Workbook: GQ and Gow

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GQ and GOW


The contract of agency is:
MOTHER INSTRUCTION: (1) 1. Consensual because it is
Answer, (2) legally discuss, and perfected by mere consent;
(3) dissect the following 86 2. Principal because it can
stand by itself without the
guide questions.
need of another contract;
3. Nominate because it has its
Lesson 1-63 GQs
own name;
4. Unilateral if it is gratuitous
because it creates
obligations for only one of
1. Define Agency.
the parties, i.e., the agent;
or bilateral if it is for
By the contract of agency a
compensation because it
person binds himself to render
gives rise to reciprocal rights
some service or to do
and obligations; and
something in representation or
5. Preparatory because it is
on behalf of another, with the
entered into as a means to
consent or authority of the
an end, i.e., the creation of
other contracts.
Agency is a relationship
which implies a power in an
Pg. 285. De Leon, H. S. (2013)
agent to contract with a third
The Law on Sales, Agency and
person on behalf of a principal.
Credit Transactions
It is this power to affect the
principals contractual relations
3. What is the purpose of agency?
with third persons that
differentiates the agent from
By the contract of agency a
the employee, the servant, and
person binds himself to render
the independent contractor.
some service or to do
something in representation or
on behalf of another, with the
Article 1868 of the Civil Code of
consent or authority of the
the Philippines also known as
Republic Act 386
The purpose of agency is to
2. What are the characteristics of the
extend the personality of the
contract of agency?
principal. It enables the activity
of man which is naturally
The characteristics of the
limited in its exercise by his
contract of agency are the
physiological conditions to be
consensual, principal, nominate,
extended, permitting him to
unilateral and preparatory.
perform diverse juridical acts
through another, when his
physical presence is impossible

or inadvisable, at the same time advance the latters business,
in different places. while a borrower is given money
for purposes of his own and he
(3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS: must generally return it whether
Article 1868 of the Civil Code of or not his own business is
the Philippines also known as successful. A lot, however,
the Republic Act 386 depends on the intent of the
4. Distinguish Agency from Article 1868 of the Civil Code of
Partnership. the Philippines also known as
(1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S: the Republic Act 386
By the contract of agency a
person binds himself to render LS-LEGAL SOURCE: 262
some service or to do
something in representation or 6. Distinguish Agency from
on behalf of another, with the Negotiorum Gestio.
consent or authority of the (1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S:
latter. By the contract of agency a
person binds himself to render
(2)LD/E- LEGAL some service or to do
DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS: something in representation or
While an agent acts only for on behalf of another, with the
his principal a partner acts not consent or authority of the
only for his co-partners and the latter.
partnership but also as principal
of himself. (Article 1767, 1803) (2)LD/E- LEGAL
(3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS: In both agency and
Article 1868 of the Civil Code of negotiorum gestio or the
the Philippines also known as management of the business or
Republic Act 386 affairs of an absentee (Artilcle
2144), there is representation is
LS-LEGAL SOURCE: 262 expressly conferred, while in the
second, it is not only without his
5. Distinguish Agency from Loan. knowledge. While the agent
(1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S: acts according to the express
By the contract of agency a will of the principal, the gestor
person binds himself to render acts according to the presumed
some service or to do will of the owner by exercising
something in representation or all the diligence of a good
on behalf of another, with the father of a family. Article 2145)
consent or authority of the
latter. (3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS:
Article 1868 of the Civil Code of
(2)LD/E- LEGAL the Philippines also known as
An agent may be given
funds by the principal to LS-LEGAL SOURCE: 262

Article 1466 of the Civil Code of
7. Distinguish Agency from Lease of the Philippines also known as
Service. Republic Act 386
By the contract of agency a LS-LEGAL SOURCE:
person binds himself to render
some service or to do 9. How is agency created?
something in representation or (1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S:
on behalf of another, with the Agency may be express, or
consent or authority of the implied from the acts of the
latter. principals, from his silence or
lack of action, or his failure to
(2)LD/E- LEGAL repudiate the agency, knowing
DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS: that another person is acting on
In agency, the basis is his behalf without authority.
representation, while in lease of Agency may be oral, unless
service (Articles 1644, 1689), it the law requires a specific form.
is employment. In agency, the
agent exercises discretionary (2)LD/E- LEGAL
powers, while in lease of DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS:
service, the lessor (like a As to manner of its creation:
servant) ordinarily performs (a) Express One where the
only ministerial functions. agent has been actually
authorized by the principal
(3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS: either orally or in writing
Article 1868 of the Civil Code of (Article 1869); or
the Philippines also known as (b) Implied One which is
Republic Act 386 implied from the acts of the
principal, from his silence or
LS-LEGAL SOURCE: 262 lack of action or his failure to
repudiate the agency,
8. Distinguish Agency to sell from knowing that another person
Sale. is acting on his behalf
(1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S: without authority, or from his
In construing a contract silence or inaction according
containing provisions to the circumstances.
characteristics of both the (Article 1870) The
contract of sale and of the enumeration of cases of
contract of agency to sell, the implied agency in Articles
essential clauses of the whole 1869 and 1870 is not
instruments shall be considered. exclusive. An implied agency
(n) is an actual agency as much
as an express agency.
An agency to sell is different Article 1869 of the Civil Code of
from sale. the Philippines also known as
Republic Act 386

true on the part of the principal
10. In what form shall the contract of (Article 1869) as well as on that
agency be entered into? of the agent. (Article 1870)
Agency may be express, or (3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS:
implied from the acts of the Article 1870 of the Civil Code of
principal, from his silence or the Philippines also known as
lack of action, or from his failure Republic Act 386
to repudiate the agency
knowing that another person is LS-LEGAL SOURCE:
acting on his behalf without
authority. 12. As between persons who are
Agency may oral, unless the present, when can you say that the
law requires a specific form. acceptance by the agent is
(1710a) implied?
(2)LD/E- LEGAL Between persons who are
DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS: present, the acceptance of the
In general, there are no agency may also be implied if
formal requirements governing the principal delivers his power
the appointment of an agent. of attorney to the agent and the
The agents authority may be latter receives it without any
oral or written. An instance objection. (n)
when the law requires a specific
form for the agency is Article (2)LD/E- LEGAL
The agency is impliedly
(3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS: accepted if the agent receives a
Article 1869 of the Civil Code of power of attorney from the
the Philippines also known as principal himself personally
Republic Act 386 without any objection, both
being present. The presumption
LS-LEGAL SOURCE: of acceptance may be rebutted
by contrary proof.
11. In what form shall the agent
accept the agency? (3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS:
(1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S: Article 1871 of the Civil Code of
Acceptance by the agent the Philippines also known as
may also be express, or implied Republic Act 386
from his acts which carry out
the agency, or from his silence LS-LEGAL SOURCE:
or inaction according to the
circumstances. (n) 13. Between persons who are absent,
under what circumstances can the
(2)LD/E- LEGAL acceptance of the agent be implied
DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS: from the silence of the agent?
Since agency is a contract, (1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S:
there must be consent by both Between persons who are
parties. An agency is either absent, the acceptance of the
express or implied, and this is

agency cannot be implied from 14. What are the ways whereby the
the silence of the agent, except: principal may announce the
(1) When the principal transmits appointment of an agent?
his power of attorney to the (1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S:
agent, who receives it (2)LD/E- LEGAL
without any objection; DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS:
(2) When the principal entrusts (3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS:
to him by letter or telegram LS-LEGAL SOURCE:
a power of attorney with
respect to the business in 15. In what forms shall public
which he is habitually advertisement be made?
engaged as an agent, and he (1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S:
did not reply to the letter or If a person especially informs
telegram. another or states by public
advertisement that he has
(2)LD/E- LEGAL given a power of attorney to a
DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS: third person, the latter thereby
If both the principal and the becomes a duly authorized
agent are absent, acceptance agent in the former case with
by the agent is not implied from respect to the person who
his silence or inaction. Since the received the special
agent is not bound to accept information, and in the latter
the agency, he can simply case with regard to any person.
ignore the offer. The power shall continue to
However, in the two cases be in full force until the notice is
mentioned in Article 1872, rescinded in the same manner
agency is implied. Thus, there is in which it was given.
implied acceptance if the agent
writes a letter acknowledging (2)LD/E- LEGAL
receipt of the creation of the DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS:
agency. But his mere failure to If by public advertisement,
give a reply does not mean that the agent is considered as such
the agency has been accepted with regard to any person.
unless the power of attorney Public advertisement may be
is with respect to the business made in any form through the
in which he is habitually newspaper, radio, etc. and by
engaged as an agent, or the posters or billboards.
acceptance could be inferred
from his acts which carry out (3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS:
the agency as when he begins Article 1873 of the Civil Code of
to act under the authority the Philippines also known as
conferred upon him. Republic Act 386


Article 1872 of the Civil Code of
the Philippines also known as 16. In what form shall a contract of
Republic Act 386 agency be entered into?

(3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS: An agency couched in
LS-LEGAL SOURCE: general terms may be a general
agency or a special agency. It
17. Is agency always for includes only acts of
compensation? administration and an express
(1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S: power is necessary to perform
Agency is presumed to be any act of strict ownership even
for a compensation unless there if the principal states that:
is proof to the contrary. (1) He withholds no power;
(2) The agent may execute such
(2)LD/E- LEGAL acts as he may consider
The circumstance that the (3) He authorized a general or
agency was for compensation or unlimited management.
not shall be considered by the
court in determining the extent (3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS:
of liability of an agent for fraud Article 1877 of the Civil Code of
or for negligence. the Philippines also known as
Republic Act 386
Article 1875 of the Civil Code of LS-LEGAL SOURCE:
the Philippines also known as
Republic Act 386 20. When is agency special?
LS-LEGAL SOURCE: An agency is either general
or special.
18. As to scope of business how is The former comprises all the
agency classified? business of the principal. The
(1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S: latter, one or more specific
(2)LD/E- LEGAL transactions.
Special or particular agent or
19. What is general agency? one authorized to act in one or
(1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S: more specific transactions or to
An agency couched in act upon a particular occasion.
general terms comprises only
acts of administration, even if (3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS:
the principal should state that Article 1876 of the Civil Code of
he withholds no power or that the Philippines also known as
the agent may execute such Republic Act 386
acts as he may consider
appropriate, or even though the LS-LEGAL SOURCE:
agency should authorize a
general and unlimited 21. As to extent of the power
management. conferred how is agency classified?
(2)LD/E- LEGAL An agency is either general

The former comprises all the the agent may execute such
business of the principal. The acts as he may consider
latter, one or more specific appropriate, or even though the
transactions. agency should authorize a
general and unlimited
(2) LD/E- LEGAL management.
According to the nature and (2) LD/E- LEGAL
extent of his authority, an agent DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS:
may be a: An agency couched in
(1) Universal agent or one general terms may be a general
authorized to do all acts that agency or a special agency. It
the principal may personally includes only acts of
do, and which he can administration and an express
lawfully delegate to another power in necessary to perform
the power of doing. So far as any act of strict ownership even
such condition is possible, if the principal states that:
the agent is said to have (1) He withholds no power;
universal authority. (2) The agent may execute such
(2) General agent or one acts as he may consider
authorized to transact all the appropriate; or
business of his principal, or (3) He authorizes a general or
all business of a particular unlimited management.
kind or in a particular place,
or in other words to do all (3) LB/R- LEGAL BASIS:
acts, connected with a Article 1877 of the Civil Code of
particular trade business or the Philippines also known as
employment; and Republic Act 386
(3) Special or particular agent or
one authorized to act in one LS-LEGAL SOURCE:
or more specific transactions
or to act upon a particular 23. State the acts for which a special
occasion. power of attorney is needed.
(3) LB/R- LEGAL BASIS: Special powers of attorney
Article 1876 of the Civil Code of are necessary in the following
the Philippines also known as cases:
Republic Act 386 (1) To make such payments as
are not usually considered as
LS-LEGAL SOURCE: acts of administration;
(2) To effect novations which put
22. What acts may the agent perform an end to obligations already
if his agency is couched in general in existence at the time the
terms? agency was constituted;
(1) LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S: (3) To compromise, to submit
An agency couched in questions to arbitration, to
general terms comprises only renounce the right to appeal
acts of administration, even if from a judgement, to waive
the principal should state that objections to the venue of an
he withholds no power or that action or to abandon a

prescription already (2) To effect novations.
acquired; (3) To compromise, etc.
(4) To waive any obligation (4) To waive an obligation
gratuitously; gratuitously.
(5) To enter into any contract by (5) To convey or acquire
which the ownership of an immovable.
immovable is transmitted or (6) To make gifts.
acquired either gratuitously (7) To loan or borrow money.
or for a valuable (8) To lease realty for more than
consideration; one year.
(6) To make gifts, expect (9) To bind the principal to
customary ones for charity render service gratuitously.
or those made to employees (10) To bind the principal in a
in the business managed by contract of partnership.
the agent; (11) To obligate principal as
(7) To loan or borrow money, guarantor or surety.
unless the latter act be (12) To create or convey real
urgent and indispensable for rights over immovable
the preservation of the property belonging to his
things which are under principal without special
administration; power.
(8) To lease any real property to (13) To accept or repudiate an
another person for more inheritance.
than one year; (14) To ratify obligations
(9) To bind the principal to contracted before the
render some service without agency.
compensation; (15) Any other act of strict
(10) To bind the principal in a dominion.
contract of partnership;
(11) To obligate the principal (3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS:
as a guarantor or surety; Article 1878 of the Civil Code of
(12) To create or convey real the Philippines also known as
rights over immovable Republic Act 386
(13) To accept or repudiate an LS-LEGAL SOURCE:
(14) To ratify or recognize 24. If an agent is given a special
obligations contracted power to sell belonging to his
before the agency; principal has he also the same
(15) Any other act of strict power to mortgage the same?
dominion. (1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S:
A special power to sell
(2)LD/E- LEGAL excludes the power to
DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS: mortgage; and a special power
In the 15 cases enumerated, to mortgage does not include
are general acts of strict the power to sell.
dominion or ownership as
distinguished from acts of (2)LD/E- LEGAL
(1) To make payment.

The agent cannot sell or Article 1880 of the Civil Code of
mortgage the property the Philippines also known as
belonging to the principal Republic Act 386
without special power.
An authority to sell the LS-LEGAL SOURCE:
principals property does not
carry with it or imply the 26. How shall the agent act in carrying
authority to mortgage. And, vice out the agency?
versa, the special power to (1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S:
mortgage is not to be implied (2)LD/E- LEGAL
from the power to sell. In the DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS:
absence of special authority, (3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS:
the sale or mortgage will be LS-LEGAL SOURCE:
unenforceable against the
principal as the agent has 27. If an agent is given a special
acted beyond his powers. power to sell principals car for
P50,000.00 and the agent sells it
(3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS: for P60,000.00, has the agent
Article 1879 of the Civil Code of exceeded his authority?
the Philippines also known as (1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S:
Republic Act 386 (2)LD/E- LEGAL
25. Does a special power to
compromise imply the power to 28. What are the requisites to be
submit to arbitration? followed so that the principal will
(1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S: be bound to third persons with
A special power to whom the agent has contracted?
compromise does not authorize (1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S:
submission to arbitration. (2)LD/E- LEGAL
If the agent is granted a
special power to compromise he 29. What are the effects if the agent
can do anything which the acts in his name?
principal himself can do to (1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S:
effect a settlement. But he is If an agent acts in his name,
not thereby authorized to the principal has no right of
submit to arbitration because action against the persons with
while the principal may have whom the agent has contracted,
confidence in the agents neither have such persons
judgment, the arbitrator may against the principal.
not possess the trust of the In such case, the agent is
principal. the one directly bound in favor
of the person with whom he has
(3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS: contracted, as if the transaction
were his own, except when the

contract involves things declines an agency, until an
belonging to the principal. agent is appointed;
The provisions of his article (5) To advance the necessary
shall be understood to be funds should there be a
without prejudice to the actions stipulation to that effect;
between the principal and (6) To act in accordance with the
agent. instructions of the principal;
(7) Not to carry out the agency
(2)LD/E- LEGAL if its execution would
DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS: manifestly results in loss or
damages to the principal;
(3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS: (8) To answer for damages
Article 1883 of the Civil Code of should he prefer in case of
the Philippines also known as conflict, his own interests to
Republic Act 386 those of the principal;
(9) Not to loan to himself
LS-LEGAL SOURCE: without the consent of the
principal when he has been
30. What are the obligations of the authorized to lend at
agent? interest;
(1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S: (10) To render an account of
The agent is bound by his his transactions and to
acceptance to carry out the deliver to the principal
agency, and is liable for the whatever he may have
damages which, through his received by virtue of the
non-performance, the principal agency;
may suffer. (11) To distinguish goods by
He must also finish the countermarks and designate
business already begun on the the merchandise
death of the principal, should respectively belonging to
delay entail any danger. each principal, in the case of
a commission agent who
(2)LD/E- LEGAL handles goods of the same
DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS: kind and mark, which belong
They are: to different owners;
(1) To carry out the agency in (12) To be responsible in
accordance with its terms; certain cases for the acts of
(2) To answer for the damages the substitute appointed by
which through his non- him;
performance the principal (13) To pay interest on funds
may suffer; he has applied to his own
(3) To finish the business use;
already begun on the death (14) To inform the principal,
of the principal, should delay where an authorized sale of
detail any danger; credit has been made, of
(4) To observe the diligence of a such sale;
good father of a family in the (15) To bear the risk of
custody and preservation of collection, should he receive
the goods forwarded to him also on a sale, a guarantee
by the owner in case he commission;

10 | P a g e
(16) To indemnify the principal Article 1885 of the Civil Code of
for damages for his failure to the Philippines also known as
collect the credits of his Republic Act 386
principal at the time that
they become due; LS-LEGAL SOURCE:
(17) To answer for his fraud or
negligence. 32. When is an agent not bound to
advance the necessary funds to
(3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS: carry out the agency, even if there
Article 1884 of the Civil Code of is a stipulation to do so?
the Philippines also known as (1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S:
Republic Act 386 Should there be a stipulation
that the agent shall advance
LS-LEGAL SOURCE: the necessary funds, he shall be
bound to do so except when the
31. What are the obligation of a principal is insolvent.
person who declines an agency?
In case a person declines an DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS:
agency, he is bound to observe The principal must advance
the diligence of a good father of to the agent, should the latter
a family in the custody and so request, the sums necessary
preservation of the goods for the execution of the agency.
forwarded to him by the owner The control of the agency. The
until the latter should appoint contract of agency, however,
an agent. The owner shall as may stipulate that the agent
soon as practicable either shall advance the necessary
appoint an agent or take charge funds. In such case, the agent is
of the goods. bound to furnish such funds
except when the principal is
(2)LD/E- LEGAL insolvent.
DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS: The exception is based on
In the event a person the principals obligation to
declines an agency, he is still reimburse the agent.
bound to observe the diligence Incidentally, the insolvency of
of a good father of a family in the principal is a ground for the
the custody and preservation of extinguishment of agency.
the goods forwarded to him by
the owner. This rule is based on (3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS:
equity. The owner, however, Article 1886 of the Civil Code of
must act as soon as practicable the Philippines also known as
either: (1) by appointing an Republic Act 386
agent; or (2) by taking charge of
the goods. LS-LEGAL SOURCE:
The obligation of an agent
who withdraws from an agency 33. How shall the agent execute the
is provided in Article 1929. agency?
(3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS: In the execution of the
agency, the agent shall act in

11 | P a g e
accordance with the instructions Thus, if an agent fails to effect
of the principal. an insurance as instructed or
In default thereof, he shall sells on credit where he has
do all that a good father of a been given instruction to sell for
family would do, as required by cash, he is liable for the
the nature of the business. consequent loss.


DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS: Article 1887 of the Civil Code of
Duty to obey reasonable and the Philippines also known as
lawful instructions. It is the Republic Act 386
fundamental duty of the agent
to obey all the reasonable and LS-LEGAL SOURCE:
lawful instructions given to him
by his principal. That the agent 35. In case an agent has been
shall, for the time being, put his empowered to borrow money, can
own will under the direction of he himself be the lender?
another, is one of the primary (1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S:
elements in the relation. If the agent has been
empowered to borrow money,
(3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS: he may himself be the lender at
Article 1887 of the Civil Code of the current rate of interest. If he
the Philippines also known as has been authorized to lend
Republic Act 386 money at interest, he cannot
borrow it without the consent of
LS-LEGAL SOURCE: the principal.

34. Is the principal bound by the acts (2)LD/E- LEGAL

of the agent which are within the DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS:
scope of his authority but in If he has been expressly
violation of the instructions of the empowered to borrow money,
principal? he may himself be the lender at
(1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S: the current rate of interest for
In the execution of the there is no danger of the
agency, the agent shall act in principal suffering any damage
accordance with the instructions since the current rate of interest
of the principal. would have to be paid in any
In default thereof, he shall case if the loan were obtained
do all that a good father of a from a third person.
family would do, as required by
the nature of the business. (3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS:
Article 1890 of the Civil Code of
(2)LD/E- LEGAL the Philippines also known as
Liability for loss or damage.
If the agent exceeds, violates or LS-LEGAL SOURCE:
fails to act upon such
instructions, he will be liable to 36. If the agent has been authorized to
the principal for any loss or lend money at interest, can the
damage resulting therefrom. agent himself be the borrower?

12 | P a g e
(1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S: public interest as it would
If the agent has been encourage fraud.
empowered to borrow money,
he may himself be the lender at (3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS:
the current rate of interest. If he Article 1891 of the Civil Code of
has been authorized to lend the Philippines also known as
money at interest, he cannot Republic Act 386
borrow it without the consent of
the principal. LS-LEGAL SOURCE:

(2)LD/E- LEGAL 38. May the agent appoint a

If the agent has been (1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S:
authorized to lend money at The agent may appoint a
interest, he cannot be the substitute if the principal has
borrower without the consent of not prohibited him from doing
the principal because the agent so; but he shall be responsible
may prove to be a bad debtor. for the acts of the substitute:
There is here a possible conflict (1) When he was not given the
of interest. The transaction may power to appoint one;
thus be prejudicial to the (2) When he was given such
principal. power, but without
designating the person, and
(3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS: the person appointed was
Article 1890 of the Civil Code of notoriously incompetent or
the Philippines also known as insolvent.
Republic Act 386 All acts of the substitute
appointed against the
LS-LEGAL SOURCE: prohibition of the principal shall
be void.
37. What is the effect of a stipulation
exempting the agent from the (2)LD/E- LEGAL
obligation to render an account? DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS:
(1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S: Unless prohibited by the
Every agent is bound to principal, the agent may
render an account of his appoint a subagent or
transactions and to deliver to substitute. While ordinarily the
the principal whatever he may selection of an agent is
have received by virtue of the determined largely by the trust
agency, even though it may not and confidence that the
be owing to the principal. principal has in the agent, the
Every stipulation exempting principal need not fear prejudice
the agent from the obligation to as he has a right of action not
render an account shall be void. only against the agent but also
against the substitute.
The stipulation in paragraph Article 1892 of the Civil Code of
2 of Article 1891 is contrary to the Philippines also known as
Republic Act 386

13 | P a g e
Article 1892 of the Civil Code of
39. When shall the agent be the Philippines also known as
responsible for the acts of the Republic Act 386
DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS: 41. In the cases where the agent shall
(3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS: be responsible for the acts of
LS-LEGAL SOURCE: substitute has the principal likewise
a cause of action against the
40. What are the effects of the acts of substitute
the substitute appointed against (1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S:
the prohibition of the principal? (2)LD/E- LEGAL
The agent may appoint a (3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS:
substitute if the principal has LS-LEGAL SOURCE:
not prohibited him from doing
so; but he shall be responsible 42. What is the nature of the
for the acts of the substitute: responsibility of two or more
(1) When he was not given the agents appointed simultaneously
power to appoint one; by one principal?
(2) When he was given such (1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S:
power, but without The responsibility of two or
designating the person, and more agents, even though they
the person appointed was have been appointed
notoriously incompetent or simultaneously, is not solidary,
insolvent. if solidarity has not been
All acts of the substitute expressly stipulated.
appointed against the
prohibition of the principal shall (2)LD/E- LEGAL
Substitution prohibited. 43. If solidarity has been stipulated for
When the substitute is what responsibilities shall they be
appointed by the agent against solidarily liable for
the express prohibition of the (1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S:
principal, the agent exceeds the (2)LD/E- LEGAL
limits of his authority. The law DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS:
says that all acts of the (3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS:
substitute in such a case shall LS-LEGAL SOURCE:
be void. Thus, if the agent is
authorized to sell goods of the 44. Under what cases shall the agent
principal, the sale made by a be liable for interest to the
substitute designated by the principal to the interest?
agent against the prohibition of (1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S:
the principal is void.

14 | P a g e
The agent owes interest on In this case, however, the agent
the sums he has applied to his is liable if he undertook to
own use from the day on which secure the principals
he did so, and on those which ratification.
he still owes after the
extinguishment of the agency. (2)LD/E- LEGAL
(2)LD/E- LEGAL If the agent acts in the name
DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS: of the principal and within the
The agent who converted to scope of his authority, the agent
his personal use the funds of assumes no liability. The effect
the principal is liable for interest of the representation is to bind
as compensation or indemnity the principal as though he
from the day on which he did personally entered into the
so. Of course, the agents contract.
liability is without prejudice to
any criminal action that may be (3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS:
brought against him because of Article 1898 of the Civil Code of
the conversion. the Philippines also known as
Republic Act 386
Article 1896 of the Civil Code of LS-LEGAL SOURCE:
the Philippines also known as
Republic Act 386 47. If the agent acts in excess of his
authority but in the name of the
LS-LEGAL SOURCE: principal, shall the principal be
45. When does an agent who acts as (1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S:
such incur personal liability? If the agent contracts in the
(1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S: name of the principal,
(2)LD/E- LEGAL exceeding the scope of his
DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS: authority, and the principal
(3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS: does not ratify the contract, it
LS-LEGAL SOURCE: shall be void if the party with
whom the agent contracted is
46. Who shall be bound by the aware of the limits of the
contract entered into by and agent powers granted by the principal.
who acts in the name of the In this case, however, the agent
principal and within the scope of is liable if he undertook to
his authority secure the principals
(1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S: ratification.
If the agent contracts in the
name of the principal, (2)LD/E- LEGAL
exceeding the scope of his DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS:
authority, and the principal If the agent acts in excess of
does not ratify the contract, it his authority, even if he
shall be void if the party with contracts in the name of the
whom the agent contracted is principal, the agent is the one
aware of the limits of the personally liable unless there is
powers granted by the principal.

15 | P a g e
subsequent ratification by the (b) If the ratification is obtained,
principal. then the principal becomes
Article 1898 of the Civil Code of (3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS:
the Philippines also known as Article 1898 of the Civil Code of
Republic Act 386 the Philippines also known as
Republic Act 386
48. In case the agent acts in the name
of the principal but in excess of his 49. In case of ignorance of the agent,
authority and the principal dos not can the principal set this up to
ratify the contract, can the third avoid liability
party hold the agent personally (1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S:
liable If a duly authorized agent
(1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S: acts in accordance with the
If the agent contracts in the orders of the principal, the latter
name of the principal, cannot set up the ignorance of
exceeding the scope of his the agent as to circumstances
authority, and the principal whereof he himself was, or
does not ratify the contract, it ought to have been aware.
shall be void if the party with
whom the agent contracted is (2)LD/E- LEGAL
aware of the limits of the DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS:
powers granted by the principal. If the principal appoints an
In this case, however, the agent agent who is ignorant, the fault
is liable if he undertook to is his alone and he must suffer
secure the principals the consequences of his acts.
ratification. Justice demands that the
principal should be made
(2)LD/E- LEGAL responsible.
The agent is not bound in (3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS:
case he gave notice of his Article 1899 of the Civil Code of
power to the person with whom the Philippines also known as
he has contracted nor in case Republic Act 386
such person is aware of the
limits of the powers granted by LS-LEGAL SOURCE:
the principal. The effect is to
make the contract, which is 50. As to third persons when is an act
unenforceable as against the of an agent deemed to be within
principal, void even as between the scope of his authority
the agent and the third person. (1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S:
(a) If the agent promised to So far as third persons are
secure the principals concerned, an act is deemed to
ratification and failed. He is have been performed within the
personally liable. scope of the agents authority,
if such act is within the terms of
the power of attorney, as

16 | P a g e
written, even if the agent has in (1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S:
fact exceeded the limits of his A third person cannot set up
authority according to between the fact that the agent has
the principal and the agent. exceeded his powers, if the
principal has ratified, or has
(2)LD/E- LEGAL signified his willingness to ratify
Scope of agents authority as
to third persons: (2)LD/E- LEGAL
(1) Where authority not in DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS:
writing. Every person The third person cannot set
dealing with an agent is up the fact that the agent
under obligation, if he would exceeded his authority to
hold the principal liable, to disaffirm his contract not only
make an inquiry not only as after the principal has ratified
to existence of the nature the agents acts but even
and extent of authority of before such ratification where
the agent. he has signified his willingness
(2) Where authority in writing. to ratify. In such a case, the
If the authority of the agent third person can be compelled
is in writing, such person is to abide by his contract.
not required to inquire
further than the terms of the (3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS:
written power of attorney. As Article 1901 of the Civil Code of
far as he is concerned, an the Philippines also known as
act of the agent within the Republic Act 386
terms of the power of
attorney as written is within LS-LEGAL SOURCE:
the scope of the agents
authority although the agent 52. To determine the exact authority of
has in fact exceeded the the agent, what is the duty of the
limits of his actual authority third person whom the agent
according to the secret wishes to contract on behalf of the
understanding between him principal?
and the principal. This rule is (1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S:
necessary to protect the A third person with whom
interest of third persons. the agent wishes to contract on
behalf of the principal may
(3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS: require the presentation of the
Article 1900 of the Civil Code of power of attorney, or the
the Philippines also known as instructions as regards the
Republic Act 386 agency. Private or secret orders
and instructions of the principal
LS-LEGAL SOURCE: do not prejudice third persons
who have relied upon the power
51. If a third person with whom the of attorney or instructions
agent has contracted would like to shown them.
disaffirm his contract, can he make
use of the defense that the agent (2)LD/E- LEGAL
has exceeded his authority? DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS:

17 | P a g e
A third person deals with an LS-LEGAL SOURCE:
agent at his peril. Hence, he is
bound to inquire as to the 54. How shall the commission agent
extent of the agents authority. be responsible for the goods
Ignorance of the agents received by him?
authority is no excuse. So, it is (1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S:
his duty to require the agent to The commission agent shall
produce his power of attorney be responsible for the goods
to ascertain the scope of his received by him in the terms
authority. and conditions and as described
The third person may also in the consignment, unless upon
ask for the instructions of the receiving them he should make
principal as regards the agency. a written statement of the
damage and deterioration
(3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS: suffered by the same.
Article 1902 of the Civil Code of
the Philippines also known as (2)LD/E- LEGAL
If the commission agent
LS-LEGAL SOURCE: receives goods consigned to
him he is responsible for any
53. Who is a commission agent? damage or deterioration
(1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S: suffered by the same in the
The commission agent shall terms and conditions and as
be responsible for the goods described in the consignment.
received by him in terms and The quoted phrase refers to the
conditions and as described in quantity, quality and physical
the consignment, unless upon conditions of the goods.
receiving them he should make
a written statement of the (3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS:
damage and deterioration Article 1903 of the Civil Code of
suffered by the same. the Philippines also known as
Republic Act 386
A factor or commission
agent is one whose business is 55. What is the obligation of the
to receive and sell goods for a commission agent who handles
commission and who is goods of the same kind and mark
entrusted by the principal with belonging to different owners?
the possession of goods to be (1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S:
sold. The commission agent who
He may act in his own name handles goods of the same kind
or in that of the principal. and mark, which belong to
different owners, shall
(3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS: distinguish them by
Article 1903 of the Civil Code of countermarks, and designate
the Philippines also known as the merchandise respectively
Republic Act 386 belonging to each principal.

18 | P a g e
(2)LD/E- LEGAL sell on credit. Should he do so,
DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS: the principal may demand from
This provision explains itself. him payment in cash, but the
The evident purpose is to commission agent shall be
prevent any possible confusion entitled to any interest or
or fraud. benefit, which may result from
such sale.
Article 1904 of the Civil Code of (2)LD/E- LEGAL
the Philippines also known as DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS:
Republic Act 386 If such sale is made without
authority, the principal is given
LS-LEGAL SOURCE: two (2) alternatives:
(1) He may require payment in
56. Can the commission agent sell on cash, in which case, any
credit? interest or benefit from the
(1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S: sale shall belong to the
The commission agent agent since the principal
cannot, without the express or cannot be allowed to enrich
implied consent of the principal, himself at the agents
sell on credit. Should he do so, expense; or
the principal may demand from (2) He may ratify the sale on
him payment in cash, but the credit in which case it will
commission agents shall be have all the risks and
entitled to any interest or advantages to him.
benefit, which may result from
such sale. (3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS:
Article 1905 of the Civil Code of
(2)LD/E- LEGAL the Philippines also known as
A commission agent can sell
on credit only with the express LS-LEGAL SOURCE:
or implied consent of the
principal. 58. What is the obligation of the
commission agent who is
(3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS: authorized by the principal to sell
Article 1905 of the Civil Code of on credit?
the Philippines also known as (1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S:
Republic Act 386 Should the commission
agent, with authority of the
LS-LEGAL SOURCE: principal, sell on credit, he shall
so inform the principal, with a
57. What is the liability of the statement of the names of the
commission agent who sells on the buyers. Should he fail to do so,
credit without the express or the sale shall be deemed to
implied consent of the principal? have been made for cash
(1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S: insofar as the principal is
The commission agent concerned.
cannot, without the express or
implied consent of the principal,

19 | P a g e
An authorized sale on credit Article 1907 of the Civil Code of
shall be deemed to have been the Philippines also known as
on a cash basis insofar as the Republic Act 386
principal is concerned, upon
failure of the agent to inform LS-LEGAL SOURCE:
the principal of such sale on
credit with a statement of the 60. What are other liabilities of the
names of the buyers. agent in connection with the
The purpose of the provision fulfillment of his obligation?
is to prevent the agent from (1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S:
stating that the sale was on (2)LD/E- LEGAL
credit when in fact it was made DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS:
of cash. (3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS:
Article 1906 of the Civil Code of Lesson 2-9 GQs
the Philippines also known as OBLIGATIONS OF THE PRINCIPAL
Republic Act 386 61. Enumerate the obligations of the
The principal must comply
59. Who is a Guarantee Commission with all the obligations which
agent or a del credere agent? the agent may have contracted
(1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S: within the scope of his authority.
Should the commission As for any obligation wherein
agent receive on a sale, in the agent has exceeded his
addition to the ordinary power, the principal is not
commission, another called a bound except when he ratifies it
guarantee commission, he shall expressly or tacitly.
bear the risk of collection and
shall pay the principal the (2)LD/E- LEGAL
proceeds of the sale on the DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS:
same terms agreed upon with The law, in the absence of
the purchaser. express agreement, imposes
upon the principal certain
(2)LD/E- LEGAL obligations to his agent, among
DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS: which are the following:
Guarantee commission (also (1) To comply with all the
called del credere commission) obligations which the agent
is one where in consideration of may have contracted within
an increased commission the the scope of his authority
factor or commission agent and in the name of the
guarantees to the principal the principal;
payment of debts arising (2) To advance to the agent,
through his agency. An agent should the latter so request,
who receives a guarantee the sums necessary for the
commission is called a del execution of the agency;
credere agent.

20 | P a g e
(3) To reimburse the agent for provided the agent is free from
all advances made by him all fault.
provided the agent is free The reimbursement shall
from fault; include interest on the sums
(4) To indemnify the agent for all advanced, from the day on
the damages which the which the advance was made.
execution of the agency may
have caused the latter (2)LD/E- LEGAL
without fault or negligence DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS:
on his part; and The agent shall advance the
(5) To pay the agent the necessary funds, the principal
compensation agreed upon, must advance to the agent
or if no compensation was upon his request the sums
specified, the reasonable necessary for the execution of
value of the agents the agency.
services. If the principal fails to do so,
the agent will not be liable for
(3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS: the damage which, through his
Article 1910 of the Civil Code of non-performance, the principal
the Philippines also known as may suffer.
Republic Act 386
LS-LEGAL SOURCE: Article 1912 of the Civil Code of
the Philippines also known as
62. Is the principal bound by the Republic Act 386
obligations incurred by the agent in
excess of his authority? LS-LEGAL SOURCE:
(2)LD/E- LEGAL 64. When shall the principal be held
DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS: solidarily liable with the agent
LS-LEGAL SOURCE: If two or more persons have
appointed an agent for a
63. What is the remedy of the agent in common transaction or
case where the principal does not undertaking, they shall be
reimburse the agent for the fund solidarily liable to the agent for
advanced by him and for the all the consequences of the
damages the agent has suffered in agency.
the execution of the agency
The principal must advance DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS:
to the agent, should the latter There are three (3) requisites
so request, the sums necessary for the application of the above
for the execution of the agency. article:
Should the agent have (1) There are two or more
advanced them, the principal principals;
must reimburse him thereof, (2) The principals have all
even if the business or concurred in the
undertaking was not successful, appointment of the same
agent; and

21 | P a g e
(3) The agent is appointed for a (2)LD/E- LEGAL
common transaction or DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS:
undertaking. (3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS:
Article 1915 of the Civil Code of 67. What rules shall govern in the case
the Philippines also known as where two persons contract
Republic Act 386 separately with the agent and the
principal with regard to the same
65. Under what circumstances shall When two persons contract
two or more principals be held with regard to the same thing,
solidarily liable to the agent one of them with the agent and
(1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S: the other with the principal, and
If two or more persons have the two contracts are
appointed an agent for a incompatible with each other,
common transaction or that of prior date shall be
undertaking, they shall be preferred, without prejudice to
solidarily liable to the agent for the provisions of article 1544.
all the consequences of the
agency. (2)LD/E- LEGAL
(2)LD/E- LEGAL Two (2) persons may
DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS: contract separately with the
The liability of the principal agent and the principal with
is solidary for all the regard to the same thing. If the
consequences of the agency; two (2) contracts are
that is, each principal may be incompatible with each other,
sued by the agent for the entire the one of prior date shall be
amount due and not just for his preferred.
proportionate share. This rule is
the opposite of that in regard to (3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS:
the responsibility of two or more Article 1916 of the Civil Code of
agents which is proportionate the Philippines also known as
even though they have Republic Act 386
appointed simultaneously.
Article 1915 of the Civil Code of 68. In the preceding cases, who shall
the Philippines also known as be liable in damages to the third
Republic Act 386 person whose contract is rejected?
LS-LEGAL SOURCE: In case referred to in the
preceding article, if the agent
66. For what shall the two or more has acted in good faith, the
principals be solidarily liable to the principal shall be liable in
agent? damages to the third person
(1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S: whose contract must be
rejected. If the agent acted in

22 | P a g e
bad faith, he alone shall be the latter would be allowed
responsible. only a certain sum.


Whether the principal or the The reason under No. 1 is
agent will be the one liable for evidently to punish the agent;
damages to the third person for the exception, the
who has been prejudiced under acceptance of benefits is
Article 1916 depends on implied ratification; under No. 2,
whether the agent acted in bad it is self evident; under No. 3,
faith or not. If the agent acted the agent is guilty of bad faith
in good faith and within the and lack of diligence; and under
scope of his authority, the No. 4, an express stipulation
principal incurs liability. If the which is not contrary to law,
agent acted in bad faith, he morals, etc., is binding between
alone shall be responsible to the parties.
such third person.
(3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS: Article 1918 of the Civil Code of
Article 1917 of the Civil Code of the Philippines also known as
the Philippines also known as Republic Act 386
Republic Act 386
Lesson 3-14 GQs
69. Under what cases shall the MODES OF EXTINGUISHMENT OF
principal be not liable for the AGENCY
expenses incurred by the agent? 70. How is agency extinguished?
The principal is not liable for Agency is extinguished:
the expenses incurred by the (1) By its revocation;
agent in the following cases: (2) By the withdrawal of the
(1) If the agent acted in agent;
contravention of the (3) By the death, civil
principals instructions, interdiction, insanity or
unless the latter should wish insolvency of the principal or
to avail himself of the of the agent;
benefits derived from the (4) By the dissolution of the firm
contract; or corporation which
(2) When the expenses were entrusted or accepted the
due to the fault of the agent; agency;
(3) When the agent incurred (5) By the accomplishment of
them with knowledge that an the object or purpose of the
unfavorable result would agency;
ensue, if the principal was (6) By the expiration of the
not aware thereof; period for which the agency
(4) When it was stipulated that was constituted.
the expenses would be
borne by the agent, or that

23 | P a g e
An agency may be terminated:
(1) By agreement (Nos. 5,6); 73. When shall the revocation of the
(2) By the subsequent acts of agency not prejudice third persons?
the parties which may be (1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S:
either (a) by the act of both If the agent had general
parties or by mutual powers, revocation of the
consent, or (b) by the agency does not prejudice third
unilateral act of one of them persons who acted in good faith
(Nos. 1,2); or and without knowledge of the
(3) By operation of law. (Nos. revocation in a newspaper of
3,4) general circulation is a sufficient
warning to third persons.
Article 1919 of the Civil Code of (2)LD/E- LEGAL
the Philippines also known as DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS:
Republic Act 386 Agency to contract with
specific persons if the agency
LS-LEGAL SOURCE: is created for the purpose of
contracting with specific
71. Is agency generally revocable? persons, its revocation will not
(1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S: prejudice such third person until
(2)LD/E- LEGAL notice thereof is given them.
DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS: The reason for the law is
(3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS: obvious. Since the third persons
LS-LEGAL SOURCE: have been made to believe by
the principal that the agent is
72. In what manner may the principal authorized to deal with them,
revoke the agency? they have a right to presume
(1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S: that the representation
The principal may revoke the continues to exist in the
agency at will, and compel the absence of notification by the
agent to return the document principal.
evidencing the agency. Such
revocation may be express or (3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS:
implied. Article 1922 of the Civil Code of
the Philippines also known as
(2)LD/E- LEGAL Republic Act 386
Since the authority of the LS-LEGAL SOURCE:
agent emanates from the
principal, it is enough that the 74. Give instances of implied
principal should wish to revocation of the agency
terminate the agency. (1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S:
Article 1920 of the Civil Code of (3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS:
the Philippines also known as LS-LEGAL SOURCE:
Republic Act 386

24 | P a g e
75. If an agent is appointed by two or 80. What is the obligation of the agent
more principals for a common after his withdrawal from the
transaction, who of the two or more agency?
principals may revoke the agency (1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S:
When two or more principals DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS:
have granted a power of (3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS:
attorney for a common LS-LEGAL SOURCE:
transaction, any one of them
may revoke the same without 81. When does death of the principal
the consent of the other. not revoke the agency?
76. Can a general agency be partially
revoked? 82. How does the death of the
(1)LA-LEGAL ANSWER/S: principal affect the validity of the
(2)LD/E- LEGAL acts of the agent who was not
DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS: aware of the death of the principal?
77. When is agency irrevocable? (3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS:
DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS: 83. Does death of the agent extinguish
(3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS: the agency?
78. What is meant by an agency DISCUSSIONS/EXPLANATIONS:
coupled with an interest? (3)LB/R- LEGAL BASIS:
79. Can the agent withdraw from the DIFFICULTY; THE GREATER
agency at any time? THE GLORY!
LS-LEGAL SOURCE: Prepared by:


Assistant Professor

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