The Effects of Recirculating Aquaculture System Effluent Water On The Growth of Moina Macrocopa (Straus)
The Effects of Recirculating Aquaculture System Effluent Water On The Growth of Moina Macrocopa (Straus)
The Effects of Recirculating Aquaculture System Effluent Water On The Growth of Moina Macrocopa (Straus)
ISSN: 2455-7269
Volume 1; Issue 2; February 2016; Page No. 01-08
The effects of recirculating aquaculture system effluent water on the growth of Moina macrocopa
Jiun Yan Loh, 2 Han Kiat Alan Ong, 3 Yii Siang Hii, 4 Gideon Khoo
Department of Aquatic Sciences, Faculty of Applied Science, UCSI University. No. 1, Jalan Menara Gading, UCSI Heights,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia.
School of Fisheries and Aquaculture Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia.
Faculty of Science, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia.
In the present study, Moina macrocopa were grew at four different densities (4, 20, 40 and 80 individuals/50 mL), to investigate the
effect of population density on the growth and reproduction using aquaculture effluent throughout 11 days. The organisms in high
population densities i.e. 40 and 80 ind./50 mL of aquaculture effluent showed a lower rate of reproduction and population growth
compared to those at 4 and 20 ind./50 mL. In the lower densities, Moina population increased to the highest densities of 55 (4 ind./50
mL) and 61 individuals (20 ind./50 mL) at the first 5 and 10 days, respectively. In general, two lower densities showed a higher
population increment compared to other two tested densities. These results suggest that high population density suppressed the
growth in M. macrocopa, therefore, lower population densities are recommended for commercial hatchery production using
aquaculture effluent.
Fig 1: Water quality in the effluent and influent water of the Nile Tilapia (n = 100) RAS system within 6 month culture period.
Table 1: Total water and carbonate hardness of the effluent and influent water
Effluent water Influent water
Month Total hardness Carbonate hardness Total hardness Carbonate hardness
(GH, od) (KH, od) (GH, od) (KH, od)
1 7.0 -8.0 6.0 7.0 - 8.0 6.0
2 7.0 - 14.0 6.0 7.0 - 14.0 6.0
3 >14.0 6.0 14.0 - 21.0 6.0
4 >14.0 6.0 - 10.0 >14.0 3.0 - 6.0
5 7.0 - 8.0 6.0 >14.0 6.0
6 >14.0 10.0 >4.0 6.0
3.2 Effects of effluent water on the population growth of M. 10. Similar growth trend was observed at T2, the M. macrocopa
macrocopa grew slowly for the first 2 days in the effluent culture. The
Figure 2 shows the comparison of population densities of M. numbers dropped slightly on day-3 and day-4. However, the
macrocopa in the control and treatment culture for 11 days. Moina population started to increase after day-4, with an
Population density of M. macrocopa cultured with aquaculture exponential scale (p < 0.05, Table 2) to day-5, and then increased
effluent (T1) was increased significantly (p < 0.05) (Table 2) on again at a much slower rate later today-8 (Figure 3). The
day-3 compared to the control (Figure 2). The population population continued to increase and reached to the peak density
densities of M. macrocopa in the control culture were relatively (61 ind.) at day-8. The population density then dropped (P <
constant with low population density (4 individuals of Moina 0.05; Table 2) at the end of the experiment. On the other hand,
macrocopa/ 50 mL effluent medium). A positive growth trend the number of Moina in control treatment was decreased from
in T1 was observed in the effluent culture (Figure 2), whereby day-1 to day-6. An absolute mortality was noticed at day-10
the population densities increased gradually from day-0 to day- (Figure 3). In T3, the population density of M. macrocopa
4. A total number of 40 individuals were observed at day-4 to showed an increment (4 ind.) at day-1, and started to decrease to
day-5. The population densities reached their peak, recorded at 23 individuals until day-5 (Figure 4). The population started to
55 individuals of M. macrocopa at day-5 (Figure 2). The increase again until day-8 (42 ind.) before it declined to 4
population in T1, however, decreased gradually after the peak individuals at day-11. A drastic effect was observed in the
and slightly increased at day-8, before it declined again at day- control treatment, whereby, no survivors were recorded from
day-6 onwards (Figure 4). The population density of M. organism was found in the control started at day-8 (Figure 5).
macrocopa in T4 reached its peak density at the day-1 (after Statistical analysis showed that all population densities were
inoculation), recorded with 108 individuals. However, both found to be significantly influenced (P < 0.05) by the population
population densities in the effluent and control treatments densities and days (Table 3). However, there was no significant
decreased drastically after that. At the end of the experiment, difference (P > 0.05) in the population density among the groups
only 2 organisms were observed in T4 culture medium, no (T1, T2, T3 and T4) on day-8 and day-11 (Table 3).
Fig 2: Population growth of Moina macrocopa at the initial stocking density of 4 ind. per 50 mL culture
media. indicates wastewater effluent (RAS); indicates control (de-chlorinated water).
Error bars show mean ± of the standard deviation.
Fig 3: Population growth of Moina macrocopa at the initial stocking density of 20 ind. per 50 mL culture
medium. indicates wastewater effluent (RAS); indicates control (de-chlorinated water).
Error bars show mean ± of the standard deviation.
Fig 4: Population growth of Moina macrocopa at the initial stocking density of 40 ind. per 50 mL culture
medium. indicates wastewater effluent (RAS); indicates control (de-chlorinated water). Error
bars show mean ± of the standard deviation.
Fig 5: Population growth of Moina macrocopa at the initial stocking density of 80 ind.
Per 50 mL culture medium. Indicates wastewater effluent (RAS); indicates control
(De-chlorinated water). Error bars show mean ± of the standard deviation
Table 2: The F and P-value from one-way ANOVA analysis used in the comparison of population density between the effluent cultures (T1, T2,
T3 and T4) along the culture period.
Number of Moina in culture treatments
Day no. T1 T2 T3 T4
F-value P-value F-value P-value F-value P-value F-value P-value
1 0.063 0.806 0.356 0.564 0.186 0.068 1.245 0.291
2 0.022 0.886 0.148 0.708 0.209 0.657 1.268 0.286
3 8.368 0.016* 0.481 0.504 0.094 0.765 0.826 0.385
4 18.060 0.002** 4.946 0.050 3.637 0.086 0.910 0.363
5 49.574 0.000*** 29.325 0.000*** 80.369 0.000*** 18.857 0.001**
6 21.076 0.001** 36.019 0.000*** 25.490 0.001** 25.900 0.000***
7 28.212 0.000*** 18.386 0.002** 24.690 0.001** 33.380 0.000***
8 10.485 0.031* 6.825 0.059 33.707 0.004** 24.103 0.008**
9 48.332 0.000*** 55.944 0.000*** 52.137 0.000*** 128.273 0.000***
10 19.692 0.011* 108.000 0.000*** 43.750 0.003** 36.750 0.004**
11 49.000 0.002** 24.143 0.008** 48.000 0.002** 36.577 0.004**
P-values with asterisk denote the significant level of study (*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001). T1 denotes the density of 4 ind.; T2: 20 ind.;
T3: 40 ind. and T4: 80 ind. /culture.
Table 3: The significance values of all population densities in experimental period (in days) (A), and the interaction of
density versus days in various population densities in the study (B).
A) B)
Population densities Interaction F-value P-value
Day no. T1, T2, T3 and T4 Population density:
F-value P-value T1
1 15.790 0.000*** Density × Days 14.464 0.000***
2 6.561 0.003**
3 5.341 0.007** T2
4 4.926 0.010* Density × Days 7.388 0.000***
5 8.735 0.001**
6 4.505 0.014* T3
7 3.635 0.031* Density × Days 2.208 0.028*
8 1.640 0.256
9 9.500 0.000*** T4
10 12.367 0.002** Density × Days 7.743 0.000***
11 3.690 0.062
P-values with asterisk denote the significant level of study (*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001). T1 denotes the density
of 4 ind.; T2: 20 ind.; T3: 40 ind. and T4: 80 ind. /culture.
4. Discussion the density T1 is preferable with regarding on the cost and time
The present study evaluated the growth performance of Moina consuming. This also means that M. macrocopa could be
macrocopa at different stocking densities using effluent water as harvested within a shorter period of time, thus allowing more
a culture medium from a Nile Tilapia RAS system. There are number of cultivation batches per cycle. A short production time
several factors that could affect the life history of M. macrocopa is also important for commercial livefeed producers as it could
in a culture environment, such as population density, trophic greatly reduce operational time and cost in the hatchery [7].
conditions, water quality, and water-borne chemical cues [23]. Generally, M. macrocopa has a higher density adaptation in a
Among these, population density is presumably the major captive culture environment compared to other cladoceran
limitation to the overall growth performance of M. macrocopa, species e.g. M. micrura. According to Jana and Pal [15], the
this is mainly because of the competition of space, food and growth performance of M. micrura was limited at the population
bioaccumulation of excretion materials. density of 75 ind./ L. Nevertheless, M. macrocopa showed a
The population density of M. macrocopa at T1 (4 ind./ 50 mL, better adaptation at the density of 100 to 500 ind./ L, which is
or equivalent to 100 ind./ L) showed a better growth equivalent to 4 ind. and 20 ind./ 50 mL shown in the study. Our
performance compared to T3 and T4. M. macrocopa grew at T2 study suggested that M. macrocopa should not be exceeded 500
shared the similar growth trend as in the density of T1. In terms ind./ L in an enclosed culture environment, because high
of time and efficiency, M. macrocopa at T1 reached its peak stocking density may possibly lead to a population collapse. This
population on day-5, which was 3 days earlier than the density could be caused by insufficient of space, food availability,
of T2 (highest production at day-8). Furthermore, M. macrocopa sexual transformation, and/or allelopathic effects [4, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14,
16, 22, 25, 26]
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