Ravenloft Strahds Possession Manual
Ravenloft Strahds Possession Manual
Ravenloft Strahds Possession Manual
SPELLS ............................................................................45
Priest Spells..................................................................46
Mage Spells..................................................................55
Strategies for Using Spells ..............................................67
DESIGNERS NOTES .....................................................85
Experience Levels ..........................................................87
Ability Scores................................................................89
You must discipline your heart.
Prepare it for the hardships of a long Adventure Screen
game from time to time during and the game. RINGS CONTAINER
play is a good idea. You may also pause the game by
pressing the letter p on your
Quick Save: By pressing the s computer keyboard. To return to
key on your computer keyboard, the game, press p again.
you quick save your game
without having to work through QUIT
menu choices. This option saves To quit the game, move the INVENTORY MOUSE POINTER MAGES SPELLBOOK
your game, without a title, to a mouse cursor to the top of the SLOTS WITH OBJECT
special quick save position. By adventure screen until the
pressing Shift-r you can restore menu of options appears. Left- Inventory Screen
this quick saved game. click over the QUIT option to end
your game.
LOAD Inventory Screen Character Positions in Party:
Characters on the left are con-
To restore a previously saved To display the inventory screen,
sidered to be in the front rank
game, move the mouse cursor move the cursor over one of
of the party; those on the right
to the top of the adventure the character portraits at the
are in the rear rank. This front
screen until the menu of bottom of the adventure screen
and rear ranking applies only to
options appears. Left-click over and left-click.
interior locations. Characters
the LOAD option. This displays a
The inventory screen is divided outside are considered to have
list of named saved games, as
into four sections, one for each formed a less ordered group
well as the quick save slot
of four possible characters. It and all react as if they have
mentioned in the Save
contains slots for storing positions in the front rank.
instructions. Click on the game
various pieces of equipment in
you wish to continue playing To change the rank positions of
inventory. Names and character
and press Enter to load it. your characters, left-click with
portraits appear at the top of
the cursor over the characters
each section.
name at the top of the screen.
The characters slot becomes
21 22
outlined in white. By clicking on White Skull Symbol: Left- Bronze Figurines: Below the described in Pick Up and Drop
a blank slot the character is click on this icon to display a character portraits on the Objects/Add Items to Inventory,
moved to that slot. Clicking on menu of afflictions currently inventory screen stand bronze in the section Things You Can
another characters name causes affecting a character. Poison, figurines. These represent the Do From the Adventure Screen,
the two to switch positions. paralysis, and rotting disease characters body, upon which starting on page 14.
are but a few of the unwelcome can be placed clothing, armor,
Hit Point Bar: Hit points for To Open a Container: To open
each character are represented examples. Note: this icon does various weapons, and items
a container, such as a sack or a
by a yellow bar at the right of not appear unless a character is such as key rings, helmets, etc.
chest, place the object in a char-
the characters portrait. As a afflicted in one form or another. Items may be placed on the
acters left hand on the bronze
character takes damage, the hit following areas:
White Spell Book: Left-click on figurine. When this is done, the
points bar descends to the the white spell book and a menu Head: helmets container opens up, displaying
bottom of the portrait square. of magic spells currently influ- its contents. Objects within the
When hit points are danger- Neck: amulets and
encing a character is displayed. container may now be put into
ously low, the bar turns red. medallions
As with the white skull symbol, inventory or swapped with
Armor Class Symbol: The this icon does not appear until Hands: weapons, shields, items already in inventory, or
golden shield to the right of the an active magic begins to sacks, key rings, potions, or the character may simply place
character portrait represents his influence the character. any similar objects you wish the entire container in inven-
or her armor class. The number the character to use tory. To close the container, left-
Statistics Display: Next to the
click on the characters left hand
displayed on the shield is the characters portrait on the Wrists: bracers and gloves
current AC. and the container closes.
inventory screen is a small red
Shoulder: a quiver to
Scale Symbol/Encumbrance: box with a curved arrow inside. Object Information: When
hold arrows
To the right of the armor class Left-clicking on this icon an object is selected, it is
symbol is the scale symbol. Left- displays statistical information Body: armor, cloaks, robes superimposed over the mouse
click on this icon and a window pertaining to the character. pointer. When selected on the
Though male, female, short, and
appears displaying how much Information displayed includes inventory screen, a message bar
tall figurines are displayed, any
weight the character is carrying, the characters class and appears centered on the screen
clothing found fits any character.
how much he or she is capable alignment, as well as total below the character portraits.
of carrying, and an encumbrance experience points gained and Rings: To the right and left of
To return to the adventure
rating from the encumbrance the number of experience each bronze figurine is a white
screen, right-click with the
table found on page 91. The points necessary to reach the line sketch representing the
mouse anywhere on the
inside of the scale changes color next level. Right-clicking on the characters hands. Rings can be
inventory screen except over
as encumbrance increases and red box icon displays statistical placed on these representations
the icon used to switch between
shows red when a character information for all of the by left-clicking when a ring is
the inventory area and the
becomes severely encumbered. characters in the party at once. over the hand icon. Each
statistical display.
character may wear two rings at
A moderately encumbered When character statistics are
any one time.
character receives a -1 penalty displayed, the red box appears
to attack; a heavily encumbered as a black grid with a curved Inventory Slots: 12 inventory
character receives a -2 penalty arrow inside. Left-clicking on the slots exist beneath each bronze
on the attack and a +1 penalty changed icon returns to the char- figurine. Objects you wish
to Armor Class; a severely acters inventory information. A your characters to carry with
encumbered character receives right-click returns to all charac- them on the adventure may be
a -4 attack penalty and a + 3 ters inventory information. placed here. To do this, use the
Armor Class penalty. object manipulation techniques
23 24
SCROLL MAP At the top, bottom, and sides of scrolls activates this feature.
NORTH the automapping window are The maps of all areas explored
small gray pyramids, icons are always available.
which can be used to scroll to
SCROLL MAP Text: By clicking over the text
EAST the north, south, east, and west
button, any text you have added
of the map. This becomes
to the map window can be tem-
useful when the map grows
SCROLL QUILL porarily hidden to allow better
MAP PEN larger than can be displayed all
WEST viewing of the map. The text can
in one window. Buttons marked
SEVERAL be restored by clicking once
TEXT, PRINT, SAVE, and EXIT are in
SCROLLS again. Note that when the text
the lower right-hand corner of
button is off, the text is not print-
ERASER the screen, and above these are
ed when the print option is used.
icons representing an eraser, a
TOGGLE MAP quill pen, and several scrolls. Print: This unique feature allows
Altogether, these add a number you to print the layout of the
PRINT of versatile features to the RAVENLOFT game world area
mapping process. your characters are exploring.
Print out a map by selecting the
SAVE MAP TO Left-clicking on the quill pen
FILE PRINT option on the right-hand
allows you to type notes
MAPPING SCROLL MAP RETURN TO side of the automapping display
anywhere on the map window.
AREA SOUTH GAME and left-clicking with the mouse.
Simply move the cursor to the
Note that text printed is not
desired position and left-click to
printed as it appears on your
begin your text line. Hitting
computer screen. Text is printed
Automap Screen Enter allows you to continue
below the map, but remains use-
your text on the next line. Up to
ful because of a footnoting tech-
four lines of text are available
nique wherein letters overlayed
Automapping The area map is based on your for each entry. Press Esc to
at various locations on the map
characters line-of-sight, so only return the cursor to the screen.
As your party explores the are associated with text notes
parts of a dungeon that have Left-click on the eraser icon and beside those same letters printed
many lairs and labyrinths of the
been explored are shown. it turns gray. You may now beneath the map. A little practice
RAVENLOFT game world, the
Everything on the map reflects move the cursor over any line of quickly allows you to make the
last thing you want to do is map
the current status of the items text on the map, where another most accurate use of this feature.
each step of the way with pencil
shown. Doors are displayed left-click erases the line you
and paper. Weve made it easy
open or closed. This makes have chosen. Click on the Special Note: Please be certain
by including a versatile auto-
automapping a very useful tool. eraser again to exit this mode. your printer is on and set up to
mapping feature. The map is
Walls, insets, doors, floors, trap print out a map. For the print
displayed from the adventure The icon representing several
doors, rugs, plates, illusionary function to work, the printer must
screen. Move the cursor to the scrolls overlapping one another
walls, your party, trees, crea- be set to print the IBM character
very top of the screen and allows you to scroll through
tures, NPCs, and furniture are set. Refer to your printer instruc-
choose AUTOMAP from the menu maps displaying various areas
all displayed on the map. Note, tions for information on how to set
of options which appears. of the RAVENLOFT game world
however, that items and crea- up your printer, and if you are
(Placing the cursor over the already explored by your party.
tures of which your characters using a laser printer, be aware you
option and left-clicking with the Left-clicking on the small gray
are not yet aware are not shown. may have to change the printer
mouse activates this option.) pyramids above and below the
font to the IBM character set.
25 26
Save: By selecting this option THAC Damage Moving and Fighting
you save the currently THAC is your characters Damage is the hit point loss Pay attention to the compass
viewed map into a file in ability to hit enemies. THAC an attacker inflicts on his on the screen to help with
the Automaps subdirec- stands for To Hit Armor Class opponent. This damage is mapping. In an unexplored
tory. They are in the format . A character must roll a based on the attackers strength area, move with a spell menu
AUTOxxx.MAP (where xxx number equal to or greater and the weapon being used. on the screen and an attack
is the number of the map) than this to damage a target What damage each weapon spell showing.
and can be viewed in any with an armor class of . The can do is summarized in the
Prepare your character for
text editor. lower the attackers THAC, Weapons Chart on page 92.
battle before opening any
the better his or her chance to
Exit: Select EXIT to return to the Sometimes, monsters take door, climbing or descending
hit the target. A characters
adventure screen. partial or no damage from stairs, or pushing any button
THAC is based on his or her
certain weapons. Skeletons, that might open a door or
class and level.
Adventuring Strategy for example, take half-damage secret wall. Monsters often
from sharp or edged weapons. crouch behind closed doors or
ATTACKING OPPONENTS NOTE: the generation of a
secret walls, waiting and hungry
random number is often referred COMBAT STRATEGIES
Characters most often engage in for combat!
to as a roll. In determining if
melee combat, which is face- an attack hits, the number Characters who use thrown Remember, your characters
to-face battle with weapons generated is from 1 through 20. weapons should carry them in- can move and fight at the
such as swords and maces. The base roll is modified by the hand. Be sure to recover your same time, even backwards
Other options include casting characters ability scores and by characters ranged weapons after to dodge a melee attack and
spells and ranged combat using the use of magic weapons. each battle. You may wish to sideways to dodge a ranged
bows or slings. collect all the ranged weapons attack. Another strategy is to
An attack is successful if the your character finds, for they are retreat behind a door and close
COMBAT MECHANICS roll is greater than or equal to used quickly in battle. it, blocking the attack of a par-
Understanding the technical the attackers THAC minus ticularly nasty beast. Be careful
side of combat allows you to the targets AC. though, some monsters can
choose the most effective open doors!
strategy for your party in battle. Example: A fighter with a THAC
Each characters ability in of 15 attacking a monster with an
combat is defined by his armor AC of 3 would need to roll:
class, THAC, and damage. (THAC 15) - (AC 3) = 12+.
Armor Class But to hit a monster with an AC
Armor class (AC) is how of -2 he would need to roll:
(THAC 15) - (AC -2) = 17+.
difficult a monster is to hit with
a weapon. The lower the armor
class, the harder it is to hit the
target. Armor class is based on
armor and a bonus for the
characters dexterity.
Some magic items help improve
(or lower) armor class rating.
27 28
HINTS When to Save the Game Click on the gray bar and move The Holy Symbol
Save the game any time you it with the cursor to change the of Ravenkind
Here are a few hints to help
believe something might mouses double-click speed
your character along the way. An ancient medallion crafted
happen to hurt your party. between its minimum and
Carry Items with You Use the quick save option by maximum values. to represent the beauty and
You never know when your hitting the s key on your power of the sun, the Holy
Turn the floors, ceilings, and/or Symbol of Ravenkind was once
characters might need some- computer keyboard.
sky on or off by clicking on the worn by the high priest of Castle
thing theyve found! To carry
We also recommend saving at appropriate button. When these Ravenloft as a sign of his office.
an item along for the adventure,
pick it up and move it into an the beginning of each level. images are replaced by a neu- A large crystal lies embedded in
inventory slot. If there is no tral color, the game operates this platinum artifact, while
If a puzzle is difficult to solve,
more room in your characters more quickly, as your computer symbols of light and truth are
save the game and try different
inventory, find a safe and easily has fewer bit-mapped images to carved about its circumference.
accessible location to stash keep track of. The title of Ravenkind was
items that cant be carried. If monsters are attacking thick attached to the symbol when
Sprite dithering enhances the
and fast, save the game and try the secret society which bears
Keep Track of images of creatures as they
new strategies. that name, led by Pyoor
Buttons and Levers come closer to your party. It Twohundredsummers, came to
Some puzzles are activated in When things are really tough, works to blend the colors of realize its tremendous potential
one part of the dungeon, yet save before opening doors. adjacent pixels and keep the for undoing the evil of Ravenloft.
affect other parts farther off. If images of approaching
Go On The society of Ravenkind
your characters cannot get creatures from becoming too
When all else fails, go on with believes all of Ravenlofts
through an area, go back and blocky. Turning this option off
the game. Your characters need troubles can be traced to a
change a few buttons or levers, slightly increases the speed at
not open every door, fight every single, malevolent being, a
one at a time, then see if the which the game runs.
monster, and obtain every item creature of such undying evil
change makes a difference. to win. Remember any areas Switching between the mini- that neither mortal-made nor
Use the automapping feature to your party bypasses. If you are mum and maximum values ordinary magical weapons can
assist you in learning the stumped in a later area, or need of distancing determines destroy it. Unable to find the
workings of certain puzzles. an item to go on, go back and whether monsters, trees, and long-hidden medallion, the
try the puzzle again. objects are seen from as far society nevertheless believes
Look for Hidden away as possible or not until
Buttons on the Walls the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind
Game Options they are much closer. to be the only device capable of
Always check walls for hidden
buttons and bricks. Moving The menu bar, displayed by The sound and music may dealing Ravenlofts most terrible
your party sideways down a moving the cursor to the top of be switched on and off from inhabitant a mortal blow.
wall often makes such things the adventure screen, includes this screen. Who is the most dread
easier to spot. a choice on the far right called sovereign of Ravenlofts evil?
OPTIONS. Left-click on this Altering the palette intensity
Keep An Eye on the Compass changes the brightness of Can a burst of light from the
choice and a screen showing Holy Symbol of Ravenkind truly
Watch the compass as your nine control options is shown. colors and images in the game.
characters explore. There are a Left-click on the gray bar destroy the ultimate enemy of
number of traps that can change and move it with the cursor lawful good? In answering these
the partys facing. Magic portals to change between the mini- questions lie the hopes of your
and teleporters may reveal mum and maximum values of party: to survive, to succeed in
themselves in this way. palette intensity. their quest, and to escape
Ravenloft forever.
29 30
Spirits, spells, and perilous magic await those summoned by fate to LEGEND FOR Range: 0 = the spellcaster
journey within the misty realm. To survive in the RAVENLOFT PRIEST AND Touch = the character touched
game world, it is well to know magic, or to seek out a fellow traveler MAGE SPELL Close = adjacent square
adept in the ancient art of spellcasting. Following are descriptions DESCRIPTIONS Medium = up to 2 squares away
of spells your magic-wielding characters may use to fend off the Long = as far as visible range
dangers of the realm, or to conquer its greatest challenges. Duration: Instantaneous = flash or instant effect
Short = single combat round
The Prophecy of Magic Medium = effect lasts for some time
Long = effect lasts quite a while
Permanent = effect lasts for entire game
Special = see spell description
A useful spell for those stalked by a rotting zombie while exploring Draw Upon Holy Might - STR
the RAVENLOFT game world. When cast upon a character, RANGE: 0 DURATION: MEDIUM AREA OF EFFECT: SPELLCASTER
invisibility to undead causes a creature to lose track of and ignore
your party. Powerful undead with many hit points may avoid the While the citizens of Barovia cower within their homes, afraid to
effect of this spell. Note also that a priest protected by this spell worship their gods, the priest in your party may become a vessel for
cannot turn affected undead and that the spell ends immediately if the power of his or her god. Upon invoking this spell, his or her
affected characters make any attack. body shudders and glows with energy. As a result, the caster
increases his or her Strength ability score by +1 for every three
levels of experience. The effect lasts for the duration of the spell. It
Light cannot increase strength beyond a value of 18.
This spell causes a luminous glow to appear. The light is equal in Draw Upon Holy Might - DEX
brightness to torchlight, but is not cumulative, as multiple castings RANGE: 0 DURATION: MEDIUM AREA OF EFFECT: SPELLCASTER
do not provide a greater light. A good spell to use when no torches
are available. Similar to Draw Upon Holy Might - STR, invoking this spell causes
the priests body to act as a vessel for the energy of his or her god.
This time, however, the caster increases his or her Dexterity ability
Magical Stone score by +1 for every three levels of experience. The effect lasts for
the duration of the spell. It cannot increase dexterity beyond a
value of 18.
Temporarily enchanting up to three small stones (no larger than
sling bullets), a priest may hurl these at an opponent for up to 1d4
points of damage, or 2d4 when used against the undead. The Flame Blade
stones are considered +1 weapons for determining if a creature can RANGE: 0 DURATION: MEDIUM AREA OF EFFECT: ONE TARGET
be struck, and the magic of each stone lasts for one half hour or
until used. To use this spell, your character must find the stones, This spell causes a flame-like blade to appear in the casters hand.
hold them in his or her hands, and then cast the spell. The blade attacks like a normal sword and does 7-10 points of dam-
age. The character attacks with this as he or she would with any
other melee weapon. The spell does slightly less damage against
targets protected from fire. Spell duration increases with the level of
the caster.
49 50
Cure Disease
Hold person affects human, demi-human, or humanoid creatures. RANGE: TOUCH DURATION: PERMANENT AREA OF EFFECT: CREATURE TOUCHED
Creatures that are affected become rigid and unable to move or
speak. Spell duration increases with the level of the caster. This spell enables the caster to cure most diseases by placing his
or her hand upon the diseased creature. Thereafter, whatever
affliction tortures the creature rapidly disappears, depending of
Slow Poison course upon the type of disease and the state of its advancement
when the cure disease spell is cast. Cure disease is a critical
component when any attempt to cure a werewolf is attempted.
Some brigands are known to lace their blades with a deadly
poison. This spell slows the effects of any type of poison for a
limited time. When the spell dissipates the victims suffer the Dispel Magic
poisons full effect unless a neutralize poison spell is cast. The RANGE: MEDIUM DURATION: PERMANENT AREA OF EFFECT: IMMEDIATE AREA
spells duration increases with the level of the caster. High-level
paladins can cast slow poison spells. This spell can negate the effects of almost any spell affecting your
party. Dispel magic does not counter cure spells, but it will dispel
hold person, bless, and similar spells.
Cast this spell upon a character, and the next cure wounds spell
cast upon the same character will be strengthened. When
complete, the cure wounds spell so fortified always functions to its
maximum effect.
Neutralize Poison
By using atonement, a priest removes the burden of unwilling and Terribly effective, this reverse of the heal spell will bring a target to
unknown deeds from the person who is the subject of the atonement. deaths door, reducing it to very few hit points, no matter how many
This spell is especially useful when working to remove the patholo- hit points the target had before the spell. Is your priest brave
gical scourge of the werewolf. enough to shake hands with a werewolf, and would so powerful a
creature ever allow him that close alive?
The cure critical wounds spell is a very potent version of the cure
light wounds spell used by a first-level priest. It can heal 6-27 hit
points of damage.
Flame Strike
By means of this spell, the priest calls out of the sky a column of
flame, hopefully annihilating the unlucky target. Creatures affected
by the spell suffer 6-48 points of damage.
Raise Dead
When the priest casts a raise dead spell, he or she can restore life to
a dwarf, gnome, half-elf, halfling, or human, though they may
remain gravely weakened and all but useless to the party for a time.
Unfortunately, full-blooded elves cannot be affected by this spell.
55 56
When a mage casts this spell, a jet of searing flame shoots from the
characters fingertips. The damage inflicted by the flame increases Shield
as the mage increases in level and gains power. The spell does one RANGE: 0 DURATION: MEDIUM TO LONG AREA OF EFFECT: SPECIAL
to three points of damage plus two points per level of the caster.
For example, a 10th-level mage would do 21-23 points of damage. This spell produces an invisible barrier in front of the mage that
totally blocks magic missile attacks. It also offers AC 2 against
hurled weapons (darts, spears) and AC 3 against propelled missiles
Chill Touch (arrows, sling-stones). The spell does not have a cumulative effect
with the armor spell. The spell duration increases with the level of
the caster.
When casting this spell, a blue glow encompasses the mages hand.
This energy attracts the life force of any living thing upon which the
mage makes a successful melee attack. To reflect this, the creature
suffers a -1 to its attack rolls for every other successful touch.
Detect Undead
The position of a mage with an active blur spell shifts and wavers. A wizard lock spell cast upon a door, chest, or portal magically
This distortion makes the character harder to hit with an attack. A locks it. While the mage can freely pass through his or her own
true seeing spell will counter a blur spell. lock without affecting it, other creatures must try to break in, or use
magic several levels above the casting mages to successfully dispel
or knock their way in.
Ice Knife
By casting the ice knife spell, a mage fires a dagger of ice at his or
her target. A successful hit causes from 2-8 hit points of damage.
Should the dagger miss its target, it will shatter, releasing a wave of
numbing cold. Creatures within the range of this wave may suffer
cold damage, moving slowly as if paralyzed. A thrown ice knife
cannot be picked up for reuse. Touching it will result in the wave of
numbing cold described previously.
Improved Identify
When this spell is cast, one item in the mages hand is identified for
what it really is. The mage learns the items name and the attack or
damage bonuses it has. To use this spell, the object can be placed
either in the characters hand as it appears on the adventure screen
or in the hand of the characters figure on the inventory screen.
59 60
Dispel Magic
This spell can affect humans, demi-humans, or humanoid
creatures. Creatures that are affected become rigid and unable to
When a mage casts this spell, he or she has a chance to neutralize move or speak. Spell duration increases with the level of the caster.
magic. It removes spells and spell-like effects from characters,
creatures, and objects. Dispel does not counter cure spells, but it
will dispel hold person, bless, and similar spells. It cannot Hold Undead
permanently affect enchanted items, such as magical rings, wands,
or weapons.
This spell affects undead creatures who are as powerful or weaker
than the caster. This spell automatically affects skeletons, zombies,
Fireball or ghouls. All other undead creatures may resist the spell; those
who do not become rigid and unable to move or speak. Spell
duration increases with the level of the caster.
A fireball is an explosive blast of flame that damages everything in
the target square. The explosion does one to six points of damage
for every level of the caster to a maximum of 10th-level. For Invisibility 10 Radius
example, a 10th-level mage does 10-60 points of damage.
This spell makes enemies move and attack at half their normal rate.
Slowed creatures have a penalty of 4 on their armor class and they
attack with penalties. All dexterity combat bonuses are negated.
61 62
Detect Scrying
When this spell is cast, a glowing hand appears. A mage may RANGE: 0 DURATION: LONG AREA OF EFFECT: 120-FOOT RADIUS
attack with this hand like any other melee weapon. When the
caster touches an opponent with a successful attack, the spell does By use of this spell, the mage immediately becomes aware of any
1-6 points of damage for every two levels of the mage. For example, attempt to observe him by magic means. The spell reveals the use
a 10th-level mage would do 5-30 points of damage. These points in of magical scrying devices, such as crystal balls or other magical
turn are transferred temporarily to the mage, so any damage he or reading devices.
she takes is subtracted from these points first. Unfortunately, this
spell does not affect undead monsters such as the skeletons to be
found beneath the river Ivlis. Ice Storm
Remove Curse
Hold Monster
This spell is similar to the hold person spell except that it affects a
wider range of creatures. However, the spell does not affect undead
creatures. The spells duration increases with the level of the caster.
65 66
SIXTH-LEVEL MAGE SPELLS Otilukes Freezing Sphere
Claws of the Umber Hulk
When casting this spell, the mage creates a small globe about the
size of a sling stone. It can be hurled by hand or in a sling, but
When this spell is cast, the subjects hands widen and his upon hitting the target it does 6d6 points of cold damage upon all
fingernails thicken and grow, becoming equivalent in power to the creatures within a 10-foot radius. These special sling stones should
iron-like claws of the umber hulk. The affected character can make be created just before a battle in which they will be used, for they
two claw attacks per round, each one inflicting 2-12 points of cannot be stored forever and will disappear in time.
damage plus any strength bonuses.
True Seeing
Castle Ravenloft can be a maze to those unfamiliar with its many
This spell slays many weak creatures easily, but kills few strong ones. twists, turns, and magical wards. With this spell, a mage can see
Some very powerful monsters may not be affected by this spell. Bats things as they really are. Illusionary walls will not fool your char-
are good targets for this one. acter, and invisible monsters, items, or magical effects will appear.
Dragon Scales
This spell causes the body of the caster, or any character touched by
the caster, to become armored in dragon scales, effectively raising
the characters Armor Class by 2 for the duration of the spell.
Lich Touch
By this spell, the caster gains both the chilling touch of the lich and
invulnerability to several lich-like attacks and effects. The caster is
immune to all forms of paralysis and fear, and the casters touch
does 1-10 points of damage as well as paralyzing the target.
Undead and creatures not affected by paralysis are entirely
immune to this spell.
67 68
In the hostile environs of the RAVENLOFT game world, the spells CURATIVE SPELLS With this spell, the effect of
memorized by your spellcaster will be important to his or her ^Aid, ^Cure Disease, ^Cure Light other spells affecting your party
Wounds, ^Cure Serious Wounds, is negated; however, it does not
strategy. In the following section, the spells are divided into types: ^Cure Critical Wounds, ^Fortify, ^Heal
offensive, defensive, curative, and others, and hints are given on counter cure spells.
when each type of spell* is most effective. Replace lost hit points with ^Draw Upon Holy Might-STR,
these spells. Aid can temporar- ^Draw Upon Holy Might-DEX
*Spells that are available to priests (or both priests and mages) are marked with
ily increase your characters hit
a caret sign (^). These two spells allow the priests
points over their normal maxi-
body to become a vessel for the
mum value. Clerics should
power of his or her god. As a
OFFENSIVE SPELLS often the preferred offensive always have a few cure light
spells of high-level spellcasters. result, the casters Strength or
^Cause Serious Wounds, ^Cause wounds spells memorized to
Critical Wounds, Chill Touch, Claws Look closely at the area of effect Dexterity are increased by +1 for
quickly heal wounds.
of the Umber Hulk, ^Harm, Lich for each spell. Spells affecting every three levels of experience.
Touch, Vampiric Touch ^Slow Poison, ^Remove Paralysis,
several squares are more ^Neutralize Poison Haste
Because the spellcaster must effective against monsters that Use haste when your party faces
touch his or her target for these cannot attack in groups. Spells To slow or remove the effects of
poison, paralysis, and curses, monsters who prove to be very
spells to be effective, they can affecting a single square are fast. The haste spell allows melee
put a spellcasters courage to most effective against monsters keep a number of these spells
memorized whenever your attacks to be made much faster.
the ultimate test. In using them, that attack in groups. Cast this spell on your character
the caster places him or herself character is near a monster who
Be careful when using the ice can poison or paralyze before dangerous battles.
in the thick of the danger.
storm and hold person spells. If Invisibility 10 Radius,
^Flame Blade, Ice Knife, the target of an ice storm is within DETECTION Invisibility to Undead
^Magical Stone
melee range of your character, he ^Detect Magic, Detect Undead, Invisibility 10 radius is useful to
With these spells, the caster or she will also take damage Improved Identify, Detect Scrying,
hide your character from mystic
creates a weapon and so need from the spell. The hold person Wizard Eye, True Seeing
sensors and prying eyes. Even
not expose him or herself as spell only affects human and These spells allow the spellcaster when your character is invisible,
dangerously as with spells other humanoid creatures. to recognize magic, detect the most monsters will sense his or
requiring a touch. The ice knife presence of undead creatures, her general location, though
and magical stone are projected DEFENSIVE SPELLS look ahead of the party, or scrye. monsters receive big penalties on
weapons, putting a little more Armor, Blur, Shield, Detect magic is very useful in attacks against invisible targets.
distance between the character Stoneskin, Dragon Scales evaluating the items your party
and his or her target. Knock, Wizard Lock
These spells provide protection picks up during the game. The
Agannazers Scorcher, from physical attacks. Cast them spell causes all magical items The mage casting a knock spell
Death Spell, Magic Missile on your character before battles carried by the character to glow. is able to open stuck, barred, or
that involve physical attacks. locked doors. The wizard lock
These are ranged magical attacks
affecting one target at a time. ^Bless, ^Prayer,
OTHER SPELLS spell does the opposite; however,
^Negative Plane Protection ^Create Food & Water a mage may pass his or her own
Cone of Cold, Fireball, Flame Arrow, magical lock without affecting it.
^Flame Strike, ^Hold Person, These spells provide protection This spell is useful where food
Otilukes Freezing Sphere, Slow from magical attacks. Cast them is scarce (in the later levels of ^Light
These spells affect several on your character before battles the game). Be sure your A glow equal to torchlight is
monsters in an area. Because of that involve magical attacks. spellcaster memorizes this spell fixed on an object when this
the damage they do, they are before food runs out! spell is cast.
69 70
Ruffians and thieves, these highwaymen are a
common threat in the RAVENLOFT game
world. Old Svalich Woods is notorious for their
activities, and their camps are often placed
strategically near Old Svalich Road. Loyal to
no one, brigands are shown little mercy in
combat with the forces of law and order, and in
turn they rarely show any mercy to their
victims. A brown traveling cloak, equipped
Take care and keep a wary eye; with a hood which drapes over the head and
face is a common costume for brigands.
be not too brash when approaching
the denizens of this sullen land, for Broken Ones
they, with lethal and malignant Broken ones are the tragic survivors of scien-
certainty, lie in wait for you. tific and magical experiments gone awry.
While they were once human, their beings
Madame Eva of the Vistani have become mingled with those of animals
and their natures forever altered by the shock
of the event. Though somewhat rare, broken
ones are formidable opponents and prove to
be vicious once drawn into melee combat.
The weakest broken one will have 15 hit
points. Wielding weapons in combat, or
attacking with claw and fang, broken ones
are capable of inflicting 1-6 points of damage.
They are known to inhabit dense woods and
rocky wastes, often surviving by carrying out
raids on villages.
71 72
Count Strahd Von Zarovich Doom Guard
Count Strahd Von Zarovich, Lord of Barovia, Created by a series of arcane enchantments,
rules from Castle Ravenloft, a huge and doom guards begin their unnatural existence
forbidding structure which sits atop a as nothing more than suits of armor. Once
precipice overlooking the town. Barovia is his animated, they become guards, serving as
by right of conquest, for long ago Strahd pure and simple treasure protectors or as
entered the valley between the Balinok castle guards for powerful mages. They are
mountains at the head of a powerful army. straightforward opponents. With a sword,
Standing over six feet in height, his body lean axe, or similar weapon, they attack anything
and hardened from long years of war, Strahd entering their area of responsibility. These
is a natural leader and a powerful lord, one weapons will inflict 1-8 points of damage, or
who accepts nothing less than absolute in rare cases up to 10 points of damage. Any
obedience to his rule. While his army has spell depending upon a biological function
long since faded into history and Strahd is useless against a doom guard, though a
himself is rarely seen, he nevertheless retains lightning spell can be effective.
a ruthless and unyielding grip upon the land.
Gargoyles are ferocious creatures, magical
The darkling is a gypsy, one of the Vistani by nature and often found dwelling amid
who inhabit the land; however, this ruins or in underground caverns. Originally,
vagabond has been cast out by his own gargoyles were carved roof spouts designed
people for some offense, then left to wander to represent grotesque human and animal
alone, becoming more evil with the passing figures. Some of these decorative gargoyles
of the years. In melee combat, the darkling can still be seen. For others, however, a
will generally rely on light arms like daggers powerful enchantment cast long ago brought
and short swords, doing damage according the sculptures to life. Gargoyles take great
to the weapon employed; however, a pleasure in torturing to death their helpless
darkling trademark is to coat the blades of prey. They are winged creatures and excel-
these weapons with lethal poison. lent fighters, with four attacks per round.
Counting on their appearance as sculptures,
Darklings often gather bands of human
gargoyles often stand or sit motionlessly,
thugs about them and take up the life of the
perhaps posing in a fountain or standing
wandering brigand, committing heinous
beside a doorway. When their victim is close
crimes and acts of random brutality.
enough, they strike out. When possible, they
also enjoy swooping down on their victims
from above. Sometimes the treasure they
collect from their victims can be found
buried or under a large stone.
73 74
Ghoul/Ghast Goblyn
Once human, ghouls are the undead who Totally evil and submissive to their masters
feed on the flesh of corpses. Their transfor- every whim, these creatures are formed by
mation has left them deranged, destroying powerful magical items and spells, devices
their minds and leaving behind only a which have transformed once normal
terrible cunning. With long, roughened humans into these twisted beings. Their
tongues they lick marrow from cracked bloated heads, glowing red eyes, and pointed
bones. Ghouls attack by clawing with their teeth are the mark of a monster so hideous
filthy nails and biting with their fangs. they can often paralyze a victim in fear by
Unfortunately, the very touch of a ghoul means of a surprise attack. Goblyns seldom
causes many creatures to become rigid, a attack with weapons. Instead, they strike at
paralysis which can last for many rounds. their victims throat with their clawed hands.
Each successful claw attack inflicts 1-6
The ghast is so like a ghoul as to be all but
points of damage, but if both claws hit, the
indistinguishable from the latter. If anything,
goblyn gains a solid hold on the neck of its
they are worse than their ghoulish brothers,
opponent. When this happens a bite in the
for the touch of a ghast can affect elves, and
face is usually inevitable, with the potential
the paralysis so inflicted will last longer for
for terrible damage. These beasts never
all those affected.
sleep, tire, or become bored, and as such
make relentless foes.
Ghoul Lord
Looking much like a common ghoul or Golem, Bone
ghast, the ghoul lord is, nevertheless, an
A golem is an artificial form, a body or skele-
opponent of an altogether more terrible
ton animated by the Dark Powers. It is under
sort. This king of hideous beasts lives
the complete control of its creator. The bone
upon the flesh of the dead and the living.
golem is assembled wholly from the bones of
Nearby wait its troops, bands of undead
animated skeletons which have been defeat-
monsters eager to obey its next command.
ed in combat. Any manner of skeletal undead
When a ghoul lord strikes with its long,
will do, from traditional skeletons to the
cruel claws, it inflicts 1-6 points of damage
bones of animals and monsters, the compiled
with each blow. The points of its deadly
result often taking on a nightmarish appear-
teeth score 1-10 points of damage, and this
ance. An attack from one of these creatures
bite infects the unlucky victim with a horrific
can do 3-24 points of damage with each
rotting disease. Its touch causes paralysis,
successful blow from a golems claws, and
and reliable sources indicate that only
they are capable of a hideous laugh which is
magical attacks and weapons forged of pure
known to cause paralysis and/or death.
iron stand a chance of resisting the lord of
the ghouls. Those who have fought with bone golems
know magical weapons can provide an effec-
tive defense, but that the evil creations are
immune to all life and mind-affecting spells.
75 76
Golem, Zombie Hell Hound
A variation of the bone golem, the zombie Like some monstrous mutation of the
golem is known for attacking with its faithful guard dog, these creatures of eerie
powerful fists. In any single round of and hellish disposition are often found in
combat, a zombie golem can make two the service of evil beings. They resemble
separate attacks, each causing from 3-18 large dogs with a fur of mangy, rust-red or
points of damage. Luckily, this is a slow- red-brown color, while their teeth and
moving creature, one incapable of tongue are soot black. In combat, hell-
surprising its victims. In fact, the smell hounds prove clever hunters. They operate
exuded by this type of golem is so noxious, in packs and attack first by breathing fire at
it can affect any adventurer moving within their prey from up to 10 yards away.
30 feet of the creature. The odor actually Perhaps because they use fire as a weapon,
defends this horror against attack by they themselves are immune to such
making an opponent so stricken with attacks, and their senses are so keen that
nausea that it becomes impossible to they have been known to sniff out and
concentrate on the battle. attack those adventurers who had thought
themselves successfully hidden by an
invisible spell.
Groaning Spirit (Banshee)
The groaning spirit, or banshee, is usually Living Wall
the spirit of an evil female elf a very rare
thing indeed. Most groaning spirits hate the Though living walls appear to be normal
living; they find the presence of living beings constructions of stone and brick, they
painful, and seek to harm whomever they radiate an evil magic that only a mage
meet. Groaning spirits appear as floating, capable of true seeing can peer beyond. The
luminous phantasms of their former selves. wall actually consists of greying and sinewy
Their image glows brightly at night, but is flesh of faces, hands, broken bones, feet,
transparent in sunlight. Most groaning and toes jutting from the surface. Any
spirits look old and withered, have hair that creature dying within 100 yards of the wall
is wild and unkempt, and dress in tattered can be absorbed by it, adding their life
rags. They have faces of pain and anguish, strength to its evil aura. In combat, the wall
and eyes burning brightly with hatred and retains the abilities, and sometimes the
ire. Groaning spirits frequently cry out in weapons, of those it has absorbed. While no
pain hence their name and their deadliest living wall will initiate an attack, once it has
weapon. Once per day a banshee wails with been struck all the creatures who have been
such dreaded power that its keening voice absorbed into it will strike back in an
may actually prove deadly. immediate, combined attack. Beware of any
living wall which has absorbed a powerful
In the demi-plane, it has been said banshees
mage, for those spells memorized by the
can include the trapped, tortured souls of
mage at the time of his absorption are at the
lawful good, female elves who were no more
walls command.
than victims of horrid circumstance.
77 78
Lycanthrope, Werebat Lycanthrope, Wereraven
Referring to themselves as predators of the Wereravens are a race of wise and good-
night, werebats favor humans and aligned shapechangers. In the hybrid form
demihumans for their prey. As lycanthropes, of these creatures the arms grow long and
werebats typically have three forms: normal thin, sprouting feathers and transforming
human, vampire bat, and a hybrid of the into wings. The mouth hardens and projects
two. In its most feared form the werebat into a straight, pecking beak, and the eyes
retains its humanoid shape but takes on the turn jet black. A coat of feathers replaces the
added features of the bat: the arms extend to normal body hair of the human form. It is
become willowy as leather wings form rumored these creatures belong to a secret
beneath them, the teeth sharpen into deadly society, a disciplined and dedicated band
fangs, etc. Attacking with claws and teeth, devoted to ridding the land of evil.
the werebat not only causes damage to
mortal flesh, but potentially infects its victim
Lycanthrope, Werewolf
with the pathological scourge of lycanthropy
itself, bringing yet another infected werebat The most feared of all lycanthropes are men
into being. Like most lycanthropes, werebats who can transform themselves into wolflike
can be harmed only by silver or +1 or better beasts. In its wolf form, the werewolf can be
magical weapons. They favor caves in lightly harmed only by silver or magical weapons of
wooded, temperate regions as their homes. +1 or better, since any wounds caused by
normal weapons heal too quickly to actually
Lycanthrope, Wererat injure the creature. Known to roam the
wilderness, caves and burrows are the
Also known by the inelegant name of common homes of werewolves. Because
ratmen, wererats are humans who can lycanthropy can be passed on through the
transform into sly and evil ratlike beings. bite of another infected animal, innocent
They rely on weapons for their attacks and men and women are often afflicted with this
prefer short swords and daggers, no doubt terrible scourge. It is always, then, a
because of their low, wiry build. They often question whether to fight this beast upon
attack from ambush, and one of their encountering it, or to help it find a way to
favorite tactics is to assume human shape end the infection and return to normal life.
and lure unsuspecting victims into a trap. Beware though, once the transformation is
Victims of the wererat find themselves complete, the werewolf knows only an
robbed, held for ransom, or eaten uncontrollable, killing rage.
(sometimes all three).
79 80
Inquisitor Revenant
As its name implies, this creature is adept at Somewhat rare, revenants are vengeful spirits
the arts of torturing a captive opponent until risen from the grave to destroy their killers.
the helpless prisoner reveals information In appearance, they become spectral,
about his comrades or goes mad from pain decayed versions of their former selves. With
and terror. With half its flesh rotted away, unmatched determination, they seek out
exposing tendons and yellowed bones, the those responsible for their deaths, driven by a
inquisitor is an undead abomination which single thought, the desire to hook their claw-
should be shown no mercy by any party like hands about their victims throat. The
finding itself in the position to destroy one. revenant will continue its attempt at strangu-
Great care must be taken in the attack lation until the victim is dead or the revenant
though, as the inquisitors horrifying destroyed. Though it never uses weapons, the
appearance and paralyzing gaze could stop revenant can paralyze with its hideous gaze.
the adventurers where they stand. The Only fire destroys this vengeful spirit.
inquisitors whip makes an effective weapon,
as does the septic scratch of its filthy nails. By Shadow
scratching an opponent, inquisitors have
been known to inflict a wasting disease upon Shadows are shadowy, undead creatures that
their foes. Luckily, these horrors are quite rare drain strength from their victims with their
and are to be found only in torture chambers. chilling touch. Shadows are 90% undetectable
in all but the brightest of surroundings as they
normally appear to be nothing more than their
Pyre Elemental name would suggest, shadows; but you can
As a rule, elementals are not very intelligent clearly see them in bright light. Shadows tra-
but instead display foul tempers and violent vel in loosely organized packs that freely roam
natures, attacking those they encounter with ancient ruins, graveyards, and dungeons.
unmatched savagery. This is certainly true of They specialize in terrifying their victims.
the pyre elemental. With magical fire, this
slender column of intense flame can do Shadow Fiend
considerable damage, even to those well-
protected by armor, shields, and magical Upon first encountering a shadow fiend, it is
items of defense. As they are immune to fire- often mistaken for a werebat. This is due to its
based spells and attacks, weapons imbued small bat-like wings and slender body, yet this
with potent, magical enchantments may be creature never hungers; it thirsts not for blood,
the adventurers only hope of destroying a but for opportunities to do evil. Approaching
pyre elemental. its victims in stealth and attacking in surprise,
the shadow fiend will use its wicked claws and
bite to inflict horrible damage. Its most
unusual characteristic is its aversion to light. If
it can be fought in bright light, the shadow
fiend is weakened, and even torchlight will aid
in the defense against this monster. Immune to
damage from fire, cold, and electricity, the
shadow fiend is nimble and quick.
81 82
Spectre Strahd Zombie
Spectres are powerful undead that haunt the As with Strahd skeletons, these monsters
most desolate and deserted places. They have been associated in the minds of the
hate all life and light. Appearing as semi- populace with Count Strahd Von Zarovich;
transparent beings, they are often mistaken whether rightly or wrongly so, we cannot
for haunts or ghosts. The chilling touch of a say. Human bodies resurrected into living
spectre drains energy from living creatures. death, they are garbed in the remains of
Any being totally drained of life energy armor and clothing worn at the time of their
becomes a spectre under the control of the destruction. When these rotting, undead
one who created him. Spectres are immune monsters attack it is with their sharply
to all hold, and cold-based spells, as well as taloned hands and/or their teeth. Often
poisons and paralyzation attacks. They can Strahd zombies seem to be following some
be attacked only with magical weapons. The general order, or plan, though the best
spectre is usually encountered in areas of authorities insist they are but mindless, evil
extreme darkness. Long abandoned ruins, animations. This mystery remains unsolved.
dungeons, and subterranean sewers are
their homes.
Treant, Evil
DESIGNERS NOTES AD&D RAVENLOFT game. What does this mean? Well, for starters, I did not envision
STRAHDS POSSESSION as mind-numbing move from location to location, hack & slash, look at all
Common sense seems to dictate that youve got to the pretty art type of game. Nonetheless, combat is still an important part of any role playing
have a good idea of where youre going before you experience because it provides action. You will encounter plenty of creatures to fight in the
go about plotting a course to get there. With this STRAHDS POSSESSION computer game, some that really give me the chills, but combat is far from
in mind, I also think its very important to look the sole focus of the game.
ahead before designing a game and spend some In addition to combat, most computer role-playing games also rely on puzzles to keep the player
time trying to envision what it will be like when busy. I, too, wanted to integrate enough puzzles to make the game challenging, but again, I did
its finished. Once I am satisfied with what I see, not see STRAHDS POSSESSION as a puzzle-laden game (how many of you reading this have played
and realize what it is I want to achieve, I begin the THE SUMMONING?). Instead of a lot of your more commonly-used logic puzzles (buttons, plates,
long journey of fulfilling that vision. levers and keys), I opted for more story-oriented puzzles. How do you free the old priests soul
So what did I see in the finished STRAHDS POSSESSION game? Well, theres plenty of design, art, from the mirror of life trapping? How do you win the blessing of two elven maidens turned to
audio and technically-oriented stuff, but as individual elements of game development they alone stone? These are just a few of the many mysteries that you must unravel.
dont create one of the most important aspects of any game - fun. And that, more than anything The finished STRAHDS POSSESSION game is one that doesnt focus entirely on combat or puzzle-
else, is what I wanted STRAHDS POSSESSION to be - fun and exciting to play. But this fun concept solving. Instead, STRAHDS POSSESSION is a game that blends elements of combat and puzzle-solving
can sometimes be a hard thing to achieve because theres no set formula, at least none that I know with atmosphere techniques and a captivating story. I tried to make sure theres enough of everything,
of, for creating a sense of enjoyment. To make things even more difficult, what is perceived as fun and not too much of any one thing, to make the game fun for as many game players as possible. And
varies from one person to another. Therefore, as a designer, it is my job to understand what it is to for the dedicated AD&D RAVENLOFT game fans playing this game, I truly hope it lives up to and
have fun, to experience it myself, and then to create a game to impart the same feeling to others. exceeds your expectations.
You know, that I cant quit playing, cant wait to play again, I think Im addicted, please
honey, not now gotta finish it, type of feeling. Now that STRAHDS POSSESSION is finished, does it resemble the game that I envisioned from the
start? For the most part, yes, but not entirely. However, this is good. A designer should be open-
Although I view the concept of fun itself to be intangible, there are certain design philosophies minded and always listen to creative criticism. Throughout the months of developing STRAHDS
that I believe help create a foundation for an exciting and enjoyable game. A good place to start POSSESSION, comments and suggestions from numerous sources have helped me to eliminate flaws
is with the games interface. If an interface is weak, awkward, or too complicated, even a good that might have otherwise made it into the final version (my vision) of the game. What Im trying
game is going to suffer. Knowing this, a lot of time and effort is spent making sure an interface is to say, is that STRAHDS POSSESSION is a far better game than I had originally envisioned. And
intuitive and, as we like to say here, seamless. A game player should spend his time playing and even after STRAHDS POSSESSION is released, you can be sure that I will continue to pay close
enjoying the game, not struggling with the mechanics of how to play the game. I think youll like attention to reviews and comments on on-line services from you, the game player, so that I can
what weve done with the STRAHDS POSSESSION interface! continue to create games in the pursuit of fun!
Now that weve made it easy to play the game, it is important to create an interesting story. Ah, its time for me to look ahead once
Opening cinematics are used to introduce you to the storys premise and to quickly lure you into again . . . and what is this that I see?
the game. As soon as this is achieved, its important to immediately get you doing something, to Theres a fog, perhaps another exciting
get your party of characters motivated from the very start. As you begin questing, the story is adventure? No, wait! It is smoke that I see,
designed to unfold piece by piece through the use of plot development devices including NPCs, smoke from a forge of dreams. And within
books, scrolls and subquests. I try hard to balance play evenly throughout the entire game so that it, I see moisture clinging from cold dark
you always have an idea of what to do next, but I leave the how to do it up to you. By doing caverns far beneath the ground, dark
this, I hope to maintain a steady pace, continually captivating you from beginning to end with the spider-like shapes moving amongst the
story, its characters and its quests. shadows.... Whatever it is, you can be sure
Like many of the AD&D worlds, the RAVENLOFT game world relies heavily on its own its another exciting and fun to play
unique atmosphere, so it was very important to fully capture the worlds look and feel. The artists adventure from the creative talents at
and the musicians did a wonderful job at creating sights and sounds that capture the unique DreamForge Intertainment.
environs of this realm of terror. However, I wanted to make sure the game also played like an Chris Straka
87 88
or she cannot properly defend themselves. Following is a fired. Melee weapons are used Melee Weapons:
character encumbrance table: only in close combat, while Staff* 1-6 1-6
thrown and fired weapons are Mace 2-7 1-6
used at range. Characters in the Short Sword 1-6 1-8
MAX. front rank can use melee and Flail 2-7 2-8
2 6 0-1 2 3 4 5-6 the rear ranks can only use Long Sword 1-8 1-12
3 10 0-5 6 7 8-9 10 ranged weapons. See the Halberd* 1-10 2-12
4-5 25 0-10 11-13 14-16 17-19 20-25 Classes section starting on Warhammer 2-5 1-4
6-7 55 0-20 21-29 30-38 39-46 47-55 page 37 for the rules that limit Trident* 2-9 3-12
8-9 90 0-35 36-50 51-65 66-80 81-90 some character classes to Two-hand Sword* 1-10 3-18
10-11 110 0-40 41-58 59-76 77-96 97-110 certain weapons. The Weapons Club 1-6 1-3
12-13 140 0-45 46-69 70-93 94-117 118-140 Chart lists the weapons with Morning Star 2-8 2-7
14-15 170 0-55 56-85 86-115 116-145 146-170 their range of hit point damage Polearm* 2-8 2-8
16 195 0-70 71-100 101-130 131-160 161-195 versus small, medium, and Thrown Weapons:
17 220 0-85 86-121 122-157 158-193 194-220 large-sized creatures. The Rock 1-2 1-2
18 255 0-110 111-149 150-188 189-227 228-255
damage done by a melee Dart 1-3 1-2
18/01-50 280 0-135 136-174 175-213 214-252 253-280
weapon is adjusted by the Throwing Knife 1-4 1-3
18/51-75 305 0-160 161-199 200-238 239-277 278-305
attacking characters strength Spear 1-6 1-8
18/76-90 330 0-185 186-224 225-263 264-302 303-330
18/91-99 380 0-235 236-274 275-313 314-352 353-380
and any magical bonus the Warhammer 2-5 1-4
18/00 480 0-335 336-374 375-413 414-452 453-480
weapon may have. Ranged Weapons:
Sling & Rocks* 1-4 1-4
Bow & Arrows* 1-6 1-6
Always make sure to include your name, address, and daytime telephone number with any
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