PLL Loss of Lock Checklist
PLL Loss of Lock Checklist
PLL Loss of Lock Checklist
Please use the checklist below to assist you to find out the possible causes of PLL loss of lock. These are the common causes for PLL loss of lock.
If your answer is Yes to the question, please refer to following table for further information and recommended action.
If the explanations of these causes do not solve your issue, submit a service request to Alteras technical online support system. Please provide
the following information when you submit a service request:
a) Issue description
b) Quartus II software version and patch (if any)
c) Tested unit and the failure rate
d) A simplified design that can exhibit the failure
e) SignalTap II result or scope shots that shows all the control signal (e.g. areset, locked and etc.), input clock and output clock.
Altera Corporation
No Cause/ Explanation Action
1 Jitter and duty cycle on PLL input clock is out of specification Since PLL acts as a low-pass filter, you can use a low
Excess jitter on the PLL input clock can cause the PLL to lose lock. bandwidth setting to filter out high frequency jitter from the
input clock.
2 Simultaneous switching noise(SSN) Ensure stand-alone PLL works fine when SSN is not
Switching noise on the I/Os could affect both the jitter on the input and present or minimized:
feedback clock. Switching noise on the inputs is a form of deterministic jitter - Reduce drive strength.
that is subject to the input jitter specification as shown in the device family - Reduce the number of toggling I/Os.
data sheet. Ensure drive strength is set correctly in the Quartus II
assignment editor.
3 Power supply noise Use oscilloscope to monitor the VCC power rail with lock
Since VCCA powers the voltage controlled oscillator (VCO), noise on this signal as triggering signal
supply could cause the VCO output frequency to fluctuate and cause jitter. A low bandwidth causes the loop to respond slower to the
noise being injected by the VCO. In turn, it cannot adjust
for this noise and counteract it. A high bandwidth allows
the loop to respond quickly to the noise and compensate
for it.
4 Input clock stops/glitches or sudden phase change Reset the PLL to ensure the phase relationship between
If the reference clock stops, the PLL no longer has a signal to track. If there the input and output clocks are maintained.
is a sudden drastic phase change of the input clock, the PLL may not be Recommend the input clock is stable before FPGA enters
able to react quickly enough to maintain lock. user mode.
5 PLL is reset Ensure the areset and pllena ports are deactivated.
Asserting the areset or pllena port of the PLL causes it to lose lock
6 PLL is reconfigured The PLL is expected to lose lock if any changes are
Once the scanwrite port is asserted, the PLL scan chain is uploaded to made to the M counter, N counter or phase shift settings.
actual counters. The PLL loses lock during or after PLL reconfigure the M Otherwise, check the scandata bit stream to make sure
counter, N counter, or phase shift settings. Changes in post-scale counters you did not inadvertently change these settings.
do not affect the PLL lock signal.
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7 Stratix or Cyclone at Low Temperature(<-20 C) This is a known issue.
For details, see Table 1 in the Stratix FPGA Errata Sheet or Table 4-52 in
the DC & Switching Characteristics chapter of the Cyclone Device
Altera Corporation
8 Input clock frequency goes outside the lock range as reported in the Make sure the input clock frequency stay within the
Quartus II PLL summary report file minimum and maximum lock frequency as reported in the
Quartus II PLL summary report file.
10 Spread spectrum is enabled in the design Verify that the output clock is being spread properly and
When the spread spectrum is enabled based on the modulation frequency, that this is just lock circuit marginality.
the PLL switches between two sets of M, N counter settings, i.e. M1, N1 and
M2, N2. The PLL could lose lock due to the spreading of the VCO clock.
11 A clock switchover condition occurs Reset the PLL to ensure the phase relationship between
PLL is expected to lose lock during a clock switchover condition. input and output clocks are maintained.
12 Jitter on PLL output clock out of specification Move switching IOs and LE's away from the vicinity of the
Switching noise due to core or IO toggling is coupling onto the PLL circuitry. PLL.
13 RREF pins connected correctly with its own individual resistor to GND Make sure the RREF connected as per describe in pin
Analog circuitry of PLL might not be operate as per expected if the RREF is connection guidelines of respective device family
not connected correctly, which will cause PLL unable to lock
Revision History
Altera Corporation