Chapter 2: General Provisions, Basic Standards and Policies: From Owners

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Palisoc, Princess Diane L.

Chapter 2: General Provisions, Basic Standards and Policies

2 Definition of Terms:
a. Accrual Basis - a basis of accounting under which transactions and other events are
recognized when they occur (and not only when cash or its equivalent
is received or paid). Therefore, the transactions and events are
recognized in the accounting records and recognized in the financial
statements of the periods to which they relate. The elements
recognized under accrual accounting are assets, liabilities, net
assets/equity, revenue, and expenses.
b. Assets - are resources controlled by an entity as a result of past events, and
from which future economic benefits or service potential are expected
to flow to the entity.
c. Contributions - means future economic benefits or service potential that have been
from owners contributed to the entity by parties external to the entity, other than
those that result in liabilities of the entity, that establish a financial
interest in the net assets/equity of the entity, which:
1. conveys entitlement both to (i) distributions of future economic
benefits or service potential by the entity during its life, such
distributions being at the discretion of the owners or their
representatives; and to (ii) distributions of any excess of assets over
liabilities in the event of the entity being wound up; and/or
2. can be sold, exchanged, transferred, or redeemed.
d. Distributions to - means future economic benefits or service potential distributed by the
owners entity to all or some of its owners, either as a return on investment or
as a return of investment.
e. Entity - refers to a government agency, department or operating/field unit. It
may be referred to in this GAM as an agency.
f. Expenses - are decreases in economic benefits or service potential during the
reporting period in the form of outflows or consumption of assets or
incurrence of liabilities that result in decreases in net assets/equity,
other than those relating to distributions to owners.
g. Government - encompasses the processes of analyzing, recording, classifying,
Accounting summarizing and communicating all transactions involving the
receipt and disposition of government funds and property, and
interpreting the results thereof.
h. Government - is the financial plan of a government for a given period, usually for a
Budget fiscal year, which shows what its resources are, and how they will be
generated and used over the fiscal period. The budget is the
government's key instrument for promoting its socio-economic
objectives. The government budget also refers to the income,
expenditures and sources of borrowings of the National Government
that are used to achieve national objectives, strategies and programs.
i. Liabilities - are firm obligations of the entity arising from past events, the
settlement of which is expected to result in an outflow from the entity
of resources embodying economic benefits or service potential.
j. Net assets/equity - is the residual interest in the assets of the entity after deducting all its
k. Revenue - is the gross inflow of economic benefits or service potential during
the reporting period when those inflows result in an increase in net
assets/equity, other than increases relating to contributions from
l. Revenue funds - comprise all funds derived from the income of any agency of the
government and available for appropriation or expenditure in
accordance with law.
3 Responsibility, a. Responsibility over Government Funds and Property
Accountability and 1. It is the declared policy of the State that all resources of the
Liability over government shall be managed, expended or utilized in accordance
Government Funds with laws and regulations, and safeguarded against loss or wastage
and Property through illegal or improper disposition, with a view to ensuring
efficiency, economy and effectiveness in the operations of
government. The responsibility to take care that such policy is
faithfully adhered to rests directly with the chief or head of the
government agency concerned.
2. Fiscal responsibility shall, to the greatest extent, be shared by all
those exercising authority over the financial affairs, transactions,
and operations of the government agency.
3. The head of any agency of the government is immediately and
primarily responsible for all government funds and property
pertaining to his agency. Persons entrusted with the possession or
custody of the funds or property under the agency head shall be
immediately responsible to him, without prejudice to the liability of
either party to the government.

b. Accountability over Government Funds and Property

1. Every officer of any government agency whose duties permit or
require the possession or custody of government funds or property
shall be accountable therefor and for the safekeeping thereof in
conformity with law. Every AO shall be properly bonded in
accordance with law.
2. Transfer of government funds from one officer to another shall,
except as allowed by law or regulation, be made only upon prior
direction or authorization of the Commission or its representative.
3. When government funds or property are transferred from one AO
to another, or from an outgoing officer to his successor, it shall be
done upon properly itemized invoice and receipt which shall
invariably support the clearance to be issued to the relieved or

c. Liability over Government Funds and Property

1. Expenditures of government funds or uses of government property
in violation of law or regulations shall be a personal liability of the
official or employee found to be directly responsible therefor.
2. Every officer accountable for government funds shall be liable for
all losses resulting from the unlawful deposit, use, or application
thereof and for all losses attributable to negligence in the keeping of
the funds.
3. No AO shall be relieved from liability by reason of his having acted
under the direction of a superior officer in paying out, applying, or
disposing of the funds or property with which he is chargeable,
unless prior to that act, he notified the superior officer in writing of
the illegality of the payment, application, or disposition. The officer
directing any illegal payment or disposition of the funds or property
shall be primarily liable for the loss, while the AO who fails to serve
the required notice shall be secondarily liable.
4. When a loss of government funds or property occurs while they are
in transit or the loss is caused by fire, theft, or other casualty or force
majeure, the officer accountable therefor or having custody thereof
shall immediately notify the Commission or the auditor concerned
and, within 30 days or such longer period as the Commission or
auditor may in the particular case allow, shall present his application
for relief, with the available supporting evidence. Whenever
warranted by the evidence, credit for the loss shall be allowed. An
officer who fails to comply with this requirement shall not be
relieved of liability or allowed credit for any loss in the settlement
of his accounts.
4 Fundamental All revenues accruing to the NGAs shall be governed by the
Principles for following fundamental principles:
Revenue a. Unless otherwise specifically provided by law, all revenues
accruing to an entity by virtue of the provisions of existing law,
orders and regulations shall be deposited/remitted in the National
Treasury (NT) or in any duly authorized government depository,
and shall accrue to the General Fund (GF) of the NG.
b. Except as may otherwise be specifically provided by law or
competent authority, all moneys and property officially received by
a public officer in any capacity or upon any occasion must be
accounted for as government funds and government property.
c. Amounts received in trust and from business-type activities of
government may be separately recorded and disbursed in
accordance with such rules and regulations as may be determined
by a Permanent Committee composed of the Secretary of Finance
as Chairman, and the Secretary of Budget and Management and the
Chairman, COA, as members.
d. Receipts shall be recorded as revenue of Special, Fiduciary or Trust
Funds or Funds other than the GF, only when authorized by law as
implemented by rules and regulations issued by the Permanent
e. No payment of any nature shall be received by a collecting officer
without immediately issuing an official receipt in acknowledgement
thereof. The receipt may be in the form of postage, internal revenue
or documentary stamps and the like, officially numbered receipts,
subject to proper custody, accountability, and audit.
f. Where mechanical devices (e.g. electronic official receipt) are used
to acknowledge cash receipts, the COA may approve, upon request,
exemption from the use of accountable forms.
g. At no instance shall temporary receipts be issued to acknowledge
the receipt of public funds.
h. Pre-numbered ORs shall be issued in strict numerical sequence. All
copies of each receipt shall be exact copies or carbon reproduction
in all respects of the original.
i. An officer charged with the collection of revenue or the receiving
of moneys payable to the government shall accept payment for
taxes, dues or other indebtedness to the government in the form of
checks issued in payment of government obligations, upon proper
endorsement and identification of the payee or endorsee. Checks
drawn in favor of the government in payment of any such
indebtedness shall likewise be accepted by the officer concerned.
At no instance should money in the hands of the CO be utilized
for the purpose of cashing private checks.
j. Under such rules and regulations as the COA and the Department
of Finance (DOF) may prescribe, the Treasurer of the Philippines
and all AGDB shall acknowledge receipt of all funds received by
them, the acknowledgement bearing the date of actual remittance or
deposit and indicating from whom and on what account it was
5 Fundamental Section 4 of P.D. No. 1445, the Government Auditing Code of the
Principles for Philippines, provides that all financial transactions and operations of
Disbursement of any government entity shall be governed by the following fundamental
Public Funds principles:
a. No money shall be paid out of any public treasury or depository
except in pursuance of an appropriation law or other specific
statutory authority.
b. Government funds or property shall be spent or used solely for
public purposes.
c. Trust funds shall be available and may be spent only for the specific
purpose for which the trust was created or the funds received.
d. Fiscal responsibility shall, to the greatest extent, be shared by all
those exercising authority over the financial affairs, transactions,
and operations of the government agency.
e. Disbursement or disposition of government funds or property shall
invariably bear the approval of the proper officials.
f. Claims against government funds shall be supported with complete
g. All laws and regulations applicable to financial transactions shall be
faithfully adhered to.
h. Generally accepted principles and practices of accounting as well as
of sound management and fiscal administration shall be observed,
provided that they do not contravene existing laws and regulations.
8 Financial Reporting The financial reporting system of the Philippine government
System for the consists of accounting system on accrual basis and budget reporting
National system on budget basis under the statutory responsibility of the NGAs,
Government Bureau of the Treasury (BTr), Department of Budget and Management
(DBM), and the COA, as follows:
a. Each entity of the National Government (NG) maintains complete
set of accounting books by fund cluster which is reconciled with the
records of cash transactions maintained by the BTr.
b. The BTr accounts for the cash, public debt and related transactions
of the NG.
c. Each entity maintains budget registries which are reconciled with
the budget records maintained by the DBM and the Government
Accountancy Sector (GAS), COA.
d. The COA, through the GAS:
1. maintains budget records showing the overall approved budget of
the NG and its execution/implementation;
2. consolidates the FSs and budget accountability reports of all
NGAs and the BTr with COAs records to come up with an
Annual Financial Report (AFR) for the NG as required in Section
4, Article IX-D of the 1987 Philippine Constitution; and
3. prepares other financial reports required by law for submission to
oversight agencies.
10 Responsibility for The responsibility for the preparation of the FSs rests with the
Financial Statements following:
a. for individual entity/department FSs
- the head of the entity/department central office (COf) or regional
office (RO) or operating unit (OU) or his/her authorized
representative jointly with the head of the finance/accounting
division/unit; and
b. for department/entity FSs as a single entity
- the head of the entity/department COf jointly with the head of the
finance unit.
13 Fund Accounting. The books of accounts shall be maintained by fund cluster as
Code Description
01 Regular Agency Fund
02 Foreign Assisted Projects Fund
03 Special Account-Locally Funded/Domestic Grants Fund
04 Special Account-Foreign Assisted/Foreign Grants Fund
05 Internally Generated Funds
06 Business Related Funds
07 Trust Receipts
16 Compliance with An entity whose financial statements comply with PPSASs shall
PPSASs make an explicit and unreserved statement of such compliance in the
notes. Financial statements shall not be described as complying with
PPSASs unless they comply with all the requirements of PPSASs.
Inappropriate accounting policies that do not comply with PPSAS are
not rectified either by disclosure of the accounting policies used, or by
notes or explanatory material.
17 Departure from In the event that Management strongly believes that compliance
PPSAS with the requirement of PPSAS would result in misleading
presentation that it would contradict the objective of the FSs set forth
in PPSAS, the entity may depart from that requirement if the relevant
regulatory framework allows, or otherwise does not prohibit, such a
39 Mode of Payments/Disbursements by NGAs may be effected through the
Disbursements Treasury Single Account (TSA), by issuing Modified Disbursements
System (MDS) check or commercial check, cash through cash
advance, Advice to Debit Account (ADA), or Non-Cash Availment
Authority (NCAA).
40 Authority to NGAs are authorized to disburse/pay based on the Notice of Cash
Disburse/Pay. Allocation (NCA), Notice of Transfer of Allocation (NTA), Cash
Disbursement Ceiling (CDC) or other authority that may be provided
by law.

Chapter 3: Budget Execution, Monitoring and Reporting

2 Definition of Terms
a. Allotment - is an authorization issued by the DBM to NGAs to incur obligations
for specified amounts contained in a legislative appropriation in the
form of budget release documents. It is also referred to as Obligational
b. Appropriation - is the authorization made by a legislative body to allocate funds for
purposes specified by the legislative or similar authority.
c. Approved Budget - is the expenditure authority derived from appropriation laws,
government ordinances, and other decisions related to the anticipated
revenue or receipts for the budgetary period. The approved budget
consists of the following:
New General Appropriations 01
Continuing Appropriations 02
Supplemental Appropriations 03
Automatic Appropriations 04
Unprogrammed Funds 05
Retained Income/Funds 06
Revolving Funds 07
Trust Receipts 08
d. Automatic - are the authorizations programmed annually or for some other period
Appropriations prescribed by law, by virtue of outstanding legislation which does not
require periodic action by Congress.
e. Budget - the budgetary information consists of, among others, data on
Information appropriations or the approved budget, allotments, obligations,
revenues and other receipts, and disbursements.
f. Continuing - are the authorizations to support obligations for a specific purpose or
Appropriations project, such as multi-year construction projects which require the
incurrence of obligations even beyond the budget year.
g. Disbursements - are the actual amounts spent or paid out of the budgeted amounts.
h. Final Budget - is the original budget adjusted for all reserves, carry-over amounts,
transfers, allocations and other authorized legislative or similar
authority changes applicable to the budget period.
i. New General - are annual authorizations for incurring obligations during a specified
Appropriations budget year, as listed in the GAA.
j. Obligation - is an act of a duly authorized official which binds the government to
the immediate or eventual payment of a sum of money. Obligation
maybe referred to as a commitment that encompasses possible future
liabilities based on current contractual agreement.
k. Original Budget - is the initial approved budget for the budget period usually the General
Appropriations Act (GAA). The original budget may include residual
appropriated amounts automatically carried over from prior years by
law such as prior year commitments or possible future liabilities based
on a current contractual agreement.
l. Revenues - are increases in economic benefits or service potential during the
accounting period in the form of inflows or increases of assets or
decreases of liabilities that result in increases in net assets/equity,
other than those relating to contributions from owners.
m. Supplemental - are additional appropriations authorized by law to augment the
Appropriations original appropriations which proved to be insufficient for their
intended purpose due to economic, political or social conditions
supported by a Certification of Availability of Funds (CAF) from the
3 Fund Release With the adoption of the UACS and the Performance Informed
Documents Budgeting (PIB), the following are the fund release documents:
a. Obligational Authority or Allotment
The following are the documents which authorize the entity to
incur obligations:
1. General Appropriations Act Release Document (GAARD)
- serves as the obligational authority for the comprehensive release
of budgetary items appropriated in the GAA, categorized as For
Comprehensive Release (FCR).
2. Special Allotment Release Order (SARO)
- covers budgetary items under For Later Release (FLR) (negative
list) in the entity submitted Budget Execution Documents
(BEDs), subject to compliance of required documents/clearances.
Releases of allotments for Special Purpose Funds (SPFs) (e.g.,
Calamity Fund, Contingent Fund, E-Government Fund,
Feasibility Studies Fund, International Commitments Fund,
Miscellaneous Personnel Benefits Fund and Pension and Gratuity
Fund) are also covered by SAROs.
3. General Allotment Release Order (GARO)
- is a comprehensive authority issued to all national government
agencies, in general, to incur obligations not exceeding an
authorized amount during a specified period for the purpose
indicated therein. It covers automatically appropriated
expenditures common to most, if not all, agencies without need of
special clearance or approval from competent authority, i.e.
Retirement and Life Insurance Premium.
a. Disbursement The following documents authorize the entity to pay obligations
Authority and payables:
1. Notice of Cash Allocation (NCA)
- authority issued by the DBM to central, regional and provincial
offices and operating units to cover the cash requirements of the
2. Non-Cash Availment Authority (NCAA)
- authority issued by the DBM to agencies to cover the liquidation
of their actual obligations incurred against available allotments for
availment of proceeds from loans/grants through suppliers
credit/constructive cash;
3. Cash Disbursement Ceiling (CDC)
authority issued by DBM to the Department of Foreign Affairs
(DFA) and Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) to
utilize their income collected/retained by their Foreign Service
Posts (FSPs) to cover their operating requirements, but not to
exceed the released allotment to the said post; and
4. Notice of Transfer of Allocation
- authority issued by the Central Office to its regional and operating
units to cover the latters cash requirements.
8 Registry of The Registry of Appropriations and Allotments (RAPAL) shall be
Appropriations and maintained by NGAs to monitor appropriations and allotments charged
Allotments thereto. It shall show the original, supplemental and final budget for
the year and all allotments received charged against the corresponding
appropriation. The balance is extracted every time an entry is made to
prevent incurrence of overdraft in appropriations. Separate RAPAL
shall be maintained by fund cluster and by Major Final Output
(MFO)/PAP/Appropriation Acts.
9 Procedures in The procedures for recording appropriations and allotments are as
Recording follows:
Appropriations and Area of Responsibility
Allotments 1. Staff Concerned
- Receives the GAA and the allotment release documents from the
DBM. Records the same in the logbook and forwards these
documents to the Budget Staff for recording in the RAPAL and
2. Budget Staff
- Records the appropriations and allotments in the appropriate
columns of the RAPAL and the RAOD. Forwards a copy of the
allotment release documents to the Accounting Division/Unit for

The amount of allotment should not exceed the authorized
appropriations in the GAA. If the allotment exceeds the appropriation,
appropriate actions should be taken.
10 Registries of It shall be maintained by the Budget Division/Unit of agencies to
Allotments, record allotments, obligations and disbursements. It shall show the
Obligations and allotments received for the year, obligations incurred against the
Disbursements corresponding allotment and the actual disbursements made. The
balance is extracted every time an entry is made to prevent incurrence
of obligations in excess of allotment and overdraft in disbursements
against obligations incurred. The RAODs shall be maintained by
appropriation act, fund cluster, MFO/PAP, and allotment class.
a. Registry of Allotments, Obligations and Disbursements
- Personnel Services (RAOD-PS) shall be used to record the
allotments received, obligations incurred and disbursements
classified under PS.
b. Registry of Allotments, Obligations and Disbursements
- Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (RAOD MOOE)
shall be used to record the allotments received, obligations
incurred and disbursements classified under MOOE.
c. Registry of Allotments, Obligations and Disbursements
- Financial Expenses (RAOD-FE) shall be used to record the
allotments received, obligations incurred and disbursements
classified under FE.
d. Registry of Allotments, Obligations and Disbursements
- Capital Outlays (RAOD-CO) shall be used to record the
allotments received, obligations incurred and disbursements
classified under CO.
11 Obligation Request The incurrence of obligations shall be made through the issuance of
and Status Obligation Request and Status (ORS). The ORS shall be prepared by
the Requesting/Originating Office supported by valid claim documents
like DVs, payrolls, purchase/job orders, itinerary of travel, etc. The
Head of the Requesting/Originating Office or his/her authorized
representative shall certify in the Section A of the ORS as to the
necessity and legality of charges to the budget under his/her
supervision, and validity, propriety and legality of SDs. The Head of
the Budget Division/Unit shall certify to the availability of allotment
and such is duly obligated by signing in Section B of the ORS.
15 Procedures in Obligation shall be recorded in the appropriate RAOD through ORS
Recording with the following procedures:
Obligation Area of Responsibility
1. Budget Division/Unit Staff Concerned
- Receives the ORS, duly signed by the Head of the Requesting
Office, including copies of DV/Payroll, Contract/Purchase Order
(PO) and other SDs from office/personnel concerned. Verifies
completeness of the documents. If complete, records the same in
the logbook maintained for the purpose and forwards the
documents to the Budget Staff for processing. If incomplete,
returns the documents to the Requesting Office for completion.
2. Budget Staff
- Receives the ORS and its SDs from the Staff concerned. Verifies
availability of allotment based on the appropriate RAOD. If
allotment is not available, returns the documents to the
office/personnel concerned.
- If allotment is available, assigns number on the ORS based on the
Control Logbook maintained for the purpose. Records the amount
obligated based on the ORS in the Obligation column of the
RAOD. Initials in Section B of the ORS and forward all copies of
the documents to the Head of the Budget Division/Unit for
3. Head of Budget Division/Unit
- Reviews the ORS and SDs. If in order, signs the certification in
Section B of the ORS. Forwards the ORS and SDs to the Budget
4. Budget Staff
- Forwards the ORS and SDs to the Accounting Division/Unit for
processing of the claim. Retains original copy of the ORS for
maintenance/monitoring of obligation status.

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