Report Shear Force & Bending Moment in Influence Line

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Influence lines have important application for the design of structures that resist large
live loads. An influence line represents either the variation of the reaction, shear, moment, or
deflection at a specific point in a member as a concentrated force moves over the member.
Once this line constructed, one can tell at glance where the moving load should be place on
the structures so that it creates the greatest influence at the specified point. Furthermore, the
magnitude of the associated reaction, shear, moment or deflection at the point can be
calculated from the ordinates of the influence-line diagram. An influence line shows the
variation of an external or internal force as a unit load travels across the length of the
structure. For a beam-type bridge structure, the internal force may be either a transverse shear
force or bending moment acting at some discrete location along the length of the bridge.
Influence lines for truss bridges are commonly used to show the magnitude of the axial force
acting in a truss member as a unit load travels across the panel points of the bottom chord.
Furthermore, influence lines for the reaction forces at external support locations are employed
in all bridge types to determine the amount of load transferred to the bridge bearings. The two
common methods for constructing an influence line are through consideration of equilibrium
or by applying the concept of virtual work (i.e., the Müller- Breslau Principle).

The principle line for bending moment at a section is the graph curves representing the
variation of bending moment at a section of a various positions of the load of the span
on the beam. The sign convension followed, is shown in the figure 1.

Consider a simply supported beam of span ‘L’ as shown in figure 1 and 2. It is required
to draw influence line for bending moment at ‘C’ at a distance ‘a’ from the left support.

When the load ‘W’ is toward left of section ‘C’, at a distance ‘x’ from left support ‘A’

The shear force at C,

Vc = Va – W

M = +Rb ( L – a ) = ( L – a) ……………..[Equation 1]

(Considering right side of section c)

When the load ‘W’ is towards right of section ‘D’ at a distance ‘x’ from the left support

The bending moment at ‘D’ (considering left side of section C)

M = +Ra • a

M=+ ……………..[Equation 2]


1) To determine the shear force influence line when the beam is subjected to a load
moving from left to right.

2) To plot the shear force influence line when the beam is subjected to a point load
moving from left to right.


Sample of beam The support

Loads Beam with cut section

Indicator load hanger


The load cell is connected to the digital indicator.

The indicator is switched on. The indicator’s reading must be switch on

10 minutes before taking readings for stability of readings.

The two simple supports is fixed to the aluminium base at a distance

equal to the span of the beam to be tested. The support is
screwed tightly to the base.

The load hanger is hanged at the 50 mm from the left support.

The indicator reading is noted. If it is not zero,

the tare button on the indicator is pressed.

A load is placed on the load hanger

The indicator reading is recorded. This represent the

shear force at cut section.

The load is removed from the hanger. The load hanger is moved
200 mm from the left support and step 7-11 is repeated.
The distance is increase each time by 50 mm.

Steps 7-11 repeated until the load which is end B.

Case 1:



x RB

Beam span = 1000mm

Distance of the shear section from the left support = 390mm
W1 = 2N

Table: case 1.

Distance from left support Shear Force at x-x

(mm) Experimental = Rb (N) Theory (N)
100 - 0.1 - 0.2
200 - 0.1 - 0.4
600 0.8 0.8
800 0.4 0.4
900 0.2 0.2

Case 2:

L1 a

W1 W2

x RB
Beam span = 1000mm
Distance of the shear section from the left support = 3900mm
W1 = 2N
W2 = 4N
a = 20mm

Table: case 2.

Distance from left support Shear Force at x-x

(mm) Experimental = Rb (N) Theory (N)
100 -0.4 -0.68
200 -0.6 -1.28
600 2.3 2.32
800 1.2 1.12
900 0.5 0.52

Case 3:

L1 a b

W1 W2 W3

x RB

Beam span = 1000mm

Distance of the shear section from the left support = 390mm
W1 =2
W2 = 4N
W3 = 2N

a = b = 20mm

Table: case 3.

Distance from left support Shear Force at x-x

(mm) Experimental = Rb (N) Theory (N)
100 -0.5 -1.16
200 -1.1 -1.76
600 3.1 3.04
800 1.4 1.44
900 0.7 0.64

Case 1 :

390mm C 610mm

b/L = 0.61


Load, P1 = 2kN
At L1 = 100mm
i/100 = -0.39/390
i = -0.1
Vc = - 0.1 x 2N = - 0.2 N
At L2 = 200mm
i/200 = -0.39/390
i = -0.2
Vc = - 0.2 x 2N = - 0.4 N
At L3= 600mm
i/400 = 0.61/610
i = 0.4
Vc = 0.4 x 2N = 0.8 N
At L1 = 800mm
i/200 = 0.61/610
i = 0.2
Vc = 0.2 x 2N = 0.4 N

At L1 = 900mm
i/100 = 0.61/610
i = 0.1
Vc =0.1 x 2N = 0.2 N
Case 2 :

P1 P 2
100mm 20mm

390mm C 610mm

b/L = 0.61

i j

Load, P1 = 2kN P2 = 4 kN
At L1 = 100mm
j/120 = -0.39/390
j = -0.12
Vj = - 0.12 x 4 = - 0.48 N
Vc = -0.48 – 0.2 = -0.68 N
At L2 = 200mm
j/220 = -0.39/390
j = -0.22
Vj = - 0.22 x 4 = - 0.88 N
Vc = -0.8 – 0.4 = -1.28 N
At L3= 600mm
j/380 = 0.61/610
j = 0.38

Vj = 0.38 x 4 = 1.52 N
Vc = 0.8 – 1.52 = 2.32 N
At L4 = 800mm
j/180 = 0.61/610
j = 0.18
Vj = 0.18 x 4 = 0.72N
Vc = 0.72+0.4 = 1.12N
At L5 = 900mm
j/80 = 0.61/610
j = 0.08
Vj = 0.08 x 4 = 0.32N
Vc = 0.32+0.2 = 0.52N
Case 3 :

P1 P 2

390mm C 610mm

b/L = 0.61

i j k a/L=-0.39

Load, P1 = 2kN P2 = 4 kN P3 = 2 kN
At L1 = 100mm
k/140 = -0.39/390
k = -0.14
Vk = - 0.14 x 2 = - 0.28 N
Vc = -0.28 – 0.68= -0.96 N
At L2 = 200mm
k/240 = -0.39/390
k = -0.24
Vk = - 0.24 x 2 = - 0.48 N
Vc = -0.48 – 1.28= -1.76 N
At L3= 600mm
k/360 = 0.61/610
k = 0.36
Vk = 0.36 x 2 = 0.72 N
Vc = 0.72+2.32 = 3.04 N
At L4 = 800mm
k/160 = 0.61/610
k = 0.16
Vk = 0.16 x 2 = 0.32 N
Vc = 0.32+1.12 = 1.44 N
At L5 = 900mm
k/60 = 0.61/610
k = 0.06
Vk = 0.06 x 2 = 0.12 N
Vc = 0.12+0.52 = 0.64 N

Refer to the graph of Load vs. Shear force.

In this experiment, we used the load 100g, 200g, 600g, 800g, and
900g . From this experiment, the value for the experimental and
theoretical are decrease first and then increase after the cut section.
The value for the experimental and theoretical value is nearly same.
The value is depend on the location of the load. Its shows that the
location is one of the causes for the differences between the value.
We should know that, influence lines can be used to calculate the
shear force at the cut section.

The calculation of percentage of error:

Percentage of error = Theory – Experiment X 100%

Table: case 1.

Distance from Shear Force at x-x Percentages of

left support Experimental = Rb Theory (N) Error, %
(mm) (N)
100 - 0.1 - 0.2 50.0
200 - 0.1 - 0.4 75.0
600 0.8 0.8 0.0
800 0.4 0.4 0.0
900 0.2 0.2 0.0

Table: case 2.

Distance from Shear Force at x-x Percentages of

left support Experimental = Rb Theory (N) Error, %
(mm) (N)
100 -0.4 -0.68 41.18
200 -0.6 -1.28 53.13
600 2.3 2.32 0.86
800 1.2 1.12 7.14
900 0.5 0.52 3.85

Table: case 3.

Distance from left Shear Force at x-x Percentages of

support (mm) Experimental = Rb Theory (N) Error, %
100 -0.5 -1.16 56.89
200 -1.1 -1.76 37.50
600 3.1 3.04 1.97
800 1.4 1.44 2.78
900 0.7 0.64 9.38

From the calculation of error in this experiment, it shows that the error at the distance
of 100mm and 200mm is high which is more than 50%. But for the distances of
600mm, 800mm and 900mm, the percentages of error are small. This experimental
results are sometimes different from theoretical results are due to
human error and instrument sensitivity as the reading of the
instrument keep changing when we conducted the experiment

From the result that we get, there are some errors that make our result not accurate
and contribute the error between the experiment and theory.

i. Digital indicator is not too accurate

Although the value of experiment quite near with the value of theory a there are
still have error. The digital indicator is not too accurate.

ii. The digital indicator is too sensitive

When we taking the reading, the screen show that the reading not in static. That
mean the digital indicator is too sensitive with the wind and the surrounding

iii. The load hanger is shaking

When we taking the reading, we put the load to the hanger. When the load is
putting to the hanger, the hanger is shaking and the reading of digital indicator
is change. So it effect the reading.

iv. Parallax error: Reading the ruler scale

The ruler scale is in centimeter (cm). So, when the reading process, we can’t
get the accurate value, because the scale are not suitable for our eye to read
with accurately

v. The beam is sensitive

When we do the experiment, the beam is moving when we try to put the load.
When we want to change the holder of hanger to right side, the beam is not in
the original position yet.


While doing this experiment, we get the value of the theoretical is exactly the same
from the experiment value. Hence, the objective of this experiment is proven. So, we
know that our experiment was archived the objective. After the experiment, we have
learned how to determine the shear force influence line when the beam is subjected to
a load moving from left to right.

We also learn how to plot the shear force influence line when the beam is subjected to
a point load moving from left to right.



The definition of bending moment which is the internal load generated within a bending
element whenever a pure moment is reacted, or a shear load is transferred by beam action
from the point of application to distant points of reaction. An influence line for a given
function, such as a reaction, axial force, shear force, or bending moment, is a graph that
shows the variation of that function at any given point on a structure due to the application of
a unit load at any point on the structure. An influence line for a function differs from a shear,
axial, or bending moment diagram. Influence lines can be generated by independently
applying a unit load at several points on a structure and determining the value of the function
due to this load such as shear, axial, and moment at the desired location. Influence lines play
an important part in the design of bridges, industrial crane rails, conveyor belts, and other
structures where loads move across their span. An influence line represents the variation of
the reaction, shear, moment, or deflection at a specific point in a member as a concentrated
force moves over the member. Once this line is constructed, one can tell at a glance where the
moving load should be placed on a structure so that it creates the greatest influence at the
specified point. Furthermore, the magnitude of the associated reaction, shear, moment, or
deflection at the point can than be calculated from the ordinates of the influence line diagram.


The principle line for bending moment at a section is the graph curves representing the
variation of bending moment at a section of a various positions of the load of the span
on the beam. The sign convension followed, is shown in the figure 1.

Consider a simply supported beam of span ‘L’ as shown in figure 1 and 2. It is required to
draw influence line for bending moment at ‘C’ at a distance ‘a’ from the left support.

When the load ‘W’ is toward left of section ‘C’, at a distance ‘x’ from left support ‘A’

The shear force at C,

Vc = Va – W

M = +Rb ( L – a ) = ( L – a) ……………..[Equation 1]

(Considering right side of section c)
When the load ‘W’ is towards right of section ‘D’ at a distance ‘x’ from the left support ‘A’

The bending moment at ‘D’ (considering left side of section C)

M = +Ra • a

M=+ ……………..[Equation 2]

1) To determine the bending moment influence line when the beam is subjected to a
load moving from left to right
2) To determine the value of the function to this load of influence line.
3) To calculate values for each function are then plotted where the load was applied
and then connected together to generate the influence line for the function.


Sample of beam The support

Loads Beam with cut section

Indicator load hanger


The load cell is connected to the digital indicator.

The indicator is switched on. The indicator’s reading must be switch on

10 minutes before taking readings for stability of readings.

The two simple supports is fixed to the aluminium base at a distance

equal to the span of the beam to be tested. The support is
screwed tightly to the base.

The load hanger is hanged at the 50 mm from the left support.

The indicator reading is noted. If it is not zero,

the tare button on the indicator is pressed.

A load is placed on the load hanger

The indicator reading is recorded. This represent the

shear force at cut section.

The load is removed from the hanger. The load hanger is moved
200 mm from the left support and step 7-11 is repeated.
The distance is increase each time by 50 mm.

Steps 7-11 repeated until the load which is end B.

6.1 CASE 1


Beam span = 1000 mm
Distance of the shear section from the left support = 390 mm
W1 =2N
Distance of load cell from the beam cross section = 175mm

Table: case 1

Distance from left support Bending Moment at x-x

(mm) Experimental = ( F*175) Theory (Nmm)
100 0.6 x 175 = 105 122
200 1.4 x 175 = 245 244
600 1.8 x 175 = 315 312
800 0.9 x 175 = 157.5 156
900 0.4 x 175 = 70 78

6.2 CASE 2

W1 W2

am span = 1000 mm
Distance of the shear section from the left support = 390 mm
W1 =2N
W1 =4N
Distance of load cell from the beam cross section = 175mm

Table: case 2

Distance from left support Bending Moment at x-x

(mm) Experimental = ( F*175) Theory (Nmm)
100 2.5 x 175 = 437.5 414.8
200 4.6 x 175 = 805 780.8
600 5.3 x 175 = 927.5 904.8
800 2.5 x 175 = 437.5 436.8
950 1.2 x 175 = 210 202.8

6.3 CASE 3

L1 a b
W1 W2 W3


Beam span = 1000 mm

Distance of the shear section from the left support = 390 mm
W1 =2N
W2 =4N
W3 =2N
Distance of load cell from the beam cross section = 175 mm

Table: case 3.

Distance from left support Bending Moment at x-x

(mm) Experimental = ( F*175) Theory (Nmm)
100 3.5 x 175 = 612.5 585.6
200 6.4 x 175 = 1120 1073.6
600 7.0 x 175 = 1225 1185.6
800 3.1 x 175 = 542.5 561.6
900 1.5 x 175 = 262.5 249.6


For case 1:

390mm C 610mm

ab/L = 390 x 610 / 1000

= 237.9

Load, P1 = 2kN
At L1 = 100mm
q/100 = 237.9/390

q = 61
Mc = 61 x 2N = 122 Nm
At L2 = 200
q/200 = 237.9/390
q = 122
Mc = 122 x 2 = 244 Nm
At L3 = 600
q/400 = 237.9/610
q = 156
Mc = 156 x 2 = 312 Nm

At L4 = 800
q/200 = 237.9/610
q= 78
Mc = 78 x 2 =156 Nm
At L4 = 800
q/100 = 237.9/610
q= 39
Mc = 39 x 2 = 78 Nm

For case 2:
P1 P2
100mm 20mm

390mm 610mm


Load, P1 = 2kN P2 = 4kN

At L1 = 100mm
r/120 = 237.9/390
r = 73.2
Mr = 73.2 x 4N = 292.8Nm
Mc =292.8+122 =414.8 Nm

At L2 = 200
r/220 = 237.9/390
r = 134.2
Mr = 134.2x 4N = 536.8Nm
Mc =536.8+122 = 244 = 780.8 Nm

At L3 = 600
r/380 = 237.9/610
r = 148.2
Mr = 148.2 x 4N = 592.8Nm
Mc =592.8+312 =904.8 Nm
At L4 = 800
r/180 = 237.9/610
r = 70.2
Mr = 70.2 x 4N = 280.8Nm
Mc =280.8+156 =436.8 Nm

At L5 = 900
r/80 = 237.9/610
r = 31.2
Mr = 31.2 x 4N = 124.8Nm

Mc =124.8+78 =202.8 Nm

For case 3:
P1 P2 P3

100mm 20mm20mm

390mm 610mm

r s

Load, P1 = 2kN P2 = 4kN P3 = 2 kN

At L1 = 100mm
s/140 = 237.9/390
s = 85.4
Ms = 85.4 x 2N = 170.8Nm
Mc =170.8+414.8 =585.6 Nm

At L2 = 200
s/240 = 237.9/390
s = 146.4
Ms = 146.4 x 2N = 292.8Nm
Mc =292.8+780.8 =1073.6 Nm

At L3 = 600
s/360 = 237.9/610
s = 140.4
Ms = 140.4 x 2N = 280.8Nm
Mc =280.8+904.8 =1185.6 Nm

At L4 = 800
s/160 = 237.9/610
s = 62.4
Ms = 62.4 x 2N = 124.8Nm
Mc =124.8+436.8 =561.6 Nm
At L5 = 900
s/60 = 237.9/610
s = 23.4
Ms = 23.4 x 2N = 46.8Nm
Mc =46.8+202.8 =249.6 Nm

Refer to the graph of Load vs. Bending Moment

P1 P2 P3


390mm C 610mm

Shear foerce diagram +

k 1 j1

Bending moment diagram

r1 s1

The accuracy:

The calculation of percentage of error:

Percentage of error = Theory – Experiment X 100%

Table: case 1

Distance from Bending Moment at x-x Percentage of

left support Experimental = Theory (Nmm) Error, %
(mm) ( F*175)
100 0.6 x 175 = 105 122 13.93
200 1.4 x 175 = 245 244 0.41
600 1.8 x 175 = 315 312 0.96
800 0.9 x 175 = 157.5 156 0.96
900 0.4 x 175 = 70 78 10.26

Table: case 2

Distance from Bending Moment at x-x Percentage of

left support Experimental = Theory (Nmm) Error, %
(mm) ( F*175)
100 2.5 x 175 = 437.5 414.8 5.47
200 4.6 x 175 = 805 780.8 3.10
600 5.3 x 175 = 927.5 904.8 2.51
800 2.5 x 175 = 437.5 436.8 0.16
950 1.2 x 175 = 210 202.8 3.55

Table: case 3.

Distance from Bending Moment at x-x Percentage of

left support Experimental = Theory (Nmm) Error, %
(mm) ( F*175)
100 3.5 x 175 = 612.5 585.6 4.59
200 6.4 x 175 = 1120 1073.6 4.32
600 7.0 x 175 = 1225 1185.6 3.32
800 3.1 x 175 = 542.5 561.6 3.40
900 1.5 x 175 = 262.5 249.6 5.17

The percentages of the error is small or less than half. It shows here that the accuraccy of the
experiment is high. So, we conclude that this experiment is success because the experimental
and theoritical value are nearly same.

Sometimes, the value of theoritical is too much difference. This is maybe because of the error
that occur during the experiment. There are some errors that make result not accurate and
contribute the error between the experiment and theory.

a. Digital indicator is not too accurate

Although the value of experiment quite near with the value of theory a there
are still have error. The digital indicator is not too accurate.

b. The digital indicator is too sensitive

When we taking the reading, the screen show that the reading not in static.
That mean the digital indicator is too sensitive with the wind and the
surrounding movement.

c. The load hanger is shaking

When we taking the reading, we put the load to the hanger. When the load is
putting to the hanger, the hanger is shaking and the reading of digital indicator
is change. So it effect the reading.

d. Parallax error: Reading the ruler scale

The ruler scale is in centimeter (cm). So, when the reading process, we can’t
get the accurate value, because the scale are not suitable for our eye to read
with accurately

e. The beam is sensitive

When we do the experiment, the beam is moving when we try to put the load.
When we want to change the holder of hanger to right side, the beam is not in
the original position yet.

The ways to overcomes his problem:

a. Check the apparatus condition whether it good or not.

b. While putting the load at the hanger, we must put it slowly so that it won’t shake and
affect the reading

c. When we take the reading, we had to wait until the digital indicator constant and the
reading not move anymore.

d. We also must wait until the reading shown by the indicator is totally constant before
record it.


From our discussion, the influence line concept and its application is to specific
structural systems reached a certain conclusion at the end of the establishment phrase
of structural theory . However , the general influences lines theory actually belongs to
the classical phase of structural theory. the result and the theory of left support, middle
support and right support. This is may be because of experimental error done during
the experiment session. The errors can be the condition during experiment, wind or
error in handling the equipments during the experiment.


4) www.bending and shear/htm
5) www.bending/
6) Structural analysis- RC Hibbeler..sixth edition



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