JKR Standard Specs For Piling Work

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JKR Standard Specification for Piling Works

A pile tested shall be deemed to have failed if:

1. The residual settlement after removal of the test load exceeds 6.50mm
2. The total settlement under Working Load exceeds 12.50mm
3. The total settlement under twice the Working Load exceeds 38.00mm or
10% of pile diameter/width, whichever is the lower value

Cerucuk yang diuji hendaklah dianggap gagal sekiranya:

1. Jumlah penurunan selepas penyingkiran beban ujian melebihi 6.50mm
2. Jumlah penurunan di bawah Beban Kerja melebihi 12.50mm
3. Jumlah penurunan di bawah dua kali Beban Kerja melebihi 38.00mm or
10% daripada diameter/lebar cerucuk, yang mana nilai lebih rendah

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