09-13-17 Edition

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Leading local news coverage on the Peninsula

Wednesday Sept. 13, 2017 XVIII, Edition 23 www.smdailyjournal.com

Lending a hand in hurricanes wake

San Carlos officials consider adopting cities affected by Harvey and Irma
By Anna Schuessler bers are hoping to build Houston started by three to see if there was more they could do to
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF on the quick response to residents, one of whom help the students, some of whom are from
the natural disasters had a friend working as a low-income backgrounds or facing home-
In an effort to help San Carlos residents theyve seen from resi- principal there. Though lessness.
channel their desire to help communities in dents. the groups initial focus Everywhere I look, people in San Carlos
need, officials are exploring how the city Councilman Cameron has been on preparing are looking for ways to volunteer and lend a
can support communities affected by hurri- Johnson said he wasnt backpacks to be sent to hand, he said. Its really kind of to ampli-
canes Harvey and Irma. surprised to hear of an the school community, fy the community spirit thats already
Expected to review a plan to adopt a effort to collect school its members approached there.
community in areas affected by recent hurri- Cameron supplies for Eisenhower Mark Johnson and
canes at their next meeting, councilmem- Johnson Senior High School in Olbert Councilman Mark Olbert See AID, Page 20

City halts proposal

for charter school
Safety, traffic concerns win out
in permit denial for Rocketship
By Anna Schuessler

Safety concerns and a charter elementary schools fit

within a Redwood City neighborhood where landscaping,
building and other industrial businesses are clustered were
among the worries city officials cited in their decision to
uphold an appeal of a proposal to build a new Rocketship
elementary charter school Monday.
The City Council voted 5-1 to rescind the Planning
Commissions June 20 approval of the project planned for
a 1.1-acre lot at 860 Charter St., between Spring Street and
Bay Road. Councilwoman Alicia Aguirre voted against the
appeal, and Councilman Jeff Gee was absent.
Dave Tanner, owner of a home and landscape design busi-
ness on Charter Street, filed the appeal on behalf of the
Redwood Village Business Association, a collection of
Roughly 100 firefighters and aircraft battled a 50-acre wildfire near the El Corte de Madera Creek Preserve west of Woodside business owners with locations near the site straddling
Redwood City and San Mateo County land where the one-
in San Mateo County Tuesday. story 23,200-square-foot school was proposed. Citing con-
cerns about how the influx of 480 students and up to 40 staff

Skeggs Fire grows School district chief

Wildfire west of Woodside up to 50 acres, about 10 percent named in San Carlos
members would affect traffic in an area frequented by trucks
See SCHOOL, Page 18

contained; believed to have started by lightning storm Mary Jude Doerpinghaus promoted while
board seeks permanent superintendent
By Austin Walsh
About 230 firefighters and several DAILY JOURNAL STAFF
aircraft are battling a 50-acre wildfire
near the El Corte de Madera Creek Mary Jude Doerpinghaus is set to be
Preserve about 3 miles west of promoted as the new interim superin-
Woodside in San Mateo County, fire tendent of the San Carlos Elementary
officials said. School District, according to a recent
The Skeggs Fire was first reported district announcement.
around 7:45 p.m. Monday, according Doerpinghaus, who previously worked
to the California Department of as the district assistant superintendent, is Mary
Forestry and Fire Protection. Its burn- expected to be confirmed as the replace- Doerpinghaus
ing in the hills near Skyline Boulevard ment for former superintendent Craig
and Bear Gulch Road. It is near Skeggs Baker during a Thursday, Sept. 14, school board meeting.
See FIRE, Page 18 See MARY, Page 18
2 Wednesday Sept. 13, 2017 FOR THE RECORD THE DAILY JOURNAL

Thought for the Day

Better to be without
logic than without feeling.
Charlotte Bronte, English author

This Day in History

The Congress of the Confederation

1788 authorized the first national election,

and declared New York City the tempo-
rary national capital.
In 1 7 5 9 , during the French and Indian War, the British
defeated the French on the Plains of Abraham overlooking
Quebec City.
In 1 8 1 4 , during the War of 1812, British naval forces
began bombarding Fort McHenry in Baltimore but were
driven back by American defenders in a battle that lasted
until the following morning.
In 1 9 11 , the song Oh, You Beautiful Doll, a romantic
rag by Nat D. Ayer and Seymour Brown, was first published
by Jerome H. Remick & Co.
In 1 9 2 3 , Miguel Primo de Rivera, the captain general of
Catalonia, seized power in Spain.
In 1 9 4 8 , Republican Margaret Chase Smith of Maine was
elected to the U.S. Senate; she became the first woman to
serve in both houses of Congress.
In 1 9 5 9 , Elvis Presley first met his future wife, 14-year-
old Priscilla Beaulieu, while stationed in West Germany
with the U.S. Army. (They married in 1967, but divorced in REUTERS
1973.) A general view of Stonehenge during the annual Perseid meteor shower in the night sky in Salisbury Plain, southern England.
In 1 9 6 2 , Mississippi Gov. Ross Barnett rejected the U.S.
Supreme Courts order for the University of Mississippi to
admit James Meredith, a black student, declaring in a tele- In other news ...
vised address, We will not drink from the cup of geno-
U.K. engineers launch sewer Brooklyn on Saturday. covery was a little creepy. He says
King says he has no idea how the bal-
The festival was promoted as a cele-
In 1 9 7 1 , a four-day inmates rebellion at the Attica war against giant fat blob bration of pizza. Attendees say on loon ended up behind the secure doors
Correctional Facility in western New York ended as police LONDON British engineers say Facebook they instead got cold slices of the police department.
and guards stormed the prison; the ordeal and final assault they have launched a sewer war of pizza smaller than a sample size, The feature film It opened Friday.
claimed the lives of 32 inmates and 11 hostages. against a giant fat blob clogging served with glasses of warm wine.
In 1 9 7 7 , conductor Leopold Stokowski died in Londons sewers. WNBC-TV reports Democratic state Fuzzy snow leopard kittens
Hampshire, England, at age 95. Thames Water officials said Tuesday Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is romp and roll for L.A. Zoo debut
it is likely to take three weeks to dis- urging attendees to file complaints on
LOS ANGELES Brother and sister
Birthdays solve the outsize fatberg.
They caution against expecting
his website. A spokesman says prose-
cutors opened an investigation
snow leopard kittens romped and
rough-housed as they made their public
quick results as the fatberg is 250 yards Monday.
debut at Los Angeles Zoo.
long and weighs as much as 11 double- Festival organizer Ishmael Osekre The fuzzy siblings, born in May,
decker busses. says event producer Hangry Garden explored their outdoor habitat Tuesday
The unsavory blob consists of con- delayed the event. The event producer as their mother Georgina and zoo visi-
gealed wet wipes, diapers, fat and oil. contends it was misled by the organiz- tors looked on.
Thames Waters Matt Rimmer says er and wasnt paid. They are the first offspring for 3-
the fatberg is a total monster and tak- year-old Georgina and 5-year-old father
ing a lot of manpower and machinery Cops find red balloon floating Fred, who were paired together in 2015
to remove as its set hard. in Stephen Kings hometown as part of a species survival plan.
Singer Randy Singer Fiona Actor Ben Savage He said the task is basically like try- Snow leopards are endangered and
Jones is 65. Apple is 40. is 37. ing to break up concrete. BANGOR, Maine Police in the
Maine city thats home to Stephen found in the wild across a dozen coun-
Eight workers are using high pow- tries of Central Asia.
Actress Barbara Bain is 86. Actress Eileen Fulton (TV: As ered jet hoses to break up the blob King played a prank to coincide with
the World Turns) is 84. Actor Joe E. Tata is 81. TV producer before sucking it out into tankers for the opening of the horror film It, Smuggled Bengal tiger cub gets
Fred Silverman is 80. Rock singer David Clayton-Thomas disposal at a recycling site. based on Kings book.
(Blood, Sweat & Tears) is 76. Actress Jacqueline Bisset is 73. The police department said Thursday new playmate at San Diego Zoo
Singer Peter Cetera is 73. Actress Christine Estabrook is 67. Complaints about festivals on Facebook that a red balloon was SAN DIEGO The Bengal tiger cub
Actress Jean Smart is 66. Record producer Don Was is 65. found floating near the departments that a California man bought on the
Actor Isiah Whitlock Jr. is 63. Actress-comedian Geri Jewell
cold pizza prompt state inquiry stuffed duck, which has been the depart- streets of Tijuana and was seized when
is 61. Country singer Bobbie Cryner is 56. Rock singer-musi- NEW YORK Some New York City ments mascot over the years. he tried to bring it home has a new
cian Dave Mustaine (Megadeth) is 56. Radio-TV personality foodies say a neighborhood pizza festi- A red balloon is the calling card of playmate at the San Diego Zoo Safari
Tavis Smiley is 53. Rock musician Zak Starkey is 52. Actor val has left them with a bad taste in Pennywise, the sewer-dwelling, homi- Park.
Louis Mandylor is 51. Olympic gold medal runner Michael their mouths. cidal clown in It. The book is set in The San Diego Union-Tribune
Johnson is 50. Rock musician Steve Perkins is 50. Actor Prosecutors are looking into the New Derry, Maine. King has said the fic- reports a 9-week-old Sumatran tiger cub
Roger Howarth is 49. Actor Dominic Fumusa is 48. Actress York City Pizza Festival after attendees tionalized town is based on Bangor. was flown from the National Zoo in
Louise Lombard is 47. Tennis player Goran Ivanisevic is 46. fumed they paid $75 each to eat cold Lt. Tim Cotton joked in the Washington, D.C., on Monday to join
Country singer Aaron Benward (Blue County) is 44. slivers of pizza in a parking lot in Facebook post that the balloons dis- the other cub.


by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
Lotto Local Weather Forecast
Unscramble these four Jumbles, Sept. 9 Powerball Fantasy Five We dne s day : Mostly cloudy. A slight
one letter to each square,
to form four ordinary words. 6 20 29 57 59 22 2 4 20 28 30 chance of thunderstorms. Highs in the 60s
to lower 70s. Southwest winds 10 to 20
DUBIL Daily Four mph.
Check out the new, free JUST JUMBLE app

Sept. 12 Mega Millions Wednes day ni g ht: Partly cloudy in the

4 5 14 26 73 14 4 8 3 5 evening then becoming mostly cloudy.
2017 Tribune Content Agency, LLC Lows in the upper 50s. Southwest winds
All Rights Reserved. Mega number
Daily three midday 15 to 20 mph.
MOICC Sept. 9 Super Lotto Plus 7 4 8 Thurs day : Mostly cloudy in the morning then becoming
14 15 22 36 46 21
partly cloudy. Breezy. Highs in the 60s. Southwest winds 15
Daily three evening to 20 mph... Becoming west 20 to 30 mph in the afternoon.
Mega number

0 2 2 Thurs day ni g ht: Mostly clear. Lows in the 50s.

Fri day : Mostly clear. Highs in the lower 60s to mid 70s.
LFENAL The Daily Derby race winners are Eureka, No. 7, in first Lows in the 50s.
place; Whirl Win, No. 6, in second place; and Winning Fri day ni g ht: Mostly clear. Lows in the 50s.
Spirit, No. 9, in third place. The race time was clocked Saturday thro ug h mo nday : Mostly clear. Highs in the
at 1:49.00. lower 60s to mid 70s. Lows in the 50s.
Now arrange the circled letters The San Mateo Daily Journal Phone:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (650) 344-5200 Fax: (650) 344-5290
to form the surprise answer, as
suggested by the above cartoon. 1900 Alameda de las Pulgas, Suite 112, San Mateo, CA 94403 To Advertise: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected]
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Jumbles: SCARF PUPIL GENTLY SCROLL As a public service, the Daily Journal prints obituaries of approximately 200 words or less with a photo one time on the date of the familys choosing. To submit obituaries, email
Answer: The laundromat that installed exercise equip- information along with a jpeg photo to [email protected]. Free obituaries are edited for style, clarity, length and grammar. If you would like to have an obituary printed
ment featured SPIN CYCLES more than once, longer than 200 words or without editing, please submit an inquiry to our advertising department at [email protected].
THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL Wednesday Sept. 13, 2017 3
Police reports
New protections for
Vandal i s m. Someone scratched the side of
a vehicle after an altercation with the owner
and caused $1,444.78 worth of damage on
Michael Lane, it was reported at 8:50 a.m.
What was It?
mobile home tenants
Wednesday, Sept. 6.
Someone found red balloons tied to the
storm drains on Marlin Avenue in Foster FOSTER CITY
City, it was reported at 5:06 p. m.
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF REPORT able economic value of the property or in Sunday, Sept. 10. Fraud. Someone saw an online rental list-
cases of bankruptcy. The ordinance ing and suspected that it was fraudulent on
Residents displaced from seven mobile requires a second reading at the Sept. 26 Lurline Drive, it was reported at 9:20 a.m.
home parks in unincorporated San Mateo board meeting and becomes effective 30 MILLBRAE Monday, Sept. 11.
County will be required to have relocation days later, according to county officials. Grand theft. Someone stole a womans Bi ke theft. A bicycle was stolen on East
assistance if and when the parks are closed The seven existing mobile home com- purse containing personal property worth Hillsdale Boulevard, it was reported at 1:45
or converted, under action by the Board of munities in the unincorporated county $1,350 but it was found except for the cash p.m. Sunday, Sept. 10.
Supervisors. provide more than 750 spaces for units, on El Camino real, it was reported at 7:15 Petty theft. Someone stole some items on
The board unanimously approved an providing affordable housing for low- p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 6. East Hillsdale Boulevard, it was reported at
ordinance implementing and expanding income families and seniors. When parks Sho pl i fti ng . Someone stole electronics 10:31 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 10.
state law governing mobile home park are converted to another land use or worth $213.71 from a store on El Camino
changes of use. Specifically, under the closed, displaced residents are often not Real, it was reported at 6:48 p. m.
proposed ordinance a park owner must able to move their unit to another park due Wednesday, Sept. 6. Theft. Someone stole alcohol from a store
obtain a change of use permit from the to its condition or if a park only accepts Burg l ary . A vehicles window was smashed on Ralston Avenue, it was reported at 6:41
Planning Commission prior to convert- new mobile homes. and items worth $600 were stolen on El p.m. Sunday, Sept. 10.
ing or closing a park, according to county Facilities that accept other types of Camino Real, it was reported at 6:30 p.m. Theft. Someone stole a bag and a passport
officials. mobile shelter also have long waiting Wednesday, Sept. 6 on Carlmont Drive, it was reported at 8:25
Other key features of the ordinance lists for long-term residents, according to Po s s es s i o n. A San Francisco man was p.m. Saturday, Sept. 9.
include: county officials. found to be in possession of two glass pipes Burg l ary . The front door of a residence was
Use of a relocation counselor to help At the Tuesday meeting, the board also and was cited and released on Monterey found pried open and items such as tools and
residents find alternative housing; approved an ordinance amending its 2003 Street and Santa Paula Avenue, it was report- keys were taken on South Road, it was
Payment of moving costs for personal mobile home rent control ordinance to ed at 9:08 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 6. reported at 8:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 9.
belongs and first and last months rent widen the definition of mobile home to
plus security deposit at the alternative include all structures used for habitation
housing for all eligible residents; located on a space within such a park,
Payment of costs to move the mobile such as motor homes and travel trailers.
home unit to a new park if feasible or pay- That ordinance also requires a second read-
ment of in-place value if the unit cannot ing, according to county officials.
be moved; The board did consider concerns that
Payment for temporary lodging up to RVs are shorter term modes of shelter but
30 days if necessary; ultimately decided their inclusion was war-
Nine-month notice required prior to ranted. Under a 2003 ordinance, rent
applying for Change of Use Permit; addi- increases are allowed no more than once a
tional six-month notice required post-per- year in an amount not exceeding 75 per-
mit before residents are required to vacate; cent of the annual increase in the
and Consumer Price Index for the San
Right of first refusal for displaced res- Francisco-Oakland-San Jose area or 5 per-
idents to purchase or rent new homes to be cent of the existing rent, whichever is
constructed on the park site, if applicable. less, according to county officials.
The ordinance also allows park owners In other business, the board passed a
to request an exemption from the reloca- resolution authored by Supervisor David
tion requirements where payments would Canepa that urges state lawmakers to ban
exceed the reasonable costs of relocation, distracted walking, or using an electronic
would eliminate substantially all reason- device in a crosswalk.




4 Wednesday Sept. 13, 2017 STATE THE DAILY JOURNAL

California police chiefs end immigrants living ille- preferable to batons and tear gas, which the
gally in the U. S. The Around the state city is allowed to use but disburses far wider
opposition to sanctuary measure state is also pursues two than pepper spray.
SACRAMENTO California police lawsuits against Trump Berkeley police get to use The council rejected its use for crowd con-
chiefs have dropped their opposition to a over his decision to end a pepper spray at violent protests trol Tuesday, but agreed to modify its ban
weakened sanctuary state measure that program that protects and expand police powers to use it.
some young immigrants BERKELEY The Berkeley City Council
would restrict their interactions with immi- on Tuesday gave police permission to use
gration authorities, but sheriffs remained from deportation.
pepper spray to repel demonstrators attack- Promised parks still unbuilt as
opposed Tuesday saying the measure would Senate President Pro
ing officers and others during violent lawmakers seek to build more
still limit their authority to work with fed- Kevin de Leon Tem Kevin de Leons protests that have repeatedly hit the city
eral officers in jails. SB54 originally would SACRAMENTO Lawmakers are poised
have strictly limited the authority for state this year during political protests. to vote this week on $725 million in bond
The bill was introduced in the aftermath of The 6-3 vote by the council came ahead of
President Donald Trumps election as and local law enforcement officers to coop- funding to build new parks in underserved
erate and share information with immigra- another planned speech Thursday at the neighborhoods around California, even
California Democrats looked to protect University of California, Berkeley.
immigrants fearing the new Republican tion agents, stepping up statewide sanctu- though a third of similar projects promised
ary for people living in the country illegal- The city banned pepper spray in 1997 as under the last parks bond in 2006 are
president would ramp up deportation. It was a crowd-control weapon, though most law
watered down on Monday to win support ly. It drew sharp condemnation from law- incomplete.
enforcement officials who warned that enforcement agencies permit officers to use
from Gov. Jerry Brown and is expected to be The money would come as part of a $4 bil-
theyd be unable to work with federal it to disburse violent crowds, Berkeley
considered in the Legislature on Friday. lion bond for parks and water infrastructure.
authorities on task forces or ensure danger- police Chief Andrew Greenwood said.
The legislative push comes as lawmakers It needs approval from the Legislature and
ous criminals were deported upon release Greenwood sought such permission at an
and Brown look to spend $30 million on Gov. Jerry Brown to go before voters on the
from jail. emergency council meeting, saying it is
scholarships and legal assistance for young 2018 ballot.


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THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL Wednesday Sept. 13, 2017 5
Marie M. Gesicke Obituaries
Apple unveils $999 iPhone Marie M. Gesicke, born Jan. 10, 1914,
died peacefully in San Mateo Aug. 18,
2017, at the age of 103 1/2.
she was the yearbook
editor, she became a

X with facial recognition Born in Chicago, she moved to San grade school teacher.
Mateo 54 years ago with her mother. Her She had four children
home was her castle and being a very strong during her 50-year mar-
and independent woman, she lived at home riage to Marlin Keats.
By Michael Liedtke Louise was the founder
with minimal assistance until recently.
and Barbara Ortutay She was preceded in death by her parents, and leader of cadet Girl
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Frieda and Frank; her brothers Walter and Scout Troop 435 in San
Frank; sister Dorothy and niece Linda. She Mateo, where she made
CUPERTINO Apple has broken the is survived by three nieces: Patty, Arlene lasting friendships. She later worked for
$1,000 barrier with its latest, and most and Kathi; and many grandnieces and grand- several years as a paralegal, where her wit
expensive, phone, the iPhone X. nephews. and sharp writing skills were much appreci-
With a price starting at $999 and a host of Marie worked in the publishing industry ated by her attorneys. Still later, she was an
new features, the phone will be a big test for many years. In California, she worked EAP administrator for United Airlines, an
for both Apple and consumers. Will people as a proofreader for the San Mateo Times unexpected though very satisfying career
be willing to shell out really big bucks for and the San Francisco Chronicle. with co-workers who became good friends.
a relatively fragile device thats become an A big sports fan, she was thrilled when Louise is survived by her children: Kevin,
essential part of daily life? the Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup and Vincent, Patricia and Brian; and six grand-
On Tuesday, CEO Tim Cook called the when the Cubs won the World Series. children.
iPhone X the biggest leap forward since We would like to thank Sophia and Ana All friends and family are invited to
the first iPhone. (X is pronounced like who helped her live at home for so long, attend a graveside service that will be 2
the number 10, not the letter X.) It loses the the staff at Garden Court and the Sutter p. m. Friday, Sept. 15, at Holy Cross
home button, which revolutionized smart- Hospice team for all their help and support Catholic Cemetery, 1500 Mission Road,
phones when it launched; offers an edge-to- at the end. Colma, CA.
edge screen; and will use facial recognition Marie will join her mother in their family
to unlock the phone. plot at the Graceland Cemetery in her As a public serv ice, the Daily Journal
Apple also unveiled a new iPhone 8 and a beloved Chicago. prints obituaries of approx imately 200
larger 8 Plus with upgrades to cameras, dis- words or less with a photo one time on a
plays and speakers. REUTERS Louise Ryan Keats space av ailable basis. To submit obituaries,
Those phones, Apple said, will shoot Apples Phil Schiller introduces the iPhone X. email information along with a jpeg photo
pictures with better colors and less distor- Louise Ryan Keats, born Sept. 2, 1930,
Apple shares were mostly flat after the to news@smdaily journal.com. Free obitu-
tion, particularly in low-light settings. The died early Saturday morning Sept. 9, 2017,
announcement, down 64 cents to $160.86. aries are edited for sty le, clarity, length and
display will adapt to ambient lighting, sim- at her home, in bed, with her children pres-
grammar. If y ou would lik e to hav e an obit-
ilar to a feature in some iPad Pro models. STEVE JOBS HOMAGE Born in San Francisco, she grew up dur-
uary printed more than once, longer than
Speakers will be louder and offer deeper 200 words or without editing, please submit
bass. This was the first product event for Apple ing the Great Depression and World War II.
an inquiry to our adv ertising department at
Both iPhone 8 versions will allow wire- at its new spaceship-like headquarters in Graduating near the top of her class from
ads@smdaily journal.com.
less charging, a feature already offered in Cupertino. Before getting to the new Dominican College in San Rafael, where
many Android phones, including Samsung iPhone, the company unveiled a new Apple
models. Some Android phones have also Watch model with cellular service and an
previously eliminated the home button and Obituary
added edge-to-edge screens. See APPLE, Page 20
Teresa Ann Walker
October 15, 1925 - September 9, 2017
Teresa Ann Walker (Regan) of San Carlos, born in Long
Beach, CA on October 15, 1925, died at home with family by
her side on September 9, 2017.
Teresa Walker, daughter of Joseph Regan and Mary Margaret
Regan (Stanton), moved from Los Angeles to Northern
California to study Mathematics at UC Berkeley. There she
met and married her late husband, Redick Walker (Tiddy) of
Burlingame, California and is survived by her seven children: John (Jack) Walker,
Laura Brandt, William (Bill) Walker, Daniel (Dan) Walker, Stephen (Steve) Walker,
Thomas (Tom) Walker and Carol Palacio; her twelve grandchildren and eleven great-
MEMORY PROBLEMS? grandchildren.
In the 1970s she was co-founder and president of AMI which later became NAMI
(National Alliance on Mental Illness). She worked tirelessly for many years to stamp
We want to help you. out the stigma associated with Mental Illness and to help many families who had
members suffering from schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder and other mental health
The Alzheimer's Association in partnership with the County of San diseases.
Mateo is offering a free program to assist persons with memory Teresa was a long-time parishioner of St. Charles Church in San Carlos where she
problems who live alone. was involved in the Carlosians and the Outreach Committee. She was deeply spiritual,
often reading the works of Teilhard de Chardin and other religious scholars. In her
If you live alone in San Mateo County and have issues with your later years she was also a parishioner of St. Barts Parish in San Mateo. Although she
memory, including mild cognitive impairment, early Alzheimer's, or identied as Catholic, she was also proud of her Quaker heritage and relations who
other dementia, we want to help support you in your home. were active in the abolitionist and womens suffrage movements.
Teresa was a very dedicated wife and mother who loved all of her family deeply
If you would like more information about this program, please call and unconditionally. She was proud of the accomplishments of all of her children,
RACHEL KAST, MSW, 408-372-9913 or email [email protected] in-laws and grandchildren, and always strived to love and appreciate all people as
uniquely individual and special.
The Alzheimers Association welcomes all persons regardless of age, race, gender A Funeral Mass will be held at 12:00 noon on Saturday, September 16, 2017 at St.
identity, class, ethnicity, sexual orientation, language, physical ability, or religion.
Bartholomew Church, Alameda de las Pulgas & Crystal Springs Blvd. reception to
follow at Poplar Creek Grill, Bay Trail in San Mateo. Flowers or Cards may be sent
to Carol Palacio, 732 N Humboldt St., San Mateo, CA 94401. Donations made in
Teresas memory to NAMI San Mateo County, 1650 Borel Place #130, San Mateo,
CA 94402 or namisanmateo.org will be graciously appreciated.

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6 Wednesday Sept. 13, 2017 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

Convicted shooter Local briefs with the San Mateo

County Parks Foundation
They arrived and learned a United
Airlines tug driver was towing an empty
sentenced to jail, probation prosecutors. and dozens of volunteers airplane when lightning struck near him.
A South San Francisco man who pleaded Silva was charged with to provide programs, He was not hit and was released at the scene
no contest to felony charges related to a 120 days in county jail hikes and educational after being evaluated by medics, SFO
shooting incident in and received 104 days opportunities. spokesman Doug Yakel said.
May 2016 was sentenced credit for time served. Deborah Bazan, a for- According to the National Weather
to three years supervised Silva was thought to mer sheriffs lieutenant Service, about 1, 200 cloud-to-ground
probation and seven have knocked on the who oversaw planning lightning strikes were reported in the Bay
months in county jail front door of the teens Deborah Bazan and construction of the Area on Monday and nearly 7,000 flashes
Monday, according to the home in Half Moon Bay Maple Street were recorded.
San Mateo County close to midnight July Correctional Facility, will serve as the pro-
District Attorneys Alec Silva
22 and forced his way visional director of the Project Firefighter pleads no contest for
Office. into the house wearing a hunting mask that Development Unit. Bazan had been serving battery at Daly City restaurant
Martin Dominguez, covered the lower half of his face. Though in a consulting role for the unit and will
Martin now oversee the department. The PDU pro- A San Francisco firefighter accused of
Dominguez 21, admitted to firing a the teen thought he recognized Silva by the
handgun in the direction vides construction services for all new slapping a woman and punching another
shape of his eyes, the connection was not man at a restaurant in Daly City this
of a car with three teens in it close to mid- strong enough for prosecutors to pursue ground-up county capital projects such as
night on May 2, 2016. The victims said the new animal shelter at Coyote Point, February has been sentenced to a year of
charges of robbery against Silva, according probation, according to prosecutors.
they were sitting in a car when Dominguez to prosecutors. Regional Operations Center and Skylonda
approached them asking if they were driv- Fire Station 58 replacement. Battalion Chief Samuel Romero and the
Brandishing a handgun, the burglar female victim, who is also an employee of
ing around the area earlier, according to allegedly threatened to shoot the teens Gervais starts with the county Nov. 6 and
prosecutors. Bazans official first day is Oct. 1. the San Francisco Fire Department, were at
dog, and forced the teen to his bedroom Original Joes of Westlake on Feb. 20
Thinking his actions were strange, the where he ordered him to find and hand over
teens, who said they didnt know his wallet. The burglar allegedly left the
Pair rescued from Mussel Rock Cave when the male victim apparently made a
Dominguez, allegedly told him they hadnt comment about the couples age difference.
house and sped away from the house in a A U.S. Coast Guard crew rescued two peo-
been driving around earlier and drove away Romero initially pleaded not guilty, but
Chevrolet truck, which is when the teen ple from a cave at Mussel Rock in San
from him. He fired his gun at the car multi- changed his plea to no contest to a battery
called police to report the incident, accord- Mateo County on Monday afternoon.
ple times as they drove away, but none of charge Monday, prosecutors said. His sen-
ing to prosecutors. The Coast Guard received a call at 2:50
the teens were injured, according to prose- tence included two days of jail time, which
Suspected to have been behind the rob- p.m. of a man and woman stranded in a
cutors. has already been served, $235 in fines and
bery, Silva was found at Surfers Beach cave due to the high tide and the woman
Police arrived after Dominguezs father a court order prohibiting him from harass-
around 1:20 a.m., where he was arrested. He suffering a leg injury.
reported an incident of gunshots. Though ing the female victim.
was taken to a nearby sheriff substation for Coast Guard officials said the two told
he initially claimed someone was shooting He was originally charged with domestic
questioning, where he escaped from a hold- them the cave was accessible at low tide,
at him, Dominguez later admitted he fired violence, but the victim did not cooperate
ing cell and was found on the street outside but because of the womans leg injury, they
the gun toward the car as it was driving with the investigation. The victim didnt
the substation minutes later, according to werent able to make it out of the cave
away, according to prosecutors. want to see it go forward, as is so often the
prosecutors. before the high tide arrived.
Dominguez will receive eight days of case, Wagstaffe said.
An MH-65 Dolphin helicopter from
Defense attorney Julia Jayne said that
credit for time served and will report for his County names new directors Coast Guard Air Station San Francisco
prosecutors claims of domestic violence
jail sentence Nov. 4, according to prosecu- hoisted the pair to San Mateo Fire
for parks, project development Department personnel at 3:50 p.m.
are not supported by the facts of the case.
San Mateo County officials announced He entered a plea to simple battery, not
Go to
Charges dropped for man accused new directors at the helm of its Parks involving domestic violence, Jayne said.
dvidshub. net/video/550280/coast-guard-
Department and the She was not his girlfriend, and thats
of robbing teen after Snapchat post newly formed Project
rescues-2-mussel-rock to see a video of the
why there was no domestic violence plea,
A Dublin man charged with robbery in Development Unit. Jayne said. Theyre firefighters and
July after he was accused of stealing $600 Jonathan Gervais, the Airline worker nearly friends but not in any sort of romantic rela-
from a 16-year-old in Half Moon Bay plead- current Belmont Parks tionship.
ed no contest Monday to attempting to and Recreation director struck by lightning Monday Romero was out on bail during his court
escape the police, according to the San was tapped as the coun- An airline worker was nearly struck by appearance Monday.
Mateo County District Attorneys Office. tys new parks director, lightning at San Francisco International At the time of his arraignment in March,
It was believed that Alec Silva, 22, overseeing a $15 million Airport on Monday night, an airport he was still on active duty with the San
robbed the teen after seeing a Snapchat post budget and network of 20 spokesman said. Francisco Fire Department, according to
Jonathan fire spokesman Jonathan Baxter. Baxter
of the money, however, there was insuffi- parks, 190 miles of trails Around 9:30 p.m., airport staff respond-
cient evidence to link him with the robbery Gervais and more than 17, 000 ed to a report of a possible worker being did not immediately respond to a request
and the charges were dropped, according to acres. The Parks Department also partners struck by lightning. for comment on the case.


Ada Elia Passanisi

December 30, 1920 - September 7, 2017
Beloved wife of Vincent August Passanisi
(deceased); devoted mother to Margaret P. Passanisi
(deceased); Carmel S. Passanisi, and Dominic
P. Passanisi (Sue); grandmother to Sebastian
(Jacqueline) and Maura Passanisi; great grandmother
to Levi, Ezra and Saul Passanisi, Ada Elia Passanisi
died on September 7, 2017, in her residence in
Belmont at the age of 96, having lived a long, full life.
Ada was born in Lucca, Lammari, Tuscany, Italy, the youngest of
six children born to Sebastiano and Margherita Martini. She left Italy
and came to California at age 18, before WWII, temporarily living with
a sister and her husband in San Francisco. It was there that she met
her future husband, Vincent August Passanisi, at an Italian Social Club
dance. They were married in San Francisco at Saints Peter and Paul
Church and enjoyed life together for 67 years.
Ada grew up on a farm outside Lucca, Italy, where she enjoyed
growing plants, fruits, etc., and had quite a green thumb. It was there
that she learned her culinary skills from her mother, Margherita Martini,
and became an accomplished cook. Of course farming is physically
demanding and taught her perseverance; working hard for what she
wanted, and the value of owning land.
Ada worked for a number of San Francisco companies in the rst
part of her working life, primarily in retail. After retiring from her rst
career, she began a second career as a real estate agent and investment
broker. Ada was always a very astute businesswoman. She enjoyed
traveling with Vincent and friends. She and Vincent both took up golf
as they neared retirement and played into their late years. She loved her
family, especially her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
The Viewing / Rosary will be held on Thursday evening,
September 14, 2017, from 6:00 pm. to approximately 7:30 pm., at
Crosby-N. Gray Funeral Home, 2 Park Road, Burlingame, CA 94010.
The funeral mass will be held on Friday, September 15, 2017, at 11:00
am. at St. Bartholomews Church, 600 Columbia Drive, San Mateo, CA
94402. Donations in lieu of owers may be made to the Saint Anthony
Foundation: by phone (1-415-241-2600) or online at https://www.
stanthonysf.org, in Ada Passanisis name.
THE DAILY JOURNAL NATION Wednesday Sept. 13, 2017 7
Sanders health care plan
puts Democrats on the spot
By Alan Fram

WASHINGTON Sen. Bernie Sanders rode his impas-

sioned liberal army of supporters through a tumultuous
2016, fighting to snatch the Democratic
presidential nomination from Hillary
Clinton. Now hes disrupting the party
anew, forcing Democrats to take sides
over his plan to provide government-
financed health care for all.
The Vermont independents proposal,
REUTERS which he plans to unveil Wednesday, is
Cassini is pictured above Saturns northern hemisphere prior to making one of its Grand Finale dives in this NASA illustration. thrilling the partys progressive base
Bernie Sanders and attracting many potential 2020
NASAs Saturn-orbiting Cassini presidential hopefuls eager to align
those activists behind them. Yet Democratic leaders are
stopping short of embracing it, and others are warning its

spacecraft faces fiery finish

a political and policy trap.
Meanwhile, the so-called single-payer bill has
Republicans gleefully anticipating wielding it as a cam-
paign weapon, particularly against the 10 Democrats
By Marcia Dunn The only spacecraft ever to orbit Earth. Descending at a scorching
defending Senate seats in states President Donald Trump
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Saturn, Cassini spent the past five 76,000 mph (122,000 kph), Cassini
months exploring the uncharted territo- will melt and then vaporize. It should be won last year and where liberal voters are scarce.
ry between the gaseous planet and its all over in a minute. Im not seeing any evidence single payer is attractive to
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. After a the swing voters Democrats would need to win control of
20-year voyage, NASAs Cassini space- dazzling rings. Its darted 22 times The mission has been insanely, wild-
between that gap, sending back ever the House and Senate, said Jim Hobart, a GOP political
craft is poised to dive into Saturn this ly, beautifully successful, and its com-
more wondrous photos. ing to an end, said NASA program sci- consultant. Using it against Democrats will be a very
week to become forever one with the
On Monday, Cassini flew past jumbo entist Curt Niebur. I find great comfort inviting attack line, he said.
exquisite planet.
moon Titan one last time for a gravity in the fact that Cassini will continue Sanders evolved last year from a fringe senator to a major
Theres no turning back: Friday it
assist a final kiss goodbye, as NASA teaching us up to the very last second. force commanding loyalty from progressive Democratic
careens through the atmosphere and
burns up like a meteor in the sky over calls it, nudging the spacecraft into a Telescopes on Earth will watch for voters, activists and contributors. He could still seek the
Saturn. NASA is hoping for scientific deliberate, no-way-out path. Cassinis burnout nearly a billion miles presidency in 2020, when hed be 79. Clinton, in her new
dividends up until the end. Every tidbit During its final plunge early Friday (1.6 billion kilometers) away. But any book, accuses him of inflicting lasting damage that hurt her
of data radioed back from Cassini will morning, Cassini will keep sampling flashes will be hard to see given the chances of defeating Republican Donald Trump.
help astronomers better understand the Saturns atmosphere and beaming back time close to high noon at Saturn As described by aides, Sanders bill would essentially
entire Saturnian system rings, data, until the spacecraft loses control and Cassinis minuscule size against the expand the Medicare health insurance program for the elder-
moons and all. and its antenna no longer points toward solar systems second largest planet. ly to all Americans, covering virtually all medical needs
except long-term nursing care.

Zinke directs more aggressive approach to prevent wildfires

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS vent fires through across the country, with much of the
aggressive and sci- devastation in California, Oregon and
WASHINGTON Interior Secretary entific fuels reduc- Montana, Zinke said.
Ryan Zinke on Tuesday directed all tion management As of Tuesday, 62 large fires were
land managers and park superintend- to save lives, burning across nine Western states,
ents to be more aggressive in cutting homes and wildlife with 20 fires in Montana and 17 in
down small trees and underbrush to habitat. Oregon, according to the National
prevent wildfires as the smoke-choked Wildfires are Interagency Fire Center. Nearly half
West faces one of the worst fire sea- chewing across the large fires in the West reported zero
sons in a decade. dried-out Western acreage gains on Monday, helping
In a memo, Zinke said the Trump
Ryan Zinke
forests and grass- firefighters across the West make
administration will take a new land. To date, 47,700 wildfires have progress toward containing them, the
approach and work proactively to pre- burned more than 8 million acres agency said.

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8 Wednesday Sept. 13, 2017 NATION

Senate Republicans struggle with

deficit in work on budget, taxes
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Mnuchin met with McConnell, R-Ky., and
budget panel members.
WASHINGTON Senate Republicans are From my standpoint, lets set ourselves
struggling with how many billions of dol- up for success on tax reform, Sen. Ron
lars President Donald Trumps tax code Johnson, R-Wis., a member of the commit-
overhaul will add to the deficit as they work tee, said before the meeting.
on a GOP budget plan thats a prerequisite to The meeting ended in late afternoon with-
any far-reaching change in the nations tax out specific proposed numbers for the size
system. of the budget coming forward. Not wanting
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to show disappointment, participants
and GOP members of the Budget Committee stressed that it was intended to be prelimi-
met Tuesday with two top Trump adminis- nary.
tration officials to make progress on forg- Finance Committee Chairman Sen. Orrin
ing the budget plan, which is required to Hatch said afterward that the group, which REUTERS
stave off potential Democratic blocking discussed the broad outlines of the deficit A resident reacts as she sees the damage on her home after Hurricane Irma struck Florida.
tactics and pass the subsequent tax bill only trade-off for a new tax bill, had not reached

FEMA estimates 25 percent of

with GOP votes. an agreement. Hatch, R-Utah, said he
The as-yet-undrafted bill to overhaul the expected more information to come soon.
tax code is the top priority for Trump and Mnuchin signaled ahead of the meeting
Republicans after the collapse of their that the administration would be open to
effort to dismantle Barack Obamas health
care law. Trumps top economic adviser,
Gary Cohn, and Treasury Secretary Steven
changes sought by lawmakers to improve
the chances for passage of a tax overhaul
this year.
Florida Keys homes are gone
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Keys with 130 mph (209 kph) winds.
Without air conditioning, Around the nation LOWER MATECUMBE KEY, Fla. With
Elsewhere in Florida, life inched closer to
normal, with some flights again taking off,
steamy Florida yearns for power blew out transformers. It also shattered the 25 percent of the homes in the Florida Keys many curfews lifted and major theme parks
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. In a state built on climate-controlled bubbles that enable peo- feared destroyed, emergency workers reopening. Cruise ships that extended their
air conditioning, millions of Florida resi- ple to live here despite the states heat, Tuesday rushed to find Hurricane Irmas vic- voyages and rode out the storm at sea began
dents now want to know one thing: When humidity and insects. tims dead or alive and deliver food and returning to port with thousands of passen-
will the power be back on? Those who evacuated ahead of the hurri- water to the stricken island chain. gers.
Hurricane Irmas march across Florida and cane are returning to homes without elec- As crews labored to repair the lone high- The number of people without electricity
into the Southeast triggered one of the big- tricity and facing the prospect of days or way connecting the Keys, residents of some in the steamy late-summer heat dropped to
ger blackouts in U.S. history, plunging as even weeks with little to ease the late-sum- of the islands closest to Floridas mainland 9.5 million just under half of Floridas
many as 13 million people into the dark as mer stickiness. were allowed to return and get their first population. Utility officials warned it could
the storm dragged down power lines and look at the devastation. take 10 days or more for power to be fully
Its going to be pretty hard for those restored. About 110,000 people remained
coming home, said Petrona Hernandez, in shelters across Florida.
whose concrete home on Plantation Key The number of deaths blamed on Irma in
with 35-foot walls was unscathed, unlike Florida climbed to 12, in addition to four in
others a few blocks away. Its going to be South Carolina and two in Georgia. At least
devastating to them. 37 people were killed in the Caribbean.
But because of disrupted phone service Weve got a lot of work to do, but every-
and other damage, the full extent of the bodys going to come together, Florida
destruction was still a question mark, more Gov. Rick Scott said. Were going to get
than two days after Irma roared into the this state rebuilt.

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THE DAILY JOURNAL OPINION Wednesday Sept. 13, 2017 9
Letters to the editor
Tale of two cities Congress must
act to protect Dreamers
The council made this decision
without seeking input from those
Dj vu?
Editor, omething we were withholding made us weak
who live closest to this park, and in
It appears that the San Francisco until we found it was ourselves. Robert
Editor, the face of community objections.
Bay Area could experience a major Frost.
As Congress considers the Dream The fact is, King Park is an island of
disaster like the hurricane that crip- In November, 200l, I wrote a column titled Imagine,
Act 2017, legislation that provides a green in a neighborhood that has a
pled Houston. Houston is overcrowd- wondering if it was possible that anything positive could
path to citizenship for the nearly 1.8 real shortage of such spaces.
ed and overbuilt, in part due to greedy Replacing the grass would increase have resulted from the horrible 9/11 catastrophe. I was
million Dreamers (young, hard-work- hoping that maybe we, in this country, could have become
developers and weak building codes ing immigrants who came to the the summer temperatures. It would
and regulations. expose children who play sports on a little more civil, a bit more generous of heart, somewhat
United States as children), its impor- more involved with each other, a little more aware of
We have similar problems with the tant to reafrm that the diversity of that turf to the irritating and possibly
reduction of resources such as water, carcinogenic effects of articial turf worthwhile priorities all important qualities of a civi-
our nation is whats made our country lized society from which we had strayed over the past
land, air and road. We keep adding strong, innovative and prosperous. exposure. And it would convert a large
ofce space, hotels, mini-mansions open green eld from a multi-purpose decades.
Thats one reason why U.S. senators I wondered if it was possible that maybe more of us were
and luxury apartments with no end in Lindsey Graham and Dick Durbin neighborhood space to a single-use
sight. We have no respect for the sports eld used primarily by starting to think about the answers to some important
introduced the bipartisan Dream Act questions. For instance, is the best advice from a presi-
environment that attracted people of 2017. American Youth Soccer Organization
here in the rst place. We can see that and other groups from outside the dent after such a catastrophe to go out and shop? Is it
The Dream Act is urgently needed good for our democracy for so many Americans to wallow
our roads and highways are over- legislation that provides a path to neighborhood.
crowded. There is little or no parking If the city must rip out living lawns in luxury while 1 in 8 Americans are struggling with
citizenship for immigrants who have hunger? Could it be possible that we may become less par-
in the downtown areas. grown up here and know no other and replace them with plastic, there
Eventually, there will come a day are many better locations. Dont kill tisan more aware of the fact that were all in this
home. These young people contribute together?
when we have a major earthquake and the grass in a place where it is loved
tremendously to the strength and Just imagine if instead of
almost everyone will be trapped in and treasured by those who live by it.
vitality of our communities, as well aspiring to indulge our-
their neighborhoods and they will as to our economy. In fact, Dreamers
not get the help that will be needed. selves in whatever we
are a such a critical part of our econo- Dylan Tweney desire, that more of us
Just like Houston, we will be in a ne my that removing them from the
x. San Mateo would contribute to helping
workforce would cause over $433.4 those who are unfortunate.
billion in gross domestic product Imagine if instead of allow-
Raymond DeMattei losses in a decade. Superstorms ing corporate executives to
San Carlos With that in mind, its no surprise accumulate huge bonuses
that theres majority support in our Editor,
With superstorms Sandy, Harvey and salaries at the expense
nation (78 percent) across party of employees and our econ-
and Irma, plus the heat waves here and
San Mateo rents lines, including majority support
res in the Northwest, perhaps were omy that we would demand
from Trump voters, for xing our bro- that all of those who work
Editor, ken immigration system by creating creeping closer to persuading the cli-
According to a friend who is a mem- mate change doubters that human full time earn a living wage
a path to citizenship. Its also just as and are provided with
ber of Faith in Action in Mountain behavior just may be the culprit.
important to protect undocumented decent benets. Imagine that instead of screaming
View, the provisions of that citys For those who believe in science,
immigrants, the Dreamers, who came socialism every time a program is conceived that will
Measure V are now in force. This all the needed data is in. We can
to the United States as young chil- indeed change what we do to this help the needy (and possibly increase taxes), the self-
brings a set of protections to dren.
Mountain View renters very similar to planet to stave off our impending righteous people involved were to develop a little com-
Congress must take immediate bankruptcy (if we actually keep giv- passion and empathy. Imagine that instead of legislators
those contained in the measure that action to permanently protect these
was on the ballot in San Mateo last ing aid to victims) by changing our kowtowing to corporate demands, they would keep the
incredible young people. America is fossil fuelish ways. We can move welfare of our citizens foremost.
year. The passage of Measure V was its most prosperous and strongest
only one of the important advances rapidly to 100 percent renewables Imagine that instead of constantly being overstressed
when we make our communities the now and head off catastrophe. from running the rat race so that there is little time for the
for renters that came out of the fall kind of places where everyone can
election. Citizens Climate Lobby is reaching really important things in life, that more of us would sim-
thrive, contribute and help build our out to Republicans as well as plify our lives so we have more time for such things as
The city of Richmond passed a set nation.
of renter protections similar to those Democrats on a one-to-one basis to community service and education and especially for
in Mountain Views Measure V. Rent save our economy and even our lives family. Imagine that instead of looking to extremely ego-
Georgina Caraher from the worst of this man-made mad- centric and over-hyped celebrities as heroes, more of us
control laws were strengthened in
San Mateo ness. The best part is that well actu- would emulate some truly mindful people who contribute
Berkeley, Oakland and East Palo Alto.
ally save money in the process as something of value to society and the world.
In Berkeley and East Palo Alto, taxes fossil fuels are more expensive than
were passed requiring that large land- Imagine that instead of ravaging the Earth and the envi-
the alternatives now. ronment without thought to the future that more of us
lords pay back a portion of their Artificial turf would resolve to live lightly on the planet. Imagine that
windfall prots to benet the commu-
nity. Editor, Mike Caggiano instead of resorting to armed conict, heads of state would
High and ever escalating rents are a Last weekend, during record-break- San Mateo always work diplomatically to nd satisfactory solutions
problem in San Mateo as much as ing heat, hundreds of people from the to the problems that come between them. Imagine that if
North Central neighborhood of San instead of some people being so obsessed with their reli-
they are in any one of these commu-
nities. In fact, recent articles have Mateo used King Park as a refuge. CASA gious beliefs that they are willing to destroy, at the worst,
Families relaxed on the grass, sought those who dont share their beliefs, or at the least, would
revealed the painful fact that San Editor,
shade under the trees and enjoyed the not feel that they have to cling so tenaciously to their
Mateo rents are the highest of any Thank you for you great article on
open, green space. extreme dogma and myths.
city in the Bay Area. It is time that CASA and those advocates who give
Just a few days later, the City If there was a coming together for a while in the fall
San Mateo returns to the table to nd so much of their time (From trouble
Council voted to replace most of of 2001, most people certainly wasted no time reverting
a way to address a problem that bur- to thriving in the Sept. 2-3 edition
King Parks grass with articial turf. to their self-centered, exploitative ways. Now, in 2017,
dens families and looms over the of the Daily Journal. They are true
Its bad enough that King Pool is things have become even more difcult, especially for
future of the city as a whole. angels. many of those of the middle class. For example, some
open only a handful of days during
the summer, depriving the community Silicon Valley companies like Oracle are laying off staff
Judith Burnham of a valuable recreational option. and some people are losing their homes because of
Anne Goulding
San Mateo Must the council also take away the increasing prices and rents, causing many uncertainties
cool grass as well? San Mateo about the future. Also, consider the cost of a college edu-
cation. Imagine how great it would be if we would resolve
to seriously consider how we can contribute to helping
OUR MISSION: this country truly exemplify liberty and justice for all?
It is the mission of the Daily Journal to be the most
accurate, fair and relevant local news source for After the unprecedented destruction by hurricanes
those who live, work or play on the MidPeninsula. Harvey and Irma (reported to be the most powerful Atlantic
By combining local news and sports coverage, storm on record) we must honor the many people who do
Jerry Lee, Publisher BUSINESS STAFF: analysis and insight with the latest business, all they can to rescue stranded residents and help in so
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the people living life in peace. You may say Im a dream-
Dave Newlands, Production Assistant
er, but Im not the only one. I hope some day youll join
us and the world will be as one. John Lennon,
Letters to the Editor Emailed documents are preferred: Correction Policy
Should be no longer than 250 words. [email protected] The Daily Journal corrects its errors. Imagine.
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10 Wednesday Sept. 13, 2017 BUSINESS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Banks and retailers take stocks to record highs

By Marley Jay $34.48. Companies that pay big
DOW JONES INDUSTRIALS dividends like utilities and real
High: 22,134.57 estate investment trusts didnt do
NEW YORK U.S. stocks rose Low: 22,087.09 as well as the rest of the market, as
to record highs Tuesday as banks Close: 22,118.86 income-seeking investors were
kept rising and retailers climbed Change: +61.49 drawn to bonds.
after some encouraging job data. Stocks were coming off their
It was the second straight day OTHER INDEXES best day since late April. They
for big gains in bank stocks as S&P 500: 2496.48 +8.37 rose Monday as Hurricane Irma
bond yields pushed higher, which NYSE Index: 12,057.13 +46.85 weakened without doing as much
allows banks to charge higher Nasdaq: 6454.28 +22.02 damage as some forecasts had pre-
rates on loans. Retailers rose after NYSE MKT: 2589.56 +13.03 dicted last week. Investors were
the Labor Department said job Russell 2000: 1423.46 +8.64 also relieved that tensions
openings and hiring both grew in between the U.S. and North Korea
Wilshire 5000: 25,910.17 +100.05 didnt get any worse following a
July, and more people quit their
jobs to take new ones. That left 10-Yr Bond: 2.17 +0.04 national holiday there.
investors hopeful people will Oil (per barrel): 48.37 +0.30 DowDuPont, which was formed
shop and spend more. Gold : 1,336.00 +0.30 when two of the worlds largest
Chemicals company chemical companies combined in
DowDuPont climbed after making ness. Just enough growth, just percent, to 6,454.28. report and jumped 8.64 points, or August, made some changes to its
changes to its breakup plans, enough inflation, but not too The S&P 500 finished at a record 0.6 percent, to 1,423.46. breakup plan after pressure from
something activist investors had much of either. Monday and the Dow finished a Bond prices fell. The yield on activist investors. DowDuPont
pushed for. Apples newest The Standard & Poors 500 fraction of a point above the the 10-year Treasury note rose to will ultimately break up into three
iPhones didnt generate much index rose 8.37 points, or 0.3 per- record it set in early August. The 2.16 percent after it jumped to public companies. One will focus
excitement on Wall Street. cent, to 2,496.48. The Dow Jones Nasdaq surpassed the record it set 2.13 percent Monday. That helped on agriculture, one on material
The bond market is moving industrial average gained 61.49 on Sept. 1. banks. Bank of America added 59 science and one on specialty prod-
back to a comfort zone, said Matt points, or 0. 3 percent, to The Russell 2000 index of cents, or 2.5 percent, to $23.95 ucts. Tuesdays changes concern
Toms, the chief investment officer 22,118.86. The Nasdaq composite smaller companies got a bigger while Citizens Financial Group the latter two companies.
for Voya Investment picked up 22.02 points, or 0.3 boost from the job openings gained $1.02, or 3 percent, to DowDuPont gained $1.67, or
Managements fixed income busi- 2.5 percent, to $68.52.

American household income finally topped 1999 peak last year

By Christopher Rugaber 2016 to $59, 039, the Census assistant division chief, cau- said that adjusting for the change 2014 through 2016. Thats the
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Bureau said. The median is the tioned that the census in 2013 in methodology, median income best two-year gain on records dat-
point at which half the house- changed how it asks households still remains below its 1999 ing to 1967, according to ana-
holds fall below and half are about income, making historical peak. Yet she added that the census lysts at the Center on Budget and
WASHINGTON In a stark above. comparisons less than precise. report shows that American Policy Priorities.
reminder of the damage done by Last years figure is slightly Still, the Census data is closely households have made significant Yet that improvement comes
the Great Recession and of the above the previous peak of watched because of its compre- economic progress in 2015 and after a steep recession and a slow
modest recovery that followed, $58,665, reached in 1999. It is hensive nature. It is based on 2016. recovery that left most American
the median American household also the first time since the reces- interviews with 70, 000 house- We are definitely pulling our- households with barely any
only last year finally earned more sion ended in 2009 that the typi- holds and includes detailed data on selves out of the deep hole of the income increases. The lack of
than it did in 1999. cal household earned more than it incomes and poverty across a Great Recession, Gould said on a meaningful raises has left many
Incomes for a typical U. S. did in 2007, when the recession range of demographic groups. conference call with reporters. people feeling left behind eco-
household, adjusted for inflation, began. Elise Gould, a senior economist Median household income rose nomically, a sentiment that fac-
rose 3.2 percent from 2015 to Trudi Renwick, the bureaus at the Economic Policy Institute, $4, 641, or 8. 5 percent, from tored into the 2016 elections.

U.S. updates self-driving car guidelines as more hit the road

By Dee-Ann Durbin test vehicles on the road. ogy or meet stringent require- University of Michigan. We also asking automakers to consider
The new voluntary guidelines ments. Instead, theyre designed want to ensure that the innovation things like cybersecurity, crash
announced by U.S. Transportation to clarify what vehicle developers and the creativity of our country protection, how the vehicle inter-
Secretary Elaine Chao update poli- and states should consider as more remain. acts with occupants and the back-
ANN ARBOR, Mich. The cies issued last fall by the Obama test cars reach public roads. Under Obama administration, up plans if the vehicle encounters
Trump administration on Tuesday administration, which were also We want to make sure those automakers were asked to follow a a problem. They no longer ask
unveiled updated safety guidelines largely voluntary. who are involved understand how 15-point safety assessment before automakers to think about ethics
for self-driving cars aimed at clear- Chao emphasized that the guide- important safety is, Chao said putting test vehicles on the road. or privacy issues or share informa-
ing barriers for automakers and lines arent meant to force during a visit to an autonomous The new guidelines reduce that to a tion beyond crash data, as the pre-
tech companies wanting to get automakers to use certain technol- vehicle testing facility at the 12-point voluntary assessment, vious guidelines did.

Nissan decries incremental Business briefs

change, seeks dramatic jumps
treatment to rival shopping services.
YOKOHAMA, Japan Aiming to get an The appeal filed Monday was not made
edge on its rivals in an intensely competi- public. But Googles argument is expected
tive industry, Japanese automaker Nissan to follow its June blog post in which it
says its attempting to foster a corporate maintained that consumers expect to be
culture that will produce manufacturing taken directly to pages where they can buy
innovations in leaps and bounds instead of products rather than to other online retail-
steady incremental improvement. ers where they may have to repeat searches.
Its discussion of that effort is partly a Google also claimed it faces fierce com-
swipe at bigger competitor Toyota Motor petition from eBay and Amazon. It also
Corp. which for decades has favored the submitted plans in August to give these
concept of kaizen or fine-tuning and bit- rival online shopping services equal treat-
by-bit progress in auto manufacturing. ment to meet a second EU condition.
Kaizen has earned Japanese automakers
good marks for reliability and quality and Florida airports open but
Toyota practically defined it as its way,
emphasizing daily effort by everyone from
cancellations linger after Irma
the lowest assembly worker to the chief Most commercial airports in Florida
executive. But Nissan Motor Co. says it is reopened Tuesday, but activity was limited
implementing novel manufacturing meth- and hundreds of flights were canceled or
ods and has dozens of ideas in its develop- delayed as the state recovered from
ment pipeline. Hurricane Irma.
American Airlines said the storm forced it
Google appeals $2.9 billion to cancel more than 5,000 flights over sev-
eral days, cutting into revenue and profit.
EU fine even as it plans fixes Miami International Airport said that
MOUNTAIN VIEW Google is appeal- some airline and cargo flights had resumed,
ing a $2. 9 billion fine imposed by with the first departure being an American
European Union regulators. Airlines flight to Las Vegas around 7 a.m.
The EU had dinged the search giant for The Federal Aviation Administration said
favoring shopping listings it gets paid for. airports in Fort Lauderdale, West Palm
Googles appeal comes even as it is work- Beach, Orlando, Tampa and Jacksonville
ing to comply with an order to give equal were open.

<<< Page 13, Giants split pair

with Dodgers over 24-hour period
Wednesday Sept. 13, 2017

Indians tie As 20-game win streak; eye new record

By Tom Withers Tuesday night.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Its special. As a kid, you dream about playing in Clevelands streak, which began Aug. 24
front of a lot of fans and the crowd goes nuts. Thats in Boston, is tied for the majors second-
longest in 82 years and the Indians show
CLEVELAND Francisco Lindor what you want. This is for them. Its not for us. no signs of stopping.
skipped through the doorway and into the Its special, Lindor said. As a kid, you
Francisco Lindor, Cleveland shortstop
Indians clubhouse, where the pulsating dream about playing in front of a lot of fans
music was at an ear-splitting level. and the crowd goes nuts. Thats what you
As many of his teammates dressed quickly Its almost unthinkable for a team to win first, playing strong defense and riding want. This is for them. Its not for us.
with another game just 14 hours away, 20 straight games. dominant pitching, the Indians extended Lindor homered leading off the first and
Clevelands star shortstop worked the Usually, that only happens in the movies. their winning streak to 20 and matched the Corey Kluber (16-4) strengthened his Cy
room, exchanging high-fives with anyone Moneyball has its sequel. AL mark held by the 2002 Oakland
he could find. Following a familiar script of scoring Athletics, beating the Detroit Tigers 2-0 on See STREAK, Page 14

Freak show over,

Carlmont holds off M-A
By Nathan Mollat
real fight is here
he freak show of a fight is over,
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF and for that everyone in boxing
should be glad. That Conor
The Menlo-Atherton girls volleyball McGregor managed to make it into the
team had gone 41-1 in Peninsula Athletic 10th round against a retired 40-year-old
League Bay Division play the last three sea- who cant knock real boxers out isnt
son as the Bears have won three straight much to celebrate, unless youre
league titles and appeared in two state cham- McGregors accountant.
pionship matches. Yes, McGregor and Floyd Mayweather
But that was then. This is now. Jr. captured the nations attention with a
Theyve beaten us a million times minus spectacle that played out pretty much
one, said Carlmont coach Chris Crader, how most boxing experts predicted. It
adding his team handed the Bears their only made for a grand time in living rooms
league loss during their run two years ago. I across the country, providing some enter-
try not to expect things. We talked tainment in tense times for about 50 mil-
[Monday] about how we dont have to play lion people.
last years M-A team. We have to play this Now comes the real
years M-A team. fight and what a
This years M-A team despite a new fight it will be.
coach, a slew of new players rotating into Canelo Alvarez
the lineup, injuries and a 2-6 preseason against Gennady
mark still had plenty to give Carlmont Golovkin is as good
everything it wanted. The Bears led 2 games as it gets in the Sweet
to 1 before the Scots won Game 4 and Game Science, a sport that is
5 to pull out a thrilling 25-19, 28-30, 18- in the midst of a ren-
25, 25-22, 15-8. aissance of sorts. They
In terms of energy and attitude, its meet Saturday night in
always been there, said M-A coach Jairo TIM a middleweight title
Sierra. This was the rst match where we clash as highly antici-
played this hard. DAHLBERG pated by boxing
Its obvious the Bears arent going to purists as was
give up their title that easily and the Scots McGregors challenge of Mayweather to
learned nothing will be handed to them. UFC fans.
After holding off M-A late in Game 4, Two fighters who both rank high on
Carlmont dropped two of the rst three anyones pound-for-pound list. One loss
points of the fth set which is only between them, with Golovkins three
played to 15 points. But M-As inability to middleweight belts on the line.
handle the service receive from the Scots, And unlike Mayweather, they knock
resulted in back-to-back loose passes that people out.
drifted over the net right into the wheel- It is not a fight, Golovkin said. It is
house of Carlmont hitter Maya McClellan, a war.
who did not miss either. She hammered Whatever you call it, it shapes up as
down both attacks to give Carlmont a 3-2 the most anticipated fight of the year in
lead, one which the Scots would not relin- boxing. Its not too much of a stretch to
quish. say it might be the best middleweight
Leading 6-4, Carlmont got kills from clash since Marvelous Marvin Hagler and
Maya McClellan and Alisha Mitha, and a M- Tommy Hearns engaged in their three-
A hitting error pushed the Scots lead to 8-4. round classic more than 30 years ago.
Up 9-6, the Scots nished with a ourish, Styles really do make fights, and these
winning six of the nal eight points to lock are two fighters with explosive styles.
up the victory. Were both going to fight a fight
Maya McClellan and younger sister NATHAN MOLLAT/DAILY JOURNAL where anybody can win by knockout,
Carlmonts Catherine Dahlberg, right, goes up high to tip a ball over the M-A block during the
See SCOTS, Page 14 Scots five-set win over the Bears in the Bay Division opener for both teams. See DAHLBERG, Page 16

May be the end of NASCAR road for Patrick

By Jenna Fryer The statement came short- sponsorship for three of its four cars, includ- closed the post by writing: I have the utmost
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ly after Smithfield Foods ing the No. 10 Ford driven by Patrick. faith in myself and those around me, and feel
said it will leave Richard It has been my honor to drive for Tony confident about my future.
Petty Motorsports to Stewart, Gene Haas and everyone at Stewart- Patrick has launched a clothing line, has a
CHARLOTTE, N.C. Danica Patrick, the become a primary spon-
only female driver at NASCARs top level, is Haas Racing for the past six seasons, Patrick book coming out next year and has made a
sor at Stewart-Haas next wrote. Sponsorship plays a vital role in our huge transition into promoting a healthy and
likely at the end of her driving career after a year.
sponsorship shake-up left her without a ride at sport, and I have been very fortunate over the fit lifestyle. It has her positioned for a second
The news is a blow to course of my career, but this year threw us for career at the age of 35 if she chooses. Shes
Stewart-Haas Racing. RPM, which is also los- a curve. also in a long-term relationship with fellow
Patrick posted a statement on her Facebook Danica Patrick ing driver Aric Almirola. driver Ricky Stenhouse Jr., who will make his
page Tuesday saying her time with Stewart- But it also forced changes Patrick, whose participation in NASCAR debut in the playoffs this weekend.
Haas had come to an end due to a new spon- at Stewart-Haas, which has struggled with has always been polarizing given the atten-
sorship arrangement for the team next season. tion she receives despite her lack of success, See NASCAR, Page 16
12 Wednesday Sept. 13, 2017 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Local sports roundup Notre Dame-Belmont 3, Notre Dame-SJ 0
The Tigers absolutely dominated the Regents in a battle of
Notre Dame schools, posting a 25-9, 25-11, 25-9 victory.
Kendall Peters and Abby Miller led the way for Belmont (2-0
Florida football
Girls tennis
Carlmont 4, San Mateo 3
The Scots provided the first big upset of the PAL tennis season
as they knocked off a Bearcats squad that finished in second in the
Bay Division and beat the Scots three times in 2016.
WBAL Foothill, 8-3 overall), as they both finished with 12 kills.
Right behind them was Kelly Schnackel, who finished with 11
kills. Krissy Smoot served up five of the Tigers eight aces while
also adding 23 assists. Delaney Walsh and Peters tied for team-
high honors in digs, finishing with nine apiece.
gets go-ahead
The final score was determined at No. 2 doubles, where
Carlmonts Saanika Joshi and Lily Gittoes pulled out a 7-5, 4-6, Aragon 3, Half Moon Bay 0 Amid the misery in Florida caused by Hurricane Irma, the state
6-1 over San Mateos Mahak Bindal and Emily McHugh. The Dons buzzed through the Cougars in the Game 1 on their still has places to play.
Annika Lin picked up her second win at No. 1 singles in as way to a sweep in the Peninsula Athletic League Bay Division The Jacksonville Jaguars were the latest to announce they will
many league matches for Carlmont (2-0 PAL Bay), downing San opener, 25-8, 25-16, 25-22. play at home this weekend.
Mateos Grace Wang 6-1, 6-1. Riley Donovan paced the Half Moon Bay attack, finishing Team president Mark Lamping and Jacksonville Mayor Lenny
It was the first of three singles wins for the Scots. Also win- with seven kills. Alex Hosilyk had 12 digs and Ashley Sheehy Curry delivered the news at a local fire station Tuesday, just hours
ning were Sakina Bambot 7-5, 6-2 at No. 2 singles and Alyssa added a pair of service aces. after the team returned home following an extended stay in
Nguyen at No. 4 singles, 6-1, 6-3. Houston because of Irma.
The wins for San Mateo (0-1, 4-1) came from the No. 1 doubles Terra Nova 3, San Mateo 1 Its so important on so many different levels that we show the
team of Aida Lowe and Lauren Young, who improved to 5-0 on the The Bearcats opened league play by winning the first set of its world that Jacksonville is open for business, Lamping said.
season with a 6-2, 6-2 win. Jeevika Adda and Nicole Hong won at season opener against the Tigers, but Terra Nova rallied to win the The Jaguars spent three nights in Houston because of the hur-
No. 3 doubles, 7-6 (5), 6-3. Tessa Chou gave the Bearcats their match, 18-25, 25-18, 25-16, 25-21. ricane.
lone singles win, posting a 6-0, 6-7 (7), (10-5) win at No. 3 sin- Lamping said EverBank Field in Jacksonville passed its final
gles. Girls water polo NFL inspection Tuesday to gain clearance to host a game.
Notre Dame-Belmont 19, Mercy-Burlingame 4 Stadiums in Tampa Bay and Miami also were declared safe after
Menlo-Atherton 7, Burlingame 0 The Tigers swamped the Crusaders in a PAL Ocean Division structural engineers found no damage related to Irma.
Facing their first test of the PAL Bay Division season, the game at Serra. The Tampa Bay Buccaneers will host the Chicago Bears as
Bears passed with flying colors by dominating the Panthers. Michelle Kleytman and Isa Mack each scored four times to pace scheduled Sunday at Raymond James Stadium. It will serve as the
M-A (2-0 PAL Bay) won all seven matches in straight sets. the attack for NDB (3-0 PAL Ocean, 3-0 overall). Tigers goal- Bucs season opener.
In a matchup of two of the best two singles players in the tender Lauren Alvarez finished with four saves. Hosting the game is important to us, as Tampa Bay has been
league, M-A Lanie Van Linge posted a 6-4, 6-4 win over Halle through a lot over the past few days, Buccaneers CEO Brian Ford
Martinucci at No. 1 singles. Sarah Marks at No. 4 singles, and the Half Moon Bay 15, San Mateo 7 said. The Bucs game last Sunday at Miami was postponed until
No. 3 doubles pair of Charlie Smith and Nia Zisman each lost The Cougars dominated the first half on its way to an PAL Nov. 19 because of the storm.
only one game in their matches. Marks won 6-0, 6-1, while Ocean Division win over the Bearcats. In college football, No. 22 South Florida was to resume prac-
Smith Zisman reversed those scores, 6-1, 6-0. Half Moon Bay led 12-1 at halftime and cruised home with the tice Tuesday and will play host to Illinois on Friday, also at
victory. Raymond James. USF athletic director Mark Harlan said the Bulls
Aragon 7, Mills 0 determined their game could be safely played as scheduled without
After a tough loss to Carlmont to open league play, the Dons Girls golf hurting recovery efforts.
rebounded with an easy win over the Vikings. No. 23 Tennessee and 24th-ranked Florida will play as sched-
Aragon (1-1 PAL Bay) dropped only one set in sweeping Mills Notre Dame-Belmont 245, Notre Dame-SJ 245
Somehow, some way, the Tigers and Regents finished in a uled Saturday in Gainesville. Florida Field sustained only minor
(0-2). Melinda Ma, playing at No. 3 singles for the Dons, need- storm damage to signage.
ed three sets to get past Athena Barton, 6-3, 3-6, 6-4. WBAL tie at Poplar Creek.
NDSJs Katelyn Yu took home low-medalist honors, finishing Florida (0-1) canceled its home opener last week against
Mavis Ibasco, playing at No. 4 singles, was the first player off Northern Colorado because of the hurricane.
the court, winning her match 6-1, 6-2. The No. 1 doubles team of with as 43. NDBs Avani Tumuluri was right behind, shooting a
45. Florida Atlantic targeted a Wednesday return to its campus in
Keertana Namuduri and Yasmina Malouf dropped only three Boca Raton and hopes to play its scheduled home game Saturday
games in a 6-1, 6-2 win. against Bethune-Cookman.
South City 228, Half Moon Bay 251
Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens was determined to be safe
Girls volleyball The Warriors improved to 2-1 in PAL Ocean Division when
for the Hurricanes, who are scheduled to play the next game there
they beat the Cougars at Mariners Point.
Sacred Heart Prep 3, Mercy-Burlingame 0 South City won the meeting despite being without its best Sept. 23 against Toledo, and for the Dolphins.
The Crusaders dropped to 0-2 in West Bay Athletic League player, Catherine Batang, who had to withdraw because of a nose After thorough inspection by engineers, it has been deemed
Foothill Division play after losing their second match in as bleed. that Hard Rock Stadium experienced no structural damage from
many days, this time to the Gators. Shaheen Khan stepped up with a big round, taking low-score Irma, Dolphins president Tom Garfinkel tweeted. We are good
SHP posted a 25-12, 25-14, 25-17 victory. honors with a 38. Franchesca Buendia added a 43 for the Warriors to go with CanesFootball on the 23rd!
Cate Desler finished with 17 kills and four aces for SHP (1-0 and Veronica Munoz, in the No. 6 spot, came in with a 46. The Dolphins first game at the stadium will be Oct. 8. Their
WBAL Foothill, 14-3 overall). Elena Radeff and Alexa Bartlett Mallory Hamilton led Half Moon Bay, shooting a 41. Mitzi season opener scheduled at home this past Sunday was postponed
combined to finish with 16 kills. Caroline Caruso dug up 12 balls Hernandez was the only other Cougar to finish with a sub-50 until November because of the storm.
from her libero position. round, firing a 48. Engineers inspected the stadium canopy that was part of a
recent $500 million renovation and found no issues, despite fears
of a tornado in the area spawned by Irma.
The Dolphins practice complex has also been declared safe and
will be available when the team returns from this weeks stay in
California for Sundays game against the Los Angeles Chargers,
Garfinkel said.
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THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Wednesday Sept. 13, 2017 13
Red Sox roll past Oakland
By Kyle Hightower
Red Sox 11, As 1
Boston blew the game open with a five-run second
BOSTON Mookie Betts cant pinpoint exactly what inning, getting RBI singles from Xander Bogaerts,
has changed about his swing lately. The Red Sox right field- Christian Vazquez and Dustin Pedroia before Betts cleared
er just knows its starting to feel pretty good. the bases with his triple.
Betts hit two home runs and a two-run triple, and Boston Offensively a very good night, particularly with the
rolled past the Oakland Athletics 11-1 on Tuesday night. number of hits we took the other way, manager John
The Red Sox, winners of five of their last six, pushed Farrell said. Thats always a positive sign for us.
KELLEY L. COX/USA TODAY SPORTS their American League East lead back to four games over the
Members of the San Francisco Giants grounds crew pulls the Yankees following New Yorks loss to 2-1 loss to Tampa 20-20 club
tarp off the field following a nearly four-hour rain delay Bay.
Monday night. The Giants and Dodgers started game shortly Betts went 3 for 5 with six RBIs. Hes driven in three runs Betts now has 21 home runs on the season, and is the first
before 11 p.m. and finished just after 2 a.m.Tuesday morning. or more in a team-high 11 games. Red Sox player ever to hit 20 homers and steal 20 bases in
I think this is the most consistent Ive been, he said. back-to-back years. The only other Red Sox hitter with two

Giants hand L.A. This is the time where things are a little more magnified such seasons is Jackie Jensen in 1954 and 1959.
due to the playoff race. If I am more relaxed, then thats
Cold bats
The loss snapped a five-game win streak for the As, who The As had three or fewer hits for the 12th time, tied with

historic loss early scored 41 runs in a four-game sweep of the AL West-leading

Houston Astros. They managed just one run and one hit off
Eduardo Rodriguez (5-5), who struck out nine over six
the Chicago Cubs for the most such games in the majors
this season.

Leaping grab

Tuesday morning
In his second career start at Fenway Park, Sean Manaea
(10-10) was pulled after giving up seven earned runs on 11
hits in 3 2/3 innings. Last season, he allowed eight runs
over 2 2/3 innings in Boston.
Jackie Bradley Jr. came up empty in the first when he a
mistimed a jump against the center field fence while trying
to take away a hit from Jed Lowrie, who ended up with an
RBI double.
Just falling behind guys, Manaea said. When I did Bradley made up for it in the fifth when he came down
throw a strike, it was kind of right down the middle. with a leaping grab just in front of the fence on a hard-hit
SAN FRANCISCO The National League-leading The Red Sox scored at least nine runs for the third time in ball by Marcus Semien. Bradley added an RBI double in the
Dodgers lost their 11th straight game for the longest skid four games. bottom of the inning.
since the club moved to Los Angeles, finishing their 8-6
defeat to the San Francisco Giants at 2:10 a.m. local time
Tuesday morning after a pair of rain and lightning delays
late Monday.
Hunter Pence hit a go-ahead single in the sixth for San
Francisco against Pedro Baez (3-5).
Dodgers end skid, beat San Francisco
Following a 42-minute delay ahead of first pitch, Curtis
By Janie McCauley
Dodgers 5, Giants 3
Granderson struck out against Chris Stratton, then the game
Justin Turner hit a key RBI double in the eighth and Chase
immediately entered an even longer delay this time for 2 SAN FRANCISCO Clayton Kershaw pitched NL-leading Utley homered leading off the fourth, splashing into the water
hours, 52 minutes, before resuming at 10:50 p.m. local Los Angeles to its rst win in nearly two weeks, helping the of McCovey Cove beyond the right-eld wall for the rst time
time. Dodgers snap the clubs worst skid since moving West at 11 in his career the 41st ever by an opposing hitter.
The total delay time of 3:34 was more than the game time games by beating the San Francisco Giants 5-3 on Tuesday
of 3:22. Neither team took batting practice on the eld after playing
night. past 2 a.m. because of two delays for lightning and rain
Los Angeles, which has lost 16 of 17 overall, had its lead The Dodgers losing streak was their worst in 25 years, top- Monday.
atop the NL over idle Washington trimmed to 3 1/2 games. ping a pair of 10-gamers in L.A. from 1961 and 92. The 1944
The Dodgers travel to play the Nationals next. Brooklyn team lost 16 straight games. Los Angeles, which won for just the second time in 18
The skid topped a pair of 10-game losing streaks in L.A. Kershaw (17-3) took a share of the major league wins lead games and rst since topping San Diego on Sept. 1, holds a 4
from 1961 and 92. The 1944 Brooklyn team lost 16 with Milwaukees Zach Davies. 1/2-game lead over Washington for best record in the National
straight games. L.A. held a season-best 21-game division Kenley Jansen recorded the nal four outs for his 37th save League after the Nationals lost 8-0 to Atlanta. The teams meet
lead for four days and as recently as Aug. 25, but that has but surrendered three straight singles with one out in the ninth this weekend in D.C.
dwindled to nine games over Arizona. to face a bases-loaded jam. He struck out Buster Posey and Nick Kershaw followed Utleys homer with a double and Corey
An announcement came on the scoreboard during a fourth- Hundley to end it. Catcher Yasmani Grandal pumped his right Seager put the Dodgers ahead on a sacrice y. Yasiel Puigs
inning pitching change: The final BART trains would leave st and Jansen pounded his chest as the Dodgers hustled out of two-run double chased Johnny Cueto, who had intentionally
downtown locations at 12:20 a.m. God Bless America dur- their dugout. walked Cody Bellinger to bring up Puig.
ing the seventh-inning stretch came at 1:25 a.m.
And one devoted or call it crazy kayaker stayed out
in the cove in his craft trying to retrieve baseballs into the
wee hours. A hardy group of loyal fans stayed until the final
Ty Law (4-1) pitched the sixth inning for the win.
Yasiel Puig homered in the fifth and Los Angeles came
back from down 4-0 but couldnt hold it.
Denard Span splashed a two-run homer into McCovey
Cove in the bottom of the first inning against Kenta Maeda.
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McCovey Cove beyond the right-field wall.
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14 Wednesday Sept. 13, 2017 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Theyre now within reach of the Giants
revered 101-year-old mark, which includes a tie
that interrupted 12- and 14-game unbeaten
runs. However, the Elias Sports Bureau, the
Continued from page 1 official statistical custodian for Major League
Baseball, has always regarded the Giants
Young Award case with a five-hitter as stretch as the gold standard because tie games
Cleveland joined the 2002 As, 1935 Chicago were replayed from the start back then.
Cubs (21) and 1916 New York Giants (26) as Cleveland can equal the Cubs 21-game run
the only teams since 1900 to win at least 20 in Wednesday afternoon.
a row. The Indians and As, whose unexpected run to
Its pretty crazy, Kluber said. To go the postseason 15 years ago was re-told in the
almost three weeks without losing a game is film starring Brad Pitt, dont have much in
not something that you ever really expect. common besides their 20-game streaks.
The Progressive Field crowd of 24,654, Oakland was an overachieving squad loaded
hanging on each pitch as though it was with pitching and a roster comprised of low-
October, stood and roared when Kluber sprint- salaried players assembled by a front office
ed to the mound for the ninth. that forced baseball to rethink how it evaluated
Second baseman Jose Ramirez made a sensa- talent. The Indians, on the other hand, have
tional diving stop in short right field to throw spent millions to get better, and have been
out Ian Kinsler for the second out, and after expected to win big.
allowing a double to Alex Presley, Kluber Maybe not at this amazing rate, but after get-
sealed win No. 20 and Clevelands seventh ting to Game 7 in 2016, Cleveland was a
Clevelands Francisco Lindor, left, and Austin Jackson celebrate their teams 20th straight win,
shutout during the streak by getting Miguel favorite to return to the World Series.
which tied a Major League record.
Cabrera on an easy grounder to third. Closing in on their second consecutive AL
Fireworks exploded overhead and the this unlikely streak. Although they insist theyre not focused on Central title, the Indians figured to keep things
Indians lined up single-file the same way they For sure, its something special, Lindor the streak, the Indians are playing as though going with Kluber on the mound, and the right-
have for weeks to celebrate yet another win in said. Its going to be there forever. they dont want it to end. hander continued his own superb stretch.

rst game. After taking a lead early in the tied at 22, there were seven lead changes and ders), Crader said. But at the end, we were
set, M-A (0-1, 2-7) rallied for a 13-9 advan- six ties until the Bears nally won by the tough.
tage before Morgan McClellan stepped to required two points. With their backs against the wall, the
Continued from page 11 the service line. When she was done, the Letvin nished the game with a team-high Scots did a bit of its own soul-searching and
Scots had reeled off 12 unanswered points, 13 kills, six aces and four blocks. rebounded with a tough 25-22 win in Game
with Morgan McClellan supplying six aces Alicia is turning more and more into a 4. The two teams went back and forth before
Morgan McClellan made a formidable hit- and a kill to turn a three-point decit into a captain, Sierra said. She gets big blocks.
ting tandem. Maya, a senior, nished with a the McClellan sisters found their rhythm
21-13 lead. M-A put together a last-minute She has everything. again. Maya McClellan nished the set with
match-high 26 kills, 11 digs and two run, closing to 22-17, but a pair of kills Lauren Heller added nine kills for the
blocks. Morgan, a sophomore, had a terric six kills, while Morgan McClellan added
from Maya McClellan and Bears hitting Bears, while Rachel Park pumped out 22 three kills and another ace.
all-around match. She had 13 kills, nine error gave the Scots Game 1. assists and Mariah Grover added 19 more.
aces, seven digs and two blocks. Catherine The Scots again led for a majority of the
The two teams stayed within a few points Nicole Kang had a huge game defensively,
Dalhberg, a sophomore, also had a strong set, but again the Bears rallied and forced
of each other to start the Game 2, before digging up 30 balls.
match, nishing with eight kills and seven them to sweat out the set win and ultimately
Carlmont used a 10-2 run to take an 18-12 That shocking loss in Game 2 appeared to
blocks, while Annika Nambiar nished with the match.
lead. weigh on the Scots in Game 3. Once again,
12 digs in her rst-ever match playing at Carlmont got out to an early lead, 8-3, but I think weve earned the right to be con-
But the Bears dug deep. Thanks to tremen-
libero, or defensive specialist. couldnt hold on as M-A put together a dent this year, Crader said, referencing
dous all-around game from opposite hitter
At the start of the season, we didnt have Alicia Letvin, M-A not only got back into strong run to close out the set, winning 17 some big non-league wins, none bigger
any girls who played (libero), Crader said. the match, the Bears ended up winning it in of the nal 24 points of the game to post a than knocking off national power Mitty.
Carlmont (1-0 PAL Bay, 8-1 overall) overtime, 30-28. Letvin nished the set 25-18 win. Its difcult when we cant nd it, but
grabbed hold of the early momentum in the with six kills and three aces. With the score We were a little slump-y (in the shoul- credit to us for rediscovering it.

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THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Wednesday Sept. 13, 2017 15
Lakers to retire both WEDNESDAY
Boys' water polo
East Division
W L Pct GB
East Division
W L Pct GB

Kobe Bryants jerseys

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS (33,643), games played (1,346), 3-
Menlo School at Carlmont, Half Moon Bay at
Burlingame Menlo-Atheton at Woodside, 5 p.m.;
Serra at Sacred Heart Prep, 6:30 p.m.

Girls' water polo

Menlo School at Carlmont, Castilleja at Aragon, Se-
New York
Philadelphia 55
.472 20
.455 22 1/2
.438 25
.382 33
New York
Tampa Bay 72

Central Division

11 1/2
14 1/2
quoia at Burlingame, Menlo-Atherton at Woodside, Central Division
pointers (1,827), steals (1,944) 4 p.m.; Gunn at Sacred Heart Prep, 4:30 p.m. Chicago 78 66 .542 Cleveland 89 56 .614
and free throws (8,378), among St. Louis 76 68 .528 2 Minnesota 75 69 .521 13 1/2
LOS ANGELES One retired jer- THURSDAY Kansas City 72 72 .500 16 1/2
countless superlatives. Milwaukee 76 69 .524 2 1/2
sey number just isnt enough for Girls' volleyball Pittsburgh 68 78 .466 11 Detroit 60 84 .417 28 1/2
Kobe Bryant and the Los Angeles Bryant is the third-leading scorer Kehillah Jewish at Nueva School, 4 p.m.; Capuchino Chicago 57 87 .396 31 1/2
at Hillsdale, Mills at El Camino, Jefferson at Sequoia, Cincinnati 62 83 .428 16 1/2
Lakers. West Division
in NBA history after becoming the Westmoor at South City, Menlo-Atherton at Terra West Division
Houston 87 57 .604
Nova, Alma Height at Summit Prep, 5:15 p.m.; Menlo Los Angeles 93 52 .641
The Lakers will retire Bryants first player to spend at least 20 sea- School at Mercy-SF, 5:45 p.m.; Carlmont at Half Moon Los Angeles 73 71 .507 14
Bay, Burlingame at Aragon,Woodside at San Mateo, Arizona 83 62 .572 10
No. 8 and No. 24 in a ceremony sons with one franchise. He retired 6:15 p.m.; Harker vs. Sacred Heart Prep at Speiker Colorado 80 65 .552 13 Texas 72 72 .500 15
Dec. 18 during their game against in 2016 with a bravura 60-point Pavilion, Summit Shasta at Design Tech, 6:30 p.m. San Diego 65 80 .448 28 Seattle 72 73 .497 15 1/2
As 63 81 .438 24
Golden State, the franchise performance in his farewell game Girls' tennis
Giants 57 90 .388 37
x-clinched division
announced Tuesday. against Utah. Aragon at Burlingame, Hillsdale at Mills, Menlo- Tuesdays Games
Tuesdays Games
Atherton at Carlmont, San Mateo at Half Moon Bay, Kansas City 4, Chicago White Sox 3
Bryant wore No. 8 from 1996 to As a kid growing up in Italy, I Capuchino at Oceana, South City at Terra Nova, Atlanta 8, Washington 0
Toronto 3, Baltimore 2
2006, when he switched to No. 24 always dreamed of my jersey hang- Westmoor vs. El Camino at South City,Woodside at Philadelphia 9, Miami 8, 15 innings
Sequoia, 4 p.m. Boston 11, Oakland 1
Milwaukee 5, Pittsburgh 2 Cleveland 2, Detroit 0
for the remainder of a 20-year career ing in the Lakers rafters, but I cer- Chicago Cubs 8, N.Y. Mets 3 Tampa Bay 2, N.Y. Yankees 1
spent entirely with the Lakers. He tainly never imagined two of Girls' water plo Minnesota 16, San Diego 0 Seattle 10, Texas 3
San Mateo at Mills, 5 p.m.; Hillsdale at Capuchino, St. Louis 13, Cincinnati 4
will be the 10th player honored by them, Bryant said in a statement. Half Moon Bay vs. Notre Dame-Belmont at Serra, 6 Minnesota 16, San Diego 0
p.m.; Terra Nova vs. Mercy-Burlingame at Serra, 8 Colorado 4, Arizona 2 Houston 1, L.A. Angels 0
the Lakers with a retired number The Lakers have bestowed a huge p.m. L.A. Dodgers 5, San Francisco 3 Wednesdays Games
hung high on the Staples Center honor on me, and Im grateful for Wednesdays Games Detroit (Farmer 4-2) at Cleveland (Clevinger 9-5),9:10 a.m.
wall, but the first in NBA history to the fans enthusiasm around this Boys' water polo Atlanta (Teheran 10-11) at Wash.(Roark 12-9),4:05 p.m. ankees (Garcia 5-9) vs. Tampa (Archer 9-9) at Citi
San Mateo at Mills, Aragon at Capuchino, 4 p.m.; Pri- Miami (Straily 9-8) at Philly (Nola 10-10), 4:05 p.m. Field, 10:10 a.m.
have two numbers retired by the game. ory vs. Sequoia at Capuchino, 5 p.m. N.Y. Mets (Lugo 6-4) at Cubs (Lester 10-7), 5:05 p.m. White Sox (Giolito 2-2) at K.C.(Kennedy 4-11),11:15 a.m.
same team. Bryant scored almost exactly as Pitt (Williams 6-8) at Milwaukee (Garza 6-9),5:10 p.m. Baltimore(Bundy13-9)atToronto(Stroman11-7),4:07p.m.
Kobes jerseys are taking their FRIDAY S.D.(Lamet 7-7) at Minnesota (Santana 15-7),5:10 p.m. As (Cotton 7-10) at Boston (Fister 5-7), 4:10 p.m.
many points in his No. 8 jersey Football Cincy (Mahle 0-2) at St. Louis (Weaver 5-1), 5:15 p.m. Seattle (Leake 9-12) at Texas (Perez 12-10), 5:05 p.m.
rightful home next to the greatest (16,777) as he did while wearing Sacred Heart Prep at McClymonds-Oakland, Aragon Colorado(Marquez10-6)atArizona(Corbin13-12),6:40p.m. S.D.(Lamet 7-7) at Minnesota (Santana 15-7),5:10 p.m.
Lakers of all time, Lakers owner at Palo Alto, Menlo-Atherton at Los Gatos,Terra Nova Dodgers (Darvish 8-12) at Giants (Cueto 7-7),7:15 p.m.
No. 24 (16,866). He returned to his at Homestead, El Capitan-Merced at King' Academy, Houston (McCullers 7-3) at Angels (Skaggs 1-5),7:07 p.m.
Jeanie Buss said. There was never high school jersey numbers mid- Jefferson at Soquel, 7 p.m.; Mission at San Mateo,
7:15 p.m.; Yerba Buena at Mills, South City at
any doubt this day would come. The
only question was when. Once
way through his career in an Burlingame, Half Moon Bay at El Camino, Capuchino
at Hillsdale, Woodside at Christopher-Gilroy, 7:30
attempt at a fresh start following p.m.
again, Lakers fans will celebrate our allegations of sexual assault lev- NFL to the practice squad.
hero, and once again, our foes will Girls' volleyball ARIZONA CARDINALS Placed RB David John-
eled against him three years earlier, son on injured reserve. Released OT Ulrick John. CHICAGO BEARS Placed WR Kevin White and
Nueva School at Castilleja, 5:30 p.m.
envy the legendary Kobe Bryant. causing him to lose numerous Re-signed RB Chris Johnson. Signed RB D.J. Foster LB Jerrell Freeman on injured reserve. Released WR
The five-time NBA champion and sponsorship deals even after the SATURDAY from New Englands practice squad. Rueben Randle from injured reserve. Signed WR
Football BUFFALO BILLS Released CB Greg Mabin. Re- Tanner Gentry and LB Jonathan Anderson from
18-time All-Star selection is the case was dropped by Colorado leased WR Daikiel Shorts from the practice squad. the practice squad and RB Joshua Rounds and WR
Palma at Menlo School, 1 p.m.; College of San Mateo
Lakers franchise leader in points authorities. at Fresno, 6 p.m. Signed LB Jelani Jenkins. Signed WR Malachi Dupre Mario Alford to the practice squad.

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16 Wednesday Sept. 13, 2017 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Sports brief Madison Square Garden during a Feb. 8 game.

to announce the full details of the program,
we look forward to this new endeavor while The lawsuit filed Tuesday seeks unspecified
remaining focused on the upcoming play- damages. A Knicks spokesman did not immedi-
offs and putting forth the best effort possi- Charles Oakley sues Knicks ately comment.
Continued from page 11
ble to win more races and contend for anoth- owners, claiming defamation The lawsuit says Knicks owner James Dolan
er championship. constantly disrespected Oakley, refusing to
Sponsorship dollars have been hard to NEW YORK Former New York Knicks star make eye contact or shake his hand during meet-
Both Harvick and Busch will represent Charles Oakley has sued the teams owners, say-
come by for a number of drivers and teams. ings and making him pay for his own tickets to
SHR in the 10-race playoffs that begin ing he was defamed when they claimed he com-
Smithfields decision leaves Pettys team in games.
Sunday at Chicagoland Speedway. mitted assault and was an alcoholic.
need of a sponsor, and Almirola is looking Oakley was a Knicks fan favorite from 1988
for a ride. Now that Patrick has confirmed shes out
at SHR, the team could choose to downsize The lawsuit details how Oakley was treated to 1998. He was accused of striking a security
But the bigger changes are clearly under- before and after he was forcefully removed from guard during the February fracas.
way at SHR, which didnt reveal where to three cars, or pursue Almirola, Matt
Smithfield will be in the organization in Kenseth, Kasey Kahne or any other avail- Im going to do my part to make it memo-
Details of the agreement, including the
driver who will be added to SHRs Monster
able driver. The team could be in the market
to replace just Patrick, or both Patrick and
Continued from page 11
rable so I can go down in history as one of
the best fighters, Alvarez said.
Alvarez is already a superstar in his native
Energy NASCAR Cup Series lineup in 2018, Patrick has driven for Stewart-Haas Mexico, the most celebrated boxer in a box-
will be provided at a later date, SHR said in Racing her entire Cup career. She has seven ing-mad country. He does beer commercials
a statement. top-10 finishes in 180 career starts and is Alvarez said. We both have the power to win
with Sylvester Stallone and has been a steady
That means Smithfield could end up on the currently 28th in the standings, the lowest by knockout. But thats what makes for a
pay-per-view draw, with his 2013 loss to
car Patrick has driven. Clint Bowyer and in her Cup career. great fight.
Mayweather checking in as the fourth most
Kurt Busch both need sponsorship on their That the fight comes only three weeks after
Still, she won the pole for the 2013 watched pay-per-view of all time.
cars, too. Busch, the Daytona 500 winner, McGregor and Mayweather persuaded more
Daytona 500, won an IndyCar race in 2008, Now the charismatic redhead is a full-
does not have a deal with SHR for next sea- than 4 million house-
is the highest finishing female driver in fledged middleweight, after waiting nearly
son. holds to buy their pay-
Indianapolis 500 history with a third-place two years to agree to meet Golovkin while he
Smithfield has activated heavily and suc- per-view is not fault of
run in 2009 and is the only woman to lead moved up from 154 pounds. Hell need to
cessfully within the sport, and were hon- the fighters or their pro-
laps in both the Indy 500 and the Daytona bring the power that has gotten him 34
ored to be a part of the brands forward ini- moters. The fight was
500. Patrick is the only woman to win a knockouts against Golovkin, a former ama-
tiatives and strategy, SHR team President announced in May, before
Cup pole and those top-10 finishes are the teur star from Kazakhstan now living in Los
Brett Frood said. Although were not ready Mayweather-McGregor
most of any female Cup driver. Angeles who has knocked out 33 opponents
was finalized.
Oscar De La Hoya, who in winning all 37 of his pro fights.
promotes Alvarez, made The fight is a rarity in boxing, two stars in
Saul Canelo no secret of his disdain their prime meeting in a fight that will likely
Alvarez for the Mayweather- define both their careers. Its a huge risk for
McGregor fight, sending both, but the rewards should be good, too,
out an obscene tweet just with purses north of $10 million.
before the event, claiming Golovkin is making his 19th title defense,
both were disrespecting one off the record of 20 in the middleweight
boxing. division set by Bernard Hopkins. He has
But viewers seemed gen- done it fighting everywhere but in the box-
erally satisfied with the ing capital of the world, where he will make
money they spent on his debut against Alvarez at Las Vegas new T-
Mayweather-McGregor, Mobile Arena.
and boxing fans will open
Gennady GGG their wallets for this bout. The fight is a showcase of all thats good
Golovkin It wont sell as much as about boxing, a sport that is enjoying a good
the most recent fight, but run in recent months. Its the best against the
it still figures to do huge pay-per-view num- best in their prime in a fight fans have been
bers, particularly among Mexican-American clamoring to see.
fans of Alvarez. And there will be no excuses no matter
It should be money well spent. which way it goes.
THE DAILY JOURNAL FOOD Wednesday Sept. 13, 2017 17

Five-ingredient chicken wings

are a crowd-pleasing dinner
By Sara Moulton of lime just the thing to brighten up the

At the end of a long fall day after deal- FIVE-INGREDIENT

ing with all the seasonal demands of work MEXICAN-STYLE CHICKEN WINGS
and school you dont want making din-
ner to be a big deal. Whats called for is Start to finish: 1 hour (20 active)
something thats idiot-proof and crowd- Servings: 4 to 6
pleasing. 1/2 cup mayonnaise
This recipe for five-ingredient Mexican- 1 1/2 teaspoons minced garlic
style chicken wings presents us with 1 tablespoon minced chipotle in adobo
everything that makes chicken delicious 12 chicken wing drumettes or 6 whole
skin, bones and meat in miniature form. chicken wings, cut into joints
And the best part for the home cook is that 1 1/2 cups finely crushed tortilla chips
they require no cutting up or detailed prepa- Lime wedges for garnish
ration. Season them, toss them in the oven Preheat oven to 400 F. Place a rack inside
and youre done. a rimmed sheet pan.
Whole chicken wings consist of three In a medium bowl combine the mayon-
segments: The plump part is called the naise, garlic, chipotle and 1 tablespoon
drumette (because it is a smaller version of water. Add the chicken wings and toss them
the birds drumstick). The skinny segment so that they are coated well on all sides.
is called the flat. And the small aerodynam- Roll them in the tortilla chips, making sure
ic part attached to the end of the flat is they are well coated on all sides and trans-
called the wing tip. Ideally, youll pick up a fer them to the rack on the sheet pan.
package of drumettes at the store and call it Bake the wings on the middle shelf of the
a day. But dealing with whole wings is oven for 30 to 35 minutes or until they are
hardly a heavy lift. Just cut through the This recipe for five-ingredient Mexican-style chicken wings presents us with everything that golden brown and cooked through. Let
joint that connects the segments to sever makes chicken delicious skin, bones and meat in miniature form. stand for 5 minutes. Transfer to plates and
the drumette from the flat. Then snip off the serve with lime wedges.
crushed tortilla chips. If youre scared by calories by using low-fat mayo and oven-
wing tips. (These you can toss or save to Nutrition information per serving: 323
the amount of chipotle, just add less of it baked tortilla chips. But do make sure the
use in a stock.) calories; 208 calories from fat; 23 g fat (5
although, trust me, the rest of the recipes tortilla chips are seasoned. If they arent,
Here Ive gussied up the wings with some g saturated; 0 g trans fats); 87 mg choles-
ingredients tend to tamp down the heat. mix them with a little salt after youve
Mexican ingredients, starting with chipo- terol; 332 mg sodium; 13 g carbohydrate; 1
And you can reduce the total number of crushed them. The finishing touch? A spritz
tle-flavored garlic mayo and ending with g fiber; 0 g sugar; 14 g protein.


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18 Wednesday Sept. 13, 2017 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

had several questions about the schools trial zone surrounding the site, citing the

Rocketship community is deeply disap-
pointed by the councils decision to deny plans to manage congestion during student steady loss of industrial zones in nearby
the opportunity to build the school, but that drop-off and pick-up times. She wasnt con- areas.
the organization respects the decision and vinced the schools proximity to its current As a resident of the neighborhood,
Continued from page 1 will move forward. population would mean fewer parents are Councilwoman Janet Borgens highlighted
Just as our families continue to advocate driving their children to school, even with the number of schools already located in the
and tractor-trailers, Tanner has opposed the for their school, we will not stop fighting the staggered start times, shuttles and car- area, such as Taft Community School,
project for months. for our families and we are fully committed pools school officials said would mitigate Hoover Elementary School and Summit
Were here tonight not to talk about the to supporting Rocketship Redwood City congestion. Preparatory Charter High School. She advo-
school itself, its about the location where Prep, she said. Im struggling with how you would cated for more students to be added to exist-
the schools proposed, he said, according expect over 200 students to not take cars ing schools, where facilities were better
Mayra Torrez, a parent of two students
to video of the meeting. and share vehicles to get to school because equipped for students.
attending Rocketship schools, cited the
Though Tanners appeal drew support a mile and a half for a young child is a long
importance of having a school nearby the We are a neighborhood of schools, so
from several other business owners, resi- walk, she said.
communities where students live. Having its not that this neighborhood doesnt
dents and ultimately councilmembers con-
grown up in Redwood City, she was frustrat- Christina Bauer, who runs a plumbing have a school, she said.
cerned about the site chosen for the project,
ed with the slow speed of the planning wholesale company near the project site, Mayor John Seybert said a new
hundreds of project supporters filled
process for a much-needed school facility. said her customers and those delivering Rocketship facility would be welcome in
Redwood City Hall Monday. Many of them
I want a school in our community, she products to her location at 820 Willow St. Redwood City with a more appropriate loca-
were students and parents advocating for
said at the meeting. Why do we have to frequently drive trucks in and out of her tion, but added he wasnt ready to take the
new facilities for the charter school, which
push our children to other communities business driveway. risk of mixing the type of traffic the neigh-
currently shares facilities with John F.
Kennedy Middle School at 2521 Goodwin when we have our own? Its an industrial area, theres lots of borhood currently experiences with the traf-
Ave. Though school officials confirmed 80 trucks coming in and out and safety is my fic that accompanies schools.
Marie Gil, Rocketships Bay Area region- percent of the schools current population number one concern, she said. The reality is that the quality and the
al director, said in an email that the entire would live within a mile and a half of the Howard also expressed concern about the type of traffic in this area is not conducive
project site, Councilwoman Diane Howard compatibility of the project with the indus- to school children, he said.

to promote an interim chief from within the our board, and I love seeing the joy and school, such as creativity, critical think-

Continued from page 1
With an election approaching in the fall,
trustees agreed they would hold off on
wonder on our students faces as they learn
and discover in our classrooms. I am eager
to get started and work with our outstanding
ing, collaboration, communication and cit-
izenship, she said.
Looking ahead, Bergeron called on mem-
beginning a more comprehensive search for team. bers of the district community to help offi-
Bakers permanent replacement until the While she works as the district chief, cials identify leadership characteristics
Board President Nicole Bergeron praised new board is formed. A district press release Doerpinghaus position will be filled by they might find valuable in the permanent
Doerpinghaus in a prepared statement suggests the search will begin in December. Allison Liner, principal of White Oaks replacement.
released Tuesday, Sept. 12, following a Elementary School, along with administra-
closed session meeting designed to approve Doerpinghaus served as assistant superin- I encourage the community to follow dis-
tendent of educational services in San tive support. Once the permanent superin- trict news, attend school board meetings
the successor to Baker, who announced his tendent has been named, Doerpinghaus will
departure in July. Carlos since 2013, following her work as and stay involved during this time of
the director of educational services and also have an opportunity to return to her previ- change in our district, she said. The voice
Our staff expressed the desire for a leader ous position.
who understood our districts goals and ini- special education. of our community, which supports our
Bergeron said officials agreed schools so strongly, is critical as we choose
tiatives, and would be able to maintain the She came to the district in 2008, and pre- Doerpinghaus was the right fit for the job
momentum we have built over the last few viously worked as a speech pathologist in a leader for the next era of our schools.
due to her commitment to promoting the
years, said Bergeron. Mary Jude is already the Palo Alto Unified School District. She districts focus on building student skills Beyond approving Doerpinghaus promo-
a key leader on our strong team of collabo- also held similar positions at schools in both inside and outside the classroom. tion and temporary contract, the board at
rators, and she will provide continuity in Texas and Ohio. Mary Judes passion for the students in the upcoming meeting is also slated to con-
the mission of fulfilling our communitys Doerpinghaus expressed her appreciation our district is unsurpassed, and she will be sider a potential $10,000 compensation
vision for its schools. for the opportunity in the press release. able to help us continue to provide innova- incentive for Baker.
Following Bakers abrupt resignation in I am honored that the board is entrusting tive and engaged learning experiences. The San Carlos Elementary School
favor of taking another superintendents me with the leadership of the district during In San Carlos, learning is not limited to District Board of Trustees meets Thursday,
job in the Cupertino Union School District, this time of transition, said Doerpinghaus. reading, writing and math, but also includes Sept. 14, in the district office, 1200
San Carlos officials said they would prefer I am enthusiastic about the vision set by skills that help students succeed beyond Industrial Road, Unit 9.

ing. Crews will remain actively engaged in

storms, according to Walters. Three of tained though officials said there is no sig-
them are still burning and the Skeggs Fire nificant spread. No evacuations are needed firefighting throughout the night, Cal
is the largest. though some transmission lines are threat- Fire officials reported in a 7 p.m. incident
The Woodside Fire Protection District is ened. Smoke and ash is drifting down and update.
Continued from page 1 fire crews will be committed for the next
assisting Cal Fire, and sheriffs deputies Involved agencies include the Woodside
have closed Kings Mountain Road from few days to completely contain the fire and
Point. Fire Protection District, Kings Mountain
Skyline Boulevard to Woodside Road extinguish any hot spots, officials added.
The cause of the fire has yet to be con- Volunteer Fire Company, San Mateo
Tuesday morning. Huddart Park and Firefighters continue to make progress County Sheriffs Office, MidPeninsula
firmed, but Cal Fire Capt. Chris Walters
Wunderlich County Park are also closed. building containment lines in a remote, Open Space District and San Mateo County
believes it may have been connected to
lightning strikes in the area. The fire grew from 30 acres to up to 50 steep and heavily vegetated area of San Parks. There are 18 engines, two water ten-
There were a total of seven fires con- Tuesday and was about 10 percent con- Mateo County near the town of Woodside. ders, four helicopters, eight hand crews and
firmed after Monday nights thunder- tained as of 7 p.m. There is no estimate yet Fire activity has slowed significantly due two dozers working the fire along with air
for when the fire will be completely con- to aggressive ground and aerial firefight- tankers, according to Cal Fire.

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THE DAILY JOURNAL FOOD Wednesday Sept. 13, 2017 19
Food briefs
Pear tarte tatin worth the intimidation Dairy Queen owner
By Katie Workman defends politically incorrect sign
KEWASKUM, Wis. A Wisconsin Dairy Queen owner is
Taxi cab confession: Before now, I defending a sign describing his restaurant as politically
had never made a tarte tatin. It sounded incorrect for its unabashed support for God and country.
just plain scary flipping a pan over The sign at the franchise in Kewaskum, Wisconsin, noti-
so that the fruit ends up on top and the fies patrons that staff may say Merry Christmas, Happy
crust ends up on the bottom. Such Easter and God Bless America among other things.
drama! Why would anyone put them- Owner Kevin Scheunemann tells WDJT-TV he felt the
selves through such angst? sign was appropriate to hang in terms of being transparent
But there I was just minding my own about the views of the owner and staff supporting God and
business, and suddenly it was pear sea- country.
son, and the voluptuous, colorful, One customer who apparently doesnt agree took a picture
squatty fruit were everywhere. I bought of the sign and complained about it on Dairy Queens page
some puff pastry, gave myself a big on Facebook.
old pep talk, and turned up the music. The chain tells the station the sign expresses the views
An hour later, my first pear tatin was a of this independent owner only and doesnt speak for the
success. A few pears stuck to the pan company or any other franchise owners.
when I inverted it, but I pulled them off Feds shutting squid
and settled them back into place on the
tarte, and no one was the wiser. fishery for year to avoid overfishing
And while I will have to accomplish PROVIDENCE, R.I. The federal government is shut-
a few more successful tarte tatins to feel ting down the shortfin squid fishery later this week to avoid
as though it is no longer intimidating, You want your pears to be just ripe, but not soft. They need to hold their shape in exceeding quota for the year.
I am now on my way. I can envision the baking. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
that day when I will be able to say with age) puff pastry, either refrigerated and cook until the pears are slightly ten- says the fishery will close at 12:01 a.m. on Friday until
casual confidence: Oh, can I bring a cool, or, if frozen, thawed according to der, about 3 minutes. Dec. 31. Squid fishing permit holders will not be allowed to
dessert? How about a tarte tatin? package directions but still slightly Meanwhile, lightly flour a clean fish for, catch or possess more than 10,000 pounds of
You want your pears to be just ripe, chilled work surface. Roll out the puff pastry shortfin squid per trip.
but not soft. They need to hold their Vanilla ice cream or sweetened to a square slightly larger than the The shortfin squid fishery is located mostly off of Rhode
shape in the baking. Buy yourself whipped cream to serve pans diameter. Trim the pastry into a Island. The squids are used to make calamari. U.S. fishermen
some good ice cream for this you Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. circle just barely larger than the cir- brought more than 5 million pounds of them to shore in
and your tarte tatin deserve it. In a 10-inch, heavy ovenproof skil- cumference of the pan, and prick the 2015.
In closing, I take a moment yet let, preferably cast iron, stir together puff pastry in several places with a NOAA says 95 percent of the quota for the squid has been
again to profess my abiding love for the sugar with 2 tablespoons of water. fork. Place the pastry over the pears caught, and it is standard procedure to shut down the fishery
premade puff pastry. I may be excited Cook over medium heat, without stir- and carefully tuck the edges around the when it hits that mark.
to add tarte tatins to my repertoire, but ring, until the mixture starts to turn a tops of the pears (you may want to use
Im pretty far away from wanting to golden color, about 6 minutes. Stir in a rubber spatula, as the pan will be
make my own puff pastry. the butter, and continue stirring occa- hot). Bake for about 25 minutes until
sionally until the mixture is a rich the pastry is golden brown and puffed.
PEAR TARTE TATIN golden color, but not too dark. Stir in Place the pan on a wire rack and let
Serves 6 to 8 the lemon juice. cool for 15 minutes. Run a knife
Start to finish: 1 hour While the sugar mixture is cooking, around the edge of the skillet, place a
1/2 cup sugar slice the pears in half, then into quar- serving plate (larger than the pan) on
3 tablespoons unsalted butter ters, remove the cores with a paring top of it, and carefully invert the tarte
2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice knife, and cut the halves lengthwise tatin onto the plate. If any pears cling
4 just-ripe but firm Anjou or Barlett into two thick slices each (so, eight to the pan, remove them and place
pears slices total per pear). When the sugar them back in their rightful spots. Let
All-purpose flour for rolling out the mixture is golden, arrange the pear cool a bit more, and then serve warm,
pastry slices in concentric circles in the pan. with ice cream or sweetened whipped
1 sheet (1/2 of a 17/3 ounce pack- Reduce the heat to medium low and cream.

20 Wednesday Sept. 13, 2017 DATEBOOK THE DAILY JOURNAL

day people can use and understand, he without cellular goes for $329, down
said, is what Apple does best.
Blau also praised the extended bat-
tery life for the phone, saying you
from $369 for the comparable model
now. The original Series 1, without
GPS, sells for $249, down from $269.
Continued from page 5 WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 13 Half Moon Bay. Community conver-
dont often get that with new smart- The new watch comes out Sept. 22. Free Pet Fixes. 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. 560 sation for adults and older youth.
phones. Cellular plans for smartwatches Bell St., East Palo Alto. We will be Participants should RSVP. For more
updated version of its Apple TV Other analysts such as Carolina typically cost $5 to $10 a month. accepting pets on a first come, first information contact
streaming device. served basis. Surgery performed by a [email protected].
Milanesi, an analyst with Creative AT&T says its plans are $10 a month. licensed vet inside the Peninsula
The event opened in a darkened Strategies, dont believe the $1,000 T-Mobile said the Watch connection Humane Society SPCA surgery vehi- Movies in the Park: Moana. 7:45
auditorium, with only the audiences price tag will present much of a hur- will be free for the first three months cle. One pet per family, dogs and cats p.m. to 9:45 p.m. Washington Park,
only. For more information call 340- 850 Burlingame Ave., Burlingame. For
phones gleaming like stars, along dle to Apple buyers, at least to those and $10 a month after for unlimited 7022. more information go to
with a message that said Welcome to with means or access to installment talk, text and data. www.burlingame.org.
Steve Jobs Theater. A voiceover Hillsdale Mall Senior Walkers. 9:30
plans. And people who wont spend a.m. to 10:15 a.m. 60 E. 31st Ave., San Cirque Exotique du Monde
from Jobs, Apples co-founder who that kind of money, she added, have a APPLE TV GETS UPGRADE Mateo. Meet next to Forever 21. Free.
For more information contact john-
Production. 8 p.m. The Dragon
Theatre, 2120 Broadway, Redwood
died in 2011, opened the event before choice of other products that will
CEO Tim Cook took stage. A new version of the Apple TV [email protected]. City. $35 for general admission, $27
keep them within Apple versus streaming device will be able to show for students and seniors. For more
Not a day that goes by that we looking at the competition. Drop In Computer Help. 10 a.m. to information call 493-2006.
dont think about him, Cook said. video at 4K resolution a step up noon. 1044 Middlefield Road,
from high definition and a color- Redwood City. One-on-one help SATURDAY, SEPT. 16
Memories especially come rushing NEW WATCH improvement technology called
regarding laptops, E-readers, tablets
and mobile phones. Meets in Small
Burlingame Bayfront Cleanup Day.
9 a.m. to noon. 1308 Bayshore
back as we prepared for today and this Conference Room on first floor. For Highway, Burlingame. Join communi-
event. Its taken some time but we Apples latest Watch has built-in high-dynamic range, or HDR.
more information contact ty members to clean up the
can now reflect on him with joy cellular service. The number on your Many rival devices already offer [email protected]. Burlingame shoreline along the San
instead of sadness. phone will be the same as your these features. But there isnt a lot of Francisco Bay Trail. Meet at either
San Mateo Professional Alliance 1308 Bayshore Highway, behind the
The iPhone X costs twice what the iPhone. The Series 3 model will also video in 4K and HDR yet, nor are Networking Lunch. Noon. Mimis old theater, or 150 Anza Blvd., behind
original iPhone did. It sets a new have Apple Music available through there many TVs that can display it. Cafe, 2208 Bridgepointe Parkway, San Embassy Suites. Parking available at
cellular service. It wont need a new Apple TV doesnt have its own dis- Mateo. Meet new business connec- both sites. Volunteers encouraged to
price threshold for any smartphone tions. New speakers each week. For bring their own gloves, sunscreen
intended to appeal to a mass market. plan, but will require a data add-on to play and needs to be connected to a more information call 430-6500. and water bottle. Groups should
your existing plan. TV. bring competed waiver forms. For
Shops at Tanforan Hosts Free Fall more information visit
WHAT APPLE DOES BEST Now, you can go for a run with just Apple said its been working with Arts & Crafts Kids Club Event. 4 burlingame.org/cleanup.
your watch, said Jeff Williams, movie studios to bring titles with 4K p.m. to 6 p.m. Shops at Tanforan, 1150
Gartner analyst Brian Blau said the Apples chief operating officer and in and HDR to its iTunes store. They El Camino Real, San Bruno. Free and The Marriage Pact: How it
open to children 12 and under. For Happened. 10 a.m. 441 Seaport
iPhone Xs augmented reality features charge of Watch development. will be sold at the same prices as more information call 714-280-8765. Court, Redwood City. For more infor-
will change the way people use Apple is also adding more fitness high-definition video, which tends to mation contact
apps and give app developers new, Adult Craft: Mexican Tin Art. 6 p.m. [email protected].
features to the Watch, and says it is be a few dollars more than standard- to 7:30 p.m. Millbrae Library, 1
cool things to do. Apple showed now the most used heartrate monitor definition versions. Apple said its Millbrae Ave., Millbrae. To celebrate Yoga and Self-Healing with Wah.
off a simple use for this new, sophis- Latinx Heritage Month, art instructor 10 a.m. to noon. New Leaf
in the world. Now, Apple Watch will working with Netflix and Amazon Christie Inocencio will show how to Community Markets, 150 San Mateo
ticated camera technology with ani- notify users when it detects an elevat- Prime to bring their 4K originals to make Mexican tin art. Reserve a spot. Road, Half Moon Bay. For more infor-
moji, which lets people animate ed heart rate when they dont appear Apple TV, too. For more information call 697-7607. mation call (831) 464-7748.
emoji characters with their facial to be active. Itll also detect abnor- The new Apple TV device will cost San Mateo County History Maker Friends of the San Mateo Public
expressions. Showing off a new tech- mal heart rhythms. $179 and ships on Sept. 22. A ver- Dinner. 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. 1333 Library Annual Fall Book Sale. 10
nology with something that every- Bayshore Highway, Burlingame. In a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 55 W. Third Ave., San
The Series 3 will start at $399. One sion without 4K will cost less. honor of 2017 History Maker Ted Mateo. Final day of the sale. Bring
Taube. Cost $200. Tickets must be your own bags. For more information
purchased in advance. For more visit smplibrary.org.

support individuals affected by events communities that are struggling, he information or to purchase tickets
call 299-0104. Focused Research: Using Research
like Hurricane Katrina are emblematic said. Plans. 10:30 a.m. to noon. Grace
of a community ready to lend a hand to Author Ellen Kirschman, Ph.D. with Lutheran Church, 2825 Alameda de
He said those interested in the effort Sheriff Carlos G. Bolanos: The Fifth las Pulgas, San Mateo. Lisa Gorrell, a
those in need. will be focusing on identifying the Bay Area genealogist, will be dis-
Continued from page 1 Reflection. 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Thats a hallmark of San Carlos. Its specific communities adopted in the Redwood City Public Library, 1044 cussing how to focus research. For
Middlefield Road, Redwood City. For more information email
a very community spirit-type place, coming weeks based on their size, more information call 780-7018. [email protected].
Kate Wormington, one of the resi- he said. It tends to be a community which they hope will be similar in size
dents organizing the effort to assem- that when other communities get hurt, Club Fox Blues Jam. 7 p.m. to 11 Be Part of the Solution to
to the city, and whether theres a per- p.m. 2209 Broadway, Redwood City. Burlingames Housing Crisis. 11
ble the backpacks, said a Facebook theres an instinct to want to help. sonal connection with a San Carlos Featuring Junior Watson. $7 cover a.m. to 1 p.m. 480 Primrose Road,
group of active volunteers in San He said a personal connection fee. For more information and the full Burlingame. Help create an action
resident. plan to protect renters in the com-
Carlos was the catalyst for this effort. between a San Carlos resident and a schedule visit
For Johnson, focusing San Carlos www.rwcbluesjam.com. munity. Upper level conference
She and other residents rallied behind former resident of Pass Christian room. For more information contact
the effort when they heard the princi- support on specific communities could THURSDAY, SEPT. 14 [email protected].
called the city into action in 2005, not only offer a vehicle for residents Peninsula Choraliers Womens
pal was a high school classmate of res- adding that San Carlos residents even Crazy Cat People Party. 11 a.m.
unsure of the best way to help, but it Chorus. 10 a.m. 150 N. El Camino
ident Allison Rak. Once residents saw traveled to the Louisiana city to help Real, San Mateo. Choral experience South San Francisco Main Library,
the need, she said the push evolved could also help channel their ongoing and music reading not required. For 840 W. Orange Ave., South San
residents there. He thinks a similar support for relief efforts. more information contact gunder- Francisco. Learn how to care for a
quickly to lend a hand to the communi- type of connection with a city affected [email protected]. feline friends from the experts at the
ty that had just started the school year I think when you have something SPCA. For more information call 829-
by hurricanes Harvey or Irma could tap Foster City 55+ Club Meeting. 3860.
and would be returning to school with strong support from the San Carlos specific, people can visualize how 11:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Foster City
few supplies. community, and encourages any resi- what theyre doing is having an Recreation Center, 650 Shell Blvd., Free LaNebbia Winery Craft Fair
Foster City. For more information call and Wine Tasting. 11:30 a.m. to 4:30
She, Rak and resident Jennifer Rudy dents with ties to the affected areas to impact, he said. p.m. 12341 San Mateo Road, Half
thought to contact councilmembers to get in touch with him with ideas on Moon Bay. Food, handmade jewelry,
Pub Style Trivia. 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 arts and crafts and picnic. Free. For
see if the broader community could communities the city could support. Visit signup. com/client/inv ita- more information call 591-6596.
p.m. Belmont Library, 1110 Alameda
lend a hand, much like the city did Adam Rak, Allison Raks husband, tion2/secure/1990950/false#/inv ita- de las Pulgas, Belmont. For more
when it adopted the city of Pass information contact Rancho Day Fiesta at the Sanchez
is organizing the citys Chamber of tion to contribute supplies to the [email protected]. Adobe. Noon to 4 p.m. Sanchez
Christian, Mississippi to help rebuild Commerce around the effort as well. A back pack s being assembled for Adobe Historic Site, 1000 Linda Mar
it in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina Lupin the Third: The Castle of Blvd., Pacifica. Sanchez Adobe
member of the chambers executive Houstons Eisenhower Senior High Cagliostro. 7 p.m. 320 E. 2nd Ave., docents will offer the public the
in 2005. board, Rak said supporting other com- School. Visit San Mateo. The 1979 Japanese come- opportunity to take a trip back to the
Theres really not a volunteer effort dy-drama animated adventure 1840s during this family activity day.
munities in need fits in well with the sancarlosday ofserv ice.org/ for more For more information call 359-1462.
where we dont have a ... councilmem- comes to movie theaters nationwide
chambers goals of fostering vibrant information on way s to become for the first time. For more informa-
ber present, she said. civic communities. inv olv ed in community projects in tion and tickets visit Friends of the Millbrae Library
fathomevents.com. Chinese Book Club. 2 p.m. Millbrae
Olbert said community efforts to We see the value in helping other San Carlos. Library, 1 Library Ave., Millbrae.
Lawyer in the Library: Family Law. Classical Ballet Tour de Force, an
7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Redwood City Public introduction to the world of classical
Library, 1044 Middlefield Road, ballet via recorded performances by
8=BCAD2C8>=B)5X]SPb\P]hf^aSbPbh^dRP]Qh[X]ZX]V Redwood City. Schedule a 20 minute world-renowned dancers in the past
1 D ? 7 [TccTabd_S^f]bXSTc^bXSTP]SSXPV^]P[[hfaXcX]Vf^aSb free consultation with a volunteer 100 years. Discussion by Linda Cheng
^]PQ[P]ZbWTTc^U_P_TaH^d\Ph^][hdbTTPRW[TccTaQ^g in Mandarin Chinese. For more infor-
F > 8 B ^]RTfXcWX]PbX]V[Tf^aS?[PhfXcWPUaXT]SP]SR^\_PaT lawyer, including information and
referral to other agencies. Reserve mation call (650) 687-7607.
6 > : 4 f^aSUX]SbRa^bbX]V^dcR^\\^]f^aSb
your appointment and find more
0 6 ; < 1>66;4


information by calling 780-7058. Mid-Peninsula A.A.U.W. Branch. 2

?>8=CB20;4 A0C8=6 p.m. to 4 p.m. Redwood Shores
Living Abroad in Costa Rica. 7 p.m. Library, 399 Marine Parkway,
"[TccTab, _^X]c $   ,
 2WP\_ Burlingame Public Library, 480 Redwood City. The Mid-Peninsula
#[TccTab,!_^X]cb    $ ,  4 g_Tac Primrose Road, Burlingame. Erin Van American Association of University
1h3PeXS;7^hcP]S9TUU:]daTZ $[TccTab,"_^X]cb %    ,  ? a^ Rheenen made the move to Costa Women are hosting their event
meeting to engage the community
%[TccTab,#_^X]cb "  %,6P\Ta Rica herself, as portrayed in her book,
and share progress on activities. For
&[TccTab,%_^X]cb !  ",A^^ZXT Living Abroad in Costa Rica by
Moon Travel Guides. For more infor- more information call 739-5202.

4 C 4
 !, 0\PcTda

'[TccTab, _^X]cb mation call 558-7444.
([TccTab, $_^X]cb   ,
 Cah PVPX]
 Living Room Conversations. 2 p.m.
The Oshman Family JCC presents to 4 p.m. Belmont Library, 1110
The Kenny Barron Trio. 8 p.m. to 10 Alameda de las Pulgas, Belmont.

p.m. Oshman Family JCC, 3921 Fabian Registration encouraged. For more
information contact

: E =
Way, Palo Alto. Admission is $55 to

^U[TccTab2P]h^dUX]ScWT\. $80. For more information call 223- [email protected].
5X]S0C;40BC58E4C4==8BA4;0C43 Living Room Dialogues. 2 p.m. to
4:30 p.m. 1110 Alameda de las
Pulgas, Belmont. Community conver-
Friends of the San Mateo Public

2 3 8 D Library Annual Fall Book Sale. 10 sation for adults and older youth.

NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN  a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 55 W. Third Ave., San

Mateo. Bring your own bags. For
Participants should RSVP. For more
information contact


visit [email protected].

NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN  From the Wild to the Sublime


Zumba with Wendy. 9 a.m. to 10
a.m. Millbrae Library, 1 Millbrae Ave.,
Millbrae. Wendy Stephens will lead in
Reception. 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Gallery
House, 320 California Ave., Palo Alto.
View an exhibit of recent photo-

1>66;4XbPcaPST\PaZ^U7PbQa^8]R ( " &

NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN  a popular Latin-American influenced
dance exercise. For more information
call 697-7607.
graphs by Bill Shupp and Norma
Fries. For more information call (415)
! &7PbQa^8]R3XbcaXQdcTSQhCaXQd]T2^]cT]c0VT]Rh0[[AXVWcbATbTaeTS Living Room Dialogues. 6 p.m. to

For more events visit

fffQ^VV[TQaPX]QdbcTabR^\ >78>
 >A46>= 8:30 p.m. 225 Highway 1 No. 104B, smdailyjournal.com, click Calendar.
THE DAILY JOURNAL COMICS/GAMES Wednesday Sept. 13, 2017 21



1 truly
47 Dame
48 More suggestive
24 Felt boots
25 Art town in New Mexico
6 Makes tea 51 Cancel 26 Hazard
11 Shellfish 52 Tack on 27 Wind indicator
12 Brutus betrayed him 53 Diner fare 28 Beauty parlor sound
13 Live in 54 Park feature 30 Overindulge
14 Longhaired cat 55 Globe 36 Straightens up
15 Wound marks 38 Shore bird
16 Remnant DOWN 40 Rustlers target
17 Furniture cover 1 Desert plant 42 Coral formation
18 Meadow 2 Wilde or de la Renta 43 Ticked off
19 Wan 3 Seizes the throne 44 Bug repellent
23 Skewer 4 Account execs 46 Longings
GET FUZZY 25 Conical dwelling 5 Underhanded 47 Fictional captain
26 KOA visitors 6 Nuisance 48 Old garment
29 Protozoan (var.) 7 Jamaican music 49 Showery mo.
31 Fake it 8 Paul Ankas Beso 50 IRS staffer
32 John, in Scotland 9 Armed conflict 51 Tough to hoe
33 Chocolate tree 10 Tijuana Mrs.
34 Zoom on runners 11 Nearly all
35 Fits of pique 12 Dear, in Italy
37 Cooks meas. 16 Picked up on
39 French Legion headgear 18 Succotash bean
40 Yo! 20 Fitness centers
41 Put down 21 Drat!
45 Recolored 22 Bigfoot cousin
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VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Stay focused on whats a wow factor. Romance is in the stars. will help you discard any potential pitfalls that may LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Your money is best put
important. Do a good job and add a personal touch to CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Business trips, occur. Romance will encourage better days ahead. toward improving your life or home. Dont let an old
gain recognition. Dont sit back when you should be interviews, educational pursuits or research will be TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- Offering to help one friend walk back into your life after letting you down
moving forward. beneficial. Personal gains, physical enhancement and of your peers will encourage the same hospitality in before. Keep personal information a secret.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- Dont miss out on an romance look promising. return. Focus on sharing and compromise when it
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effort. You must do the painstaking work if you want to can bring happiness as well as trouble. If you are GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Let experience help you
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SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- Financial limitations while staying on top of your responsibilities. you in the past and have your best interest at heart.
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alternative ways to make your money work for you. Cut if you want to keep the peace. Try to accommodate CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- Look at every aspect
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22 Wednesday Sept. 13, 2017 THEDAILYJOURNAL

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$2,886.00 - $4,331.60 per month
MILLBRAE The Daily Journals readership covers a wide
range of qualifications for all types of positions.
Excellent Benefits Package
For the best value and the best results,
Seeking Delivery driver to manage newspaper route
recruit from the Daily Journal... Deadline for application:
Requires early morning work six days per week Mon-Sat. September 26, 2017
Papers are picked up early morning between 3am and 4:30am Contact us for a free consultation
Call Roberto 650-344-5200 Call (650) 344-5200 or For application/inquiries contact Betty Cortes at:
Email: [email protected] [email protected]
SMCHD is an Equal Opportunity Employer


Prospecting is a key element of this position. You will develop new business
and manage the sales cycle from start to finish:

To succeed at the Daily Journal, you will need the following:


To apply, please send your resume and cover letter to [email protected]

Leading local news coverage on the Peninsula

THEDAILYJOURNAL Wednesday Sept. 13, 2017 23
110 Employment 110 Employment 110 Employment Tundra Tundra Tundra
Senior Software Engineer in Test, 2 posi- SEWING, EMBROIDERY MACHINE
tions avail. for Roche Sequencing Solu- OPERATOR
tions Inc., Belmont, CA. Req: Bach in
Comp Sci, Comp Eng, or rltd + 5 yrs exp
(or Master's +2 yrs exp). Apply: Busy Uniform company in Burlingame
http://applyroche.com/00453785 looking for someone with sewing
(Job ID: 00453785) experience to train on our multi-head
Embroidery machines.
CAREGIVERS position also available.
Full Time / Part Time. Monday thru
2 years experience Friday 8:30 to 5:00.
Call Lexy or Bill (650) 697-7550.

Immediate placement
on all assignments. Over the Hedge Over the Hedge Over the Hedge
180 Businesses For Sale
Call FOR RENT - Private
(650)777-9000 NEWSPAPER INTERNS One Person Hair
The Daily Journal is looking for in-
terns to do entry level reporting, re-
Studio San Mateo
search, updates of our ongoing fea-
Up to $15 per hour. Company Car.
Call Molly Maid at (650)837-9788.
90 Glenn Way #2, SAN CARLOS
tures and interviews. Photo interns al-
so welcome. (650)291-1007
We expect a commitment of four to
eight hours a week for at least four
months. The internship is unpaid, but
intelligent, aggressive and talented in- 203 Public Notices
terns have progressed in time into
paid correspondents and full-time re- FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
College students or recent graduates The following person is doing business 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices
are encouraged to apply. Newspaper as: Pop-Lazic & Co., 115 Bruce Street,
sarily required. STATEMENT #274704 STATEMENT #274754 STATEMENT #274866
er: Pop-Lazic & Co., LLC., CA. The busi- The following person is doing business
ness is conducted by a Limited Liability The following person is doing business The following person is doing business
Please send a cover letter describing as: Heirs To Our Oceans, 3116 Hacien- as: Apac Homes, 840 Hinckley Rd, Suite
your interest in newspapers, a resume Company. The registrants commenced as: 1)Discount Plumbing & Rooter Co. #138, BURLINGAME, CA 94010. Regis-
da St, SAN MATEO, CA 94403. Regis- 2)Discount Plumbing Supplies 3)Dis-
and three recent clips. Before you ap- to transact business under the FBN on tered Owner: Via Senti, CA. The busi- tered Owner: Emily K. Wu, 88 S. Broad-
ply, you should familiarize yourself 8/18/2017. ness is conducted by a Corporation. The
count Services 4)Discount Backflow way #3105, Millbrae, CA 94030. The
with our publication. Our Web site: /s/Alexander Pop-Lazic/ registrants commenced to transact busi- Test, Repair, Replace 5)Discount Back- business is conducted by an Individual.
www.smdailyjournal.com. flow Testing, 1330 Valota Rd., RED- The registrants commenced to transact
This statement was filed with the Asses- ness under the FBN on N/A. business under the FBN on 9/01/2017.
sor-County Clerk on 8/18/2017. (Publish- /s/April Peebler/ WOOD CITY, CA 94061. Registered
Send your information via e-mail to /s/Emily K. Wu/
This statement was filed with the Asses- Owner: Discount Plumbing & Rooter
[email protected] or by reg- ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, Co., CA. The business is conducted by
This statement was filed with the Asses-
ular mail to 1900 Alameda de las Pul- 8/23/17, 8/30/17, 9/6/17, 9/13/17). sor-County Clerk on 8/21/2017. (Publish- sor-County Clerk on 9/1/2017. (Publish-
gas #112, San Mateo CA 94403 ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, a Corporation. The registrants com- ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
8/23/17, 8/30/17, 9/6/17, 9/13/17). menced to transact business under the 9/6/17, 9/13/17, 9/20/17, 9/27/17).
FBN on1997.
SALES - Telemarketing and Inside Sales The following person is doing business STATEMENT #274557 STATEMENT #274831
Representative needed to sell newspa- The following person is doing business sor-County Clerk on 8/24/2017. (Publish- The following person is doing business
per print and web advertising and event as: Muffintank, 1560 Tartan Trail Rd, ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, as: D&D Auto Works and Towing, 790 S.
HILLSBOROUGH, CA 94010. Regis- as: KSM Structural Steel, 377 El Dorado
marketing solutions. To apply, please call Dr., DALY CITY, CA 94015. Registered 8/30/17, 9/6/17, 9/13/17, 9/20/17). Amphlett Blvd, SAN MATEO, CA 94402.
650-344-5200 and send resume to tered Owners: 1)Timothy Ho-Yan Leung, Owner: Kuo Sing Mah, same address. Registered Owner: Sandra J. Lopez, 408
[email protected] same address 2)Robert Lewis John, Oliver St., Redwood City, CA 94061. The
The business is conducted by an Individ-
1225 Alameda de las Pulgas, San Ma- ual. The registrants commenced FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME business is conducted by an Individual.
Medical Scientist. Genentech, Inc., South The registrants commenced to transact
San Francisco, CA. Provide leadership SALES/MARKETING teo, CA 94402. The business is conduct- to transact business under the FBN on STATEMENT #274677 business under their FBN on N/A.
and expertise for the Phase I-Phase II INTERNSHIPS ed by a General Partnership. The regis- N/A. The following person is doing business /s/Sandra J. Lopez/
development of novel anti-cancer drugs. The San Mateo Daily Journal is looking trants commenced to transact business /s/Kuo Sing Mah/ as: Aloha Integrative Therapy, 107 Ra- This statement was filed with the Asses-
10% foreign and domestic travel req'd, for ambitious interns who are eager to under the FBN on 06/26/2012. This statement was filed with the Asses- mona Rd, PORTOLA VALLEY, CA sor-County Clerk on 8/30/2017. (Publish-
reimb. REQ: Ph.D. in Genetics, Oncolo- jump into the business arena with both /s/Timothy Ho-Yan Leung/ sor-County Clerk on 8/4/2017. (Publish- 94028. Registered Owner: Quiara ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
gy, Biochemistry, Pharmacology + 3 yrs. feet and hands. Learn the ins and outs ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 9/13/17, 9/20/17, 9/27/17, 10/4/17).
exp. Must have experience with: Oncolo- of the newspaper and media industries. This statement was filed with the Asses- 8/23/17, 8/30/17, 9/6/17, 9/13/17). Smith, same address. The business is
gy Phase I-II drug development; Scientif- This position will provide valuable sor-County Clerk on 8/21/2017. (Publish- conducted by an individual. The regis-
ic writing; Medical/clinical data review; experience for your bright future. ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, trants commenced to transact business FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
Authoring full trial protocols. Apply: Email resume 8/23/17, 8/30/17, 9/6/17, 9/13/17). FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME under the FBN on N/A. STATEMENT #274934
http://applygene.com/00453787 [email protected] STATEMENT #274456 /s/Quiara Smith/ The following person is doing business
The following person is doing business This statement was filed with the Asses- as: Filipences 4:13, 360 N Ellsworth,
as: Specialty Stix, 39 Birch St., RED- SAN MATEO, CA 94401. Registered
sor-County Clerk on 8/17/2017. (Publish- Owner: Nora Elizabeth Lucero, 939
WOOD CITY, CA 94063. Registered ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
Owners: Heather and Timmy Mayhew, Montgomery Ave, SAN BRUNO, CA
8/30/17, 9/6/17, 9/13/17, 9/20/17). 94066. The business is conducted by an
1282 Maple Ave., Yuba City, CA 95991. Individual. The registrants commenced
The business is conducted by a Married

to transact business under their FBN on
Couple. The registrants commenced to FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 9/11/17.
transact business under the FBN on N/A. /s/Nora Elizabeth Lucero/
/s/Heather Mayhew/ STATEMENT #274812
The following person is doing business This statement was filed with the Asses-
This statement was filed with the Asses- sor-County Clerk on 9/11/2017. (Publish-
sor-County Clerk on 7/31/2017. (Publish- as: Monicas Home Cleaning Services, ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 49 Edgewood Rd. #2, REDWOOD CITY, 9/13/17, 9/20/17, 9/27/17, 10/4/17).
8/23/17, 8/30/17, 9/6/17, 9/13/17). CA 94062. Registered Owners: Monica
Ontiveros and Jorge De La Concha,
same address. The business is conduct- ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR
ed by a Married Couple. The registrants CASE# 17CIV03775
STATEMENT #274670 commenced to transact business under
The following person is doing business SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA,
as: Project Kaif, 1535 Rollins Rd, BUR-
the FBN on 08/29/2017. COUNTY OF SAN MATEO,
LINGAME, CA 94010. Registered Own- /s/Jorge de la Concha/ 400 COUNTY CENTER RD,
This statement was filed with the Asses- REDWOOD CITY CA 94063
er: Kaif, LLC., DE. The business is con- PETITION OF
ducted by a Limited Liability Company. sor-County Clerk on 8/29/2017. (Publish-
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, Edward Reyes
The registrants commenced to transact TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS:
business under the FBN on N/A. 8/30/17, 9/6/17, 9/13/17, 9/20/17). Petitioner: Edward Reyes filed a petition
/s/Olga A. Rohde/ with this court for a decree changing
This statement was filed with the Asses- names as follows:
sor-County Clerk on 8/16/2017. (Publish- FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Present Name: EDWARD REYES
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, STATEMENT #274867 Proposed Name: EDWARD DESOUZA
8/23/17, 8/30/17, 9/6/17, 9/13/17). The following person is doing business
as: Marvelous VT Nails, 1485 El Camino THE COURT ORDERS that all persons
interested in this matter shall appear be-
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Real # 206, BELMONT, CA 94002. Reg- fore this court at the hearing indicated
STATEMENT #274683 istered Owner: Tuan Hoang, 2985 Cas- below to show cause, if any, why the pe-
The following person is doing business tleton Dr., San Jose, CA 95148. The tition for change of name should not be
as: Hanks HiNaturals, 247 Winding Way, business is conducted by an Individual. granted. Any person objecting to the
SAN CARLOS, CA 94070. Registered The registrants commenced to transact name changes described above must file
Owner: Henry Wrigley Jr., same address. business under the FBN on N/A. a written objection that includes the rea-
The business is conducted by an Individ- /s/Tuan Hoang/ sons for the objection at least two court

TIVSTEBZ4FQUFNCFSt10am to 2pm ual. The registrants commenced to trans-

act business under the FBN on 1/1/17.
/s/Henry Wrigley Jr./
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 9/1/2017. (Publish-
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
days before the matter is scheduled to
be heard and must appear at the hearing
to show cause why the petition should
not be granted. If no written objection is
This statement was filed with the Asses-
San Mateo County Event Center, Meeting Pavilion sor-County Clerk on 8/17/2017. (Publish-
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
9/6/17, 9/13/17, 9/20/17, 9/27/17). timely filed, the court may grant the peti-
tion without a hearing. A hearing on the
petition shall be held on 10/11/17 at 9
8/23/17, 8/30/17, 9/6/17, 9/13/17). FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME a.m., Dept. PJ, Room 2D, at 400 County
1346 Saratoga Drive, San Mateo, CA 94403 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
The following person is doing business
Center, Redwood City, CA 94063. A
copy of this Order to Show Cause shall
be published at least once each week for
STATEMENT #274488 as: Holly Oak, 624 Hemlock Ave., MILL-

t Free admission t'SFFQBSLJOH

four successive weeks prior to the date
The following person is doing business BRAE, CA 94030. Registered Owner: set for hearing on the petition in the fol-
as: Monselaines Fashion, 282 Walnut Crystal Lee Delany, same address. The lowing newspaper of general circulation:
St., SAN BRUNO, CA 94066. Regis- business is conducted by an Individual. San Mateo Daily Journal
tered Owners: 1)Regina Monserrat Ver- The registrants commenced to transact Filed: 8/23/2017
Geraldine Barraza, 29893 Vanderbilt St.,
business under the FBN on N/A.
/s/Crystal Lee Delany/
/s/Susan Irene Etezadi/
Judge of the Superior Court
Hayward, CA 94544. The business is Dated: 8/22/2017
t.FFUSFDSVJUFSTBOEIJSJOHNBOBHFSTGSPN conducted by a General Partnership.
The registrants commenced to transact
This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 8/30/2017. (Publish-
(Published 8/30/17, 9/6/17, 9/13/17,
business under the FBN on N/A. ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
MPDBMDPNQBOJFTUIBUBSFIJSJOHOPX /s/Regina Monserrat Verdugo Gonzalez/
This statement was filed with the Asses-
9/6/17, 9/13/17, 9/20/17, 9/27/17).
sor-County Clerk on 7/31/17. (Published
in the San Mateo Daily Journal, 8/30/17,
9/6/17, 9/13/17, 9/20/17).


The following person is doing business
as: Supreme Clientele Barber Lounge, Fictitious Business Name Statements,
7800 El Camino RealSupreme Clientele
Barber Lounge, COLMA, CA 94014.
Trustee Sale Notice, Name Change, Probate,
Registered Owner: Michael Lewin, 639 Notice of Adoption, Divorce Summons,
Old County Rd. Apt. 5, Belmont, CA
94002. The business is conducted by an Notice of Public Sales and More.
Individual. The registrants commenced
to transact business under the FBN on
July 22, 2017. Published in the Daily Journal for San Mateo County.
/s/Michael A. Lewin/

Are you hiring? Sponsorship and Exhibitor available.

This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk on 8/24/2017. (Publish-
Fax your request to: 650-344-5290
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, Email them to: [email protected]
Call (650) 344-5200 for information. 8/30/17, 9/6/17, 9/13/17, 9/20/17).
24 Wednesday Sept. 13, 2017 THEDAILYJOURNAL

203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 298 Collectibles 304 Furniture 310 Misc. For Sale 316 Clothes
NOTICE OF PETITION TO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR FRAMED LEBRON James painting, ENTERTAINMENT CENTER for $50. GLASS PANELS free. 3 - approx. 6.5x4', PARIS HILTON purse white & silver un-
ADMINISTER ESTATE OF CHANGE OF NAME 25"x21"; $99-will text photo; 650-591- Good shape, blonde, about 5' high. 4 - 6.5x3'. You haul. 650-573-8378. used, about 12" long x 9" high
Rick Francis Reger CASE# 17CIV03729 9769, San Carlos (650)726-4102 $23. (650)592-2648
To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, con- COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, GLIDER rocker and ottoman, oak, excel- sion Set. New OB $99 (650)368-7537 WILSON'S LG Green Suede Jacket
tingent creditors, and persons who may 400 COUNTY CENTER RD, LIONEL 0-GA Box misc train parts. Call lent condition. $100 (650)345-5644. $40. (650)367-1508
REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 (650)344-4756 $25 LIONEL CHRISTMAS Holiday expan-
otherwise be interested in the will or es- sion Set. New OB $99 (650)368-7537
PETITION OF IKEA DRESSER, black, 3 shelf. 23" x
tate, or both, of Rick Francis Reger. A Chen, Ta-Chin MILLER LITE Neon sign , work good 15"deep x 50" high. $65. (650)598-9804. 318 Sports Equipment
Petition for Probate has been filed by TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: $59 call (650)218-6528 LIONEL WESTERN Union Pass car and
Lindsey Reger in the Superior Court of Petitioner: Chen, Ta-Chin filed a petition IKEA TABLE, black 58" x 21" x 14" high. dining car. New OB $99 (650)368-7537 15 SF Giants Posters -- Barry Bonds,
California, County of San Mateo. The with this court for a decree changing SUPREMES GREATEST Hits, 2 album $ 30. (650)598-9804. Jeff Kent, JT Snow. 6' x 2.5' Unused. $4
Petition for Probate requests that Lind- set, $10; 591-9769 San Carlos (650)591- LUGGAGE, RED, 21" NEW Samsonite each. $35 all. (650)588-1946 San Bruno
names as follows: Spinner,$50.00. (065)072-9300
sey Reger be appointed as personal rep- Present Name: Ta-Chin Chen 9769 LOVE SEAT, Upholstered pale yellow
resentative to administer the estate of Proposed Name: Minnie Ta-Chin Chen floral $99. (650)574-4021 BOW FLEx Max Trainer M-3-Very Good
the decedent. VINTAGE FLORAL Bone china teacup, Condition, Like New, Assembled, Paid
The petition requests authority to admin- saucer, dessert plate. $10 per set. Six NEW DELUxE Twin Folding Bed, Lin- NEGRINI FENCING Epee mask size M $1200 asking $800 Call Michael
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons ens, cover, Cost $618. Sale $250. Must & France Lames 5 epee blade $95
ister the estate under the Independent interested in this matter shall appear be- sets available. (650)503-4170. Redwood (650)784-1061.
Administration of Estates Act. (This au- City. Sell! (650) 875-8159. (415)260-6940
fore this court at the hearing indicated
thority will allow the personal representa- below to show cause, if any, why the pe- CHILDS KICK scooter by razor with hel-
tive to take many actions without obtain- NEW TWIN Mattress set plus frame PREMIUM MOVING blankets good con- met $25 obo (650)591-6842
ing court approval. Before taking certain
tition for change of name should not be
granted. Any person objecting to the
299 Computers $30.00 (650) 347-2356 dition $10.00 each (650 ) 504 -6057
very important actions, however, the per- name changes described above must file EASTON ALUMINUM bat.33 inches, 30
RECORDABLE CD-R 74, Sealed, Unop- OAK 25 Bottle wine cabinet with etched SAMSONITE 26" tan hard-sided suit oz, 2 3/4 barrel. $30. (650)596-0513
sonal representative will be required to a written objection that includes the rea- glass inset. Not refrigerated. $50 case, lt. wt., wheels, used once/like new.
give notice to interested persons unless ened, original packaging, Samsung, 12X,
sons for the objection at least two court (650) 578 9208 (650)646-8530 $45. (650)328-6709
they have waived notice or consented to days before the matter is scheduled to GOLF CART, Caddytek, four wheels,
the proposed action.) The independent be heard and must appear at the hearing used only twice. $80. 650-341-1728
OFFICE TABLE, 24"x48" HD. folding SILK SAREE 6 yards new nice color.for
administration authority will be granted to show cause why the petition should 300 Toys legs each end. 500# capacity. Cost $35 only. Call(650)515-2605 for more in- GOLF CLUBS {13}, Bag, & Pull Cart all--
unless an interested person files an ob- not be granted. If no written objection is $130. Sell $60, (650)591-4141 formation. $90.00 (650)341-8342
jection to the petition and shows good timely filed, the court may grant the peti- DOLL HOUSE w/ furniture $50.00 new
cause why the court should not grant au- tion without a hearing. A hearing on the joe 650 573 5269 TAYLOR-TOT(1947) MY First Ride $20 GOLF CLUBS, used set with Cart for
thority. petition shall be held on 10/11/17 at 9 OFFICE TYPE 34"X 60" heavy solid (415)269-4784 $50. (650)593-4490
A hearing on the petition will be held in a.m., Dept. PJ, Room 2D, at 400 County LARGE STUFFED ANIMALS - $3 each wood with formica wood grain top $25
this court as follows: SEP 29, 2017 at Center, Redwood City, CA 94063. A Great for Kids (650) 952-3500 (650) 787-9753 UNIDEN HARLEY Davidson Gas Tank MEN'S ROSSIGNOL Skis. $95.00,
9:00 a.m., Superior Court of California, copy of this Order to Show Cause shall phone. $100 or best offer. (650)863-8485 good condition, (650)341-0282.
County of San Mateo, 400 County Cen- be published at least once each week for STAR WARS one 4 orange card ac- ORNATE LARGE BOOKCASE: Two
four successive weeks prior to the date tion figure, Momaw Nadon (Hammer- Pieces 5Ft across by 7ft tall Paid $2500 WATER STORAGE TANK, brand new, NEW WEIGH bench With 200lbs, plus
ter, Redwood City, CA 94063. free weights. $50. (510)943-9221.San
If you object to the granting of the peti- set for hearing on the petition in the fol- head). $8 Steve (650)518-6614 asking $500 CALL(650)345-9199. 275 gallons. 48" x 46" x 39" $250.
lowing newspaper of general circulation: (650)771-6324 Mateo.
tion, you should appear at the hearing STAR WARS one 4 orange card ac-
and state your objections or file written San Mateo Daily Journal ORNATE MAHOGANY headboard with
tion figure, Momaw Nadon (Hammer- ONE DOzEN Official League Diamond
objections with the court before the hear- Filed: 8/23/2017
/s/Robert D. Foiles/ head). $8 Steve (650)518-6614
gold trim $60. (650)589-0764 311 Musical Instruments Baseballs. Brand New. $45. Call Roger
ing. Your appearance may be in person (650)771-6324.
or by your attorney. Judge of the Superior Court PINE DOUBLE/qUEEN head/foot board
STAR WARS Celebration 3 Darth Vader with metal frame $50. (650)646-8530 CHROMATIC HARMONICA: Horner
If you are a creditor or a contingent cred- Dated: 8/18/2017 The 64 Chomonica, German Made $180,
(Published 8/30/17, 9/6/17, 9/13/17, $20 new w/case Dan (650)303-3568 PRINCE TENNIS 2 section nylon black
itor of the decedent, you must file your RETRO HUTCH Needs refinishing other- (650)278-5776. Bag with Prince Pro Graphite Racket-
claim with the court and mail a copy to 9/20/17)
302 Antiques wise good condition. Top detaches from $55.(650)341-8342
the personal representative appointed by bottom $25. (650)712-9962
the court within the later of either (1) four ExCELLENT VIOLIN, previously owned, TOTAL GYM XLS, excellent condition.
months from the date of first issuance of ANTIqUE TEAK CHINA cabinet and SEWING STORAGE cabinet, Custom first violinist SF Symphony, Mellow Paid $2,500. Yours for $900. Call
letters to a general personal representa- matching table, with doors and legs. made wood perfect condition $75. sound. Dated 1894. $5,500/best offer. (650)588-0828
tive, as defined in section 58(b) of the $500/obo. (650)952-5049. (650)483-1222 (415)751-2416
California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days 210 Lost & Found TOUREDGE REACTION ii uniflex sys-
from the date of mailing or personal de- HEIRLOOM 1920 hand quilted bed- SHELF RUBBER maid new $20.00 FENDER MUSTANG I guitar amplifier tem 8 irons 3-9 and pitch irons
livery to you of a notice under sectioin FOUND: KEYS at Westwood Park in spread. 96" sq. Grandma's Garden pat- contact joe (650)573-5269 70 watts 8-guitar settings.with cover. new..$75. Call May 650-349-0430
9052 of the California Probate Code.Oth- Redwood City, off of Fernside. Call to tern, 2 scalloped edges. $99. 650-556- $80. 650-421-5469
er California statutes and legal authority claim (650)714-8893 9708 SOFA BED Recliner (double), beige, 76" VINTAGE NASH Cruisers Mens/ Wom-
may affect your rights as a creditor. You Good condition. $50 Call 650.952.3466 FENDER MUSTANG ll guitar amplifier ens Roller Skates Blue indoor/outdoor sz
may want to consult with an attorney LOST CAT. Black and White. Black MAHOGANY ANTIqUE Secretary desk, 110 watts 8-guitar settings, with cover. 6-8. $60 B/O. (650)574-4439
patch on right eye. REWARD. 72 x 40 , 3 drawers, Display case, bev- SOLID WOOD Entertainment Center- $130.00 650-421-5469
knowledgable in California law. TurnTable, Am-Fm, Eight Track, Built In
You may examine the file kept by the Call (323) 439-7713. elled glass, $300. (650)766-3024 WET SUIT - medium size, $95., call for
Speakers, Sony 26 Smart T.V.(68.75 in. HUGE LUDWIG Drum Set Silver Sparkle info (650)851-0878
court. If you are a person interested in X 25.5inch X28inch) $500 o.b.o
PICTURE POST Cards with stamps, 30, & Chrome, Zelgian, Pasite & Sabian
the estate, you may file with the court a Books 1909 to 1929. $10. (650)826-5262 (925)482-5742 Cymbals, 24 in. Timpany $4,300 WOMENS RAICHEL ski boots, size 6 ?
Request for Special Notice (form DE- $ 50. 650 888-5808 .
154) of the filing of an inventory and ap- (650)369-8013.
JAMES PATTERSON hardback books. WE PAY Top Dollar TWIN BED, mattress, box spring, frame
praisal of estate assets or of any petition 2 @ $3.00 each. (650)341-1861 $ 50. (650)598-9804. YAMAHA ROOF RACK, 58 inches $75.
or account as provided in Probate Code PIANO, UPRIGHT, in excellent condi-
tion. Asking $345. (650)366-4769 (650)458-3255
section 1250. A Request for Special No- NICHOLAS SPARKS hardback books. For Asian Works of Art USED BEDROOM Furniture, FREE. Call
tice form is available from the court clerk. 2 @ $3.00 each. Call (650)341-1861 Estate Liquidation Sales (650)573-7381. UPRIGHT PIANO. In tune. Fair condi- 335 Rugs
Attorney for Petitioner: RB Gallery tion. FREE. (650) 533-4886.
Patrick Etchebehere qUALITY BOOKS used and rare. World WALL UNIT/ROOM Divider. Simple
312 N. San Mateo Dr. & US History and classic American nov- of The Peninsula lines. Breaks down for transportation. YAMAHA ACOUSTIC Guitar, model ORIENTAL RUG 10x14 Karastan 100%
SAN MATEO, CA 94401 els. $5 each obo (650)345-5502 $25.(650)712-9962 leave message FG830 electric. $400.00 650-421-5469 wool, dark red with oriental pattern, ex-
(650)697-7966 cellent condition, clean never any pets
(605)288-0122 on carpet. $500 (650)591-6283
V.LOGVINOV, UNUSUAL Journey to the WALNUT CHEST, small (4 drawer with
FILED: 08/22/2017
(Published in the San Mateo Daily Jour- Country of Cyclic Arithmetic, 2017, Rus- upper bookcase $50. (650)726-6429 312 Pets & Animals
nal on 8/30/17, 9/6/17, 9/13/17 ) sian, 104 p $25 650-638-1695
WOOD - wall Unit - 30" long x 6' tall x AIRLINE CARRIER for cats, pur. from
335 Garden Equipment
303 Electronics 17.5" deep. $90. (650)631-9311 Southwest Airlines, $25, 2 available. Call
CHAIN SAW, 16 ,Craftsmen ,electric,
294 Baby Stuff (505)228-1480 local.
$55. 650 888-5808
ANTARES DOLLARS Bill Changer ma- WOODEN BED frame, single or 3/4 size.
FISHER-PRICE HEALTHY Care booster chines never used for small bus. $95 over 100 years Very good condition. $20. ONE KENNEL Cab ll one Pet Taxi ani-
seat - $5 (650)592-5864. (650)992-4544. 650-322-9598 mal carriers 26x16. Excellent cond. $60.. 340 Camera & Photo Equip.
NOTICE OF PETITION TO 296 Appliances OMEGA B600 Condenser Enlarger, In-
BLAUPUNKT AM/FM/CD Radio and Re- 306 Housewares struction Manual & 50mm El-Omegar En-
ceiver with Detachable Face asking PARROT CAGE, Steel, Large - approx
Wolfgang H. Gellrich 1960'S AVOCADO Osterizer blender 4 ft by 4 ft, Excellent condition $300 best larging Lens $95 (415)260-6940
$100. (650)593-4490 CARPET 10 X 14 Area Rug peach (ny-
Case Number: 17PRO00905 excellent condition $20.00 (650)596- lon) good cond. $99 (415)990-6134 offer. (650)245-4084
To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, con- 0513 KINDLE FIRE 8 in. Case and Charger 345 Medical Equipment
tingent creditors, and persons who may incl. 64 gig $75 Jeff 650-208-5758 COMPLETE SET OF CHINA - Windsor PET CARRIER for small dog or cat in ex-
otherwise be interested in the will or es- AIR CONDITIONER 10000 BTU w/re- Garden, Noritake. Four place-settings, cellent condition $30. Claudia (650) 349- HOMEDICS DUAL Shiatsu Massage
tate, or both, of Wolfgang Gellrich, Wolf- mote. Slider model fits all windows. LG MOTOROLA BRAVO MB 520 (android 20-pieces in original box, never used. 6059 Cushion. 3 Zone. $45.00. (650)207-4162
gang H. Gellrich. A Petition for Probate brand $199 runs like new. (650)235- 4.1 upgrade) smart phone 35$ 8GB SD $250 per box (3 boxes available).
has been filed by Christian A. Gellrich in 0898 card Belmont (650)595-8855 (650)342-5630 PET TAxI Animal Carrier. Brand: Delux Garage Sales
the Superior Court of California, County Nature Miracle - Excellent Condition for
of San Mateo. The Petition for Probate AIR CONDITIONER, Portable, 14,000 NEW HP Desk Jet 1112 Printer plus ex- CRYSTAL (LEADED glass) lamp $30. $25. Call (650)349-6059.
requests that Christian A. Gellrich be ap- BTU, Commercial Cool model tra cartridges- $30. Call (650)345-1234 Can send picture. 650-464-7860
pointed as personal representative to ad- 316 Clothes
minister the estate of the decedent.
The petition requests the decedents will
CPN14XC9, almost like new! All acces-
sories plus remote included.
ONKYO AV Receiver HT-R570 .Digital
Surround, HDMI, Dolby, Sirius Ready,
tery-operated candles $30.00, 415-990-
San Mateo
20 x 16-5/8 x 33-1/2 $245 OBO.
and codicils, if any, be admitted to pro-
bate. The will and any codicils are avail-
Cinema Filter.$95/ Offer (650)591-2393 6134 2 PR action slacks 36w 29L $10.00
each (650)367-1508 Bonsai Club
able for examination in the file kept by SAMSUNG FLAT TV 20" ex.co.incl. 54th Annual
the court.
BISSELL BAGLESS Upright Vacuum, VCR ,set up $70. (650)992-4544 307 Jewelry & Clothing 5 BOxES male & female square dance
The petition requests authority to admin-
Model 82H1, Dual Edge Cleaning, clothing. Excellent Condition. As a Bonsai Exhibit Show
Cleanview Hepa Filter $25 650-952- SONY DETACHABLE set :3cd /fm/am JILL ST. John earrings, clip on. Gold / bunch $200 Maryann 650-574-4439.
ister the estate under the Independent 3500 double tape. exc cond. $70 (415)231- blue enamel with Jill St. John logo. $10.
Administration of Estates Act. (This au- 4825 (650)588-0842 BOY SCOUT canvas belt with Boy Scout
thority will allow the personal representa- CIRRUS STEAM mop model SM212B 4 Buckle. Vintage. Fair condition. $5. Sunday, Sept 17
tive to take many actions without obtain- new extra cleaning pads,user manual. TV SONY Triniton 21" working condition. (650)588-0842
ing court approval. Before taking certain $45. (650)588-5487 $10 OBO (650)784-3243. 308 Tools 10am-4pm
very important actions, however, the per-
CRAFTSMAN 9" Radial Arm Saw with 6"
FAUx FUR Coat Woman's brown multi FREE admission
sonal representative will be required to COLEMAN LxE Roadtrip Grill - color in excellent condition 3/4
give notice to interested persons unless Red Brand New! (still in box) $100 304 Furniture dado set. No stand. $55 (650)341-6402 length $50 (650)692-8012
they have waived notice or consented to
the proposed action.) The independent
administration authority will be granted
unless an interested person files an ob-
Excellent Condition $225
ANTIqUE DINING table for six people
with chairs $99. (650)580-6324
DELTA CABINET SAW with overrun ta-
ble. $650/obo. (650)342-6993
$50.00 Call: 650-368-0748.
jection to the petition and shows good Please Call (650)244-9267 ANTIqUE MOHAGANY Bookcase. Four ROUTER TABLE ryobi $ 99. like new LADIES SEqUIN dress, blue, size XL, Bonsai Plants,
feet tall. $75. (415) 282-0966. (650)573-5269
cause why the court should not grant au-
GOOD MICROWAVE 1100 watt $40 Da-
pure silk lining, $40.00, (650) 578-9208 Bonsai Soil
thority. ARMCHAIR GOOD condition $55. 650- ROUTER TABLE, Used Bosh $45,
A hearing on the petition will be held in ly City (415) 231-4825.
266-3184. (650)367-8146
MEN'S STETSON hat, size large, new,
rim, solid black, large, great gift. $40
Pots and Wires
this court as follows: SEP. 29, 2017 at LARGE FAN - 26" x 26" - good condition (650) 578-9208
9:00 a.m., Superior Court of California, - $20.(650)697-6763 BARzILAY RECORD - fine walnut cre- SCROLL SAW Sears Variable Speed San Mateo Gardeners Hall
County of San Mateo, 400 County Cen- denza, 72 x 14.5H. $100. 650-804- 16" $45 (650) 367 8146 NEW WITH tags Wool or cotton Men's
ter, Redwood City, CA 94063. MFG H20LABS Model 300 exc cond 3947. Menlo Park. pullover sweaters (XL) $15/each
503 E. 5th Avenue
SHOPSMITH MARK V 50th Anniversary
If you object to the granting of the peti- counter top $25 Burl (650)248-3839.
BEIGE SOFA $99. Excellent Condition most attachments. $1,500/OBO. (650)952-3466 5th & Claremont
tion, you should appear at the hearing
and state your objections or file written REFRIGERATOR COMPACT made by (650) 315-2319 (650)504-0585
NIKE AIR shoes, white, size 10, hardly
San Mateo CA 94401
objections with the court before the hear- emerson $25.00 good shape joe 650 worn (cost $50) $10, 591-9769 San Car-
BRAND NEW Bookcase 72"x30" still in SKIL SAW 7 1/4" circular saw, 2 1/3 HP,
ing. Your appearance may be in person 573 5269
box $45. (415)231-4825. Model # 5150. Hardly used. $30 los (650)548-9470
or by your attorney. (650)556-9708
If you are a creditor or a contingent cred- SEWING MACHINE-ROYAL XL 6000 TUxEDO SIzE 40, black, including white
Dressmaker Sewing Machine. $150. CARPET RUNNER: 16ft.X26 Wide. Col-
itor of the decedent, you must file your or: floral design. good condition TABLE SAW Ryobi 10 with stand. New shirt, excellent cond. $50 650-355-5189
claim with the court and mail a copy to (650)342-8436.
$45.00. (650)266-3184 in box $99. (650)583-9901 or (650) 678-
the personal representative appointed by 0221.
the court within the later of either (1) four SEWING MACHINE: Older Singer Porta-
ble sewing machine. Works great. COAT/HAT STAND, solid wood, for your
months from the date of first issuance of mountain cabin/house. $25. (650)520- VINTAGE CRAFTSMAN Jig Saw. Circa
letters to a general personal representa- $40.00 (650)207-4162
7045 1947. $60. (650)245-7517
tive, as defined in section 58(b) of the WHIRLPOOL WASHER DRYER, GE
California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days Refrigerator all working and in good con- COMPUTER SWIVEL CHAIR. Padded VINTAGE SHOPSMITH and BAND
from the date of mailing or personal de- dition all for $99.00 (650)315-3240. Leather. $80. (650) 455-3409 SAW, good shape. $500/obo. Call
livery to you of a notice under sectioin (650)342-6993
9052 of the California Probate Code.Oth- COMPUTER TABLE, adjustable height,
er California statutes and legal authority 297 Bicycles chrome legs, 29x48 like new $30 (650)
may affect your rights as a creditor. You 697-8481
may want to consult with an attorney ADULT BIKES 1 regular and 2 with bal- WOOD BOTTOM hand planes . Good
knowledgable in California law. loon tires $30 Each (650) 347-2356 DINETTE TABLE, 3 adjustable leaf.$30. workers. $25 each. Call (650)339-3672
You may examine the file kept by the (650) 756-9516.Daly City.
court. If you are a person interested in CHILDS SCHWINN BICYCLE, BLUE in DINING TABLE (36"x54") and 4 match- 309 Office Equipment
the estate, you may file with the court a good condition. $20. (650) 355-5189. ing chairs, sturdy oak, cost $600, sell for
Request for Special Notice (form DE- $250 .(650)-654-1930. LAPTOP CASE or bag. Black. Like new.
154) of the filing of an inventory and ap- NEW 12" girls bike w/ training wheels
$75.00 (650) 347-1458 no ans/leave Hardly used. $25. (650)697-1564.
praisal of estate assets or of any petition DRESSER 4-DRAWER in Belmont for
or account as provided in Probate Code
section 1250. A Request for Special No-
$75. Good condition; good for children. 310 Misc. For Sale
Call (650)678-8585
tice form is available from the court clerk. 298 Collectibles 500-600 BIG Band-era 78's--most mint,
Attorney for Petitioner: DRESSER- ART Deco. 54wide 34 tall no sleeves--$50 for all-(650)574-5459
Christian A. Gellrich 1950'S THE First Authentic Rock & Roll 22deep. $150. (650)888-2662.
1046 Eden Bower Lane Collection, 72 original hits, $10; 591- BOBBY HULL Hockey Game Great
REDWOOD CITY, CA 94061 9769 San Carlos Cont. ,1960s $50 (415)269-4784
(650)487-0948 DRESSER- VICTORIAN. 35 tall
FILED: 08/30/2017 BILLY DEE Williams autographed Star 48wide 22 deep. W/ mirror 34x42 CASH REGISTER Parts; Much Skin Not
(Published in the San Mateo Daily Jour- $450. (650)888-2662. Guts $500 (415)269-4784
Wars action figure: Lando Calrissian,
nal on 9/13/17, 9/20/17, 9/21/17 ) space smuggler. $35 Steve (650)518- DRESSER-ART DECO. Heavy Glass. CHEVRON SHINGLE Oil will add life to
6614 Top 51 tall 36 deep 14 wide $150. your roof. FREE. Worth over $100.
(650)888-2662. (650)322-9598
LENNOx RED Rose, Unused, hand
painted, porcelain, authenticity papers, DRExEL HEADBOARD $50. (650)589- DOORS FRENCH 2x28x79 w/5 lights
$12.00. (650) 578 9208. 0764 $12.00 (650)544-5306
THEDAILYJOURNAL Wednesday Sept. 13, 2017 25
Garage Sales 620 Automobiles 670 Auto Service 670 Auto Service 670 Auto Parts 680 Autos Wanted
Wanted 62-75 Chevrolets
& Check Engine Light Service
$50. Excellent condition, 80k warranty,
used less than 10k. (650)593-4490 Novas, running or not
on a trade-in or Complete Repair & Service 25 Years of Experience
ESTATE SALES consignment! $29.75 plus certificate fee
We Travel to your FREE: 2 unmounted tires V.G. condition Parts collection etc.
for Toyota, incl Prius 124 Myrtle Burlin-
Make money, make room!
(most cars)
869 California Drive . Home or Office game (in driveway) So clean out that garage
Sell your vehicle in the Burlingame Call Jesse
Give me a call
List your upcoming
Daily Journals (650) 340-0492 (650)465-2648 one only for sale $50 (650)814-9737 to Joe 650 342-2483
garage sale, arrange pick up.

moving sale, Auto Classifieds.

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

estate sale,
yard sale, Just $45
rummage sale, Well run it
clearance sale, or til you sell it!
whatever sale you Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
have... Reach 83,450 drivers
from South SF to 35 All-inclusive 50 The first Mrs.
Reach over 83,450 readers Palo Alto 1 Green Angry 1 Cops quarry 36 Salary Trump
from South San Francisco Birds animals 2 Like __ lump ... 38 Like a path thats 51 Prying tool
to Palo Alto. Call (650)344-5200
in your local newspaper. [email protected] 5 Salon style 3 Marvin of Motown cobbled 52 Acts like a good
9 Jabberwocky 4 Speech together? dog
Call (650)344-5200 opener therapists 39 Allowed to get out 55 Lose steam
ACURA 00 TL, 137K miles, clean, title 13 Les __-Unis challenge 42 Examine in detail 56 Elec. or mech.
and smog done. $3,700. (650)302-5523 15 Eye layer 5 More virtuous 44 Go from cloudy expert
BMW 07 X-5, One Owner, Excel. Condi- 16 For __ jolly ... 6 President to fair 57 __-Ball: arcade
379 Open Houses tion Sports package 3rd row seats re- 17 Name on a two- Morales of Bolivia 46 Wisecrack game
duced $19,995 obo Call (650)520-4650
liter bottle (and 7 DVR back up 48 Tweeters 60 Suffix with
CADILLAC 99 DeVille Concours, button 49 Physician at the concert
OPEN HOUSE 98,500 miles, $3,500 or best offer.
whats inside)
LISTINGS (650)270-6637 19 Double-crossers 8 Chanted word front 61 Big tee sizes


20 Like 9 Add, as a shrimp
List your Open House miles, $3800 (650)481-5296 microwavable to the barbie
in the Daily Journal. 10 Go this way and
Reach over 83,450 CONDITION. $8888. (650)274-8284. 21 Valued caches that
potential home buyers & 23 Independently 11 Autumn bloom
CHEVY HHR 08 - Grey, spunky car
renters a day,
from South San Francisco
loaded, even seat warmers, $9,500. owned suds 12 Flip
to Palo Alto. producer (and 14 And hast thou
in your local newspaper. CORVETTE 1985 C-4 128,000 miles, the suds in __ the
Automatic, T-Top, $3,000 (650)571-8344
Call (650)344-5200 question) Jabberwock?
LINCOLN 02 Navigator, excellent condi- 18 Music box?
tion. Runs great! Must sell! $4,400/obo. 26 Parthenon
(650)342-4227. goddess 22 Deal with, as
435 Rental Needed 29 How cool! loose laces
625 Classic Cars 30 Length of most 24 Almost there!
SEEKING CHEVY 55 BEL AIR 2 door, Standard TV dramas 25 Borscht veggies
APT or STUDIO Transmission V8 Motor, non-op $22,000 31 WWI battleship 26 Quaker captain
obo. (650)952-4036.
on Peninsula on or Graf __ of literature
before Oct 31. CHEVY 86 CORVETTE. Automatic.
33 Kin by marriage 27 Fashionable Brit
Looking for $1000.00 93,000 miles. Sports Package.$6,800
obo. (650) 952-4036. 37 CIO partner 28 Ship frame
per month 32 Freak out
I have great references CORVETTE 69 350 4-SPEED. 50K 38 Where Starbucks
Call or email
MILES. $18.500. Ill trade it for a GMC
Truck. (650)481-5296. began (and a 34 2016 Best
650-814-9737 or product it Picture nominee
[email protected] 09/13/17
FORD 50 4-Door Sedan, Automatic
[email protected] Transmission, 302V8 $1,200. popularized) __ Land
40 __ snails pace
630 Trucks & SUVs 41 Note above A
440 Apartments 43 Snoop (around)
MITSUBBISHI 05 SUV, 4 wheel drive,
ONE BEDROOM IN A DUPLEx, 1-2 126K miles, clean, smog done, fully load- 44 Blockage
persons ideally. No pets. One carport ed. $5,500. (650)302-5523
parking space. Laundry facilities. $2100 45 Slangy Its cool
per month. Excellent credit required. 635 Vans 47 Currently
Available now. (650) 595-1052.
CHEVROLET 06 Mini VAN, new radia- combusting
470 Rooms tor, tires and brakes. Needs head gasket.
49 Pepperidge
$500. (650)481-5296
HONDA 04. Odyssey Van, 119K miles,
Farm treat
Non-Profit Home Sharing Program
San Mateo County clean, title and smog done. Fully loaded! (and its ideal
(650)348-6660 $5,600. (650)302-5523
640 Motorcycles/Scooters 53 Novelist Waugh
620 Automobiles BMW 03 F650 GS, $3899 OBO. Call 54 Scolds harshly
(650) 995-0003 58 Jones with a
1979 MERCEDES 450 SL with hard top.
Completely rebuilt. 20K obo. 650 -851-
HONDA 305 Head, 2 blocks, X-tras. locker
$500 (415)269-4784
59 Whats clued in
GOT AN OLDER with mounting hardware and other parts parentheses for
$35. Call (650)670-2888 each of four
Do the humane thing. MOTORCYCLE SADDLEBAGS, answers, and
Donate it to the with mounting hardware and other parts
Humane Society. $35. Call (650)670-2888 found in
Call 1- 800-943-8412 corresponding
645 Boats
sets of puzzle
MAzDA 12 CX-7 SUV Excellent con- 2003 P-15 West Wight Potter sailboat,
dition One owner Fully loaded Low excellend condition. $5,500. Call
miles reduced $18,995 obo (650)520-
(650)347-2559 62 Don Juans
MALIBU 21 ft with tower. Completely re- mother
CADILLAC 02 Deville, 8 cylinder, per- built and re-finished. Boat and Motor. 63 Just
fect condition, like new, cashmere out- 20K obo. 650-851-0878.
side white inside 4787 miles $13,000.
SEA RAY 16 FT . I/B. $1,200. Needs
64 __ protector
Upholstery. Call (650)898-5732. 65 Give a darn
By Adam T. Cobb
66 Horseshoes turn
2017 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
67 Dijon dad
26 Wednesday Sept. 13, 2017 THEDAILYJOURNAL

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in their advertisements that they are not
licensed by the Contractors State Li-
cense Board.
THEDAILYJOURNAL Wednesday Sept. 13, 2017 27

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28 Wednesday Sept. 13, 2017 WORLD THE DAILY JOURNAL

Aleppo still badly scarred by war

By Nataliya Vasilyeva
Around the world
Mexico takes steps to
ease return of young immigrants
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS LOS ANGELES Mexicos top diplomat on Tuesday said
his country is taking steps to ease the return of young immi-
ALEPPO, Syria Aleppo is in my grants whose deportation protection is being rescinded by the
eyes, says a billboard depicting Trump administration, but he also acknowledged they would
President Bashar Assad looking out prefer to stay in the United States.
over two men and a boy repaving the On a visit to Los Angeles, Foreign Relations Secretary Luis
main Saadallah al-Jabiri Square Videgaray said his government is making it easier to transfer
once a front line in one of the deadliest education credits and is extending a loan program for young
episodes of the Syrian civil war. entrepreneurs.
The recapture of eastern Aleppo in He said Mexico also created a job bank with the immi-
December 2016 was a landmark victo- grants in mind after President Donald Trump announced his
ry for Assads forces in the conflict, decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or
now in its seventh year, but it left the DACA, program that allows them to work in the United
area in ruins. States.
Eight months later, neighborhood Mexico will also provide legal assistance to immigrants
after neighborhood in the formerly and lobby U.S. lawmakers to draft a plan for the immigrants
rebel-held sector still look like ghost brought to the United States as children often referred to as
towns. Only rarely is a family seen sit- dreamers to obtain legal status.
ting on white plastic chairs outside the With each dreamer who returns to Mexico, Mexico
REUTERS FILE PHOTO wins, Videgaray said at the Mexican Consulate in Los
A man sits in debris in the Al-Shaar neighborhood of Aleppo, Syria. Angeles. But, he added, What is relevant is not which coun-
Life is slowly returning to the deso-
Aleppo once Syrias largest city villages. try wins here. What is relevant here is what the dreamers
late streets where shop signs are cov-
from camps for the displaced. Although Syrian government-con- want.
ered with dust, where men hawk ciga-
rettes on a street corner and teenagers Russian troops mediating between trolled neighborhoods did not see the
sell bananas off a picnic table. the Syrian government and various destruction and loss of life on a scale U.S.: Two more Americans
Rami Abdurrahman, director of the opposition factions have helped. The comparable to what eastern Aleppo were affected by Cuba health attacks
Britain-based Syrian Observatory for task forces chief in the province, Maj. endured, the seemingly quiet neighbor- WASHINGTON Two more Americans have been con-
Human Rights, says thousands of peo- Gen. Igor Yemelyanov, said it has hoods in the west also bear the scars of firmed to be affected by unexplained health attacks against
ple have returned to their homes in helped 3,500 people return to nearby conflict. U.S. diplomats in Cuba, the United States said Tuesday, rais-
ing the total number of victims to 21.

Trump: North Korea sanctions small step, warns of more The additional two individuals appear to be cases that were
only recently reported but occurred in the past. The State
Department said no new, medically confirmed incidents
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The U.N. Security textile exports, an important source of have taken place since the most recent one in late August.
Councils new hard currency, and capped its imports Earlier this month, the U.S. disclosed there had been another
WASHINGTON President Donald restrictions could of crude oil. incident in August after previously saying the attacks had
Trump said Tuesday new U.N. sanc- further bite into The measures fell short of stopped.
tions are nothing compared to what North Koreas mea- Washingtons goals: a potentially Its possible the number could grow even higher as more
ultimately will have to happen to ger economy after crippling ban on oil imports and freez- cases are discovered. State Department spokeswoman Heather
stop North Koreas nuclear march. what Kim Jong Uns ing the international assets of Kim and Nauert said the U.S. continues to assess American personnel.
U.S. officials showed Congress satel- authoritarian gov- his government. The U.S. citizens were members of the American diplomat-
lite images of illicit trade to highlight ernment says was a We think its just another very ic community, the U.S. said. Officials have said previously
the challenge of getting China and Donald Trump hydrogen bomb test small step not a big deal, Trump that the incidents, deemed health attacks by Secretary of
Russia to cut off commerce with the Sept. 3. The world said as he met with Malaysias prime State Rex Tillerson, affected diplomats posted to the Embassy
rogue nation. body on Monday banned North Korean minister at the White House. in Havana along with family members who live with them.

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