this region produces an approximation to the minus second derivative at
710 (SD710 ) [28]:
SD710 = 2 R710 R675 R745 (4)

where SD710 is related to the curvature at 710 nm: if this wavelength corresponds to the inflection
point, the SD710 is equal to zero; on the contrary, SD710 will be positive if the preprocessed
spectra move towards the right. In the present research the preprocessed spectra at red-edge region
moved towards the right, with the increasing levels of salinity, so SD710 showed increasing values.
As a consequence of the above-mentioned facts, the scores of PC1 (i.e., the projection of each spectral
signal, in our case the SG D2 SNV spectra, in the PC, obtained multiplying the spectra by the loading)
evolved towards higher values showing the behavior described around 500600 nm and 710 nm.
Scores progressively evolve towards higher values with increasing levels of salinity. Therefore,
both previously mentioned regions (500600 nm and 710 nm) could be related to the salt concentration
of the leaves. The analysis of the results of the PCA on the SG D2 SNV spectra allowed identifying
similar spectral regions more susceptible to the effect of salinity than the analysis of the SNV spectra
and first derivative spectra.
Figure 6 shows the images of scores of the leaves from the calibration set. These images are
Sci. 2016, 6, the
x FORhyperspectral
PEER REVIEW images, corrected with SG D2 SNV, on the PC1. The differences
11 of 20
between Ct and S3 leaves were clear, evolving from blue pixels (low score value) to orange and red
pixels (high score value) when the salinity concentration increased.

Ct treatment

S1 treatment

S2 treatment

S3 treatment
Figure 6. Cont.
Appl. Sci. 2016, 6, 412 11 of 18

S3 treatment

Figure 6. Virtual images of scores obtained by projection of the hyperspectral images, corrected with
Figure 6.second images of
derivative scores obtained
SavitzkyGolay by projection
algorithm and SNVofnormalization,
the hyperspectral
on PC1.images,
from with
second derivative SavitzkyGolay
calibration set. algorithm
Pixels colored from andareSNV
blue to red normalization,
showing on PC1.
increasing levels Leaves
of salinity from calibration
set. Pixels colored from blue to red are showing increasing levels of salinity affectation.
3.3.2. A New Index on the Red Edge Region: Level Salinity Index LSI

3.3.2. A NewAIndex on theindex

new spectral Red (combination
Edge Region: Level
of only fewSalinity Indexwas
wavelengths) LSIconsidered for multispectral
proposes; they could be cheaper and faster than hyperspectral vision systems. As previously
A new spectral
explained, indexdisplacement
a slight (combination of right
to the only of
red edge regionwas considered
was observed on forthemultispectral
proposes; they could
derivative bespectra
of the cheaper andS3faster
of the thanwhich
treatment, hyperspectral visiontosystems.
could be related As previously
the moderate explained,
increase in the
a slight salt concentrationtoofthe
displacement the right
On thered
the other hand,
edge the PC1
region loading
was showedon
observed thethe
region as of the
spectra of the S3 treatment, which could be related to the moderate increase in the salt concentration
of the leaves. On the other hand, the PC1 loading showed the red edge region as the most sensitive
area to changes in the spectra induced by salinity. Consequently, an index, Level Salinity Index (LSI),
based on the most relevant wavelengths of PC1 loadings (Figure 5B) was proposed.
This LSI index is an approximation to the second derivative at 710 nm (see explanation at
Section 3.3.1) and it is a value related to the red edge displacements observed in the SG D2 SNV
preprocessed spectra and also in the loadings of PC1. It is also very similar, but not identical, to the
proposed by [28]:
LSI = [(R675 + R745 )/2] R710 (5)
Appl.Sci.2016,6,412 12of19
The LSI was applied to each pixel of the hyperspectral images of the calibration set leaves in order
to generate
corresponding virtual images and predict the salinity effects on the leaves (Figure 7).



Figure 7. Cont.
Appl. Sci. 2016, 6, 412 12 of 18



Figure 7. Virtual images obtained by applying the Level Salinity Index (LSI) on each pixel of the
Figure 7. Virtual images
hyperspectral imagesobtained
of lettuce by applying
leaves, the Levelset.
from calibration Salinity Index (LSI)
Pixels colored on each
from blue pixel
to red are of the
hyperspectral images of lettuce leaves, from calibration set. Pixels colored from blue to red are showing
increasing levels of salinity affectation.
Clear differences between the LSI values from the pixels of the leaves corresponding to the
control treatment (Ct) and the pixelsof the leavescorresponding to the highest salinity treatment
(S3)differences between
were observed theThe
(Figure 7). LSIincrease
valuesinfrom thevalues
the LSI pixels of the
noted leaves
in the corresponding
images responds to a to the
control treatment (Ct) and the pixels of the leaves corresponding to the highest salinity treatment (S3)
were observed (Figure 7). The increase in the LSI values noted in the images responds to a lateral
displacement of the red edge to the right [28,41], which concurs with the findings obtained from the
first derivative spectra analysis.

3.3.3. Comparison between Spectral Indexes

Table 2 presents eleven narrow band indexes that are related to pigment, water content and
salinity effects, all of them extracted from a literature review on this topic.

Table 2. Indexes used for comparison with Level Salinity Index (LSI) index.

Index Formula
NDVI, related to chlorophyll content [42] NDVI = (R800 R670 )/(R800 + R670 )
NDVI705 , related to chlorophyll content [43] NDVI705 = (R750 R705 )/(R750 + R705 )
Red Edge Position Index, related to chlorophyll content [44] RPI = (R750 /R700 )
Chlgreen = (R760 /R550 ) 1
Related to chlorophyll content in anthocyanin free leaves [45]
Chlred edge = (R760 /R705 ) 1
Plant Senescence Reflectance Index [46] PSRI = (R680 R500 )/(R750 )
Water Index, related to water content [40] WI = (R900 /R970 )
Green region NDVI, related to salinity [13] NDVIgreen = (R550 R670 )/(R550 + R670 )
Far red region NDVI, related to salinity [13] NDVIfar red = (R710 R670 )/(R710 + R670 )
Simple Ratio Vegetation Index, related to salinity [37] SRVI = (R830 /R660 )
Green and Indigo Ratio, related to salinity [47] GIR = (R436 /R554 )

These eleven indexes, along with LSI index and PCA scores, are applied on the spectra of the
leaves from the calibration set (n = 1000 spectra per leaf, 7000 spectra per salinity class). Table 3 presents
the results of the one-way ANOVAs and TukeyKramer tests performed on these indexes, calculated
considering as grouping variable the salinity treatment. LSI (F = 3440.2), Green and Indigo Ratio (GIR)
Appl. Sci. 2016, 6, 412 13 of 18

(F = 1340.2), Green region Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVIgreen ) (F = 1160.7), Chlred edge
(F = 1024.1), NDVI705 (F = 874.2), Chlgreen (F = 737.2), NDVIfar red (F = 702.8) and RPI (F = 686.4) showed
consistent trends and all of them were able to distinguish the four groups of salinity treatments. Among
these indexes, the three with the highest segregation ability had been specifically defined for sensing
salinity effects (LSI, GIR and NDVIgreen ). However, Simple Ratio Vegetation Index (SRVI) (F = 119.7),
also for salinity detection, together with NDVI (F = 137.3), Plant Senescence Reflectance Index (PSRI)
(F = 119.8) and Water Index (WI) (F = 53.4), did not give consistent trend or clear distinction between
salinity classes. The scores of PC1 showed similar segregating ability as LSI (F = 2845.88).

Table 3. Analysis of variance (F-Fisher and p-value) comparing the values of indexes for the four
salinity classes (n = 7000 spectra per class belonging to the calibration set of leaves). Mean values and
standard error of the different indexes per salinity class. Means followed by the same letter are not
significantly different by TukeyKramer test; different letters implies there is significant difference
between means.

Index F-Fisher p-Value Mean Standard Error

Ct 0.01765a 0.00045
S1 0.03130b 0.00045
LSI 3440.2 0
S2 0.05175c 0.00045
S3 0.07829d 0.00045
Ct 0.82469a 0.00080
S1 0.80969b 0.00080
NDVI 137.3 2.45 1088 S2 0.80345c 0.00080
S3 0.80714d 0.00080
Ct 0.45693a 0.00076
S1 0.46466b 0.00076
NDVI705 874.2 0
S2 0.47856c 0.00076
S3 0.50774d 0.00076
Ct 3.48135a 0.00864
S1 3.54853b 0.00864
RPI 686.4 0
S2 3.64758c 0.00864
S3 3.99075d 0.00864
Ct 2.26632a 0.00731
S1 2.28408a 0.00731
Chlgreen 737.2 0
S2 2.39855b 0.00731
S3 2.69576c 0.00731
Ct 1.78446a 0.00583
Chlred edge S1 1.84552b 0.00583
1024.1 0
S2 1.94359c 0.00583
S3 2.20687d 0.00583
Ct 0.00536a 0.00013
S1 0.00706b 0.00013
PSRI 119.8 4.38 1077 S2 0.00552a 0.00013
S3 0.00366c 0.00013
Ct 1.28100a 0.00036
S1 1.27616b 0.00036
WI 53.4 2.03 1034 S2 1.27872c 0.00036
S3 1.28220d 0.00036
Ct 0.53842a 0.00108
S1 0.50228b 0.00108
NDVIgreen 1160.7 0
S2 0.47366c 0.00108
S3 0.45415d 0.00108
Appl. Sci. 2016, 6, 412 14 of 18

Table 3. Cont.

Index F-Fisher p-Value Mean Standard Error

Ct 0.68830a 0.00102
S1 0.65912b 0.00102
NDVIfar red 702.8 0
S2 0.63788c 0.00102
S3 0.62661d 0.00102
Ct 10.53830a 0.04345
S1 9.64646b 0.04345
SRVI 119.7 5.35 1077 S2 9.46616c 0.04345
S3 10.04068d 0.04345
Ct 0.35211a 0.00100
S1 0.38783b 0.00100
GIR 1340.2 0
S2 0.41381c 0.00100
S3 0.43755d 0.00100
Ct 1.0902a 0.000227
S1 0.6474b 0.000228
Scores PC1 2845.88 0
S2 0.0851c 0.000199
S3 1.1235d 0.000212

Although seven of the eleven indexes reviewed from literature showed good performance for
salinity effect detection, the LSI index, specifically defined for images of lettuces acquired under
laboratory conditions, exhibited the best behavior, with the highest F-value (Table 3).

3.4. Validation of the Models to Evaluate Salinity Effects

In order to test the performance of the prediction models generated on the calibration set, both
models (PC1 on SG D2 SNV spectra and LSI index) were applied to the hyperspectral images of the
leaves of the validation set, thus obtaining corresponding virtual images for each case of the two sets.
Table 4 presents the results of the one-way ANOVAs and TukeyKramer tests performed on the LSI
indexes and PCA scores of n = 1000 spectra from each leaf of the validation set, considering as grouping
variable the salinity treatment. Differences between the leaves corresponding to the Ct treatment and
the S3 treatment (Figure 8) were observed with both models. It can be seen that the virtual images
of both models for the same leaf showed a similar distribution of pixel values. Both types of virtual
images were able to sense the effect of salinity in a similar way. However, the LSI-based model was
simpler and faster to apply because it is based solely on the reflectance at three different wavelengths.

Table 4. Analysis of variance (F-Fisher and p-value) comparing the values of LSI index and the first
principal component (PC1) scores for the four salinity classes (n = 3000 spectra per class belonging to
the validation set of leaves). Mean values and standard error of the different indexes per salinity class.
Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different by TukeyKramer test; different letters
implies there is significant difference between means.

Index F-Fisher p-Value Mean Standard Error

Ct 0.01845 0.00131a
S1 0.03149 0.00127b
LSI 1491.57 0
S2 0.05250 0.00127c
S3 0.08018 0.00127d
Ct 1.05383 0.05122a
S1 0.63252 0.05122b
Scores PC1 1197.02 0
S2 0.12681 0.05122c
S3 1.16911 0.05122d
Appl. Sci.
Appl. Sci. 2016,
2016, 6,
6, xx FOR
REVIEW 17 of
17 of 20

Appl. Sci. 2016, 6, 412 15 of 18

Ct treatment
Ct treatment

S1 treatment
S1 treatment

S2 treatment
S2 treatment

S3 treatment
S3 treatment

Figure 8.
Figure 8. Virtual
Virtual images
images obtained
obtained by
by applying
applying both
both models
models developed
developed on
on the
the hyperspectral
hyperspectral images
Figure 8.of Virtual
of lettuce
lettuce leaves,
leaves, obtained
from the
by applying
the validation
validation bothcolored
set. Pixels
set. Pixels models developed
colored from blue to
on are
to red
red theshowing
are showing
images of
lettuce leaves,
levels from
of the
salinity validation
affectation. set.
Left: Pixels
PC1 colored
model. Right: from
LSI blue
levels of salinity affectation. Left: PC1 model. Right: LSI model. to red are showing increasing levels of
salinity affectation. Left: PC1 model. Right: LSI model.
As itit was
As was introduced,
introduced, salinity
salinity stress
stress can
can induce
induce marginal
marginal necrosis
necrosis and
and tip
tip burn
burn in
in the
the leaves
leaves of
lettuce. These symptoms have recently been associated with local oxidative stress
lettuce. These symptoms have recently been associated with local oxidative stress in leaf margins in leaf margins
It can
thatbe observed
appear beforein the images
symptom that the
expression [9].pixels from the
This pattern
pattern external with
is coincident
coincident partstheofdistribution
the leaves of arethe
the most
that appear before symptom expression [9]. This is with the distribution of the
by the
most salinity.
affected pixelsThe
pixels by salinity
by salinity
salinity effect
in our
in our is more
images. intense
Because of this,
of this,inhyperspectral
the areas furthest
hyperspectral awaybe
images could
images could befrom the
to veins
used to
of the leaves. In an intact plant, water is transported to the leaves through the xylem of vascular
bundles that branch into a fine network of nerves through the leaf [48]. Salinity restricts water uptake
and transpiration and thus reduces water and nutrient uptake and transport to young leaves [49].
This limitation in the xylem transport due to the effect of salinity could explain why the most affected
areas of the leaves correspond to areas with thin venation (leaf margin).
As it was introduced, salinity stress can induce marginal necrosis and tip burn in the leaves of
lettuce. These symptoms have recently been associated with local oxidative stress in leaf margins that
appear before symptom expression [9]. This pattern is coincident with the distribution of the most
Appl. Sci. 2016, 6, 412 16 of 18

affected pixels by salinity in our images. Because of this, hyperspectral images could be used to detect
symptoms of salt stress in leaves before visible damage expression and thus avoid significant economic
losses in crop production.

4. Conclusions
Hyperspectral images were applied in a non-destructive manner to evaluate the effect of salinity
on lettuce leaves at harvest. These images were studied in order to determine the best combination of
wavelengths for diagnosing the problem of salinity in lettuce leaves.
Based on the spectral features, two models were proposed. The first model was based on
a principal component analysis of the second derivative mean spectra of the leaves and normalized with
SNV. PC1 was most related to the changes in the leaves induced by salt concentration. By projecting
the conveniently processed hyperspectral images on the PC1, the corresponding virtual images of
scores showed clear differences among the leaves for each saline treatment.
The second model was based on an LSI index focused on the red edge region. Several indexes
from literature exhibited ability to sense the salinity effect on the leaves. However, LSI was the most
discriminant index compared to them. This fact could indicate that the detailed interpretation of the
spectra behavior could enhance the performance of indexes in each particular cultivar and condition.
Once the index is proposed, a less expensive multispectral system could be employed to compute the
respective virtual images (only three wavelengths were actually required).
An analysis of variance using only about 1% of pixels extracted at random from the total
population of pixels of each leaf showed significant differences between the leaves for each salinity
level; in an industrial application, this allows for the implementation of a hyperspectral or multispectral
device with smaller spatial resolution. This could simplify the technology, managed data volume and
hardware requirements of the system, making it more economical and faster.
Hyperspectral images allow for observations of the distribution of the salinity effects on the
surface of the leaves, which are more intense in the areas furthest from the veins. Marginal necrosis
appearing in leaves of plants under salinity stress can be detected by the artificial images before the
damage is visible.
Further research will be necessary to validate these models with larger data sets and salinity
ranges and different varieties and growing conditions than those examined in this study.

Acknowledgments: The funding of this work was supported by the MICINN through projects Multihort
(AGL2008-05666-C02-01) and QualityLeaf (AGL2013-48529-R). LPF-TAGRALIA is part of the CEI Moncloa Campus.
Author Contributions: Miguel ngel Lara, Beln Diezma and Lourdes Lle conceived and designed the
experiments, and wrote the article. Miguel ngel Lara, Beln Diezma, Lourdes Lle, Yolanda Garrido and
Mara Isabel Gil performed the experiments. Miguel ngel Lara analyzed the data. Yolanda Garrido and
Mara Isabel Gil contributed reagents and materials, provided knowledge about plant physiology and reviewed
the article. Jean Michel Roger contributed chemometrics tools, provided knowledge in chemometrics and data
analysis, and reviewed the article. Margarita Ruiz-Altisent provided scientific knowledge and reviewed the article.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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