Misra Et Al NaCl JPP 2001
Misra Et Al NaCl JPP 2001
Misra Et Al NaCl JPP 2001
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J. Plant Physiol. 158. 1173 – 1181 (2001)
Urban & Fischer Verlag
Department of Botany, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar-751004, India
Laboratory of Bioenergetics, University of Geneva, CH-1254, Jussy-Geneva, Switzerland
Present address: Division of Biology and Medicine, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912, USA
Effects of NaCl and KCl alone or in combination with CaCl2, Na2SO4 or K2SO4 on fast chlorophyll a
(Chl a) fluorescence kinetics of mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) and Brassica (Brassica juncea Coss.)
were studied. The concentrations of NaCl and KCl used were 100 mmol/L to 300 mmol/L and the con-
centration of CaCl2 was 5 mmol/L. Na2SO4 and K2SO4 used were in the range of 50 to 200 mmol/L.
Salt treatments were given to 6 d old seedlings and Chl a measurements were taken subsequently for
3 d after the salt treatment.
The fast Chl a fluorescence kinetics of mung bean and Brassica seedlings showed no significant
change within 3 d of experiments without the addition of salts/ions. The salt/ion treatments signifi-
cantly affected the Chl a fluorescence kinetics. The initial Chl a fluorescence level (F0) increased after
3 d with NaCl, which was enhanced by the addition of CaCl2. KCl and Na2SO4 or K2SO4 induced an
increase in F0 after 1d of salt treatments. CaCl2 alone and with NaCl or KCl enhanced FM after 1d of
treatment. KCl alone increased FM values after 1 d. However, the maximum Chl a fluorescence level
(FM), quantum yield of the primary photochemistry of PS II (φPo), quantum yield of electron transport
beyond QA – (φEo), efficiency that a trapped electron can move further ahead of QA – (ψo) and flux ratio
of electron transport (ETo/RC) decreased significantly with NaCl treatments after 3 d of treatment.
CaCl2 ameliorated these effects. ABS/RC and DI0/RC was enhanced several folds by NaCl treat-
ments and CaCl2 augmented these effects. Other salts and their combinations also showed en-
hancement in DI0/RC. However, Na salts showed amplified effects at equimolar concentrations com-
pared to K salts. The most prominent difference in the susceptibility of a system or genotype to differ-
ent salts or ions is due to the changes of the abundance of active reaction centers per leaf cross-sec-
tion (RC0/CS0).
Key words: Brassica – Brassica juncea – CaCl2 – Chl a fluorescence – ions – mung bean – salinity –
Vigna radiata
Abbreviations: ABS absorbance. – CS0 cross section. – d days. – DI0 dissipation of absorbed
quanta. – ET electron transport from QA – onwards. – ET0/RC, ABS/RC and DI0/RC are flux ratio of
electron transport, absorbance and dissipation per reaction center, respectively. – F0 initial Chl a fluo-
0176-1617/01/158/09–1173 $ 15.00/0
1174 Amarendra N. Misra, Alaka Srivastava, Reto J. Strasser
rescence level. – FM maximum Chl a fluorescence level. – FV variable Chl a fluorescence measured as
FM – F0. – J and I intermediate steps of Chl a fluorescence rise between F0 = O level and FM = P levels
of Chl a fluorescence induction curve. – PS photosystem. – RC reaction center. – TR0 excitation
energy trapping. – φEo Quantum yield of electron transport beyond QA – . – φPo quantum yield of the
primary photochemistry of PS II. – ψo Efficiency that a trapped electron can move further ahead of
QA –
Performance index
The product of the specific fluxes, the performance indices (PI) can
be calculated using the JIP test as suggested by Srivastava et al.
(1999) and Strasser et al. (2000).
PIABS = (RC/CS) [φPo / (1– φPo)] [ψo/(1– ψo)]
By using the Nernst’s equation the log PI can be defined as a driving
force for photosynthesis.
Driving force (DFABS) = log (PIABS)
200 mmol/L and no significant effect on fluorescence param- (ψo) and the probability that an absorbed photon will move an
eters were observed at 100 mmol/L (Fig. 1 B). Na2SO4 treat- electron into the electron transport chain (φEo). The changes
ment was also less detrimental for mung bean seedlings at in fluorescence intensities by salinity is in sharp contrast to
equimolar concentrations of the ions (fluorescence curves not the earlier reports that Fv/FM ratio was unaffected by salinity
shown). Treatment of CaCl2 with NaCl salt treatments retarded (Brugnoli and Lauteri 1991, Brugnoli and Bjorkman 1992). In
the decrease in FM and enhancement in F0 up to 200 mmol/L the present study, there was no need to superimpose high ir-
NaCl (Fig. 1 C). The seedlings treated with NaCl along with radiance (Sharma and Hall 1992) or temperature stress (Larch-
CaCl2 showed a F0 rise of 28 % and FM decrease of 46 % over er et al. 1990) to bring about the changes in Chl fluores-
control values (Fig. 1C). cence parameters. The discrepancy by earlier authors could
As that of the mung bean seedlings there were no changes have been due to the use of resistant genotypes, where the
in the fluorescence kinetics of Brassica seedlings during the effect of salinity was not manifested unless the system was
growth period from 1d to 3 d (Fig. 1E). However, the F0 values severely stressed either by imposing another stress or by
increased and FM values decreased gradually with an in- high concentrations of salts. However, earlier workers used
creasing concentration of NaCl (Fig. 1 F). The F0 rise and FM the changes in fluorescence parameters as an early warning
decrease indicates a block in the electron transport to QA – system for salinity stresses (Smillie and Nott 1982, Bongi and
(Krause and Weis 1991). NaCl salinity is reported to affect wa- Loreto 1989).
ter oxidation (PS II photochemical efficiency) and charge sepa- Na2SO4 treatment affected φPo in mung bean seedling only
ration of primary charge pairs in PS II of mung bean and Bras- by 20 % of control value compared to 90 % in NaCl treatments
sica seedlings (Misra et al. 1999). Both QA – and QB – charge re- at equimolar concentrations of Na + ion (Fig. 2). CaCl2 treat-
combination with S states were affected by NaCl salinity. ment augmented the quantum yield to the control value only
Figure 2 shows the effect of different salts on the quantum up to 200 mmol/L NaCl treatment. NaCl treatment (at
yield of the primary photochemistry of PS II (φPo), the effi- 300 mmol/L) with CaCl2 caused a decrease of φPo to 42 % of
ciency that a trapped electron can move further ahead of QA – the control value (Fig. 2). This suggests that CaCl2 could only
retard the detrimental effects of NaCl by counter-ion effects
and defer the toxic effects of NaCl to a higher concentration.
Compared to that of mung bean seedlings, the changes in
φPo in NaCl salt-treated seedlings of Brassica showed a slow
and gradual decrease with increasing salt concentrations
(Fig. 2). The decrease at 300 mmol/L NaCl was 26 % of con-
trol values. Salts of K + alone or in combination with CaCl2
showed no significant change in φPo of mung bean (Fig. 2)
and Brassica (data not shown). These results corroborate the
report on amelioration of NaCl salinity stress effects by CaCl2
(Jimenez et al. 1997).
The electron transport per trapped photon molecule (ψo)
was enhanced at 100 mmol/L NaCl but decreased to 42 %
and 49 % of control values, respectively at 200 mmol/L and
300 mmol/L concentrations (Fig. 2). Addition of CaCl2 en-
hanced the ψo of control seedlings and retarded the NaCl-
induced decrease in ψo of mung bean seedlings. However,
the ψo value of seedlings treated with 300 mmol/L NaCl and
CaCl2 decreased relatively to same value as that without
CaCl2 (Fig. 2). Na2SO4 treatments decreased ψo value only
up to 16 % at 300 mmol/L NaCl.
The quantum yield for electron transport beyond QA – (φEo =
ET0/ABS) which is a product of φPo and ψo is also depicted in
Figure 2. φEo was retarded to less than 8 % at 200 mmol/L and
300 mmol/L NaCl and CaCl2 ameliorated the effect up to
200 mmol/L NaCl. Na2SO4 treatments also affected φEo. How-
ever, the decrease in φEo values of Na2SO4-treated seedlings
were only 22 % of control value (Fig. 2).
Figure 2. The effect of different concentrations of Na- (A, C, D) and The performance index (PI) of the salt-stressed seedlings
K-salts (B) on the quantum efficiency φPo (A, B) or flux ratios ψo (C) showed an exponential relationship with φEo (Fig. 3). Brassica
and φEo (D) of mung bean seedlings after 3 d of treatment. Note the seedlings treated with Na + salts and mung bean seedlings
changes in φPo of Brassica seedlings treated with NaCl (A). with K + salts were grouped in clusters. However, mung bean
Assessment of salt/ion sensitivity by Chl a fluorescence 1177
cross section (ET0/CS) due to the inactivation of the reaction effect of plants. Comparison of the salt/ion effects on the pho-
centers (closed black circles). The trapping efficiency per tosynthetic efficiency of mung bean seedlings also showed
cross section (TR0/CS) also decreased. However, NaCl treat- that KCl was less inhibitory to electron transport processes
ment increased the aborption (ABS/CS) and heat dissipation compared to equimolar concentrations of NaCl. Addition of
(DI0/CS). These effects were several times greater in the CaCl2 along with NaCl, which completely blocked the elec-
membrane model (left panel) where because of the inactiva- tron transport in mung bean, could completely ameliorate the
tion of the active reaction centers, the ABS, DI0 and TR0 val- inhibitory effect of NaCl. Also it is possible to differentiate be-
ues increased in terms of specific activity of active reaction tween the susceptible and tolerant genotypes for salt suscep-
centers (Fig. 7 A, left panel). Equimolar quantity of NaCl tibility.
showed less detrimental effect on Brassica seedlings (Fig. The most prominent differences in the susceptibility of a
7 B), compared to the mung bean seedlings (Fig. 7 A). The system or genotype to different salts or ions are due to dam-
reaction centers remained active and there was even synthe- age of active RC, which results in decreased RC0/CS0 and
sis of new reaction centers (hatched circles) in Brassica the photochemical efficiency of PS II. Although the electron
seedlings treated with 200 mmol/L NaCl, which was com- transport efficiency beyond QA – decreased along with the
pletely inhibitory to mung bean (compare Fig. 7 A with 7 B). number of reaction centers and electron donation to QA, the
Like mung beans, the electron transport (ET0) of Brassica severity of the decrease in φPo suggests that the donor side is
also decreased. However, absorbance (ABS) and dissipation relatively more affected than the acceptor side.
(DI0) per cross section or per reaction center increased with The effect of individual components of salt/ion(s) and their
NaCl treatment, although the quantum of change in Brassica combined effects can be deciphered using the analysis of
seedlings was less than 10 × than that of mung bean seed- performance index and the slope (m) analysis. This analysis
lings. This phenomenon is distinct depiction of genetic varia- confirms our hypothesis that the ‹m› value (where m = ∆ log
bility in the salt tolerance of these two crops (Misra et al. PI/∆ log φEo) derived from the fast Chl a fluorescence kinetics
1999). Addition of CaCl2 along with NaCl, which completely can be taken as an indicator for salt or ion effects on photo-
blocked the electron transport in mung bean, could com- synthetic efficiency analysis during salt stress. Also the toler-
pletely ameliorate the inhibitory effect of NaCl (Fig. 7A). Com- ance and susceptibility of the genetic systems can be deter-
parison of the salt/ion effects on the photosynthetic efficiency mined through this analysis. So, we propose that this analysis
of mung bean seedlings also showed that KCl was less inhib- has a wide range of applications from agronomy to biotech-
itory to electron transport processes compared to equimolar nological analysis of susceptibility of genotypes or photosyn-
concentrations of NaCl (Fig. 7 A). The ABS, TR0 and DI0 val- thetic systems to salts or ions. The differences in ‹m› values
ues of KCl-treated seedlings decreased compared to the con- for mung bean seedlings under salt stress showed that the
trol (no salt) seedlings. The pigment content of the leaf also detrimental effects of different salts are in the decreasing or-
decreased (data not shown). This resulted in lesser damage der starting with NaCl, NaCl + CaCl2, Na2SO4, KCl, KCl + CaCl2,
to the reaction center complexes (black circles). The degra- K2SO4. The ionic effects compared by this analysis depicts
dation of leaf pigments was induced by KCl and therefore, di- that the order of ion toxicity on photosynthetic efficiency of
luting the Chl per cross section leads to a decrease in the ab- mung bean seedlings are Cl – > Na + > SO4 – 2 > K + . Mung
sorbance and trapping of photons per cross section. The les- bean seedlings were found to be more susceptible to NaCl
ser damaging effect of KCl in mung bean, as compared to salt stress compared to the Brassica seedlings. Also, the ‹m›
NaCl, appears to be through its effect on pigment metabo- values for interactions of ions and plants can be used in the
lism. NaCl treatment might have a direct effect of Na + on the crop efficiency analysis.
reaction center complex itself leading to severe salt stress ef-
fects. The augmentation of photosynthetic efficiency by CaCl2 Acknowledgements. ANM is thankful to University of Geneva for sup-
in salt-stressed mung bean seedlings to the control values port during the Summer of 1998 and 2000.
could be due to repletion of Ca + in the NaCl-treated seedlings
which could have been replaced from the photosynthetic sys-
tems by high concentrations of Na + ion (Shen and Katoh References
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Bongi G, Loreto F (1989) Gas-exchange properties of salt-stressed
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linity stress: influence on allocation pattern, stomatal and non-sto-
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rescence technique can be utilized for assessment of salt/ion light energy. Planta 187: 335 – 347
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