Tender Submission: Tender Evaluation: G Force Client: S&S Sdn. Bhd. Project:Mars Lander/Rover Date:17/09/2017 Revision
Tender Submission: Tender Evaluation: G Force Client: S&S Sdn. Bhd. Project:Mars Lander/Rover Date:17/09/2017 Revision
Tender Submission: Tender Evaluation: G Force Client: S&S Sdn. Bhd. Project:Mars Lander/Rover Date:17/09/2017 Revision
Project:Mars Lander/Rover
Revision: C
Contractors Designers
John Julius Danker Khoo Soon Wang Sheng
Darrsini Ponnusamy Soon Wang Sheng
Mohamed Khalid Ali Abdul Mutaal Gabriel Chang Kai Jun
Executive Summary
G Force created this tender in response to meet the standards set by the designing
company S&S Sdn. Bhd. G Force review the prototype design made by S&S Sdn. Bhd. This
tender will cover comprehension of the design package and illustrate the capabilities of G Force
contractors to work with S&S Sdn. Bhd designers.
Contractor from G Force took the initiative to contact and plan meeting with designers
from S&S Sdn. Bhd. The meeting held clarify any misunderstanding from occurring in this
tender. Thus, G Force tender tries to achieve through great extent to meet the criteria set by S&S
Sdn. Bhd. The designers of S&S Sdn. Bhd seek contractors that are trustworthy and easy to work
alongside. In addition, the designers are also looking for contractors that are punctual. G Force
company is committed to responding and attending meetings held with evidence provided to
support this claim. This shows commitment from our company side and punctuality of our
Furthermore, the contractors of G Force are more than experience with woodwork and
handling tools. All contractors have done project quite recently that makes them more than
qualified to demonstrate their skills on this design package. One of the contractor name Darrsini
Ponnusamy was awarded a certificate for her Physic Project Showcase during her foundation in
engineering semester 2.
Lastly, the designers are interested in finance aspect of the work that will be done for this
design package. Contractors of G Force research cost of some material that slightly cheaper than
the cost offered by the designers of S&S Sdn. Bhd.
G Force are more than capable in delivering the model and strive to reach the outlook set
by S&S Sdn. Bhd to make the Mars Lander/Rover. As well as completing the project that is
expected within the given time frame on the designers Gantt Chart.
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction...........................................................................................................................................3
2.0 Design Package Review........................................................................................................................3
2.1 Understanding of Design...................................................................................................................3
2.2 Client Brief Compliance....................................................................................................................4
2.2.1 Conceptual Constraints...............................................................................................................4
2.2.2 Dimensional Constraints.............................................................................................................4
2.2.3 Cost Constraints..........................................................................................................................4
2.2.4 Impact and Cushioning Constraints............................................................................................4
2.3 Concerns and Solutions.....................................................................................................................4
3.0 Criteria...................................................................................................................................................4
3.1 Commitment......................................................................................................................................4
3.2 Punctuality.........................................................................................................................................5
3.3 Experience.........................................................................................................................................5
3.4 Cost...................................................................................................................................................6
3.5 Resource............................................................................................................................................6
4.0 Appendices............................................................................................................................................8
5.0 Design Package...................................................................................................................................15
1.0 Introduction
This document contains G Force tender submission for the construction of S&S. This
tender is written to provide feedback on the designer company design and meeting the
requirements of the tender evaluation of S&S. The design discussed will be based on S&S
document file design package.pdf.
The top part of the car is made of cardboard shape of a cuboid (15x18.5x3cm) with a
hollow base with a brass paper fastener on one side of the car top part. There will be a brass
paper fastener on the bottom part of the car body parallel to the top part of the car body with a
brass fastener. The presence of a rubber band onto the two-brass fastener is to secure the top half
and bottom half of the car body in place and allows an easy way of access to the egg.
The base of the car measurements is 15cm25cm using ply wood. Below the base of the
car is a PVC pipe that will act as an axel for the car connected to a plastic bottle bottom half
(wheels) for every end of the PVC pipe. Each wheel will have 3 rubber band for stability.
The design consists of material that are recyclable and obtainable. The overall design is
simple to manufacture. The construction procedure can be carried out without any
2.2 Client Brief Compliance
2.2.1 Conceptual Constraints
The prototype should go through a self-guided straight line for 2 metres down a
slope of not less than 30 degrees or not more than 45 degrees and following it will be
subjected to a 1 metre fall where it should land on the wheels of the prototype as an
ending result.
2.2.2 Dimensional Constraints
The dimension of the prototype should meet the constraints of the size being
within 420mm x 297mm and the height may not exceed 210mm. The S&S company meet
the constraint as their dimension is 250mmx250mmx150mm. The prototype has 2 axels
with wheels that allow the prototype to move down a slope of 30 degrees minimum.
2.2.3 Cost Constraints
The cost may not exceed more than RM30. S&S company manage to comply with
this constraint as their total cost expenditure is RM24.30.
2.2.4 Impact and Cushioning Constraints
The prototype should be design in such a way where it falls an impact onto the
ground with no damages onto the cargo.
2.3 Concerns and Solutions
G Force main concern about the car robustness. The car body consist of cardboard and
pencil that are fixed together with hot glue. It is preferred that the cardboard layer for the car
body is thicker by 0.75cm to lowers probability of deformation when landing. The drop of 1
metre will suffice and prevent the car body form breaking apart.
G Force second concern is the weight distribution of the car. The weight distribution is
not spread out in a suitable manner where it will have a higher probability of landing on its
wheels and prevent casualty onto the egg. It is recommended there is ceramic to add weight by
25% towards the back of the car to balance the fall that favors the back.
3.0 Criteria
Disclaimer, the following text in italic are criteria that are reiterated from S&S company
and the response from G Force company is the normal text follows up to the italic text.
3.1 Commitment
Commitment helps to build trust between contractors and designers which will strengthen the
team dynamics. True collaboration won't exist without a sense of trust between team members.
Contractors should set up meetings with designers, meetings must be set up only when two sides
agreed and must have at least one contractor and one designer attending the meeting.
Communication tool such as Whatsapp, email, Facebook, Skype etc. can be used in setting up
meetings and undergo meetings. The screenshot on the device, Minutes of meeting should be
submitted as evidence. During the meetings, the contractor should discuss the problems that
contractor face or other relevant matter, for example making clear about the expectation in TEC,
suggests an improvement to the prototype etc. Meetings which help contractors in understanding
more about the design will benefit the team in the construction stage. Relevant agenda should be
recorded in the minutes of meeting as evidence.
G Force company is committed to work in a cooperative manner. The company
conducted meeting with majority member present. G Force conducts meeting with the presence
of a contractor and a designer in group meetings as shown in APPENDIX A1. APPENDIX B1
shows WhatsApp is used for communication to announce our meetings and inform each other
details and task. The company G Force are willing to be assistance for each other as shown in
APPENDIX B2. The chat conversation shows a team that are cooperative to assist each other.
3.2 Punctuality
Punctuality is one of the important factors in evaluating one's performance. When contractors
are late or absent, work is interrupted and an additional burden is placed on designers. To avoid
this problem in the future, contractors will be assessed in the upcoming meeting which was
organized by contractors. Contractors have to be punctual subject to every meeting and record
the time of arrival or online (if using Skype or any video call software) in the Minutes of meeting
as evidence. Minutes of Meeting soft copy have to be submitted to designers after the meeting for
checking and approval, designers will record in the MOM as evidence.
G Force strive for punctuality we understand delaying task to future date will postpone
progress of development. The meeting G Force had with S&S company on 4th September with
MOM done on the spot. File was sent to the designer of S&S company on the 6th September as
shown in APPENDIX B2. Based on our previous meeting with our own company we were own
time and conducted it coherently with planned agenda ahead of time as in APPENDIX A1,
3.3 Experience
Contractors who have experience in constructing objects ensure the skills for building the
prototype. Contractors, who had involved in constructing for example, taking construction
course in the past, participating in any construction related events etc. will also be given credit.
These contractors must have experience in constructions and usage of tools, which will
smoothen the process of the project later.
Contractors from G Force company have work in constructing object from this year
Physic final year project. Darrsini Ponnusamy a contractor for G Force company was awarded a
certificate for the achievement of popularity for PHYSIC Project Showcase as shown in
APPENDIX C. John Julius Danker Khoo and Darrsini Ponnusamy took a subject known as
Kemahiran Hidup Bersepadu (Integrated Living Skills) in secondary school relating to
construction tools and wood work. The subject teaches practical skills of handling tools which as
well thought us safety in the workshop to prevent any casualties.
3.4 Cost
Financial management is an important evaluation criterion. The cost of tender should not
exceed the budget of Rm30. The S&S Company had a deal with the client, an excessive amount
of expenses are not allowed. Buying or collecting the materials is not needed in this assessment.
In order to control cost required in the construction stage, contractors can do research on the
prize of the material and take a picture on them as evidence. The material can be sold through
online or from various shops from anyplace.
G Force understand that cost is an important factor to take into consideration when
working on the design package. It is best not to exceed the cost of RM30 whilst saving cost on
material where cost could be cut in sectors of more affordable material or recyclable material.
Contractors have search price of 9pc pencil (RM4.90) costing RM0.54 per pieces which is
cheaper by RM0.26 as compared to the price listed by the designer of S&S as shown in
APPENDIX D. RM1.04 is saved given that 4 pieces are used in the construction of the car.
3.5 Resource
In this criterion, contractors will be assessed on ability to find resources. This will ensure the
smoothness of work in the construction stage later. Buying or collecting the materials is not
needed in this assessment. The picture of materials should be submitted as evidence. Both
criteria Resources and Cost can share the same evidence. A place to work on is important in the
construction stage. A place with more spaces is more safety for contractors to work on.
Material listed by S&S for the contractors of G Force to locate is less of an issue. G Force
are familiar with the area in Miri. The location listed are located with ease and one of our
workers is local of the area. To address the workspace matter we have decided to do it at one of
the contractors housing accommodation at Lakeside Apartment as shown in APPENDIX E the
space is large enough to work on the prototype.
4.0 Appendices
5.0 Design Package