Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
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Government Accounting
possession or custody of government funds solidarily liable with the person primarily
or property shall be accountable thereof and accountable therefor.
for the safekeeping thereof in conformity - The treasurer of the local government unit
with law. shall likewise exercise the same degree of
2. Every accountable officers shall be properly supervision over accountable officers under
bonded in accordance with law. his supervision, otherwise he shall be jointly
and solidarily liable with them for the loss of
PRIMARY & SECONDARY RESPONSIBILITY government funds or property under their
1) The head of the agency of the government is
immediately and primarily responsible for all Measure of Liability of Accountable
government funds and property pertaining Officers
to his agency.
2) Persons entrusted with the possession or 1) Every officer accountable for government
custody of the funds or property under the property shall be liable for its money value in
agency head shall be immediately case of improper or unauthorized use or
responsible to him without prejudice to the misapplication thereof, by himself or any
liability of either party to the government. person for whose acts he may be
responsible. We shall likewise be liable for all
GENERAL LIABILITY FOR UNLAWFUL losses, damages, or deterioration
EXPENDITURES occasioned by negligence in the keeping or
use of the property, whether or not it be at
- Expenditures of government funds or uses of the time in his actual custody.
government property in violation of law or 2) Every officer accountable for government
regulations shall be a personal liability of the funds shall be liable for all losses resulting
official or employee found to be directly from the unlawful deposit, use, or application
responsible thereof. thereof and for all losses attributable to
negligence in the keeping of the funds.
Records & Reports Required by Primarily
Responsible Officers 4 LIABILITY FOR ACTS DONE BY
- The head of the agency or instrumentality of
the national government or any - No accountable officer shall be relieved
government-owned or controlled from liability by reason of his having acted
corporation and any other self-governing under the direction of a superior officer in
board or commission of the government paying out, applying, or disposing of the
shall exercise the diligence of a good father funds or property with which he is
of a family in supervising accountable chargeable, unless prior to that act, he
officers under his control to prevent the notified the superior officer in writing of the
incurrence of loss of government funds or illegality of the payment, application, or
property, otherwise he shall be jointly and disposition. The officer directing any illegal
payment or disposition of the funds or
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Government Accounting
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Government Accounting
1. PPSAS and relevant laws, rules, and regulations Reliability - Free from material error and
2. Accrual Basis of accounting not bias (can be depended by
3. Budget Basis (presentation of budget users)
information in the financial statements) Materiality - Material information if omitted
4. Revised chart of accounts prescribed by COA or misstated can influence
5. Double entry bookkeeping decisions of users (Depends
6. Financial statements (based on accounting on nature and size of item or
and budgetary records error)
7. Fund cluster accounting - types of funds being Faithful - Must be presented in
accounted for (ex. Regular agency fund, Representati accordance with substance
foreign assisted project fund, etc.) on - Produced accurately and
reflect the condition of a
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Government Accounting
Substance - Accounted for and presented - Present obligations of the entity arising
over form in accordance with their from past events, the settlement of which
substance and economic is expected to result in an outflow from the
reality and not merely their entity of resources embodying economic
legal form. benefits or service potential
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