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Mina Fuhr

A mystic vegan cookbook

for healing your relationship to food

Mina Fuhr

A mystic vegan cookbook

for healing your relationship to food
Table of Contents


Community 8
Non-duality 14
Nourishment 20
Trust 24
Release 28


Affirmation 36
Aliveness 40
Offering 44
Love 50
Peace 54
Compassion 60


Abundance 66
Beauty 70
Paradise 74
Innocence 78
Forgiveness 88
Presence 92
Awareness 96
Balance 100
Sharing 104
Generosity 108
Sensuality 114
Creativity 118


ne day, as I stood in the read this book with the right side of

O kitchen preparing a dinner

for my husband and some
close friends, it struck
your brain, the creative and intuitive
side. The recipes and their pictures
facilitate the experience.
me: I knew I was cured. I
had long lost faith that the day would
come and had accepted that I would be
ok but not well, survive but not live, Every subchapter leads up to a reci-
but in that moment I felt as though I pe that makes my words visual, edible,
had emerged from a dark tunnel called and palpable. I use colors, consist-
eating disorders. That is when I de- encies, associations, and wordplay to
cided to write this book. It felt like convert ideas into food. I also draw
the book had revealed itself to me. I from the energy of plants, sometimes
stayed true to my initial intuition and according to the yogic chakra system,
incorporated ideas organically as they sometimes lead by Wiccan herbalism,
unfolded. and sometimes drawing from plain intu-
ition. This book is like a photo album
or recipe journal of my healing path
in retrospect ;) Every dish is charged
My vision was to write a radically sub- with my love and the wish for you to
jective and unscientific book, a book heal and shine your true light. I am
you can feel rather than understand. sure that you will put all of your best
Reflecting on my ten years of battling intentions into preparing the food and
with food and my body, it was always that you will eat it with the same lov-
the numbers, the facts, and the science ing thoughts to heal yourself from the
that gave me a sense of security but inside out.
ultimately dragged me deeper into the
undercurrents of my eating disorder.
Mothers Milks Prologue

I am quite the nerd and love staying

on top of all the latest cutting edge In the first chapter, I will elaborate
developments in nutrition, ecology and upon my philosophy of eating disorders
medicine, but that is not where true and my approach to healing these imbal-
healing happens. Healing happens in ances. The second chapter is about my
the most unexpected of places. By guid- own story of overcoming this disease,
ing you through my life story in anec- effectively my transition to veganism.
dotes and the lessons I have learned, I In the final chapter, I will share my
will introduce you to vegan and raw ve- tips and tricks for returning to love
gan philosophy, yogic philosophy, sha- through food in your everyday life.
manic healing practices, Hindu goddess- These are lessons I have learned over
es, Ayurveda and much more, but always the years by staying curious and recep-
through my eyes. I would like you to tive through the challenges in life.

I am neither a medical doctor, sha-
man, or psychologist, nor nutrition-
ist, but I am living proof that you
can heal too. I would like to welcome
you onboard my spiritual journey and
in sharing hope that you find encour-
agement, hope, and love for yourself.
While reading this book, I wish for you
to practice non-judgment towards me and
especially towards yourself. I wrote
this book from a very sincere place,
and hope that my words resonate from
sister to sister as well as sister to

One last thing before we begin, just

to avoid some unnecessary geographical
confusion an outline of my life.
I was born in Munich to my Japanese-
Korean mom and German dad and was
raised in Yokohama, where I attended
a German school. After my Abitur (Ger-
man high school diploma), I spent two

Mothers Milks Prologue

months in Brazil with my mother, then I
moved to Berlin to study fashion
at the Berlin University of Arts.
Now I am married to Nathan, who is
US-Senegalese, and live in Dakar and
Berlin. It could be more complicated.
Now we are ready to dive in.

Mothers Milks THE MOTHER community



o th e r

Mothers Milks THE MOTHER community

For a very long time, I thought that I was just unhappy with the way
I looked. That is my problem, I would think, I am not a size 00.
Then I was a 00, and I was still unhappy with my body. This was only
the tip of the iceberg, the most obvious symptom of a much deeper
underlying cause. I went through an extensive journey to understand
the nature and the cause of this imbalance and through trial and
error, my way to restore the balance.

In the first chapter, I would like to tell you about my understanding

of eating disorders, how healing from them can be approached, and
a little bit of why I am here today.

hen I first started to write Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

W this book, I was excited

to share this process with
everyone. When people asked
The DSM is like the bible for mental
illnesses. It defines what is current-
ly categorized as a mental disorder as
me what I was currently up well as determines the precise symp-
to, I would reveal that I was writing toms for diagnosis. Anorexia nervosa
a book, a cookbook. This put a smile on and bulimia nervosa have been on the
peoples faces and made me the center list since the beginning, and binge
of small-talk attention. Next question: eating disorder was added to the 4th
What kind of cuisine? International, edition of the book in 1994. If someone
Asian-Fusion? My answer would be, Its has been diagnosed with one or more
a vegan cookbook for healing eating of these disorders over time, chances
disorders. The vegan part people could are that this person has found her or
get used to, it seems to have become a himself in a life threatening criti-
trend these days anyway, but the sec- cal condition, in which her/his health
ond part of my answer would wipe the had to be monitored closely. There is a
smiles off of most peoples faces and societal tendency to send these people
replace it with a question mark. I was away to the doctor, the professional,
a party pooper. It is strange, you can where we can wash our hands of any li-
talk about the worst case of diarrhea ability. I myself have been indirectly
that some spicy ethnic food has given advised to do this by people who have
you, but eating disorders are kind of given me occasional advice from an ed-
a non-topic, especially for grown-ups, itors point of view. They told me to
Mothers Milks MY MOTHER Community

and seemingly a struggle only teenagers target this book at people who want to
endure. Besides, how can you heal eat- improve their overall relationship to
ing disorders with food? Is it not a food and omit the word eating disor-
mental problem that requires hours and der altogether. This way I would be on
hours of lying on a shrinks canap? the safe side and unable to be held
Arent there many types of eating dis- responsible for giving advice to people
orders, some so oppositional that one with a severe disorder as an amateur,
has to gain weight, while the other has the role to which I am reduced by pro-
to lose weight? And who are you anyway, fessionals. I am just a survivor.
a wannabe doctor?

It is not my aim to insist on the term

I know that the word eating disorder eating disorder, nor is it my aim to
can be a tricky one to handle. There hide it. I am not afraid to share this
are three main actual disorders under book with a very broad audience who
feeding and eating disorders acknowl- would like to heal their relationship
edged by the DSM-5, Diagnostic and to food, whether you are in the hos-

pital hooked up to IVs, on the catwalk, anorexia is Magersucht, literal-
cooking for your family, crying alone ly meaning an addiction to thinness,
in your bed, or just have a hunch that and bulimia is Ess-Brechsucht, eat-
perhaps something is wrong. The only ing-purging addiction. Finally, we can
prerequisite to being addressed by experience dissociative states up to
this book, is that you have the will full memory loss during binges regard-
to heal, which by merely reading these less of the amount we consume in one
words is quite likely you do. sitting.

Opening up this book to a broad group Whether I use the term eating disorder
of people does not mean that I do or not, it remains vague, its implica-
not acknowledge their differences and tions are many, and the stories behind
uniqueness. The three main categories it diverse as people suffering from it.
of anorexia, bulimia, and binge-eating I have been diagnosed with several of
are just rough guidelines. Often these these disorders as well as addition-
are accompanied by affective disorders, al mental conditions along the way I
dragging us into a depression or fluctu- say this with neither pride nor shame.
ating in a bipolar manner. For example, I would like for us to share our sto-
my anorexia phase was accompanied by ries, acknowledge our paths, and come
a depression, quite a severe one, with together in our shared vision to heal.
suicidal thoughts and partial apha- I must admit that in the past, when I

Mothers Milks MY MOTHER Community

sia, an inability to talk. My body felt spoke to others who shared unhealthy
so heavy. I moved in slow motion as eating habits and body images, my inner
though immersed in a dark gooey sub- monologue would go something like: My
stance. When people tried to talk to condition is worse than yours, my con-
me, all I could utter were silent dition has different traits, I am way
tears. Some might develop special eat- more fucked up. Even upon encountering
ing patterns, like counting the food or a compatriot, I would choose to fight
placing the food on the plate in a very alone, insisting on an awkward sense of
strict fashion, both of which resemble solitariness, rooted in the uniqueness
traits of obsessive compulsive behavior. of my illness. Such an attitude only
Anxieties about eating food in public exacerbated my situation and enforced
or social situations can add another the false belief that there was some-
layer of intricacy. Binge eating has thing incurable in me, something had
obvious addictive components and was gone wrong and I was just beyond help.
even formerly called food addiction, And this is simply untrue. I am cured
and so too do anorexia and bulimia. and so you will be too.
This made apparent when, for example,
we look to their German counterparts:

You might be able to emphasize with
some of what I went through, while
other aspects might seem rather foreign,
but, as a fellow fighter, I ask you to
receive me with open arms and focus on
what we have or used to have in common,
the experience of disconnect from our
bodies and subsequently from food.
Mothers Milks MY MOTHER Community

Mothers Milks MY MOTHER Community

This recipe is dedicated to opening up and sharing. Its a fermented
porridge so bubbly and energetic it will make you want to chat with
others. According to yogic wisdom, the fifth chakra is an energy
center located at our throat which helps us speak the truth
clearly. Apple and fennel are plants said to strengthen this chakra.

1 c buckwheat groats
2 c water
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
2 tbsp raisins
small fennel bulb
1 tbsp maple syrup
1 tbsp maca

apple slices
fennel leaves
pumpkin seeds (soaked if possible)
maple syrup

1. Soak the groats in water, then add the apple cider vinegar and
raisins. Cover with a cloth and let ferment for 2 days or
until you can see bubbles forming in the porridge. It should taste
more sour than on day one and be slightly prickly to the tongue.

2. Take one cup of the porridge and process in a food processor

with the rest of the ingredients until well combined.

3. Serve in a bowl with fresh apple slices and fennel leaves.

Garnish with pumpkin seeds, drizzles of maple syrup and maca

wanted to write this book to It was a very weird five years. I defi-

I share my story with anyone

who has ever struggled with
food and let them know, you
nitely acquired the skill of fashion
design but could never really apply it
straight to making beautiful clothes.
too can heal. As with any I knew, at least in theory, that I was
kind of self-expression, be it a paint- in a place where I could express is-
ing, song, recipe, or book, it is prob- sues of identity and femininity through
ably most therapeutic to the one who means of expression surrounding the
has birthed it. That is simply because body, namely clothes, but I struggled
love is the power behind all crea- every day to explain my concepts to
tion, and love is the number one heal- my professors. There were many is-
ing power. For every sentence I wrote, sues I was addressing subconsciously,
every recipe I composed, I was grant- in and around the loss of my mother.
ed the opportunity to become better I think what I wanted to express the
friends with myself and with food. most was a certain permeability of the
body, un-identity and transcendence of
the body all great topics to address
through fun, funky fashion. In the end,
Medicine was my intended profession I gave up on making clothes, read as
from age 10 to 19. I studied hard to much as I could read about neurosci-
get into med school and eventually ence, phenomenology, concepts of con-
did. However, that was also the time sciousness. I finally graduated with a
my mother passed away, and, although it thesis and a dance performance, without
Mothers Milks OUR MOTHER Creativity

was my dream since forever, I decid- making a single piece of clothing fr.
ed against it. I did not want to spend
my time dissecting corpses and learn-
ing the disease alphabet after dealing
with the sickness of a loved one for so The reason I am sharing this piece of
long. I took some time off, and, out of my history is that when I look back on
nowhere, an urge to study fashion de- it, I can see it was five years of art
sign came over me. Growing up in Japan, therapy: struggling with food while
fashion was a part of me naturally, but making clothes for skinny models, deal-
I had never touched a sewing machine ing with creating your own female role
or designed clothes before. Nonethe- model while I had just lost mine, and
less, my gut told me very precisely to thinking about identity, not only as a
study fashion, so I convinced my father Japanese-German but as someone who had
I had changed my mind and off I went a hunch of life after death. I am not a
to the fashion department of the Berlin fashion designer today per se, although
art university. I enjoy making clothes occasionally for
friends, and there was a time I re-
gretted choosing to study fashion, but

now I am very thankful for the time I
was granted to face these issues head
on through a creative process. I have
learned to create from scratch, which
applies to all forms of art, whether
dance, music, writing, or cooking.

It was my goal to gift you with reci-

pes, each charged with the highest and
purest intentions to be assimilated,
but there is nothing better than com-
ing up with your own twists, versions,
and recipes. I am very aware that not
everyone has such a strong tie to cook-
ing as I do, but, even by making your
own smoothie, you can be creative and
reflect yourself in what you make and
eat. It is like journaling in the tex-
tures, colors, and tastes of all varie-
ties of plant foods. The more time and
intention you spend making a dish, the

Mothers Milks OUR MOTHER Creativity

more intensely you can charge it with
love, and the better you can absorb in
the end by ingesting it with gratitude
on your own path to healing.

We are all creative beings, unleashing our talents in many different
ways. Hazelnuts, peaches, and poppy seeds are called upon for
fertility <3 I want you to become pregnant with yourself and give
birth to a new you in the creative process, in whatever form it may
come to you.

1 c hazelnuts
5 dried peaches
pinch of salt

c poppy seeds
lime juice & zest
1 tsp ginger
2 tbsp liquid sweetener


Mothers Milks THE MOTHER community

1. In a food processor, combine all ingredients until they form a
2. On a baking sheet, spread the mixture 1/5 inch thick.
3. Dehydrate in an oven at lowest temperature with the door cracked
open (30min-1h), or over night in a dehydrator. Dehydrate until
you reach a cookie texture.

1. In a food processor, combine all ingredients until you have a thick
paste, scraping the sides off occasionally.

Spread the filling onto one half of the cookie sheet and then cover
with the other half, pressing the layers together gently.
Then cut into bite size squares.


hen I started to write this a tough young cookie. In writing this

W book, I knew I was going

to do some heavy healing
in the process of birthing
book, I have encountered many beauti-
ful writers who softened my sense of
western distrust and Ken Wilbers In-
it. And I did. I was ready tegral Spirituality helped me break
to write from the perspective of a through:
healing person and I can publish it as
a further healed person.

"How much of this book or any book

or books did you think you had to
One of the biggest revelations was ad- read in order to find Spirit, when the
mitting and understanding I had res- very Reader of this sentence is Spirit?
ervations towards spirituality. Even When the very reader of this sentence
after doing yoga for almost ten years, is God fully revealed? Feel the Read-
living through the collapse of space er of this sentence, feel the simple
and time in Ayahuasca ceremonies, and feeling of Being, feel the Feeler in
even having a strong sixth sense ex- you right now, and you are feeling the
perience during the time of my moth- fully revealed God in his and her ra-
ers death, there was a part of me that diant glory, a One Taste of the divine
could not say "God" without feeling Suchness of the entire Kosmos, a not-
somewhat silly. I love my father be- two-ness of self and Self that leaves
yond words and he is one of my big- you breathlessly enlightened and ful-
gest supporters, but he is an atheist ly realized in this and every moment.
through and through (Ich liebe dich Hear the sounds all around you? Who is
Papa!). The German education system is not enlightened?"
heavy on disbelief, skepticism, and
Mothers Milks EPILOGUE

spiritual sarcasm. Since I was ten, I

wanted to believe in reincarnation,
and please note, I did not believe but Another lesson I have learned from
wanted to believe. Even at that age, this journey is to welcome endless
I had the following thought process change. I always wanted to be done
If my mother died, I would like to with eating disorders and never deal
see her again, in which case, it is with it again. However, we eat every
convenient to believe in reincarna- day, and, although I think I have put
tion. I know that when we die, we die, the disordered phase of my relation-
since only our body brings forth con- ship to eating behind, food does not
sciousness, but it is too painful to cease to be a topic of interest to me.
accept a goodbye forever. Therefore, My love for food and for my body grows
out of weakness, I will for now choose every day. Once our bodies and minds
to believe in reincarnation That is start to heal, we cannot stop that

process. It opens itself up and re- towards true health of our bodies and
stores health in all aspects, and then our minds, everything else would fall
you even start to shine light on oth- into place effortlessly because beauty
ers around you. and bliss are our true nature.

I know it is not always easy to culti- As someone who was very extreme and
vate that light within you. We live in could only see in black and white, I
a society that profits from our self- always try to return to balance, espe-
hatred. Oversaturated markets try to cially paying attention to harmonize
push products onto us by creating a nature and culture within me. We are
need. They have to make us feel like human beings and we have the abili-
we are not just incomplete but use- ty to think and to be creative. This
less, to lure us into shopping. The does not mean we have risen above na-
more they can make us hate ourselves, ture but that we have a different way
the more product they can move: gosh of relating to it, apart from within.
look at your sagging skin, you need a When I cook/uncook (culture) plants
skin tightening lotion your hair is (nature), I try to stay within the
awfully thin, you need a volumizing realms of enhancing nature as opposed
shampoo those thighs are bigger than to overpowering it. Sometimes you
they should be, here is some ham made go overboard and make something su-
out of cardboard, it is fat-free. Most per fancy and sometimes you just bite
of these newly conceived needs are far- into a whole carrot balance is not
fetched and simply insulting. There is a rigid concept. I try to dance with
a tendency to demonize natural diver- the plants and sense the dance of the
sity and the process of aging to the plants on my plate, in my mouth, then

Mothers Milks EPILOGUE

point that we all look like plastic through me, remembering that these
imitations of each other. This is very two sides, nature and culture, yin and
sad. Our uniqueness should be cele- yang, men and women, are all two sides
brated. Remember that a healthy, hap- of the same coin, originating from the
py, confident person is the industrys same cosmic energy.
biggest enemy. Everywhere you look and
encounter mass media, learn to ask
questions, especially: "Is that need
created out of love or fear?" When you
face those self-doubts, breathe, align
yourself with the cosmos and start
over from a place of love. We run after
external beauty without recognizing
our own, when, in fact, if we strived


Cookbooks dedicated to bringing vegan and its depleted soils. We are what we
and raw vegan ways of cooking to the eat, after all. Mother Earth will thank
reader usually start with this section: you for your wise choice and her love
how to shop for produce, what cooking will flow back to you. If you go to your
tools to use, how to sprout These are local farmers market or co-op, you will
very important aspects if you want to see that they are invested in bringing
bring the recipes to life, but, when you organic choices at an affordable
I was obsessed with food in a rath- price too. So try it!
er unhealthy way, I tried to cling on
to these facts for security, instead
of relying on my eyes, nose, tongue,
and heart for a delicious meal. In
Salt used to be super rare and pre-
this book, I wanted to focus the at-
cious, but we can now produce it in-
tention on the flow if you will, on the
dustrially and what we call table salt
relationship between the lessons I have
today is basically a pure chemical
learned and the resulting recipes with-
(sodium chloride) mixed with iodine,
out getting hung up on details. Never-
bleach, and anti-cracking agents, mak-
theless, some things are good to know
ing it quite toxic to the body. I would
as a vegan and someone generally in-
advise using either Himalayan salt or
terested in a healthy body and spirit.
Celtic sea salt. They are both very
high in trace minerals and bring vari-
ous health benefits like regulating the
pH and balancing blood sugar. By un-
Organic cooking more and more foods, you will
You go to the supermarket and see the start to taste the plants as they are
same cucumber in two versions, one and the need for salt will diminish
conventional and the other organic. naturally. The other day, I was totally
Mothers Milks APPENDIX

The organic one is probably twice as wowed by how "salty" or high in sodium
expensive and you think to yourself, is celery naturally is!
it worth it? The answer is: Definitely
yes! Organic means that you not only
avoid all sorts of chemical pesticides,
fungicides, etc. and genetically modi- Sweeteners
fied strains but you are also choosing It is no news that sugar is bad for
produce with a much higher mineral, you, and especially refined white sugar
vitamin, and antioxidant content. In should be avoided at all times. Like
other words, they are way more nour- refined salt, it is void of any nutri-
ishing. If we want to regain health in tional value and even harmful to the
our bodies and minds, we cannot keep body. Everything that tastes sweet
on eating produce sick and tired from contains sugar, including fruits, and
conventional chemical-based agriculture dried fruits even more so. Then again,

not all sugars are equally bad. The assimilate. Personally, I am a big fan
question is, how many trace minerals of the prickliness and strong ener-
can you get along with it and will your gy these cultured foods bring with the
blood sugar spike? The answer to "What acidic taste. You also feel like you
is the best sugar alternative?" keeps are "culturing" or raising the food,
changing all the time as new test giving you a lot of time to charge
results come in from the lab and new your batch of kimchi or sauerkraut
products hit the shelf. First it was with love. I had a lot of fun read-
agave syrup, then they found out that ing Wild Fermentation by Sandor Ellix
it is too high in fructose, then it was Katz. He just goes crazy and cultures
maple syrup until that one was too pro- everything. So be adventurous!
cessed. Coconut palm sugar has been on
the top of the list for a while, but it
is pretty expensive. Raw honey is an-
cient medicine and, when it comes to a Soaking & Sprouting
good balance between health benefit and As soon as you start cooking raw, you
sweetness, there is nothing better - will be faced with soaking and may-
but obviously it is not vegan. People be even sprouting. As a raw newbie
push stevia, but that stuff is just not I looked at some of the recipes and
yummy. I personally come back to maple thought: "But I want to make it now! I
syrup simply because it tastes so darn cannot wait for eight to twelve hours
good and I use it in moderation. This until the almonds are done, and what
is a real life decision now. You have for?!" Well, nuts and seeds are kind of
to find a balance between fact, budget, in a dormant state, they are waiting
taste and most importantly be at peace for spring to come so they can sprout
with your conscience. and flourish into a plant of their own.
They are being contained in their
little shell by certain enzyme in-

Mothers Milks APPENDIX

hibitors so they do not start growing
Fermenting randomly, when they are supposed to
I grew up in Japan around natto (fer- stay sleepy in your pantry. When we eat
mented soy beans) and tsukemono (cul- them, we want their full life energy,
tured vegetables), but it was only when so we trick them into thinking it is
I started fermenting my own food that spring by soaking them. In addition to
I really learned to appreciate this raising their nutritional content, we
natural process. Lacto-fermentation is soften these nuts and seeds and make it
an ancient form of preserving foods, easier to digest and blend into smooth
and these microorganisms aid in the creamy textures. Sometimes, especially
general digestive process as well as with legumes and grains, we go beyond
strengthen the colon. The predigestion soaking and actually sprout them in
of foods makes the nutrients easier to sprouting jars (which you can simply

make yourself by poking holes into the
lid of an empty jar) and bags. Sprouts
are packed with nutrients Cooking tools
http://www.vegetar- and are very alkaliz- I was overwhelmed by the number of
ing, in addition to be- machines I had to purchase when I got
sprout-nuts-seeds- ing home-grown food. They interested in raw foods, but it actu-
are the first step you can ally makes a lot of sense. Normally,
take towards cultivating we process foods by heating them or we
your own produce it is like having a buy things that are already overly pro-
little garden in a jar!9 cessed and stick them in the microwave
to deplete them of nutrients further.
When you go vegan - whole food - raw-
ish, all you buy is fresh produce and
Soaking time (hours) nuts, seeds, and grains, which all come
in their original form. It is then up
Sprouting time (days) to you to do all the processing from
Almonds 8 12 3
zero and you have full control over it.
Adzuki Beans 8 12 4
You can of course just chew on raw veg-
Amaranth 8 13
etables and seeds and I respect people
Barley 6 2
who can just go totally wild and paleo,
Black Beans 8 12 3
but I like un-cooking and exploring new
Brazil Nuts 3 No Sprouting
flavors. So here are my favorite tools.
Buckwheat 6 23
Cashews 2-4 No Sprouting
Chickpeas 8 23
Flaxseeds No Sprouting Blender
Hazelnuts 8 -12 No Sprouting Blend fruits, you have a smoothie.
Lentils 7 23 Blend vegetables, you have a soup.
Mothers Milks APPENDIX

Macadamias 2 No Sprouting Isnt that great? The only downside is

Millet 5 12 hours that you need quite a lot of fluid to
Mung Beans 8 -12 4 get the blender going, which is why you
Oat Groats 6 2 3 have a
Pecans 6 No Sprouting
Pistachios 8 No Sprouting
Pumpkin Seeds 8 3
Radish Seeds 8 - 12 34 Food Processor
Sesame Seeds 8 23 For chopping things up and making
Sunflower Seeds 8 12-24 hours thicker creams. Great for making pie
Quinoa 4 23 crust, sweet and savory, for all sorts
Walnuts 4 No Sprouting of pates and doughs for crackers, for
Wheat Berries 7 34 which you can use the pulp from a
Wild Rice 9 35

metric system, are 1) 104-118 Fahr-
enheit is about 42-46 Celsius, the
Juicer threshold at which enzymes turn inac-
Makes all sorts of awesome juices, as tive, i.e. not raw any more. 2) A cup
the name says. You can even juice the holds, give or take, 240ml. I gradually
pineapple core, the watermelon rind switched to working with cups instead
and, if you get one of those super of grams as volumes are inherent-
pimp ones, you can even juice avocado ly more inaccurate. If you go online,
pits and whole grapes with seeds and you can find websites which try to pin-
get into all those essential oils. point exactly how many grams a sifted
as opposed to unsifted cup of white
flour is. This is still pretty inaccu-
rate as the density will fluctuate. Some
Dehydrator of you (whether familiar with cups or
I was a "lowest temperature, cracked
grams) might wonder: "What do you mean,
oven door" advocate, until I got my
a packed cup of basil? How packed?
first Excalibur Life is so much eas-
Packed how?" I like the margin of error
ier now. By dehydrating below 110-115
that comes with measuring in volume.
degrees you can make crackers, breads,
It makes you rely on your instinct and
granolas, etc. and preserve produce
common sense. It is a more laid back
without damaging the nutrients and en-
way of cooking and un-cooking. Buying a
zymes, but I know, chances are you are
small set of measuring cups and spoons
feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number
is one of the best things I have ever
of appliances on this list and want to
done. Again, you might ask, US cups or
forgo as many as possible for now. I
UK cups, and my answer is: It reaaaaal-
get it. Do not make any recipes that
ly doesn't matter :)
require dehydration awhile or use the
oven as long as you feel comfortable.

Mothers Milks APPENDIX

The most important detail when it comes
Metric Conversion to cooking though, is your attitude.
I wrote this book in English, so I
Smile, laugh and talk to the food, get
stuck with the cups and Fahrenheits,
your hands dirty whenever you can and
although it is not what I was brought
remember to love yourself with every bite
up with in Japan while attending a
German school. Nevertheless, I will
not attach a detailed conversion table
to make it international. As mentioned
before, fixating on numbers will inhib-
it your healing. The only two facts you
need to know, if you are used to the


Cousens, Gabriel, M.D. Conscious Eating. raw vegan diet, and change of lifestyle can free
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Narby, Jeremy. The Cosmic Serpent: DNA
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Edelman, Hope. Motherless Daughters:
The Legacy of Loss. Boston, Massachusetts: Pitchford, Paul. Healing with Whole Foods:
Da Capo Press, 2014 Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition.
Berkeley, California: North Atlantic
Eisenstein, Charles. Sacred Economics: Books, 2002
Money, Gift, and Society in the Age of
Transition. Berkeley, California: Evolver Rhodes, Constantina. Invoking Lakshmi:
Mothers Milks LITERATURE

Editions, 2011 The Goddess of Wealth in Song and Ceremony.

Albany, New York: State University of
The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know New York Press, 2010
is Possible. Berkeley, California: North
Atlantic Books, 2013 Watts, Alan. The Book: On the Taboo Against
Knowing Who You Are. London: Sphere
Gannon, Sharon & Life, David. Jivamukti Books, 1973
Yoga: Practices for Liberating Body and Soul.
New York, New York: Ballantine Wilber, Ken. Integral Spirituality: A Startling
Publishing Group, 2002 New Role for Religion in a Modern and
Postmodern World. Boston, Massachusetts:
Jacoby, Jessy J. The Raw Cure: Healing Shambhala Publications,2006
Beyond Medicine: How self-empowerment, a

A Brief History of Everything. Boston,
Massachusetts: Shambhala Publications,

Wolfe, David. Sunfood Diet Success System.

San Diego, California: Sunfood
Publishing, 2008

Mothers Milks LITERATURE

Copyright 2015 Mina Fuhr
Photographs 2015 Mina Fuhr

All rights reserved.

This book or any portion thereof may
not be reproduced or used in any
manner whatsoever without the express
written permission of the publisher
except for the use of brief quotations
in a book review.

Layout: Susanne Probst

Editing: Nathan Fuhr,
Victoria Larsson,
Umi Tuesday
Models: Aya Alex,
Sura Hertzberg

10 % of this books profits go to La Maison Rose

in Guediawaye, Senegal which supports women
and girls who have experienced abuse in getting
back on their feet.


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